Data recovery from hdd after formatting. Acronis Recovery Expert - data recovery from hard drive

Despite the tangible progress due to which computer technology is becoming more powerful and reliable, the issue of data security on the hard drive is more relevant than ever. After all, the volumes stored on such drives are growing very quickly, and it even happens that it is not immediately possible to detect the loss.

Therefore, it is important to learn how to identify the first signs of a malfunction. hard driveto make timely copies of important data, complete an important project or do without computer downtime by buying in advance new disc. Well, if you wait for a breakdown, then you should know how to restore hDD  with saving important information.

How to recognize a problem

External signs by which you can determine the malfunction of the hard drive are very obvious, because the stability of the entire system depends on the operation of this element.

  • clicks are heard during power-up, Windows does not boot, the monitor does not show anything;
  • windows stopped starting, error messages are displayed;
  • during operation, the computer freezes regularly, errors appear when saving files, etc .;
  • copying, deleting, saving files is extremely slow, while the process periodically freezes and then continues;
  • the necessary files or folders disappeared, when you try to open documents, an error message is displayed.

All these signs, of course, can indicate a malfunction of other components of the PC, but still the hard drive is considered the most important, because it stores all user data on it.

How to understand whether data recovery is possible?

When a user is faced with the fait accompli that a critical component of the computer is in trouble, the first obvious question is how to recover hard files  drive. Let's look at solutions to the problem.

To determine how to restore the hard drive, and whether it is realistic at all, only its testing will help, which is carried out both by standard tools built into Windows and using specialized programs.

In the first case, it is necessary that Windows itself boot, which is not always possible, because when a hard drive crashes, it becomes inaccessible along with other files and folders. It’s easier when the problem is related to the breakdown of the second hard drive, which is not bootable, but is used exclusively for storing different data.

One of the common verification options is as follows - you need to disconnect the hard drive from the computer, having previously disconnected all the cables and unscrewed the mounting bolts, and connected to another obviously working computer as a second drive. In this case, it is easy to check whether the necessary information is intact on it (you can also immediately copy it to another medium).

The second option is a bit more complicated, but only because it requires the user to pre-prepare the bootable CD. Although it can be recorded, if necessary, on another computer, because such components are usually universal, they are not tied to a specific system. With such testing, for example, it is easier to find a solution to the question of how to recover a deleted hard drive.

In any case, even if an outdated version of Windows or another program that allows you to view the contents of disks is running on your computer, you can already verify whether folders are being read, whether files are copied from a failed drive.

It is worth noting that if you master the technique of working with internal drives  of the system unit, then there will no longer be a problem for the user in how to restore external hard  disk. The question, it turns out, is not so complicated. In addition, it will become clear how to restore the laptop hard drive.

Testing software

There are many utilities for checking performance. hard drives, and some offer not only the identification of errors and breakdowns, but also the correction of some of them that can still be eliminated. For this reason, all programs are usually divided into several categories.

  • Utilities for checking the surface of hard drives and fixing problem sectors.  For example, HDD Scan or HDD Regenerator.
  • Programs for checking logical structure  drive and fix all identified problems.  For example, Norton Disk Doctor.

There are no completely universal programs, although software developers are trying to create them. The fact is that the procedure for recovering sectors of the hard disk, files and folders requires specific knowledge, which requires appropriate specialists. Therefore, the most powerful and efficient programs do not have any universal capabilities, but work with one or two functions.

Well, when there is a proven hard drive, how to recover data, there should not be a question, because are also used for this special programs.

HDD Scan

The most accessible for the average user are such utilities that work under running windows. They have a clear and familiar interface that completely repeats other user programs.

The only drawback of such products is that you can only use them if the failed hard drive is connected as a second drive. Although no one excludes such a possibility as loading special windows versions  from a CD, where you can run all the usual programs, including to check the disk.

One of the most common programs can be called HDD Scan. Its functionality is limited to receiving information about hard  drive.

  • Three modes of checking the surface of the drive: "read", "erase", "check".
  • Reading SMART Information from hard memory  a disk in which all hardware errors are recorded that have occurred at least once during operation.

In addition, the program determines the exact model of the disk, the volume and version of the firmware under which the hard disk works. But, unfortunately, such software does not know how to restore hard sections  disk, so if they are damaged, then a surface check will not work.

HDD Regenerator

This program has a familiar Windows interface and contains a set of functions for checking and restoring the surface of a hard disk, in particular:

To start the drive test, just after starting the program, select the desired drive and click on the "Start Process" button. Perhaps a warning appears that you must close all programs that use the disk being scanned. We must agree with this and wait for the verification to complete. The program can fix errors automatically.

It is worth noting that before restoring the hard drive, you must try to copy the data that is still readable, copy it to other media. But if they are not read at all, then there is nothing left but to restore hard sectors  drive.

Hard Drive Data Recovery Software

Programs for recovering data from a hard drive for some reason are considered difficult for the average user. But this is completely wrong, most of them have the familiar Windows interface and the Russian-language menu. It is enough just to carefully examine the proposed items, and even a poorly trained user will be able to restore everything that is still available for this.

Programs can be divided into two main categories:

  • those that search for deleted files, for example, Undelete;
  • those that search files across the entire hard drive, such as ZAR (Zero Assumption Recovery).

The functionality of programs of the second type usually includes searching for deleted files, so that they turn out to be more universal, which does not affect their performance at all, because all the lost files, whether manual removal  or accidental loss due to a software malfunction, are searched according to one algorithm.


The ZAR (Zero Assumption Recovery) program is considered quite developed in its capabilities. For example, this is one of the first data recovery utilities that understands Russian characters in the name of files and folders.

The main features of this program are impressive:

  • support for all known file systems  (FAT, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS);
  • recover hard drive partitions;
  • support for Russian and simply long file names;
  • support for compressed drives;
  • can recover RAID arrays.

All of these options are easy to use. The startup procedure consists of selecting desired drive  and clicking the "Next" button. At the end of the file search, it will be enough to select the ones that are really needed and specify the folder where to copy the recovered files.

The main thing is to stock up on additional hard drive  and patience, because this program works for a long time (bulk drives can be processed for several hours). The second disk is needed because the files are restored by copying, which avoids writing to damaged disk  and increase the chances of saving other files.

Despite specific requirements, the program perfectly solves the issue of how to recover hard drive partitions. That is why it is very popular. In addition, the utility allows you to solve the problem of how to recover an external hard drive.

Is it possible to return data without special programs?

Enough utilities have already been developed to restore both the hard drives themselves and the information from them, but they all have some kind of drawback. For example, user-friendly programs with a familiar interface are usually paid, which will require some expenses for the purchase of a license key. Free demos or programs with a small set of features are distributed.

Another variant. Powerful and effective programs require specific knowledge from the user. For example, work with command line, knowledge of the entire structure of data storage on disk, etc. But still, the recovery procedure will be carried out by the program itself.

It simply will not work out manually because of the banal ignorance of how to do it. And you won’t be able to find documentation on the Internet either. After all, software development is a business, and no one will agree to simply give free recovery technologies for free use.

The only option when you can do it yourself operating system, - this is when I deleted the hard drive from the list of drivers. How to restore it? It can be a simple reboot. A driver will automatically be found, and the disk will reappear.

Common myths about data recovery and loss

In practice, there are quite interesting, even funny myths, which, nevertheless, are quite tenacious, and thanks to the Internet they spread from one user to many others.

Of the most enduring myths, the following can be noted:

  • If the hard drive began to click and make other strange sounds, you need to gently tap it with a screwdriver or other light tool.

In fact, these components can not be subjected to any shock loads, especially when they already started having problems. Any extraneous sound inside his case means, unfortunately, that the service track, which is needed for self-tuning and accurate operation of the read head, has failed. Most often, you will have to contact a service center for restoration, where there is special equipment that allows you to bypass such a problem. You won’t do anything at home.

  • It is necessary in a clean tidy room, where there is no dust, disassemble the hard drive and remove all the garbage that has fallen under the head, which prevents it from reading data.

In fact, this absolutely can not be done! There is always dust at home, even if you do not see it, and it is very dangerous for the surface of magnetic disks. The distance between the head and the surface of the disk is very small, and even a piece that is not visible at first glance will lead to scratches and a complete breakdown of the drive.

  • There are “cars” that restore hard disks  after any breakdowns.

In fact, there is equipment that allows you to read data from damaged drives, but its operation requires compliance with certain requirements and conditions, for example, the electronics of the drive must be in good condition, the surface of the disks without scratches, etc. After the restoration, the element itself can only be recycled. So there should not be a dispute about how to repair a damaged hard drive. This is a resolved issue. The task here is completely different - how to recover hard information  drive.

In fact, free utilities only work with the simplest cases, as an effective algorithm has a developer who will not just hand out the results of his work. Most often, the simplest programs allow you to recover only recently. deleted files, and serious failures require the use of professional software.

How to prevent a problem?

Regarding the protection of hard drives from breakdowns, manufacturers have created a lot different technologies. Some of them are better, others are worse. At the very least, the hard drives in laptops are free to withstand work while driving and carrying a computer from room to room within the house.

But what this most important component never learned to withstand is drops, especially when it is on. Most often, it is shock loads that are the cause of the breakdown, so there is one answer to the question of how to protect the hard drive from breakage. It must be protected from bumps and strong shaking. And do not have to puzzle over how to restore a hard drive.

In other cases, a variety of technologies are quite effective and capable of recovering all lost data.

After deleting files from the hard drive, even if it is impossible to extract from the recycle bin, they will still remain on the laptop’s hard drive or personal computerTrue, in a slightly different form. Such files are marked “zero” in the file table, which gives the system the right to overwrite them with any others. They will be lost forever if only other information will be recorded on the area occupied on the hard disk.

What to do if important information is accidentally deleted

If the laptop crashes or as a result formatting HDD  it is impossible to read important information, but you plan to restore it, you need to remember the following:

  1. To save data, you can immediately turn off the computer in emergency mode and no further actions should be taken with the hard drive;
  2. In any case, you cannot copy any data to the drive with and install applications;
  3. For subsequent work, it is recommended that you use only external media.

The reason was stated above - the area of \u200b\u200bthe hard drive with the necessary data can be accidentally overwritten, and you will lose the deleted files. Before contacting specialists to retrieve information from a laptop, first stipulate how much it costs - the price is sometimes too high. If this is the case, then you have to act on your own.

How to recover lost data yourself

You can use special applications to recover data from the hard drive.

They do not give a 100% guarantee of a positive result, but usually most of the lost information can be restored with their help.

A condition that sharply increases the chances of a successful recovery is to start the system from another external HDD, that is, you cannot download and install these programs on a disk, or at least a section of a disk with which you will continue to work.

All these applications work almost identically, scanning with a certain depth the surface of the hard drive. Both the table and the boot record are checked, data of certain types are recognized by specific headers. After recovery, sometimes the location of the files or their name may be lost.


After starting the application, the “Disk Panel” will open - the main program window. All laptop media available in the system will be displayed, from which you will need to select a drive or partition containing corrupted information. In the right window about him will be presented all the important information. If there is no damage to the file system, then you can do the following:

  1. Select the required medium or section by double-clicking on it in the program explorer;
  2. An almost familiar type of conductor will open, in which remote folders can be distinguished by a characteristic icon crossed out with a red cross;
  3. Select the necessary files with a tick;
  4. In the top menu, select the "Restore starred" command, specify the location for the restored information.

Do not forget that you can only restore data either to another HDD, or to another section of it. This window also provides other useful features, for example, searching for deleted files by extension, name, size or creation date, data recovery by mask, etc.

Formatted and failed drive actions

If the computer or laptop “crashed” or underwent formatting, individual sectors were faulty on it and the disk flew, then, accordingly, the file system is modified or damaged. In this case, it is likely that data recovery from the hard disk will be incomplete.

The complexity of working with the program does not increase much, but it will take more time.

It will be required to create an image of the restored disk and to connect all further actions only with it. This will protect the files on disk and prevent their further damage:

  1. Open the main window of R-Studio;
  2. In the menu ribbon, find the “Create Image” item and start this procedure by specifying the image storage location in the window that opens;
  3. At the end of the process, open the created image by returning to the main program window by selecting the appropriate menu item.

After the image has been created and opened, you can proceed to the disk scanning procedure:

  • in the main menu, select "Scan";
  • a window opens in which determine the type of scan - a detailed or simple view;
  • click on the “Scan” button and wait for the results.

Which type of scan you choose depends on the size of the media. For small ones, select the “Detailed view” item, since in this case a window will display detailed information about the data found and the structure of the sectors. If you are working with large-volume media, select “Simple View” to speed up the process.

At the end of the scanning process, a window opens with a list of found files that can be restored completely or selectively.

It should be prepared for the fact that the transfer process will be quite lengthy.

Working with Minitool Power Data Recovery on a damaged hard drive

If the HDD has flown and is not detected on a laptop or PC, specialized programs such as Minitool Power exist for data recovery Data recovery. This application is no less popular than R-Studio, but it specializes in working with faulty HDDs. It carries out deep scanAs a result, the program manages to find many deleted data that cannot be retrieved by other applications.

Minitool Power Data Recovery is characterized by a simple interface, the ability to work not only with hard drives and RAID devices, but also with CD, DVD, memory cards, USB flash drives, iPod, etc. Main screen  made in a modern tiled interface, allowing you to choose one of the five available program modules:

  1. Recovery after deletion is the easiest option, in which you want to return files that were destroyed by the Shift and Del keys or deleted from the recycle bin;
  2. Recovery digital media  - this utility returns lost data from flash drives, cameras, mobile phones, IPad, iPod, etc.
  3. Recover Lost Partitions - Return Information From deleted partitions  after unsuccessful breakdown, damage boot record  etc.;
  4. CD / DVD recovery - the module allows you to "pull out" deleted data from scratched optical discs;
  5. Recovery of damaged partitions is the most powerful module that allows you to restore the necessary partitions, even if the disk has “flown” and is not detected.


Almost any procedure using this application can be carried out in a few clicks. Let's see how the damaged partitions recovery module works:

  1. After clicking on the corresponding icon, a window with all disks and partitions will appear, from which select the one you need and click the "Open" button;
  2. A list opens with all the data, including deleted data (marked with a red cross);
  3. Select files to restore and click "Save";
  4. A window will open in which indicate the path to save the restored information, click "Ok".

To search for certain previously erased information at the end of a scan, the program offers an advanced filter in which you can specify their type, approximate date of creation, or size range. Free version  The program works without functional limitations, but it allows you to recover no more than 1 GB of lost data.

Loss of data from the hard drive, unfortunately, is a frequent occurrence. If this happened due to its malfunction, then to restore data you need to contact service centers that are engaged in data extraction from damaged storage media.

However, if the hard drive is healthy, then in most cases it is possible to recover deleted data on your own using specialized software, which will be discussed below.

Causes of Lost Files

The reasons for data loss from the hard drive may be different. They are divided into two categories: mechanical and software.

Mechanical causes include:

  • blows;
  • shakes
  • overheat;
  • failure of the hard drive controller.

Photo: recovering information from hard drives

The second reason includes software crashes and user errors:

  1. computer viruses;
  2. sudden power outage;
  3. errors
  4. formatting;
  5. accidental deletion.

Deleted files disappear completely

If the data was lost due to errors, formatting or accidental deletion, then they can be completely restored. For example, when formatting, the data itself is not deleted, only the header is erased, which contains information about their location on the hard drive.

The same goes for accidental deletion. The operating system marks the sectors in which data is stored ready for recording and displays them as free space. In this case, the files themselves remain on the HDD to their sectors with new information.

In some cases, even with mechanical damage, such as shock, you can restore data from the hard drive, but only service centers do this.

Video: Data Recovery

What to do if important information is deleted

The most important thing is not to panic. The likelihood of recovering a file that has just been deleted is very high. In this case, users have a reasonable question: how to recover data? Special programs will come to the rescue, which will scan the indicated areas of the hard drive and help you perform recovery even after full formatting.

To reduce the risk of complete loss of information, you must adhere to the following tips:

Overview and principles of utilities

Recovery utilities provide the user with various tools that, when used in a timely manner, produce almost 100% results.

In their work, they use the following recovery methods:

  • reconstruction of the file system (FS) structure. Used when formatting quickly or deleting a logical volume. At the same time, the directory structure is not violated, which makes it possible to restore entire directories and subdirectories with saving paths.
  • file recovery. This method involves reading FS service records by which the software determines the location and attributes. This method works if there was no data substitution.
  • the ability to recover information from signatures. Performed by sector-by-sector scanning for known signatures. However, their paths and names are not saved, and the result is sorted by their type. The method is used if the FS is damaged and its reconstruction is impossible.

Modern programs use all three methods. This approach provides the maximum and effective result of the necessary software. The article presents the most popular and powerful programs. Many of them are free, but there are also paid versions.

PC Inspector File Recovery

A simple but powerful application that allows you to recover not only data, but also deleted partitions. Detects HDD even if there is no boot sector. Supports work with network carriers and FS FAT. PC Inspector File Recovery can be installed both on Windows OS and create a bootable floppy disk, which allows you to run it even in the absence of the OS or in case of file system corruption.

PC Inspector File Recovery is free and supports the Russian language, but the quality does not always correspond to the declared one. In this case, the developers offer to use paid services. In general, the application is great for most users in view of ease of use.

Work with the program

The interface is convenient, and most importantly simple. The work is performed step by step.

When launched, it prompts you to choose one of three options:

  1. search for deleted files. Used for accidentally deleted information;
  2. search for lost data. The option will help to recover data in the event of a system failure or quick formatting;
  3. search for a lost volume. If the drive is unavailable or lacks an alphabetic identifier, this option will fix the problem.

After selecting a mode, PC Inspector File Recovery will start a scan and display information about available volumes.

Then the desired section opens, where the user selects the search area, noting the start and end sectors of the scan. The application will find all the lost data in the specified range and display it in a window where you can save.

Similar actions are performed for the other two modes. Despite its simplicity, the utility efficiently searches and stores deleted data.

Recovering data from the hard disk with the R-Studio utility

R-Studio is considered one of top programs  among analogues. If the loss is not associated with physical damage to the media, then in most cases R-Studio is highly likely to save deleted data.

Initially, it was intended for specialists in the field of recovery, but over time its capabilities expanded and R-Studio became available to ordinary users.

A photo: r-Studio program  Data recovery

TO key features  Programs include:

  1. support for all major file systems in Windows, Linux and Macintosh;
  2. recovery from damaged, formatted and reformatted media;
  3. the ability to view content of any type, and assess the chances of a successful return;
  4. treatment bad sectors;
  5. the presence of a hex editor;
  6. professional RAID reconstruction module, which is comparable to specialized software packages.

R-Studio can be used in almost all operating systems of the Windows, Linux and Macintosh family. It is also possible to create bootable media.

The application has an intuitive interface. At startup, displays available media (including removable media).

To start scanning, select the volume from which data must be restored and click the Scan button. After that, the search process will begin.

It can easily recover lost data, even in the most difficult cases.

Recovers data that is lost as a result of:

  • virus attacks;
  • system failure;
  • incorrect shutdown of the computer;
  • fS damage;
  • formatting (including full);
  • errors creating volumes.

There are times when the operating system does not start as a result of loss system files, in this case, you can create a bootable diskette and save them.

Thanks to a powerful algorithm, Ontrack Easy Recovery is able to restore damaged ZIP archives, as well as text documentscreated in the MS Office software package. The unique Ontrack Data Advisor module is able to diagnose the general condition of disks and identify bad sectors.

Ontrack Easy Recovery Interface

Perfect for anyone, from a home user to specialists in service centers. A discreet but simple interface allows you to quickly understand the controls and immediately get to work.

In the main window of the program, you only need to select the type of medium and click the “Continue” button, then a window with a list of partitions will appear in which the user selects the drive with which to work.

After that, access to the tools opens:

  1. view logical volume
  2. return after formatting the section and deleting;
  3. drive diagnostics;
  4. disk tools.

The last paragraph includes the following operations with the section:

  • image creation;
  • deploying a volume from an image
  • copying;
  • viewing;
  • update.

Depending on how the files were deleted, the appropriate tool is selected and scanning of the marked area begins. Compared to other software packages, this process is quite fast. Upon completion, the found information that can be saved will be displayed in the viewing window.

The program supports the Russian language, but is paid.

Bootable diskette with Windows Easy Recovery

Windows Easy Recovery will help to save data in case of file system corruption or inability to start the operating system. It saves all data on a working HDD, partition or removable media. The application is loaded into the RAM and works from it. This is convenient if the media has a damaged FS.

Its interface is no different from any other software running in a Windows environment. Unless all names will be reduced to 8 characters. To create a diskette, you need to download a special installer and go to the item “Make Emergency Boot Diskette”.
  Windows Easy Recovery is free, but unpopular, despite the good quality of work.

Power Quest Lost & Found

An effective utility to recover deleted data. Only works with bootable media. It is distinguished by the need to carry an additional drive for storage (flash drive or second hard  drive), because Power Quest Lost & Found does not save to the restored partition to avoid overwriting them.

The installer of the program serves only to create a bootable diskette with the DOS operating system and the necessary tools for working. After that, the computer boots from the floppy disk, and Power Quest Lost & Found is ready to go. Reliability of restoration is very high. The application itself runs from random access memory  a computer.

Recovery process

Power Quest Lost & Found works in a step-by-step mode, after launch, scanning of the surface of the media immediately begins for the presence of damaged sectors, which will be suggested to be skipped. Upon completion of the verification, the user can select the partition to be restored and the medium on which the data will be saved.

After the scan is completed, the utility will display the tree structure of all directories, as well as note the likelihood of their recovery:

  • green and yellow - high;
  • red - low;
  • gray is impossible.

To save, select the necessary files, and then click "Start Recovery". Depending on their size and quantity, the process can take up to several hours.

Note: Since control is carried out only using the keyboard, you need to familiarize yourself with the necessary key combinations. To do this, call up the help menu with the F1 key.

Restorer 2000

Another interesting application, which can be called an analogue of R-Studio, but with more meager functionality. Despite this, Restorer 2000 efficiently performs the tasks assigned to it. Works with FS FAT and NTFS, and also supports the creation of backup images.

The interface is similar to the R-Studio shell. To start scanning, select the object and press the scan button. Discovered data will appear in the right window, where you can view its contents.

In general, Restorer 2000 fully copes with its tasks, but it is not advisable to purchase a paid version, as there are analogues with a large number of functions and tools.


A powerful tool to recover lost information. Distributed separately for FS NTFS and FAT. The latter is suitable for removable media  (memory cards, flash drives). Regardless of the type of deletion, GetDataBack will most likely return them completely safe, but only if no write operations have been performed with the drive.

Its distinctive feature is the ability to recover both after full formatting, and from media having physical damage, however, the developers here do not give a 100% guarantee, but the very possibility is already a huge advantage.

In addition, GetDataBack includes the following functions:

  • search for lost on the basis of service records;
  • the ability to recover files by signature;
  • reconstruction of the FS;
  • work through the network;
  • flexibility of settings.

These features allow the program to occupy a leading position both among professionals and among ordinary users.

Work stages

Initially, the software package is delivered in German, but you can download the crack separately. The interface is the same as its counterparts - step by step. The first step is to select a work scenario that will configure it for the appropriate mode.

There are several modes:

  • i do not know and will use the software settings (default settings);
  • fast scan (used for loss of volume or accidental deletion);
  • fS loss, for example, after formatting or markup;
  • significant FS losses, for example, after installing a new operating system;
  • recover deleted files.

After selecting a script, GetDataBack will open a window where you want to mark the restored drive or partition. After that, the application will start scanning and in a new window will open the tree structure of files and directories. There you can browse and save.

In general, GetDataBack is very good, in most cases it did an excellent job.

Acronis Recovery Expert - data recovery from hard drive

The last but well-known program on the list, featuring flexible functionality and high quality search for lost information. However, Acronis specialization Recovery Expert  - reconstruction of directly sections that were lost for one reason or another. If there are no accidentally deleted volumes on the computer, the program cannot be verified.

The main features of the program include:

  • the ability to recover missing partitions from any file system and any size;
  • ability to work with boot disk  or floppy disks;
  • support for almost all types of hard drives with IDE and SCSI interfaces.

Principle of operation

Unlike other programs, Acronis Recovery  Expert is trying to restore the entire section completely with all the data, reading information about it from the MBR and MFT. However, despite the popularity of the program and the manufacturer, it has its pitfalls.

Effective work of Acronis Recovery Expert is ensured in case of partial filling of disk space.  If most of the space was occupied, then it is highly likely that the utility will not only not restore, but also spoil the data, since it writes information to the same section, thereby increasing the risk of overwriting information.


A feature of all Acronis products is a clear and intuitive interface. Work can be performed in automatic or manual mode. The first is suitable for beginners. Manual mode provides the user with information about the structure of volumes, as well as the ability to select a search location. After that, the process will begin, which may take several hours.

Recuva includes the following features:

  • search for data deleted from the recycle bin, from the player or flash drive;
  • support for all types of files;
  • support for almost all types of removable media;
  • multilingual interface.

For "everyday" data recovery from a hard drive recuva is ideal.

The loss of important files is not a new phenomenon, therefore it is always recommended to make backup copies of them, as well as to keep at hand one, or better, several utilities that will help restore data even if the operating system crashes. It is important to remember that after the loss of files, you cannot write any information to disk. An ideal option would be to start using bootable media.

Here are some tips to help minimize the risk of data loss due to software failure:

  1. always keep the disc clean. Do not litter it with useless data;
  2. regularly clean temporary files;
  3. regularly defragment and check for errors;
  4. there should always be at least 10-15% free space on the carrier.

Important! Once the file is deleted, defragmentation and error checking is strictly prohibited! This can lead to a complete loss of data and the inability to restore it.

Situations where users accidentally permanently deleted any desired file  or formatted flash drive with important information, occur quite often. But despair in these cases is not worth it. After all, something was erased from the disk, physically this data is still stored. The main thing is that they are not overwritten. There are several ways to efficiently recover data, both on the HDD and on the Flash drive. We will consider the most effective.

Recovery of information from the hard drive using standard Windows tools

First of all, make sure that the objects you are looking for are not in the Recycle Bin. If they are there, then all you need to do is right-click on the file and select "Restore".

If you did not find the file you are interested in in the Trash, you should try the following method. Click Start \u003d\u003e Control Panel \u003d\u003e System and Maintenance \u003d\u003e Backup and Restore. Next, select the "Restore system settings or computer" command and follow the prompts of the wizard.

The second option is to click on the Computer component and select the drive or folder where the deleted files were stored. right-click on this object and click “Restore previous version". Field of this you will see a list previous versions  drive or folder. It will contain the files listed in the backup. Here you will also have access points for their backup.

Data recovery from a hard disk using special utilities

To perform data recovery from the hard drive, go to the "Start" menu and select "Computer". Next, find the drive or folder where the deleted data of interest was stored. Right-click on a disk or folder and select "Restore Previous Version". After that, a list of files appears, which should include the ones you are looking for (saved in backup) Double-click on the desired object and select the version (for example, if you deleted the folder today, specify yesterday), and then drag the restored file (folder) to another location.

Recuva, for example, after starting, offers to indicate the type of files that need to be found and restored, as well as the place where they were located. After that, scanning will begin - the found files that can be fully returned are highlighted in green. Next is the recovery itself. When scanning, we recommend putting "Deep analysis".

  1. Recovering data from a flash drive

Recovering files deleted on a USB stick is also possible. But before using the applications, scan the drive using antivirus. This can be done with or. The fact is that some malicious programs can provoke data hiding - they will not be displayed.

If it turned out that the information was still deleted on the USB-drive, you can reanimate it with tools, Easy Drive Data Recovery or.
   When specifying the place where you want to find data sent to the unknown, select “Removable Disk” (“Memory Card”, “Specified Location”). Note that some data can only be partially restored. During the analysis, Recuva marks what is in doubt yellow or red (unlike those that will be restored to 100% - they are marked in green).

There is a high probability of “getting everything back to square one” if you did not save anything to the Flash drive after you deleted something there. The disadvantages of free programs that provide recovery of deleted files are either a limitation in the term of use or a limitation of functionality (here the support of different file systems and different formats of the searched files is of decisive importance). Compare Utilities From different manufacturers  you can in the selection.

The computers, smartphones and other digital devices that we use contain all our personal and important data. We cannot allow ourselves to lose our data, and fortunately, none of these devices is reliably protected. They can be damaged at any time, and lose our important data in the process. Unfortunately, there is no 100% tool that guarantees that you will never lose data. However, if you lose some important data due to a damaged system or accidental deletion, you have a chance to reestablishthem.

When you accidentally delete data from your system or they are deleted for any other reason, they are not actually deleted. Instead, they are marked as deleted and hide from the OS so that it looks like they are deleted (this is easier than actually deleting them). Over time, this invisible data is rewritten when you add more data. This means that if you have not added any additional data yet, then you can still restore it with special recovery tool.

To help you recover deleted data, we created list of the best data recovery programs.  Each software has its own unique features of compatibility and performance. You can try several tools mentioned here (for recovery) if one tool does not work.

Note:  The following tools will not help recover data from the SSD. On SSDs, data is deleted completely to provide faster data rewriting speed. This way you are out of luck if you have an SSD. However, if you use the HDD you still have a chance of getting recovered data. (To recover data from an SSD, there are some expensive methods that you can find using Google.)

List of the best programs for data recovery on PC, MAC:

1. Recuva

Recuva is created by the Piriform software developers, who are also the developers of the popular CCleaner PC cleaning tool. As with other products, you will get an attractive interface with high quality. Recuva has a built-in wizard (option) that guides you to the recovery steps every time you want to recover data.

You don’t have to do anything, just answer the wizard’s questions such as data type, scan area and scan type, etc., and Recuva will handle the rest. Although a normal scan will suffice, you can also use the deep scan option (this takes longer) to further increase the ability to recover data. You can recover data such as pictures, audio (MP3), documents, videos, compressed files and messages email  from any storage device for Windows, you can read, for example, data from a digital camera, hard drive, etc.

Price:  The free version (which will be enough for data recovery) and the paid version for $ 24.95 (Advanced File recovery, virtual hard disk support, automatic updates, premium support).


2. Wise Data Recovery

The Wise Data Recovery tool is not one of the most feature-rich or customizable software. It has an intuitive interface with few options for customization. This may limit it a little, but this tool is ideal for quick work.

All you have to do is run the tool and select the drive you would like to scan ( removable drives  can also be scanned). Software  will quickly scan (very fast, compared to many) the disk and will show you all the data that can be restored, for example, deleted photos, documents, videos, emails, etc. The program also exists in a portable version to be with you all the time.

This tool is the best for people who are looking for a quick and easy tool for data recovery, but the program is not able to recover all data, such as other tools can.

Price:  Is free

Compatibility:  Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1

3. Free Undelete

Free Undelete is another easy-to-use data recovery tool similar to Wise Data Recovery. The program does not offer any additional options for choosing the type of data you are looking for, all you can do is scan the disk (including removable ones) and see the results.

After scanning, the program will show all files that can be restored, and even show all deleted folders. You can simply open folders to recover data from them or simply restore everything with a single click. The program allows you to recover images, music, documents, videos, emails (from email clients) and compressed files.

Price:  Free for personal use and paid for corporate use, price from $ 69 to $ 103 for a single version (customer support guarantee is offered).

Compatibility:  Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1

4. Pandora Recovery

Pandora Recovery is a multifunctional tool with a huge number of configuration options and the ability to deep scan. The program does not have such an attractive interface as Recuva, but the program is certainly more multifunctional and convenient, which makes it an easy replacement recuva programs. Pandora Recovery allows you to recover a FAT32 or NTFS file system. It is also complemented by a wizard to guide you through the process and allows you to choose how you want to scan.

You can scan by file type, the entire disk, or apply a deep scan to search for all files that require recovery. You can connect removable storage devices and scan them, also applying all scanning methods to them. You will also find tips to help you understand how each button works as soon as you try to use it.

Price:  Is free

Compatibility:  Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1

5. Minitool Partition Recovery

This is a really amazing tool with a very simple but attractive interface. However, its free version is limited to only 1 GB of data recovery. After that, you will have to upgrade to the paid version. The tool is able to recover data from formatted, damaged and even deleted partitions with amazing results.

The tool does an amazing job of recovering data from a simple disk. The Minitool Partition Recovery restored 5 times more filesthan the other tools mentioned here and split all the files according to their extensions, which makes it extremely easy to find the file you need. Although, it also takes a little longer to scan the disk, but the results will please.

This is a good tool for people who really need a deep scan and do not mind paying if necessary (1 GB of data recovery for free). It supports FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, VFAT, NTFS and NTFS5 file systems.

Price:  free up to 1 GB, after which they can cost $ 69 and $ 89

Compatibility:  Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1

6. Glary Undelete

Glary Undelete is a simple and easy tool with disabilities just like some of the other tools on this list. However, it has some really interesting filtering options that you can use to easily find the files you need. You have the ability to scan a disk (including a removable one), but it will be a quick scan, not a deep one.

You will be presented with all the data that can be restored, divided into categories by their extensions. Here you can filter the search by size, time, state and restore the file name. Glary Undelete supports FAT, NTFS, NTFS + EFS file systems. Also allows recovery of compressed or encrypted files.

Price:  Is free

Compatibility:  Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1.

7. UndeleteMyFiles Pro

UndeleteMyFiles Pro offers one of the most functional recovery programs with some handy features. You can separately search for media files or regular files, and if this is not enough, you can also add filters to search for a specific file. For example, you can add filters to search only a file with a specific name, extension, size or attributes (like, hidden or read-only, etc.).

In addition to data recovery tools, you can also use “Files Wiper”, a tool for irretrievable removal  file or create a “disk image” to make sure that no deleted files are overwritten with other data. The tool also quickly performs a deep scan to recover all files. You can find almost twice as many files as compared to some of the quick scan tools listed on this list.

Price:  Is free

Compatibility:  Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and Mac OS X.

8. PC Inspector File Recovery

This is an advanced tool for complex use, we would not recommend it for a novice user. It doesn’t have such an attractive interface or features. However, the tool will allow you to deeply scan the disk and select which sectors to scan. A full deep data scan of about 40 GB may take more than 2 hours.

The results will please, because the tool finds almost all the files that can be recovered. You can also add a filter by file name / extension. If you are an experienced user and want to use a deep computer scan, then PC Inspector File Recovery will do wonders. It supports FAT 12/16/32 and NTFS file  system.

Price:  Is free

Compatibility:  Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1

Best data recovery software for smartphones (Android) and iPhone
  Although, the above tools can scan and restore data on smartphones via connected USB, but they are not created specifically for them. To recover smartphone data such as messages, logs and chat history, etc., you will need to use a separate tool. We recommend using the tools below to recover smartphone data.

9. Wondershare Dr.Fone

Wondershare Dr.Fone is a well-known data recovery tool for Android and IOS. It is extremely easy to use, with step by step instructions. Using this tool, you can restore contacts, messages, audio, video, photos, call logs and WhatsApp history. All you have to do is connect the phone to the computer and let the tool do the rest.

However, support for compatible phones is limited, supported brands: Apple, Samsung, Motorola, Sony, LG, HTC and Google Nexus. If your phone is rutted, it will work on any Android phone, and some supported brands may also require superuser rights.

Price:  free Trial and Paid version for $ 45.95 with support for up to 5 devices or $ 499 for unlimited devices.

Compatibility:  Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP and Mac OS X 10.6-10.10 & iTunes 12.1, iOS 8.3 / iOS 9, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus and upto Android Lollipop.

10. EaseUS MobiSaver

This is another great recovery tool. android data or iPhone. The interface, complexity and recovery are almost the same as in Dr.Fone, the difference in supported formats, devices and price. MobiSaver supports fewer file types for recovery, including SMS, Contacts, Documents, videos, audio, and photos. However, he has support more  brands, including Huawei, ZTE and other Chinese brands.

It is also slightly cheaper, which is a good choice if you do not need to restore your chat history or call log. On the EaseUs website, you will also find several useful articles that will help in recovering data from your smartphone (the process is a bit more complicated compared to a PC).

Price:  The free version with limited features and the Pro version for $ 39.95 on Android and $ 30 for the iOS version.

Compatibility:  Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and Mac OS X and iOS 8, 6 and iPhone BEFORE Android Lollipop.

The data recovery tools mentioned above are the best in the industry and are used to recover deleted data from a PC and mobile devices. If you know any other reliable and best data recovery tool that deserves to be listed, feel free to let us know in the comments section.

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