Troubleshooting windows xp errors. Windows XP bootloader recovery

Windows boot   consists of many steps performed sequentially. If one of the operations at startup does not perform correctly, the system will not boot. One of the most common problems of this kind is damage. boot record   Windows XP

What is a boot record?

The master boot record, better known as MBR, contains a piece of code, a special signature, and partition tables necessary for the system to start correctly. When turned on computer BIOS   after the initial test is completed, it loads the MBR code fragment into the RAM, passing to it (the code) control over the further launch of Windows.

If you see a message like “ntldr is missing”, “no boot device” or just a black background without further progress, you need to perform a repair to fix the error windows bootloader   XP.

The reasons for the failure:

  • Incorrect installation of several operating systems, in which the boot code is overwritten.
  • Uninstall Linux or boot manager.
  • Virus infection (usually ransomware that blocks Windows startup).
  • Hard disk damage.
  • Power outages (emergency shutdown).

Sometimes it turns out that the system can be restored to workability by simply rewriting the MBR, sometimes you have to restore the boot sector. The most difficult case is manual copying of the bootloader files to the boot sector of the hard drive.

MBR Recovery

The first thing to do if the system does not start is to restore the MBR using the recovery console:

Boot record restored - try rebooting and re-enabling Windows XP.

Boot sector recovery

If a message like “NTLDR is missing” appears on the screen, the cause of the problem is a damaged boot record. By symptoms, this failure is similar to an MBR error, so it is better to run two recovery commands:

If rewriting boot sector   and MBR did not help, then try to fix the errors in the Boot.INI file:

During the execution of the command, the program will scan all sections of the disk, trying to find copy of windows. The user will be prompted to record information about loading this system into a configuration file, as a result of which Windows will start correctly.

Copy Download Files

If creating new MBRs and a boot sector does not resolve the startup error, you will have to manually transfer the NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM, and boot.ini files to the root of the disk.

Next in line will be the BOOT.INI file.

After all the commands have been completed, type “exit” to exit the console and restart the computer. Disconnect installation media   and boot as usual - this time the problem with the Windows XP bootloader should definitely be resolved.

Despite the fact that the Windows operating system is considered quite reliable and stable, but not a single user is still immune from failures in its operation. Errors that occur during the operation of this operating systemcan be triggered by a variety of factors. Even, for example, infection with viruses can cause problems in windows operation. And in the event that you removed malware in a timely manner, they all the same directly or indirectly affected the operating system and its work processes. Also, after installing any specific software, instability may occur. But still, it’s not very pleasant when the operating system produces errors, and you begin to think about how to fix Windows errors. Let's try to solve this problem together.

For this we need:

  • A computer running Windows
  • TuneUp Utilities

Troubleshooting guide

  • Nowadays, using the Internet, you can find a huge variety of programs that can check Windows for stability in its work, as a result, fixing existing errors. The most convenient is the TuneUp Utilities program. Despite the fact that it is commercial, on the Internet you can search for a trivial version. In order for us to understand how to fix windows, you just need to download TuneUp Utilities and install it on your computer.
  • Next, we just run the program. After the first start, the process of scanning the system begins. As soon as it is completed, we will immediately find ourselves in the main menu of this program.
  • Before us is a menu consisting of three sections. First, we need to go to the "System Support" section and activate the "Automatic" option. After that, the program will begin to correct operating system errors automatically, as well as delete their causes. Besides, this program cleans the registry and if necessary, then defragment the hard drive. Next we go to the "Performance" menu section. In this section we will see the inscription "Recommendations", which you must click on. We will see recommendations regarding system setup. This is necessary in order to remove the program, if any, which adversely affects the operation of the operating system. Using these sections, you can fix Windows XP, Windows 7, and other Windows systems, but that’s not all.
  • Then we go to the “Correction of Problems” section and click on the line “Problems” with the left mouse button. Before our eyes a whole list of problems and methods for resolving them will open. For example, you never checked hDD   for malfunctions, and its operation may be unstable. In this case, the program will immediately issue a request for its verification and further correction of problems.
  • Then, after the program fixes all existing errors, you need to restart your computer. After that, your operating system will work much better, or more stable, at least it should. The procedure for checking for malfunctions of your operating system, as well as the correction and elimination of errors in its operation, must be repeated from time to time. Also, with the help of an automatic notification, the program will remind you when and how to fix Windows 7, Windows XP, or other errors windows systemsin case he finds them.

Such brief instruction   should help you so that working in the operating system does not cause you any inconvenience.

When a serious error occurs in Windows XP that calls into question the further correct functioning of the operating system (OS), it immediately shuts down and reboots spontaneously. What could cause such a critical system crash?

First, you need to turn off automatic reboot when a system crashes in order to see the error message itself.
  To do this, open the menu Start -> Control Panel -> System -> -> Parameters. Uncheck System failure -> Perform automatic reboot

Now in case of a phenomenon blue screen   death, the OS will not automatically reboot, and an informational error message with technical details is displayed.
  But there is one nyunas, releasing Russian windows version   XP (it is with most XP users), the developers forgot to leave the English text of the error messages.
As a result, we have a message printed in unreadable white characters (in which it is difficult to make out only the word STOP) on a blue background. This picture is called blue screen   death (Blue Screen of Death - BSOD).
  These errors can be caused by drivers, services, hardware, or software   (BY). Diagnosing them is the hardest.
  The text of the message contains very useful information, but is unreadable. The full text of the notification depends on the reason, but its format remains constant. First comes the name of the error, then recommendations for correction (the most common - there is no sense from them) and, finally, the number and parameters of the error.
  For instance,
   *** STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x00000000, 0x000000000, 0x00000000, 0xF8BCC2A4)

The text behind the word STOP contains the error number (hexadecimal notation) and up to four parameters depending on the error. In our example, error code 0x000000D1 (or just D1) is the most common error. It occurs when accessing a secure memory address that is not available. The parameters, in turn, indicate the address of the memory cell at which the call took place, the interrupt number, the type of operation (0 means reading from memory), and the call address.
   At the very end of the screen *** Nwiz.sys - Addres F8BCCA44 base at F8BCC000, DateStamp 33bb8f1d - in some cases, the name of the driver that caused the error. Do not think that this driver must contain an error and require replacement. Sometimes the reason is in another program, which entailed instability and system failure. Wherein nvidia driver   Nwiz.sys performed a completely correct operation, it was just that the system was no longer able to interpret it correctly. Start Windows in protected mode and try disabling the failed program or uninstalling the service using the Recovery Console.
   If the system reboots immediately after the error message is displayed, you will not be able to record the error code. However, in most cases the same information is entered in syslog, which can be viewed using the Event Viewer console ( Start -> Control Panel -> Administration -> Event Viewer -> System) Only the error number and its parameters are indicated here.




0x0000000A 1 - the address to which the erroneous appeal was made
   2 - IRQL, which was used to access memory
3 - type of memory access: 0 \u003d read operation, 1 \u003d write operation
4 - address of the instruction that requested access to memory at this address
A process running in kernel mode or a driver tried to access a memory cell without access to it. This error occurs with failed (incompatible) hardware or software. Pay attention to the driver name at the bottom of the screen - this gives a chance to fix the problem. If a similar error appears during the installation process, it may be due to incompatibility of the software and anti-virus program. The most common cause is that the device driver accesses a protected area of \u200b\u200bmemory.
0x0000000D 1 - relationship level interaction
   2 - level of interaction trying to access
Find the interaction points and determine which of them are trying to access this level in the wrong sequence.
0x0000001E 1 - exception code
   2 - the address during the processing of which a failure occurred
3 - Parameter 0 for exception
4 - Parameter 1 for exception
The Windows XP kernel detected an invalid or unknown processor command. Usually this is a consequence of random access memory errors, memory access violations. Pay attention not only to the specified driver, but also to the address itself containing this error. The exception code 0x80000003 means that a breakpoint or judgment was reached while accessing the memory, but the system booted with the / NODEBUG key. If the error appears again, make sure that the debugger is not stopped and the system boots with the / DEBUG switch. On non-Intel systems, if the exception address is 0XBFC0304, the error appears due to processor caching. If the error appears again, contact the manufacturers. As a rule, analysis of the second parameter of this message is required, which indicates the address of the driver (function) that was the cause of the problem.
0x00000020 1 - APC address, which was pending at the time of exit
   2 - counter APC communication is not possible
3 - current IRQ level
The error name indicates a damaged (disabled) APC counter. If the counter
   shows a value not equal to zero, then it is the source of the problem. A negative value indicates that the file system called FsRtlEnterFileSystem large quantity times than FsRtlExitFileSystem. A positive value indicates the opposite. FsRtlExitFileSystem has been called more times than FsRtlEnterFileSystem. If you have this situation, check all file systems on the machine, especially if you do not have NTFS, FAT, HPFS, and RDR. The current IRQL should be 0. If not, then a certain procedure for canceling drivers can cause an error, returning at a high IRQ level. Remember what you did or what applications you closed, which drivers were installed at the time the blue screen appeared. This symptom indicates a serious problem in third-party drivers.
0x00000023 The problem is the FAT file system driver (most often a disk failure).
0x00000024 Problem in the file driver nTFS systems   (disk failure).
0x0000002A 1 - the address on which the IRP ( I / O Request Packet ) was found in an inappropriate condition IRP was unexpectedly detected in an inappropriate state; this is when a field or several fields were incompatible with the persisting IRP state. For example, IRP,
   which was completed was indicated as still waiting for the execution of the driver commands of any device.
0x0000002B The stack is full. This can occur when the kernel driver uses too many stack calls. This can happen with a serious kernel error.
0x0000002E 1 - virtual memory address that caused the error
   2 - physical address of the cause of the error
3 - processor status registration (PSR)
4 - registration error instructions (FIR)
Crash or defect random access memory (RAM ), including the memory of the video adapter. It can also be when the driver addresses the memory address 0x8XXXXXXX, which does not exist.
0x00000031   1 - a status code that describes why the system decided that initialization did not occur
   2 - indicates the location of the phase 0 initialization error.
System initialization failed at boot stage.
0x00000032 1 - a status code that describes why the system decided that initialization did not occur
   2 - indicates the location of the phase 1 initialization error.
System initialization fails in the next step.
0x00000035 1 - IRP address The top-level driver tried to invoke the lower-level driver through the IoCallDriver () interface, but there wasn’t any free space in the stack, so the lower-level driver will not be able to reach the necessary parameters, since there are no parameters for it at all. This is a disastrous situation, because the top-level driver believes that it has filled in the parameters for the lower-level driver. However, since
   for the last driver there is no place in the stack, the compiler canceled the end of the package. This means that, most likely, some other memory was damaged.
0x00000036 1 - object address The device driver tried to remove one of the objects of its device from the system, but the hit counter of this object was not 0, meaning that there were still outstanding tasks for this object (the counter indicates the number of reasons why this object could not be deleted). This is a driver invocation error.
0x00000037 Floppy drive error
0x0000003E A multiprocessor system is not supported or is not symmetrical with respect to each other. To be symmetrical, processors must be of the same type and level. For example, an attempt
   use a Pentium level processor and 80486 will cause an error. In addition, on x86 systems, the possibility of floating-point calculations must be on both processors or on none.
0x0000003F Page File Entries ) Usually the reason is a driver that does not clean up the page file well or if there is no disk space.
0x00000040 The driver called the IoBuildPartialMdl () function and sent it an MDL to identify part of the MDL source, but the MDL is less than the required address limits. This is a driver error.
0x00000044 1 - IRP address The driver requested IRP termination, but the package was already completed. This error is difficult to detect because the simplest case - the driver tries to complete the same operation twice - is usually not what happens on
   really. Less commonly, 2 different drivers try to take over the package and complete it. The first usually works, and the second does not. It is difficult to track which driver did this, since the traces of the first driver were rewritten by the second. However, a conflict can be detected by looking at DeviceObject fields at each location on the stack.
0x00000048 This error indicates that the I / O Request Packet (IRP), which must be completed, has a cancellation order, meaning that the packet is in such a position that it can be canceled. However, the package is no longer related to the driver, since it has already entered the completion stage.
0x00000049 Error page with disabled interrupt.
   Treat this error as well as 0x0A.
0x0000004C Winlogon or CSRSS (Windows) "died" all of a sudden. The output code can say more. This is usually c0000005, which indicates that the unsupported
   an exception crashed in one process or another. It also occurs if the driver or system library was recognized as corrupted.
0x0000004D 1 - number of pages used
   2 - number of physical pages
There is no more free space to complete the operation.
0x0000004E 1.value 1
   2. the value of the page titles that are damaged
3. number of pages available
4. 0

1.value 2
2. data that is deleted
3. highest number of physical pages
4. result of deleted data

The reason is a damaged (faulty) input / output structure of the driver.
0x00000050 1. indicates an invalid address in memory The device driver or system service requested data that was not in memory. This is a RAM defect or incompatible software.
0x00000051 1. value 1 (indicates where the error occurred)
   2. value 2 (indicates where the error appeared)
3. may indicate a library
4. may be a return code of HvCheckHive "a, if any library
Registry error. This error may also mean that the registry received an I / O error when trying to read one of its files. The error could be caused by a hardware problem or the system is damaged. It can also
   mean the error is caused by an update operation that only uses
security system and this is only when resources are running out. If such an error occurs, check whether the PDC or BDC machine is in use and how many accounts are in the SAM database (Account Security Manager), and if the corresponding libraries are almost full.
0x00000058 The system booted from the restored primary partition, so the libraries say that the mirror is OK, but in fact it is not. These images are changed.
0x00000069 System initialization failed. For example, the installation did not accept the right decision   regarding the installation of the system or user
   reconfigured the system.
0x00000073 1. 5
2. 2
3. list of libraries
4. indicates UNICODE_STRING containing the name of the library
Indicates that one of the system libraries is corrupt or unreadable. This library can be either SOFTWARE, or SECURITY, or SAM (Account Security Manager).
0x00000074 This error may indicate that the SYSTEM library loaded by NTLDR is corrupted. However, this is practically impossible, since OSLOADER always checks the libraries after loading and makes sure that they are not damaged. This error may also mean that some of the required registry keys and their parameters are missing. Uploading to LastKnownGood (Last Good Configuration) may fix the problem.
0x00000075 There is no free space on the disk, and this can also happen when you try to save the registry on a read-only device.
0x00000077 1. 0
2. 0
3. PTE value at the time of the error
4. kernel error address

1. status code
2. I / O status code
3. virtual memory page number
4. Compensation per page file

The system tried to read the kernel data from virtual memory (swap file) and could not find the data at the specified address. Causes - RAM defects, failures hard drivedata corruption or virus infection, etc.
0x00000079 1. type of mismatch (1, 2 or 3):

1. mismatch in PRCB release levels (date mismatch). If this is the case, then
parameters 2 and 3:
2 - a higher level of NTOSKRNL.EXE
3 - a higher level of HAL.DLL

2. mismatch of types of builds, in this case, parameters 2 and 3:
2 - type build NTOSKRNL.EXE
3 - type build HAL.DLL

3. Micro Channel Architecture (MCA) computers require a specific MCA HAL, in
in this case, parameters 2 and 3:
2 - machine type defined by NTDETECT.COM
a value of 2 means that the computer is an MCA
3 - the type of machines that this HAL supports
a value of 2 means that this HAL is made for MCA

This message indicates a mismatch between the level of abstraction from windows hardware   XP (Hardware Abstaction Layer - Hal ) and system windows files   XP. The reason is a sudden change in BIOS settings on computers with ACPI, for example, installing a hard disk with the system in another computer. Perhaps the user manually updated either NTOSKRNL.EXE or HAL.DLL to incompatible versions.
0x0000007A The error has the same reason as error 0x77: the page with kernel data was not found in virtual memory (swap file). The error is caused by a bad block in memory or a disk controller error.
0x0000007B 1. pointer to a device object The system partition or boot volume was not found during startup. The problem is usually in re-partitioning disks, adding new disks before boot. As a result, entries in Boot.ini no longer match the correct partitions.
0x0000007D 1. number of physical pages found
   2. bottom physical page
3. top physical page
4. 0
There is not enough memory to load Windows. The reason is a defect or a too small amount of RAM.
0x0000007F 1. specific reason Appears when the processor makes a mistake that the kernel cannot handle. Most often it occurs due to RAM defects, processor fan stop, as well as due to overclocking of the processor and its overheating.
0x0000008B 1 - disk signature MBR.
   2 - MBR checksum calculated by the system loader
3 - MBR checksum stored in the system.
This error occurs during the boot process when the MBR checksum that the system has calculated does not match the bootloader checksum. This usually means a virus, because some viruses may not be detected. Boot from disk and check for viruses.
0x00000092 Appears only when a single-processor driver boots into a system with more than one active processor.
0x00000098 End of the OC demo period (for Trial versions).
0x0000009C Fatal error checking equipment.
0x0000009F The driver is in an incorrect or incorrect state after shutting down, switching to standby (sleep) mode, or restoring from these modes.
0x000000B4 Video driver initialization failed. Reboot in protected mode and resolve the hardware conflict or roll back the new driver.
0x000000B9 System Logic Chipset Errors Detected. The reason is a faulty motherboard.
0x000000BE The driver is trying to write to read-only memory (ROM).
0x000000C2 Invalid memory allocation operation. The reason is a failed driver or software.
0x000000C4 Checking driver versions detect a fatal error in the driver ...
0x000000C5 An attempt was made to access an invalid memory area of \u200b\u200ba process with too high IRQL. This is almost always caused by drivers that destroyed the system pool.
0x000000C6 The driver turned to the free memory pool. Replace the driver.
0x000000C7 Kernel Timer or Delayed Procedure Call ( DPC ) were found in an invalid memory area. This is usually caused by a driver defect.
0x000000C9 A signal has been received from the driver about warning input / output verification.
0x000000CB Similar to error 0x76. Indicates that the driver or I / O routine failed to unload the remaining pages after the operation was completed.
0x000000CE The driver was unable to undo the expected actions before proceeding. Usually occurs after installing a defective driver or service.
0x000000D1 The driver is accessing an inaccessible memory address.
0x000000D8 The system has run out of entries in the page table. Not enough PTE ( Page File Entries ) Usually the reason is a driver that asks the kernel for too large areas of memory or there is no disk space (the paging file is small).
0x000000E3 This error occurs when a failure occurs on file system    NTFS.
0x000000EA It may appear after installing a new video adapter or an updated video adapter driver, which forces the system to wait indefinitely when accessing the equipment. replace the video adapter or install a different driver.
0x000000ED Windows XP was unable to access the one containing boot files. See 0x7B.
0x000000F2 The kernel detected an “interrupt storm” when the device does not release the interrupt. As a rule, this is due to an incorrect device driver or an error in the "firmware"
0x000000F3 Shutdown Windows   failed due to lack of memory.
0x1000007E Similar to 0x7E.
0x1000008E Similar to 0x8E.
0xC000009A The Windows kernel has allocated all available memory to the pool pages ..
0xC0000135 An error was detected while loading the library. The file is missing or corrupt. Possible registry corruption.
0xC0000142 Library initialization failed
0xC0000218 The required registry hive file has not been downloaded. The file can be damaged or deleted. The registry file has been corrupted due to errors on the hard disk or RAM.
0xC000021A There is a serious security problem in Windows XP - Winlogon.exe or Csrss.exe is charged with violation. This error occurs when the archive recovery is incomplete, the system file versions do not match, and also when the permissions of the system files are incorrectly changed when account   System loses access to system files   and folders.
0xC0000221 The problem with the specified file. Recover the file.
0xC0000244 Occurs when auditing a security policy if CrashOnAuditFail is enabled.
0xC000026C It is not possible to download the device driver. The problem is in the driver.
0xDEADDEAD “It’s dead, Jim!” Almost literal translation of the message:
   “This is death, Jim!” This is a message about the deliberate destruction of the system by the user from the debugger or from the keyboard. Of course, you will see this message only if you did it on purpose!