How to unlock a graphic key without data loss. Unlock procedure on some brands. Enter login and password from the active google account.

Phone / Tablet Lock Methods a large number of. The most popular of these is the graphic key. But how to take off graphic key   with Android, if the user forgot how to enter a certain gesture correctly, or children indulged in the phone, etc. The following tips will be equally good for other screen blockers as well - pin codes, face control.

There are several ways to unlock the pattern from Android. Some are primitive, some require effort and some knowledge. It happens that you can’t remove the key in any way. Then you have to reset the device to default settings. Let's look at the most popular and proven options.

Option One: Primitive

Sometimes you can just bypass the Android pattern key when the gadget is already locked. Key bypass is done individually in each device. You just need to know the weaknesses. So, see if your curtain is moving (status bar, notification center - top swipe). Very often, you can get into the system with the help of an incoming SMS, a notification about the heavy use of memory, etc. After entering the system, perform actions with the key: change the gesture or completely delete the application.

In old androids, you could reset the graphic password as follows. Need a call. You pick up the phone, and then press the "Home" button, for example, to see some kind of contact or something else. Once in the OS environment, you can do everything as always.

Some modern gadgets allow you to get on Wednesday. Often this can be done by waiting for the battery to discharge. You need to have time to go into the OS environment while the notification is active.

Remembering the account data, purposefully draw the wrong key. The gadget itself will ask you to enter data or enter the code sent to the mail.

Option Two: Precaution

Some phone models support remote control. You just need to allow device administration through your Google account. See if you have such a feature. This option is located in the Security section of the device settings.

On some devices, removing the graphic key from Android will work without a special option. Just try logging in to your account and uninstall the locker app.

SMS Bypass

  • need root rights

Why think about unlocking a graphic key if you can take preventative actions before a problem occurs. All salt in a special program is SMS Bypass. Its meaning is that you pre-specify in the program special password. The default value is 1234 reset. Further, if something happens with the phone / tablet, you just need to send a message to your number from any smartphone. In the text of the message, enter a password. After these steps, the gadget will automatically reboot without a graphic key.

But, if the pattern is already installed, how to unlock Android? The program will help. You just need to install it remotely. Log in to your account via PC,. In the search you need to enter SMS Bypass. True, you have to pay money. If you did not attach a credit card, then now is the time. The browser is even more convenient.

Option Three: delete gesture.key

If you read here, then it’s not so, apparently, simple. We will use artillery. The graphic key (input gestures) is stored in the gesture.key file. Need to get rid of him. There are several methods.


Download the Aroma application by computer, move the rar-archive to the device’s flash drive. Then install it through Recovery. In Aroma you need to go to the Data directory, then System. In the last directory is just the ominous gesture.key. Remove it and reboot the device. You will again see the locker interface, but unlocking is not required. Enter any gesture or password - anyway.

True, sometimes Aroma cannot be installed from Recovery. Then you need to install the bone menu with Fastboot mode.

Adb run

This program is not installed on a tablet / smartphone, but on a computer. There is one condition - USB debugging must be enabled in the device. Therefore, the drivers from the device on the PC should already be standing.

Press ctrl + R while on the desktop, type cmd and press Enter. Here are some ways:

  • Delete gesture.key. Enter the commands, followed by each “Enter” button. Then reload the gadget and enter the key / pin code as desired.

  • Zeroing values \u200b\u200bin system.db. Enter the commands, followed by each “Enter” button. Reboot.

  • Go directly to ADB RUN, select Manual, then Shell. Type commands and reboot the device. You can enter any gesture, password, etc.

What to do when you forgot your Android graphic key: Video

Option Four: Reset

The last option when nothing happens. Reset the device and the key will disappear automatically. No need to worry about data. Pictures, vidosiki, ringtones, etc. will remain, but the rest, unfortunately, will be erased. True, if you regularly synchronized the device, there would be nothing wrong.

How to reset different devices? Everywhere you need to select wipe_ data / factory_reset (sometimes Clear Storage), loading in special mode. Some say that this is the “Bios” of Android, although, of course, these are different things. To enter this BIOS, do the following.

Huawei and most Chinese tablets


  • Like the NTS, only confirmation of the selection often occurs with a short (read sharp) press of the volume increase.

How to unlock your tablet if you forgot your pattern: Video

   Date of publication: 06/20/15

There are a lot of situations when the question arises of how to unlock a graphic key. You could either forget it yourself, or accidentally enter it incorrectly, or a child played with your device and accidentally turned it on. Next, it will be described how to unlock the Android graphic key for any version of the OS on any of the devices. It is worth noting that a universal solution to this problem does not exist, since each manufacturer slightly adjusts the operating system itself for its gadget, so there are several options. The methods are grouped depending on the device and the simplicity of working with them. You will either have to try the one you like, or the most suitable, or try several different ones in order to determine which one is suitable. It is important to find one that allows you to get rid of the problem.

Simple options

You can use a fairly simple method, which in this case is seen as the most obvious of all. You will be required to enter the password for your Google account. There is one condition: you must have an account. If it is not, then you should get it in advance. So, if you entered the described key several times incorrectly, then the smartphone or tablet will offer you to enter the password for the account. After entering, it will take a few seconds to wait, and after that the same graphic key will be unlocked. If you forgot the password for the account, then recovering it is quite simple, and then use it for input on your smartphone or tablet.

If you don’t have a computer or some other smartphone at hand, you can use the locked device for password recovery for this purpose, however, this requires Wi-Fi enabled on it or mobile Internet. If it turns out that Wi-Fi is turned off, you can turn it on yourself. To do this, the button is pressed and the combination * # * # 7378423 # * # * is entered. Next, select the menu of the Service Test - Wlan menu, and then connect to Wi-Fi.

How to unlock a pattern: a common case

You can resort to such a very simple and affordable way - to make a call to a locked smartphone. This option does not work on all versions of Android, only on 2.2 and earlier. You will need to pick up the phone after the call, and then go to the security settings service and disable the lock using the pattern key.

Another option for unlocking a phone whose graphic key is lost is to completely discharge the battery. To use it, you need to put the battery of the device. When the battery runs down, the smartphone will issue a notification, and when this notification is received, you can go to the power settings, then return to the menu on one page, and then enter the security settings, where you can disable the option to use the graphic key.

Using the SMS Bypass App

It is worth noting that using this method requires the user to have Root rights. And it can only help with preventing unwanted blocking. That is, the smartphone can be unlocked only if this application is installed in advance. Naturally, you can search and find hacked versions or free analogues well, but it is better to use the original, the cost of which is only one dollar.

In the event that the smartphone has already been blocked, but there is also an Internet connection, then you can take advantage of the remote installation of this application through the web version of the service Google play   Market on your computer.

Now about the application itself. By default, the application has a password for unlocking the graphic key in the form 1234. In order to unlock it, you need to send an SMS containing the text from anywhere: 1234 reset. This will cause the smartphone to reboot, and then you can enter the graphic key and it will work.

How to unlock a graphic key: more complex ways

It is worth noting immediately that this option involves a partial loss of data on the smartphone, namely: your contacts and various messages will disappear, the settings will fly off. In this case, the device settings are reset, that is, a return to the state that was originally what is called “out of the box”. If you have a Google account, then contacts and notes can be easily restored from there, so you should get one if you don’t have one yet. There is a different algorithm for each manufacturer, so it is worth considering each of them separately.

How to unlock samsung pattern

There are two options for the development of events. If you are the owner of an old smartphone model, you must turn it off, and then hold the Home button at the same time as the on / off button. For new models, the algorithm is almost the same, however, you will need to add another button, namely, increase the volume. This procedure will lead to the fact that all settings will be completely reset, after which you can restore your data from your account.

In this case, everything will be a little more complicated than with the device of the previous manufacturer. You will need to turn off the smartphone, then remove the battery and insert it into place. Next, you need to simultaneously hold down the volume down element and the power on manipulator. Once the Android image appears on the screen, the buttons can be released. However, this is not all with regard to the question of how to unlock the HTC pattern key. After that, you should use the volume buttons to move around the menu, and use the power button to select the desired item. Depending on the model of the device, this may be a Clear Storage or Factory Reset parameter. It is clear that you may have another smartphone at your disposal.

How to unlock Huawei pattern key

Here you should first turn off your device, and then remove the battery and insert it back. Next, you will need to hold down the volume control button and the power button at the same time. With the appearance of the Android image on the screen, you can release the buttons. You will see the menu on which you need to navigate using the volume buttons, and using the power button you can select the desired menu item. And here we mean the wipe data / parameter factory reset. After restarting the smartphone, the graphic key will disappear. As in other cases, you will be required to restore your contacts.

First you need to install on personal Computer   special application Ericsson PC Suite, which can be downloaded from the corresponding resource. Next, the smartphone can be connected to a computer. After that, run the program installed earlier, in which you should select the "Tools" item, and after that - "Data Recovery". All your other actions regarding how to unlock the Sony pattern must be carried out in accordance with the instructions offered by the program. Naturally, you will be required to restore all your contacts using backups made in advance.

How to unlock Prestigio pattern

First, you must turn off the smartphone, then you can hold down the volume up, power on and Home buttons at the same time, which will allow you to enter Recovery. Your next steps are to complete several points in turn. First, enter wipe data / factory reset, after which you can delete all user data, and then select All, now you are saved from the need to enter a graphic key. It remains only to restore contacts.

How to unlock a pattern: option to delete a file called gesture.key

There is a fairly simple algorithm of actions for working with the device. The first method can be recommended to those who have an alternative to Recovery. You will need to download a file manager called Aroma. Next, you need to install it using Recovery. Using the path / data / system /, you must delete the file called gesture.key. After that, you can restart the smartphone to enter any graphic key. One can only rejoice that your device is unlocked.

You can use another way. You will need to delete the same gesture.key file by updating, that is, make a kind of substitution. You must first download the file. It should be installed through Recovery. The smartphone should be rebooted, after which it will be possible to enter any graphic key. It remains only to rejoice that your smartphone is unlocked again.

In the case of phones of this manufacturer, as in other cases, the device must be turned off and fully charged. This option involves resetting to factory settings, so all your data will be deleted. For several different models, the algorithm will be slightly different, it is worth considering options.

If we talk about how to unlock the LG Nexus 4 graphic key, then everything is quite simple. You will need to hold both volume and power buttons simultaneously for three to four seconds. In front of you on the screen appears the image of the android, which lies on its back. Through use you must find the item Recovery modeand then activate the power button to confirm your choice. This will cause your device to reboot and an android will be displayed on the screen. Again you need to hold down the previously indicated buttons for a few seconds until the menu appears in front of you. Next, you need to enter the Settings - Factory Data Reset item, where the choice should fall to “Yes”, for which the volume buttons are used to select, and the power button is used to confirm the selection.

The model of the LG L3 device assumes a slightly different option for calling up the settings menu: simultaneously press “Home” + “Volume Down” + “Power”. For the LG Optimus Hub, you must immediately press the volume, power and home buttons.

Situation: forgot the pattern. How to unlock?

The essence of the problem lies in this - sometimes a situation occurs when the graphic password from a smartphone or tablet is simply forgotten. To return everything to initial condition, and at the same time to get your Android device in the usual form, it is necessary that the special option "USB debugging" be enabled on it. Many people know that this is a guarantee for a lot of opportunities: you can get root rights, develop applications on a computer with subsequent testing on a connected gadget, install custom Recovery, and much more. For all this, you need a simple program called ADB. Many users claim that anyone who is even a little familiar with the ADB program can crack a smartphone or tablet lock on an Android-based tablet with a graphic key in a couple of clicks. To do this, you do not need to get root rights.

So, you need a fairly simple set of tools. First of all, it is a computer with installed android app   SDK with ADB included. In addition to this, I definitely need USB cablethrough which your smartphone or tablet will connect to the computer, as well as the locked gadget itself, which you will work with. The author of the proposed methodology claims that hacking the device’s graphic key is possible through one of two options. Depending on what type of device you are working with, as well as on its model, the first or second method may work, or both in turn.

The first of these involves working with the command line. In the window, enter the following combination: adb shell rm /data/system/gesture.key. After that, you can reboot your device. Next, the same lock window containing the graphic key will again appear before you. And here the most interesting: now the lock can be removed by entering any sequence.

You can also use this option, which will require you to enter not a single command on the command line, but a whole sequence.

  • adb shell;
  • rm /data/system/locksettings.db;
  • rm /data/system/locksettings.db-wal;
  • rm /data/system/locksettings.db-shm;
  • reboot.

In addition, you can find hacking methods using a PIN code with a password. In this case, you will have to have root-rights, or special firmware for your gadget.

The second method involves certain actions. You will need to connect the device to your computer, on which the window will then be launched command linewhere it is necessary to enter certain commands in turn.

  • adb shell;
  • cd /data/data/;
  • sqlite3 settings.db;
  • update system set value \u003d 0 where name \u003d "lock_pattern_autolock";
  • update system set value \u003d 0 where name \u003d "lockscreen.lockedoutpermanently";
  • .quit.

And now you can reboot your smartphone or tablet and enjoy the result.

In this case, it doesn’t matter, we are talking about a tablet or smartphone, because there are two options for the development of events. For owners of most devices of this brand, a method is suitable in which it is necessary to turn it off, and then hold the Home button simultaneously with the on / off button. For newer models, the algorithm is similar, only you need to add another button - increase the volume. This procedure will lead to the fact that all settings will be completely reset, after which you can restore your data from your account, if you have one.

It often happens that the owner of a Fly smartphone sets a graphic lock on it in order to protect the device from their children. But if the child still took it, and, trying to pick up the pattern, blocked the device, you have to solve this problem. If the phone does not have a lot of significant information, then you can go the simplest way, that is, reset its settings to factory settings. This is done quite simply. You will need to turn off the smartphone, while the battery must be charged. Now you should simultaneously hold down the volume up and “on” buttons. This will allow you to be in recovery menu. Then, using the volume down button, you should go down to the Wipe data / factory reset line, which can then be activated using the power button. After that, a new menu will be opened, where you will be required to select a line containing Yes-delete all user data, this is done using the same sound adjustment and power buttons. Then you will again find yourself in the recovery menu, where this time you will be required to activate the first line - Reboot. That's all for the "hot reset" process, now all that remains is to recover the data, partially or completely.

As in the case of using a smartphone based on the Android control platform of any other manufacturer, in this case, the possibility of accidentally blocking your device with a graphic key is not ruled out. You could just delve into the settings, stumble upon such an item, enable this option, enter some kind of arbitrary picture, and then find yourself in a difficult situation. The device might require you to enter the key, and you either enter it incorrectly or you completely forget what happens too. And then you need instructions on how to get out of this situation.

You can arrange a so-called “hot reboot” for your device - this is a method that is distinguished by its versatility, but it leads to the loss of certain data on your device, that is, now you will have to restore your contacts or re-enter them manually.

You will need to enter the recovery of your device. To do this, you need to turn it off, and then simultaneously hold down a button such as increasing the volume by turning on the plug of the charger, until the android appears on the screen in front of you exclamation mark. After that, the volume button can be released. Now you should press the power button, and without releasing it, press and release the volume up manipulator. Now you are in recovery, for which you needed such a complex sequence of actions.

First you need to select Wipe data / factory reset. After that, you can proceed to restart the smartphone through the Reboot system now. This completes all the procedures. When working with the recovery menu, you can use the volume buttons to select the desired menu item, as well as the power button to confirm the selection.

This method of unlocking can be called quite new. You will need to download a file called, and then rename it to, after which the resulting archive will be transferred to the Sd card. There must be a recovery on the device, and it doesn’t matter which one. The process itself is quite simple and straightforward. Reboot your device into Recovery mode. In the menu that you will see in front of you, control is carried out using the volume and power buttons, the first helps to select the desired item, and the second - to confirm the selection. You will need to find an item called Install zip from SdCard, or something similar in content, and select it. After the menu opens, you can select the file called that you previously saved. This will start the firmware process. After all this, you just have to start your device, enter any graphic key, and that's it, your Android will be unlocked.

How to unlock Explay pattern key

If the list of simple options outlined at the very beginning of the article turned out to be useless for you, then it only remains to perform a "hot reboot" of your device. As in the case of devices from other manufacturers, you need to be in the recovery menu. To do this, you must hold down the volume control button, namely its decrease, together with the power button. When settings appear in front of your eyes, these buttons can be released. You should look for Wipe Data // Factory Reset. You can get to it using the same volume buttons, and confirm your choice using the manipulator to turn on the power. As a result of your choice, full reset all settings to factory settings. This will cause all information from the device’s memory to be erased, only the memory card will remain untouched. You can restore your contacts if you have taken care of saving them in your Google account in advance. That is why it is recommended to use this opportunity so as not to be in a difficult situation if your device fails for some reason.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to get rid of the graphic key, which might suddenly become a problem for you. However, if you are not ready for collateral losses, it is best not to use this option so as not to result in a complete lack of important and valuable information.

If the user forgot the graphic key, then unlocking Android becomes the most exciting issue. To solve this problem, there is no need to resort to the help of specialists, because there are a large number of ways to do it yourself.

Thanks to the multi-stage security system, which is being established and improved, it is possible to protect personal data from unwanted attacks. The more complicated the password on the screen, the harder it is to guess the phone’s lock pattern. But then there is a chance to forget the necessary combinations. You can learn how to remove a graphic key from Android without losing data from the methods below.

The most effective unlock methods for phones and tablets

  1. This method of unlocking will only help if the device is connected to the Internet, a Google account is configured and the user remembers the access data to it. It consists of the following sequence of actions:
  • Enter five times wrong password   to lock the phone. An inscription will appear on the screen that there have been many attempts to enter the graphic key and the next attempt will be possible in 30 seconds.

Incorrect pattern key specified five times

  • A question will appear on the device’s lock screen: “Forgot your graphic key?”. If this does not happen, you must enter the wrong key again.
  • Press the "Home" button, the device will prompt you to enter the email and password from the account on google service. Internet access must be enabled. Click “OK”, after which you will be prompted to enter a new password.
  1. An effective way to remove the pattern from Android is to reset it to factory settings. But it can be used in case of emergency, when it is impossible to restore access otherwise, because in this way the data is deleted from internal memory   devices (applications, messages, accounts). FROM using Recovery   factory reset is as follows:
  • Turn off the gadget.

Turn off Android

  • In order to get into Recovery mode, you must press and hold the combination of certain keys. They may differ on different models, and in order to choose the right one, you should try the following sequence of actions:
  1. Decrease the volume by pressing the On / Off button.
  2. Increase the volume by pressing the On / Off button.
  3. Increase / decrease the volume by pressing the On / Off button and the Home button.
  4. Increase + decrease the volume by pressing the On / Off button.

Using the volume up and down buttons, you can move up and down the menu, and confirm the selection with the lock / off button. Smartphones and tablets of the new generation are equipped with a recovery touch menu.

  • Select and click on “wipe data / factory reset”
  • Agree to clear the internal memory of the device by selecting “Yes - delete all user data” and then “reboot system now”

After such actions, the device will reboot and become what it was originally. All this will take about a minute of time.

  1. Most in a simple way   make a reset of the graphic key on Android will return to the factory settings using secret code. Depending on the model, one of the following codes is suitable:
  • Dial * # * # 7378423 # * # *
  • Enter * 2767 * 3855 #
  • Dial * # * # 7780 # * # *

Thus, when you forget the code, the factory settings can be returned within 2-3 minutes.

  1. The most ruthless in relation to the stored information recovery method is firmware. It can be produced independently or resorted to the help of specialists.
  2. Wait until the smartphone is discharged and a notification is displayed on the screen. It is necessary to enter the battery status, and then select the reset of all settings in the "Privacy" item in the settings menu that appears.
  3. Earlier versions of Android can be unlocked by calling it. At the time of making a call, go to settings and remove the lock.

How to prevent gadget blocking

This way to secure data on the internal memory is suitable for all users, especially those subject to accidental blocking. Unlocking occurs through a message with a certain text sent to a blocked gadget. Procedure:

  • Get root-rights for the device.
  • Install SMS Bypass applications, versions of which are both paid and free.

Enabling SMS Bypass

  • Allow the application root access. The standard password set in the application consists of numbers - 1234, which can be changed in the settings. If the user has forgotten the password, it is necessary to send a message with the text “1234 reset” to reboot the device, and then enter new password   at its discretion.

Even if an error occurred before SMS Bypass was established, on this operating system   It is possible to install applications remotely from a computer. Provided that you have logged in to your Google account, root-rights have been obtained and there is Internet access, it is possible to remotely install and unlock the graphic key on Android.

The presented methods will help not only solve the problem when it has already arisen, but also prevent its occurrence. If you couldn’t do it yourself, do not despair. Just entrust the unlocking of your gadget to professionals.

Hello! My article today is about how to remove the pattern. What is it and where can it come from? Well, imagine for a moment: your child took the tablet, pressed something in it and as a result blocked the device. From this article you will learn how to remove the graphic password from the phone and remove it completely.

If persuasion and questioning did not give the proper result and you don’t understand how to restore the tablet, then it's time to start the password recovery function. Using this service, a password will be sent to your email inbox.

But if mail is now unavailable, then only a factory reset will save the situation.

Before removing the graphic key, I want to warn you that this operation will delete all additional applications that were installed on the device. At your disposal will remain only standard factory applications and programs. As for the contacts, they will be saved due to the synchronization of the Google account.

  1. Turn off the device. Then, holding down the volume up key, turn on the device again.
  2. When you see the service menu on the screen, you will need to select the desired item and perform a factory reset.

Guys, that's what I wanted to ask, and where did you buy the phone? I want to buy an apple here in this online store, see the picture.

At this stage, it seems like everyone. If you want to receive new articles from me first, just enter your email address under the article and I will send them to you first of all by mail. And also if it’s not difficult for you, you can click on the social buttons.

Today I showed you how to remove the graphic key, but this blog has a lot of other valuable information, so use it to your health! I categorically ask you to leave comments about whether my article helped you or not. And I want to ask you to thank me, for this it is enough to click on the social buttons that are at the end of each article. I will be very grateful to you for this. All good and health!

With uv. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

Any smartphone or tablet comes with built-in security measures - a graphic key or password in the form of a PIN code.

Just what to do if you forgot the graphic key and how to unlock a tablet, phone or smartphone android is not known to everyone.

These reasons are incredibly diverse, and in this case there are no questions. There are only questions: how to unlock android 5.1, 6.0, 4.4, 4.2, 4.0, 5.0, android lollipop and all the rest, without knowing (forgot or forgot) a pin code or graphic key.

  In this post, I will provide a description of how to remove the lock on any android, including the ones in the frame below.

  • on a tablet or phone / smartphone Samsung Duos, Samsung Galaxy A3, s7, s4, j5, tab, a5, s5 mini, j1, gt i9500, note n8000 or duos gt 19082 and others.
  • on a tablet or phone / smartphone lenovo a5000, a1000, a536, a319, a2010, s90, k5, a6010, a706, a6000, a328, a328, a319, a390t, lenovo s660, lenovo vibe, iksperiya akva and others.
  • on a tablet or phone / smartphone Sony Xperia, xiaomi redmi note 3, xiaomi redmi note 4, redmi 3s, sony m2 sony xperia e5, z3, z1, xperia e4, c1905, 6603, m2 d2303, xiaomi max, redmi 3, xiaomi mi5 , sony xiaomi and others.
  • on a tablet or phone / smartphone, Alcatel Pixi, Alcatel Van Touch, alcatel one touch and others.
  • on a tablet or phone / smartphone zte - zte a5, zte blade   a5 pro, blade a515, micromax q383, blade af3 and others.
  • also on tablets or typhons / smartphones dexp, micromax, philips, honor, impress u too, chinese meizu, prestigio, miui, irbis, mts, tele2 mini, wexler, dex, oysters, highscreen, huavei, digma, fly, dns, oysters t72ms, prestige, htc, prestigio multipad, xiomi, exp, asus - asus zenfon go, lji - lg e612, fly and many others.

NOTE: it often happens that some people simply lose their phones, while others find them, but they are locked with a pattern key.

In this case, bypassing the graphic key will fail. What can be done? Only hack, or rather reset. How? About it below.

How to unlock android when I forgot the pattern

  The so-called lock pattern key using fingerprint simulation is an effective solution for security, especially if the pattern is complex.

If you forget it (graphic key), there are several steps that you can take to restore access to the data stored on the device.

To do this, enter incorrectly at least five times the unlock drawing, which must consist of at least four points.

  If you're lucky, one of those attempts can unlock your android device. If not, then after five attempts, a message appears on the display stating that you must wait 30 seconds to try again.

In addition, on the screen after clicking the “OK” button in the lower right corner you will have two additional parameters - you forgot the graphic key and PIN code. You can use them to access the android system.

It is worth noting that if you also used a PIN code as an additional protection measure, then when unlocking the graphic key, you will be automatically redirected to the page with the Settings menu screen to unlock your phone configuration, to disable it or to choose another lock combination . Also there you can enable or disable other security measures.

How to disable Android lock if you forget the PIN code and pattern

If you entered the wrong lock key five times or the PIN code at the bottom of the screen on some devices, a message appears, you may have forgotten the password.

You need to know your Gmail account password. Basically, the login screen appears on the screen where you need to enter the address emailthat you used to configure the device and password to access it.

If the input was correct, the setup page of the new device protection method will be displayed on the screen.

You can also use a computer or laptop to unlock the graphic key - link below.

If your phone is turned on remote control, then when you click "Delete", the graphic key will be deleted with all your data - you will receive a tablet or smartphone as from a store, and the data can be restored (if I did not put a ban on my own, I restored it)

To do this, if you are currently at the computer follow this link.   Computer and telephone, even if locked, must be connected to the Internet.

In my picture, you see the option to block, since my phone is not locked. You will also have to unlock - click on it.

How to reset android pattern if you forgot access to your Google account

  From this point of view, the situation is difficult, but solvable. Otherwise, setting up the security of your smartphone or tablet would simply be pointless.

Of course, you have already asked yourself the question, how then to unlock the android - to remove the graphic key.

When all else fails, you can reset the graphic key, but then you will lose all the information stored on it.

If images and videos and all other important data are stored on a map or the phone is synchronized with your Google account, then you will practically not lose almost anything.

However, it would be advisable not to call this procedure, if the decision is made, then all the risk lies with you.

How to remove a graphic key from any android smartphone or tablet

If you have a locked smartphone or tablet with Android, then within 10 minutes at home you can unlock it.

If you skip regular backup, you can lose contacts in the address book, some unique photos or documents, but most importantly, you can use your phone.

On the one hand, you are worried about data loss, on the other hand, you will get a fresh phone, like out of the box, just bought. Although the situation is terrible, the solutions are simple and effective.

For android phones   The solution is not as simple as with an iPhone or iPad. But there are some general principles.

You need to apply the correct combination of buttons. There are not many combinations. This combination of buttons is necessary to activate a menu that varies depending on the device.

First, any tablet or phone should be completely turned off. If you do not have such an opportunity, you can remove the battery from the smartphone and insert it back.

In order to put the device in recovery mode, you must simultaneously press the key combination of volume control, power on and home button.

  To give you an idea, pay attention to some possibilities. In Nexus 7 and Nexus 4, access to the menu can be obtained by simultaneously increasing the volume, decreasing the volume and the power button.

For the Galaxy S3 recovery menu to hold, you need to increase the volume, Home and power. If you have a Motorola Droid X enough, hold down Home and Power for a few seconds.

To enable the recovery menu on most devices with a dedicated button for capturing photos / videos, press the volume up and the camera.

Still there are options: power, lower the volume and home button. In some phones, the home button does not need to be pressed, but only the power and one of the two - decrease or increase the volume.

That's all the options. The chances are very high that one of these combinations will help you. If you did everything correctly, the android logo will appear on the screen, as in the figure below.

Then you will see the menu in text format.

You need to select the “wipe data / factory reset” parameter in the menu. Use the volume buttons to move up or down. Use the power button to confirm.

You do not need to worry that you will choose something by mistake. Any selection must be confirmed, including a return to factory settings.

After selecting the confirmation “YES”, the final step remains - “reboot system now”, after which the device will reboot and the forgotten graphic key will be removed.

As the name of the function implies, you should not forget that this option is with the loss of personal data from the phone.

After the recovery process, drive account   Gmail, select the country and give your consent to the conditions imposed by the manufacturer of the phone or tablet, and then get a fully functional device.

  Of course, all of the above leads to complete erasure of the data, so always do this in the future. backup   early.

Then you can always quickly restore everything. For this purpose, such solutions as Dropbox, iCloud, etc. may be used. Successes.