How to install a browser from a phone on a laptop. How to install a browser from Yandex. Updating the Opera browser.

Updated: July 29, 2017

Hello dear readers of the blog site. The first thing I want to say about the installation of the browsers specified in the header is download them.

How to find the official website of free programthat you want to install, read the link provided (there is nothing complicated there). Very often, for a request, for example, “install Google Chrome”, you can get fake websites () in response to a Yandex or Google search, where together (or instead of) the browser distribution you get a virus or a trojan.

For developers, a very convenient option is provided for debugging debugging from the main browser window. Changes have also affected the use of cameras and microphones, as well as technology responsible for reproducing images and sound. Also, there can be no further optimization of downloading, downloading and shutting down program downloads, as well as patches for recently discovered vulnerabilities. Version 21 is another fix to improve browser speed, stability and usability. The application itself will suggest what you need to change to reduce startup time.

In addition to the fact that you only need to install browsers from official sites, I want to immediately warn you that three of the most popular of them (Google Chrome, Yandex Browser and Opera since versions older than 12) (WebKit). In terms of functionality, they are very close to each other and differ only in some settings details and some additional functionality. Which of them to install, you can decide by simply comparing their work in practice.

If you use a mac

You can cancel your participation in the study at any time or delete any data associated with their viewing. Select tabs or higher for step by step instructions  or select. Office for home or office for business.

In the Language drop-down list, select the language you want to use. . Depending on the browser, click Run, Configure, or Save File.

Choose steps for your product.

If you see a “User Account Control” message asking you to allow this application to make changes to your device? Click Yes. Installation ends when you see the phrase Everything is ready! Not sure what plan your product belongs to. The installation steps are the same. Insert the product key and follow the remaining steps to benefit from the product.

How to install Google Chrome on your computer for free and safely

In general, all voiced in the title from the official websites of developers. Any option when asking for money from you is a fraud. Not only will you receive a free product for money, you can also get a virus in the appendage with a high probability. Therefore, we download the distribution kit only from the official site and only for free. No CMC and other forms of payment.

Frequently asked questions about connecting or installing

If you are a student, student, or teacher, and your institution has not granted you a license, find out if you are eligible. You will see a screen to select the type of installation you want. At this point, it starts copying files to your computer. This may take several minutes. Once the files are copied, you can close the installation wizard by clicking Finish.

Understand that browser developers themselves are interested in having you install them. Why? Well, because Google Chrome is distributed by the world's largest search engine Google, and Yandex browser, respectively, by the largest search engine in RuNet. They even pay extra to the distributors of their browsers, because this gives them the opportunity to set their search engine by default search, as well as collect data about which sites you liked and which didn't.

In this lesson, we will learn how to set up a browser and find information on the Internet. Before you begin the exercises in the current lesson, be sure to call a trainer to watch the exercises that you did at home. In the folder "Digital Children" on the desktop, create a new folder Lesson 3. In the folder "Lesson 3" create a file "Recapitulation". In the file created in Exercise 2, using diacritics, write the answers to the following questions in separate lines.

What is the key combination we use for soldering? . If the window below appears, click the button.

Overview An application is a program that performs some specific operations. Thus, the browser is the application in which we browse the Internet.

To other developers (for example, Mazil or Opera), large search engines pay extra for information about your behavior on the sites you visit. This money is just huge, and that’s why all the popular browsers can be downloaded and installed for free.

So, for installing Google Chrome go to the official Google Chrome website  and download latest version  engine for his operating system  (it will be determined automatically by the data received from your computer):

After clicking on the “Download” button, you will be prompted to immediately make some settings. First, by default you will be prompted to make Chrome the default browser. What does this mean? Well, all the files that your operating system should open in your browser will use exactly Google chrome, not some other browser that is also installed on your OS.

Secondly, you will be asked about the ability to automatically send reports. In fact, they can include messages about crashes that occurred with your browser, as well as information about how you liked the sites you visited (just above, I wrote that this is the main reason why all popular browsers are offered for installation free, although not a small amount of money is spent on their support and development). In fact, based on these data, Google will judge the quality of the sites you visit and use this data in the construction of search results.

After you press the button “Accept conditions and establish”, the process of downloading the Google Chrome distribution to your computer and its subsequent installation will begin. At the end of the process, the browser will start automatically and you will use the instructions I compiled a little earlier. This browser is very good, and I personally use it as the main one for working in admin sites, because it is reliable and saves all the data entered in the window.

If you have a desire to find out, which one version of Chrome  you set, then you can click on the icon with three horizontal stripes located in the upper right corner and select "About Google Chrome browser" from the drop-down menu:

In the window that opens, you will see the number of the version you have installed, and if the browser has not been closed for a long time, you will see the process of comparing your version with the one that is currently on the Chrome update server. If an update is detected, it will be immediately downloaded, and a new version will be installed after the browser reboots.

It will be the flagship at the moment, but still not one hundred percent stable and run-in, so you install the beta at your own peril and risk. But, as a rule, there are no serious glitches and failures in the beta version. So, the little things. By the way, in addition to the browser itself, which can significantly increase its functionality and ease of use.

Install Yandex Browser for free from the official site

Yandex Browser, as I mentioned just above, is Google Chrome’s sibling, because they are built on the basis of the same free WebKit engine. 90% of their functionality coincides, but still, the brainchild of Yandex has several features for which it is worth installing it (consider it as a real alternative to Google Chrome). Read more in the article.

To start the installation, simply run the downloaded Yandex.exe distribution file, and you, as in the case of the Chrome installation, are prompted to pre-assign this browser  used by default and agree that the data collected by the browser will be automatically sent to Yandex:

Leave these checkboxes in place or not - you decide. After clicking on the “Start using” button, the process of downloading the Yandex browser distribution kit and installing it on your computer will begin.

When everything is installed, a browser window will open and you can begin to study and use it. I strongly recommend that you read the article on J. Browser a bit above. It describes its capabilities and differences from Google Chrome, and also shows how to change themes and install extensions.

To see the version number you installed  it will be enough from the context menu of the button with three horizontal dashes to select the items "Advanced" - "About Yandex browser":

As a result, a window opens with the number of the current version of Yandex browser, and if you did not close the browser for a long time, you will see there the process of checking for updates on the server new version  browser.

It is installed in the same way as the browsers described above. In the welcome window, I advise you to click on the "Configure" button to make, if necessary, some changes to the default settings:

If you have already installed Opera 12 (on the old engine), then the new version automatically (when you install the corresponding checkbox), passwords and other settings. This is done to simplify the transition from one Opera engine to another. What is remarkable, both the old and the new versions can be easily installed and work perfectly on one computer.

It will be possible to see the version of the installed Opera by selecting the “opera” buttons from the menu (well done developers who left the controls in the places familiar to users of old versions of this browser) “About”:

Opera 12.17  (the latest version of the browser on the native engine with an integrated email client) can be downloaded and installed from the page of the official archive of the engine versions. If you plan to install on Windows, then open the WIN folder and at the very bottom find the directory 1217. In it, go to the INT folder and download the Opera 12.17 distribution for your version of Windows:

The installation process itself is no different from the ones described above. You can read about the capabilities of the old Opera (on the native engine) using the link given just above.

How to Install Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer

These two oldest browser  still used by many users, because both of them are distributed free of charge. About you can read the link. Its main feature is the original, of which a great many have already been released for it.

It will be enough to click on the “Download for free” button, wait for the distribution to load and activate the installation process. I advise you to see the possible installation settings by clicking on the button of the same name:

After installation, a browser window will appear and you can begin to "sculpt" it for yourself. The main functionality of Mazila is hidden in its extensions, so do not use them to study and install the ones you need. To do this, you can familiarize yourself with the links to articles provided just above. In general, this browser is good and quite worthy of your attention.

Find out the version of your browser  You can by clicking on the button with three horizontal stripes in the upper left corner and in the window that opens by clicking on the icon with a question mark located at the bottom. Well, and select "About Firefox" in the window that opens:

If auto-update is disabled in the settings, then on the page that opens, you can:

Now for Internet Explorer. Installing it separately, in fact, is impossible, as well as uninstalling, but it is quite possible to update. And not for each type of Windows you will be able to update the Internet Explorer to the maximum possible version (now it's 12). Probably, Microsoft is trying in this way to stimulate sales of its new windows.

For example, judging by the screenshot below, for Vista I can only upgrade to Internet explorer  9 (with the second service pack), although the newest version of this browser dates back to number 12:

If a new version of Internet Explorer is available for your version of Windows, then you can go to the official website page  and initiate its installation:

Actually everything. I want to say that I, for example, have five to seven different browsers installed (including those not mentioned here), but I use only a few of them in my daily life (Chrome, Yandex browser, Mazilu and the old Opera). However, everyone else installed browsers  they do not bother me at all and may even be useful in a number of cases. .

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site


To class



Hello dear readers of the site! None of us can imagine how otherwise to use all the features of the global network without Internet browsers.

There are not a small number of such programs, but Yandex Browser, Google Chrome, Opera, were and remain the most popular. Mozilla firefox, Amigo and Internet Explorer.

The browser is special program  (Internet browser) with which the user can view information from the World Wide Web on a computer.

The purpose of this article is not to tell you about the capabilities of these programs, we will leave this lesson for the future, but to show where to download for free and how to install browsers directly from the official websites of developers.

I myself, like everyone else, constantly encounter such a problem that, for example, by asking “Install Yandex.Browser” in the search results, you can go to some fake site where, in addition to the browser, you download an additional virus or trojan to your computer.

And in the best case, before the download starts, you will have to visit several pages of this site or watch an advertisement.

To understand what is happening, I’ll say that there are sites of scammers and ransomware so that you do not become victims, I openly declare: “Download and install Internet browsers only with official developer sites, as they are interested in their free distribution. "

Remember, all browsers are distributed free of charge, because it is profitable for search engines that pay crazy money to the developers of these programs, so that users set the default search bar at the expense of them, thereby using their search results.

If everything is clear with Google Chrome and Yandex.Browser, these are projects of the most popular search engine in Russia, for example, things are different, because they called their development differently (the Amigo browser) than competitors, which in turn promotes their portal among users .

Now, how to find out that the site from which you want to download the program is official, everything is very simple for this I use, which in the issue marks all official sites with a thumb up.

As you can see in the screenshot above, at the request of “Total Commander”, the first place is the official page of the creators of the legendary file manager.

Installing the latest Yandex.Browser

The first in line will be the browser from the most popular search engine  in RuNet, which proudly bears her name.

This is a relatively young browser working on the Blink engine, which was first made available to the public at the end of 2012 at a technology conference.

Blink is an engine for displaying web pages in the public domain based on the open source WebCore from the WebKit engine.

Due to the popularity of the search system and their active promotion policy, at the moment in Runet, a browser is installed on computers in almost 10% of Internet users.

To install the browser, we need to go to the official website  and click on the large yellow button "Download", after which the download of the distribution package will immediately begin.

But before the files are unpacked, the installer will offer a choice to note:

  • whether to make Yandex the default browser
  • to establish whether Adobe flash  Player
  • whether to send anonymous statistics to improve software

After installation, Yandex itself started and transferred all the tabs, the history of visited pages and the extensions I used previously in Google Chrome.

All the features of the program will be described in the following articles, but for now I’ll just show how to see the version of the browser used and how to saddle it by default.

To find out the current version of installed web browser  go to the context menu (three horizontal lines in the upper right corner) and select "Advanced" from the drop-down list, and "About Yandex Browser" in the following list.

On the page that opens, the software version will be indicated.

And in order to make Yandex the default browser  it will be sufficient to go to the context menu and select the “Settings” item.

A page will appear in which, scrolling down, there will be a section "Default Browser" with the corresponding button.

If another one is set as the main browser, then this will be said under the button.

How to install free Google Chrome

In the west, and in RuNet, the most popular was and remains the Google Chrome browser, which is the brainchild of the world famous Google company.

Google started developing Chrome back in 2008 on the famous WebKit free chromium browser, which over time, the engine was replaced by Blink.

Thanks to world fame google  unconditionally Chrome is the most popular browser in the whole world, it was chosen by more than 300 million users, and on RuNet it is number one, which is preferred by 32% of the global network audience.

It can be said briefly about it: safe, fast and stable.

The latest version of Google Chrome can be installed from the official website of developers by going to the page  , where it’s enough to click on the blue “Download Chrome” button.

Before the file is uploaded, the system will prompt you to mark the installer items that are necessary for the user:

  • whether to make the browser the default
  • whether to send usage statistics and crash reports

For me personally, this is the most best browser, without which I can not imagine my online activities.

He earned my trust to a greater extent due to the fact that in his design there is nothing superfluous (only tabs and address bar), high speed, support more  extensions.

To find out which web browser version  you are currently using go to the context menu (three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner) and find the item “Help / About browser”, then select “About google browser  Chrome. "

If it happened that you decided in the process of using make Google the default browser, then it will be sufficient to call the context menu, then select the "Settings" item and in the opened page click on the button "Assign Google Chrome browser  default".

As you can see at the moment, I don’t have such a button, because I already clicked on it and my Chrome is considered the main one in front of everyone else.

To consolidate the material, watch an instructive video.

Opera browser and its new engine

The Internet browser Opera is considered one of the old-timers, since they worked on its creation back in 1994, and the history of the development of this software is very interesting.

Opera originally worked under the control of its own engine, but over time it was transferred to a more modern WebKit, and in 2013, along with Chrome, switched to the Blink engine.

It was after the Opera’s transition to a new engine that users divided into two camps:

  • some continued to use the latest version of Opera 12, to which no more updates were released
  • the second decided to follow the new version of the program, I have it number 33

I myself felt all the sorrow of the browser’s transition to the new engine, since the new version no longer had an integrated email client and the most important thing for me is subscribing to the news feed of other sites through RSS.

Having been more than a year on previous version  Opera and struggling with its glitches, it was decided to switch to Google Chrome, although I still occasionally open the old Opera 12 to read what's new on my favorite blogs.

But back to the topic of the post, I will not consider the old browser, so if you want to download and install the latest version of the Opera browser, then you can do it for free only from the official site  by clicking on the link provided.

After you click on the “Download Now” button, the program distribution download will begin. Then find Opera_NI_stable.exe on your computer and run it.

But before proceeding, select the “Settings” item in the current installer window and check the necessary options:

  • program language
  • the users
  • installation path
  • use Opera by default
  • whether to transfer all data from the default browser
  • whether to send information for browser improvements

After that, click "Accept and update" to complete the process of installing software on a computer.

Find out which the version of the program you have installed  quite simple. Go to the Opera menu in the upper left corner, then find the section "About the program".

Well, to make Opera the default browser  just select the “Settings” item in the menu and in the window that opens we find the section with the “Make” button Opera browser  default".

Please note that in this section you can import bookmarks and settings from other browsers.

Above, I advise you to watch the video on installing the Opera.

Download Mozilla Firefox to your computer

The history of Mazila Firefox's browser began back in 2004, then this was Phoenix, later Firebird and only then Firefox. As an engine, the developers chose Gecko.

The browser has gained the most popularity in Germany, where almost 50% of users browse web pages with its help; in Runet of fans, Fox also has about 16%.

Perhaps this is the only browser with so many extensions specially created for it.

For free installation  Mazil browser go to official page, where it will be sufficient to click on the button “Download for free”.

Before starting the installation, go to the settings and check the items necessary for use:

  • create shortcuts
  • program installation path
  • whether to send installation information
  • to make Mozilla the default browser

After the copy procedure is complete firefox files  On the computer, you can begin to study and configure the installed software for your needs.

Users note that the Fox stands out against other browsers with a high degree of protection, light architecture, the presence of master passwords (data protection from intruders), comfortable work  bookmarked, block popup fields.

To find out current version  Mazil, just call the context menu (three lines in the right corner of the screen), select the question mark "?" and go to the "About Firefox" section.

If you had an outdated version of the program installed, then its immediate update will begin.

In order to to do Mozilla Browser  default  go to the context menu, then the "Settings" item and in the "Basic" tab, select "Set as default."

All changes are saved automatically, so feel free to close the page.

The video above will help to consolidate the studied material.

Download free Amigo in Russian

Amigo is the youngest of popular browsersowned by Mail.Ru Group and is run by Chromium open source.

The role of this browser among Internet users is extremely small, as it is still very young and has not been able to win the hearts of ordinary people.

And in general, what can I say when all the products from Mile are famous for their impudence to spontaneously be installed on a computer, sharing their products in all places of the software, including the Amigo browser.

Personally, I myself found out about its existence when a green shortcut with the letter suddenly appeared on my desktop "A ".

But still, it may happen that you do not have such a browser, but there is a need to use it, so go to amigo.mail.rufrom where you can download Amigo for free.

As soon as you move the cursor to the treasured button, a context menu will appear in which it should be noted:

  • whether to make Amigo the default browser
  • to establish whether the Agent

After that, the download of the browser distribution will begin. Next, find the file amigo_setup.exe and run the application, thanks to which the installation of Amigo will be started.

Upon completion of the installation process, the program will start automatically.

In order to find out which amigo browser version  in use, go to the settings menu (icon with three horizontal stripes), and then click on "About Amigo".

If there is a desire make this browser the main, then everything in the same context menu goes to the “Settings” section and select the button “Set Amigo as default browser” at the very top.

I’m sure that there are few people who want to use this feature.

You will learn more clearly about Amigo loading from the video clip.

Internet Explorer built-in browser in Windows

So we got to the latest Internet Explorer explored in this article. This Internet  the browser knows everyone who has ever used a computer not only to play games.

The fact is that Microsoft since 1995 in all windows versions  built in its own internet browser.

Namely Explorer ( IE) became the first softwarewho showed me a worldwide network, as it was told in the article about the most.

In fact, you cannot download a browser, it can only be updated to the version that your operating system supports.

Since I use Windows 7, I should upgrade from IE 9 version to 11, depending on the service pack (SP).

To download the latest version of Explorer, go to the official Microsoft page here, where in addition to the treasured button, check the box, if there is a need, to do the default.

After downloading and activating the distribution, the download of the necessary browser updates will begin.

In order to find out that browser version, which is installed at the moment, on your PC it is enough to select the "Gear", the "Help" section or the question mark "?", it all depends on installed version applications, and then go to the "About" item.

But in order to make Internet Explorer the default browser  will have to tinker a bit in the settings of the operating itself windows systems  depending on its version.

For Windows 7, go to the "Control Panel", then from all the available elements select "Internet Options" and find the "Programs" tab, where we click on the treasured button.

Be sure to watch a short video about updating the IE browser to version 11.

All browsers, about the installation of which I wrote today, appear in my use, despite the fact that I mostly resort to the services of only two or three (Chrome, Yandex.Browser and Mozila).

But this does not mean that you need to forget about the rest and not take them into account, I’m sure that everyone can select something new and useful for themselves in any browser.

I will be glad to know your opinion on this matter, and which Internet browser do you use?