Recover deleted information on a USB flash drive. Formatted flash drive recovery: how to recover deleted files? One of the best free apps

Have you ever accidentally deleted documents from flash drives? Have photos from camera memory cards been lost? If not, you are a happy person!

This manual will tell you how to recover with minimal effort. deleted files  from flash drives, memory cards, phones and cameras.

1. Introduction

First things first, remember - if you deleted a file, not  write anything else to the USB flash drive before recovering the files. Create folders too not allowed. Delete something too not allowed. The more operations with a flash drive are made - the less chance of successful file recovery. The fact is that when the file is deleted, it is not deleted (such a pun), only the file entry from the file table on the USB flash drive disappears. In the future, another file (or part of it) may be written to the file location, as a result of which the contents of the file will be lost. This is how information is stored both on the hard drive and on flash drives - nothing is deleted immediately, it is only overwritten.

Data recovery is possible if

They can be stored for many years without losing data. They are mainly used in cameras, etc. And they record the memory “in no time” without using any energy to actually hold the device. The other person mentioned above can be damaged by removing them without disconnecting them properly. They are good for transferring more data than flash drives can take. more entriesthan a flash drive, but will lose data due to power loss. This does not actually remove the disk from the computer, which damages them, as described above, but data corruption, because the computer has not finished writing directory information.

Deleted data recovery programs will help to return the deleted file or part of it back if it was overwritten by another file.

2. Checking flash drives for viruses

Perhaps your files were not deleted from the USB flash drive - the virus “hid” them. That is, the deletion did not occur and you just need to make the files on the flash drive visible.

To clarify this, you need to look at the availability hidden folders  and files on a flash drive.

File Display Settings

They have a limited number of entries, because the memory chips that they use will wear out, but like flash drives, you are likely to replace them long before this happens. They are slowly being replaced by flash drives and flash drives as they grow, but are likely to never be completely replaced. It's your the best choice  for long term use as hard drive, and not just for the courier for data such as copying files from home to go to the office.

I probably have no options, but they are the most common. Remember to keep a backup of everything that you put to them, even if it applies to another device of the same type. Hope this explains the differences a bit. All these fantastic features help us easily transfer data or store data.

How to watch hidden files: click Start - Control Panel - Appearance and Personalization  (there may not be such an item, depending on appearance  Control Panel) -.

In the window that opens, select the “ View", Uncheck the item Hide protected system files  and foldersset active item Show hidden files, folders and drives:

After a quick scan, it will automatically start deep scanto find more files. Step Select the file that you want to recover by file type from the scan results. It is better to choose a different place instead of the original hard drive to avoid overwriting data.

How to recover deleted folder files

Check out the details to learn how to recover deleted files from a flash drive or hand drive without software  right now. How to recover permanently deleted files from flash drives without software? Is it possible to recover permanently deleted files from a flash drive without using software?

Then open the Computer folder, there is a USB flash drive in it. If you see translucent icons, including your deleted file, just copy it to safe place, then check your computer for viruses (you can use a one-time antivirus) and install an antivirus for flash drives, which instantly returns you all the files and folders hidden from the flash drive. Also worry about the anti-virus protection of your computer - your computer may be infected.

Run a quick scan and deep scan to find everything lost files. View and restore files found by you software. Perhaps for average computer users it is a little difficult to choose a file that is satisfactory for retrieving deleted files that were not in the trash. So, the following two viable solutions that will help to restore permanently deleted files from a flash drive without using any software.

Restore previous version of files or folders

They will tell you that previous versions  taken from File History or from recovery points. A list of older versions of the file is displayed. Hope that one of the recovery methods helps. This facilitates and speeds up the recovery process. This will help you store important data such as music, images, videos, etc. but sometimes an unforeseen data loss catastrophe caused by certain reasons can cause you to lose all your important data in seconds.

Do not forget to put the Folder Options options back in place so that you do not interfere with hidden system files in computer folders (for example, desktop.ini files) that you don’t want to delete.

3. Recover deleted files using Recuva

Did you accidentally delete or the malicious virus cleaned the USB flash drive - there is a way out of the program Recuva. It will help you recover deleted files from a flash drive (from other drives too).

Data was deleted accidentally.

Sometimes you spend on it painstaking hours, but without result. Therefore, here we would like to recommend that you try powerful data to safely and efficiently save your data. What happens is that the space occupied by the deleted file is now freed up and becomes enumerable as space for reuse.

You might want to recover some of your deleted files. It is very important for me. If you are faced with a similar situation, here is a solution to your problem. Here's how you can recover deleted files from a flash drive using this powerful file recovery tool. In wizard mode, you just need to answer two simple questions.

Actually, there are a lot of such programs and each has advantages, but I settled on Recuva as the simplest and most universal one, suitable for recovering from flash drives all types of files - documents, photos, music, videos, and more. The good news is that she is free  for use at home.

You can recover data from USB flash drives, memory cards, hard drives, even old floppy disks.

How to recover deleted data from the phone’s memory card

If you select Standard mode, select one of four recovery modules: Restore Lost File, Restore Original File, Partition Restore, and Restore Restore. However, it is not completely reliable in recovering files from damaged drives. So, if this is true, does this mean that I have a chance to return my deleted files? As long as you handle this correctly, you have a great chance to recover your deleted files.

You can download the deleted file recovery program via the direct link: Recuva  (2 Mb). Homepage  programs located .

When you search the web, you will find that there are various types  such data recovery programs. However, many of them are not so professional. After choosing the wrong one, which can cause permanent damage to your files.

Once your data is lost, never put any new data on it. Do not rely too much on data recovery software; they are not omnipotent. Remember to create regularly backups  important files so that they are not lost. Try to carefully process sensitive data to avoid accidental deletion or formatting. Or you can overwrite the original files and your files will become irrevocable. . The system finds enough space for the file from the file distribution table, in which the terms of use for everything disk spaceand then the system stores the file data in the corresponding sectors, where the file allocation table is indicated.

After a simple and clear installation of the program, you need to do a few steps.

Run the program:

We choose what we want to restore. Best to choose "Other"  to restore all types of files:

Then click "Overview"  and select the flash drive.

"In-depth analysis"  allows you to detect more deleted files, even completely overwritten. Unfortunately, overwritten files cannot be restored, but in general this option improves the result, so I always turn it on:

The file allocation table then marks the sectors occupied. When a file is deleted, the data stored in these busy sectoral ones will not be deleted, but what really changed is a file allocation table that tells the system that these sectors are available for saving new files again, so that new files can be added there.

It should be noted that there are two ways to format

First of all, it is important that you do not perform any write operations on the disk after deletion, as this may overwrite the found content. You can download it here for free. There, you first select the type of file you are looking for, for example, Images or Documents, or use the Other option for full search. If you want to find a specific medium, select the option “in a specific place”, then enter the location or go to it through the “Browse”. Then click “Next.” In the next dialog box, leave the Enable deep scan option turned off because this analysis can take a long time. After clicking "Start" you will get a quick result. The list displays all deleted data, and also refines the same color if they can be restored. Click the “Advanced Settings” button, then you can mark any found file, view it on the right and read detailed status information on the “Information” tab. If the file is marked in red, you can still see what has been overwritten. To restore, check the boxes in front of the necessary files and click “Restore”.

  • After a quick installation, the assistant begins to help in the next steps.
  • After clicking “Next”, select the desired location.
  • You can also select "Trash", or "I'm not sure" on your computer.
During the transfer, he deleted several unnecessary filesto free up space.

We are patient and wait until the program scans the USB flash drive for deleted files:

After we will see the result. Not all of these files can be restored - look at the color of the circle to the left of the file name (this is the state of the file).

If the circle is green - probably, the file is not damaged, then it will recover completely and open without errors.

Find deleted files in the recycle bin and then recover them

And the files were not found anywhere! It would be very appreciated if someone could help me. Here in this article we will introduce you to some ways to solve your problem. Usually, when you delete a file, you can find the file in the trash. Just right-click on the file and select Restore. Then the file will return to the desktop. But this is just the easiest and happiest case when you can find deleted files in the recycle bin. What can you do if you accidentally delete files and then the paper basket is also empty?

The circle is yellow - only part of the file is restored. If you need to recover a deleted coursework or diploma, then this result may be acceptable - pieces of text are better than nothing.

The circle is red - there was such a file once, there are “mentions” about it, but it won’t be able to be restored (instead of the contents there will be a mess from data that is not related to the file being searched).

Is there a way to recover files? Of the many tools and programs on the Internet that we must choose. The solution is 100% safe and effective. It is completely free and free data recovery software. It supports various file types.

Most importantly, it is 100% safe and professional and can solve your problem. Now you can download and install the free version. Detailed instructions  are given below. Once deleted files are overwritten with new data, successful recovery will rarely be possible.

To select all the files, just check the box indicated by the red arrow.

You can sort the results by "Status" or other parameters, mark needed files  check marks by hand.

Push "Reestablish"  and specify the folder in which we want to recover deleted files. The folder where we want to save the recovered files should be on any disk, but just not on a flash driveThe files with which we are recovering.

Overview of programs for recovering deleted data from a memory card

After a quick scan, a low scan starts automatically to find additional files. Browse the files and click Restore to continue the process. Especially for travelers business people  This is a fairly safe and convenient way to take data with you.

Unnecessary blackouts when you turn on the computer. Both of them are easy to use and provide special recovery modes to recover all deleted, formatted or other lost files, such as videos, photos, music, documents, emails, archives, etc.

Depending on whether the files were completely restored (without damage) or only part of them, the report will be different:

4. About partially restored files

Completely  recovered files will open correctly. Partiallyrecovered files - from case to case, depending on the type of file. For example, from damaged archives there is a chance to extract several files.

Download and run the correct version of recovery software on your computer and you will get the following interface. Check the necessary files and click to restore. Marked as reusable, says that the space occupied by the lost files is a system that can be used to store new data. Therefore, if you have not saved any new data, you can recover the lost files, since they are still present.

Regardless of the reason for removing this user-friendly toolkit, you can quickly and easily recover files. In addition, even a new user can easily go through the recovery process. Additional Information. Have you ever accidentally pressed the Delete button and then noticed that all the most important files have been lost? Is reinstalled operating system?

Partially restored documents most often contain part of the text, which is quite logical. If the document is badly damaged, then there is a chance to pull at least something out of it with special programs. Which ones - see the descriptions in the list. Some programs from that list are designed to be “fixed” corrupted files, some are analogues of Recuva.

When recovering deleted photos  You may run into trouble: corrupted (partially restored files indicated by a yellow circle in Recuva) image files of the viewer program refuse to open. In this case, try to open them in the standard Paint  and save through it again (preferably in a new file via "Save As"). Often this helps to restore at least part of the photo, because Paint can "digest" partially damaged image files.

Damaged videos can be viewed, but with strong artifacts (interference). I recommend using the VLC player as the most unpretentious to the contents of the files.

5. Questions and Answers

Question: I want to restore X from the device Y. Recuva help?

Answer:   Until you try, you won’t know. Please do not post this question in the comments.

Question: On the flash drive, nothing appeared after recovery. Did the program not work?

Answer: You have carefully read the instructions. All files detected by the program were restored to the folder you specified on the computer, not on a flash drive.

Question: The program did not restore anything or did not restore all the important information. What to do?

Answer: Make sure that you did everything right - read the article again. If Recuva after scanning does not display a single file found - either you selected the wrong drive for scanning, or you made full formatting to a USB flash drive (or hard drive - depending on where you are restoring the data) - in this case, there’s still a chance to restore the files, but for You will have to turn to specialized data recovery companies for this.

Question: A flash drive asks for formatting or you need to restore data after formatting. What to do?

Answer: If the flash drive opens through Recuva - try to restore through it. If formatting is required - do not format in any case! Better use other, more “powerful” (and complex) programs like the free PhotoRec. Such programs ignore the file system, which allows you to find data on a disk with deleted partitions.

Question: Is it possible to recover files from a flash drive deleted 2 (3, 4, 5 - any number of your choice) years ago?

Answer:  Time does not matter. Only the fact of overwriting files “on top” with new data is important. Those. if something was recorded after deleting the files you need, you may not be able to restore the files (or partially). Until you try to restore, you won’t know.

Question: If the file was deleted to the Recycle Bin and then the Recycle Bin was emptied, is it possible to recover the deleted file?

Answer: Yes, there is a chance to restore such a file. Recuva Program, about which I spoke above, it can. But there are nuances (applies to all programs for recovering deleted data):

1. If you deleted a file from the Recycle Bin, remember: on the hard drive (especially the one where Windows is installed) the files are constantly written and overwritten, so there is a very good chance that your file will be overwritten in the near future and its contents will disappear forever. Act fast. If you download Recuva from the Internet, it’s better to download it to a USB flash drive - it’s less likely that the downloaded file will go exactly to the place of the disk where the file deleted from the Recycle Bin is located.

2. If you have a second operating system on the wrong drive (or on the wrong computer) where the file was deleted, boot into it and restore the file from there.

3. If the data deleted from the Recycle Bin is truly valuable, you must immediately turn off the computer and take it away hDD  to a specialized company that deals with data recovery. The longer the operating system runs, the less likely it is to restore a valuable file. So it’s better to act for sure.

Question: Is it possible to use Recuva to restore recordings from the hard disk of a camcorder, from the memory of a phone or other devices?

Answer: If the device’s memory is displayed as a hard drive or flash drive when connected, then there is a chance to recover data. Try it - it can work out. If you need to recover data from memory cards  phone or camera, it is better to connect the card through a card reader. The fact is that when you connect cameras and phones to a computer wire  A flash drive is often defined not as a flash drive, but as a media device that no data recovery program will see. The card reader will allow the card to work like a regular USB flash drive.

Question: Can I use Recuva to restore deleted contacts, SMS from the phone?

Answer: Not.

Question: Only photos (music, documents - i.e. files of the same type) were restored from the flash drive. How to restore everything else?

Answer: Make sure that you select “Other” in the “File Type” window. Also read the answer to the second question (see above).

Question: The program recovered files, but some do not open. Can I open them somehow?

Answer: So the files were too badly damaged. As I said in the previous chapter, there are programs for recovering (or rather, “fixing”) damaged files, but the chance of a successful result to repair the damaged file is small. So you can’t do anything at home.

Question: The program restored the document, but it turned out to be empty. What to do?

Answer: Most likely, the file was too badly damaged. But there is a chance that your document was restored under a different name. In the "File Type" window, select "Other", then tick the "Advanced Analysis" checkbox and restore all the files that were found, then open all the documents in a row and see their contents. Another point: if there is no text in the document, but the file is not of zero size, see the previous chapter “On partially restored files” - perhaps the text is still in the document file and it can be restored with programs specially designed for this purpose. (See further)

No one is safe from accidentally formatting a flash drive. Inattention sometimes leads to the accidental deletion of important documents from the disk.

It may seem that information lost in this way cannot be restored.

But all is not so sad. A number of special programs have been developed for data recovery.

How does recovering a formatted flash drive become possible? The fact is that data from a formatted flash drive does not disappear. In fact, only their labels change.

So, on a formatted disk, all files are marked as non-existent and new ones are written over.

Thus, with the appropriate software, you can completely restore all the files that were ever on the disk. But this will require skills in working with special programs.

For the recovery of recently formatted data, fairly simple options are also suitable, which even untrained users can handle.

Important: The chances of successful data recovery will increase by an order of magnitude if, in the interval between formatting and recovery, removable drive  No new files were recorded.

The network is overwhelmed with data recovery programs. Of all the available software, there are five programs that are most suitable for quick recovery  data.

Active @ File Recovery for Windows

It is easy to use and at the same time powerful utility for recovering lost data. To restore, you need to select the media from the list on the left side of the program window, and then click the QuickScan button.

The media structure appears in the navigator on the right. Deleted files will be indicated by white icons.

Then just select the necessary documents and click the Restore button. In the dialog box, specify the directory for saving the recovered files and approve the restoration. Upon completion of the process, the recovered files will be ready for use.


Ability to work with large quantity  media (up to the hard drive);

Easy to learn and user-friendly interface;

Availability of a free version.


Lack of Russian localization;

Free version  has a size limit for recoverable files.


The free distributed utility not only works with flash media, but also provides data recovery from disk. After starting the program offers to select the media, then the file type.

The “Enable in-depth analysis” item will increase the chances of detecting lost data.

In the left part of the program window there will be a list of files found on the media. It is enough to mark the checkbox opposite the necessary ones and click “Restore”. Then you need to specify the directory to save the data and approve the process.

Upon completion, the files will be ready for use.


Completely free distribution;

Large feature set;

The ability to completely delete files.


In some cases, it does not restore the contents of the file.

Easy recovery

The intuitive interface of the program allows you to quickly recover lost files. To recover lost data, just select the type of media. From the list, select a specific medium.

Then you need to choose whether the data was deleted or formatted. After scanning, the file structure of the medium appears in the left part of the window.

Folders highlighted in blue - existing, green - erased or unmarked. To restore, you need to select the necessary files and in the menu that pops up on the right click, select "Save As".

After indicating the place to save, the files will be available for use.


High recovery rate;

Intuitive interface;

Ability to work with many types of media.


High cost of the paid version;

The trial version allows you to extract only one file at a time.

Auslogic File Recovery

The program allows you to effectively recover lost data from both flash drives and hard drives. In the left part of the window there is a navigator in which you will need to select the media for the recovery procedure. Options will be presented on the right.

You can restore a specific type of file, or you can scan for all types.

Upon completion of the search, in the central part of the window there will be a list of files. In it, just select the ones of interest and click "Recover selected". After saving to the specified directory with files you can freely work.


Exact search mode saves time;

Ability to work in simple and complex modes of operation, depending on the level of user training;

Function to completely delete confidential files.


Trial version for 15 days;

Unoptimized interface.


Detailed instructionsaccompanying each step of data recovery will help to cope with the program even to users with a minimum supply of knowledge.

In the first step, you will need to select the media. On the left side of the screen will be a list of available. In the second step, you will need to select the type of file system. Standard for flash drives file system  - FAT32, but options are also possible.

In the third step, a detailed navigator on the scanned media will be in the program window. All files will be marked according to the legend at the bottom of the window. Now it remains only to copy the necessary.


Extremely simple interface;

For advanced users, advanced functionality is available;

A large percentage of recovery.


For NTFS and FAT will have to use different versions of the program;

The demo version does not allow you to save recovered files.

Functionality  and work with each of the mentioned utilities is different. Nevertheless, each of them is an excellent tool for the "resurrection" of lost data.

How to recover information from a formatted flash drive.

Formatted flash drive recovery: how to recover deleted files?