Error failed to load plugin. "Failed to load your profile correctly." What to do if the Google Chrome or Firefox profile failed to load correctly

Now it remains to be Google chrome. It is understandable, because it has many advantages and is quite modern. But it may happen that one day when you launch the browser a window appears with an error:
"Failed to load your profile correctly. Some features may not be available. Make sure your profile exists and that you have permission to read and write operations."

I do not use Google Chrome, but the browser based on it - Iron. This is due to the fact that this browser  Doesn’t send data about visited sites to the statistics center, as Google Chrome does. Now there are many browsers based on the Chromium engine, because it is in the public domain and many companies use it to release their browsers, such as Yandex Browser, Mail (Internet) and others. For example, also made on its basis.

Now closer to the essence of the article itself. There is one very good way  to eliminate this annoying error and now I will show it.

How to remove the error "Failed to load your profile correctly"

1.   Close google browser  Chrome if it is running.

2.   Open Explorer. You can just open My computer  or any folder anywhere.

3.   Enter the folder address in address bar  Explorer and press Enter.

For Windows XP:
% USERPROFILE% \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\

For windows 7:
% USERPROFILE% \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\

A screenshot of how it was, for example, Windows XP:

and this is how it should be after pasting the address:

After entering, press Enter and get into the folder we need.

Because I use a browser based on the Chromium engine, then my path is this:

% USERPROFILE% \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Chromium \\ User Data

4.   In this window we find the Default folder and rename it to Default1 or Default_old or generally as you like. The main thing is that the name be different. You can even name vindavoz.

5.   Launch Google Chrome and close. With this action we created a new folder Default.

6.   We go to the Default1 folder (or as you called it there). In it we find and delete the Web Data file.

7.   Now select everything that remains (you can use the hot keys Ctrl+A) and copy ( Ctrl+C) to the newly created Default folder.

8.   Delete the Default1 folder (or as you called it).

Not confused? If not, then everything should work out and the problem is solved. You can launch the browser and check.

If this does not work out, then read the instructions again and think about how to do it correctly.

If even this does not help, then try to delete the Web Data file in the Default folder. Of course, this is better done with the browser closed.

That's all. If you have any questions with fixing the error about incorrect profile loading, then write in the comments.

Failed to load your profile correctly. Some features may be unavailable. Make sure your profile exists and that you have permission to read and write.

A separate insidiousness of this error lies in the fact that this small, nondescript window appears in the background and hides behind a browser window. As a result, the user can wait half an hour until he finds it. In order to see the error window, you need to minimize the main browser window.

This error may appear when trying to enter the browser, or, for example, when trying to install an application or extension.

Causes of Google Chrome Error

Possible reason # 1 is a glitch in the profile files.

Possible reason # 2 - there really are no read and write permissions to the profile folder. In fact, this situation is extremely rare.

Where is the Google Chrome browser user profile located

For Windows 7 and Windows 8 \\ 8.1: in the folder C: \\ Users \\ account name\\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data

For Windows XP: in the folder C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ account name\\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data

How to fix the error "Failed to load your profile correctly"

To fix the error:

1 Close all Google Chrome browser windows.

2 Go to the \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ folder and delete the folder User data

3 Launch a browser.

In this case, the profile folder will be created by the browser again. Follow the step in which this error previously occurred to see if the error loading the profile has disappeared.

If it didn’t help

If the above operation did not help, check the NTFS permissions on the folder User data. This can be done on the tab. Security:

Beautiful modern browser with integrated tools search engine  Google, claiming to be the fastest and most stable Internet browser. However, figuratively speaking, stability unshakable as a wall in lately covered with quite noticeable cracks. Recently, many browser users have encountered a constantly appearing error, which does not help to get rid of either a reboot or a complete reinstall of the browser:

"Failed to load your profile correctly. Some features may be unavailable. Make sure your profile exists and that you have permission to read and write. "

At the moment, there are several ways to eliminate this annoying error, and we will consider them one by one.

Method, number "races"

Win + e

Conductor   and press Enter (see screenshot)

Path for Windows XP:
% USERPROFILE% \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\

Path for Windows 7:
% USERPROFILE% \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\

4. In the window that opens, you need to find and rename the folder "Default"   (for example, in Default1 ).

5. Without closing Conductor  run Google chrome  while the folder " Default  "will automatically be recreated.

6. Go to the " Default1  "and delete the file" Web data ".

7. Copy all remaining files from the " Default1  "to folder" Default ".

8. Delete the old folder " Default1 ".

Congratulations, after that the problem will be fixed.

Method number dvas

1. Close the Google Chrome browser if it is running.

2. Open File Explorer. You can do this by pressing the keyboard shortcut Win + e   (the Win key is the one on which the Windows icon is drawn).

3. Enter the folder address in the address bar Conductor   and press Enter (see screenshot). Please note that for different operating systems  folder location address is different.

Path for Windows XP:
% USERPROFILE% \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default \\

Path for Windows 7:
% USERPROFILE% \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default \\

3. Locate and delete the file " Web data ".

This should also be enough so that the next time the browser starts, the error "Could not load your profile correctly ..." disappears, however, if this does not happen, we proceed to the third method.

Method number three

1. Open " Task Manager "(to do this, press the key combination" Ctrl + Alt + Del  "and select" Launch task manager »).

2. In the Task Manager, go to the " The processes ".

3. Sequentially select all processes containing " Chrome  "and complete their work by clicking the" Complete the process » (see screenshot).

I hope that the above steps will help you restore the browser to normal operation and you will never encounter a similar error.

Currently, among all browsers in the Russian-speaking region, and not only the leaders, Google Chrome is knocking out. More and more users prefer it for its speed and simplicity. user interface. However, errors occur even in the most reliable programs and Google Chrome is no exception. Since now almost any of the provided Internet browsers strive for greater personalization, which allows the user to work more optimally on the open spaces of the World Wide Web. One of the most common errors associated with the personalization of the browser, which many users encounter, is the incorrect loading of the profile. Typically, a similar error message looks like this.

Google Chrome Error

And it can be generally interesting and incomprehensible - on the monitor there will be several such notifications at once.

No, this error does not affect globally the operation of the browser in particular and the computer in, such a situation is common. However, over time and the manifestation of such a failure more than once, this whole situation begins to irritate so slightly. To correct the current situation, it is enough to simply perform step by step what will be written below.

To begin with, after the next error message appears, it is worth closing it (or them if there are several windows). After that, in the browser itself in the upper right corner we find the icon with three horizontal stripes and click on it.

A list of options appears on the monitor. You must select "Settings" with the left mouse button.

In the settings window, closer to the bottom of the window, there will be a "Delete user" button. Click on it.

After that, the program through the next window will take an interest in the user's confidence in deleting the user and all data about him without the possibility of recovery. Here we must firmly stand our ground and confirm the removal. Do not regret getting rid of the user profile, because this will in no way affect either the speed or the functionality of Google Chrome itself. It’s just that the browser itself will become more impersonal and stop collecting user data.

Yes, it’s abnormal that a browser that claims to personalize its work specifically for a specific registered user is not able to correctly download data about it, which is sometimes annoying. But, as already mentioned above, no program can be completely protected from the appearance of the seemingly most unexpected errors. Their appearance is often due to the fact that any program is constantly being added and improved. And this, in turn, can lead to the fact that some parts of the program code come into conflict and may block some previously working modules. And this is already a personal decision of each user to continue using this product, because there are no global problems or to search on the Internet for a more thoughtful software product with similar functions. If a person is happy with everything and personalization is not so important for him, then it would be more logical to simply delete the user profile in the manner described above.

You should not panic if you encounter the error "failed to load your profile correctly." We also do not recommend reinstalling the Google Chrome browser, as the situation will not change. What you need to do, you ask. There really exists a solution; moreover, there are several of them.

How to correctly upload your profile: method one

First, close your browser. After that we need to ask the system
display To this end, we launch the “Service”, then go to the “Folder Options”, pay attention to the “View” and set the task “Show hidden folders»(When the problem with the browser is resolved, you can perform the reverse procedure for the folder settings to restore them to their normal form). Then we need to get into the folder called User Data. To do this, you have to go a long way: go to drive C, open the Users folder, then go to the directory with the username, then we are interested in the AppData folder, then Local, of course, Google, respectively, Chrome. And there we will already see the necessary User Data directory. In the next step, we visit the Default folder, removing the Web Data directory from it. All is ready. The problem must be solved.

Chrome could not load profile: second solution

It is worth noting that this method  based on the first. We need to go into the folder that we already visited in the first solution. Once in it, we are looking for a directory with the name Default. Next, rename this folder, for example, in Default2.

After that, open the Chrome browser and instantly appears with the name Default.

Next, in the resulting folder from the recently renamed Default2, we move absolutely all data except Web Data. It remains to delete the Default2 directory. From this moment, the indicated error should not appear. If once it seemed a little to her, and the error reminds herself of herself again, you can do everything described above again.

There is a third option

To do this, click on the button with three stripes, which is located in the upper right corner of the browser, and in the menu that appears, find the item of the same name. While in the "Settings", we are looking for the "Users" section and a little lower the "Delete user" function. We carry out the removal, after which the error should not bother us anymore.

It should be noted that after deleting the user, the automatic

entrance to google account  and access to all its services. If for some reason you are not comfortable this method  or he didn’t help you, just log out of your Google account and log in again using your browser settings.

Through the task manager

If you know how to work with, a faster way is provided for you. Launch the "Task Manager" using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Del. Go to the "Processes" tab. We are shutting down all the processes associated with the name Chrome. You can also run Chrome as an administrator.

If you have Windows XP

All the methods described above to solve the problem “could not load the profile correctly” work on all windows versionscompatible with the Chrome browser. However, if you use XP, the location of the desired User Data folder will change slightly. Instead of the Users directory on drive C, go to Documents and Settings. Further, everything is as described above.

Reasons for the problem

We quickly figured out how to solve the problem, but it’s worth understanding why not

managed to load your profile correctly. A similar error occurs due to a malfunction in the accounting google posts. That is why all the above operations are aimed, first of all, at deleting user data from your computer.

Do not worry that personal information is permanently deleted. In fact backup copy  all materials are stored on servers Thanks to this, during a new login account  data will automatically download and install instantly. So we figured out what to do if chrome browser Failed to load your profile correctly. It should be said that the problem is quite common with all the advantages of this browser.

Task "Fox"

If Firefox cannot load the profile, it is recommended that you create a new one. To start, close all browser windows. Remember that all actions with profiles are performed using the “Profile Manager”. You can call it by logging into Firefox with a special parameter - p (or ProfileManager).

We enter the “Start”, run the “Run” command, in the window that appears in a special field
"Open" we type firefox.exe -p. In addition, you can use the "Browse" button, indicate where the firefox.exe file is located and add the key at the end: -p. You can also achieve what you want thanks to a shortcut from the browser.

Right-click on it, select "Properties" in the menu, go to the "Shortcut" tab, add the -p switch to the special "Object" field. Before us opens the "Profile Manager." It will help to create a profile on any drives (even network drives), as well as in any computer directory. In addition, here you can rename or delete a profile.

The power of a new profile

When creating, as well as choosing for an updated profile, the old

will remain in the same place, but will no longer be used. Click on the "Create" button for a new profile to appear. We see a window with instructions. We study it. Click "Next." After that, the “Wizards” dialog box appears, in which we enter the name of the profile to be created, and if you want to place the profile in a place other than the default, select the desired folder by clicking “Browse”. After that, click the "Finish" button.

Congratulations, profile created. Select it in the list of profiles and click on the “Launch Firefox” button. In order for the “Profile Manager” to appear when the browser starts, uncheck the “Do not ask” box. A browser will open in front of you, in which all the settings will be set to “default”, and your bookmarks and extensions, possibly leading to incorrect operation  Firefox

Remember that all the settings remained intact in the previous profile. To return to its use, you need to run the "Profile Manager" and the required name. Typically, the profile that was installed by default gets the name default. Remember that if the profile has changed direction or you no longer need it, you can also delete it or rename it, as was suggested with the faulty options. Here again, the “Profile Manager” will help you. The profile system has proven effective. You can separately configure the browser for several modes, for example, work (necessary documents and work bookmarks), home (various kinds of entertainment and leisure), children (bookmarks for games), simplified (only the most necessary for working with the Internet, if your computer is used close people who have not yet mastered the intricacies of the Web). We hope that, using our tips, you will never see the error “failed to load your profile correctly” in your browser. We have described problem solving methods for the most popular and functional browsers. If you manage to get rid of minor misunderstandings, these programs will greatly facilitate your life on the Internet.