It takes a long time to write to a windows 7 USB flash drive. How to speed up the process of copying data to a USB flash drive

To do this, it was necessary to move, copy and delete files on different sections of two hard drives.

Windows 7 installed about 2 years ago, the second OS after XP, but used it a little. From about six months ago I began to use it actively and now I noticed this glitch.

In short, files are copied and deleted incredibly long. I deleted 2 GB of photos and it took about 2 hours. It's just unrealistic for a long time. What is the reason for this?

It turned out that on Windows 7 is a common occurrence. Copy speed is actually less than 3-5 times than in XP. It turns out that this is specially done in the default settings of Vin 7. Why is this done? Unclear. As always, only in words the developers are doing well, but in reality ...

I had to google it. It turned out that a lot of time is spent copying and deleting due to calculations that occur as a result of the built-in function, whose task is to continuously compare the minimum amount of information of a particular file with it, but already transferred.

In assure that this is done to speed up copying. Hmm, good "acceleration", you will not say anything.

Well, the optimizers are bad. Take that Gates and face on the asphalt. Instead of going forward and improving the system, they complicate everything and Windows 7 works worse than XP in some cases.

Fortunately, all this garbage is being treated. And it is treated quite simply if you know what and where to configure. You need to click on the "Start" button in the lower left, and then click "Control Panel". There will be no problems. Next, we do, as in the screenshots.

We remove the daw

Click "Programs", then "Programs and Features", then "Turn Windows Features On or Off." The screenshots indicate where to click. After that, a window will appear in which you need to scroll down and uncheck the "Remote differential compression" item. Click OK. And we wait until changes occur.

After that, everything became much quicker. Feels the same as XP.

On Win XP, I did not notice such nonsense: everything is copied and deleted quickly. I never set Vista, so I don’t know, but most likely, if there is the same problem there, it will be treated like on 7.

By the way, in the window where you unchecked “Remote differential compression”, you can experiment and try to uncheck some other services, all of a sudden it will do good.

Problem with slow file copy we decided, but Windows 7 is full of puzzles. For example, I’m still not able to configure the headphones from the front panel of the system unit, which on XP is done once or twice. On XP, I put the PC into a sleep state at night. On 7-ke, whatever I do, it does not work. All manipulations with the hibernation mode, etc. do not bring success. Recently I had to solve a problem with.

Having created a hemorrhoidal, unintuitive settings system in Win 7, Microsoft planted a pig for themselves, because, in addition to Windows, there are other solutions and people have a choice. And people, by a strange coincidence, love things that are clear and easy to manage. There is something to think about for the guys from Microsoft.

Three operating systems on a computer, perhaps or not? .

Tell me why I have this slowly tofiles are being replicated   from one section hard drive   on the other, I'm not talking about copying files to a USB flash drive. It seems to me that the speed is no higher than in operating system   Vista I have to work a lot with photos and I can’t transfer one large folder at all, copying breaks in the middle of the process and hangs indefinitely, most importantly, reinstalling the seven did not solve the problem, on a clean system without programs, copying files was a little faster. Someone says something on the forums, and most importantly, they cannot offer anything except Total Commander. Here downloading files over the network suits me. Tell me. How can I fix the situation in my case?

Files are copied slowly

Yes, there is such a problem, a long time ago, when we only tested the released beta version, many talked about it, but then stopped. And actually on Windows 7 pretty files are slowly copied   from one partition of the hard drive to another, and to portable media a little faster than in Vista. File managers do not completely solve the issue, and this is primarily due to increased security in Windows 7.

  • Firstly, it’s no secret that the built-in security features of Windows 7 greatly affect file copying, namely control accounts   , because it checks almost everything that happens in the operating system.
  • Suddenly, the file you are copying does not belong to you at all, or you do not have rights to modify it and work with it. Secondly, the conductor directly involved in copying files has a very difficult task, because the seven have an Aero interface. Personally, I myself tried to disable it partially and completely in the Performance Settings and made sure that when you turn off some effects, the performance generally increases, you can read here.

On the Internet, it has been suggested more than once that slow minefile creation   can influence the included effect in the Performance Parameters - Show thumbnails instead of icons, since your operating system needs to display its thumbnail instead of a simple file icon, I agree with this opinion, but in general I consider this effect convenient and I have it turned on.
As for the impossibility of copying some folder with photos or films by you, think, maybe these files are now being used by another program, for example, a torrent client, close it and try copying again.
A friend of mine kept all his junk in one big folder, these were files of various formats AVI, XML, docx, iso, jpg. The folder was very large and everything in it was mixed up, there were not fully downloaded films and so on. He even occasionally changed the extensions of video files for the experiment, when he couldn’t open them for example in the program he needed, naturally all this chaos, the Windows 7 explorer could not stand and copying this entire folder to a portable hard drive always hung in the middle and never we did not end in luck. Only when we made a general cleaning in it and just deleted all the damaged files, we managed to copy it. So on your computer friends you should always have order.
Well, in the end I’ll say that using a file manager, for example Total Commander, when copying files to Windows 7 will undoubtedly help a little.

How to solve the problem of slow copying data to a USB flash drive? Consider the common causes of this problem and talk about ways to solve it.

1. Flash drive performance

If everything is in order with the computer, the culprit in the slow process of transferring files to a USB flash drive, respectively, is the latter. Budget flash drives, as a rule, cannot boast of impressive data writing speed. And the speed of 5-7 Mb / s with the interface uSB connection 2.0 for those may be commonplace. You can test the speed of writing data from a flash drive using Windows-based programs to test the speed hard drives, in particular, through a popular utility. More than the speed that the flash drive tests show, you should not expect from it in practice.

2. USB ports of the computer

Acquired for faster data recording, a USB 3.0 flash drive will work exactly the same as a USB 2.0 flash drive, provided that this interface is supported by the computer and USB 3.0 does not. The flash drive will limit the port speed. In order to get the performance of the USB 3.0 interface when copying data, the computer's USB ports must be equipped with it. The same applies to the situation when uSB drive   3.0 or 2.0 connects to uSB port   1.0. The fact that the USB flash drive is connected to the low-speed USB 1.0 port, Windows, as a rule, immediately reports a system notification: they say this device can work faster if it connects to the USB 2.0 port.

If the data is slowly copied to a USB flash drive that is connected to a USB port on the front of the PC case, you can test its speed under conditions of connecting to USB ports motherboard   behind the case. It may be that the front panel of the housing uSB ports   2.0 or 1.0, while the ports on the motherboard provide interfaces.

Like USB-ports, which limit the speed of data recording, USB-extension can reduce the speed of copying files. If the USB extension cable provides a USB 2.0 interface, it will limit the speed of the USB 3.0 interface of a USB flash drive and a USB port of a computer with its maximum bandwidth.

3. Weak computer hardware

On old or budget computer models, slow data recording to a USB flash drive may be due to weak hardware stuffing, in particular, small volume random access memory   or slow hard drive. In this case, only computer upgrade will help.

4. Drivers

Slow copying data to a USB flash drive may be due to incorrectly installed USB drivers. In this case, you can either update the motherboard drivers or reinstall the drivers for the USB controllers. Updating the motherboard drivers can be done manually by downloading the necessary installers from the official website of the motherboard or laptop, or you can assign this task to special programs - drivers installation managers. Among them: DriverMax, Auslogics Driver Updater, SlimDrivers, Advanced Driver Updater, etc.

To reinstall the drivers for USB controllers, open the Windows device manager, open the USB Controllers branch and use the "Delete" option in the context menu of each of the list devices to remove its driver.

USB controller drivers will install automatically.

5. BIOS settings

In some cases, the slow speed of writing data to a USB flash drive may be due to the limitation of the speed of USB ports in the BIOS settings. Such a restriction should be sought, as a rule, in the Advanced BIOS section of the Advanced. If the “USB 2.0 Controller Mode” parameter is set to “Low-speed”, it must be changed to “Hi-speed”.

6. How to speed up data writing to a USB flash drive by software

If the cause of the problem lies in the low write speed of the data of the flash drive itself, alas, it will not be possible to significantly speed up the process of copying files to it. Even if we have a productive computer in stock. By software, the speed of writing files can be increased only slightly.

If you need to copy several to a USB flash drive small files, it is better to combine them into one archive file. And put this archive file on the USB flash drive. One weighty file will be copied faster than a mass of small ones. By the way, when copying small files, even productive USB drives can “sag”.

You can slightly speed up the transfer of files to a USB flash drive using special programsoutperforming regular funds copy windows   some share of productivity due to proprietary data copying algorithms. One of these is WinMend File Copy, which can be downloaded for free from the creators website

WinMend File Copy has a Russian-language interface, supports batch copying files, setting up a buffer, as well as resuming data transfer from the gap.

Have a great day!

You are familiar with a situation where copying files from removable media   (flash drive, external hard drive) takes a very long time?
  Let's try to figure out what could be the reason why the files are copied and whether it is possible to somehow speed up this process.

  1. First of all, the speed of copying depends directly on the flash drive. What do we usually pay attention to when choosing it? Volume, price, manufacturer, appearance. So, flash drives have another important characteristic - the speed of reading data. Usually faster devices have a higher price.
Focusing on the price is not always right, and for us a reliable way to make the right choice is to test the flash drive.
  You can check the transfer speed using CrystalDiskMark:

CristalDiskMark - the result of the program

  (In the figure, Read is the read speed in megabytes per second, Write is the write speed.)

- choose a language;
  - indicate the number of runs;
  - file size;
  - and the desired drive.
  After a while, the program will show the average write and read speeds.

2. USB port specifications. To date, the following types of USB-connectors are known:
  - USB 1.0 - have low bandwidth and are found on very old PCs,
  - USB 1.1 - the connector is found on computers and laptops released before the mid-2000s,
  - USB 2.0 is the most common standard that allows, according to manufacturers, data transfer at speeds up to 480 Mbps. In fact, the copy speed is much lower than the declared one.
  - USB 3.0 - a high-speed connector (up to 5 Gb / s.), Which is still not widespread and is found on computers built later than 2010.

3. Equally important are computer resources. Perhaps the slow speed of copying is caused by an old hardware, namely insufficient RAM or low speed hard drive. In this case, one thing can be advised - the computer needs an upgrade. In the meantime, updates have not been purchased, you can try to speed up copying using FastCopy. This program is free and has many supporters and opponents. But I have repeatedly seen that large files are copied using FastCopy much faster.

FastCopy - enable copy acceleration

4. Crookedly installed drivers for USB 2.0 or BIOS settings can also affect copying speed. You can check the settings as follows: in the BIOS, select USB 2.0 Controller - enabled. Then, in the USB 2.0 Controller Mode menu that appears, set the value to Full (Hi) Speed.
  5. Another one possible reason   - the size of the copied files. One large file   It will copy much faster than a folder of the same size with a bunch of small files. In this case, archiving will help: using any archiver, we pack our files into one archive without compression and then copy them.

Flash drives are fast devices when compared to optical disks or even floppy disks. In theory, flash memory is even faster than the magnetic memory used in hard drives   (because in lately SSDs are gaining popularity). However, due to differences in interfaces, flash drives in practice work much slower than hard drives. And sometimes this speed drops even more during operation.

There are several reasons for slow copying files to or from a USB flash drive:

Format mismatch

On older computers, the USB 1.0 port standard was used, if you are trying to connect a USB 2.0 flash drive, then the slow operation of the flash drive is guaranteed!

The same thing happens if you connect a USB flash drive with a USB 3.0 standard to a USB 2.0 port, the operation will be performed at a USB 2.0 speed. So, before blaming for the slow operation of the flash drive, you should check the formats on the flash drive and the computer or on the device to which you are trying to connect a USB flash drive.

Checking USB Ports

If the flash drive is seen in slow data transfer, try connecting it to another USB port. Perhaps the reason lies in the malfunction of the port.

A more complete picture of the status of USB ports and hubs can be obtained in the “Device Manager”

Start button -\u003e "Control Panel" -\u003e "System" -\u003e "Device Manager"

Opposite the idle device will be displayed yellow exclamation mark. Perhaps the whole problem lies in the flown driver.

Another reason for the slow operation of the flash drive may be the use of a USB extension cable. Firstly, it can be made of low-quality materials and thereby slow down data transfer. Secondly, the length of the extension cord should not be too long.

Flash memory chip wear

The first and most probable is the banal wear of flash memory chips. It happens if the flash drive is regularly used for several years (for cheap carriers, the time is taken for months). To avoid this, it is better not to use flash drives for work files that have to be rewritten every day - for example, for documents and projects.

Flash Drive Virus Infection

The second option is viruses. Moreover, both the viruses on it and the viruses on the computer itself can slow down the flash drive. If the problem is with those malicious programs that are on the drive, it is best to format it immediately (without forgetting to save needed files   in safe place) If the problem is a virus infection of the computer, then the further steps are varied and lengthy: there are anti-virus checks, and contacting specialists, and formatting hard drives, if the situation is already irreparable.

Inappropriate file system

Also, the operation of a flash drive may slow down after formatting it, if it was carried out in an “inappropriate” file system. A file system is a “markup” according to which fragments of files are written to a USB flash drive (read more about file systems). The exact recipe, which file system   to speed up work, it’s worth choosing, no.

In general, the FAT32 system is in practice considered the fastest (along with exFAT, which, however, is applicable only to flash drives that work exclusively under Windows 7 and 8). You can also try changing the size of the cluster when formatting, which should be as close as possible to the average size of the files transferred to the USB flash drive.