ITunes Cannot Connect to iTunes Store: Top Reasons. Fix software update errors in iTunes

Sometimes, when you update iTunes applications, programs that interact  from ITunesthey stop working. It happens when iTunes  not in the registry and it incorrectly defines itself, not as a COM object. You will probably find the following error:
  - System.InvalidCastException: Cannot cast a COM object of type
  - ‘iTunesLib.iTunesAppClass to interface type’ iTunesLib.IiTunes.
ITunes COM Fix  it is a small application that quickly registers a new executable COM object. Now every application that works using ITunes API  will start working again without reinstalling.

COM iTunes Fix  - this is a portable application so you don’t need to install anything, just start it and click Fix itunes. COM iTunes Fix  runs on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. On both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. Enjoy the pleasant work!

The following is a list of common error code decryption iTunes  - in this situation many owners of iDevices found themselves. You work with iTunes, for example, flashing your iPhone  or iPad  and then an error message appears with a specific number. It’s especially unpleasant that by this number it’s completely impossible to understand what’s the matter. Fortunately, the company recently published a description (decoding) of many errors iTunes  and even offers a solution for every situation.

Warning in program iTunes  may contain one of the following codes (or the message may contain a code not specified in this list).

2, 4, 6, 9, 13, 14, -18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 28, 29, 34, 35, 37, 40, -48, -50, 1000, 1002, 1004, 1011, 1013 , 1014, 1015, 1479, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1611, 1631, 1638, 1639, 2009, 3002, 3004, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3194, 9006, 9807, -9808, 9844, 4026xxxxx

All information presented below is taken from this page on the Apple website. It is relevant for all generations. iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad  and may change over time.


Certain Error Messages and Solutions

The device is not supported for the requested assembly:  also sometimes appears as error code 3194. If this error occurs, install the latest version of iTunes. If the latest version is installed iTunes, then this problem may occur when trying to restore using the IPSW file previous version. Try restoring under a different user account to make sure that iTunes program  uploads a new IPSW file. Installing earlier versions of iOS is not supported.

Cannot find the required resource:  this warning appears when the iOS version of the device is newer than the version available in iTunes. If you are troubleshooting a device that displays this warning, go to Settings\u003e General\u003e About device  and check the iOS version. devices. If the version is newer than the latest released version of iOS, the device may have a preliminary version of iOS developers installed on your device. Installing older versions of iOS on top of a newer one is not supported.

Recovery cycle (request for re-recovery after successful completion of recovery):  this error usually occurs due to outdated or incorrectly configured third-party security software. If the USB troubleshooting steps did not solve the problem, follow the steps in the "Troubleshooting Security Software" article.

There was a problem downloading software for the iPhone (or other iOS device):  See error correction codes 3000–3999.

iTunes could not connect to the iPhone because an invalid response was received from the device:  This error occurs when there are problems with USB communication. To resolve this issue, follow the steps below to resolve the error code 13 or 14.

Unknown error during recovery, the code of which contains "0xE":  To resolve this issue, follow the steps in the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch: Unknown connection error, 0xE series code. "

Freezing during recovery: this problem can often be resolved by following the instructions in the article "Troubleshooting Security Software." This error may occur as a result of an incorrectly set default packet size. A third-party security software can be installed on the computer, changing the standard package size on Windows using the TcpWindowSize key or the MaxGlobalTcpWindowSize registry key. Contact the software developer who resizes the package for help setting these TcpWindowSize values. Typically, the default packet size is changed by 3G cellular network card software, Internet service provider communications software, and Internet download speed optimization software. There are good reasons for setting a new TCP / IP packet size instead of using windows default  (for example, optimizing network traffic, optimizing your home network or bandwidth, optimizing corporate programs, including database programs, Exchange, and many others). Removing the TcpWindowSize or GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize keys from the Windows registry may affect system performance with other programs or when these programs are connected to the network. When you delete the configured TCP / IP settings, you may need to reinstall all third-party programs that set new TCP / IP settings instead of the default Windows values. Follow the steps below to remove the TcpWindowSize and MaxGlobalTcpWindowSize keys from the registry.

  1. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7: go to the C: \\\\ Windows folder and run the regedit program.
  2. Choose Edit\u003e Find.
  3. Search for TcpWindowSize entries. Typically, there are several TcpWindowSize / GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize entries in different sections  the registry. If the TcpWindowSize entry exists, one or more third-party programs have changed the Windows default settings for TCP / IP.
  4. Open the File menu and select the Export command. This action allows you to create a backup copy of the registry containing the initial parameters.
  5. Delete the TcpWindowSize entry.
  6. Search for the next TcpWindowSize entry and sequentially delete all the TcpWindowSize entries from the registry.
  7. Quit Regedit, restart your computer, and run a test.

To find out the reason for the existence of these entries on a working computer, contact your network administrator and get information about what TCP / IP values \u200b\u200bcan be set in windows registryso that the computer supports updating or restoring the iOS device, instead of deleting the TcpWindowSize entry. If editing the registry keys did not solve the problem, it will most likely help recovering to another computer on which the communication software is not installed.

Error Codes and Solutions

Error 2:  this error is often resolved by disabling and removing third-party security software or a firewall.

Error 4 (or -4):  This error may occur under the following conditions:

  • Access to ports 80 or 443 is blocked.
  • A firewall, third-party security software, or other Internet access settings block access to or servers.
  • Server iTunes Store  overloaded.

Error 6: All of the steps described in this article can be used to resolve this error. You can often fix this error by following the instructions in the article "Troubleshooting Security Software." Third-party software can be installed on the computer, which changes the standard package size in Windows using the TcpWindowSize registry key. An incorrect default packet size can cause this error. Contact your software developer for help, which changes the default package size.

Error 9: This error appears when the device unexpectedly disconnects from the USB bus, stopping data exchange with it. This can happen if the user manually disconnects the device during the recovery process. This problem can be resolved by locating the faulty USB port, using a different USB cable to the dock connector, using a different USB port, restoring on another computer, or resolving conflicts with third-party security software.

Error 13 and 14:  these errors can usually be resolved by doing one or more of the following:

  1. Troubleshoot uSB connectionconnect the device directly to another uSB port  a computer. See USB for troubleshooting information. additional methods  Further.
  2. Connect your computer and device using a USB 2.0 hub.
  3. Try using a different 30-pin USB cable to the dock connector.
  4. Resolve conflicts with third-party security software.
  5. Third-party software can be installed on the computer, which changes the standard package size in Windows using one or more TcpWindowSize registry keys. An incorrect default packet size can cause this error. Get help from a software developer who resizes the default package size.
  6. Connect your computer to the Internet directly without using routers, hubs, or switches. You may need to restart your computer and modem to access the Internet.

Error 18 (or -18):  This error occurs when the media library on the device is damaged and cannot be changed or updated. To resolve this issue, try updating iTunes to latest version  and perform recovery again.

Error 19 (or -19):  full text: “iTunes could not sync on iPhone“ [iPhone name] ”due to an unknown error (-19).” This error occurs when updating iPhone 3G to a later version of the software when iTunes tries to execute backup  iPhone in sync. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Uncheck the box next to “Sync automatically if iPhone is connected” on the “Browse” tab in iTunes.
  2. Remove iPhone.
  3. Reconnect iPhone.
  4. Select Update.

Error 20, 21, 34, 37:  these errors usually occur when security software interferes with the recovery or update process. If your computer is running Windows, follow the steps in this article.

Errors 23, 28, 29:  These errors may be related to the hardware of the device. Follow the instructions in this article. In addition, try to restore by connecting the device using the white USB cable to the dock connector included with the device on a known-good computer and on a working network to identify a problem on the device. If the MAC address is missing or the IMEI is set to the default value (00 499901 064000 0), this can also serve as a confirmation of a hardware problem. Outdated or incorrectly configured security software can also cause these errors.

Error 35:  To solve this problem, you can use a known-good 30-pin USB cable to the dock connector. If this does not solve the problem, follow the instructions above to resolve error 13 or 14.

Error 40: this error may indicate a problem with the hardware of the device, but, as a rule, it occurs due to outdated or incorrectly configured security software. Follow the instructions in this article. In addition, try to perform a recovery using a known-good 30-pin USB cable to the dock connector, a computer, and a network to connect to identify a problem on the device. If the MAC address is missing or the IMEI is set to the default value (00 499901 064000 0), this can also serve as a confirmation of a hardware problem.

Error 48 (or -48):  To resolve this error, follow the steps in this article. Also see the instructions in the “Restore with a new account  user ”above related to the location of the IPSW files.

Error 50:  this error (and error-50) are associated with the end of the timeout. Follow the steps above to resolve error 13 or 14.

  Error 1000:  if this error appears in the program log file iPhone updates, iPad or iPod, while recovering the device, an error occurred while unpacking and transferring the IPSW file downloaded iTunes. This error is often caused by the intervention of security software, poor quality Internet connection, which leads to damage to the IPSW file, or a conflict with other devices connected to the computer through uSB port.

  Error 1002, 1011, 1012, 1014:  These errors may be related to the hardware of your device. Follow the instructions in this article. In addition, try to perform a recovery using a known-good 30-pin USB cable to the dock connector, a computer, and a network to connect to identify a problem on the device. If the MAC address is missing or the IMEI is set to the default value (00 499901 064000 0), this can also serve as a confirmation of a hardware problem.

Errors 1004 and 1013:these errors can occur as a result of redirecting or blocking the connection to the server. Follow these steps to resolve these errors.

  1. Check security software. Make sure that the connection to the server is allowed. For help with working with security software, see this article. iTunes for Windows: Troubleshoot security software issues.
  2. Check the hosts file. Recovery fails if there is an active record for redirecting connection to server. Follow the instructions in the article “iTunes: iTunes Store Advanced Troubleshooting” · for editing hosts file  or restore default settings in Windows. See “Blocked by configuration settings: (Mac OS X / Windows)\u003e Restore network information.”
  3. Try using a known-good computer and network connection for recovery.
  4. If errors also occur on another computer, you may need to repair the device.

Error 1015:  error occurs due to attempts to install an earlier version software iPhone devices, iPad or iPod touch. This can happen when you try to restore using an earlier version of the IPSW file. Installing earlier versions is not supported. In this case, try restoring the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch using the latest version provided by Apple. This error may also occur in the event of an unauthorized change to the iOS OS.

Error 1479:  This error appears when accessing Apple resources during the upgrade or recovery process. Exit the program, disconnect the device from USB, reboot the device with iOS, reconnect the device to the computer, then launch iTunes and try updating or restoring.

Error 1601:  uninstall and reinstall the latest version of iTunes (see instructions for Mac and Windows). If this does not solve the problem, see the procedure description for error 1602.

Error 1602:  Try to resolve this issue by following these steps.

  1. Follow the USB connection troubleshooting steps and try connecting using a known-good cable.
  2. Follow the steps listed in error description 1604.
  3. Try disabling, deactivating, or removing anti-virus, firewall, or other third-party security software, this may solve the problem. For additional security software troubleshooting tips, see this article.

Error 1603: If this error appears and the iOS device does not automatically enter recovery mode, you must do this manually. For instructions on forcing iPhone to enter recovery mode, see the article “iPhone and iPod touch: Cannot update or restore.” Also try deleting the IPSW file and then perform the restore again. If you need to save the IPSW file in the folder of the current user, try to restore to a new user account with administrator rights.

Error 1604:  Often this error is due to USB bus synchronization. Try using others uSB ports, disconnect and re-enable the USB ports, and also perform troubleshooting steps for USB connections (troubleshooting USB connections, the device is not recognized correctly, the computer does not recognize the FireWire or USB device). If you are using a dock, disconnect it and connect the device directly to the computer using the white Apple cable from the USB to the dock connector. If the problem could not be resolved on a known-good computer, the device may need to be serviced.

If you could not solve the problem by troubleshooting USB connection, and there is no possibility to connect the device to another computer, then try the following steps to solve this problem.

  1. Connect your device to iTunes and make sure the device is in recovery mode. If not, put the device into recovery mode.
  2. Start the recovery process and wait until error 1604 appears.
  3. In the window that appears, click “OK”.
  4. Close and restart iTunes without disconnecting your iPhone.
  5. The iPhone device must be recognized by the program as being in recovery mode.
  6. Try to restore again.

If you can’t solve the problem using the above steps, try using a known-good restore uSB cable, computer and network connection.

Error 1611: this error may be related to the hardware of the device. Follow the instructions in this article. In addition, try to perform a recovery using a known-good 30-pin USB cable to the dock connector, a computer, and a network to connect to identify a problem on the device. If the MAC address is missing or the IMEI is set to the default value (00 499901 064000 0), this can also serve as a confirmation of a hardware problem. Outdated or incorrectly configured proxy or security software, such as FoxyProxy, can cause error 1611. To troubleshoot third-party software, run these actions.

Error 1631:  Insert the SIM card into the device and try again.

Error 1638:  see the troubleshooting procedure for error 1004.

  Error 1639:see solution in this article.

  Errors 2000-2009 (2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2009, etc.):  if these errors appear on your Mac, disconnect all third-party devices, hubs, additional cables, displays, reset the System Management Controller (SMC), and try system recovery. If you are using a computer running Windows, disconnect all USB devices and additional cables, leaving only the keyboard, mouse, and device connected, then restart the computer and try to restore again. If this does not solve the problem, see the USB troubleshooting methods described above and the articles that provide information on resolving error 1604. If you still cannot solve the problem, it may be due to a conflict with the security software.

  Errors 3000-3999 (3002, 3004, 3013, 3014, 3018, 3164, 3194, etc.):  errors whose codes are in the 3000 range usually indicate that iTunes cannot connect to the server through port 80 or 443. This can be caused by outdated or incorrectly configured security software or a firewall installing an old one version of iTunes, an entry in the hosts file that redirects requests sent to the server (see error description 1004 above), or settings for accessing the Internet through a proxy server. If connecting through a proxy server, try updating or restoring without a proxy server or use a known good network connection. If you can’t solve the problem using the above steps, then follow the instructions described in iTunes for Windows: Troubleshoot security software problems. Error 3014 may indicate that before you try to restore again, you need to free up space on your computer’s hard drive. Most likely, error 3194 indicates that the latest version of iTunes is not installed. Update iTunes to the latest version.

Error 3002:  If this error occurs when updating iPod touch (2nd generation) or iPhone 3G, update or restore using iTunes standard way  (click Refresh or Restore).

Error 3004:  if the problem is not resolved by following the steps described for errors 3000–3999, and you use mac computertry closing iTunes and running in command line  the following command: dscacheutil -flushcache

Error 3194:  To fix the error, update iTunes to the latest version. The entry “Device is not supported for the requested assembly” in the updater logs confirms that this is the cause of the problem.

  Error 9006:  You can often fix this error by following the instructions in the article Troubleshooting Security Software Issues. Third-party software can be installed on the computer, which changes the standard package size in Windows using the TcpWindowSize registry key. An incorrect default packet size can cause this error. Contact your software developer for help, which changes the default package size.

Error 9807:  Check the date and time of the computer.

If this does not solve the problem, open access to the following VeriSign servers:


Access to these servers may be blocked by security software, content filtering programs, and incorrectly configured routers and anti-spyware software. If you are using iTunes for Windows, follow the instructions in the iTunes for Windows: troubleshooting security software article.

Error 9808 (or -9808):  To resolve this error, follow the instructions in the iTunes Store article: Reporting unknown error  when connected. If you failed to solve the problem using the above steps, and after a reboot all settings are reset, then follow the instructions described in the article iTunes for Windows: troubleshooting security software problems.

Error 9844:  Usually this error is caused by incorrect firewall settings. See the section “Opening Required Ports and Server Access”. apple»In the description of additional actions below.

Errors 20000-20008:  this error may indicate a USB connection failure due to damage to the 30-pin USB cable to the dock, outdated USB drivers or firmware, or interference caused by other USB devices connected to the computer while iTunes is communicating with the device with iOS Try restarting your computer and performing a test using a different USB port to connect. If you are using a custom Windows theme package, restore the default theme package, restart the computer, and try to restore.

Error 40265xxxx:  errors with numbers 40265xxxx usually occur during the recovery phase of backup  after installing iOS on the device. The problem is solved by restoring and configuring the device as new. Before setting up as a new device, save a backup copy of the device created by iTunes earlier, for example, copy it to your desktop. For information on where backup files are stored on your operating system, as well as additional notes on setting up as a new device, see the article “iPhone and iPod touch: backup information”. In created by the program iTunes backup  copies contain SMS messages, favorites, bookmarks and other program data.

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As you probably know, the iTunes Store is an online store of the Apple company, where various media content is purchased: music, movies, games, applications, books, etc. Many users make purchases in this store through the iTunes Store program. However, the desire to visit the in-app store may not always succeed if iTunes cannot connect to the iTunes Store.

Access to the iTunes Store may be denied for various reasons. In this article we will try to consider all the reasons, knowing which, you can establish access to the store.

Reason 1: lack of internet connection

Let's start with the most common, but also the most popular reason for the lack of connection with the iTunes Store.

Make sure your computer is connected to a stable high-speed Internet connection.

Reason 2: Outdated version of iTunes

Older versions of iTunes may not work correctly on your computer, displaying a wide variety of problems, such as a lack of connectivity to the iTunes Store.

All you have to do is check iTunes for updates. If updated version  the program will be available for you to download, it will need to be installed.

Reason 3: blocking iTunes processes by antivirus

The next most popular problem is the blocking of some iTunes processes by antivirus. The program itself may work fine, but when you try to open the iTunes Store, you may encounter failure.

In this case, you should try to turn off the anti-virus, and then check the iTunes Store. If after completing these steps the store was successfully loaded, you will need to go to the antivirus settings and try adding iTunes to the exclusion list, and also try disabling network scanning.

Reason 4: modified hosts file

A similar problem is usually caused by viruses that have settled on your computer.

To get started, swipe deep scan systems using your antivirus. Also, for the same procedure, you can use the free Dr.Web CureIt utility, which will not only find threats, but also safely eliminate them.

After completing the virus removal, be sure to restart the computer. Now you need to check the status hosts file   and, if there is such a need, return them to their previous state. How to do this is described in more detail on the official Microsoft website.

Reason 5: Windows Update

According to Apple itself, non-updated Windows can also cause inability to connect to the iTunes Store.

To eliminate this possibility, in Windows 10 you will need to open a window "Parameters"   keyboard shortcut Win + i and then go to the section Update and Security .

In a new window, click on the button Check for Updates . If updates are found for you, install them.

The same goes for younger ones. windows versions. Open menu “Control Panel” - “Center windows Management» , check for updates and install all updates without exception.

Reason 6: problem with Apple servers

The final reason that arises not at the sight of the user.

In this case, you have no choice but to wait. Perhaps the problem will be fixed in a few minutes, or perhaps in a few hours. But as a rule, such situations are resolved quickly enough.

In this article, we examined the main reasons why I can’t connect to the iTunes Store. We hope this article has been helpful to you.

A window with an error about receiving an incorrect answer may appear during the process of connecting the iPhone to the desktop version of Aityuns. English-language software displays the following error text: "invalid response was received." The method for resolving this system message depends on operating systemthat is installed on your computer.

Component Health Check

Due to the error “an invalid response was received from the device”, it becomes impossible to turn on iTunes, update the firmware, and set up phone backups. Before proceeding with specific actions in your OS, we recommend that you check the following components:

  • Check installed on PC iTunes using antivirus. If any errors or malicious utilities are detected, reinstall the software by downloading installation file  from the official website of Apple Corporation;
  • Apple Mobile Device Recognition may not work on your PC. Try installing iTunes on another computer and connect again;
  • Problems with the USB connector may also be the cause of the error. The phone connects to a PC, however, due to the lack of interface interaction, applications do not detect the device;
  • Cable. It may be malfunctioning. Use another similar wire.

If these methods do not resolve the connection problem, you should proceed with the individual setup of your PC.

First iPhone to PC connection

If you have not previously configured the synchronization of the phone with the computer, you should add the PC to the list of “trust” devices. The iPhone will automatically conduct all subsequent connections, and the error "an invalid response was received from the device" will no longer appear.

Immediately after connecting to USB, wait until the message shown in the figure appears. Do not reject it, but click on Continue. Then wait for the synchronization to complete. All parameters will be configured automatically. The cancellation of this request provokes the appearance of problems.

Instructions for MAC OS

Access permission window does not appear? You can open it yourself. For MAC OS Users:

  • Open a command prompt;
  • Click on the menu to go to the directory;

  • In the text box, enter "// var / db / lockdown" (without quotation marks). In the folder that opens, delete all saved certificates;
  • Reboot.

Windows instruction

Windows users need to repeat these steps:

  • Go to the control panel;
  • Open the menu "folder options";
  • Click on the “View” tab and check the box “Show hidden files»;

  • On the system drive  in the Application Data directory, locate the Lockdown folder and delete its contents.

After resetting, be sure to restart the OS and reconnect the phone again. In the process of opening Aityuns, a message about "trust" appears, which must be confirmed.

Antivirus Setup

If antivirus is installed and enabled on your computer, it is advisable to disable it while connecting to the phone. A working scan system may mistakenly recognize iOS as a malicious utility.

Also, you should disable automatic verification of a secure connection. This can be done in the network settings of the Defender.

Erroneous connection problem may be due to bugs new firmware. You can roll back installed version  OS using iCloud backup.

Aityuns failed to connect with iPhone

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What should I do if Aityuns was unable to connect with an iPhone because an invalid response was received from the device? I recently wrote an article ““, I advise you to read it.

And today we will consider a situation in which Aityuns failed to connect with iPhone. Let’s look at ways to solve this problem.

There are cases when during synchronization mobile devicesmanufactured by Apple with additional program  iTunes, various errors are issued.

As a result, the user will not be able to download everything necessary for the apple gadget. The most common error is the appearance of a system window with a record of a connection error due to an invalid response received from the device.

Aityuns failed to connect with iPhone because an invalid response was received from the device

What to do in this situation? If a window pops up with a similar inscription, then it is worth disconnecting the iPhone from the PC and closing Aityuns. After that, you need to find the folder with the files called Lockdown. Depending on the operating system, how to find it may vary slightly.

For example, for Mac OS X users, the search is done through the Finder, where “Go” is selected, and then “Go to folder”. Then the line / var / db / lockdown is entered and press enter.

In this case, you do not need to delete the Lockdown folder, only the files that it contains. After that, the PC is rebooted.

For Windows 7, 8, 10, and Vista

Those who use windows systems  7, 8, 10 and Vista will need to go to the Start menu and open the Control Panel section. Then in the upper right corner find the line “Search” and enter “Show hidden files and folders”.

From the list you need to mark “Show hidden files, folders and drives” and click on “OK”. After that, to go to the desired section, you will need to use the following link "C: / ProgramData / Appl".

In this case, you will need to completely delete the folder with Lockdown files, including from the Recycle Bin, after which the computer will also restart.

If you are using Windows XP, then the algorithm is similar, like other similar systems, only to go to the desired section, you will need to enter the address "C: / Documents Settings / All Users / Application Data / Apple". Also delete the Lockdown folder and reboot your PC.

What to do if the error persists?

Sometimes, even after cleaning the Lockdown folder, an error after rebooting the PC and subsequent connection may persist. What to do? In that case, it’s worth doing iTunes update  and try connecting again.

If Aityuns failed to connect with iPhone, because an invalid response was received from the device, even after the update, it is worth uninstalling the program and installing it again.

Antivirus program

Another problem is the operation of an anti-virus program installed on a PC. Most often, the owners of Kaspersky Anti-Virus encounter an error in the form of an invalid response from the device.

In this case, you need to go into it, select the "Network" section and disable "Check secure connections." Then try again to start the synchronization of iPhone and iTunes.

Do I need to do a system update or not?

System update, of course, the thing you need. But there is one very important point. Do not immediately after the release of the next Aityuns update or firmware for the iPhone, immediately reinstall.

I will explain why. The fact is that when a new version is released, it still has some flaws that the developers of the program correct in the future.

Therefore, try to be patient and wait for the moment when new versions will work fine. Periodically study the information on the forums about the performance of the update.

If the update installation has already occurred and you are faced with a situation where an error pops up in the form of an invalid response from the device and you have already tried various options for resolving it, but nothing has changed, you should go back to the previous version of the software (software) of the device and Aityuns itself .

On the this action  given 2 weeks from the date of issue new version, then return to the old version of the iOS program does not work. Therefore, be careful.

Also, during the initial installation or updating Aityuns, a window may appear with the entry "Trust this computer." Most often, it is at this moment that users click on the rejection, because it is located on the side where the key for consent is usually located. Thus, you will have to repeat your actions again and click on the desired button.


As you can see, there are several options for solving the problem. Also, if you have any difficulties in the program itself or have encountered any other problem (for example, you cannot synchronize your device with the program after updating, etc.), through the official website in the “Support” section, there is the opportunity to ask a question of interest. This section is intended to provide technical support to customers.

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This article describes how to fix one of the errors that pop up when you connect your iPhone to iTunes. We are talking about such an unpleasant situation when iTunes could not connect to this iPhone.

If a message with a similar error is displayed when connecting the device to a PC, do not be upset. You can take a number of measures to help resolve the problem. Each method is detailed below, and causes the problem.

The origins of the problem

If iTunes was unable to connect to the iPhone before proceeding with the steps to resolve the error, you need to understand its causes. Often, a way out of the situation is revealed by itself when determining the cause.

The first thing to do is to test the USB cable. This is the most common cause of error. The cord must be integral, it should not have suspicious excesses and damage. The most correct decision is to check the accessory on another iOS device.

It happens that iTunes can not "identify" the iPhone because of the presence of problems in the latter. The phone may experience malfunctions that negatively affect its functionality. The solution to the problem in such a situation is very simple: you need to restart the iOS device. In 99% of cases, this helps.

Sometimes the reason lies in the "stuffing" of the PC. The USB socket may be damaged. Plug the cord into a different port.

If the source of trouble is in the USB jack or its contacts, the best way is to connect the cord to the connector located at the back of the system unit.

Software and OSes can also "fly". The source of the problems here may be hiding in the wrong start or iTunes. The easiest way out of the situation is to reboot the PC. As mentioned above, this primitive procedure almost always leads to success.

You can make sure that the source of the trouble is a PC / laptop, by connecting the iOS device to another computer.

For devices on Mac OS X

To eliminate the error on this OS, the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • Disconnect all iOS gadgets from your PC and close iTunes.
  • Launch Finder, select the section of the search to the folder.
  • Driving the var / db / lockdown command and pressing an input element.
  • Opening the “View” section and selecting a demonstration of folder items in the form of icons.
  • The Finder window displays a single or group of elements with impressive names that include different types of characters.
  • Going along the path of editing and highlighting everything. Select a command to move the file to the trash. When a request pops up, drive in administrator password characters.
  • Restart your PC.

Attention! The Lockdown folder is not required to be erased. Need to get rid of files from this folder.

For owners of Windows XP

  • Disconnect all iOS devices from the PC and close iTunes.
  • Opening a section of your computer.
  • In the pop-up window, select the service section and folder properties. Proceed to the view section and change the parameter of hidden elements. It is required to make them visible.
  • Pressing the consent button.
  • Proceed along the path C: / Documents and Settings / All Users / Application Data / Apple.
  • Move the Lockdown item to the trash.
  • Restart your PC.

Troubleshooting on Windows Vista / 7

  • Disconnect any iOS device from the PC and close iTunes.
  • Opening a PC from the Start menu.
  • In the pop-up window, select the ordering section and the folder and search option. Proceed to the view menu and change the parameter of not displayed elements. The latter should become visible.
  • Clicking consent element.
  • Opening the Apple folder by following the path C: / ProgramData / Apple.
  • Erase the Lockdown item.
  • Restart your PC.

This completes the operation. An iPhone should, as before, communicate seamlessly.

Clean iPhone

If all the methods described above have been tried, but the problem has not been resolved, it remains to resort to the last option. Probably the problem is not in the PC, but in the iPhone. And this means that you need to clean the elements that impede the exchange of data. Given the fact that the iOS device does not connect to the PC via iTunes, other software is required. IFunBox or iExplorer will do.

  • You will need to disconnect the iPhone from the PC.
  • After updating iTunes to the latest version.
  • Connect the iPhone and launch the previously installed file manager and find the VAR element.
  • The owner of the device must copy this element and its contents to the PC.
  • Erase the folder and restart the iPhone. Owners of the fifth iPhone should erase another element - iTunes_Control.
  • Connect the device and share data with iTunes.

It should be remembered that when deleting a folder, a number of elements will disappear from the iPhone. Recovery of the lost is possible from backup located on the PC. Saving a folder is a must. This will not only save the lost data, but also return them to the iPhone in case of failure.

If this method did not help, there is only one thing left - to go to the repair shop. The owner of the iPhone can not always cope with the trouble on their own. Often, a comprehensive diagnosis of the device is required, which only a specialist can do. Suppose at home it is very problematic to detect the operability of USB sockets or to make a device firmware. The only drawback is the high cost of repair work.


Before contacting the repair shop, the owner of the iPhone may try to correct the situation himself. And the easiest way to fix this error is when the connection is not established when connecting the PC to the iPhone. Typically, the device does not connect in any way because of trivial problems that are easily resolved on its own, but any actions on the iOS device must be approached as responsibly as possible, so as not to damage the iPhone or its internal details.