What ate forgot the password on the iPhone. The iPad is blocked from the wrong password. What to do

It happens that a user forgets the password that he himself set on the device, or his child plays with a smartphone and arbitrarily sets a password by pressing a few random buttons. One way or another, the question is how to remove password from iPhone, for example, before, remains relevant constantly.

The described method for resetting the password is suitable for a wide variety of models of devices based on iOS, although in the case of the latest smartphones it may be slightly different.

IPhone password preparation

The procedure for removing a password from a mobile device involves a complete rollback of personal settings. In order not to lose important data, it is recommended to take care of the backup in advance.

In addition, iTunes is installed on the computer to help reset the password. If this application is already installed, it is recommended to make sure that it is updated to the very latest version.

If the user is working on mac computer, he opens iTunes and selects "Updates". On a computer with windows system  choose Help »Updates.

You can download iTunes from the official Apple support site.

IPhone Password Removal Instructions

In order to remove the password from an iOS-based mobile device, the user will need the iTunes application installed on the computer. We launch it.

Take the iPhone on which the password is. Connect to it USB cable  and enter it in Deadful Mode. To do this, hold down the Power button for 5 seconds.

A message appears on the computer screen, where they click "OK" ⟶ "Restore iPhone", and then confirm the operation.

If the user performs this operation for the first time, he will also see the firmware download. It should be remembered that during the implementation of the described actions, all personal information from the smartphone will be deleted. However, this method is even suitable for devices without jailbreak (and is the only possible in this case).

When the firmware download is complete, iPhone recovery starts. The “apple” symbol on the smartphone’s display lights up, and the device starts loading. After that, the iPhone restarts. At the same time, some files may also be loaded on the computer monitor.

A new window appears on the smartphone display. Now you need to do the activation. You should be aware that in the absence of an original SIM card cellular operator, under which the iPhone is locked, this method cannot be used, because activation of the device in this case is impossible. This applies even to this manufacturer.

If the smartphone is unlocked, any SIM card is suitable. Smoothly approach to how to remove the password from the iPhone. Choose the language and country on the device. Next, select activation via iTunes and insert the SIM card, previously using a special tool in the form of a paper clip (included in the package).

We continue activation through iTunes. We disconnect the USB cable and immediately connect it back to the mobile device. At the end of activation, turn off the geolocation service.

Getting started setting up your iPhone as a new device. We accept the terms of the license agreement and continue to configure at our discretion. The firmware is finished. The connection appeared, the device began to work. There is no password anymore. This method  suitable for various mobile devices  from Apple.

What to do if you forget iPhone password? Today we will do without preambles and get right to the point, but for a start a little theory, without it anywhere.

The only, known to me, working way to get around the forgotten (lost) password on the iPhone is flashing. There are two flashing modes: Recovery mode  and DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade). In the same way, you can return to life and restore to factory iPad settings  or iPod touch.

(!) Both modes will delete all information on the phone

However, not everything is so scary, and information can be saved (in the worst case scenario, only photos can be saved). First, I’ll tell you about those who fell into the lucky category - those who made a backup in iCloud (I always keep contacts, calendars and notes there, which I advise you) and who still have a backup copy of the device on the computer. When flashing, you will recover from it. If you stayed behind and did not fall into these two categories, it remains to be satisfied with the photos, only they can be saved from the password-protected iPhone to the computer.

Note: finding out if there is a backup of your device on your computer is pretty simple. We go to iTunes “Settings” (the button in the upper left corner) and in the “Devices” tab in the “Device Backups” field we find (or do not find) our iPhone.

Restore iPhone through Recovery Mode

We’ll bring iPhone back to life through Recovery Mode. Often, users confuse it with the DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) mode, but I’ll talk about this a bit later, for information. We will need iTunes. So, how to enter Recovery Mode:

  1. Turn off the iPhone completely.
  2. We press the Home button and without releasing it, we connect the USB cable to the phone. We continue to hold the Home button until the cable image and the iTunes icon appear on the screen.
  3. iTunes displays a warning that the iPhone is in recovery mode. Now the Home button can be released.
  4. You will be asked to check for updates. Next, in iTunes, click the "restore" button and wait for the download and recovery of our device.
  5. After reflashing, when you first turn it on, the phone will offer you the choice to configure it as new, or restore it from the backup copies of iTunes  or iCloud. Here we choose based on what we have.

Syncing with iTunes or iCloud will restore the data and you will receive your device in the condition it was at the time of the backup, but without the password for the home screen.

What is the "DFU Mode" and how to enter an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch into this mode

DFU Mode  (Device Firmware Update Mode, DFU mode) - a special device mode in which iOS download is not used. In this mode, the device receives only technical information signals. Unlike “Recovery Mode”, in the “DFU Mode” mode nothing is displayed on the screen (the display remains completely black or white) and iTunes displays a message that “The device is in recovery stabilization mode”.

Also, in DFU mode, it is possible not only to upgrade the firmware version, but also switch to an older one, if you have one. To enter a device in DFU Mode, you must:

  1. Connect iPhone to computer using USB cable
  2. At the same time, hold down the “Home” + “Power” buttons for 10-15 seconds
  3. We release the “Power” button, continuing to hold “Home” until the computer determines the device in DFU mode

To withdraw from DFU mode  forced shutdown helps.

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Password lock is a preventive measure that protects your iPhone or iPad from hacking. Use it to protect personal data from unauthorized access. From the article under the cut you will learn: what is a lock password, how to set a password longer than 4 characters when the iPhone is temporarily blocked, how to reset the counter of incorrect attempts and how to enable and remove the lock password on iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. For beginners it will be useful for advanced users for reference material.

How iPhone Password Lock Works

When turned on iPhone lock  or iPad password, the desktop (Home Screen) of the device is completely locked. When you press the "Home" and "Power" buttons, the lock screen known as the "Lock Screen" appears on the display of the device.

All that you can see on the lock screen is the status bar (at the very top), date and time. Unlocking the iPhone with a swipe to the right at the bottom of the screen brings up the form for entering the lock password (by default, 4-digit). And in order to go to the desktop and access the capabilities of the device, you must enter the correct set of characters.

On the lock screen, you can activate the "Control Center" (turned on in the settings in the menu of the same name), this will enable Wi-Fi and connect to known wireless networks  automatically (without unlocking the device), launch useful utilities in the home: flashlight, timer, calculator, camera and AirDrop function.

In iOS 7.0-7.0.4, a vulnerability was found that allowed to bypass the lock password and call any application running in the background through the control point on the locked screen.

Simple iPhone Lock Password

A simple password consists of only 4 Arabic numerals, letters and special characters are not available. It turns out that there can be 10,000 variants of such a set. Not a few, isn't it? And if you take into account periodic time locks for 1, 5, 15 and 60 minutes, if you try incorrectly, it will take a lot of time.

Complex password lock

Already where, where, and at Apple, great attention is paid to protecting personal data, as well as devices themselves from hacking. With one flick of the finger, a simple 4-digit code turns into a real nightmare for a cracker. It’s easier to pass a blocked device for scrap than to pick up such a password.

IN iPhone settings in the "Touch ID and password" menu - for devices with Touch ID and "Password" - for all others, turn off the "Simple password" switch and get the opportunity to lock the device with a password of unlimited length, consisting of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as special characters. For fun, read the length of the complex password and provide information in the comments. Thanks!

The number of options for such a password is hard to imagine and this is not necessary, a 4-digit one is enough. Moreover, a complex password is easy to forget for unlock iPhone  you will need it with the loss of all content.

Temporarily blocking an iPhone when entering an incorrect password

With 6 incorrect attempts to enter the lock password, the device is temporarily blocked at first for 1 minute: no actions are available except emergency call, including retrying the password.

Each subsequent incorrect attempt increases the iPhone lock time by 5, 15 and 60 minutes, and as soon as you enter the wrong password for the 10th time in a row, the device will be completely locked. Before connecting the iPhone to a computer that is allowed access to the device and, entering a password will be impossible.

How to reset the counter of incorrect attempts to enter a lock password

Temporarily block iPhone when entering wrong password  can be reset. If you have access to which the device has been synchronized at least once, doing this is easy.

If you connect the iPhone to a computer with which it had not previously synchronized, you won’t be able to reset the counter, for this you need to allow the computer access to the contents of the iPhone.

Confirm the permission is necessary on the device itself, but here's the bad thing - you can’t unlock it and therefore you can’t allow it either.

Calculating the time it takes to manually reset a simple iPhone lock password

Assume that the iOS device is not permanently blocked on the 10th incorrect attempt. Manual search of 10,000 options will require:

  • Every 9 options: 1 + 5 + 15 + 60 \u003d 81 minutes.
  • 10,000 options: (10,000/9) * 81 ~ 90,000 minutes, or 90,000 / 60 \u003d 1,500 hours, or 1,500 / 24 \u003d 62.5 days. And this is not counting the time spent on input.

As you can see, even a 4-digit code is not easy to pick up. I repeat once again: it is not necessary and even dangerous to activate a complex lock password on the iPhone.

How to enable iPhone lock password

To set a password:

At active password  Access to the "Touch ID and Password" menu is blocked.

As additional protection, the same menu provides for 10 incorrect attempts. Turn on the "Erase data" switch if you are sure that no one will try to unlock the iPhone except you.

How to disable the lock password on an iPhone

If you have access to the device’s settings and for some reason you want to disable password protection (for example, give the device to a child for a while), you can do this in Settings in the “Touch ID and password” menu.

Tap on "Turn off password" and confirm the decision. Then enter a valid password and determine what to do with the iCloud keychain (KeyChain): turn it off on the device and delete all passwords or continue to use it. Personally, I always select the "Continue with keychain" option, then you will not need to re-enable the keychain in iCloud settings.

As you can see, a few simple steps and iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad are well protected. It is almost impossible to find a simple 4-digit password using manual brute force, so use iOS device lock carefully. If you forgot security code  or it was installed without your knowledge (same child) -.

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The question of what to do if you forgot the password from the iPhone arises from users quite often. Since the password is an important security element, the reset process is as complicated as possible so that only the real owner of the device can carry it out. The procedure depends on which key was lost. There are several types of security keys on the iPhone, the most common of which are lock screen codes and account  Apple ID

You cannot change the lock code or send a reminder to the mail. The only way to regain access is to reset the operating system to the factory settings with the removal of user content. To return personal information to your device, you will need a backup that can be stored in iCloud or iTunes.

There are 2 methods to roll back the system to its original state:

  • IN iTunes.
  • Using the Find iPhone feature in iCloud.

We will consider each method separately, so that you can choose the option that suits your situation.

Reset in iTunes

The answer to the question of what to do if you forgot the password from your iPhone, and how to reset the key via iTunes, depends on whether the phone was synchronized with the program earlier. If you actively used the connection to iTunes before access problems, then remove forgotten key  can be simple recovery  iPhone

  1. Connect your phone to the computer you synced with via iTunes.
  2. Wait until the synchronization process and creating a backup are completed.
  3. Click Restore iPhone.

During iPhone recovery  personal data of the user will be deleted from the phone, but this is not a problem - an up-to-date backup was created during the connection. To select it, you must select the option "Restore from iTunes copy" during device recovery. As a result, you will receive the device in the state in which it was before losing the unlock password.

Reset in recovery mode

If synchronization with Aityuns was not carried out, then it will be more difficult. It is recommended that you perform a reset using iCloud, as described below, but you can also clear your phone through iTunes using recovery mode.

  1. Plug in your phone, launch iTunes.
  2. Force restart iOS. Press and hold the Power and Home buttons until the recovery screen appears.
  3. A window appears in iTunes asking you to select an operating mode - update or restore. Click Restore.

After the recovery is complete, you will receive a “clean” device without a password and user data. If there is no backup, you won’t be able to return the lost information.

Using iCloud

If the “Find iPhone” option is activated on your smartphone and you remember the Apple ID password, you can use the iCloud storage tools to reset it. Custom content will be deleted, but can be returned from the copy.

  1. Open icloud.com.
  2. Log in using apple ID  ID
  3. Open the Find My iPhone section. Expand the "All devices" list and select a phone.
  4. Click Erase to reset the system.

After resetting to the factory state, you need to return the data to the phone from the backup or configure iPhone as new. In any case, the password on the lock screen will be deleted.

Apple ID Recovery

If you forgot your Apple ID authorization key, the procedure for restoring it will be significantly different from resetting the screen unlock code. Re-access does not require reset operating system  and removing content. Just go to the identity management site and set a new password.

  1. Open the page https://appleid.apple.com. Click "Forgot your Apple ID or Password?"
  2. Enter the Apple ID and code from the image. If you forgot your Apple ID, click on the appropriate link and enter your personal information - last name, first name, email address.

To reset a forgotten key, you must perform one of the proposed actions.

  • Answer security Questionset at registration.
  • Authenticate by e-mail. A link will be sent in the letter, after clicking on which the old key will be reset.
  • Use a two-step verification (if it was enabled) with sending a confirmation code to a trusted device.

If you are the owner of the device, then these procedures should not be a problem. Attackers will have to try to hack someone else’s smartphone.

In the modern rhythm of life, a person tries to protect personal data in order to prevent the loss of important information.

This is usually why the user sets a password.

In iPhones there is such a feature that, if the password is entered incorrectly, the device is blocked, and the screen displays a message about the gadget turning off soon.

Accordingly, an urgent need to find a solution to this problem.

You must select the method to erase the gadget

If a backup was made in the backup memory sources before the password lock incident, the data can be restored.

After all, the only effective way to get out of this situation today is to delete all settings and data.

Touch panel

Different methods of erasing the gadget are used to remove the password:

To understand how to unlock iPhone 5 if you forgot your password, as well as any other iPhone, read the instructions below on erasing data from a particular gadget.

We use iTunes to remove the password

If before the last device lock was synchronized with iTunes, then recovering the data is quite real.


1 Connect your iPhone to the PC on which you are syncing data.

2 You can open iTunes on another PC, but it must also take part in synchronization. Otherwise, you should use the recovery mode.

3 You need to wait for the complete synchronization of the device and iTunes. Thanks to this, you will create a backup.

4 Use backup  in the "Restore device" menu.

5 In the process of producing this command, a settings window will appear where you need to click “restore from iTunes copy”.

6 After completing the above procedures, you need to select your own device in iTunes. It is important to pay attention to the date when the record was created, and the size of the copy of the reserve, each individually, to choose the most suitable item.

Using iCloud

On any iOS gadget, if there are settings for the iPhone Find iPhone search service.

This makes it possible to erase and restore the password, as well as all data on the device. As a rule, for this you need to use iCloud.

The sequence of actions for erasing memory and passwords from the gadget using iCloud:

1 You must first open icloud.com/find from any other device.

2 Sometimes, after this, a login request appears, it must be performed in this case using the Apple ID.

5 Click "erase device", which erases the data and password on the gadget.

6 After which it is possible to restore the device from the reserve, and you can also configure it as a new one.

Tip: check the Wi-Fi network or mobile Internet connection, otherwise erasing data using the Find iPhone service will not be possible.

Even this option to resolve the issue of how to unlock an iPhone, if you forget the ID password, may not be suitable for everyone, as many users of iOS devices have.