Organization of storage and retrieval of information on the Internet. The law on the storage of data by mobile operators and organizers of the dissemination of information on the Internet

Now many are closely monitoring whether the law on the storage of data by mobile operators will nevertheless be adopted by the Federation Council or not (bill No. 1039149-6). Many also wonder whether the President will veto the bill.

This project contains a number of provisions aimed at combating terrorism, but the greatest resonance was caused by amendments requiring cellular operators and organizers of the distribution of information on the Internet to store data on negotiations and the exchange of content between subscribers (provisions regarding decryption of user messages also raise questions). Representatives of mobile operators wrote a letter to the Speaker of the Federation Council asking them not to pass the bill, as its consequences could be disastrous for the industry and would inevitably lead to an increase in the cost of communication, deterioration of its quality, and a halt to the development of the industry in Russia (see doc / 3024117).

If a little more in detail, the bill provides that operators are required to store in Russia:

  • information on the facts of reception, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of voice information, text messages, images, sounds, video or other messages of users of communication services - within three years from the date of completion of such actions;
  • text messages of users of communication services, voice information, images, sounds, video, other messages of users of communication services - up to six months from the end of their reception, transmission, delivery and (or) processing. The procedure, terms and amount of storage of the specified information are established by the Government.

Similar rules have been introduced for organizers of the dissemination of information on the Internet (the storage period for information on the facts of information transfer is 1 year). This category includes, for example, instant messengers and social networks.

Let me remind you that, as far as I know, this practice has no world analogues. Unless in the US, information is stored, but only a month and at the expense of the state.

The fears of industry representatives are well founded, because the obligations imposed on them are unprecedented. With the same success, one can force the Russian Post to open correspondence, scan it and store scanned copies for six months. Probably, control over correspondence will increase significantly, as well as the possibility of solving crimes, but only in fact this is impossible. By the way, if all traffic is recorded (including video content), this will give a potential signal to distribute prohibited information through the same Russian Post or through courier services. It will turn out an interesting situation. What then really oblige the Russian Post to open and copy all messages?

To be honest, I can hardly imagine that this law will really work in practice. Probably, they will either not accept him, or they will correct him later, or no one will execute and will not fine anyone, or fine, but rarely (such a public consensus is obtained), or Roskomnadzor will issue revolutionary explanations that the legislator didn’t even mean to keep it nothing is necessary, or the Government will significantly reduce the data storage period. Otherwise industry cellular communications, and the Internet business will probably be dropped 15 years ago.

At the same time, there are many other more pressing problems in the field of combating terrorism, fraud and other crimes that can be resolved by precise and accurate adjustment of the legislation on communications. For example, the problem of changing the number of the caller. Probably, everyone is familiar with the situation when they call from different cell numbers, offer some services or goods (at best). Moreover, these numbers are not tied to any particular person, they are provided by other intermediary companies that do not know who uses them. In this regard, it is almost impossible to identify the caller. Back in 2014, the bill was adopted in the first reading (bill No. 426744-6), which to one extent or another solved this problem (not entirely successful, but still). Even the explanatory note to the bill noted that its adoption is extremely important and necessary: \u200b\u200b" The widespread use of technology with the substitution of the caller carries not only threats of a socio-economic nature, but also creates threats to the lives of citizens and the safety of society. Such a substitution does not allow law enforcement agencies and anti-terrorist structures to quickly disclose possible threats of terrorist acts, to prevent their preparation and execution."

More recently (at the end of 2015), the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media supported the initiative to ban the change of the caller’s number, but it is still there. Since 2014, this project has been in the State Duma, and the problem has all existed and continues to exist.

Instead of radical and hasty measures, it would be better to fine-tune regulation (at least to audit the bills adopted in the first reading, which were at least somehow discussed with the industry, but which, for one reason or another, were “stuck”). This would have a much greater effect in terms of the fight against terrorism and other crimes.

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Organization of storage and retrieval of information in internet

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Organization of storage and retrieval of information on the Internet

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On the topic: "Organization of storage and retrieval of information on the Internet"



Currently, over 500 million people more or less regularly use

it has long turned into a huge information platform.

Around the world, and now in our country, the presence of a working Web site is becoming a sign of stable, professional work of the company. The Internet has long become not only a means of communication, but also a field for serious commercial activity. Almost every foreign company has its own representative office and virtual office on the Web. The total turnover of companies trading on the Internet reaches billions of dollars. In Russia, an increasing number of companies are also using the Internet to promote their products and services. This can be easily verified by viewing the advertising publications. Along with the usual phone and fax numbers, addresses are more and more common email and web sites. Soon, the lack of an Internet address will make it harder to work, just like the lack of a fax. Anyone who takes his place now will benefit significantly in the future. This is efficiency and relevance. The traditional media, with all their visibility and familiarity, are no longer able to provide the appropriate level of responsiveness required by modern man. Therefore, more and more people are turning to the Internet to get the latest information: about services and prices, weather, exchange rates, just news. On a Web site, you can change information several times a day. In print media, you need to order advertising for at least a week, or even more. And on the Internet, everything is operational: new products or services, a new discount or a new supplier - customers will find out about it tomorrow. There is no need to wait until the next print ad is released. Information on the site will always be up to date, the latest. This is what they value, this is what attracts millions of users to the Internet.

1. Network data storage Internet

1. 1 Hypertext documents, file types

A hypertext document is understood to mean a document containing so-called links to another document. All this is implemented through the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

Information in Web documents can be found by keywords. This means that every Web browser contains specific links through which so-called hyperlinks are formed, allowing millions internet users   search for information around the world.

Hypertext documents are created based on the HTML language (HyperText Markup Language). This language is very simple, its control codes, which, in fact, are compiled by the browser for display on the screen, consist of ASCII text. Links, lists, headings, images, and forms are called HTML elements that allow you to click to view another document with a mouse click.

text on a computer ”, Microsoft FrontPage, HotDog, or others), for work with which you do not need special knowledge about the internal structure of the created document. This method allows you to create documents for the WWW without knowledge of the HTML language. HTML editors automate hyper text documentssave you from routine work. However, their capabilities are limited, they greatly increase the size of the resulting file, and the result that is not always obtained with their help meets the expectations of the developer. But, of course, this method is indispensable for beginners in preparation hypertext documents.

An alternative is to create and mark up a document using a plain plain text editor (such as emacs or NotePad). With this method, HTML language commands are manually inserted into the text. By creating documents in this way, you know exactly what you are doing.

tags marking flags   , - special HTML constructs used to mark up a document and control its display. It is HTML tags that determine in which form the text will be presented, which components will play the role of hypertext links, which graphic or multimedia objects should be included in the document. The graphic and audio information included in the HTML document is stored in separate files. HTML document viewers (browsers) interpret markup flags and arrange text and graphics on the screen accordingly. For files containing HTML documents, the extensions .htm or .html are accepted.

.    In most cases, tags are used in pairs. The pair consists of start (start tag) and closing (end tag) tags. Opening tag syntax:

<имятега [атрибуты]>

Direct brackets used in the syntax description mean that this element may be absent. The name of the closing tag differs from the name of the opening tag only in that it is preceded by a slash:

Tag attributes are written in the following format:

name [\u003d "value"]

Quotation marks are optional for specifying the value of the argument and may be omitted. For some attributes, the value may not be specified. The closing tag has no attributes.

The action of any paired tag starts from the place where the opening tag met and ends when the corresponding closing tag is met. Often a pair of opening and closing tags is called a container   , and the part of the text bordered by the opening and closing tags is element .

The sequence of characters that make up the text can consist of spaces, tabs, newlines, carriage returns, letters, punctuation, numbers, and special characters (e.g. +, #, $, @), with the exception of    The following four characters that have special meaning in HTML:< (меньше), >   (more), & (ampersand) and "(double quote). If you need to include any of these characters in the text, you should encode it with a special sequence of characters.

impossible, since a group of consecutive spaces is interpreted by the browser as one.

1. 2 Graphic files, their types and features

Currently, the use of full-color high-quality graphics of realistic colors on PC-class computers looks completely mundane. Although not so long ago, it was a privilege of publishing systems that were usually built on Macintosh platforms or Silicon Graphics. PC users were satisfied in extreme cases with graphics with a color maximum depth of 8 bits / pixel (256 colors) with a rather weak resolution of 320X200 or 16 colors with a resolution of 640x480.

Now, with the development of video adapter architectures and the cheapening of video memory on various microcircuits, the average user is quite able to use PC-based systems that work successfully with realistic (TrueColor) images with a depth of 24 bits / pixel (more than 16 million colors).

In connection with technical progress, there was a need to transfer to the PC platform and adapt various formats for encoding and storing graphic information from other platforms (for example, Macintosh, where similar developments have been developing for the last ten years), or the development of our own PC-oriented graphic formats that fully take into account all the architecture features of their video adapters.

compact for transmission in a network with minimal delays and hardware independent, as computers of various architectures are connected to the network.

In this regard, I would like to briefly consider several common graphic formats and briefly describe their capabilities. All this information is summarized in the following table:

Format Max. deep colors Max. number of colors

Max. image size

Encoding Multiple Images
BMP 24 16"777"216 65535x65535 RLE * -
GIF 8 256 65535x65535 Lzw +
Jpeg 24 16"777"216 65535x65535 Jpeg -
Pcx 24 16"777"216 65535x65535 RLE -
PNG 48 281"474"976"710"656 Deflation (LZ77) -
Tiff 24 total 4 "294" 967 "295 LZW, RLE and others * +

In addition, it should be noted that the most compact are the formats JPEG, GIF, PNG, which, moreover, are platform-independent. The BMP format is the standard Windows format, but it is not widely used due to the exorbitant file sizes, especially when saving graphics with a color depth of 24 bits / pixel. Regarding the TIFF format, it should be noted that it, like JPEG, GIF, is partially platform-independent, but too large for use on the network and, even worse, too complicated for interpretation. In addition, any software products, including viewers graphic filescontaining code for encoding / decoding data according to the LZW algorithm must be distributed under the appropriate license agreement of Unisys Corp., the owner of the algorithm, which further increases the cost of these products.

I want to note right away that the PNG (Portable Network Graphic) format will not receive much attention, although it may deserve it. This is a consequence of the fact that this format appeared not so long ago and, despite all its advantages, has not yet received universal recognition.

So, in fact, in front of a person or company that intends to place on their disks a large number of   images and, possibly, to provide them for use on the Internet, there is a dilemma: what to choose GIF or JPEG.

The GIF format developed by CompuServe, and originally proposed precisely as a format for exchanging images on a network, is a format with a fairly high degree of image compression. In addition, GIF has additional features that make its use on the network attractive. The first is the ability to change the order in which image lines are displayed on the screen, with filling in the gaps between them with temporary information. Visually, it looks like that as you download from the network (which often happens at a catastrophically low speed), the image appears on the screen as if in "low quality", and then, as it loads additional information, restores the missing lines of the image. Thus, the user even before the end of the download process can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe contents of the image and interrupt the download unnecessary file   big size. The second possibility is to store more than one image in one file, which makes elementary frame-by-frame animation possible. Another distinctive feature of GIF is that one of the colors can be declared "transparent", and then when displaying the image, those parts that are painted with this color will not be displayed on the screen and a background will be visible below which the image is superimposed. The biggest drawback of GIF is that it can store an image consisting of a maximum of 256 colors, which in lately   become less and less acceptable. At the same time, GIF users are faced with the same trouble as in the case of the TIFF format: GIF also uses LZW compression, and therefore, each image can be distributed only if there is a corresponding license agreement.

JPEG format is TrueColor format, that is, it can store images with a color depth of 24 bits / pixel. This color depth is enough for almost accurate reproduction of images of any complexity. A deeper representation of color (for example, 32 bit / pixel) really turns out to be practically indistinguishable from that when viewed on modern monitors and when printed on most available printers. Such a color depth can only be useful in publishing. JPEG in general has a higher degree of image compression than GIF (this aspect is described in more detail in the chapter “JPEG Usage Practices”), but it does not have the ability to store several images in one file. Recently, a modification of the JPEG format was developed, called Progressive JPEG, which can approximately be translated into Russian as “gradual JPEG”, which is designed for the same tasks as interlacing GIF images. This has made the JPEG format even more attractive as a network standard. However, JPEG also has its drawbacks. Unlike GIF, which can efficiently compress images of almost any content, JPEG is primarily focused on realistic images, that is, photographic images, and the compression quality is significantly degraded when processing images with clearly defined lines and color borders.

and great opportunities for future development. Also, the JPEG format should be considered unambiguously more flexible: it allows you to choose between good image quality or a good degree of compression and find an acceptable compromise for each specific case. Therefore, all further research is devoted to this particular format.

1. 3 Search engines and information retrieval rules

The convenience of the Internet is that you can find almost any information in it, even when we do not know exactly where it is. If the address of the page with the material of interest to us is unknown and the page with suitable links is also missing, you have to search for materials all over the Internet. To do this, use the Internet search engines - special web sites that allow you to find the right document.

There are two main methods of searching the Internet. In the first case, you are looking for web pages related to a specific topic. The search is made by selecting a thematic category and gradually narrowing it. Similar search engines are called search directories. They are convenient when you need to get acquainted with a new topic or get to the well-known "classic" resources on this topic. The second search method is used when the topic is narrow, specific in nature or rare, little-known resources are needed. In this case, you have to imagine what keywords should appear in the document on the topic of interest to you. These words must be chosen so that they are likely to be in the necessary documents that are not related to the selected topic. Systems that allow such a search are called search pointers. Search directories differ from search indexes not only by the search method, but also by the method of formation. Any Internet search engine has two parts. A specialized web page that is accessible to everyone and allows you to perform a search is based on a large, constantly updated and updated database that contains information about Internet resources.

The way to replenish this database depends on the type of search engine, search directories the most important thing is the accuracy of the selection. Each resource found should be useful. The subject of the page is determined or checked manually. Because of this, the volume of search directories is relatively small. When the volume approaches one million pages, the volume of manual labor is so great that further catalog growth stops.

Search indexes, in contrast, are geared toward breadth of coverage. Automation is quite able to cope with the definition of words available on a web page; search index data can span many millions of web pages. At the same time, searching in the index is more difficult than in the catalog, because the same keywords can be found on web pages devoted to different topics.

Information retrieval systems are placed on the Internet on public servers. The basis of search engines are the so-called search engines, or automatic indexes. Special robotic programs (also known as spiders) in auto mode periodically examine the Internet based on certain algorithms, indexing the documents found. The created index databases are used by search engines to provide the user with access to information posted on the network nodes. The user, within the framework of the corresponding interface, formulates the request, which is processed by the system, after which the results of the request processing are displayed in the browser window. The query processing mechanisms are constantly being improved, and modern search engines do not just sort out a huge number of documents. - The search is carried out on the basis of original and very complex algorithms, and its results are analyzed and sorted so that the information presented to the user most closely matches his expectations.
  Currently, there is a tendency in the development of search engines to combine automatic index search engines and manually compiled catalogs of Internet resources. The resources of these systems successfully complement each other; to combine their capabilities is quite logical.

does not exceed 30%. Therefore, do not limit yourself to using any one of them. If you are unable to find the information you are interested in using one system, try using another.

Each search system has its own characteristics and, and the quality of the result depends on the subject of the search and the accuracy of the query. Therefore, when starting to search for information, first of all, you need to clearly imagine what exactly and where you want to find. For example, foreign systems impress with the number of indexed documents. For searches in the field of professional knowledge, especially information in a foreign language, systems such as AltaVista, HotBot or Northern are best suited.

Networks and, as a rule, are more comprehensive in scope and depth of research of these resources. Secondly, Russian systems work taking into account the morphology of the Russian language, that is, all forms of the searched words are included in the search. Russian systems take better account of such a historically developed feature of Russian Internet resources as the coexistence of several Cyrillic encodings.


2. 1 Rambler

To search for Russian-language information on the Internet, it is better to use Russian search engines. In this experiment and in the following others, we will search for information using several systems designed to search the Russian-language part of the Internet. As you will see, in principle they do not differ from world search engines. Since we have already examined several systems, and you know the general principles of searching for information on the Internet, in further experiments we will not dwell on all the subtleties. Since these systems communicate with you in Russian, you will be able to independently study them, using the knowledge gained by you when performing previous experiments.

Perform a search using the Rambler system. As you will see, this system has a convenient system for searching and issuing information found.

You can search both the World Wide Web and newsgroups, as well as in the catalog of this system and in products. In addition to a simple request, it is possible to work with detailed requests. But we will fulfill a simple request, as for other Russian search engines.

Enter the words in the query input field

Click the button. We got a list of found pages.

are repeated and stand close to each other. In addition, the detected keywords are highlighted in a short fragment of the text of the found document.

In the Rambler system, you can see the words that are most often used in user requests. In addition, Rambler maintains a list of the most popular Russian Internet sites. Since all the information in the system is presented in Russian, we hope that you will be able to independently get acquainted with the capabilities of this search engine in the future.

2. 2 Yandex

The Yandex search engine is located at It was officially commissioned on September 23, 1997.

What is Yandex? This is how the creators of the system answer this question. Yandex is a full-text information retrieval system (IPS) that takes into account the morphology of the Russian and English languages. The Yandex system is designed to search for information in electronic texts of various structures and different presentation methods (formats). Yandex (pronounced Yandex) stands for “language index” or, in English, Yandex– YetAnotherINDEX. You can also consider Yandex as a partial translation of the word Index from English into Russian (“I” means “I”).

At the heart of the Yandex search engine. Ru is the system core common to all products with the Yandex prefix (Yandex. Site, Yandex. Lib, Yandex. Dict, Yandex. CD). The first products of the Yandex series (Yandex. Site, Yandex. Dict) were presented to the general public on October 18, 1996 at Netcom’96. Search engine for the "Russian Internet". was a natural extension of the Yandex line. As already mentioned, a good question contains half the answer. Search and find the right thing in a bunch of texts on the Internet - the ability of not only the search engine, mine and the user who sets the query. Yandex does not require the user to know special commands to search. just type in the question (“where to find cheap computers” or “need phones in Moscow and the Moscow region”), and you will get the result - a list of pages where these words are found. Regardless of the form in which you used the word in the query, the search takes into account all its forms according to the rules of the Russian language. For example, if you are asked to go, then the search will find links to documents containing the words "go", "go", "went", "went", etc.

by signatures to them and by file names. Also, objects such as scripts, applets and styles have become available for search (the search is performed by name). Convenient work   with new features is offered on the advanced search page, where a complex query language is reduced to filling in the fields on the form. In addition to the standard sorting of results - by relevance (that is, by the degree of compliance with the request), you can sort documents by date of update. Interesting feature   The system is the ability to search in Yandex anywhere on the Internet. To do this, you need to download from the site http: // bar. уandeх.ru program named Yandex. Bar and set it up. After that, a new panel will appear in the browser window. It is designed to enter a search query (without having to open the Yandex page) and perform a number of other functions.

By appearance   Yandex is a typical portal on home page   which you can find links to materials of almost any subject. But this is not his only face, for “serious” users who do not want to spend time downloading information that is not needed at the moment, there is another Yandex. His page impresses with its modest design and download speed. The address of this search engine essence is

2. 3 Yahoo

Databases: it manages a search service for Internet resources, news, maps, advertising information, sports information, business, phone numbers, personal WWW pages, and email addresses (a separate database).

Search: All Yahoo pages offer not only a simple search box, but also options for this search, as well as a Usenet or Email address search. Search may be limited to indicating a certain period of time. Boolean operators (and, or) and sequential search are also supported. Note: if the search in Yahoo! if it doesn’t lead to a positive result, the search process automatically switches to Alta Vista, which continues the search, and in case of positive results, automatically returns the information found to Yahoo !.

If Yahoo! cannot establish a connection fast enough with Alta Vista, then in this case Yahoo! will provide a link page with a set of search tools. After one of these links is selected, the keywords are transferred to the search engine of your choice.

A tool to facilitate the search is the presence of "tip search" (TS) - search using a "hint": Yahoo! It is a subordinate directory, which means that the system does not have as many pages as search engines, however, setting the most common keywords will allow you to find the necessary topic on a high-level page (the first page that appears before the user when visiting the site) for the organization or company.

2. 4 Altavista

digitalEquipmentCorp Research Laboratory. The employees of this laboratory for some reason kept all their electronic correspondence over the past 10 years. So that this pile of information would not just occupy disk space, but would bring at least some benefit, a program was created to index documents and search for the right words in a heap of e-mail that has turned yellow from time to time. The system turned out to be so successful that subsequently it successfully migrated to the vastness of the World Wide Web.

or only in documents in a certain language, and on a special page you can find out several languages \u200b\u200bto search in all selected languages \u200b\u200bat the same time.

Conclusions and offers

on the Internet, are also diverse. Most computers on the Internet are running Unix or VMS. Special network routers such as NetBlazer or Cisco, whose OS resembles Unix, are also widely represented.

In fact, the Internet consists of many local and global networks belonging to different companies and enterprises, interconnected by various communication lines. The Internet can be imagined as a mosaic composed of small networks of various sizes that actively interact with each other, sending files, messages, etc.

An example of the topology of the Internet network is the X-Atom network, which consists of several subnets, and at the same time is a fragment of the Internet.

Today in the world there are more than 130 million computers and more than 80% of them are combined into various information and computer networks from small local networks   in offices to global networks such as the Internet. The worldwide trend towards the unification of computers on the network is due to a number of important reasonssuch as speeding up the transmission of information messages, the ability to quickly exchange information between users, receiving and transmitting messages (faxes, E - Mail letters, etc.) without leaving your workplace, the ability to instantly receive any information from anywhere in the world, as well as exchange information between computers of different manufacturers firms working under different software.

Such huge potential opportunities that the computer network brings with it and the new potential rise that the information complex is experiencing at the same time, as well as a significant acceleration of the production process, do not give us the right not to take this into development and not put them into practice.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop a fundamental solution to the issue of organizing an IVS (information and computer network) based on an existing computer park and software package that meets modern scientific and technical requirements, taking into account the growing needs and the possibility of further gradual development of the network in connection with the advent of new technical and software solutions.

find the necessary document. It should also be borne in mind that in the network, along with long-running servers, new ones arise.

In addition to general-purpose servers, there are specialized sites in a particular field, such as for high-energy physics - http: // xxx. lanl. gov.

When importing article files, it should also be borne in mind that they are often stored in PostScript format (with the extension, PS ``, EPS '') intended for printing on a laser printer, so in this case, after receiving them for viewing and printing on dot matrix or inkjet printer should be used special programe.g. GhostView.

There is no doubt that using internet   in scientific work, allows you to receive the hottest ’’ information and maintain contact with colleagues in the world.

There is speculation that the Internet will supplant and replace books. Now a number of factors are hindering this. Firstly, the lack of comfort when reading books from a computer monitor. And although portable devices for reading electronic texts already exist, the resolution of their screens is clearly not enough. Secondly, the copyright for electronic publications is not fully developed.

In the future, the Internet will significantly supplant traditional media due to its flexibility, responsiveness and interactivity.

Today, many people unexpectedly discover for themselves the existence of global networks that combine computers around the world into a single information space called the Internet. What it is is not easy to determine. From a technical point of view, the Internet is an association of transnational computer networks operating under various protocols, connecting all kinds of computers, physically transmitting data on all available types of lines - from twisted pair and telephone wires to optical fiber and satellite channels. Most computers on the Internet are connected via TCP / IP. We can say that the Internet is a network of networks that encompasses the entire globe.

1. Informatics / Kurnosov A.P., Kulev S.V., Ulezko A.V. et al .; Ed. A.P. Kurnosova. -M: KolosS, 2005 .-- 72 p. (Textbooks and study guides for students of higher educational institutions)

3. Computer science. Textbook. - 3rd ed., Revised. / Ed. N.V. Makarova. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2002. - 256 p.

5. Krupnik A. B. Search on the Internet: a tutorial. - 2nd ed. - SPB .: Peter, 2004 .-- 572 p.

6. Orlov A. A. The necessary programs   for the Internet - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. - 127 p.

7. Solonitsyn Yu. A., Kholmogorov V. Internet. Encyclopedia. - 3rd of. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003 .-- 592 p.

8. Reznikov F. A. Quickly and easily master the work on the Internet. - M.: Best Books, 2002. - 284 p.

9. Computer networks and information security: Textbook. allowance / Kamalyan A.K., Kulev S.A., Nazarenko K.N. et al. - Voronezh: VGAU, 2003. - 119 p.

11. Internet: Encyclopedia / Ed. L. Melikhova. - 2nd ed. -SPb .; M .; Kharkiv; Minsk; Peter, 2000 .-- 527 p.

12. Muscled I.F. Self-study guide on the Internet / Under the general. ed. M. I. Monastyrsky. - 2nd ed., Ext. and reslave. -Rostov n / A: Phoenix, 2002.312 s.

13. Popov V. Workshop on Internet technologies: Training course / V. Popov. -SPb .; M .; Kharkiv; Minsk: Peter, 2002 .-- 476 p.: Ill.

14. Computer networks and means of information protection: Textbook / Kamalyan A. K., Kulev S. A., Nazarenko K. N. et al.-Voronezh: VGAU, 2003. -119 p.

15. Zaika A. A. Computer Networks - M: Olma-Press, 2005. -448 p.

16. Computer Networks: Training Course - 2nd ed. (+ CD-ROM). - MicrosoftPress, Russian edition, 1998.

17. Fundamentals of modern computer technology. Ed. Khomonenko A.D. - Crown-print, St. Petersburg 1998.

18. Personal computers   on TCP / IP networks. Craig Hunt; perev. From English - BHV-Kiev, 1997.

19. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” of 20. 02. 1995 No. 24-FZ.

20. Komer D. Principles of the Internet: Per. with English / D. Comer. - SPB .; M .; Kharkiv; Minsk: Peter, 2002.337 s.

Grade 10, 1 subgroup, "flash team"

Training question

Where and how is information stored on the Internet?

Purpose of the study

Consider online resources for storing information

Research objectives

Identify the benefits of storing information on Internet services

Consider several Internet services for storing information

Compare different storage services

Participant Assumptions

There are special sites for storing information on the World Wide Web that can be used to upload a file to a server and download it at the right time. There are a lot of them.

Working process

  • Step 1. Selection of material.

In the course of work on the project, we studied and analyzed the following resources:

2. A textbook on computer science. N. D. Ugrinovich 10 - 11 class

  • Step 2. Selection and design of material.

Where to store files on the Internet?

Storing files on the Internet is much more reliable than on your computer. One serious virus and all your photos and videos from your holiday events, your wedding, your unfinished book, important documents, and other files dear to you are destroyed. It would seem that there is nothing worse. But this could have been avoided if all the files you loved were stored not only on the computer, but also on the Internet.

There are many services for storing your files on the Internet. If you try to find such services in search engines, you can find at least a hundred free online file storage services. Eyes run wide, which one is better to choose. We choose the most popular, reliable, comfortable and roomy.

1. Yandex.Disk. Allows you to store files on the Internet in an unlimited amount. To download files you must have your Yandex account. The shelf life of files on Yandex.Disk is 90 days from the date of the last download, however this period is extended manually or automatically. Suitable for storing large files for a long time.

2. [email protected]. A simple and convenient service for storing your files on the Internet. Allows you to upload up to 10 GB of information for registered users. Organized by file storage time - 30 days from the last download, also extended. For $ 0.99, you can extend the file’s shelf life by 1 year. A little expensive, given the fact that this service is provided for each file separately.

3. Google Docs or Google Docs. An excellent service for storing multimedia files (photos, videos), as well as for text documents, presentations and spreadsheets. Google Docs has tools for creating and editing text documents, excel spreadsheets, presentations - a great alternative Microsoft Office, allowing you to work with your documents from any computer connected to the Internet. Google Docs gives you 1 GB of free disk space. It is possible to share your files or restrict them from everyone. A very convenient, safe and reliable service for storing your files on the Internet. It is possible to increase the disk space for your files up to 1 TB (1000 GB). For only $ 5 a year, you get 20 GB to store your files on the Internet.

4. Picasa Web Album. Another product google. Designed to store your photos on the Internet. Provided under the same conditions as Google Docs. In addition, you can download and install Picasa on your computer, which will restore order in your computer. In Picasa, you will see all the photos that are stored on your computer, even those that you have long forgotten about. With Picasa, it will be very convenient for you to upload your photos to the Internet, right from the program. I uploaded my first photos to the Picasa web album, back in 2008, and they still lie there calmly.

5. DropBox. If you don’t have a flash drive at hand that you need to quickly transfer files to, upload your files to a DropBox virtual flash drive. On this service you will be offered to download the program, after downloading and installing it, a DropBox synchronized folder will be created in the My Documents folder on your computer. You can drop any files into this folder, after which they are automatically saved on the Internet. You can access these files from any computer by going to your DropBox account or to a synchronized folder on your computer. At DropBox, you get 2 GB for your files and 50 GB for $ 99 per year for free. You can increase the amount of space for free if your friends register on your DropBox link, for each of which you will receive 250 MB of additional space, up to 8 GB.

6. QIP files. Allows you to store any type of file on the Internet. The service provides 5 GB of free space. The shelf life of files is limited to 30 days. For 780 rubles a year, you will be provided with 100 GB of free disk space.

7. Evernote - an amazing service with the motto "Remember everything." Evernote allows you to quickly save any information on the Internet, organize it and synchronize between all the devices from which you access the Internet. The service is designed to store on the Internet small text, handwritten, audio notes and photos taken by your phone, which are immediately downloaded to your Evernote account on the Internet. Incredibly convenient service that allows you to save all the important information on the Internet and have access to it wherever you are. In one of the following articles I will describe this service in more detail.

As a result, we came to the conclusion that the most used services for storing information on the Internet are:

Below you can see the table that describes the most important characteristics of each of the above services. Using this table, it will be easier for you to choose where to store your files on the Internet.

file storage services

  • Step3. Practical work

Having studied the materials on this issue, we have chosen for practical research seris [email protected]. , since each project participant has mailbox   on the mail server, also this service   is free, popular and allows you to store large amounts of information. It also has a convenient, simple and Russified interface. Let's consider it in more detail.

Amount of information

2 × 1024

32 sec


In practice, the concept of “bandwidth” is often used, which is estimated by the number of characters transmitted over the channel per unit of time. At the same time, all service characters are included in the message. This characteristic is more understandable to the average user who is used to estimating the amount of information by the number of characters (or even the number of pages).

Distinguish between theoretical and real channel bandwidth. Typically, the theoretical bandwidth significantly exceeds the real, depending on a number of factors, including the transmission method, the quality of the communication channel, its operating conditions, and the message structure. Assessment of real throughput can only be carried out for an existing communication channel in a certain state at a specific time.

An essential characteristic of a communication system of any network is reliability of the transmitted informationwhich

they are calculated as the ratio of the number of erroneously transmitted characters to the total number of transmitted characters. This characteristic is affected by both the equipment that converts the message and the communication channel.

Reliability of the communication system determined either by

lei of working condition in the total operating time, or the average uptime. The second characteristic allows you to more effectively evaluate the reliability of the system.

1.3. Storing information in a computer

Data storage- This is the process of transmitting information over time. The storage of information is closely related to ensuring the unchanged state of material information carriers on which it is recorded in the form of messages.

During its existence, mankind has used quite a lot of material carriers to store information. Such carriers in different historical periods were spoken language, clay tablets, papyrus, birch bark, stone, metal, paper, etc. In the modern world, people use both traditional material media (paper) and other materials that appeared in the last century - magnetic and optical media to store information. In computer technology, information storage devices using magnetic, optical and electronic methods of information storage are used.

All modern storage devices are designed for storage.

information provided in digital view. The main operations performed by storage devices are the recording, storage and reading of information.

1.3.1 Encoding text information

For the presentation and transmission of any information, it must be formalized, i.e. represented as a specific set of characters (for example, textual - from the characters of the alphabet). To store characters in computer memory and on external media, and also for the transmission of information through communication channels, special codes are used, which are represented by integers - their numbers in a table called encoding tableor encoding. The character number in the encoding table is its code. These codes are standardized and defined by ISO recommendations.

(International Organization for Standardization) - International Organization

standardization (IA) and the International Telephony and Telegraphy Advisory Committee (CCITT).

There are dozens of encoding tables containing different characters in different order, but the vast majority of them have the same numbers with numbers 0 - 127. The first 128 characters include uppercase and lowercase Latin letters, numbers, punctuation marks, word delimiters (space and tab), non-displayable control characters (end of line, end of file and others).

The set of these 128 characters has developed historically. In computers of the first generations, storage devices were very expensive and used to save every bit, so initially a seven-bit set (27 \u003d 128) of the most necessary characters was used to represent the texts. The most commonly used 7-bit ASCII character set (American Standard Code For Information Interchange - Ame-

rican Standard Code for Information Interchange) . Domestic analog

aSCII hom is the KOI-7 code table.

Over time, eight-bit (single-byte) 256-character code tables (28 \u003d 256) became widespread. In them, the first 128 characters for compatibility reasons were made to coincide with the seven-bit ASCII code, and the characters with codes 128 - 255 were used in different encodings in different ways: to represent letters of national alphabets, to store mathematical and other special scientific and technical characters, etc.

In the early 90s of the last century, 16-bit (double-byte) Unicode encoding began to be actively used. Using two bytes to represent one character allows you to encode 216 \u003d 65536 different characters, which is more than enough to represent the characters of the national alphabets of all the peoples of the world and the most commonly used scientific and technical characters. Thus, with a complete transition

de Unicode standard, the problems associated with representing different characters with the same code number will no longer be relevant.

1.3.2. Presentation of graphic information

As already noted, any formalized information is represented by a specific set of characters or codes corresponding to them. Depending on the type of information applied different kinds   encodings.

For graphic informationthere are two main ways of presenting in a computer. The first way is that an image is represented as a mosaic of small, equally sized elements. Each element of the mosaic is painted in its own color. If the elements are made very small, the image will be perceived as a single one. This is due to the characteristics of human vision.

This way of representing images is called raster. A single mosaic element is called a pixel ( from PICture ELement - picture element), and the entire mosaic is called a raster. Almost all modern monitors and printers use the raster method of creating images. Digital and ordinary photographs are also bitmap images. In ordinary photographs, the role of pixels is played by colored elements of the sensitive layer of photo paper. Pixels are often referred to as raster dots.

The number of bits used by a computer to specify the color of one pixel is called color resolution, or color depth. The color resolution determines how many colors (or shades of gray) each color of the image can be colored. The color resolution of 1-bit / pixel allows you to use only two colors, which corresponds to a black-and-white image, 8 bits / pixel - 256 colors (shades of gray); 24 bits / pixel - over 16 million colors - is more than enough to represent all the colors visible to the human eye.

The color resolution of 24 bits / pixel is used to create so-called photorealistic images, that is, computer images that are indistinguishable from photographs in the quality of the transmission of color and shape of objects.

The main disadvantage of the raster way of storing information is the large file size.

The second way of computer representation of images is vector graphics. The vector format of the graphic image is based on the representation of the object in the form of segments of lines (vectors). For each of them, a pair of points is given - the ends of the vector (or a point, the direction of the vector and its length) and the attributes - color, line thickness, etc.

A vector image, like a raster image, consists of individual elements, but they have different shapes and sizes. Typical ele

cops of vector graphics are geometric lines and shapes: segments, arcs, circles, rectangles, etc.

In fact, in the vector coding method, geometric shapes, curves and straight lines that make up the pattern are stored in computer memory in the form of mathematical formulas and geometric shapes (circle, ellipse, etc.). To remember a circle in vector format, you should only remember its radius, center coordinates and color. Obviously, the size of such a file will be much smaller than if we split it into separate pixels.

A complex drawing is broken up into simple shapes. Each image in vector format consists of many component parts that can be edited independently of each other. These parts are called objects. For each object, its size, curvature, and location in the form of numerical coefficients are stored in a vector file. Due to this, they are easily scalable without distortion and are independent of resolution.

Letters can refer to elements of both raster and vector graphics. The vast majority of output devices are based on the raster principle (in them the image is formed from separate points), but this does not interfere with their use for outputting vector graphics. In the process of outputting to a raster device, a vector image is converted into raster form using special algorithms. There are special vector devices for outputting graphic information, for example, a pen plotter (plotter) that can draw lines on paper in any direction with a mechanical “hand” holding a pen that resembles an ordinary felt-tip pen.

To store, read and write information directly in a computer, all codes are reduced to a binary number system, i.e. are represented as “0” and “1”. Such a system allows using the most various carriers   information.

1.3.3. File system

All information stored in computer systems is presented in the form of files. A file is the named integrity of aggregate data on any medium.

Each file has a name and is located on a specific storage device. Both programs (such files are called executable) and documents are stored in the form of files. Sometimes a single application or document contains several files. For the convenience of storing and searching files, they are grouped into folders. Synonyms for the term "folder", adopted in Windows, are the words "directory" and "directory". Like files, folders have their own names. Folders can be nested inside each other,

forming a multi-level tree structure.

A file name usually consists of two parts separated by a period. The part of the file name to the left of the dot is the actual file name. The point and the next part of the name is called file extension. The extension indicates the type of file, that is, what information is stored in it. The extension may be missing, in which case the file type remains undefined. In folder names, extensions are usually not used. In the table. 1.3 provides examples of the most common extensions and their corresponding file types.

The use of service characters in the file name is not allowed: “:” “,” “/”, “\\”, “?”, “*”.

In order to use the information stored in the file, you need to know on which device and in which folder desired file. This information is contained in the full file name. The full file name consists of the file path and file name. A file path is a list of folder names that you need to visit in order to go down to the file from the highest level of the file tree. The full name begins with the file storage location. It is separated from the rest of the path by a colon - “:”. To separate folders in the file path, the so-called “slash” - “\\” is used.

Examples of the full file name:

C: \\ My documents \\ Photo \\ Rest \\ P1040058.jpg D: \\ Music \\ '80s Hits \\ Foreign \\ M Jackson \\ Give it to me.mp3

Part operating systemresponsible for storing files and folders is called the file system. The file system provides the user with the ability to create, rename and delete files and folders, as well as view the contents of folders.

Table 1.3. Accepted File Extensions

File name extensions

File type

Exe .com; .bat

Executable files (programs)

Parts of executable files

Txt .rtf; .doc

Text documents in various forms

Bmp; .jpg; .png; .wmf; .tiff; .eps

swf; .avi; .mpg; .mpeg; .mov

Moving images

Excel Spreadsheet

web pages

WIN 32 family operating systems can provide access

to data stored on the following file systems:

- FAT (File Allocation Table) - file location table;

- VFAT (Virtual FAT) - virtual FAT;

- NTFS (New Technology File System) - a new file system technology;

- HPFS (High Performance File System) - High Performance file system;

- CDFS (CD - Rom File System) - file system CD - Rom.

FAT - Known for its file naming restrictions. This file system allows up to 8 characters to be used in a file name. The name extension, separated by a dot, is up to three characters.

There are only a few basic concepts in FAT. In addition to the file name and its extension, such concepts include the full name of the file, the name of the logical device on which the file is located, and the subdirectory in which it is located. When naming files, lowercase and uppercase letters do not differ. The full name is limited to 66 characters. Obviously, the main disadvantages of FAT include strict restrictions on the length of the file name and the lack of encoding support

VFAT for organizing data resembles FAT. Using the same structure as FAT, it allows you to use long file names. A file name can contain up to 255 characters, and a full name up to 260 characters. VFAT allows you to save not only the file creation date, but also the date of the last access to it. VFAT is the base file system

NTFS - only supported for hard drives   and has a number unique features. For example, this system can be fully recovered from hardware failures. In addition, the following are supported: access control (security); UNICODE encoding file names; Automatically create FAT compatible file names.

HPFS, like NTFS, is only supported for hard drives. File names can contain up to 254 characters, including characters supported in FAT. Uppercase and lowercase characters are allowed in file names. Thus, in one directory there cannot be two files with the same names, in the writing of which characters of different registers were used.

CDFS is an optical disc file system in the ISO 9660 standard.