Deleted a file from the recycle bin how to recover. How to recover files deleted from the Recycle Bin using the Handy Recovery utility. What to do if standard methods do not work

After the file has been deleted and hit the trash, sometimes it becomes necessary to restore it. Fortunately, Windows developers almost always predict the wishes of the user and try to equip the system with everything necessary to be able to independently solve most of the problems of the system. So, Windows 7 provides a number of features for data recovery.

You can add up to 5 folders. Click “Delete” to delete all versions in the selected folders and subfolders. For this action to be effective, click Apply or Apply To Everything.

Maximum number of versions You can choose how many versions of files you want to keep. This command is available only to administrators.

The remaining versions are saved, the more space is taken. To find out how much space is used for version control, click the "Check" button in the "Disk used for version control" section.

Reducing the maximum number of versions affects the created versions, and if the volume of the version exceeds the new ones, previous versions   will be discarded.

Recover deleted files from the recycle bin

If desired file   accidentally went to the basket (we just deleted it - either from the context menu, or by pressing the Del key), it’s too early to start to panic. In this case, everything is simple: open the basket on the working windows desktop   7, look for the desired document in it, press the right mouse button and select the "Restore" item. Now we can see this file in the same place from which it was deleted.

Only equivalent amount will be saved. latest versionscorresponding to the new settings. Loss of data on your hard drive due to many reasons, such as damage or the presence of unreadable areas, is a source of great stress: personal or professional data and often sensitive data must be extracted to prevent work-taking and photographs that overshadow special moments of life.

How many times have you deleted files and understand when it’s too late to return to the fact that these files are vital for learning or working! The performed actions will provide flawless recovery results on any media, data types and any operating system. This is a necessity that sooner or later one of us will become. It may happen that in the daily use of the PC, unwanted events occur, such as the inadvertent deletion of files that were really important.

Select the “Restore” item from the context menu of the desired file

Everything becomes more complicated if, after simple data deletion, out of habit, we empty the trash (so as not to take up disk space). In this case, the file will be available for some time in the so-called “shadow copy”.

Attention! Restoring from the "shadow version" is possible only if you have not manually disabled Windows protection and the "System Restore" function works on it. "Shadow versions" are created automatically by the system itself when any changes are made to it. To create “shadow” copies, the user himself does not need additional actions.

Before retrieving deleted files: did you check the junk?

Like almost everything, even this shortcoming can be eliminated. In this case, you can do this with certain programs that will allow you to successfully recover deleted filesat least with a significant number of attempts. First of all, as soon as we find out that we deleted the file, check the system box: if we do not empty it for a while, our file can be left in the trash.

Retrieving deleted files: using specific tools

If you have already emptied trash can   or lost important files after formatting, crashing or black magic, you can use softwarein which there is the task of analyzing everything hard drivewhich you are looking for lost file. Before listing some programs for recovering deleted files, it is recommended that you fully understand the hard drive of your PC and understand the recovery methods used by this software.

This algorithm works for any type of information - be it photos, documents, videos, music and others.

Similarly, folders are taken out of the Recycle Bin, only when restoring from a “shadow” copy we turn to versions of the “parent” folder - the one in which the restored folder is located.

And another way from the "seven" operating system.

No spell: programs to extract deleted files will not move the clock by hand and will not always succeed in the enterprise, but do not try to harm them, and if you really need to extract deleted files by mistake, you will be tempted to use these useful tools at least once.

How do programs retrieve deleted files?

We start from the very beginning, that is, from hard work   computer disk. Did you know that your drive does not completely delete everything that you ordered to delete? Rather: when we ask the PC to delete the file, it is deleted and becomes inaccessible to the user, but in fact, the space occupied on the hard drive will continue according to the same data.

Important! This method will only work if you have archiving configured and the archive itself is available (from where you will restore the file).

What to do if standard methods do not work

Unfortunately, standard tools are not always enough to return information. Third-party utilities come to the rescue here. To the delight of the user, there are more than enough of them on the worldwide network.

How long does the file stay there? There are no new files yet that will need the same space that needs to be saved. After the new files have replaced the old ones, the previous ones will be overwritten. And then recovering deleted and overwritten files will be truly an impossible task.

Here is another one free programwhich deeply analyzes hDD   our PCs in an attempt to recover deleted files. The program interface can be installed in Italian, but for some elements the translation leaves much to be desired. However, this software is easy to use by everyone. This program installs quickly and cleanly and allows you to retrieve deleted files, preserving the original date and time of their creation. After installation, you can select one of three different elements.

The most common:

  • EaseUS Data recovery   Wizard
    Among the possibilities are: recovering the recycle bin, returning “permanently” deleted files and folders, and the most interesting thing is to preview the files / folders before restoring to make sure that this is exactly what you need.
  • Handy recovery
    The application is nothing special, the same functionality. Only the interface is of interest - it reminds everyone of the well-known Total Commander and is intuitive.
  • Recuva
    Using this program already requires certain skills. So, for example, it is advisable to disconnect the hard drive of your computer and search for the necessary documents from another computer. See the link at the end of this article for an example of working with this program.

Detailed information on each program and its installation file   You can find by using the search on the Internet.

Search for lost data. . As you might guess, the first record is about recovering deleted files, and the second is about recovering lost data after formatting or system crashes. The third way helps us find a lost drive letter or an inaccessible drive.

After downloading, you will find yourself in an English installation, which is easy to fill out by clicking “Next”, “Yes”, four times “Next”, and then “Install”. Finally, click “Finish” to start the program, and let it analyze your hard drive to recover deleted files, damaged partitions and hard disksshowing you the probability of recovery in the first place.

How to recover a deleted program on Windows 7

Immediately make a reservation - a miracle will not happen. That is, if you "demolished" the program, it is easier for you to simply reinstall it. This is not difficult, especially if the installation file is saved or your “victim” is freely available on the network. Seriously. Just reinstall. You do not want? Well, then let's talk about the nuances.

Installing this program to retrieve deleted files is done in English, and after “Next”, “I agree”, “Next” and “Install” you will end up in the control tower of the software. But remember that these tools do not promise miracles. As already indicated, it must be emphasized that the file that must be restored after it was accidentally or voluntarily deleted from the PC must be in significant condition.

Only then can it be restored. This means that, of course, the file should not be overwritten with new data. Because then the new files replaced the existing file, which will then be permanently deleted from hard memory   drive. Have you ever been in such an emergency? How did you get to your computer?

Means for a simple return does not exist. What we will describe is correctly called " windows recovery   7 to control point". If after deleting the program you need, you managed to install some other utilities on your computer, then when you restore the deleted one, you will lose them. Simply put, we will try to return the operating system to the state it was in before it was deleted.

Maria Grazia, as well as an expert on online communications, is the author of 360 technologies - a blog that combines the art of writing on the Internet with her passion for everything in the technology world. In most cases, if you come across this article, we are interested to find out if there is a way to recover the deleted file from the garbage basket, because we no longer see it on your computer or because we deleted a very important file and hope in wonderful software, which can restore this file.

Fortunately, restoring the file we deleted is possible, but not just the file, even entire folders or entire hard drives. These deleted files are therefore “hidden,” and the programs that we will see in this guide can be recovered in most cases. Thus, to recover deleted files by mistake, you do not need the help of a specialized technician, you just need to know some well-functioning programs and patience to check what is best for us. Here is a list top programs   to recover a deleted file from the recycle bin with their respective pros and cons and usage patterns.

Another caveat - the method may work, or maybe not. This is determined by the system itself, and here we are powerless. I repeat: if there are no serious reasons (such as, for example, failures in windows operation), then just reinstall the program. If recovery is still necessary, then we work on the items:

How to recover a deleted user

Basically, a remote user is needed because of the data remaining in the profile. All the necessary data can be found on the C drive, namely along the path: C: \\ Users \\<Имя удалённого профиля>. Here you will find folders with photos, videos and documents, as well as the desktop and everything that was on it.

First of all, it is important to know when you deleted the files, and if you have already emptied the trash, because in most cases you can retrieve deleted files from the trash if it was not too long or out of the trash. Often, some operating system settings help to constantly clean the computer, periodically and without notice eliminating all files that have been deleted and then moved to the trash.

Retrieve deleted files from the recycle bin

In the paragraphs of this article, we will consider a situation in which we must obtain files that have not yet been deleted from the garbage, without the use of data recovery programs. Open the "Trash", you will surely find an icon on the desktop, otherwise search using the "Start" button and use the mouse to select the file you want to restore.

  • Right-click and select Restore.
  • The file will be extracted and placed in the source folder.
If the recycle bin may be empty, you may have emptied it, or if you have automatic cleaning software installed on your computer, and then you need to use data recovery software to complete the operation.

If you still want to restore not only the data, but also yourself account, use the universal means of "restoration" of the system described above - "restoring Windows to a checkpoint." Among other features, this operation also restores lost accounts.

How to restore a service

Everything is simple and sad at the same time - the deleted service is not restored by anything but reinstalling the entire system. Moreover, if you uninstall the service, this may lead to the failure of several services associated with it and Windows to malfunction.

How to recover files from the garbage bin after deleting it?

If recovering some files from the recycle bin cannot occur due to any problem or you want to restore the file to a specific folder, follow the instructions in next paragraph.

If, however, you have already cleared your garbage, or for too long since the files were deleted and the files were completely deleted from your computer, you should use data recovery software.

Removing system services is a guaranteed "kill" of the system.

Do not even think about deleting the service if you are not absolutely sure that you know what it is responsible for!

Restoring system files

First of all, recovering system files is possible using the same procedure as restoring a deleted program. If this does not help (for example, you have manually turned off windows protection   7 and rollback is impossible), then try other means.

Any suggestions on which program to use for this, you can find them in a separate article. Recover deleted files from the trash can after emptying. Based on this, all deleted files on the phone do not move to the trash. Both have their pros and cons. The applications to be used are as follows. You can view any files in the same container. The application can be configured to work with images, audio, documents and videos, and it works as advertised.

But in fact, it behaves like a transitional basket for recovering deleted files when deleting files in the Recycle Bin, and you cannot restore files that have been permanently deleted. To send files to the trash, select the file you want to delete in your favorite file explorer, then select “Recycle Bin” from the menu “Open with”, “Share” or “Send”. When you send a file to the trash, the application automatically moves to the trash. You can set up a list of folders and file types that are automatically scanned to send them to the garbage can if they accidentally delete them.

The method described below is suitable if your system starts up. If not, speak right away, contact a specialist.

Go to the "Start" menu. In the search bar we drive in “Command line”, which, by right-clicking, we open on behalf of the administrator. In the very command line   need to enter sfc / scannow and wait.

Now we have two options for the development of events. In the first case, the following will be displayed on the computer screen:

The image on the screen indicates that with system files   everything is good

This means that everything is fine with you, you do not need to restore anything in the system itself.

The second option is Windows 7, and indeed with problems.

In this case, Windows 7 detected all errors and fixed them.

However, your intervention is not required - the system itself detects errors and corrects them itself. After that, as we see on the screen, operating system   asks for a reboot. Reboot. Done - the data has been restored.

Video: how to recover deleted programs on Windows 7

Any changes made to system files, services and Windows users, you do at your own peril and risk - remember this. It is not necessary without extreme necessity and appropriate skills to get into the work of a stably functioning system. If, nevertheless, a failure occurs, refer to the article. Remember - everything that you can’t do yourself will be done by a specialist. Stable to you work in Windows!

Files and folders that we delete fall into a special section of the computer. It is called the "Basket."

Trash is an icon on the desktop (on the screen). Everything that we erase from the computer goes there. This means that everything remote folders   and the files can be returned. And you can delete them completely.

Open the Trash. You will see files and folders that were deleted from the computer some time ago. To restore file / folder from Recycle Bin, that is, return back to the computer, you need to right-click on it. A list of computer commands opens. You need to select "Restore" from this list.

After that, the file or folder you clicked on disappears. This means that she returned to the place from which she was once removed. That is, if the folder was previously in the “Documents”, then it will go back to the “Documents”.

But what if you don’t remember or don’t know where the deleted file or folder used to be ?! That is, you opened the Recycle Bin, saw a file there and want to return it, but don’t remember where it was before. In order to find out, you need to click on the file or folder of interest and look at the very bottom of the open "Recycle Bin".

This is exactly the place from which the file (folder) was deleted. That is, he will return there. In my example, it will return to Local disk   D, to the folder "Work".

Please note: only files and folders that have been deleted from the computer can be restored from the Recycle Bin. If you erased files (folders) from a CD / DVD disc or from a USB flash drive, then you won’t be able to restore them in this way. In the case of CD / DVD discs, information is completely erased - we cannot return the deleted one. In the case of flash drives, data can be returned using a special program (more on that at the end of the lesson).

How to completely delete a file or folder

I said a little higher that all the files and folders that we delete from the computer are not permanently erased, but fall into the Trash. If you are sure that the file is no longer needed, then you can delete it completely. To do this, in the "Recycle Bin", right-click on the file or folder that you want to erase, and select "Delete" from the list.

The computer will ask if you are sure that you want to delete the selected file or folder.

Click “Yes” and the computer will erase the file forever, and if you click on the “No” button, it will leave it untouched to lie in the “Recycle Bin”.

If you are not sure that the file (folder) is no longer needed, it is better not to erase it.

How to recover files deleted from the Recycle Bin

If you deleted the file from the computer and from the "Recycle Bin" or erased the information from the USB flash drive (camera), then in order to restore it, you will need to use special program. There are several such programs. I suggest using the free Recuva. You can download it here.

Open the downloaded file. A window will appear in which you need to click on "Run."

Then click the orange “Install” button.

After about a minute, the program will install. Remove the bird from the item “View release notes” and click on “Run Recuva”.

The program will open in Russian. Also on the desktop, that is, on the computer screen, an icon will appear to launch it.

At startup, we immediately offer to restore the files. Click "Next."

A window appears asking you to select the type of file (pictures, music, documents, etc.). This is for convenience. Initially, the universal type "All Files" was selected.

Now you need to select the place from which the file was deleted. If the file has been deleted from the Recycle Bin, memory card (flash drive) or from Documents, select the appropriate item. If, for example, it was deleted from Local Disk D, then select "At the specified location", click on "Browse" and select Local Disk D. Or you can specify "It is not known exactly," then the program will search all over the computer and connected to devices, which can be quite a long time.

After that, Recuva suggests starting a search or enabling in-depth analysis. Click "Start."

The search starts, after which the files that the program can recover appear. Put a bird next to the one you need - to do this, click on the box next to it. Then click on "Restore ..." (bottom right).

A small window will appear. Select in it the place where you want to send the restored file, and click the "OK" button.

If everything is in order and the file is restored, a small window will appear that will inform about it.

Voila! Now you can open the place where you restored the file and check if everything is okay with it.

Alas, not all files can be returned. This happens for many reasons, for example, the file was deleted too long. You can try other programs to recover deleted information, or you can invite a data recovery specialist.