Where are the extensions after packing Google Chrome. Where is the Google Chrome folder on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and Android?

There are situations when you need to copy a folder google profile  Chrome You may need to transfer the Chrome profile in case you need to uninstall and reinstall the Chrome browser or completely reinstall the system. There may also be other contingencies, but we need software, we must know where passwords and other interesting things are stored)

Therefore, if you use the Chrome browser, it would not be out of place to know where the profile folder is located, in which all browser settings, bookmarks, extensions, and, of course, saved passwords are saved. By the way, more about where are stored google passwords  Chrome and how to pull them out, you can learn in our other article "".

The default profile is called Default. But if you once created, added or edited profiles, it may be called differently. You can find out which profile the current open browser belongs to using the command:

chrome: // version

We drive this command into address bar  browser and press enter.

After that, detailed information will appear in which you will find the path of the current profile.

You can copy the entire path and paste it into the address bar of the explorer.

Chrome browser profiles are in the folder

IN operating system  Windows, the folder in which Google Chrome saves all data is hidden by default. So for starters you need to.

Instead of spysoftnet, your username.

Google Chrome Windows folder

C: \\ Users \\ spysoftnet \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default

Google Chrome Linux folder


Google Chrome Mac OS X Folder

Users / spysoftnet / Library / Application Support / Google / Chrome / Default

Google Chrome Android folder


On Android, access to this folder is possible only if the phone is rooted.

How to delete a Chrome profile?

There are many ways to do this. For example, using the profile manager. But the most reliable is to delete the profile folder in Explorer.

You already know where the Chrome folder is located, and I hope it’s not difficult for you to find the delete button.

Chrome Extensions Folder

All browser extensions are in the Extensions folder

C: \\ Users \\ spysoftnet \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default \\ Extensions

Chrome bookmark folder

Chrome does not select a separate folder for bookmarks; instead, all bookmarks are located in the Bookmarks file.

If you haven’t added anything to your bookmarks, then you won’t see the Bookmarks file.

That’s all, friends. Now you know where Chrome stores the user profile, where are bookmarks, extensions and passwords. Follow us on social networks. All dosvidos!

Here, as always, there could be another blah blah blah, but today it will not be. Briefly about the main thing: I encountered a problem transferring saved SpeedDial bookmarks from windows 7 to windows 8.

Transfer extensions between windows.

You say that synchronization would help here, but SpeedDial does not store all your bookmarks in the cloud (and this is very in vain), but directly on the local disk.

Everything turned out to be quite simple, one had only to look for a way to extensions.

IN Windows 7  it looks as follows.

C: \\ Users \\ User \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default \\ Extensions \\

IN Windows XP

C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ User \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chromee \\ User Data \\ Default \\ Extensions \\

In daddy there are all installed extensions, but with interesting partisan names. Therefore, for simplicity, you can simply copy the folder Extensionscompletely. But with SpeedDial, it turned out to be not so simple. This extension stores its data somewhere else, and I just copied the folder User data.

Port extensions from windows to linux.

We take everything that we need from windows (you can peek a little higher) and drag along the next path.

~ / .config / google-chrome /

Option for sissies.

We go to Tools -\u003e Extensions, click the checkbox "Developer Mode" and then click on the "Pack Extensions ..." button and drive in the full path that is listed above. And on the recipient system, we go again to the extensions and poke "Download the unpacked extension ..." and select the file.

If you transfer the User Data folder completely, then everything will be transferred, including open tabsbookmarks and stuff.

Despite the rather voluminous functionality google browser  Chrome, many users resort to installing special extension programs that aim to add new features to the web browser. If you just joined google users  Chrome, then you are probably interested in how this browser  Extensions are being installed.

The Google Chrome browser is equipped with the largest extension store in which the user will find tools for every taste: a large selection of ad blockers, VPN add-ons, tools for saving web pages, information extensions and much more.

How to install extensions in Google Chrome?

First of all, we need to get to the extension store. To do this, select the menu button in the upper right corner of the web browser, after which we go to the section in the list that appears .

A list of add-ons already installed in the browser will be displayed on the screen (if in your case there are any). We scroll to the very end of the list and click on the button "More extensions" .

The browser will create a new tab in which it will immediately be redirected to the extension store page for Google Chrome. There are two ways to search a store: either using the search bar located in the upper right corner of the screen, or using various selections and ratings, of which there are many in this store.

Once you find the add-on you're interested in, you can begin to install it. To do this, click on the add-on to open detailed information about it. To add an add-on to the browser, click on the button in the upper right corner "Install" .

Confirm the installation of the tool by clicking on the button. "Install extension" .

Installing an extension usually takes a few seconds. As soon as the installation is completed, a message will be displayed in the upper right corner of the browser on the successful completion of the installation.

By default, immediately after installation, the add-on will already be activated, which means that you can immediately proceed to use it. As a rule, the icons of most add-ons are displayed in the upper right corner of the browser.

If, in your case, the add-on icon did not appear, most likely it is controlled either in the menu “Additional Tools” - “Extensions” , or in the section "Services" , which can be accessed by pressing the corresponding button in the upper left corner of the screen.

A list of browser tools will be displayed on the screen, among which may be your extension. You only need to click on the extension icon to go to its control menu.

Actually, that’s all. If you still have questions about installing and managing extensions in Google Chrome, ask them in the comments.

Good day, dear readers, today we will continue to study the Google Chrome browser, and consider a few more things from its functionality. The topic of today's post will be how to keep the extension google chrome  to a computer, this means creating a folder on your computer from which, at any time without the Internet, you can install the extension.

And so earlier I told you which ones I use in my practice, we examined how to install, disable and remove them. Imagine a situation. that you would always want to have your distributions in the arsenal, setup files  your chrome extensions so you can install anywhere without the internet. Let's first understand where the extension folder in chrome is located.

It is located in your user profile, the folder itself is hidden, so you need to enable the display of hidden and Windows folders. I have a dozen, but it is done the same everywhere, read the article on the link to the left.

C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default \\ Extensions

As you can see, their names are not particularly readable, of course you can go into each of them and:

  • View extension icons to understand what's here
  • View Version
  • Get into the script code

But there is a way many times easier, follow the link


And in search string  paste any copied name from this abracadabra. As a result, you see, I found out that this is our expansion of Access to Rutreker.

And so in which folder chrome extensions  we found out, now we need to learn how to drag them.

If you just want to copy the folder with the extensions and transfer them to another computer, then you won’t succeed. We have two options for transferring.

  • This is chrome extension packaging and porting
  • Download packages .crx format with subsequent installation.

How to install extension in google chrome manually

And so in order to be able to install the extension in google chrome manually, consider the two options described above.

Packaging extensions in chrome

Go to Configure and manage Google Chrome\u003e Advanced Tools\u003e Extensions. Check the Developer mode checkbox and click the Pack extension button.

Choose a review and specify the full path to the folder with the plugin, I got it like this

C: \\ Users \\ lacky \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default \\ Extensions \\ \\ 14.1_0

You have generated a .crx and .pem file, the first is the installer, and the second is the private key.

This is how it looks in a folder.

Next, you take these files and transfer to new computer. Then open Google Chrome and just transfer the file with the extension .crx into it. As a result, the installation starts, sometimes you may be asked for confirmation.

I want to note that unfortunately this way you can transfer 90 percent of chrome extensions

For example, I moved the WOT plugin like this

Alternative method to get a CRX file

The installation of the Give Me CRX extension will help us, after which go to the store in any plug-in you like, see its installation page and right-click

As a result, you will be redirected to a page with a boot link

If a window appears that it is impossible to add an application, extension or script from this site, then go to the browser at chrome: // extensions

Then just transfer the crx file and you will see the installation wizard.

So, just create your offline collection. google extensions  Chrome

In this tutorial, I'll tell you how to install the extension for the Google Chrome browser.

All modern browsers are designed to expand their functional capabilities. It is thanks to special extensions that you, as a user, have additional features that Google Chrome does not initially have. With the help of extensions you can download videos from video hosting sites, for example - youtube.com, reduce your routine to one click and much, much more. It is worth saying that installing the extension in the Google Chrome browser is very easy and so let's get started with you.

The first thing you need to do is go into managing your browser extensions. In the upper right corner, click the button in the form of three bars, then select the "Tools" item from the drop-down menu and then the "Extensions" item.

I suggest using the usual search and enter either the name of the extension, if it is familiar to you, or keywordby which the site will try to find something suitable for you. Let's just try to find something suitable for the youtube query.

After that, the extension will appear in your general list of installed extensions. Congratulations, you have installed the new extension in your browser.

To turn off installed extension  or delete it, just remove the checkmark from the "Enabled" option or click on the trash can icon, opposite the extension itself. After that, the extension will stop working or it will be removed from your browser.

Well, that’s all you need to know about installing new extensions in your Google Chrome browser. I hope you will be careful and careful, install only proven extensions. In the next lesson, I'll tell you how you can change the theme for the Google Chrome browser.

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