Activate iPhone 4s if it is locked. Hackers launched a service to bypass iCloud activation lock: instructions for use

Many users of the iPhone 6, 6S and other models of the popular device are aware of such a useful feature as Find iPhone. But sometimes you need to disable Find My iPhone in order to take advantage of another feature of this application called “Activation Lock”.

Why might this step be needed? The fact is that it protects devices running on the "OS" iOS from illegal access. But sometimes even the true owner of the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5S or another version of the smartphone from Apple makes a brick from his device. And the reason for this is Activation Lock.

How to bypass activation lock on iPhone 4S, on iPhone 5, 6 and other "apple" phones, is described in detail in our article.

What does activation lock mean?

This function is implemented automatically when the iPhone search function is enabled on the gadget. And this is done in the icloud settings. The option remains active until Find My iPhone is turned off or the user disconnects the smartphone from the current Apple ID.

Enabled iPhone with active lock and activation feature

requires a username and password special form  in the following situations:

  1 Turning on Find My iPhone on what this means is protecting the device and the likelihood of it finding and returning successfully in case of loss. 2 When you need to disable icloud and exit the store. 3 In the process of deleting information and when you need to activate the phone for the first time.

Activation Lock Features

This function, as mentioned above, is able to make a brick out of an iPhone, i.e. absolutely useless piece of metal. The device is 100% blocked; in such a situation, neither the recovery procedure nor the installation of the latest version of the OS are able to help out.

In the process of flashing an iPhone, after the user selects the language, his location, and after the activation of the gadget, the introduction of an Apple ID is required. Without this, using the device and all its functions will not be possible in the future.

What threatens the activation lock to the owner of the iPhone?

If the user has a phone from Apple version 7 and older, then the iPhone search option is necessarily enabled in his settings, and, therefore, the activation lock option is enabled on the machine. But if at the same time he forgot his ID or password, then in such a situation, deleting personal data, as well as activating the device after updating or restoring, will become impossible. Moreover, even contacting support will not give anything. apple company, and the user will have a useless item instead of a cool device.

However, in such situations, do not despair, because the chance of password recovery, although small, still remains. If the user has access to the e-mail to which the ID is registered, you can try to restore. But in the history of such appeals there are facts when it was not possible to return the password.

Given all of the above, before you start the iPhone search function, you need to remember (or a more accurate way to fix it on paper) the Apple ID and password specified in the icloud settings. It will not be superfluous to create a copy of the note.

IPhone activation lock how to remove

Can this function be removed or disabled? This question worries many users of "apple" gadgets. How to disable the option, or at least try to do it, will be discussed in detail later.

There is one surefire way to get around iPhone activation  4 and other iPhone models. The authorship of this method belongs to an employee of one of the German companies - B. Schlabs. He developed the most the best way  Bypass activation lock and 100% device unlock. The method is not the easiest, but it almost always helps.

So, first you need to check the iPhone for the fact that the device is in standby mode, respectively, the lock screen is active, and you need a password or Apple ID. But neither the first nor the second is known to the user. Based on such initial data, you must perform the following steps:

1 Go to the control point of the lock screen and make activation of the air mode. But you can instead just get a SIM card from the device. This is done so that there is no access to the Internet, which will provide time for password selection and fingerprint creation. 2 Choose a password of four characters (a total of 10,000 such combinations exist). Or, if possible, make a fingerprint saved by the previous owner of the device on the phone’s display. 3 Unlock iPhone 6 as the legal owner of the device (or other device) and enter the icloud settings, namely, in your “account”, where you need to enter the ID. This will be the same number that corresponds to the iPhone. 4 Log in to the Apple resource to initiate the password recovery procedure ( 5 Turn on the Internet on the smartphone (via wi-fi) and open the mail program. Soon, –mail should receive an email with a link to the recovery page. You need to copy or burn it. Then you need to disconnect from the Internet. 6 Insert the link in the browser bar, go to the desired resource and generate a new password. 7 In icloud, delete the "account" to which the smartphone is attached. The iPhone search option will be disabled, and the activation lock will be disabled at the same time. 8 Restore the gadget to a certified version of iOS and configure it as a new device.

How to unlock iPhone via iTunes

Through the most popular program for iPhones - the iTunes utility, you can restore the gadget in a situation where the user has forgotten the password.

For iPhone recovery  via iTunes, you must:

  • Connect the smartphone to a PC or laptop via a USB cable.
  • Wait until a message appears on the screen from iTunes that the phone is in a recovery state.
  • Confirm the action by clicking on the consent button.
  • Choose the version of iOS and give your consent to the firmware.

A smartphone is a multifunctional device that stores an abundance of information so important to its owner. This data must certainly be under the strict protection of modern encryption methods.

Protecting user data and protecting devices from malicious users has always been Apple’s primary goal. This is the main principle of the company, which is the cornerstone in its foundation, which the corporation has managed to maintain to this day, introducing more and more protective tools. The level of security in iOS has reached an unprecedented level, to the extent that the theft of the phone has become almost meaningless.

What is iPhone Activation Lock?

Activation lock is a protective tool that has become an extension to the previously introduced “Find iPhone” option. An activation lock was introduced into the iOS operating system in 2013 along with the seventh generation release software  and described by the company as an ideal tool against thieves.

Indeed, the California corporation has already managed to report that the number of iPhone thefts has significantly decreased, and those that continue to be committed are no longer accompanied by data loss and falling into the wrong hands.

The question is, can such a seemingly ideal protection system harm the rightful owner of the iPhone? The activation lock, alas, was instantly studied by intruders and is often used for extortion and blackmail.

Principle of operation

If “Find iPhone” is activated on one of the Apple devices and also uses the seventh generation or newer operating system, all data, including activation information, is transferred to Apple servers and stored there until the “Find iPhone” function is Disabled by device owner. In fact, the device is fully tied to one single Apple ID account. Only the true owner of the device will be able to activate it after the firmware and fully control all the data stored on it and in the digital cloud. No keys are stored at the same time, so even Apple employees will not be able to access the data, which indicates the maximum security of this technology.

Check iPhone Activation Lock

Why might this be needed? First of all, this is important for those who give / sell their gadget to a third party, and, of course, for those who buy the device, as they say, with hands. In the on state, this function can deliver a lot of problems to both the old owner of the device and the new one. Therefore, it is worth making sure that iPhone activation lock is turned on. You can verify this on the iCloud website by entering the gadget's serial number or IMEI number.

You can also check the lock status by trying to turn on the gadget. At a certain stage, the blocked phone will ask you to enter the password for Apple ID (which was previously activated on this smartphone).

Lock how to remove protection?

The bottom line is that the activation lock is directly related to the "Find iPhone" function, so you need to disable it. To do this, you must:

  • Go to device settings.
  • Find and select the iCloud subitem.
  • Scroll down and select the “Find iPhone” submenu.
  • Toggle the toggle switch to the off position.

That's all, in a few simple steps you can untie the device from your account. If necessary this procedure  can be done remotely using the website. To do this, you must:

  • Go to
  • Select "Find iPhone."
  • In the list of devices, find the necessary gadget and remove it from the list.
  • Enter your account information for confirmation.

Pitfalls system

Oddly enough, but such an advanced protection mechanism can go sideways to the end user, both through his own fault and because of scammers. First things first.

It is important to understand that unsuccessful attempts to enter account  can trigger protection mechanisms on the iPhone. Activation lock will not keep you waiting regardless of whether you forgot your password or if someone else entered it incorrectly. Apple will restrict access to the device until the password is reset.

The second problem associated with scammers is somewhat more complicated. Novice ransomware, under various pretexts, forces careless users to enter the ones proposed by the attacker apple data  ID on your smartphone, after which it instantly puts it into theft mode and asks the user to transfer a certain amount of money if he wants to use the device again. Naturally, no one needs to pay, since there are at least two options for solving the problem.

Hack protection bypass (Jailbreak)

If it so happened that access to the iPhone 4 with iOS 7 installed on it was stolen, then you can use the JB iOS utility, which will allow you to regain access to the device, however, in a limited form. The phone will stop working with the SIM card and, in fact, will present something similar to This approach does not work with other models, for example iPhone 5. The activation lock in this case will not be lifted.

Returning device access using Apple tech support

The most effective, honest and legal way to get your gadget back is to call support apple. You can contact the Russian support service (you can order a call on the official website), but they need proof that the device was officially purchased. In addition, you need a sales receipt. If one is missing, you must contact the store where the gadget was purchased (the check must be stored in the database for up to 4 years).

In the absence of a check, you can try your luck and contact the American support service. They can be "reached" by calling Skype 1-800-MY-IPHONE. To confirm that you are the owner of the device, you will need to provide IMEI, serial number, answer secret questions  (very important), know what purchases were made in the AppStore and iTunes Store. In most cases, specialists from the United States meet inexperienced users and return access to the device within half an hour. Alas, Russian technical support cannot boast of such loyalty.

Instead of a conclusion

Regardless of the advancement of the protective mechanisms of the gadget, you should always think twice before committing any suspicious manipulations, and first of all rely on yourself, not on the computer.

The Activation Lock function is an indispensable means of protecting our gadget from unauthorized use. IOS users are often interested in how to get around iPad activation, meaning exactly the activation lock. The fact is that this service  Sometimes it turns against the very owner of the tablet.

What is activation blocking on iPad and how to get around it?

In fact, Activation Lock is a special feature that has appeared in iOS relatively recently. Its main feature is that it prevents access to personal information contained in the device’s memory if the latter falls into the hands of attackers. It also makes impossible its further resale. If such a lock is enabled, we need to enter the password from our account each time. In the event of theft, such a tablet turns into an ordinary expensive “brick” with the Apple logo. At the same time, neither the system update nor the recovery procedure will help.

If we are the legal owner of the iPad and suddenly forget our password, this becomes a real problem. Even after flashing it, we won’t be able to reactivate the gadget. So what to do and how to get around iPad activation? Pay close attention to the lock screen. There is a device control menu. We transfer our tablet to Airplane mode. If your device supports a SIM card, you should also remove it. Once the tablet is disconnected from the network, you can begin to select a password. In total, we are invited to introduce about 10 thousand combinations, which is very good. After unlocking, go to the iCloud menu through the settings. There you can see your e-mail, which is actually our "apple" identifier. Write down email address  and go to the Apple website. In the "My Apple ID" section, you can reset your password. A link to the corresponding page will come to the indicated mailing address, so you will need to connect to the network for a short time and rewrite the link. Once again, disconnect the tablet from the world wide web and enter the saved link in your browser home computer. Now we recover the password.

How to further secure your iPad when bypassing an activation lock?

Firstly, you can deny access to the control menu directly through the lock screen. It is also recommended to use different mailboxes  - one for the account, the other for the iPad. In addition, you can enable the gadget to lock with a password after it is transferred to Airplane mode.

« Activation lock”Or“ Activation Lock ”in English is one of the most useful features of the new iOS 7. Perhaps this is the first truly effective opportunity to prevent attackers from using a stolen iOS device for personal gain. Ideally, a device that is useless from the point of view of further resale can even be returned to the owner, but this, of course, is a utopian option. In the meantime, let's look at the features of this function from the point of view of ordinary users.

Enabling device activation lock on an iOS 7 device is easy. To do this, during the initial setup, you must first enter the credentials iCloudand then activate the familiar “ Find iPhone". Although apparently no changes have occurred, but the activation lock is already active.

It's pretty amazing why Apple doesn't supply users additional information  about new feature. After all, she even received attention during the June WWDC. However, there is little information and users have questions. For example, what to do with a protected device in the future, if the time comes to sell it. Can the new owner not be able to activate it on his own? All this, of course, is not so. Enough pre disable activation lock. Also, this action must be done. before restoring an iOS device  to factory settings using iTunes.

Until you deactivate the activation lock, iTunes will display the following message:

To disable activation lock, you must perform the following steps:

  • Open "Settings" and select the "iCloud" section.
  • There you need to find the “Find iPhone” switch and deactivate it. To do this, you will need to enter a password.
  • It remains in the same section to select the "Delete account". Now activation lock is disabled completely.

  • What will happen if attackers try to reflash a stolen iPhone protected by an activation lock? Firstly, iTunes will not allow you to restore the device in the usual way. Secondly, if the device was still manually entered into dFU mode  and it’s stitched, it will still fail to activate it. Screen asking you to enter an address email  and the password cannot be bypassed, and the following message will be displayed in iTunes when trying to activate such a device:

    As you can see, the activation lock is actually an effective method of protecting the device. Finally, we dwell on possible actions if your smartphone, tablet or player is still stolen.

    First we go to, where we select the “Find iPhone” application. To use the application, you must enter your password again. Now at the top you can select a lost or stolen device. In the corner you can see the indicator of the battery charge level. If you have lost the device, for starters you can simply play the sound on it to try to find the loss yourself.

    If there has been a crime, then do not hesitate. We activate the "Lost Mode". It blocks access to the data of the iOS device and allows you to follow it on the map. Finally, the last resort is Erase iPhone. This action  completely erases your data on the device so that it in no way could get to intruders.

       website The “Activation Lock” or “Activation Lock” in the English version is one of the most useful features of the new iOS 7. Perhaps this is the first truly effective opportunity to prevent attackers from using a stolen iOS device for personal gain. Ideally, a device that is useless from the point of view of further resale can even be returned to the owner, but this, of course, is a utopian option. In the meantime, let's look at the features ...

    After exit operating system  iOS7, many users of apple products met with a new feature - Activation Lock. Thanks to her, the iPad and iPhone 4s, 5s or 6 in the event of loss or theft will be useless to new owners, because unlocking them will not work. However, it also has a downside - if the owner of the device forgot the password, then he himself will not be able to unlock his gadget. What to do if a function that was useful at first glance turned into a serious problem? There are several solutions:

    Unlock method

      The first method is the most correct. In order to unlock iPhone, you just need to call or write to the technical service apple support. In this case, it is important to have a clear confirmation on your hands that the device really belongs to you. This can be confirmed by the box in which it was purchased, or rather the sticker on it containing the IMEI number. In order to maximize the chances of a positive consideration of your question, you need to attach to the letter a photograph of the device itself from the back, a sticker on the box, as well as a check that should contain data about a smartphone or tablet. Important:  When buying a supported gadget, you definitely need to think about how to get around activation on iPhone and iPad. Ask the seller for a box with a sticker and an initial receipt. Otherwise, it’s just not possible to untie it from the Apple ID of the previous owner. Nothing will help here: neither flashing, nor technical support.

    A way to get around activation

      Modern developers have created several specialized programs that can help in solving the problem of unlocking and bypassing activation. These are the doulCi and Siriport programs. Using them is quite simple: Using an example of a Windows computer:  After installing one of these programs, you need to open windows folder, then open the System32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ folders and find the file called "host". Having opened it, it is necessary at the very bottom, add a line   or Next, the device must be connected to the computer and put it in DFU mode. You must have iTunes installed on your computer. The procedure will start automatically. In a nutshell, the essence of how to get around blocking the activation of the iPhone and iPad in this way is as follows: when you try to connect to Apple servers, the host file will redirect the request to doulCi or Siriport servers, which read all the identification data and unlock the gadget. Ask questions in the comments!