Yandex disk downloads are mine. Yandex drive: from installation to free increase in volume

Computer users who have developed high-speed unlimited Internet have begun to think about how to store files not on their hard drive, but on the global network.

  Yandex came to the rescue, which provides free space on its disks. Of course, Google and other eminent companies have the same opportunity, but we will show the principle of using the service from a Russian search engine as an example, since it seemed to us the most convenient and with a nice design and features.

Indeed, in storing files on Yandex disk there is several significant pluses:

  • we free up space on our computer from files that we rarely use and open, for example, photos, program archives and more;
  • we can share a link to a file and open access to file folders so that others can download them if we do not mind;
  • we can use Yandex disk not only from our computer, but also from any other - it’s enough to have Internet access and a password from your mail, as well as using mobile phone  or tablet.

Where to begin? Register a mailbox

AND go through a simple registrationat which it will be necessary to enter:

How to enter your Yandex Disk

You can get there in several ways, but first you need to enter your mailboxusing username and password.
  Further there are several options:

When we enter, we are usually offered to download the program for Windows on our computer in order to use the disk without going to your account on the site. We will talk about this a little lower, and for now just close the window without downloading anything.

How to download files to share links without installing the program

If we did not install the application on the phone, or the program on our computer, then, being in personal account  Yandex disk, you can upload files by clicking on one of the buttons:

You can also simply drag and drop files from your computer into the window of your personal account:

After downloading the file, we can close the window or upload more files:

How to upload files to Yandex disk using a program for Windows without visiting the site

While in your account, you can watch the link “Download Disk for Windows”. Downloading this program, you get the opportunity not to go to the Yandex website to upload files, but to do this using a special folder on your computer.

After installation, downloaded earlier installation file  can be deleted.

After entering, you can finish this, or additionally click on the link “Configure folder location and sync”  and with a little tweak the settings for yourself:

After completing the settings, we will have a separate folder for storing files on Yandex disk.

By default, it is synchronized, i.e. when you copy some files to this folder, they are automatically downloaded to the Internet on your Yandex account drive, this is indicated to us by a green “bird” above the file.

Also when you right-click on a file, you can get a public link, the same as we received on the site.

A nice bonus - a program for creating and editing screenshots

When downloading and installing a program for Yandex disk, we, as a pleasant bonus, install a program for conveniently creating screenshots.

It also has the necessary set of tools for editing: various arrows, figures, writing text, cropping the image to the desired size.

Many of them took leading positions in their segment, and today's “patient” - Yandex Disk, was no exception.

Yandex Disk - what is it?

Yandex drive is cloud service, allowing its users to store any files and create public access to them on Yandex servers.

Storage in the cloud means that the downloaded files are not located on the same server, as in the case of file sharing, but on different ones. This design allows you to not be afraid of data loss during hacking or physical destruction of servers.

Direct analogues are:

  1. Dropbox
  2. Google cloud;
  3. Mile drive.

Key features

Files can be conveniently structured by creating your own hierarchy, because Yandex.Disk is an almost complete analogue to a hard drive.

By creating a folder or downloading a file, you can open full access to it and create a public link so that other users can download it.

Speaking of the "Winchester" - installing the application on the computer will be created system disksynchronized with cloud storage. All changes made in this folder will be displayed in the data warehouse interface. In other words, a full copy of this folder, with all its contents, will be created on Yandex servers.

By saving zip and rar archives, pdf documents, microsoft files  Office from the Internet on your “Drive” - you can open them directly in your browser without downloading to your computer.

How to create and open Yandex Disk?

Get access to using free cloud storage, any user can, just register at or start mail. If you already use other services and have account  in Yandex - just log in using the same link.

At the time of writing, all new users get 10GB disk space, absolutely free.

How to increase the volume?

If you don’t have enough space, you can increase the size by 10GB, 100GB and 1TB, in two ways.

1. Pay extra disk space, according to the tariffs.

2. Take part in promotions from the company and its partners. For example, the promotion “Gigabytes as a gift” has recently ended, which allowed to increase the volume by 32GB by installing the Yandex Disk application on a mobile.

How to use

Having logged into your account, the question arises - what to do next? The main objective of the service is to download and store files. As mentioned above, you can upload your files to Yandex Disk via the web interface and using the program installed on the computer.

We will analyze each option in more detail.

Install the application

During installation, pay attention to the additional proposal to make Yandex the home page.

Select the folder on the hard drive whose contents will be synchronized with the account.

Move any file to this folder and open the web version of the service, what do you see? That's right, the file is uploaded to your account on the cloud.

For a more convenient exchange, you can share the shared folder. This is done through the settings.

A new tab will open in the browser, where you will need to specify the users (their email) who are allowed access, i.e. make access settings.

Copying files from cloud storage to the computer’s hard drive is the main minus of the first version of the program and its nominal name; the company tried to fix it in the second version of the software.

Yandex Disk 2.0 beta

Yandex is constantly developing its services, and the turn of the program in question has come up. The Yandex Disk 2.0 beta application was released.

The main difference from the first version is that through the program, complete management of electronic documents located in the cloud is carried out. Keeping copies of them on your computer is now optional.

During the installation process, you will also be asked to install additional software, including the Yandex browser.

The program window completely copies the web interface, and the files are downloaded by simply dragging them onto the program icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

Creating new folders, reading documents and combining them into one folder is carried out in exactly the same way as in file systemrunning Windows.

Web version of the data warehouse

Do not want to install additional software on your favorite - use the web version of the service. It completely repeats the functionality of the applications described above, with the exception of quickly saving files to the repository.

All navigation takes place in the window, using the elements indicated in the figure above.

Viewing and editing in the browser interface is not available for files larger than 1GB.

To upload the file itself, to the repository - drag it to the "Drop Zone".

Let's look at a step-by-step example how to upload a photo to Yandex Disk.

1. On your computer, open the folder in which the photo is located.

2. Open a browser and enter your drive.

3. Drag the photo into the "Drop Zone" and wait until the download is complete.

How to remove Yandex Disk from computer

First of all, you need to figure out exactly what you want to delete - only the program or the account as a whole.

With the program, everything is simple, it is removed by standard windows tools, but with the account you have to go to "decisive action."

First version of the application

1. On the taskbar, click on the drive icon and turn off sync.

2. Exit the application by clicking the "Exit" button.

3. Open "Control Panel" - "Programs and Features", find desired program, right-click on the context menu and click on "Delete".

Version 2.0 beta

In the second version of the program, everything is a little easier. Exit it by right-clicking on the icon in the taskbar.

Web version

It’s worth mentioning right away - to delete only Yandex Disk, you won’t succeed, you will have to get rid of the entire Yandex account.

To do this, go to the account settings page, it is called "Passport". At the very bottom of the page, in the "Other Settings" section, click "Delete Account."

Read the information provided, enter the captcha and press the button indicated on the screen.

If you don’t feel like losing your entire account, you can limit yourself to deleting all files from Yandex.Disk.

Tick \u200b\u200ball entries and click “Delete” on the right side of the screen.

After erasing the software from your computer or laptop - do not forget to clean the OS from the remaining “tails”.

Video service review

Hello! Surely many of you have already heard the news that Yandex has launched a new service - a cloud service designed to store files. Today I will do a short review.

It is worth noting that the use of Drive is available from all devices with an Internet connection and will make real competition to the now popular Dropbox. I have already opted for a new data storage service  for several reasons:

  • 10 gigabytes free space  on disk;
  • convenient interface;
  • access to files directly from Yandex mail (which I use as the main one);
  • no need to create additional accounts, etc.

Personally, I like the modern trends aimed at globalization of all kinds of services. Having one single account, you can perform a whole range of work and at the same time the functionality expands each time, winning more and more new users.

Registration on Yandex Disk

As I said, registration is not needed if you already have one. In this case, just go to, otherwise, get a new mailbox.

Let's switch to home page  Yandex Drive  and see what awaits us:

As you can see, at the time of my review, Yandex Disk is in testing mode and accepts new users only by invitation.

However, getting such an invitation is quite simple - just specify the address email  and leave a request, as I did. The very next day I received a letter, quite original, on behalf of the Captain Yandex Disk 🙂 with an invitation to board:

After receiving the invitation, we follow the link provided in the letter (and upon completion of testing the service, invitations will not be needed) and a window opens on the page with mail and with a new tab Files:

You can upload files directly from the web-based interface, but it is more convenient to use a special application. Here we see a link to download the application, which is available for various platforms, including operating system  Windows mobile devices  and Apple Mac OS X:

Increase Yandex Disk up to 10 GB

Three simple steps will increase disk space for storing information from the initial three gigabytes to 10! And you just need to perform the following actions:

  1. install the application (which was mentioned just above);
  2. upload to Yandex Disk  a couple of files;
  3. and tell friends - retweet, etc.

Here are three simple steps that can take up extra disk space on a cloud service.

Using the application when working with Yandex Disk

Now let's figure out how to use the application for working with Yandex Disk. After the download, run the installation file and perform the necessary operations. Upon completion of the installation, select the necessary items as desired and click Finish to complete the installation:

Next, we configure the program to your taste, it is advisable to put a checkmark in front of the program launch at system startup, and also select the destination folder for the file location and other settings. Only four tabs, I think you will understand:

Access to the system folder for storing files can be obtained directly in the main window of the explorer, and of course, direct access to the folder that was assigned during installation or application settings:

An icon will appear in the tray, right-clicking on it will open a pop-up menu with the main functions and settings:

Here is such a new file storage service that its user offers, I really liked it, I will definitely use it and recommend it to you. By the way, but the leader of the search market already has one service for storing files - Yandex People, do you think that against the background of such innovations does it have a future?