How to remove a window incompatible equipment windows 7. Check the size of the system disk. Disable image scaling.

| I want to say that the wine firefox under wine in some versions worked faster than Linux "one (developers have scored for optimization, such things)

Developers of what? Optimization of whom? Madame source  browser lies on a git. You can download and compile it. You will do this under nyxes - you get ELF, you will be under Windows - EXE. No optimization, all at the discretion of the compiler and the environment.

  | I looked at what your mount points are called. My question is: will Windows write to an ext4 device faster than your Linux not on ntfs, since you use this argument, but on ext4?

And are we discussing Linux performance with you?)) The only thing that can be seen on the screenshot is that my username is ntfs. I doubt if I call my user “ext4” on Windows, then it will work more slowly. Unless out of revenge.

Any admin removes this virus as soon as it detects it. And it wasn’t a virtual machine.

  | And the “malware” for the Windows user is “go to your favorite fish breeding forum, get a winlocker and an encrypted disk”, and you have a server that was broken due to incorrect settings / or because it didn’t install updates, right?

A malware for Windows is a user habit of sitting under account  with unlimited rights, which is NOT IN LINUX, and that is why Winlockers cling to the system. As soon as you begin to sit under the root on Linux - inevitably pick up something like I showed.

  | For NFS, it is cured by increasing mount buffers. BFQ has nothing to do with it. This is because buffers run out. By the way, in the latest releases of the kernel some kind of thing was added in order to put restrictions on the use of buffers.

I do not quite understand what NFS has to do with it. If you are talking about a data transfer protocol, then this is an apload of a gig file in phpmyadmin. HTTP that is.

By the way, we can also talk about flash drives. Recently bought. USB3.1, all things. On Windows, the speed is cosmic. On Linux, so-so.

  | I think this is very hardware-specific. For another laptop, it could be the other way around.

No hardware specifics. On all laptops the same. Even schoolchildren know the reason - the more actively the processor has to switch between tasks, the less it is in idle, the more power it consumes. Add here the lack of hardware support in some places (for example, using a CPU, not DMA when working with USB). And it’s clear that Linux can be strung out in your ways, using WM and not DE, by turning off Wi-Fi and bluetooth + lowering the brightness of the screen, so that the laptop lives longer. But Windows next to it works fully without perdoling.

Ma'am, each OS has its own advantages and disadvantages. The clever system engineer just knows them. And these shortcomings do not make the system unworthy. They simply exist, and turning a blind eye to their existence, stubbornly proving the opposite is not the smartest idea.

Compatibility Assistant tracks programs for availability known issues  compatibility and may be useful for inexperienced users. The information in this guide is intended for advanced users and administrators.

The screenshots in the article presented Windows 7, but in Vista everything is done the same way.

Disabling the compatibility assistant on the local machine

You might want to disable the assistant on the local machine. For example, when testing programs in various conditions for writing articles, this saves a lot of time.

Click button Starttype in the search field services.msc  and press Enter.

Now scroll down to Software Compatibility Assistant Servicesright click on it and then click Stop.

In response to this, you will briefly see the Service Control window, which then disappears.

If you later decide to enable the assistant, simply select Run.

You might want to disable the helper altogether. To do this, in the drop-down menu on the (screenshot above) select The properties  and in the window that opens, in the drop-down list Launch typeselect Disconnected.

Disabling Compatibility Assistant with the Local Group Policy Editor

Run the local editor group policytyping gpedit.msc  in the menu search field Start  and press Enter.

Select Disable, then Apply and OK. Then close the local group policy editor.

We reiterate that we do not recommend disabling the compatibility assistant ordinary users. Disabling it can lead to software conflicts and system instabilities. Nevertheless, experienced users and administrators can get a lot of saved time and nerves from the disabled assistant.

Favorite games and familiar programs cannot be replaced with new ones. When Microsoft releases a new OS, the compatibility of the programs from the previous ones is a feature that developers think about first. But sometimes an attempt to start an old one leads to an error. Are Microsoft employees so careless about their work?

   No, the fact is that for outdated software it is recommended to enable compatibility mode, which by default does not work 100%

How to run old software on a new OS

Despite numerous changes in Windows 8.1 and 10, they support programs for XP and 7 with a few exceptions. Windows 8 compatibility problems are encountered, but this is 1 out of 100 cases. A similar thing happens with XP and OS applications released earlier. The problem encountered is the inability to start an old game.

What is compatibility mode? If software or a 3D toy were made for win2000, then it will probably not work on Vista. The point is the different OS structures. The software is created to work in a specific environment. Getting into an unfamiliar, it does not start or functions with errors. Windows compatibility is a way to "palm off" the application with the data of the old OS that is present in the new one. But sometimes the need to run such functionality is unfounded.

Being developed software  regularly receives new installers. It makes no sense to run the old antivirus on the eight or ten, when it has already been updated 10 times. Therefore, first check if there is a new “build”. An exception is made for programs in the previous releases of which useful functions remained, for some reasons not implemented in the updates. In order for the old application to work correctly in the new OS, it is recommended to set compatibility mode without failures. This is not a special program for running old games or software: everything is implemented using standard Windows tools.

Outdated programs and games in the G8 (or 8.1)

How to make the game compatible with Windows 8? Do you have a retrogame or an old program that has no worthy analogues, but it does not start or is “buggy” on the G8? Running old games on Windows 7 or 8 can be made stable. To do this, right-click on the shortcut and open the context menu. Pay attention to the item "Properties". Launch and select the Compatibility tab.

This window contains the necessary parameters to help put compatibility on Windows 8 for legacy applications.

Launching old programs on Windows 7 will be easier, if you know for sure which OS your game is released for, then for the option "Run the program in compatibility mode with ..." select this OS. According to statistics, 90% of conflicting applications with Windows 8 and 8.1 work without problems in compatibility with XP Service Pack 2 or 3. Select the desired option, click "Apply" and "OK". If the first time "did not start", try other options, do not forget to click on the "Apply" button.

If you are wondering how to disable compatibility mode in Windows 7, then just do the above steps in reverse order. But it is only basic setting. The tab "Compatibility" in the properties of the application shortcut also offers advanced settings:

  1. low color mode;
  2. lowering the resolution of the display;
  3. disable image scaling for modern screens.

Color reduction

Games and applications for legacy OSs were created to run on computers whose monitors differed in image resolution of 640X480 or 800X600 pixels. Modern video cards and monitors offer a resolution of up to 2000-3000 pixels. You must configure the viewing options in compatibility mode. Launching such software is recommended color. By activating the mode, you run the program with the resolution for which it is intended. In the "Compatibility" tab, check the box next to the corresponding item and select the appropriate color option - 8 or 16 bits.

Using a different screen resolution

Old games were created for screens with a resolution of 640X480. This resolution is supported in modern monitor models, but is not used. Sometimes the compatibility problem of Windows 7 lies just in a stretched image.

   To run old games in the new OS, use the option “Use 640X480 screen resolution”

Disable image scaling

If a computer program or video game was intended to be launched on monitors 10-20 years ago, they are distorted on new displays - the image is stretched and smeared. To prevent this from happening, check the box next to "Disable image scaling ...". Now the picture looks correct.

Is it completely incompatible windows application  7 Not often. It is not recommended to use compatibility mode for such applications:

  1. antiviruses;
  2. garbage cleaners;
  3. utilities for hard drive;
  4. tweakers.

This is a risk of operating system stability issues.

Automatic application of parameters

In Windows there is special software that determines the appropriate correct launch mode for legacy applications and games. This is a good compatibility check with Windows 7, 8, or 10. To start, use the context menu of the installer file. At the top, click on the “Fix compatibility issues” line.

   A new window will open where two options are offered: use of recommended parameters and diagnostics

The first item is suitable. Select: a new window will open in which the proposed parameters for the correct launch for the program are displayed. The item “Check the program” will help to test the proposed parameters in the case. By clicking on the button, you will launch the application with these parameters. If OK, save the result. Now the application automatically starts as it should, with the necessary options.

The diagnostic item helps you choose the options for the correct launch, based on problems in the application.

By editing the registry

You can enable Windows 7, 8, or 10 compatibility using the registry tools. This method is used in rare cases, since there are enough other methods. For curious users, to run the game in compatibility mode or an outdated application:

  • Click on "Start."
  • In the "Run" field, type cmd and press Enter.
  • In the window that opens command line  type regedit and Enter.
  The registry editor will start, find the branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ AppCompatFlags \\ Layers
  • In the empty space of the right half of the window, right-click and select "Create".
  • Here select the creation of the "String parameter".
  • The name of the parameter is the full path to the executable file of the program for which you are setting compatibility with Windows 7, for example.
  • Now right-click on the parameter name and open “Modify”.
  • In the line “Value”, write down one of the options proposed:
  1. WIN7RTM - to establish compatibility with the "seven";
  2. VISTARTM - for "whists";
  3. VISTASP1 - “whists” with Service Pack 1;
  4. VISTASP2 - “whists” with Service Pack 2;
  5. WINXPSP2 - for "ex pi" with Service Pack 2;
  6. WINXPSP3 - "ex pi" with Service Pack 3;
  7. WIN2000 - for Windows 2000;
  8. NT4SP5 - for Windows NT version four;
  9. WIN98 - for Windows 98;
  10. WIN95 - Windows 95.
  • Do you intend to open the program in compatibility mode with admin rights? After the selected option above, add the word RUNASADMIN (separated by a space).
  • Now find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ AppCompatFlags \\ Layers branch.
  • Repeat steps 5 through 10 for this branch.
  • Save and restart the computer.

Now you know how to enable compatibility mode on Windows7, 8 10.


If two or three or another number of users use the computer under separate accounts, it is recommended to apply the program compatibility settings for the "accounts". Otherwise, loading under a different login will have to be configured from scratch. To do this, go to the OS under the administrator account. Using the compatibility mode of the first method (in the shortcut menu), apply the item “Change settings for all users”. Now the program starts with the same characteristics on all accounts.

Users are faced with cases where outdated software does not start after the manipulations have been done and no program for compatibility of games on Widows 7 helps. But this does not mean that there is no chance to take advantage of the “prehistoric” program or play retrogame. What to do? The answer is! This is a program that creates an environment for running the OS inside the OS. On Windows 10, you can run Windows 2000 or XP and install the application or toy of interest in the native environment in the virtual machine. An example of a virtual machine is Virtualbox. This method is reliable and guarantees full compatibility. For trouble-free operation of a virtual machine, you need a PC with advanced technical characteristics.