Checking windows hard drive. Running chkdsk to check the disk for errors. An example of disk analysis without fixing Chkdsk errors

In the life of a computer, such moments happen when logical errors occur file system  on the hard drive. Errors on the disk can accumulate and, until a certain point, make themselves felt. They can contribute to minor system glitches, and can lead to complete destruction of the structure of logical drives and loss of information. Errors on the disk most often occur as a result of an incorrect access to the disk by some program, incorrect shutdown of the power, or freezing of the computer during the data recording process. To avoid the sad consequences, you should check the disk for errors.

After selecting a partition, perform the Defragment Now check, and the system will optimize the distribution of data in the partition. may take from several minutes to several hours. Open the Start menu, enter Programs, and then Accessories. There, right-click on " Command line"To run it as an administrator.

When the warning is confirmed, a prompt appears. The utility warns you that verification is possible only at startup. Accept then restart it. This may take several minutes. Also, be sure to save important data to another drive. Upon completion of the operation, you can restart the computer. There is a “Boot” tab that lists all drives in the order they were checked at startup.

There are two global cases: in the first case, Windows can be loaded at least in safe mode, in the second case, Windows does not load swearing for lack system filesor giving out blue screen  death with error 0x000000ED (most often, but there may be another error).

We first deal with the simplest first case.

The key is sometimes defined as a disk, you must change the priority hard drives  in the highlighted menu, and your key appears under its brand. After a minute, you come to the table. Double-click Keyboard Layout. Now your keyboard is recognized correctly.

Then go to the "Partition Editor". Select a partition to resize, right-click and click Resize. It details the size and location of the disk. Move the cursor or enter the desired size and click the "Resize" button.

Do not change the location of the partition containing the operating system, even if you can change its size, the risk is that it will no longer start, you can delete one partition to add its capacity to another, but not one is located between the other two. After all changes are verified, apply them using the “Apply” button at the top of the interface. Confirm the final warning. Then software  resizes partitions (s), which takes from several minutes to an hour, depending on them.

Disk verification in Windows 7 is no different from disk verification in Windows XP, so I will talk about XP as an example.

To check the disk, run My computer, there, right-click on the disk that you want to check and select in the menu that appears The properties. In the window that appears, go to the tab Service  and run the program to check the disk by clicking on the button   Run check.

It is important for end users to ensure data integrity. Command line procedure. Such links are provided for convenience only, but their use is entirely up to the user. We start our desktop computer or laptop as usual, and suddenly appears on the screen.

It says your hDD  need to check for compatibility and get started hard scan  drive. What does it mean? damaged on your hard drive? The short answer is "No." This automatic disk check appears when your computer does not shut down properly. For example, there may be a power outage, the computer is frozen, and you need to close it, or remove the battery.

Check the box in the program window Automatically fix system errors   and run the test by clicking the Run button.

The disk will start checking for errors and correcting them, after which a program report will appear. If the report in paragraph In bad sectors  value is different from zero, then it should be done.

However, if the drive is a system drive, you will receive the following message: “ Disk check cannot be performed because it requires exclusive access to some windows files  on this drive, which requires a reboot. Schedule a disk check at the next reboot?"And you won’t be able to check the drive right now. However, you can schedule the scan by clicking Yes.

Usually this disk check will not detect a problem. Sounds worse than it is. Most of us have seen how this happened. We will start our desktop or laptop computer as usual and the screen will appear unexpectedly. This means that your hard drive is checked for consistency and starts the hard drive.

Disable automatic disk scanning

This automatic disk check will happen when your computer is not turned off correctly. For example, you have a power failure, your computer freezes, and you must turn it off, or the battery has been removed. Usually this disk check is not detected. This is a good idea on a regular basis.

How do you know if your system or hard drive is damaged

  Is your computer not stable? Doesn't stop responding to your commands? This is often due to damage. hard drive. Sometimes this is the "only" error of the operating system.

After that, restart Windows. During boot, the disk will begin checking for errors and correcting them.

How to check the hard drive for errors if Windows does not boot

If Windows does not boot, you can still check the disk for errors. But for this you will need special software. We need a drive or flash drive with ERD Commander. The disk image can be downloaded. possible using the program. If you want to use a bootable flash drive, then here.

You do not need to manually check the disk - we will do it for you. Look at the symptoms and answer the question - have you seen any of them on your computer? See how we can help you. First, we check to see if your computer’s slow performance is caused by a damaged disk or a system problem. Then we will fix the problem so that you can use your equipment faster. We will check the disk for bad sectors and test the memory, if the disk is damaged, after you contact us, we will replace it with a new one. Similarly, if memory corruption is confirmed. we will install the operating system, we will install all the available drivers and the necessary updates, we will install the basic software so that the equipment is ready for use, we copy the data from the old disk to the new one, exactly where it was. All your data is copied to the new system.

So the preparatory work is finished, let's get down to business. Download ERD Commander for your windows versions , although in this case the version is not very important. Disk check can be performed in any version of ERD Commander, so here I will tell you how to check a disk for errors in ERD Commander for Windows 7.

Download ERD Commander, in the window that appears, refuse to connect to the network. In the next window, agree to redistribute the drive letters so that they match the system letters. Select an operating system from the list. In the Commander menu that appears, select Command line. Now you need to enter the command to check the disk chkdsk c: / f  (in case of checking drive C) or chkdsk d: / f   (if you need to check drive D for errors) and press Enter. If a message appears, as in the figure below " Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? ", Which translates as" Do you want to unmount this partition? ", Enter from the keyboard Y   and press Enter, thereby agreeing to unmount the disk.

We always try to minimize the time of service. On the other hand, we carefully check the disk and system, which is related to time. Each test lasts from several tens of minutes to several hours. We believe that you also depend on the fact that the service is performed honestly. Installing an operating system with drivers and updates reserve copy  data for installing additional software. Commercial software requires a license.

The difference between fast and full formatting

Copy data efficiency with damaged disk  depends on his "state". In fact, it is usually not clear to a novice user what the difference is between fast and full formatting and which format you can choose for a particular case. Formatting in Explorer. . Now let's move on to fast and full formatting and what happens to the disk or stick in each of the options.

Each of us knows that any component of the computer can fail at any time ...
   Of course, they deserve special attention hard diskswhich, having failed, will bury all user information accumulated over the years. Of course, nothing is eternal, but in order to avoid the loss of information, you need to at least monitor the condition hard drivein order to prevent a "catastrophe" in time.

With regular work on a computer in operating system  accumulates "garbage", which from time to time needs to be cleaned (see).

However, in addition to removal unnecessary files, You must also learn how to fix errors that have accumulated on your hard drive.

Let me remind you that it is possible to determine the presence of garbage or errors by the slower operation of the computer, or if there is clearly less space on the hard drive than it should be. Perhaps some files even refuse to load.

In fact, all problems of this kind, and not only, can be removed by formatting the system partition of the hard disk and reinstalling the system, but this is not always justified. If you periodically carry out preventive and "cleaning" measures, then your computer will work for a long time and without reinstalling Windows.

Today I will talk about a utility program that is already on any computer, because It is installed with Windows. This program - Disk check - Chkdsk  (Check Disk)

Disk check

All information about the file location on the computer is stored in a special file allocation table (FAT or NTFS). Each time a file is opened, for example, when starting a program, Windows refers to this table to find out the location of the file.

If suddenly, for some reason, the correspondence between what is written in the table and what actually exists is broken, then access to the file information will become impossible. Although this does not happen often, it is still possible. The probability of such errors when incorrect completion  computer operation (for example, as a result of accidental power failure).

Such errors may immediately be invisible, but if you do not check the disk and do not fix these errors in a timely manner, the consequences will not be long in coming.

It is absolutely not difficult to make such a check. In OS Windows program  disk checks can be run with the command Start / Programs / Accessories / Utilities / Disk Check .

Another way to start the scan program is from the folder window. My computer.
   To do this, in the window   "My computer"  right-click on the icon of the drive you want to check (for example, drive C), and in the pop-up context menu select the bottom line with the inscription "Properties".

A window will appear The propertiesin which we go to the tab "Service"  and see the program - "Disk Check" - Chkdsk  (Check Disk - check disk).

To check the selected disk, press the button   "Verify". The "Disk Check" window will appear, in which you need to tick off the desired type of check.

  • To check a disk without fixing errors, if they are found, clear both check boxes and click Launch.
  • To search for errors of files and folders and automatically fix them, check the box "Automatically fix system errors"and press the button Launch.
  • To check the surface of the disk for physical errors, i.e. to detect bad sectors, as well as to try to recover data from these bad sectorsselect option “Check and restore bad sectors» . Then click Launch.
  • To check the file system and physical disk errors with an attempt to automatically fix them, select both check boxes. Then click Launch.

In general, if you want to check your hard drive for errors as much as possible, check both points. Thus, you will be able to find and fix errors not only in the file system, but also in physical disk errors.
   Once you have made the necessary settings, click on the button Launch

The drive becomes unavailable for the duration of the test. . If the disk is stored a large number of  information, the scan can last quite a long time (up to several hours), so if you need a computer in the near future, I advise you not to run the scan program.
It is extremely undesirable and dangerous to stop the ongoing test! Wait until the scan is completed to prevent damage to the disk and the files stored on it.

Before starting the disk check, you should close all files on it, otherwise a window will appear with the inscription 9 for Windows XP):
"A disk check cannot be performed because it requires exclusive access to some Windows files on this disk, which requires a reboot. Do you want to perform a disk check the next time you restart the system?"

In this case, click "Yes" and restart the computer.

As a rule, the program starts working when the computer restarts, so do not be alarmed when you see a blue screen with creeping lines in English.

There is nothing terrible in this. This screen just shows us the operation of the program for checking disks: o)

In some cases, disk verification may begin without restarting Windows. This will happen if you did not run any applications and did not open files for viewing.

   If the program detects damaged (broken) sectors on the disk, they will be marked as unusable, and the information recorded on them will be restored if possible

That's all the steps that need to be performed to verify. Do the same with all logical partitions. There is nothing complicated, and the benefits are great if you do this from time to time. Recommended use utility program disk checks about once a month to monitor the hard disk.
   Of course, this should be done even if there are suspicions of failure hard work  disk (sometimes it can be caused by infection with computer viruses). It’s not worth panic when there are bad sections on the hard drive - this is normal, if there are not many such sections. Scan utility marks them and excludes them from work. If the appearance of bad sections has become more frequent and they noticeably affect the total capacity of the hard drive, then it is time to change it to a new one.

Based on materials from,

Check the disk for errors by any user: o)