Online help iPhone. Behind the scenes: how Russian support for Apple works

Products applelike no other device, accompanied by a powerful support service even after the sale. It offers users an extensive network of service centers around the world, a huge application store (often free), various specialized communities, etc. What kind of help can a consumer expect?

Guaranteed Help

As for iPhone support, they are covered by free technical service support over the phone. It is provided for three months from the date of purchase of the phone (which is why it is important to keep the check and the original box). The help of the service is: support in case of difficulties with setting up, installing the system and applications, connecting the iPhone to other devices. It is rather consulting services, as Users are given recommendations on how to troubleshoot these issues when using a new iPhone. There are no restrictions on the number of calls - call at least ten times a day.

Such technical support for the iPhone (and other devices) throughout Russia is available by calling 495-580-95-57. Calls and remote diagnostics are not paid (in the above period after purchase).

Therefore, before contacting a service, make sure that you still have the right to it. Follow the link to a special resource - Before that, do not forget to see the serial number of the phone. It can be found either on the packaging sticker, or in the settings of the iPhone itself (in the device information section).

In the context of the provision of free technical assistance by phone, it is indicated that telecom operators who are partners with Apple can also provide consultations to customers - when selling iPhone through their network of stores.

On the territory of the Russian Federation support this service   Beeline and Megafon. The company is particularly praised for people with special needs. This provides for special settings for communication with services for people with poor vision.   The American representative office even has a separate line, especially for users with hearing and vision problems.

Alternative escort

If you are interested in support during ordering and buying a phone in a company store, you can use your own dedicated resource - Apple Online Store. Here it’s convenient how to apply for an iPhone, and see the status of the order, change the delivery location, etc.

Another option for getting help is to contact the operator directly by calling the number in Russia: 8-800-333-5173 - to the customer support service of the regional App Store.

Calls are accepted exclusively on business days - from 9.00 to 21.00. Here you will receive advice on the availability of the device of interest, the period of its delivery, you can place an order, etc.

When you, for whatever reason, cannot make a call to the specified number, you can use the technical service tips: In a large list of topics you can find detailed description   the most common phone problems (as well as other Apple devices) and how to fix them.

If there are no solutions to your problem in the list, send a request to the support service. Try to explain the essence as detailed as possible so that the company's specialists can quickly find out its cause and contact you in the near future. You can leave a request at the link: https: // Locale \u003d ru_RU by sending your e-mail or phone number for communication to find out the details.


Do you speak English at a decent level? You can also visit the Apple Support Communities apple community. In it, users in real time discuss with each other emerging problems with the iPhone, share their findings with others to solve them, and consult with specialists from the company. Here you can draw a lot of useful tips, and immediately put them into practice, without the tedious correspondence with the services. In the service, correspondence is divided into subsections (applications, the Internet, camera, calls, etc.) to make it easier to find the necessary information.

The information presented in the community will also be of interest to developers of hardware, applications or accessories for the iPhone. You can get a lot of ideas to improve its performance or improve ease of use.

A good helper and user groups for Apple products are In them you can find like-minded people around the world. Share the features of using iPhones in different parts of the world. And this is important, given some of the restrictions introduced at the state level in a number of countries (in the UAE, for example).

As you can see, it is not necessary to break off the phone of service centers, there are many alternative options for identifying and eliminating any iPhone problems. Therefore, even the end of the three-month period is not at all a reason to be upset. In addition, independent problem solving encourages the owner to learn more about how iPhone works. A lot of useful characteristics are revealed, about which he did not even suspect, and not what he actively used. In any case, visiting the above resources will benefit you.

If there are serious software failures or production defects, and no advice helps, then definitely the help of professionals should be asked. And now you know where to turn.

Hello! Despite the many instructions posted on the Internet and on this blog, there are issues regarding the iPhone and iPad that can only be resolved with Apple's technical support. For example, remove iCloud lock,. Who can do this? No one! Only a specially trained employee of the company. And it’s not only a matter of blocking; how many other questions can the answer of a competent specialist come in handy?

And it would seem that technical support itself is not hiding from anyone, there are a lot of ways to contact it, but people still ask in the comments how to call them or write to an Apple operator. And if they ask, we will answer! Here are all ways to reach technical support, wherever you are.

Apple Technical Support Phone Numbers in Russia

Apple, like any normal company, has its own hot line   whose employees will answer any question related to the iPhone and iPad. Here are the phone numbers for the Russian Federation:

  • 8-495-580-95-57 (Moscow number).
  • 8-800-555-67-34 (Toll-free number for calls from any region of Russia).
  • 8-800-333-51-73 (Apple Store Customer Support).

According to any of these numbers, you will be ready to consult Russian-speaking employees from 9:00 to 21:00 on business days.

Other ways to talk with Apple tech support in the Russian Federation

When calling on any of the phones, you are greeted by an answering machine. If for some reason you can’t get through his teams or don’t want to do this, you can order a call back - the company will call you. To do this, go to this page and:

An incoming call will not be from the numbers listed above, but from others. This can be the number of any country (they called me from the Philippines, Bangkok and from somewhere else from Asia). There is no need to be afraid - a Russian-speaking employee will talk to you and this call will be free.

For some reason do not want to talk? You can always chat with technical support through special chat. To do this, we repeat all the steps indicated just above, the only thing on the third paragraph is select: “Chat”. It also shows the approximate waiting time, which is convenient.

How to contact Apple Russian tech support if you are in another country?

Exist a large number of   countries where technical support is either not available in principle or is available, but in a language that the Russian-speaking user does not know. How to be in this case? How to contact and talk with Russian technical support, if you are in another country?

There is nothing complicated, there are several ways:

But to call a call back, if you are in another country, most likely it will not work (unless of course you do not have a Russian SIM card). The fact is that the callback form involves specifying a number starting with +7 (prefix for Russian numbers). You cannot erase it and replace it with another.

Hello! The other day I decided to call Apple support to restore my wife’s Apple ID on iPhone and here’s what came of it.


About a year ago I bought an iPhone 5S. He gave the previous iPhone 5 to his wife, leaving his Apple ID in it and drove the same Apple ID to the new 5S. That is why my first " family access"Earned a year ago. If I bought an application on my 5S, then my wife already downloaded the same for iPhone 5 without paying anything, and all the photos merged into one photo stream and it was very convenient. I don’t remember why, but later I set up my wife on iPhone 5 with a separate Apple ID for iCloud.

And everything worked perfectly for us until the release of iOS 8, in which a full-fledged “family access” appeared. I took it up and found that neither Apple nor I remember her wife’s Apple ID password, and, surprisingly, when I tried to reset the password, I didn’t receive an email from the Apple website. It was not in the spam folder either, it simply didn’t go from for some reason. This problem made me call the Russian Apple support service.

How it was

First I wrote a support request from the Apple website, it is here: When you contact online support, an application number is issued, which you can then contact Apple by phone.

Filling out an application one weekend, I thought to myself that this would be an easy question for Apple employees. Apple's telephone support service is open only on weekdays during business hours, so the call is scheduled for next Monday. And indeed, the next business day I called Apple Support, but the “waiting time for Apple’s free assistant” was about 15 minutes and I decided not to spend so much time on business hours, but instead I sent an application number and an Apple support phone via SMS to my wife asking resolve a question.

She had to hang on a phone for about 30 minutes before one of the operators freed. In technology, my soulmate is not strong, and Iphone is treated only as a user, without going into details. I do all the settings and updates on the family's iPhones. All that the Apple support operator could help her with was to send instructions on registering a new Apple ID by e-mail. And our problem is that we cannot delete the old one from the iPhone, because we don’t remember the password, and it is not restored.

The next day I had to call myself, having previously left another online application on Hanging on the phone for about 20 minutes before the Apple assistant freed, I realized that given operator   he wasn’t strong in the question, and he redirected to another, whom I had also been waiting for about 15 minutes. Of course, the question was resolved, and I can say that very polite people work in Apple support, but the time to solve the problem leaves much to be desired. This is me about the time of dialing to the support service operator.

Can't such a premium brand afford to hire enough support staff? Of those reading this text, is there anyone who lived in another country and called the local Apple support team? I’m very interested - are they really waiting in the USA, in Germany, in France or in the UK for half an hour the operator’s response?

I remembered what Virgin Atlantic customers heard:

Hello, my name is Richard Branson, I am the owner of Virgin Atlantic. Now all the operators are busy. This is a mess. Let's do the following. If after 18 seconds no one answers your call, you will receive a discount of 450 pounds. I'm starting the countdown - 18, 17, 16, 15 ...

Dear Mr. Tim Cook, is it weak for you to do the same?


Each week, Apple's top managers are distinguished by serious statements, something is constantly happening in the "apple" world. But what if you look inside the company on the other hand, the side of ordinary workers? We managed to contact one of the people close to Apple (he does not work for the company, but asked to leave his name behind the scenes) and ask him about the features of working in the most expensive company in the world.

It turned out that there are four departments in Russian support, each with almost a hundred people, all of them located in different EU countries. These departments deal exclusively with iOS users. They serve everyone who speaks Russian and calls the Moscow number. If they even call from Montreal, they help him too.

Extreme situations also happen - for example, 2 hours to create an Apple ID for a user, then search the application, wait for it to load. Frequently contacted "suddenly" lost contacts and calendars, many just call to find out about the status of their phone (is it new, with a guarantee, PCT). Most often there are no stupid calls.

Support uses 21.5-inch iMacs of a wide variety of configurations. Pretty powerful devices. The work schedule is agreed in advance taking into account the wishes of the employee. All Russians work, even at the interview they check the level of Russian language proficiency. Well, you need to know English, of course.

For work, a special iLog application is used. It compares favorably with Salesforce, Oracle, and even SAP. Like any Apple software product, it is notable for its intuitive simplicity and versatility: you type the name of the case (situation), and at that time it displays articles on solving the problem in real time.

Using iLog, you can untie the operator in one click, get information about the device, including its entire history of repairs, you can use the diagnostics to find out what is wrong with it at the moment: detailed information about any component. You can take and disable FaceTime for a user with another utility: iCloud Support App. Disable iMessage, FaceTime, Keychain and so on. But in fairness, support does not see any user data, which should not concern them: it sees how many photos, how many contacts and so on, but not the photos and contacts themselves.

You cannot track a device even with the knowledge of the user. If the Apple ID is stolen, support looks what is wrong with him, asks questions to verify the identity of the caller. If everything is ok, then send a letter to the agreed box. If the thief even changes the Apple ID itself, then all this is visible and quickly fixed. So they have no chance.

The number of calls depends on the day: on Friday it’s quiet, everyone scored on the phones and rush into the nature to "fry meat". On Monday, a full house - everyone remembers the phones. If you take the average - 10 calls per day per person.

On average, Apple support staff earn between € 1,000 and € 3,000, depending on country and experience. About banning Android devices - everyone is free to choose what he likes best. Many workers use Android smartphones and feel great.

With the release of iOS 9, calls for support were added - many calls from those who imagined themselves to be designers and engineers, and gives instructions to fix certain bugs operating system. But there are also appeals in the case: for example, iOS 9.0.1 was released due to a bug that caused the iPhone to freeze when updating the device.

We will continue to look behind the scenes of work at Apple, and in the future you will find many more interesting things.

Dear customers!

We want to inform you that all products presented in the APPPLE-market.TV store are officially delivered to Russia. The laptops that you can find on our website have passed the mandatory certification and meet all the requirements of Russian legislation, as evidenced by the logos placed on the product body, as well as certificates issued by authorized organizations.

Please note that all products presented in the company APPPLE-market.TV are guaranteed by the manufacturers.

Typically, the manufacturer completes the laptop with a warranty card - a document certifying the owner’s right to free warranty service in company or authorized service centers. We ask you to keep the warranty card for the entire warranty period, since such a document cannot be restored if it is lost.

  Do not worry if a warranty card is not included with your laptop. This means only one thing - the manufacturer of this product does not use paper warranty cards. Companies such as HP, Apple, Toshiba, Lenovo - currently keep records of goods sold according to the serial numbers of products (the inscription type S / N XXXXXXXXX - is located on the box and on the product). For service in the service centers of these companies, it is necessary to go through the registration procedure on the manufacturer’s website and save documents proving the fact of purchase (commodity and cash receipt).