Cannot install chrome. Google Chrome is not installed. Resolving Known Issues

Outwardly, it’s almost impossible to distinguish between Mozilla and Chrome - a fashionable and, well, very flat interface like I want to be mobile. And besides speed, why else install Google Chrome? The standard user is quite enough and the standard Internet explorer.

One answer is that the number of so-called regular users is getting smaller, and the percentage of advanced users is increasing every day. You can argue about the old yellow suede boots that your third-year daughter is much more confident with a laptop than her experienced parents.

There should be a lot of browsers, good and different

  1. Opera is best for reading articles on websites - a convenient system for scaling and fitting text to the width of the screen.
  2. Internet Explorer is indispensable for certain confidential transactions with banks and currencies, electronic and convertible.
  3. Mozilla Firefox is a huge set of tools to increase productivity in any kind of activity.
  4. Google chrome  - this is direct access to all services google  on all devices in one click.

Provided that you already have Chrome installed on all of your computers, you can perform universal synchronization. And then, what is in your hands at the moment will not matter - the entire history of visits, all bookmarks and familiar personal settings instantly migrate from desktop to tablet, from tablet to smartphone.

Google Chrome Mobile

If you have problems with the Google Chrome mobile browser, then do not try to install the browser from third-party services or from pirated sites. it’s almost a 100% chance that together with the browser you will install an infection that will harm you: it will send your data to the network or send SMS to paid numbers, reducing the speed of your phone balance.

Attention!!! We install the browser only from official sources:

  • For Android we take the browser in Google play  here:\\u003dwebsite
  • For iOS in iTunes here:

How to install Google Chrome for PC

  • Go to the official Google website and download a small installer. The whole process of downloading an installer from the Internet takes a split second.
  • Now you need to click on the installer file and that’s it - the process has started. The entire installer will be downloaded from the network.
  • The browser is quite large in size and it is at this stage that most often problems arise. Especially if you have a problem Internet connection and network outages often occur.

Well, you downloaded the installer and are trying to start the final installation process. But, the program gives an error. Why can't Google Chrome install? Most likely, the download process crashed and the installer files did not load correctly.


Try to start all over again. If the error is again, interference on the line is likely. No need to try to download large files from the Internet during peak hours. Wait a while when the Internet becomes more free and try again. The Internet works best at three or four in the morning, when the majority of users are fast asleep.

Still not installing Google Chrome?

There is another subtlety of installing the program. On some operating systems, it may be necessary to log into the system as an administrator who has rights to install and uninstall programs. If you are logged in account  guest - of course, you can’t install anything. Reboot the PC and log in as the main system administrator.

For the Windows 7 operating system, to start the installation process, you need not just click on the file, but first open the context menu (right mouse button) and select the option “Run as administrator”

Installation went but then paused

Now it's time to remember that the browser, despite its very fast work, has an impressive file size - almost half a gigabyte. Add to this the free space needed for operational maneuver. A probable reason for the suspension of the process may be insufficient free space  on your computer’s hard drive.

Go into Windows Explorer and check the filling of the main system disk. For the normal operation of the Google Chrome browser, it is desirable to have at least one gigabyte of free space.

If you really need or really want to have a Google Internet browser on your computer, you will have to clean it up. Something will need to be sacrificed.

What programs can be removed without compromising the overall comfort of use? It is recommended to install the innovative uninstaller IoBit Uninstaller. The program can sort applications by many parameters and you can visually see what is really absolutely necessary and what can be uprooted without compromising digestion.

Finding a good browser for many is a problem. The debate about which web browser is better has been going on for a long time. But to decide which is better is possible for each user individually. In addition, depending on the goals, you can choose one or another option. But the most popular now is Google Chrome. Why “Chrome” is not installed, we will find out further.

The choice

Of course, it’s difficult to speak unequivocally about why a person chose a particular browser. But there are some statistics that show already established trends. So, Opera is downloaded by those who read articles on websites a lot. This is because the web browser best system  scaling and fitting text to the size of the display.

Despite the fact that Internet Explorer has not been updated for a long time, and its fellow Edge is gaining popularity, this browser can still be found on the computers of some users. It is usually used as the best protection for sensitive data. There is a percentage of people who carry out financial transactions through IE.

Mozilla Firefox until recently had the highest processing speed until it was overtaken by our hero. Now they return to it, if "Chrome" is not installed. The rest of the "Mozilla" is used due to a wide range of tools.

But Google Chrome has become popular as the fastest web browser. And if earlier ordinary users  lacking other options, now everyone has switched to this one, because it makes no sense to use slow versions. In addition, those who work a lot with Google services are simply obliged to use this particular browser. Since access to the "Google" applications in it is carried out with one click.

Web browser

But first, some background information. It’s easy to guess that this brainchild of Google was developed on base chromium. The engine was Blink. For the first time, a web browser became known in 2008. It was then that the first public version appeared. Now about 300 million people have installed Chrome on their devices. This makes it the most popular among other competitors. The market share for the summer of 2016 amounted to almost 60%.

How to install?

Before you understand why Chrome is not installed, you need to go through the installation procedure. Of course, this is unlikely, but perhaps you are making some kind of mistake at this very moment. So, download the web browser from the official site. Not all resources provide in good faith good version. Some may be crammed with ads, or in the worst case viruses.

The browser file itself is small, because it’s not it, but installation file. Therefore, do not be surprised at its size. Next, click on the downloaded document. Installation begins. The web browser itself will be unloaded from the Web. Perhaps it is at this stage that you do not have Chrome installed. The reasons may be different. We will talk more about this later.

the Internet

If Google Chrome crashes, then something’s probably not right for it. There can be many reasons, and it is impossible to describe everything, since some can be completely unpredictable. As mentioned earlier, the installation does not occur on the Internet, but immediately after the downloaded installer file. It weighs about 500 kb.

Some users believe that since they downloaded this document, they no longer need the Internet. This is not true. The file needs to be connected. Therefore, if you have unstable Internet, Google Chrome may not be installed.

So, the first reason is network outages. If you lost the Internet during the installation of the browser, you will need to resume downloading. An error code 0x80072ee2 will appear in the window. So, you just need to either resume the download, or restart this file and start again.


The process itself may be interrupted while downloading the file itself. Moreover, even if you finally "settled down" the Internet connection. At first, you will still sin on the network, but take a closer look at the error code. If you see 0x80070070, then the problem is different.

By the way, when these numbers appear, the browser itself for some reason does not give additional information  about the error. That is, if you have already encountered it, you know that you have to independently search for its cause on the Internet. It’s good that at least the search will tell you that you have ERROR_DISK_FULL before you.

If you do not install "Google Chrome" in this case, you need to remove unnecessary files, view all temporary documents, cache, used programs and applications. In general, you can just look at drive C. If you see that there are only a couple of megabytes left, then, of course, you need to clean the system.

In general, if your memory is so clogged up, then you need to think about its expansion. This is caused not only by the fact that you will not be able to download programs. Because of this “clogging”, you will often experience system braking, because even for temporary data that is in the buffer, there will be no place. Therefore, try to make sure that the disk is at least a quarter free. Especially when it comes to drive C.

Previous Versions

Many ask why Google Chrome is not installed after it has been uninstalled. previous version. In this case, you need to remember that the problem may be due to incorrect uninstallation. It so happened that the browser doesn’t have special utility  for this. Therefore, inexperienced users can simply delete the folder with Google Chrome.

Now such problems rarely occur, since most users know how best to remove any programs that do not have their own uninstallers. But if you just delete the folder, some entries that are related to old version. When installing a new one, a compatibility conflict will occur and a similar error will occur.

To fix this problem you can download cCleaner program. She is very popular and loved by many users. It cleans up all residual files and fixes registry errors. You can also try to eliminate these residues yourself.

Registry cleaning

To do this, run the registry. To do this, press the Win and R buttons simultaneously. A small window will appear above the “Start” window, where you need to enter regedit. This command will open the registry. To quickly find the residual files, you need to use the combination again. Hold Ctrl + F and write the name of our browser in English. Here you can write any other program that you deleted in this way.

In the window that appears, press F3, and the entry that appears should be deleted. So you need to repeat until all entries are deleted.


Another reason Google Chrome may not be installed on Windows 7 is anti-virus programs. Unfortunately, some of them may prevent you from installing a web browser. If so, then you will have to temporarily disable the protection. Then download the installation file again and try restarting the installation. If everything went smoothly, do not forget to turn the antivirus software back on.


There are errors that immediately appear with an explanation. So, there is a code 0x80072ee7. If this error occurred while loading the browser and Chrome is not installed on Windows 7, then you do not have enough rights.

Used to be when operating system  Windows XP, this problem had to be fixed by switching to an administrator account. On the "Seven" just click on one line. After you download the installation file, you usually click on it twice, and the installation starts. In this case, you need to click on the right mouse button. From the list, select "Run as administrator".

By the way, this option works with many similar errors. If you suddenly downloaded another program, but cannot start it, just make a run as administrator.


It was previously said that there may be problems associated with improper removal. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to eliminate programs from the computer as a whole, and not in parts. To do this, select "Control Panel" in the "Start". This will open a window. See that in the upper right corner, in the "View" line, "Large icons" are selected.

So you will have a large list of services, among which we are looking for “Programs and components”. From here you can remove all previously installed programs. You can immediately delete, if not installed, "Chrome". After that you can try downloading the file again and installing the browser.


Before the final windows version  10, there was a test build with the code 10525. Of course, not everyone found it, since most switched to the "top ten" already with the advent of the official version. By the way, she fixed many of the errors that appeared with the test version. Among them was one when Chrome was not installed on Windows 10 or the web browser did not work.

What to do for those who could not establish is difficult to say. You could try the options described above or contact Google support. Some problems were associated with the compatibility of this browser with the "top ten." But if the web browser did not start, then fixing the error was easier.

Interestingly, specialists from Microsoft and Google knew about this problem. But they were in no hurry to correct it. Most likely, they could not understand what it was connected with. If the user really needed to use this particular browser, it was possible to temporarily solve the problem.

To do this, the launch had to be done without Sandbox support. There was no particular risk. But still, such a regime was less protected from viral "enemies", and the stability of its work was in question. But this option reduced the memory consumption.

To use this mode, you had to right-click on the shortcut. Go to "Properties". In the line “Object” it was necessary to add the key -no-sandbox. After the patch came out, it was better to exit this mode.

Sometimes users do not have extensions installed in Google Chrome. After clicking the “Install” button in the extensions store, instead of confirming the connection operation, they see an error during the installation called “network failed”. And, accordingly, any selected add-ons are not downloaded from them.

A detailed answer to the question why this problem occurred in Google Chrome and how to remove it, read in detail in this article.

Solutions for installing add-ons

Method number 1: setting the date and time

On the right side of the tray, check if the date, month and time in the system are set correctly. Due to the fact that they do not correspond to reality, extensions for Google are not installed either.

To set the calendar and clock, left-click on the electronic dial in the tray and make all the necessary settings.

Method number 2: Chrome cleaning

1. Click on the “Menu” button.

2. In the settings list, go to: Additional tools → Data deletion ....

Or press the key combination - Ctrl + Shift + Del.

3. In the "Clear History" window, specify the "For all time" period, and also check the boxes next to all available items.

4. Click "Clear ...".

5. Close the browser window.

6. Click the "Start" button in the taskbar.

7. Open the “Shutdown” menu and select the “Reboot” option.

8.After restarting the PC, try installing the add-on.

Method number 3: disable compatibility mode

Check the status of the application compatibility add-in with previous Windows distributions. When turned on, it may interfere with loading.

1. Right-click on the Chrome shortcut.

2. In the context list, click "Properties".

3. In the properties panel, open the "Compatibility" section.

Check the option “Run the program in the mode ...”: its window should not have a flag (“checkmarks”).

Method number 4: disable antivirus and firewall

Try temporarily disabling the anti-virus scanner and firewall. And then try to download the addon without their participation. If this can be done, then the problem is precisely in the antivirus software. Check in it all the settings and rules for connecting to the network.

Disabling is usually done through the control panel in the tray. To open it, click on the antivirus icon. Then select the option you want. Also pay attention to the fact that in some security programs the scanner and firewall are disabled separately (for each module there is a separate option).

Method number 5: check the HOSTS file

Many viruses target modification system file  HOSTS. They add malicious settings to it, which redirect from trusted sites to viral ones, and also block access to web resources.

To eliminate virus entries from HOSTS, do this:

1. Open the directory on drive C:
Windows -\u003e System32 -\u003e drivers -\u003e etc -\u003e hosts

2. Right-click on the hosts file.

3. Select the "Open" command.

4. In the "Select a program" panel, select the notepad (highlight with a click), click "OK".

5. Review the contents of the file: there should be no entries after the line “# :: 1 localhost”.

If third-party records are found, they must be deleted:

  • holding the left button, highlight the line of the virus recording;
  • right click on the selected fragment;
  • in the context menu, click "Delete."

Method 6: cleaning with the Cleanup Tool

Cleanup Tool - a tool for cleaning and troubleshooting problems, software conflicts in Google Chrome.  It was created by the developers of this web browser. read this article.

Can't install Chrome on my computer? You probably see one of the following errors:

  • Error 4:  already installed on the computer a new version  Chrome
  • Errors 7, 12, 13, 35, 57, 102, 103:  Installation failed for unknown reasons.
  • Error 31:  Could not reinstall Chrome.

Use the tips below.

Causes of Google Chrome Installation Errors

There can be many reasons for errors during the installation of Google Chrome. I will write those that I myself have encountered.

  360b /

As you know, Google Chrome is designed to install over the network, via the Internet. Therefore, before installation, a small file of 549.6 Kb in size is downloaded first. After which he launches the Google Chrome installer.

This method has its advantages and disadvantages. The positive point is the automatic update of the program, and the disadvantage is installation issues  if the internet channel is unstable.

Internet outages

In the event of a disconnected connection, the installation process will have to be resumed from the starting point. In this case, the Google Chrome installer will inform you about error 0x80072ee2.

Not enough disk space

So I tried several times to download the installer, but frequent Internet crashes did not allow me to do this.

In another attempt to install Google Chrome, I got a new error 0x80070070. But for some reason, the Google Chrome installer did not give detailed information about the meaning of this error. I typed this error code in the search and found the following in the search results:

0x80070070 \u003d\u003d ERROR_DISK_FULL

Delete unnecessary files (temporary files, browser cache, as well as unused programs and documents) to free up space. Then download Chrome again from the link

I checked how much space I have on drive C:  just a few megabytes left! I freed up 1 Gigabyte and retried installing Google Chrome. This time the installation was successful. And it had to suffer so much!

Invalid deletion of previous version

Google Chrome does not have the usual uninstaller, so the direct removal of the program folder will prevent reinstallation. Because after uninstalling the program, entries related to Google Chrome remain in the registry. In this case, you must manually find and delete such registry entries or use the wonderful CCleaner free program, which automatically deletes excess garbage  and fixes registry errors.

How to clean registry manually

  1. Remove Chrome.
  2. Launch the registry editor (click Win + r  and type regedit).
  3. Click Ctrl + F  and type chrome.
  4. In the found entries, press the right button and select the delete item.
  5. After that click F3  and delete the following entry.
  6. Continue until you delete all entries.

Antivirus software

Some antivirus programs may interfere with the installation of Google Chrome. To check if the problem is related to this, temporarily disable it. Then download Chrome again at and try installing it again. When finished, do not forget to turn on the antivirus application.

Is Chrome still not installing? Try updating your antivirus software. software.

antb /

Not enough rights

Error 0x80072ee7 means that to install Google Chrome you need to log in as an administrator (relevant for Windows XP). For Windows 7, run the file from the context menu (right-click) and select the item “Run as administrator”.

  Google Chrome is not installed

How to remove Google Chrome

To delete chrome browserFollow the instructions below.

Windows XP

  1. Click StartControl Panel.
  2. Select The installing and deleting of programms.
  3. Double click on Google chrome.
  4. Select Delete.
  5. In the dialog box, select Delete. To clear your profile data, namely browser settings, bookmarks and history, check the box “Also delete data about working in the browser”.

Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8

  1. Close all Chrome windows and tabs.
  2. Click StartControl Panel.
  3. Select Programs and Features.
  4. Double click on Google chrome.
  5. In the dialog box, select Delete. To erase your profile data, namely browser settings, bookmarks and history, check the box “Also delete data about work in the browser”.

As a last resort, delete the folders manually:

  1. Googlewhich is located in C: \\ Program Files (x86)
  2. Applicationwhich is located in C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome

Download Chrome again

You may have accidentally uninstalled the installation wizard, a program that helps you update and install Chrome. Make sure your computer meets the system requirements, download Chrome again from the link  and try installing it again.

Alternative methods

Try using an alternative (offline) Google Chrome installation file (for Windows).

How to install Chrome offline (for Windows)

Can't install Chrome on windows computer? Try the following.

  1. Download an alternative Google Chrome installation file.
    • To download Chrome for one account, go to this link.
    • You can download Chrome for all accounts.
  2. Open the file and follow the instructions.

Did the standard download page open? Everything is in order - thanks to special tags Google knows which file needs to be downloaded. The downloaded file can be saved on another computer.

Complete offline installers that do not require an internet connection

There are suddenly no help, try assembling Chrome // If you do not know which version to download, then we advise you to choose a stable 32-bit one.
Why are these builds better than links from Since 2009, they collect links that are difficult to find on the Google page, but which users so often need. These links will be downloaded by full-fledged offline installers that will not require an Internet connection during installation (except for Canary). You can choose between 32 and 64-bit builds. These assemblies install Chrome by default in the familiar Program Files folder, do not send usage statistics to Google, and are not installed by default.

Probably, many users of the Google Chrome browser have already encountered one common problem when, when you went to the Web Store, you couldn’t get a single application.

And it usually looks like this: the user clicks on the “Add to Chrome” button, after that a dialog box pops up in which you need to put your consent to download the extension, and after that ... no download happens. Download will not be carried out, and, of course, the installation, too.

Some basic ways to solve the problem with installing extensions in Google Chrome

Faced with an identical problem, we decided to perform the same procedure on other devices (the download was initially performed on personal computer), and noticed that the result is the same.

From this, we concluded that the problem is not in the Internet connection, not in the devices themselves, but in the operation of Google servers. In principle, many online site holders suffer from this scourge, so we decided to just wait a bit until the system is put in order.

After a week of painful expectation, the problem remained in place. They did not write to the technical support service, because it was already clear that the administration was aware of the error. They started an independent search, and finally found the “root of evil” - the trouble was not in the server’s work, but in the Google Chrome browser.

What should I do if the error “Network connection is not established” (Network failed) in Google Chrome

Occasionally google browser  Chrome may throw a Network Failed error when you want to install Adblock or some other extension or addition.

What measures to take if extensions do not install in Chrome

In most cases, this error disappears immediately after the user reinstalls Google Chrome or installs an update for it. Google Chrome usually always puts an update without your participation, however, if automatic loading does not occur, then you will have to activate this function manually.

Updating the Google Chrome browser is usually enabled using the registry editor. To open it, you just hold down the key combination Win and R.

A command will appear in front of you, in the field you should enter the word “regedit”, and then click on the OK button.

An editor window will be presented to your attention.

Pay attention to the left window, there go this way:

“HKEY LOCAL MACHINE” -\u003e “SOFTWARE” -\u003e “POLICIES” -\u003e “GOOGLE” -\u003e “UPDATE”

Then look at the window on the right, right-click on the item “UPDATE DEFAULT”, when the context menu appears, you must change the parameter.

After that, a small window will appear in front of you, where you have to change the value of zero by one. Next, you start Chrome, it is updated and the problem disappears.