Updated version of google chrome. Of course, many people, as they say, like a drum, have their browser updated or not. But, nevertheless, it is more pleasant when you yourself control the process. How to disable update in Chrome

You must constantly update your browser Google chrome  so that it works stably and does not lose performance. It is also necessary to update chrome to avoid emerging threats of penetration into your computer through detected vulnerabilities in old version. Chrome browser update can be done in several ways by reinstalling the browser manually and automatically.

How to update Chrome browser by reinstalling it

In order for Google Chrome to update to the latest version, you need to current version  your browser, click on the three dots that are located in the upper right part of it. In the context menu that opens, select Step by Step Help - Help Center.

How to update chrome to the latest version for free

The browser opens a tab called Help - Chrome. In this window, click on How to download and install Google Chrome.

  How to update Chrome to the latest version

Then in the paragraph titled How to install Chrome, click on the Instructions for Windows and click on the link Download the installation file.

  How to update chrome browser for free

A new tab will open in the browser on which you need to click on the Download Chrome button and the updated Google Chrome will be downloaded to your computer in the form of an installation file.

  How to update Chrome browser for free

First you need to download updates for Google Chrome and after that run the downloaded file and install and be sure to restart the browser.

How to update Google Chrome browser automatically

Default chrome updates  are set in auto mode. But sometimes the automatic update does not start at the right time and therefore, for Google Chrome, the update is disabled.

How to disable update in Chrome

To disconnect google update  Chrome, in Explorer, hover over this computer and click the right mouse button. In the context menu that opens, select the Manage item.

  How to disable Google Chrome updates

A window opens called Computer Management. In this window, in the left column you need to expand Services and applications and click on Services. In the central part of the window, find two points that are usually located one above the other.
Google Update Service (gupdate)
  Google Update Service (gupdatem)
  The first item is responsible for searching the Internet for updates to the Google Chrome browser, and the second item is responsible for installing it.

  How to disable Google Chrome update

Disabling these services is not recommended, but it is recommended that you enable the Google Chrome update in the manual launch type. To do this, hover over one of the items and press the right mouse button. A context menu will open in which you select the Properties item.

  How to disable google chrome update for free

The properties of the service you selected will open. In these properties, in order to disable automatic updating of Google Chrome, in the Startup type, select Manual from the pop-up list and click OK.

  How to disable Chrome update

After you switch both services to manual mode, your browser will not automatically search for an update for Google Chrome and install them. After translating these services into manual mode, you will have to update the Google Chrome browser manually.

How to manually update Google Chrome for free

To manually launch a browser update, you need to click on the three points located in the upper right part of the browser. A context menu will open in which alternately choose Help - About google browser  Chrome

  How to update Google Chrome browser for free

A browser will open a tab on which first a search for new versions will take place and if there is one, then the chrome update will immediately begin. Upon completion, the chrome update will need to restart the browser for the updates to take effect. After the browser reboots, you will be updated chrome.

  How to update Google Chrome to the latest version

On the same tab, you can see which version you have installed.

The Google Chrome browser installed on the computer automatically regularly checks and downloads updates if they are available. This is a positive factor, but in some cases (for example, very limited traffic), the user may need to turn off automatic updates to Google Chrome, and if earlier this option was provided in the browser settings, then in latest versions  - not anymore.

In this manual, there are ways to turn off Google Chrome updates in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7 in different ways: first, we can completely turn off Chrome updates, and second, make sure that the browser does not automatically search (and install) updates, but can install them when you need it. You might be interested in:.

Disable Google Chrome browser updates completely

The first method is the easiest for a novice user and completely blocks the ability to update Google Chrome until you cancel the changes.

The steps to disable updates in this way will be as follows

That's all the steps are complete - the updates will not be able to be installed either automatically or manually, even if you go to "Help" - "About Google Chrome browser" (this will appear as an error about the inability to check for updates).

After completing this step, I recommend that you also go to the task scheduler (start by typing in the search on the Windows 10 taskbar or in the Windows 7 start menu, “task scheduler), and then disable the GoogleUpdate tasks there, as in the screenshot below.

Disable automatic Google Chrome updates using Registry Editor or gpedit.msc

The second way to configure Google Chrome updates is official and more complicated, described on the page https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/6350036, I will only set it out in a more understandable way for an ordinary Russian-speaking user.

Turn off Google Chrome updates in this method  it is possible using the local group policy editor (available only for Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10 professional and higher) or using the registry editor (available for other OS editions).

Disabling updates using the local group policy editor will consist of the following steps:

Done, after this update will not be installed. Additionally, I recommend removing GoogleUpdate tasks from the task scheduler, as described in the first method.

If the local group policy editor is not available in your edition of the system, you can disable Google Chrome updates using the registry editor as follows:

You can close the registry editor and delete the GoogleUpdate tasks from the Windows Task Scheduler at the same time. In the future, Chrome updates will not need to be installed unless you cancel all your changes.

There was one condition. I definitely needed Chrome version 25.0 ... I installed Google Chrome and decided to disable the update function, as I usually do (if you do not disable it, the browser will automatically update to the latest version).

In Chrome, I did not find disabling updates and just quickly did it through msconfig and, just in case, autoload in CCleaner, thinking that these manipulations would be enough.

Imagine my surprise when I saw, after some time, that the browser was updated to the latest version.

Wow. Not only did these guys from Google hide the disabling of updates somewhere, but the commands in msconfig didn’t tell them.

When I take up something, I usually bring it to completion. I undertook to find this disabling updates in Google Chrome, and did it.

Here is a short manual. After disconnecting in this way, everything works fine for me, nothing is updated.

1. Click on "Configure and manage Google Chrome" in the upper right in the browser (a box with three horizontal stripes). Click "Settings."

2. At the bottom there is a blue inscription in small print "Show advanced settings". Click her.

3. Immediately we see "Personal data" and a gray button with the inscription "Content Settings". Click on this button.

4. We get to the "Page Content Settings" window. Scroll down while your eyes catch on the blue inscription in small print "Disable individual modules." Push.

5. We get to the "Plugins" page. Below you will see the Google Update module. This is what we are looking for. By default, this feature is enabled. Click the blue inscription "Disable". After shutdown, the module becomes inactive and turns gray.

The problem is solved.

Of course, many people, as they say, like a drum, have their browser updated or not. But, nevertheless, it is more pleasant when you yourself control the process.

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38 reviews yet ...

  Svetlana  writes:

I like Google, I have it basic, but I didn’t know how to disable updates either, thanks for the science.

admin replied:
  April 6th, 2015 at 18:45

@ Svetlana, good browser. I had to switch to Mozilla for only one reason - the constant flash player crashes.

Glory  writes:

In version 42.0.2311.90 m did not find?

admin replied:
  April 24th, 2015 at 18:53

@ Glory, now this version of Chrome is installed and also did not find disabling updates. It seems to have done without blackouts. If I find how to disable it, I will write.

Glory Answered:
  April 24th, 2015 at 19:11

@admin, but somewhere there should be, but where ...

admin replied:
  April 24th, 2015 at 20:11

@ Glory, they are oddly something. More recently, after all, there was the possibility of disconnection, but now it is no longer. Most likely, they removed this opportunity. Well, I'll try and look for how to disable it.

sergei  writes:

Uv.Admin! I have version 22, I did not find the google update plugin. Will chrome update itself in this case? If yes, your advice is needed. THANKS!

admin replied:
  June 6th, 2015 at 11:19

@ sergey, thanks. They removed the ability to disable updates. Apparently, now there is an automatic update. Nothing can be set: neither the frequency of the update, nor the shutdown.
  There are ways to block the update, but you need to install some special ones. applications or pick group policies  Windows, but I did not do this.

Alexander  writes:

This has not been working for a long time ... We prohibit access to the system in the google update folder. and only then updates will stop ...

sergey replied:
  June 28th, 2015 at 23:53

@Alexander, I am far from these troubles, but explain how to deny access to the system in the google update folder. Thanks in advance.

Alexander replied:
  June 29th, 2015 at 1:09 a.m.

@ sergey, We go along the path C: / Program Files (x86) / google chrome / there is the Update folder (the body of the update virus lives there), the right cl. click on it for properties, the security tab, point the arrow at the system (in the window), then change it, put daws on the ban, agree, confirm everything .... here is the link to the fortieth version (the link is deleted automatically). After installing in c: \\ Users \\ account \\ AppData \\ google chrome just copy this folder right after installation without going into account  chrome), and wait for update to appear there, how to update chrome, deny access, and change everything there to a pre-copied Chrome \\ Application \\ folder to your liking ... or download the portable one, it does not update (you just need to get a shortcut) Works from any disk from the folder (link deleted automatically) google folder  Chrome Portable put anywhere inside the launch of the program, or make a shortcut from the folder.

admin replied:
  June 29th, 2015 at 8:22 a.m.

@Alexander, thanks. For some time now it’s all the same for all these chromium updates, but I think the recipe is effective and will help those in need.

Alexander replied:
  June 29th, 2015 at 7:15 pm

@admin, With pleasure. Thanks for posting. I am glad to help, everything definitely works ... And I am also very glad to help people in the fight against this serious adversary. Because, they have already become insolent with their buggy updates, which they turned into a virus (very similar to mail.ru), those who become infected will understand how hard it is to remove it. Good luck to you!

admin replied:
  June 30th, 2015 at 8:29 pm

@Alexander, these villains, these guys, and here they plant viruses. Thank you, your update shutdown system will come in handy.

sergey replied:
  June 29th, 2015 at 9:50 a.m.