Run Server Manager from the command line. Disk management from the command line. Example of working with DiskPart utility for servicing hard disks

Windows Disk Management through DiskPart

Utility command line  DiskPart Disk Management

Users store on hard drives  your documents, spreadsheets and other data types. If you have already worked with Microsoft Windows  XP or Windows server  2003 then probably turned to the Disk Management snap-in. An analogue of this snap-in is the DiskPart command-line utility. DiskPart allows you to perform most of the tasks related to disk management, as well as some other operations that cannot be performed using the GUI tool.

In my opinion, this is a mandatory update. Using keyboard shortcuts is usually the fastest, and it gives you extra nerd points when your colleagues look over your shoulder. Key words or escape sequences are highlighted.

The essential tasks are those that you always encounter when you log into the server console, regardless of whether it digs into the server using Explorer or runs command line diagnostics on the command line. This will lead to a search in the upper right corner, and under it will display real-time results. If you have not pasted it on the Start screen or on the taskbar, you should.

DiskPart is a tool for working with disks, partitions, and volumes. With DiskPart, you perform important operations such as converting disk types, creating partitions and volumes, and configuring RAID arrays. In addition, DiskPart is used to configure automatic mounting of new drives in file system, to assign letters to drives and paths to mapped network drives. However, the Disk-Part is not designed to format disks. The FORMAT command is used for this purpose.

Entire system commands do just that: they affect the entire server. Control Panel applets control the configuration and reports on the server, including the applications installed on it. Launching the control panel itself. Programs and components. If you do not see the administration tool that you are looking for in this list, go to the Tools menu of the server manager. Note. Not all of these tools may be installed on your system. Interestingly, most of the programs listed as accessories are important, and the following applications are almost as important.

DiskPart Usage - Configuring Hard Drives

DiskPart is not a simple command line utility with options. It is rather a console interpreter of commands with its command line and a set of internal commands. DiskPart is started by entering diskpart on the command line. DiskPart works with physical hard drives installed on your computer. CD / DVD drives, removable media or USB memory sticks are not supported. Before using DiskPart commands, you must list and then select the disk, partition, or volume that you want to work with to give it focus. When a disk, partition, or volume is in focus, any Disk-Part commands affect that particular disk, partition, or volume. To list the available disks, partitions, and volumes, the following commands are intended:

These include various system utilities. Go to the task manager, select the "Performance" tab and select "Open Resource Monitor" at the bottom. This is real customer-side complexity. If you do not go directly to the adapter settings, you will want to use the Network and Sharing Center.

As you can see from the list, you can quickly do this by looking at the "Power Users" menu; If you remember the two-letter keyboard shortcuts associated with this menu, you can quickly launch applications so that your colleagues think it's magic.

  • list disk - lists all physical hard disks  computer;
  • list volume - lists all disk volumes (including partitions hard drive  and logical drives)
  • list partition - lists the partitions on the disk that is in focus.

Example of working with DiskPart utility for servicing hard disks

To understand how to work with DiskPart, consider the following example, where DiskPart starts, lists available disks and sets focus on disk 2.

Device Manager launches straight up! In addition to being one of the most quick ways  discovering it, knowing the launch command for the device manager can also be useful for other things. Are you uncomfortable working with teams?

How to access device manager from the command line

You should not be, but there are many other ways to start the device manager. Follow these simple steps to access the device manager from the command line. Regardless of how you open it - using the control panel, "Run", "Desktop", "Command Prompt", etc. - The device manager works the same way. Here are some articles from additional information  and device manager guides. Device Management Resources. . Control Panel " homepage", So to speak.

To start DiskPart, type diskpart at the command prompt. The command line will take the following form: DISKPART\u003e This indicates that the DiskPart interpreter is running.

To list the available disks, enter list disk at its command prompt. The list contains available disks, their condition, size and free space. Since you are going to work with disk 2, you should give it focus by typing select disk 2 DiskPart will say: Disk 2 is now the selected disk.

How to open disk management from the command line

And the disk management utility starts instantly. Not comfortable working with teams? Time Required: Opening Disk Management from the command line takes just a few seconds and probably a lot less once you recognize this command.

  • Disk management will open immediately.
  • Now you can use Disk Management and more.
If so, opening disk management is faster than using the start command. No operating system is perfect. Even so, problems with drivers and applications may occur.

When you are finished working with the disk, type exit at the command prompt to exit DiskPart.

Instruction manual

There are many ways to launch the management console. Go to the “Control Panel” and open the “Administration” node by double-clicking the left mouse button. Then double-click on the “Computer Management” icon.

This may be because something is not working. Let's look at them one at a time and see how and when these commands should be used. This can be used to shut down the computer completely or to restart it. Command syntax For example, to shut down your computer immediately, you should use.

For example, instead, you can use 5, which allows the computer to complete the shutdown procedure in five minutes. If you want to enable the message, it will blink for all registered users. Remember what you can find full list  switches for these commands by typing.

To access the management of the remote computer, right-click on the "Computer Management" icon on the left side of the console window and in the "All Tasks" section, select "Connect to another computer." Click "Browse" and in the "Select: Computer" window, specify the username or network name of the computer you want to access.

Diskpart Command Syntax

Standard reboot command. This will cause your computer to turn off and on again. Another option is to force a restart of the computer. This can be useful if the application or service is hanging and you need to restart quickly. This will immediately shut down the computer in a simple four-letter word. This is done just like a stop, except that it takes more time to enter. All the above commands can be used in situations where the system works without problems.

You can start the console using the My Computer icon. Right-click on it and select the "Management" option in the drop-down menu.

You can also open the Computer Management console from the command line. To do this, use the Win + R hotkey combination or select the "Run" option in the "Start" menu. Enter the compmgmt.msc command.

Then the answer is a combination of keys. If held longer, the machine will automatically shut off.

However, if this does not work or a more complex problem occurs, you can change the combination using up to six keys. Leave a second or two between each keystroke. By the way, this is to install a molly guard who can cancel the stop by checking some parameters. If you send a reboot, stop, shutdown, or shutdown command, the molly guard will require the host name that you intend to close.

If you want to access control of a remote computer from the command line, use the following command format:
compmgmt.msc / comp_name or compmgmt.msc / comp_IP where comp_name is the network name remote computer, comp_IP is its network address.

The compmgmt.msc file is located in the C: \\ Windows \\ system32 folder. You can find it using the "Find" command in the "Start" menu. In the drop-down menu, select the “Files and Folders” section, click on the link of the same name in the left part of the window and enter the file name compmgmt.msc in the corresponding field.

To use this, install a mating fuse in the terminal. Since these commands are so brief that they allow you to quickly use them, which can lead to an accidental reboot from time to time! Fortunately, the Molly Guard utility is enough to avoid this.

While this is often useful for administrators and support staff helping end users, it is not available to all teams. In particular, it is not available for many control panel applets and some other administration tools. However, you can run the command line with higher permissions, and then run the command to launch the control panel applets and other tools - if you know the command.

In the "Search in" field, expand the list and check " Local disk  C: ”Specify additional search parameters:“ Search in system folders ”and“ View subfolders ”. Click Find. When the name of the management console file appears on the right side of the search result window, double-click on it. The management console window opens.

DiskPart Usage - Configuring Hard Drives

This article lists and discusses the commands used to run many of these applets and tools. This is very useful when you help a user troubleshoot an application. Although this is useful for many applications, there are also many applications and tools that do not have the option to run as administrator. For example, imagine a user has a recent problem installed device. Perhaps you know that the driver needs to be updated, and you know that you can update the driver through the device manager.

Tip 2: How to open the control panel from the command line

Launching the Control Panel or its necessary elements from the command line in operating system Microsoft Windows belongs to the category of operations for developers and is intended for "internal consumption". However, this procedure can be performed by a regular user.

DiskPart Disk Management Command Line Utility

This is especially problematic for support staff who help users. Even worse, support staff who are removed to user systems using third-party tools may not even appear on the user's system, so they cannot log out as a user and back as an administrator. must be completed from the current session.

However, you can run applications with administrator privileges through the command line if you know how to do this. If you can run the command line with administrator permissions, any commands that you issue on the command line are issued with administrative permissions. For example, you can start the device manager with administrator rights from the command line.

Instruction manual

Call the main menu of Microsoft Windows by clicking the "Start" button to perform the launch operation of the "Panel management»From the team strings. Enter cmd in the search text box strings.

Confirm the command by clicking the "Find" button. Call the context menu of the found command interpreter application by right-clicking.

The first step is to run the command line with administrator privileges. You can always specify when you run the command line with administrator rights, since the header line will have Administrator, as shown in the following figure.

The device manager starts with administrator privileges, and you can install the driver without disconnecting the user or logging in as administrator. Of course, the trick here is not only how to run the command line with administrator permissions, but also knowing the device manager launch command. This book lists many of the common commands needed to complete the listed exams and the teams regularly used on the assignment. This is not a massive volume that includes all the commands and switches you can use, but instead is a portable guide for everyone to show you what you need.

Indicate the “Run as administrator” command and click the “Continue” button to confirm your choice in the system request window that opens (if necessary).

Enter the value control.exe in the text field of the command interpreter to start the panel launch procedure or select the necessary components and launch them using the special syntax: control.exe / name applet_name.

Example of working with DiskPart utility for servicing hard disks

The idea is that you already understand the meaning of the commands and the steps to complete the tasks, but you just cannot remember them all from the head. Instead, the book lists specific relevant commands and steps for what you need, without overwhelming you with technical details that you do not need.

Each of the books in this series includes a space at the end of the book to take your own notes for tasks and information related to your work. Like most other computer related topics, this is easy as soon as you know how to do it. And, if you have enough tools and methods in your toolbox and bookshelf, things get easy. Anyway, I hope you find this list of commands for launching applets and tools.

Note that in versions prior to Vista, to run selected panel items management  * .cpl extensions used, correlated in later windows versions  with the so-called. "Canonical names" of applets. In addition, certain panel components consist of several tabs, which implies the use of a special tab pointer number in the command syntax: control applet_name, tab_pointer.

The “Run as” function enables administrators to run programs and system utilities under the security credentials of one user while logging on to the server as another user. You can use the Run As command for all types of programs, utilities, and even control panel applets.

Unfortunately, you cannot use the Run feature for all administrative tasks. In addition, you can create shortcuts for administrative tools that require the launch of an administrator password. As an example of creating such a shortcut, follow these steps:

Use the special correlation tables for cpl-file names with "canonical names" freely distributed by Microsoft on the Internet, or enter the following values \u200b\u200bin the command text box strings: - control.exe sysdm.cpl (for Windows XP and earlier) or - control sysdm.cpl, 1 (for Windows Vista  and later) - to launch the applet "System Properties; - control.exe userpasswords.cpl (for Windows XP and earlier) or - control sysdm.cpl, 3 (for Windows Vista and later) to launch the applet " Accounts  users. "

Confirm the execution of the selected command by pressing the Enter soft key.


  • Control Panel from the command line

It is not easy to imagine today's life without a computer and the Internet. Naturally, the parents’ fears about what their children do on the Internet while their parents are at work are natural.

The absolute advantage of universal computerization is the lack of information hunger, when anyone can get necessary information  in the optimal volume for him. However, the Internet is flooded not only with usefulness in the form of reference books and workshops, but also with harmful information. The task of modern parents is to protect and protect their children from it, if possible.

In this situation, you can make a competent decision: remotely observe what the child does on the computer, how much time he devotes to studies and entertainment.

There are many programs that allow you to remotely monitor a computer. Including these are spyware. However, many of them significantly reduce the speed of the computer. Plus, most of them are distributed on a paid basis.

However, do not be upset. Information Technology  evolve every day, and today there are programs remote access  to someone else’s computer via the Internet. And you can not only view log files, but see files, download history, visit log, etc.

One of the most popular is the Ammyy Admin program. It is easy to install, does not require specialized knowledge in the field of computer technology during installation. One condition is that both computers have an Internet connection.

Although initially this program  designed for remote administration, among PC users, it has found wider application. Its functions:

- viewing images on a remote computer;

Ammyy Admin bypasses any antivirus, it is almost impossible to detect;
- the ability to create voice chat;

Free for non-commercial home use.

There is one condition for the last item - it is important not to exceed the established limit.

Interestingly, Ammyy Admin is convenient to use and at work. In particular, to attend to employees.


  • where to find computer control