Old appearance Yandex browser. Yandex introduced the “browser of the future” - the new Yandex.Browser with a transparent interface

Yandex presented a new Internet browser, Yandex.Browser, one of the main features of which was a transparent interface. The program is free from frames, status bars and other interface elements, so it does not close the contents of the site and does not interfere with working with it. That's exactly what, according to Yandex experts, browsers will look like in the future.

“The first mass browsers appeared more than twenty years ago,” said Konstantin Gorsky, art director of Yandex.Browser. - Since then, the Internet has changed. Sites from pages with hypertext and images turned into full-fledged applications with their own complex interfaces: social networks, office editors, games. Browsers have learned to play video and music, show documents. But the most noticeable part of the browser for the user - the interface - has changed little. Browsers look almost the same as 20 years ago: these are all the same panels, buttons and frames. We erase this unnecessary layer, remove the border between the site and the program for viewing it. "

Among the most notable innovations in the program is moving tabs with open pages. Now they are at the bottom of the screen. Each tab will be colored in the basic shades of the site to which it leads. Tabs leading to different pages of the same site are grouped.

Among other features of Yandex.Browser is the ability to show users a brief reference about famous people, objects and events as soon as the user makes a request. And to predict desires: for example, if a person is studying the site of a cafe or museum, the browser will show their location on the map. Tabs in the new browser are located at the bottom of the screen.

IN new browser   Yandex technologies and services are included - search, translator, viewing documents, Turbo mode (allows you to reduce the total weight of the page and speed up its loading), quick call. The developers have changed the logo of the program.

The first version of Yandex.Browser from a domestic search engine was introduced more than two years ago. Since then, the company has repeatedly updated its development.

In December, the developers planned the release of another small update 14.12. It will allow you to view the "neutralized" copies of potentially dangerous sites, in addition, in version 14.12, the Turbo function to compress traffic will be able to proactively enable.

But the developers have really grandiose plans for the next year: in 2015, the program will receive a completely new, unique interface, similar to which we have not seen in any other browser.

At the moment, the developers have submitted an alpha version of this major update, the download link of which you can find at the bottom of the article. The alpha version is very unstable and created, first of all, in order to get feedback and comments that Yandex will need when further working on the program.

Of the specific changes, the following should be highlighted:

Content and interface as a whole.   The browser interface has become even more minimalistic and now literally merges with the content into a single whole. Only the most necessary are left of the buttons, dividing lines and other elements that attracted too much attention were removed.

Live express panel.   The scoreboard, as they call it in Yandex, is displayed when you turn on the browser and when you click on the “+” next to the tabs, it has changed a lot and received fascinatingly beautiful animated backgrounds.

Wrong side.   When you click the page title, it is blocked by a translucent background on which the scoreboard of sites is located, as well as functions and information related to the content being viewed. Here are links to similar resources. According to Yandex terminology, such new page   called the "wrong side."

Rethought search tips.   From the very beginning of its existence, one of the features of Yandex.Browser was search hints, which could contain a response to a request in advance. In the new generation of web browsers, Yandex goes further by adding images to the tooltips, additional information   and action buttons:

Translucency.   In the key elements of the interface (the title bar at the top, which appears when you click on the “wrong side”, the tab bar at the bottom), translucency is actively used, and not in style, but in style latest versions   Apple products: iOS and.

Colored tabs grouped by domain. Tabs are now located below. This is very unusual, but here more space is available for them. The tabs themselves are now highlighted in different colors and automatically grouped by domain, which significantly saves space on the panel, but sometimes forces you to make extra clicks. To drive the cursor a little less, the tabs tend to be located in the center of the area available to them.

Context help when selecting text   (in the first alpha version is not yet available). In addition to a serious revision of what has already been done, the developers have other functions. One of these is an intelligent context-sensitive tooltip when selecting any text on a page:

Despite the fact that the new Yandex.Browser looks very nice and visually has almost nothing to do with the one lying in it chromium basedpraising developers is clearly premature.

Many things look very unusual and not very intuitive, which is why working with the program is at least difficult at first. There are a number of graphical artifacts, performance problems, resource consumption, and some pressing usability issues. In addition, not all previous UI elements have been brought to a general form with the new interface, and some previous functions do not work.

The browser icon will also finally change

However, this is an alpha version, which is far from the final version. Work on the new browser will be completed only next year, and, apparently, not in its first months. Developers now more than ever need constructive feedback, which can be expressed as in Alpha on this official page. In the same video, developers briefly talk about their work and the reasons for the decisions made. A version for Windows and OS X is now available, a bit later they promise Linux support.

P.S.   Contrary to popular belief, Yandex.Browser never carried and does not carry any toolbars or programs. Start Pages   and the list of search engines in other browsers when installing a web browser from Yandex also does not change.

The brainchild of the first Runet search engine, Yandex.Browser, appeared in 2012 and quickly gained popularity among Russian-speaking users thanks to the Yandex advertising campaign. Not only promotion resources were invested in this project, but also efforts aimed at improving the product. Yandex Browser has been actively developing all its way and continues to do so today. Among the numerous browsers based on Chromium, Yandex.Browser is distinguished by the presence of its own synchronization service, a smart line that can in some cases give prompts directly in the process of entering key requests, built-in technology for compressing Internet traffic, the ability to install extensions from the stores of two other browsers - Google chrome   and Opera. Well, of course, Yandex.Browser has its own interface. And not one, but two whole interfaces - the old (classic) and the new, between which in current versions   Yandex.Browser can be switched in the settings section.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the new Yandex.Browser interface - the interface called Calypso.

  1. The new interface "Calypso" Yandex.Browser

The developers have been thinking about changing the Yandex.Browser interface drastically for a long time. The project of the new interface was called “Cousteau”, and upon completion of the first developments in November 2014, an alpha version of Yandex.Browser of the new format was presented. This included, in particular, a stylish interface with maximum display of the contents of web pages in a browser window, animated page design themes quick access   and the location of the open tab bar below. Later, the Cousteau project was closed, but its best solutions formed the basis of the Calypso interface - the very same Yandex.Browser new interface mentioned above. The new interface has not yet been installed in the browser by default. Today it is just a function that, if desired, can be enabled by the user in the settings of the Yandex.Browser version for windows systems   and Linux.

When you click the “Enable new interface” button, Yandex.Browser will restart. After restarting here, in the settings you can also set the preferred position of the tab bar - either above or below.

  2. Quick access page in the new Yandex.Browser interface

In the operating mode of the new interface, you will not see changes in the Yandex.Browser organization. The menu will be placed in the same place as it was, contain the same items as in the old interface. However, you will not find something that seriously distinguishes a visually new interface from the old one. In the new interface, as in the old one, the familiar scoreboard is placed on the quick access page - visual bookmarks   Yandex, as well as there are links to significant sections of the browser. Nevertheless, in comparison with the old interface, the new one is much prettier in appearance. Its main effect is animated themes on the quick access page, displayed in full screen.

The predefined theme can be changed to another by clicking on the “Customize screen” text.

After which you will see below a rich assortment of animated themes. Selecting the one you like, click the “Finish” inscription. Yandex.Browser takes care of users of low-power computer devices: when choosing a theme, you can turn off animation so that visual effects do not consume unnecessary resources. When you hover over a topic, you will see one of the two buttons active. The start button (in the form of a triangle) will mean the activation of the animation, and the pause button (two vertical stripes) - accordingly, just an image without animation. The theme of the design can also be your own picture on the computer. It can be installed by clicking on the plus button at the end of the list and indicating the path in the explorer.

Animated themes include sliding drops of water on the glass, swaying branches of spruce and sakura, water surface, clouds floating above the tops of the mountains, swirling starry sky, etc.

  3. Tab bar

As mentioned, initially, within the framework of the Cousteau project, the new Yandex.Browser interface provided for the tab bar only the placement at the bottom of the window. The current version of the browser at the time of writing of this article provides for the choice of two options for placing the tab bar - at the top and bottom. In the future, the developers promise to organize also the lateral placement of the tab bar.

The new interface did not have effects and the tab bar. Active tabs take on the color of an open site. On the quick access page, open tabs are transparent and the theme is visible through them. Which, however, does not always play on the side of readability of tab names.

You can change the position of the tab bar not only in the browser settings, but also in the context menu invoked on any of the active tabs.

  4. Smart line

In the new interface, the Yandex smart line justifies its title not only by the specifics of functioning, but also by the convenience of finding information on touch devices with small screens. In the Calypso interface, when entering text, a smart line with options for continuing the request and in some cases with ready-made answers automatically expands to the entire Yandex.Browser window.

As in the old browser interface, in the new “Calypso” smart line can work not only with the predefined Yandex search, but also with other search enginesif you select them in the settings. And just like in the old interface, in the new interface, the ability to work with a smart line is implemented on the quick access page in the form of a search field framed by the usual yellow frame, as well as on any open tab   in the combined address and search bar. In the latter, by the way, the new Yandex.Browser interface provides for the location of the inscription of web addresses in the middle, and not traditionally on the left.

  5. Protected mode of the Calypso interface

That within the framework of the old interface, that within the framework of the new Yandex.Browser is protected from phishing. When a user enters account data of popular Internet resources on web pages that have nothing to do with such web resources, a notification will appear about the protection of passwords from phishing. And here is the protected mode of Yandex.Browser operation inside Internet banking and electronic accounts payment systems   - So far, only the new Calypso interface is available. As part of the work of the old interface at the time of this writing, there is no such protected mode. In protected mode, thorough verification of HTTPS certificates is enabled and all built-in extensions are disabled, except for the password managers that function as them. But even then, provided that they passed the Yandex test.

Have a great day!

But this has become

The new face of Yandex
  The main page has become much easier. A terrible postal house disappeared, which constantly annoyed me, but with it the link to the mail disappeared, and this is a minus. Under the house was an advertisement for the Yandex.Fotki service. She also disappeared, but remained as a normal link. But the Yandex.Maps service received additional graphical advertising. This indicates its increased importance. The area of \u200b\u200bthe TV show and poster has decreased. Links to Direct, MyKrug, Directory, Metrica and some others disappeared from home page. Music migrated to the menu above the yellow search form. She replaced the link for Blogs that have moved to News. Yesterday I noticed that, and today he generally threw it off the main page. Yandex's old face can still be returned. At the top left is the link “Return the old design”, but I won’t click it. Yandex should continue to lighten its homepage. The logo and the yellow search arrow remained unchanged. Today, Izvestia reported that Yandex is going to protect its original search form from plagiarists. The company completely becomes an adult and begins to patent any nonsense, taking care of its capitalization :)
  So far, not everyone has a new homepage. I was lucky to get into split testing.

I found the entrance to Yandex.Mail on the new main page! Logging in to the mail is now in the upper right corner. The link is called " Sign in to mail". The place for mail is not bad, but it is very unusual for me, it infuriated the whole 3 hours.

You can test the new Yandex design at this address new.yandex.ru.
  In fact, the entrance to the mail remained quite large in the upper right corner

Login to Yandex Mail
  But I automatically turned it off so that it would not interfere. I thought it was an advertising banner, and then for a long time I could not find a link to my inbox :)

UPD 03/04/2013

Today, the Yandex main page has changed for all absolutely users. I think that for many this will cause inconvenience and users will start asking the search engine: " How to return the old Yandex design?"Unfortunately, Yandex does not give instructions on this subject, but you can go to" Personal settings "and edit the main page to your liking. When you get to the site editor, in the upper right corner there will be an inscription" In the catalog of 2045 widgets ", click to it, the figure may change over time, but it doesn’t matter. After this operation, enter "mail" in the search bar

  Then click "New letters in Yandex.Mail." After that, you will see the main page template, where the mail widget will be at the bottom left

  Click the "Leave" button. Then drag this widget with the mouse up. And in the upper right corner of the browser, click "Save"