The basics of VCS. Version control system - which is better

Specialty selection  - This is a serious matter and it cannot be trusted with anyone, you will need to independently understand the essence and make a decision. To choose a specialty, try to find answers to such questions:

  1. What programming languages \u200b\u200bare now the most popular and why?
  2. In which area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment are the languages \u200b\u200bthat interest you (web, mobile, game dev, enterprise, AI, science, etc) used, and which of them is the most attractive for you.
  3. What is the soul? (this is the most important thing!) To answer this question, it is advisable to watch free video lessons from different authors in different programming languages, to look for “your own”.
  4. How long does it take to become a specialist? To answer this question, you need to draw up an approximate training plan, in consultation with specialists in this field.
  5. Where and how to study in the chosen specialty?
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Since we have to deal with big data and data that cannot be easily differentiated, we are limited in choosing those who use a constant capture model. Coming to the user will be a daunting task. . Since the assembly of parts and subassemblies is the main workflow in the assembly, tools should be implemented for laying parts in wood.

Manage unwanted links. This means loading resources on slow connections. The material has many properties and names, highly dependent on the area of \u200b\u200buse. A specific article was written to describe the material: Materials. To process concepts, you must have a tree class.

How to become a frontend developer

Introduction to the Frontend Developer specialty, the main stages of creating sites, technical requirements for development, which requires basic technologies, frameworks and libraries.

SQL Essential

You will consider the principles of database design, learn how to create queries and optimize them. These video tutorials will be useful not only to a novice developer, but also to a programmer with experience.

Assembly solver

Physical modeling interface

  An interface that allows physical modeling software to control the positioning of assembly parts. We are releasing version 0, which is the result of the efforts that we have seen during the summer and which we are very proud of.

For this reason, we decided to completely rethink the mobile interface: to make it more accessible for functionality. This is another step towards innovation. As we announced, the path that will lead us to most latest version  The backend infrastructure has already begun. All old features were eliminated, and the authentication system was redesigned.

Website typesetter

Website typesetter  - This is a specialist who creates web pages.

The typesetter works in a team with a web designer and programmer. First, the designer “draws” the site - comes up with a theme, arranges the necessary elements in the right places. After approval of the site layout, the layout designer is taken for work. Using various elements of the markup language of a web page, he translates graphic design elements (drawings, fonts, tables, etc.) into a browser-friendly format. We can say that he creates a text layout of what the designer came up with. After the page is compiled and checked in various browsers  on the correct display, it is transferred to the work of the programmer who connects the necessary functionality.

We just noticed that the new platform is even faster. We decided to significantly improve our mobile experience. By showing the school timetable, grades, omissions and messages will be much more immediate and intuitive. In the next two weeks we will make other updates that will become the launching pad for the release.

Anyone using the platform will also notice a few interface changes. We believe that this is another important achievement, we should have released it by the end of the year, but we preferred to provide time for it to be immediately used by students and parents.

It is very important for the layout designer to be able to make layouts for different “engines” of web sites, to take into account the type of devices from which users will go to the site. Page layout should be done taking into account different screen resolutions and browser versions, adhere to certain standards.

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In fact, the application allows you to define multiple profiles on one device. Upcoming issues will integrate data sharing with the Department of Justice students, timelines, joints and racing vows. This makes it impossible to directly request the system to receive any data, unless you are logged in with a username and password. We are often asked about the structure of hardware and software project. Without giving too many details that may affect security, we still want to share the development model.

Build a responsive website with Bootstrap 3

Frontend developer

Using the HTML markup language and cascading style sheets (CSS), you can create web application design, website interfaces, present information in an attractive way, pleasant and user-friendly. The Frontend developer also has some responsibility for the rating of the site being developed, since the more understandable the interface, the more appropriate the data structured, the more time the user will devote to the site.

It’s been quite a while since last post, these months have been particularly intense both in terms of product development and the commercial network. Nevertheless, we want to emphasize this day, since exactly a year ago the project was initiated by completing the first files 🙂.

The last part of the development of the report seems to be over. What was not yet possible to accomplish with the report engine was complex tabular printing, where its columns were obtained from data in the database. The student and parent calendar is an ideal tool to study the classroom agenda and student diary, week after week. Gaps, grades, lecture topics, assignments, and disciplinary notes are listed below.

Knowledge of CSS and HTML will help the developer to create a beautiful static page, but when working with the site, users need to interact with the information. Therefore, the developer must know the JavaScript scripting language, which makes web pages functional and interactive.

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The calendar was designed to be conveniently displayed on a smartphone, as well as on PCs and tablets, so that you can consult even in mobility. First of all, it is necessary to explain the initial situation, that is, what other software is already doing, and then understand how institutions are already used to working. Thanks to everyone for the dedication and dedication of this project, which we saw every day with incredible speed and consistency.

We are finishing the final graphic design, we have chosen light colors in the style of material design, which are suitable for long-term use of the tool, so you do not seek vision. The buttons will be very clear and large, in blue, the interface will be in light gray tones with the delimitation of different areas using shadows.

.NET Developer

C # /. NET developer  Is a programmer who uses .NET platform technologies in his work. The Microsoft .NET Framework consists of a large number  development tools and technologies using which a developer can create various types  applications, from ordinary desktop applications and sites, ending with solutions for mobile platforms and computer games. The Microsoft .NET Framework is based on the C # programming language. It is this programming language that the .NET developer must master in detail.

The first beta version of the magazine will be ready by next week, the masterpiece will be completed, and in the next few days you will be able to introduce students and generate the first users. Logon, master data management, school management and Secretariat functions are starting to take shape.

As you can see from this short film, we tried to make everything customizable in detail. A set of files, folders, history records and versions. Imagine that it is like a structure of code data, with a function that each "element" of the code gives you access to the history of the review, as well as other things.

The C # programming language has been a leader in all ratings of programming languages \u200b\u200bfor more than ten years. Since the labor market is actively developing, programmers who are well aware of C # and .NET technologies are very much in demand. .NET developers are able to develop a logical sequence of commands for communicating with networks, applications, and databases. They require knowledge of object-oriented design and programming using systems, databases, as well as programming languages \u200b\u200bthat they develop software applications  with the .NET Framework. This includes knowledge and programming skills in C #, XML, and the creation of application databases such as Microsoft SQL Server.

Working tree

These are just folders and files in the repository. It is often called the "working directory."


  This is the layer that separates the working tree from the repository. This gives developers more control over what is sent to the repository. The End is a snapshot of a series of changes in the working tree. For example, if you added 5 files and deleted 2, this will be recorded in a commit. The end can be transferred or not to other repositories.

A branch is essentially a pointer to the last commit you made. Performing other commits, the pointer will be automatically updated to indicate the last commit. A tag is a character used at a specific point in the commit history. Tags are commonly used to indicate released releases.

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C # for Professionals - Updated

You will learn about reflection and attributes, serialization, and the garbage collector. Learn how to work with many standard classes. file system, with datasets, strings, XML, and more.

A repository can have any number of headers. The modified file was marked for inclusion in the next commit. . Used to configure both the repository and global settings. Provides detailed documentation for each team. Adds files to the staging area, which marks them for inclusion in the next commit.

This command only marks files without commit. Used for processing branches. You can view, edit, create or delete branches using this command. Allows you to modify branches or restore files for a specific version. Clone or copy an existing repository in a new directory. In addition, it adds remote tracking branches that are used to track branch-specific branches, and thus allows changes to be sent to the remote repository.

Backend developer

ASP.NET MVC Developer  (or Backend Developer) is a specialist who creates web applications using the C # language and Microsoft .NET platform technologies. The responsibilities of such a developer include the creation of business logic that caters to user actions on a page of a website. User registration, site search, data output to a page from a database, working with a basket of goods in an online store are examples of tasks that Backend Developer solves.

Take a snapshot of the current state of the working tree and write down the changes in the new commit. The end contains, in addition to the changes made, the author and a description. Shows the difference between the file in the working tree and its version in the index, branch or specific commit.

Do quick search  in the repository. Shows the commit history sent to the repository. Merge or merge the branch changes with the current one. Update the repository by combining the new changes. Transfer and merge changes from the local branch to the remote.

Saves the current state of the working tree to a list of changes that have not yet been sent to the repository with a commit, which can be applied later. Since you have not made any changes to this, you cannot pull it out. Finally, you can verify that everything went well.

This specialty includes a number of courses that will help to master both the C # programming language and the necessary technologies of the Microsoft .NET platform for creating web applications.

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You can view the reservations you have made so far using. Apply changes made to a branch in another branch. Do not redirect that you have already sent to the public repository! This command allows you to undo merging, pulling, fixing, adding, etc. however, it can be dangerous if you do not know what you are doing.

Deletes a file from the working tree and repository. This allows you to “move” between different changes and changes without having to request a central repository, which is usually located on remote servers, which greatly increases flexibility.


Basics of creating web applications. Understanding the life cycle of a page, ways to store state in a web application, and data binding principles. Video tutorials focus on customizing server controls - the main building blocks of a page in ASP.NET applications.

Bazaar, born last December, was perhaps still too boring to be taken into account, but it is now the third most popular and, of course, up to two others. This is due to a different system design. . What version control system are you using? for what reason?

Well, if you are in this situation, you need version control. Version control or version control is software for managing various versions of any type of information. Version control that tracks all changes made allows you to easily return to the old versions, remind us of any changes we made and work with different versions of the same source.

ASP.NET Advanced

IIS server architecture, web application life cycle, HTTP handlers and HTTP modules. You will better understand WebForms and easily understand the principle of operation of other web technologies of the ASP.NET platform.

Java developer

Java developer  - This is a specialist whose main task is to create complex corporate systems for data processing. These systems include web services, cloud storage data, web applications, and sophisticated banking systems.

Typically, version control is used in a server-type architecture. That is, there is a server that contains repositories and remote clients to access us, to download a local copy for work. After the changes are over, the local copy is "rebooted" in the repository, therefore, it archives and also wants to share the changes. Most quick way  access to repositories - through command linebut for those who are not very good, there are also graphical interfaces.

Another very important function is the joint support of writing several people in one project, with version control you can constantly update the same source files and see who changed what. Some software simply prohibits several people from changing the same file at the same time, while others offer tools to change the same file at the same time and resolve conflicts.

Java is an object-oriented, strongly typed programming language with C-like syntax that is closest to C ++ and C #. Java has both its advantages and disadvantages. Considering the fact that a special virtual machine is used to run Java applications, the applications run slower than in the case of C ++, but this virtual machine allows you to run applications on that operating systemwhere it is installed, which provides platform independence. Java has a huge number of libraries and frameworks that allow you to develop your own applications faster.

This is perhaps the most commonly used version control software. So, here is a quick guide to remembering me how to do it next time. In fact, this guide is perfect for any routine that uses the project as version control software. Firstly, if you do not have a local synchronized copy yet, you need to download the repository, move to the folder where you want to download, and create a folder where you can put it.

Then run the command to copy everything locally. The conclusion will be something like this. Go to the local copy folder, for example, in my case. And check that it is updated in the latest version of the repository. If there are more people in the same plugin than it could be, obviously someone could change the project. If you just downloaded it, you will probably be up to date with the latest developments.

The main tasks assigned to the PHP programmer are the creation of sites, web-applications, and their integration with internal business systems. The final development products are online stores, portals, corporate sites, online training systems, reservations, forums, social networks  and much more.

If you decide to become a PHP developer, start your training with:

  • learning the basics of SQL syntax to be able to design a database for a small project;
  • video course in HTML and CSS, which is necessary for independent page layout;
  • we also recommend learning JavaScript syntax - this way you will understand how events work, what a closure is and how AJAX works
  • then go to PHP - on ITVDN these are the PHP Starter and PHP Essential courses
  • then learn the php framework YII2
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Python developer

Python  - This is a high-level general-purpose programming language focused on improving the performance and readability of the code.

Today, Python is one of the most popular programming languages \u200b\u200bwith a rapidly growing scope of applications. Over the past 5 years, he has been in the TOP 10 of the most popular technologies in the IT market.

Video course Python starter  is an introduction to programming "from scratch" and is perfect for novice programmers. In the video course Python essential  the emphasis is shifted to obtaining fundamental knowledge about the internal structure of the language, the principles of the interpreter, the hierarchy of standard types and the causes of various architectural decisions in the language.

Two directions can be distinguished:

The first is programmer, which implements the functionality responsible for the operation of the application with the database. This specialist must own the tools of his language that allow you to organize such an interaction. For example, if you use C #, you need to be familiar with technologies such as ADO.NET and / or Entity Framework, as well as LINQ to SQL, LINQ to Entities. In addition, of course, this specialist must master the basics of the SQL language, or rather one of the implementations of the SQL standard, for example, Transact-SQL.

The second is administratorwhose tasks include database design, configuration, management, efficient use, optimization, security, data migration and others. Such a specialist does not need to know the applied programming language, but, at the same time, he must have deeper knowledge in SQL, database management systems, know the specifics of the architecture and functioning of the database.

All testers can be divided into 2 large groups according to the level of training - Manual QA Engineer  and Automation QA Engineer.

The profession of a tester is ideal for very responsible, attentive people who attach importance to details, are distinguished by perseverance and “suffer” a bit of perfectionism. To get started in this area, you must have knowledge of the software development cycle, learn the theory and basic testing tools, and have a good level of English.

The QA program of the course on the ITVDN resource is designed in such a way that the student receives all the necessary knowledge and practical skills to begin his career as a tester. The course will allow you to learn the basics that are "must have" for all testers, regardless of the scope of testing and the product to be tested. Having finished it, you can already start a career and get real experience on freelance.

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Project manager

Project manager  - This is a specialist responsible for the successful and high-quality implementation of the project within the time specified by the customer.

PM’s main duty and responsibility is to bring the customer’s idea to fruition on time using available resources. As part of this task, PM’s need to build a development plan, organize a team, set up a project workflow, provide feedback between the team and the customer, eliminate interference in the team’s work, monitor and deliver the product on time.

PM’s position attracts the opportunity to closely engage in management: make decisions, organize fast and high-quality product creation, ensure a working atmosphere in a team, coordinate and control the actions of developers. True, there is a flip side to the coin: you must be prepared for such difficulties of this profession as an irregular work schedule, the need to respond and solve urgent tasks after hours, and stressful work.

On ITVDN you will find a video course on Project and Product Management “Introduction to Project Management”. It will help you to form a correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of a specialist in project management, will give an understanding of the amount of work, responsibility and tasks. The video course is suitable for studying IT students and management specialties, project and team managers, business analysts and Product Managers, HR, recruiters, Sales / BD managers.

Want to work on team projects for IT development twice as fast? Take our new authoring course and learn how to take full advantage of Git!

Git is a distributed version control system (VCS). It is a versatile, free and convenient tool for team work  programmers on projects of any level. Git allows several developers to work simultaneously on their subtasks, creating peer-to-peer branches. Moreover, each save (commit) in Git does not overwrite the previous one, and at any time you can return to the original version of the code.

That is why millions of programmers use Git in their work every day. Git makes life easier for developers mobile apps, computer games, open source software, web programmers. Git has conquered the IT world with reliability, high performance, ease of work with branches, and server independence.

The course will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced developers who want to fill the gaps in the skills of using Git. It is applied in nature and is aimed at solving specific problems and issues faced by developers.

You'll learn what version control systems are and how Git tracks code changes. Learn how to install and configure the system. You can create branches, merge them and eliminate conflicts in the code. Practice distributed work and master the Git toolkit.

Take this unique course - and any of your IT development team projects will be effective!