Chrome browser system error. Google Chrome Extensions Network Error

All About Crashing A Shit

The essence of the error:

for no reason, instead of on the page you are opening, you see not the content, but the message "Aw,"

How to fix it?
If this is a one-time case, then it is not worth worrying. This bug is easily fixed: just refresh the page (F5 key). This is the most common way to solve the "Aw,".

If it does not help, or the error forces you to refresh the page again and again, then the problem has settled down somewhere deeper.

Alternative solutions to the error

Sometimes you have to rummage around with a computer in order to permanently solve the issue of correct browser operation.

  1. You have viruses that need to be removed.
  2.   Run a FULL scan of the entire computer (all folders and files on all hard drives) Such a check may take a whole day, but it's worth it. If the antivirus finds something, delete it. Be sure to restart the computer after checking.
  3. Antivirus or firewall block Chrome.
  4. True or not, it is easy to determine:
    - disable TEMPORARY antivirus;
    - disable the TEMPORARY firewall (to find it, click START and type the word "firewall" in the search).
    - then launch Chrome.
    If Chrome will work fine, then the problem was in the antivirus or firewall.

    In this case, just write the exception for Chrome in the settings. There will be no clear instructions here, as antivirus programs are now a great many.

  5. Some extension interferes with the normal operation of the browser.
  6.   Go to settingsthen in instruments, then to the extensions and there disconnect all extensions that seem doubtful to you. If after shutdown, everything began to work fine, then you have localized the problem.
  7. Damage to the profile \u003d\u003e you need to start a new one.
  8.   This is exactly what you need to do in the last turn, if points 1-3 did not help. How to do it?

    Run the command: button with the Windows logo + E.
    - At the very top (where “Computer” will be written) in address bar   you will need to erase everything and paste the following code.
    For Windows XP:
    % USERPROFILE% \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\
    For Windows 7-8, Vista:
    % LOCALAPPDATA% \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\
    - Paste the copied code into this line and press ENTER.
    - You will open a directory with a whole bunch of folders. Find the Default folder there and rename it to Backup Default.
    - Restart Chrome.

At the dawn of the development of computer technology, the Internet was available only to the elite. Firstly, it was very slow, so they used this technology really only if necessary, and not as it is now - for entertainment. Secondly, it was very expensive, and in some places there was simply no technical ability to connect it. Now most of the PCs are connected to the global web and people are actively using the provided opportunities for their own purposes.

For this, special shells were developed - browsers, which, like any other software, are not immune from errors and various troubles. For example, many users have encountered situations such as google chrome crap. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to deal with it. Especially when you consider that googles in google chrome are always associated with any conflict directly from the user's personal computer, so you don’t have to rely on outside help.

Do not worry ahead of time. If it was not possible to open the web page (shit) in this popular Internet browser, then there is a technique that solves such a nuisance.

The most popular reasons for the situation

Before you understand what to do - goofs in google chrome, you need to have information about what exactly can be the root cause of such a complication.

There are several main reasons that cause google chrome to go nuts on all pages:

  • Short-term malfunction of the Internet browser.
  • The PC was attacked by virus programs and was infected.
  • Important system software blocks the operation of the application required to access the network.
  • The presence of a blocking component in the browser.
  • User profile has been damaged.

In fact, these are all possible root causes that lead to the fact that google chrome error occurs on the monitor screen.

Effective Healing Techniques

What to do in case of a mistake? Naturally correct. And it is advisable to act in stages.

In order to understand how to clean creepy chromewill need to consider each possible reason   separately.

If the user sees the message “there was a problem with loading this page,” initially it’s worth just trying to update the information. To do this, just press the "F5" key. Did not help? Any antivirus that is current at the time of trouble is turned on and the most complete and deep scan operating system for the presence of any harmful elements in it.

The next step is to check the settings of the firewall and anti-virus application for the presence of an installed block in them, affecting access to the Internet using your favorite Internet browser. It is recommended to add it to the list of exceptions and set a high level of priority.

After that, the parameters of the application itself are opened, designed to enter the vastness of the global web, where analysis of all installed plugins is done, some of which can cause a similar problem. It is recommended to carefully review the list of such components, get detailed information about each of them, deactivate all unnecessary and suspicious ones.

User profile resumption occurs as follows:

  1. Press the “Win” and “E” keys simultaneously.
  2. Clear command line.
  3. Drive the following expressions into it:% USERPROFILE% \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ (if using Windows XP) or% LOCALAPPDATA% \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ (for other versions of Microsoft OSes).
  4. In the directory that appears, find the daddy named "Default".
  5. It must be renamed to “Backup Default”, and then restart the browser.

By the way, one more special case - a shame, a browser is required to watch the video fresher. Everything here is clear from the message itself. That is, the user will need:

  1. Log on to the network (possibly using other applications).
  2. Find the latest version of the product, download it and install on hDD   PC.

Actually, these are all the techniques that help to cope with this disease.

It happens that during a visit to a regular web page you didn’t get the site you were interested in, but the annoying warning “Aw, the program crashed” with a sad emoticon. There may be some problem with the current device that is preventing your browser from functioning properly.

What is a mistake “Aw,”

First, check the frequency of failures by following these steps:

  1. Enter “chrome: // crashes” in the address bar of the current browser.
  2. Now press the enter key.

In this case, the option about reporting PC failures must be activated in advance.

If the exact information about the failures does not appear in the open chrome: // crashes window, then we need:

System crash issues

The reason for the appearance of such a warning can be very different, ranging from the simplest virus program to the conflict of plug-ins and browser modules.

  • If it turned out that frequent crashes occur, then first of all you should check the programs that can create a conflict with google chrome. To understand this, go to the chrome: // conflicts page. After that, a window will appear with all the programs that were previously in conflict. If you don’t need them anymore, then you can clear your PC’s memory from working debris;
  • The next step is to check for viruses introduced while browsing various sites and malware on your computer. Of course, many people have Anti-Virus installed on their computer. Do not be too lazy to scan problems that arose on your PC, including for viruses. This may take a long time, but it is worth it. To avoid conflicts, you can install a new antivirus or use a trial for 30 days;
  • It is also possible that software crashes when playing Flash. To make it clear to everyone, google chrome is a fairly modern and sophisticated browser, it already contains the previously built-in animation module itself. If on your computer there is a different version of the animation from adobe flash player, then conflicts arise between the internal and external modules, which is why this warning “Aw,” appears. In this case, you should turn off the previously installed flash in google chrome, and configure the standard flash used in other browsers;
  • System problems can be caused by an error in the user’s profile. Moreover, the more additional extensions are installed in the browser, the higher the likelihood of “Awka.” Your profile may be corrupted.

And to check for errors in this area, you need:

Now go to the browser and try to log in to a site. If the warning "Opanki" ceased to appear, then the problem was this. If this error still hangs, then you will have to create a new one (change user). First you should:

After that, check for errors again.

Other possible errors

In that quantity, the list of errors did not stop, because a computer is a complex machine, and the interaction of programs and a computer system is even more complicated. Therefore, the following errors and methods for checking them:

The error is in the system files.

In order to fix these errors you need to activate the program SFC.EXE / SCANNOW:

  1. Start command line mode first.
  2. Write the specified inscription
  3. Now press Enter

Your computer should find the reasons and fix it if any errors are found that prevent the browser from working.

Incorrect extensions

Check your PC in incognito mode. If the error disappears, it is possible that some extension on your device caused a crash. To eliminate it you need:

  1. Open the Chrome menu on the toolbar (located at the top in the right corner of the window, looks like a small gray square with three sticks inside)
  2. Now select “Tools”
  3. Next, select “Extensions”
  4. After that, a window will open where you should uncheck the “Enabled” box next to the extension.

Do not worry, these extensions can be included at any time convenient for you.

The consequences of the functioning of antivirus programs

Who those who do not know, an antivirus program can block google chrome. To check the operation of the antivirus, follow these functions:

  1. Click “Start” in the lower left corner of the computer.
  2. Now enter the word “firewall”.
  3. Try activating chrome.

How to fix a goofy bug in google chrome

If someone does not know, then this action can be done with one click on the round arrow in the upper left corner of the window or press the F5 key.

  • Close current tabs

There are times when your device is missing random access memory   For loading. Perhaps your PC will run slower than usual, or perhaps it will throw a mistake. Now just close the active tabs and try downloading that site again.

Sometimes it happens that it is programs and applications that do not allow the computer to function normally. Just turn off and on the PC again. Now check for failures.

  • Try also to open this site on another computer. If it didn’t work out there, then most likely this is a browser error.
  • Also make sure that you have installed updated version   browser. This fact affects a lot. To find out your browser version:
  1. Open the chrome menu.
  2. Click on the “Help” item.
  3. Now select “about browser Google chrome”.
  • Disabling older versions of previously connected modules:
  1. Press on google settings   chrome in the upper right corner.
  2. Next, select "Advanced".
  3. You will see the “Content Settings” item. Click on it.
  4. Select “Plug-ins,” and then click on “Disable individual modules.”

Carefully review all your modules. Perhaps a module is running on your computer that is used by two different versions. In this situation, uninstall the outdated version of the PC. The file is not deleted when disconnected. In case of problems with the performance of chrome, you can always return to the modules and turn them on again.

There are times when the hardware problems of your PC are the cause of such failures. Thus, if all the above methods to resolve the problem did not help you deal with the error, then only 1 option remains: reinstalling your browser, in our case Google Chrome, or completely reinstalling the operating system.

Popular google browser   Chrome is famous for its functionality, a huge store of extensions, active support from Google and many other nice advantages, which made this web browser the most popular in the world. Unfortunately, far from all users the browser works correctly. In particular, one of the most popular browser errors starts with "Aw, crap ...".

"Goofy ..." in Google Chrome - a fairly common type of error, which indicates that the website could not load. And here is why the website failed to load - a fairly wide range of reasons can affect this. In any case, faced with a similar problem, you will need to follow a few simple recommendations described below.

Method 1: refresh the page

First of all, faced with a similar error, you should suspect a minimal failure in chrome work, which, as a rule, is solved by a simple page refresh. You can refresh the page by clicking the corresponding icon in the upper left corner of the page or by pressing the key on the keyboard F5 .

Method 2: closing tabs and unnecessary programs on the computer

The second most common reason for the appearance of the "Prank ..." error is the lack of RAM for the browser to work correctly. In this case, you will need to close the maximum number of tabs in the browser itself, and on the computer to close the extra programs that are not used at the time of working with Google Chrome.

You should suspect a system failure, which, as a rule, is solved by a regular reboot of the computer. To do this, click on the button "Start" , click on the power icon in the lower left corner, and then select.

Method 4: reinstall the browser

This point begins already much more radical ways to solve the problem, and specifically in this way, we advise you to reinstall the browser.

First of all, you will need to completely remove the browser from the computer. Of course, you can remove standard way   through the menu “Control Panel” - “Uninstalling Programs” , but it will be much more effective if you resort to specialized software to uninstall the web browser from a computer. More details about this have already been described on our website.

When the browser removal is complete, you will need to download the latest Chrome distribution necessarily from the official website of the developer.

By going to the developer's site, you will need to make sure that the system offers you the right one. version of google   Chrome, which is fully consistent with the bit depth of your computer and the version of the operating system. So, some users of the Windows 64 bit OS are faced with the fact that the system automatically offers to download the distribution kit of the 32 bit browser, which, in theory, should work on the computer, but in fact all the tabs are accompanied by the "Aw ...." error.

If you do not know what bit depth (bitness) of your operating system, open the menu "Control Panel" put in the upper right corner "Small icons" and then go to the section "System" .

In the window that opens, near the item "Type of system"   you can see the bit depth of the operating system (there are only two of them - 32 and 64 bit). This bit depth must be observed when downloading the Google Chrome distribution package to your computer.

After downloading the necessary version of the distribution package, install the program on your computer.

Method 5: resolve conflicting software

Some programs may conflict with Google Chrome, so analyze whether an error occurred after installing a program on your computer. If yes, you will need to remove the conflicting software   from the computer, and then restart the operating system.

Method 6: eliminate viruses

You should not exclude the possibility of virus activity on the computer, since many viruses are aimed specifically at hitting the browser.

In this case, you will need to scan the system using your antivirus or a special healing utility. Dr.Web CureIt .

If virus scans were detected on your computer as a result of a scan, you will need to eliminate them, and then restart the computer and check the browser’s functionality. If the browser still doesn’t work, reinstall it, because the virus could damage its normal functioning, and as a result, even after removing the viruses, the problem with the browser may remain relevant.

Method 7: Disable the Flash Player Plugin

If the “Prank ...” error appears when you try to play Flash content in Google Chrome, you should immediately suspect a problem Flash playerwhich is highly recommended to disable.

To do this, we need to get to the plugin management page in the browser by clicking on the following link:

chrome: // plugins

Find the list of installed plugins Adobe flash   Player and click on the button next to this plugin Disable translating it into an inactive state.

Hello. Not so long ago, I ran into an unpleasant moment in the Google Chrome browser. After launching the browser, I opened several pages, but all of them showed a "Goofy" message in Google Chrome, what should I do? Very strange picture, never met such. I’m sure you have at least once seen this on your computer. Now I’ll tell you how to solve this problem.

It’s one thing when the error appeared once and after reloading the page disappeared. But sometimes the defect is repeated more than once, pretty exhausting users' nerves.

The notification "Awkward ..." in Chrome is displayed at those moments when the browser for some reason can not correctly load the site content. If you are interested in the details of what happened, you can view the crash report by clicking on the link:

The reasons are clear, it's time to move on to solutions!

What to do with "Opanki?

First of all, you need to click on the reset button. In most cases, this helps, and the problem will not bother you anymore (at least during the current session). But if this option   does not save - here are some proven methods.

Resolving Conflicts

There is a possibility that certain software conflicts with the browser. Checking such a version is easy. Enter the following command in the address bar of Chrome:

As you can see, in my case no conflicts were found. But if you have them, then you should remove the applications that interfere with the work.

A fairly large database of solutions is presented on the Google help resource. link.

We are looking for viruses

Malicious utilities can also lead to a Goofy Google Chrome error. What I recommend to do:

  • Close all running applications;
  • Clean, which is located along the path:

Drive C | Users (or Users) | USER_NAME | AppData | Local | Temp

Please note that is hidden. To see it, you need to go to the "Explorer Options" (folder options). A window will open where you need to select the "View" tab and at the very end of the list of options activate the "Show hidden files ..." mode:

  • Now download the virus scan utility, run it (installation is not required), and after the scan is complete, restart your PC.
  • Cleaning will not hurt system registry   from traces of malicious scripts. The CCleaner optimizer will help us with this. You can watch the video instructions and download the utility.
  • At the end of cleaning, be sure to reset your browser by entering the command in the address bar:

chrome: // settings

Scroll down the page with the settings, click on "Show advanced" and even lower we see the reset button.

If the reason for the "Prank" error in Google Chrome is the damage to the user account, you should add a new one. This is done on the options page (see screenshot above). Click on the appropriate button:

System Integrity Check

  • Run the command line utility. In Windows 10, this is easiest to do by right-clicking on the "Start" button, or press Win + X. In the menu that appears, click " Command line   - Administrator ":

  • In the console window, enter the command:

sfc.exe / scannow

  • We are waiting for the end of the procedure and rebooting the computer. We try to open the browser.