Unable to restore iphone; unknown error 40 occurred. What to do if iPhone is not flashing and gives an error

Nothing perfect, alas, doesn’t even exist in a perfect pair - the iPhone and iTunes are no-no and there is friction. And of course, the worst thing is if the program crashes when the user tries to update or restore the device. However, you should not panic - Apple took care of everything, the company classified all the errors that occurred when updating or restoring between iPhone and iTunes, assigned them a code number and led detailed instructions  to eliminate them. In this article, we’ll look at how to get rid of one of the most popular problems - error 1671 - it often occurs when iPhone recovery  4S (but of course i-smartphones 5th, 6th and other episodes are also not immune from it).

Who to believe?

I must say that the network has just a huge number of articles with instructions for fixing error 1671 and what advice the authors do not give, starting with a harmless reset and ending with a recommendation to perform a jailbreak! However, it is most reasonable to agree to trust official information, and not to dubious sites with nameless experts. Therefore, in our material we will present how Apple experts recommend behaving if you saw error 1671 on your iPhone.

In general, Apple advises that if an error occurs with any code number, to begin with, follow 5 simple recommendations, and if they do not help, move on to the specifics.


Refresh iTunes  to the current version - that is, the newest. This one will help you.


Update software on personal computer. If you are using a Mac, use this guide. If you are using a Windows PC, click "Start", then "Programs", "Center windows updates»And download the latest software.


Change the software settings for securing your computer. Some errors between iTunes and iPhone arise due to communication problems between the device and the program, which in turn can be caused by limitations of the antivirus or firewall. The fact is that to perform many tasks, iTunes accesses Apple servers and the antivirus may well consider this activity unsafe and limit it. In this situation, you will have to reconsider the settings of the antivirus program and / or firewall - it’s better, of course, to turn them off for a while to make sure that they are the ones that interfere, and only then, as they say, poke around in the settings in search of a specific “guilty” option. However, before disabling Apple recommends reading this.


Disconnect all the "extra" USB devices, leaving only the iPhone, mouse and keyboard connected to the PC. The fact is that quite often the communication problem is overloading USB ports.


Reboot both the computer and the iPhone. Surprisingly, sometimes this simple advice saves from all ills.

Specifically about error 1671

If read detailed description  of this error on the Apple website, it is indicated that it is caused by a communication conflict between the iPhone and iTunes due to "busy" last boot new firmware. As a rule, when the program loads the firmware for your i-smartphone in its upper right corner there is a special indicator, clicking on which you can see the approximate time until the download is completed.

So you just have to wait for the completion this process, and try to establish a connection between the program and the smartphone again. If this does not help, Apple recommends downloading iTunes above 12.5.4 to fix the error - this indicates that the 1671 error was caused by some program flaws and they were fixed in version 12.5.4. Thus, if you are working on a later version of iTunes, the 1671 error isn’t afraid of you at all, otherwise you just need to follow the first instruction from the “General Recommendations” section, namely, update iTunes to the latest version.

To summarize

Well, as you can see, it is very easy to overcome error 1671. We mentioned above that it very often occurs on the iPhone 4S, but any other i-smartphone, for example, the iPhone 5, is also not immune to it. However, in any case, you should not worry, because everyone can solve this problem. But, warning! If the instructions in this article did not solve your problem - do not read other dubious materials - it is better to contact the service apple support  - they will definitely help you!

Due to incorrect installation  application functionality and iPhone settings  5s can be seriously disrupted. Often, if the phone freezes, the only solution to return the device to working from Apple is to conduct a standard recovery procedure. We will describe how to completely return the previous functionality to the "apple" device on your own.

Ways to restore device health

In iPhone, various kinds of problems can occasionally arise - glitches appear, the phone does not respond to button presses or the wait is too high. Recovery methods in these cases may vary, however, if the problem is serious, often using more “softer” methods of resetting the parameters, failures 47, 14, 4014,4013, 4005, 3194, etc.

Normal reboot (Soft Reset)

When the gadget freezes, sometimes you can get it out of this state through a reboot:

  1. Press and hold the Power and Home buttons at the same time for about 10 seconds;
  2. After the appearance of the "apple" logo, release the keys.

It is possible that glitches in the work of the iPhone 5S will disappear after that.

Reset via settings menu

IPhone 5S recovery is activated, including through the standard means of the gadget:

Here, of the six proposed points, only two may interest us:

  • “Reset settings”, returning the phone to its original state with saving all user data;
  • “Reset settings and content” - all available data is destroyed, only factory settings are returned.

The wait for such a reset should last less than a minute, but if the device hangs tight and the recovery methods described do not suit you, you will have to act through iTunes.

We use standard Recovery Mode

Make sure everything is ready for reset in Recovery mode:

  • updated iTunes,
  • a USB cable is connected to the computer.

If all the preparatory measures are completed, you can restore the iPhone 5S.

Reset Sequence

The sequence of actions when restarting the iPhone 5S in Recovery mode is as follows:

Process will go to auto mode. After a maximum of 3 minutes you will receive the corrected settings and saved user information.

DFU update bypassing iOS phone

Unlike the one discussed above, updating in this mode will erase the user's information on the iPhone 5S, so it is advisable to backup before executing it. But such OS reinstallation often helps to avoid failures with codes 50, 47, 14, 3014, 3194, 4005, 4013, 4014, etc. Do not forget to download the version of iOS that is relevant for your phone through the Apple support site. For this:

  • go to http://www.getios.com/ and select the name of your device in the appropriate field;
  • in the The Model drop-down list, specify the device model;
  • select the iOS version (for iPhone 5S it cannot be lower than the seventh);
  • click Download and get ready to download a file weighing several gigabytes.

The update itself is performed as follows:

  1. Connect the device to the computer through uSB cable.
  2. Translate the gadget to dFU modewhy do the following settings:

○ hold down the Power and Home buttons;

○ after the screen goes blank, release the Power key while continuing to hold Home (it will take 10 seconds to wait);

○ if the DFU entry was done correctly, through iTunes computer  notifies you of the device in the appropriate mode, while it itself remains off, nothing should appear on the display.

If backup copy  missing, it remains just to disconnect the device from the computer. It is worth noting that updating the device in DFU mode due to formatting the memory and installing the OS already in its cleared area is more correct, while failures 47, 3194, 4005, etc. are rare. Therefore, in case of serious problems, if the gadget freezes and the usual methods do not help, you need to restore it through DFU.

Errors that prevent updating the firmware and how to fix them

Sometimes, for various reasons, it is not possible to complete the process of flashing the phone due to errors, each of which has its own code - 50, 47, 14, 3194, 4005, 4013, 4014, etc. Consider the error codes, as a result of which they occur and how to eliminate them.


Error 50 occurs because there is no response to the application from the server. At number 50, it arises not only during firmware, but also when downloading any content from iTunes Store. Typically, the cause of the occurrence is antivirus software settings.

To resolve the issue when code 50 appears, do the following:

  1. Log out and log back into your iTunes account;
  2. Disable all anti-virus applications;
  3. Try downloading iOS for the device again;
  4. To solve the problem with the appearance of malfunction 50, you can also try uninstalling iTunes and reinstalling it.

Not always performing these actions leads to the fact that the code 50 ceases to interfere with updating the phone. Sometimes the 50th error is the result of viruses that delete iTunes-related files. Therefore, if there is no result, scan the PC for viruses and dispose of them if detected.

Sometimes error 50 disappears after cleaning the system of garbage (temporary folders and files) with the appropriate software when updating drivers. Can check system files  OS using sfc / scannow command (in the “Run” window field, it starts as administrator) - this is how important ones can be returned windows data, including those related to the appearance of code 50.


Error 3014 occurs when there is a shortage free space  to the HDD when performing the update. Firmware during the update takes up a lot of space, so the 3014 error is often eliminated by freeing up disk space. To do this, simply delete excess music and movies, trash, etc.


Perhaps when Error 47 appears, you are dealing with a hardware problem with the IMEI storage chip. This is further indicated by the lack of information about the version of the modem firmware and IMEI in the "About the device" section. Code 47 appears when moisture enters the modem. A serious case - they can get rid of No. 47 only in the service by replacing the microcircuit.

Sometimes Windows itself produces Error 47, although it seems that this is an iTunes error. This is due to the fact that the OS cannot use the device, since it is prepared for safe disconnection, but at the same time it is not disconnected from the computer yet. Then, to eliminate the fault 47, it is enough to remove the device from the slot and reconnect.


Error 14 may not allow you to reset the settings and update the phone for several reasons. Firstly, code 14 will cause a crash due to a violation of the firmware files. Often error 14 occurs when trying to install non-original iOS on an iPhone. Solving problem 14 during installation - download the archive from the support site again.

The 14th error often occurs due to problems with equipment, in particular with a USB port or the cable itself. To eliminate No. 14, it will be enough to replace the cable or connect the gadget to iOS updates to another port. Sometimes a problem also occurs due to a false antivirus operation - change the settings or disable applications - error 14 may disappear.


In the simplest case, code 3194 indicates that the version of iTunes with which you are trying to flash the iPhone 5S is outdated. To fix Error 3194 in this case, it is enough to reinstall this software on the computer.

Also, the appearance when updating the code 3194 indicates that the Apple server does not have SHSH hashes for this firmware in conjunction with your gadget. Therefore, you cannot switch to this version of iOS  - Error 3194 is resolved after downloading the current OS version for the gadget.

You can also try to remove from hosts file  data gs.apple.com. The file is located:

  • C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts (Windows);
  • / etc / hosts - (Mac OS).

Try to disable the security software to remove the 3194 code. In iPhone 5S, fault 3194 also occurs when you try to roll back to the old version of the OS - in modern iOS, such Downgrade is not possible.


The device issues code 4005 when a critical failure occurs while updating the device. It may occur in Recovery mode. Therefore, so that Error 4005 for some system reasons does not interfere with the recovery process, conduct it in DFU mode. Try using a different USB cable as well. Also, sometimes anti-virus shutdown helps to eliminate 4005 failure during updating.

Problem 4005 may not be due to fresh versions  BY. Try downloading the latest firmware, reinstalling iTunes, and then flashing the phone in DFU mode. As a last resort, try to avoid 4005 crash by transferring work to another computer from Aityuns. If this does not help, error 4005 is probably due to hardware problems that can only be fixed by the service.

2005, 2009

Codes 2005 and 2009 usually indicate problems with the data cable. So that you can reflash the device and 2005 and 2009 crashes do not appear, disconnect the USB devices on the PC, leaving only the keyboard with the mouse and the gadget itself. Restore again.

If problems with the appearance of Error 2005 and 2009 could not be resolved, try disabling anti-virus applications and scan the PC system files for damage.

4014, 4013

The appearance of codes 4013 and 4014 during the recovery process indicates the occurrence critical errors and that the device cannot upload the firmware file. The first problem with Error 4013 can be solved by flashing in DFU mode.

Failure 4014 may possibly be fixed if you try to reflash the device from another PC. In both cases, it is advisable to use a different USB cable.

Hello! But really, how to be something? Firstly, it’s worth deciding on why iTunes may display an unknown - 1 error during the recovery or update of the iPhone. And here I have immediately disappointing news for you. In the vast majority of cases, this is an "iron" problem and it is associated with a modem malfunction in your gadget. True, sometimes you can do without service and reanimate the device at home. But let's first things first, let's go!

The first thing to do is to exclude all other reasons that may affect the failed iPhone firmware  via iTunes. For a small number of users minus 1, an error may occur due to:

  1. Use of non-certified cable (you must definitely try the original accessory).
  2. Attempts to flash through the old version of iTunes ().
  3. For some, starting iTunes in compatibility mode and as an administrator helps.

But unfortunately, all this helps only a small number of people and in most cases - these are still problems with the device’s hardware ...

The most common reason -1 errors in iTunes

Modem breakdown. You can finally verify this by indirect signs:

  • Before the occurrence of minus the 1st iPhone errors  I periodically lost the network on my own and then found it, although the reception in this place is confident and this should not happen.
  • The error itself appears at the very end of the recovery or update process, when the progress bar has already reached almost the end.
  • There was a battery replacement or other interference with the gadget's interior.
  • iPhone fell (even without visible external damage) or water fell into it.

If at least one of these points is your case, then with a 99% probability of -1, an error in iTunes appears because the modem and its solders have fallen off on your iPhone.

The problem is actually very serious and that’s what you can do with it.

Method 1. Correct

Why is it right? Because the most sensible thing to do in this situation is to visit a service center. Especially if the phone is under warranty (), then there’s nothing to think about - bring it to an authorized workshop. True, since most often a -1 error appears as a result of any mechanical damage, that is, it is likely to receive a refusal of official and free repair. But on the other hand, the attempt is not torture, so it’s worth a try.

If the phone is not guaranteed, then for repair it is necessary to choose a workshop carefully. Because not all service centers possess the necessary skills and tools for soldering a modem. An ordinary tent on the market (where the maximum they can do is change the battery and screen), in the best case, it will hold your iPhone for a while and give everything back with the same error. And at worst, they’ll break something else.

The first conclusion: if you’re about to repair the "modem blade", then you should do it in a normal service, but not anywhere.

True, even in the most seedy workshop, they can cure minus the first error of your iPhone without soldering the modem. But the whole charm is that you yourself can try to do it without paying anyone money ...

Method 2. Incorrect, but sometimes working

Why is it wrong? Because it’s highly discouraged to do this with the device - this is, if I may say so, an extreme measure.

Attention!  Everything described below is done solely at your own risk. Naturally, after these manipulations, the device will fly off the warranty (if you had one). Such actions can easily harm the iPhone and break something else in the process. Again, no one gives a 100% guarantee that it will all work. If you decide, then proceed with extreme caution.

Moreover, these two methods sometimes help just flash the iPhone with a -1 error and activate it. So to say, “remove from the lace” and gain access to at least some kind of functionality. The modem itself probably will not work. What does it mean? That you will have an iPhone that allows you to use it as an iPod. Roughly speaking, he will not be able to catch a cellular network (most likely, but it may be lucky).

Actually, we proceed to the necessary actions:

  • Freeze your iPhone in a freezer, refrigerator, or outside (if it’s winter outside). Pack the gadget in a bag and send it to the cold. Wait 15-20 minutes and try to flash via iTunes. Many do this without even pulling the device out of the freezer (refrigerator). No matter how ridiculous and pseudo-scientific this may sound, but some help and the iPhone still manages to flash to the end bypassing a -1 error.
  • The exact opposite of the previous method is to heat the iPhone. The only moment, it is recommended to heat the modem directly and with the help of special equipment (in order to avoid overheating). Press it and try to flash it until it cools down. Although, judging by the messages on the forums, sometimes it’s possible to “slip through” the error and complete the recovery (update) even when the gadget has warmed up from the fact that it was just charging.

Yes, the methods are far from the most ordinary, and as I said earlier - quite risky. But if you have nothing to lose, then you can try (though very carefully!).

The second conclusion: even if the device was flashed with the help of these manipulations, then with a high degree of probability you will just have an activated iPhone on your hands - it will not catch the network (or it will, but not for long). Although ... maybe lucky.

As you can see, - 1 iTunes error is quite serious. And the "home" methods of fixing it (cooling or heating): firstly, they do not always work, secondly, there is a chance of even more harm to the gadget, and thirdly, most likely the device will not catch the network.

For a competent solution, you must visit the “sensible” service center (where they can solder the modem and bring your iPhone to life).

P.S. Have an opinion on minus the first error or do you know any other methods to get around it? Write in the comments!

P.S.S. And do not forget to change the minus to the plus - put “Like” and “+1”!

Often when updating, various kinds of errors may appear. These can be problems related to the iron side, as well as common errors that are caused by some kind of conflict in software. Speaking about the unknown error -1 when restoring the iPhone 5s, it should be noted that in most cases, this problem is associated with a modem malfunction in the mobile gadget and you can’t do without going to the service center. However, there are isolated cases when it is possible to reanimate mobile phone  at home.

Causes of Unknown iTunes Error -1

  • Using an uncertified cable, a person puts himself at risk, because the quantity system errors may be increased at times because of this problem. You should purchase an original cable for your iPhone;
  • iTunes is not installed on the computer itself latest version. To solve this problem, you just need to update the utility by downloading it from the official Apple website;
  • iTunes was not started with administrator rights.

  Modem breakdown - a common cause of breakdown

The most common reason that iTunes can throw a -1 error is the failure of the modem. There is a list of signs by which it can be determined that it is precisely because of this reason that error 1 occurred.

Before error 1 appeared when recovering iphone 5s, the device often lost contact, even in places where the signal level was previously reliable, error -1 appears only at the end of the update process, the smartphone fell or moisture got into it - these are all signs, which indicate that the modem was broken in iPhone device  4S, 5S.

Error Solution -1 iTunes

The only right decision would be going to the service center, and all because of the fact that it is necessary to re-solder the modem and its components. The workshop must be selected carefully, because most of the repair shops on the market are associated exclusively with the replacement of the battery or screen. In the best case, after waiting, you will receive an iPhone with the same error, and in the worst case, the masters can still break something if you do not choose the workshop wisely.

If the iPhone was under warranty, then no one will repair it for free, because the modem blade is mechanical damage caused by the device falling from the maximum permissible height. Even if there is no external damage, there is no guarantee that nothing happened to the device itself.

Tips for fixing a mistake without visiting the workshop

Cool the smartphone, and then try to flash it. This is too peculiar a way, but sometimes it works flawlessly. Among other things, some masters, on the contrary, advise heating the device with a special device (it is the modem that needs to be heated) and then try to get rid of the -1 error by repeating the device update (recovery) process again.


As it became known "modem blade" - this is an extremely serious problem that occurs when updating the iPhone 5S. Although there are methods by which this problem can be circumvented, they are not very relevant. Today, there are many different recommendations, however, as mentioned earlier - going to a service center that deals with the repair of apple devices (iPhone, iPad) is the right decision. Having spent not such a large amount, a person will be able to solve the -1 error that may occur on the device. Solving this problem at home can only harm your device, so using them is not recommended - the person does this at his own risk.

Error 9, accompanied by the message “Failed to restore iPhone [device name]. Happened unknown error  (9) ”, occurs when the device’s connection with iTunes through uSB port  unexpectedly interrupted. This can happen if the user manually disconnects the device during the recovery process. About ways to get rid of error 9 described in this manual.

Method 1: Re-update iPhone

If error 9 occurred when restoring the iPhone as a result of the device being disconnected from the computer during the update or recovery process, the first thing you should try to update the smartphone again. For this:

Step 1. Install current version of iTunes  . Update iTunes on computer under running windows  it is possible in the menu " reference» → « Updates"On the Mac tab" Updates»On the Mac App Store.

Step 2. Force reboot iPhone. To do this, simultaneously hold down the buttons Nutrition  and Home  (Volume down button on iPhone 7/7 Plus) and hold until the Apple logo appears on the screen.

Step 3. Connect the iPhone to the computer using the USB cable.

Step 4. At the iTunes prompt to update or restore the device, select “ Refresh". In this case, the data on the iPhone will be saved.

Note: if the update is successful, but the iPhone starts again in recovery mode, then the procedure must be performed again, but at the final stage choose not “Update”, but “Restore”. Note that this operation provides for the complete deletion of data from the device, which can subsequently be restored from the backup.

Method 2: Perform recovery through DFU mode

Similar to the previous method, with only one difference. Before connecting the iPhone to the computer, the smartphone must be switched to DFU mode. For this:

Hold the Home and Power buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds, then release the Power button and continue to hold the Home button until iTunes detects the smartphone in recovery mode (about 10 seconds).

What to do if an error continues to occur while updating / restoring

In the event that the update / restore process cannot be completed due to an error, you must:

  • Try the procedure on another computer.
  • Try restoring iPhone using a different USB cable or another USB port.
  • Try reinstalling iTunes.

Method 3. Contact the service center.

If the above steps did not help, then your technical problem is and it may be related to the battery, gyro cable or flash memory. The solution is to replace the problem component or, as in the case of flash memory, by re-soldering it. It is not recommended to do such a complicated repair without experience and the necessary tools, so contacting a service center is the best option.

See also:
