Factory reset translation Russian language. What is factory reset

Android is the most popular operating system to date. This system  very easy to use, affordable and convenient. Thanks to Android, you can get the opportunity to use various programs and applications on the Internet. This makes a person’s life more diverse and interesting, and often also helps in work. Those owners of mobile devices who use them very actively constantly download something, sooner or later they may face the problem that the phone’s memory and the flash drive are out of memory, because of this, the phone’s malfunctions, it happens that the phone freezes and does not immediately perform the actions that the owner requires of him.

To overcome various difficulties in the operation of the phone, the owner often turns to private owners, service centers and relevant services that promise to deal with work errors mobile device. These services cost a lot of money, and the result will not necessarily be good. It is necessary to spend not only money, but also time on this procedure. In the event that the repairmen failed, then an appeal to another center follows, which may also end in a bad way.

In order not to spend money on repairing a mobile device, you can try to figure out the errors that arose in his work on his own. This requires Internet access and free time. In the Android operating system there is the concept of "wipe", in translation it means "Wipe". After performing a series of actions, you can reset the settings on your mobile device. You can make a partial “wipe”, or you can make a full one. A partial wipe only deletes a specific folder, and a full wipe completely formats all the data in the section. You can apply formatting 2 ways. 1. Normal boot  of recovery menu; 2. Download from the settings menu.

The second method is quite simple. You need to go to the "Settings" menu, and then find there "Recovery and reset." Next, a submenu should open, in which the line "Return to factory settings" will be present, then click "Reset settings". There will also be an item “Clear SD-card”, the user, if desired, can use this item to delete the list installed programs. Program data is deleted both from a mobile device and from a flash drive.

The first method is more complicated. It means deleting various data from Recovery. You can use wipe data / factory resert to remove data from partitions such as data and cache. If you use the first formatting method, then the video, pictures and music will be saved, but absolutely all programs will be deleted, as well as their folders. The first method is very convenient to use if there are errors in the Android system that interfere with fruitful work. Wipe dalvik cache is used if there are failures in working with various programs. Wipe dalvik cache is used if you want programs with a lot of different data to remain in the system. For fruitful removal of everything that is not needed from the Android system, you can use wipe data / factory resert. Through the mounts and storage menu, you can apply additional ways  formatting. Using mounts and storage, you can reset any partition operating system  Android

If the owner of the mobile device alone could not figure out how to implement a wipe, then it would be more advisable to turn to professionals. Making changes to any of the Android sections independently and not competently can further worsen the operation of a mobile device. Professionals will be able to adjust the work of a smartphone or phone more efficiently, which will allow you to make various downloads through the Internet of programs and applications correctly and without errors.

Wipe (wipe - wipe, wipe) in android system  called reset. This process is also called “formatting” or “hard reset.” Why do I need to reboot on android?

The fact is that after this action, the device will be completely cleared of pre-installed programs, and will help get rid of the following problems:

  • Possible malfunction as a result of get root  right;
  • Incorrect functioning and appearance of system errors;
  • Deterioration of work as a result of updates to the operating system;
  • Failures due to flashing, i.e., after switching from the original to the bone firmware;
  • Deletion of all personal data (hard reset) during pre-sale preparation of the device.

Types of "reset" on Android

A hardware reset on an android can conditionally be divided into two types:

  1. Full (aka hard reboot on android) - delete all programs and data on the device itself, or in any of the selected sections.
  2. Partial - deletes a specific folder (directory).

Wiping Methods

Run Android wipe  possible from the following modes:

  1. Settings menu: go to the settings menu, then “restore” and “reset”, check the box “clear the SD card” (data stored on the memory card, programs and files inclusive are deleted, information will also be deleted from the phone’s memory).
  2. Using the “reset” button located on the device (if provided by the manufacturer): using a paper clip (or similar object), hold down the reset button and hold for 15-30 seconds (settings are reset to factory settings).
  3. Recovery menu: to get into the recovery menu, turn off the power, hold down the home button and increase the volume rocker, simultaneously with the power button. Important: different devices  may have other key combinations. We move through any menu by decreasing or increasing the volume, and we select the actions by pressing the “power” (on) key. In addition, you can use a PC and ADB, universal for all devices. Pre-enable USB debugging.

a) In the standard menu recovery android: select Wipe data / factory reset, then “Wipe cache partition”, reboot the smartphone (Reboot system now);

b) In the Recovery CWM menu (or similar):

  • Partial Wipe (in the case of a “glitch” of some program), with saving all data or programs: “Wipe cache partition”, then “Advanced”, then “Wipe Dalvick Cache”, in conclusion, reboot, or reboot on android
  • Full Wipe or hard reset  android (removal of all programs and their data): select “Wipe data / factory reset”, then “Wipe cache partition”, and reboot the smartphone (Reboot system now). Content is saved.

Wipe through recovery

Now directly about wipe through recovery. In the classic version of recovery Android, two types of reset are available:

To delete all data stored in DATA or CACHE sections and folders containing program data. In this way, we permanently delete all applications, along with root directories and personal settings, but save media files (image, video, music).

Wipe cache - erase temporary information about the operation of programs and applications. This action is required if a malfunction occurs in the system.

And if nothing helps? Do not blame that “hands do not grow from there”, you just need to perform “WIPE DATA / FACTORY RESET”. In this case, it is possible to make wipe  in relation to any section of the system.

And the last, fourth mode, from which you can execute the wipe - menu Bootloader, but in this case you need to use fastboot tools.

Additional information about Wipe on Android

Often on sites that publish information about android, you can find instructions on firmware, as well as obtaining root-rights. These guides instruct you to perform a factory reset in this way: wipe data, wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache, format data. However, this is a frankly incorrect recommendation, because it does not reveal the full structure of the recovery menu and indicates ignorance of the file structure of the Android system. The wipe data / factory reset action deletes the data section storing the dalvik cache directory. This means that some manipulations will be completely unnecessary. The fact is that wipe and format are terms that have the same meaning, for example, the system / xbin section does not contain format files, but the wipe file is located there.

Some of the nuances of wiping on Android

Often users are faced with a dilemma: when is the settings reset, before flashing the device, or after? The answer lies on the surface - of course before flashing, because any firmware usually has a built-in function, which automatically reboots the system after the installation has been completed.

If in the firmware in the " data"There are uploaded files" wipe", See how the system will perform its functions after loading, if it’s bad, then we will perform" wipe data».

And a little more information about the subtleties.

Many experts agree that the accent of custom firmware CYanogenMod can be called a script - part of the installation from the recovery menu, which initially backs up the system files, and after flashing it restores them. As a result, errors may occur. Therefore, if you decide to use this firmware, then first run the format system.

That, in fact, is all that we wanted to tell, we really hope that our information was useful.

It often happens that, playing on some server in any cooperative game, the user logs in and does not understand what happened to his account and where everything went: level, money, property - everything. The administration explains this one simple word  - wipe. So what is a wipe server? With this and have to figure it out.

Many users of computer equipment constantly have questions, and today one of them will be sorted out - wipe. To clarify what a wipe is, you need to understand the concept of "database". And this is exactly the file on the main server that is fully responsible for all the information that is transmitted, changed, stored, and all other actions. It is stored, as a rule, on the PC or server from which the broadcast occurs. So what is a wipe server? This is a complete zeroing of the database, without any hint of preserving all previous information. That is, the whole game begins anew, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to return everything as it was.

What is a wipe in Samp?

SA-MP is a multi-player application that is designed to play on. In fact, this is GTA San Andreas, but with an online mode in which a participant can play the role of a bandit or legalist. The data of each registered player is stored in the database, and everything that belongs to him (and this is the level, money, skin, car, house) is recorded in the database. Wipe on the server is far from uncommon, why is this happening? Users for a long time register their accounts, and each new one is added to the database of a single server. Many players (almost everyone) register far from one account for themselves, and it is very difficult to track this, which to some extent clogs the base. Its size reaches a critical value, and the speed of data processing is significantly reduced. Example: a participant makes a purchase by spending a certain amount of money. After one minute, it exits from the server, but the database, due to overloading, only remembered that it had exited, since this action is easier to handle. At the next call, the player will see on his account exactly the amount of money that he had left + the price of the property that he acquired (in other words, the amount of money before the purchase). At first, of course, he will be delighted, but happiness will not be long: it will reach him that there is no property either - the account simply has not been saved. With good databases, this rarely happens, but the very essence of the game in SA-MP is sometimes lost, because what incentive to play if one of the players already has a 70+ level account? It is much more interesting when everyone is on an equal footing from the very beginning (wipes usually raise online by 20-30%, but this is literally 1-2 weeks, then everything falls into place)

What's with Android, or why the phone is buggy

Each smartphone owner faced problems with functionality and performance when responding to commands that come from the user. Often this simply infuriates users: it’s extremely unpleasant when your phone, for which a good amount of money was paid, starts to seriously fail and is not “amenable to any persuasion”. Many blame the manufacturer for everything and talk about the low quality of the device, but few people think that he is the author of this event. For a long time, the owner of the smartphone regularly downloads and installs something in it, and then removes it. But what is the percentage of those who generally understand the meaning of the word "cache"? This cache is the garbage accumulating in the phone, the "pocket" where the browser history is saved or the next game downloaded from PlayMarket. That's right, all these files are cached, compressed and stored separately in order to be able to recover lost information, but by deleting the program that owns this cache, the user leaves it in his phone, clogging up the memory. After the accumulation of this information that the phone does not need, the memory is gradually full, and the phone loses its functional points.

Preventive action

What are wipes (Android)? It turns out they can be useful. As a prevention, developers recommend to all owners mobile phones  with Android, periodically clean it in order to avoid clogging it with unnecessary virtual slag. There are exactly three types of wipe: Factory Reset, Cache Partition, Dalvik Cache. Each reset in different parts clears some part of the memory.

Clears the entire phone and resets all user settings to the factory settings.

Cache Partition - produces full used applications on the phone, but the user's personal data does not suffer.

Dalvik Cache - clears the cache of applications included on the phone, and user ones do not suffer.

How to reset memory?

If you are interested in how to make a wipe on Android, then you just need to go into the settings and find a function called "Restore and Reset". By clicking on it and accepting all the conditions, the phone will quickly return to the factory settings and will be completely cleaned of extraneous software. Other types of wipe can be done except in the custom menu, but for this you need to have certain computer knowledge.


Wipe is a useful function for any information system, but in order to use it, you need computer literacy above average, only then the next cleaning of the memory will turn into something really useful and speed up the speed of the device, to which the database itself is attached. But it’s better, of course, to turn to specialists who can globally solve the problem and, possibly, advise something better, or they themselves will perform this difficult procedure.

On smartphones and tablets on android based  there is a special menu Recovery mode  or simply . This is a special device boot mode, thanks to which you can reset all settings or, say, install new firmware  on the device.

Here's what Recovery Mode looks like on a Samsung smartphone:

To call this menu, you need to do a number of actions along with rebooting the smartphone. For example, on Samsung Galaxy  S3 process is as follows:

  • Turn off your smartphone.
  • Press the sound increase button, the Home button and the power key of the smartphone at the same time.
  • Release the buttons as soon as you see the menu recovery logo.

Please note that the image of the stock Recovery Mode is shown above. There are also custom versions of the menu, they are installed by the user independently and can have a completely different look.

There are several items in the menu recovery that raise questions from users. Let's talk about some of them.

Wipe data / factory reset

When using Wipe data / factory reset, all applications and data are deleted (cache, accounts), except for data such as music, photos, videos. It is usually used if there are any errors when using the device, or the smartphone or tablet starts to slow down due to some application, or the user wants to return the device to original condition  and reset the settings.

Wipe cache partition

Wipe cache partition - this is clearing the cache partition. In this area, temporary files that remain after applications or updates are stored are stored. It is used if the smartphone is slow or starts to slow down. Moreover, uninstalling applications, unlike the previous case, does not occur.

Other types of menu recovery

Some recovery menus have additional items. For example, in Recovery Mode on Xiaomi devices, you can select additional cleaning modes, such as, say, Wipe SD Card - deleting data from a memory card. And the look of the menu is completely different.

Many sources claim that before installation custom ROMfor example need to do wipe  systems, although there is also an opposite opinion. How to be in this situation? The answer is one: the first option is correct. Why is that? Let's try to figure it out.

Wipe  aims to clear the memory sections of your device. The operation leads to both loss of personal data and the loss of downloaded applications. System applications acquire their initial state. Turns out that wipe  returns your device to the state in which you bought it.

Here are a few different wipes and a short description of them:

Wipe data / Factory reset: in this case, all your personal data will be deleted, and the system will return to its original form.

Wipe Cache Partition: This action deletes the cache. With this method, personal data is not lost.

Wipe Dalvik Cache: all your programs are in the Dalvik cache directory tree, wipe  it affects him, while personal data remains intact.

Which wipe  in which case to apply? What is its meaning?

If you install new ROM  without committing wipethen a lot of “trash” remains from old system, which leads to unstable operation of the new. You get a bunch of errors, crashes and other problems. For this reason wipe  always needed.

Let's now consider which wipe to use in which case.

When you install new custom ROM, but before that they used stock firmware, it’s worth using the first option - " Wipe Data". It is also necessary in the transition from one version to another, for example, from to.

If we are talking about small updates, for example, you go from CyanogonMod 9.0  to CyanogenMod 9.1  or install, then you need to apply " Wipe Cache Partition"and" Wipe Dalvik Cache".

That, in fact, is all. Now you know that   wipe  helps solve many problems associated with custom ROM. If after installation a lot of errors occur in the system, you can easily eliminate them. If wipe  doesn’t help, then you need to use the "" option in recovery mode. We hope that now questions on the topic do wipe  or not you will not arise.