The best WordPress plugins for an online store. WordPress Ecommerce Store: An Overview of Five Ecommerce Plugins wp shop plugin

The WordPress platform was originally developed for quick start blogs on the internet. Over the years, it has evolved into a full-blown content management system where you can create any type of website from scratch, even an e-commerce site.

However, WordPress eCommerce is not for everyone. Here are examples of situations in which it would be the best choice:

  • You want to easily manage your website.
  • You want to easily add other sections to your online store site (blog, pages, etc.).
  • You don't need the extra costs of other integrated platforms like Shopify or BigCommerce.
  • You want to start small and expand as needed.
  • Doesn't scare you technical work- that is, the abbreviation "FTP" will make you feel curiosity, not fear (in general, making an online store on WordPress is quite simple, but not in one click).
  • You want to have a common platform that you can easily find additional developers for as you grow.

If at least a few of the items from this list, then it's time to get acquainted with how to create an online store on wordpress.

Actually, you can easily add functionality eCommerce in WordPress using a dedicated plugin.

In this case, you need a plugin that will allow you to create custom product pages; which will act as a shopping cart, allowing individual visitors to select products and set them aside for further purchase; which will be synchronized with payment acceptance systems to match them with customer purchases.

There are a lot of such tools on WordPress, but there is one interesting option from Russian developers called WP Shop. This is a free plugin with powerful functionality for creating an e-commerce site, with the ability to connect many Russian payment systems and additional modules.

Key features of WP Shop

This plugin differs from other similar solutions in that the products in it are added like regular WordPress posts, but with a price tag and a button to buy. After that, you can combine these records into a category, thereby creating a group of products. In addition, you can make showcases and price lists out of them, with the possibility of fine-tuning.

There are many options to choose from in WP Shop to enable users to receive and pay for products from your website, including how online ways(payment through all electronic payment systems, VISA and MASTERCARD cards, ROBOKASSA and UNIFIED CASH (W1)), and offline methods (receipt by courier, pickup from the office, cash on delivery by mail). In addition, full integration is available in it. payment system Yandex Checkout. Each payment option has its own checkout form.

Other features of this solution include:

  • Personal account of the buyer, which allows you to view the profile, current orders, purchase history.
  • A tool for selling "digital products" that allows you to download a file only after payment.
  • System of discounts formed according to a given formula.
  • Generation XML files, which allows you to transfer the assortment of the site to various services, such as Yandex.Market.
  • Connecting PayPal, and integrating Yandex and Google metrics.
  • Export and import settings.

Such a large number of A variety of functions built into this plugin makes it a bit difficult to set up for beginners. But the developer's site has step-by-step instruction explaining in detail how to install and configure it.

Using WP Shop


WP Shop can be installed directly from your site's WordPress admin panel, but note that for correct operation you will need an additional plugin - cFormsII, otherwise the order form will not be displayed. A separate form for each payment option, in cFormsII, is created automatically when WP Shop is installed.

Adding WP Shop Products

Adding products to the plugin is very easy. This can be done by creating new record WordPress, where the title is the product name, the content is the description, and the thumbnail is the image. In order for this record to be displayed as a product card, you need to add a custom field to it with the name "cost_1" and a value equal to the price. The price is entered without spaces, and pennies should be separated by a dot. Please note that you do not need to enter the name of the currency, it is added automatically.

One product may have several properties that will affect the price, such as weight or equipment. In order not to create a bunch of copies for all varieties of one product, you can simply add an additional price tag. This is done by creating another custom field with the name "cost_2" and the desired price.

You can add your own description to each price tag, this is done by creating an arbitrary field "name_1" for "cost_1" and "name_2" for "cost_2", respectively. The numbers in the field index for one product must necessarily match.

Import of goods

In addition to creating entries for each product from scratch, WP Shop allows you to use a partner online store as a source. To do this, you need an additional module from the same developer - WP Shop YML Parser. It allows you to copy an affiliate product list and then import it into the WP Shop. Also, you can synchronize a partner store with yours in it in order to update the assortment in a timely manner.

Thus, you can use the program offered by the affiliate online store to earn commission. In addition, you can open the program yourself as an affiliate store by providing resellers handy tool to import your range.

Currency change

By default, the plugin uses ruble price tags, but the calculation is made according to the currency that will be selected in the "Payment settings" section. To change the abbreviation of price tags, you need to enter the desired currency in the "Store Settings" section. In the same place, you can write text for what is already missing from the assortment of your site.

Showcase creation

The plugin allows you to display a list of products in the form of a table (showcase), and this The best way show all your products to the buyer. The showcase is created by adding a new WordPress page, which should contain the following shortcode:

The parameters are set depending on which showcase you want to see. An example of what should happen:

A short description for individual products in the storefront can be added to the additional field "short_text", otherwise it will be taken from the text of the entry. In addition, you can add other additional fields to the storefront, such as: pic (HTML code for the image), video, flash, and even JavaScript.

Placing a shopping cart

To add a shopping cart to your website pages, all you need to do is make a text widget containing the shortcode . It will display the number of products ordered, as well as their total amount. To be able to view the items in the cart, you need to create new page, as an example - "My purchases", with the content . The link to it must be English language. After that, you need to copy this link, and then, in the "Store Settings" section, paste it into the "Link to the cart page" field.

Enable advanced mode

In this module, the universal form for the purchase is set by default. This form does not allow you to select payment and delivery methods. To display a form for a particular method, you must turn on advanced mode. It can be found in the "Shop Settings" section and check the "Show payment method" option. The number of these methods depends on how many of them you have enabled in the Payment Settings section. Now, the buyer will be shown the form that corresponds to the selected method.

You can change certain fields that a form contains by accessing the cFormsII module. There will already be a form for each payment method, you just have to edit it to suit your needs. But keep in mind that changing some fields may cause errors. You can learn more about how the form is edited and see examples on the developer's website.

Setting a minimum purchase amount

Sometimes, it happens that the cost of the goods is less than the price for delivery, and this is not economically feasible. In this case, setting the minimum amount for further checkout will be the most simple solution. The standard minimum amount is 0.1 rubles, but it can be changed in the "Store Settings" section, in the "Cart" block. In addition, there you can also make a warning for the buyer who has collected an order less than the minimum amount.


In general, this plugin is quite powerful and functional, but it has some bugs that you will have to fix yourself, as evidenced even by mixed reviews about it. With it, it will be easy to create an online store on wordpress, a small size, but problems may arise when implementing a large project. In any case, these shortcomings are covered by the fact that it is completely free, and also has excellent localization, since it was created by Russian developers.

The post is an extended comment that I wrote on the post “WordPress and Woocommerce Online Store: Advantages and Disadvantages of This Solution”.

First, let's define what is meant by "point of sale". I understand this as a site that presents a product catalog with the function of adding goods to the cart with subsequent payment, and automating further order processing (at least, this is tracking the number of remaining goods in stock).

It's minimum. In a good way, the user part needs the functions of sorting, filtering, selecting by parameters, the ability to specify product attributes (color, size, etc.), and for the administrator part - convenient (mass) adding products, import-export (from excel, cvs, 1C), management of discounts and promotional options, separate accounts with different capabilities for the sales manager, administrator, and the one who puts products in the catalog. Plus registration of users-buyers.

Now let's see what WP can do.

Without plugins, WP does not allow you to organize any of the above. With plugins, you can organize your catalog and cart. The user part, the frontend, will depend on which design theme is used - that is, usually, all these sorting and other joys of the store are created not by the engine, but by the theme, and the information is taken from custom fields.

As for the administrative part, it is very problematic to implement:

  • separation of user roles (most likely, this is again a separate plugin),
  • convenient management of store goods; visually, it will be the same as managing blog posts. Which is not very convenient when you have several thousand products,
  • mass goods management; you will not be able, for example, to add a discount or some other option to all the necessary products with one click,
  • registration of buyer users with separate fields for address, default payment method data, etc.
  • payment through Russian payment systems; all popular plugins support payment only through foreign services
  • bulk import-export of goods excel, cvs, 1C

Another one possible problem- This is an update (change) of the design for the site. Since all user functions are stored in the theme files, and not in the plugin, it will not be possible to simply change the theme to any one you like, without losing functionality. And developing a theme with features for the store is, again, money.

I'm not saying that it's impossible to make a WordPress store. But the default functionality of WP does not allow anything that we need. Accordingly, you need to use plugins, and this is not always reliable - there may be problems when updating (updated WP, ​​or store plugin, or theme), compatibility with other plugins, etc. As a starting point, a WordPress online store might not be bad. But if there are a lot of goods, and sales go actively, it will not be very convenient to use it. Therefore, why create extra work for yourself when transferring the site to another engine in the future, if there are already ready-made systems specially designed for this?

I wrote this article in October 2014. That is, a year and a half ago. Then I was a freelancer and had no experience with large orders, and I did only three or four stores. In the year and a half that have passed since the writing of the article, I managed to work in a web studio, where about 4-5 sites were developed every month, of which half were online stores. Therefore, my opinion has changed a little, and some other arguments have appeared.

Firstly, the site should solve the problem of your client. And it is necessary to proceed from this.

Secondly, important value for money, quality and time you spent on development.

For example, if a client wants to launch a store in a week with a small budget, and before that you only worked with one CMS (it doesn’t matter if it’s WordPress or something else), then do it on it. You won’t miss the deadlines, you won’t have problems with learning a new CMS.

Another example, a client wants a large store, with a big budget, it is important for him that the system creates accounting reports, invoices, all kinds of forms in accordance with GOST, integrates with the bank, and so on - do it on Bitrix, because it's all there out of the box. Yes, if you have not worked with him before, the first time will be difficult. Therefore, it is better to hire someone who has worked (again, based on the price-quality-labor ratio).

The client wants exclusive features, and is ready to pay for them - make a unique system only for him on the framework, and not on the CMS - Laravel, Django, Ruby on Rails - on what you know best.

If the client and the developer are you in one person - do what you want more, then you will work with it.

So, in short, there is not and cannot be an unequivocal answer to the question of which CMS to make a website / online store / whatever.

New online stores appear every day. If you go back 5 years ago, there was much less competition and getting into the TOP was much easier. In order to be a worthy and interesting resource now, you need to take into account many factors that influence the decision to purchase, one of the main ones is the high-quality design and usability of your online store. Today I made a selection The best templates for an online store on WordPress. As you know, not all themes are suitable for e-commerce, you need to choose those that support integration with the WordPress WooCommerce plugin. Let's get started!

A selection of 40 WordPress + Woocommerce online store templates of 2019

1. Woodmart – The Best WordPress Ecommerce Template

I myself recently used it and the template struck me with its sophistication and convenience. It has absolutely everything you need for a convenient store and it is suitable for any topic.

Here is the store I created on Woodmart

Now let's see what's inside it. The main benefits I have highlighted:

  1. Universal - suitable for any subject. You can choose it both for your store, and if you are a developer, to create custom stores;
  2. Convenient header customization — a separate constructor is used for the header, where you can assemble any kind of header and add any elements;
  3. The set includes a Visual Composer template — a landing page designer;
  4. Very convenient settings for all parts of the site: main, store, product card, favorites section, order and payment page;
  5. You can set up authorization through social networks (Google+, Facebook, Vkontakte);
  6. Beautiful Instagram widget;
  7. There are icons of Russian social networks Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte, which is rarely seen in foreign templates;
  8. Pop-up banner with a promotion offer;
  9. It is easy to translate a template directly from the site admin panel using the Loco Translate plugin;
  10. Cool options for creating a portfolio;
  11. Excellent support;
  12. Detailed documentation and video tutorials.

You can’t count everything, just look at the numerous demos of the template on different topics and you will understand everything yourself. Working with the template is a real pleasure and it is clearly worth the money. So I wholeheartedly recommend it. He even has a rating of 4.98 out of 5. Fire!


One of best themes WordPress for eCommerce and business in 2019, fully compatible with Bootstrap and WooCommerce. At the disposal of the Porto buyer 25 ready-made demos, exclusive eCommerce options, guaranteed free updates. The layouts of the template pages vary in maximum width, the presence of a sidebar, the number of columns for lists. There is support for horizontal and vertical mega menus. Before you make a store on WordPress, you can study Porto's online documentation.

3. Flatsome | Multi Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme

Flatsome is the best selling WordPress & WooCommerce Theme in the section, let's see why.

It went on sale in September of the 13th year, it is being updated and improved to this day. The developers have thought of everything to the smallest detail, so that it is convenient for visitors to choose products and that you enjoy working with the site.

Some features of Flatsome:

  1. You can make any page with various elements in the theme constructor;
  2. Everything is configurable: Header, sidebar, product block, products themselves;
  3. Fast loading site. As the developers themselves write 98/100.

“Flatsome has a design that sells. Otherwise, Flatsome did not become the top 1 in sales.”- it's hard to argue. You can download any demo in one click, you just have to finish it small parts. Go ahead and see for yourself as a template.


Another great template. I like everything about it:

  • Beautiful demos;
  • Convenient interface;
  • Convenient and understandable product card;
  • Fresh design.

In the set:

  • 40+ demos on a variety of topics that you can install in 1 minute;
  • Free $225 worth of plugins! The most popular to customize the site the way you want;
  • 200+ PSD files - banners and various graphics;
  • Lots of customization options and more.

The developers put a lot of emphasis on the fast loading speed of the site, thanks to the unique optimization that they have implemented. You can customize the display of products as you see fit. Fully customizable template, you don't need to know the code to easily customize it. so that new visitors come from search engines. I really liked the Shopkeeper demos, to see them hover over Home and select the option you are interested in.

Jevelin is a universal template on which you can also make an IM on WooCommerce. A good option, nothing extra. Easily set up a store that is convenient for visitors.

7. Handy – Handmade Shop WordPress WooCommerce Theme

A nice theme that is dedicated to Handmade (needlework). It seems that it is narrowly focused, but you can change it for a variety of product options, for some reason the first thing that comes to mind is the sale of tea or gifts. Now many people are fond of various crafts, knitting, etc. But not everyone thinks that these favors can be sold, thereby providing themselves with a good income. Just doing what you love. With Handy, you can easily create your own online store and start monetizing your hobby!

Neat design, evokes emotions of kindness and home environment. The template has a fixed width, but everything is in order with adaptability - it displays well on mobile devices and tablets. You can easily change the site color and fonts through the admin panel.

8. TheGem

Another great option. It is very inspiring when developers present their template beautifully. Check out TheGem demo, you won't be indifferent!

You can set up your online store in completely different ways:


  • 50+ demos, not only for the woocommerce store, but there are demos for other topics;
  • Quality layout;
  • adaptability;
  • Works great with all popular plugins;
  • There is support in Russian! Which is very important.

9. Electro

A template built on the Underscores Woocommerce framework for an electronics store, its manufacturers and dealers. Available trial version before the purchase. The Electro Extensions plugin extends the functionality of the theme. Among the options are advanced ajax search, product reviews and specifications, an analogue of youtube page loader, an extended vertical and drop-down mega menu, a carousel of product cards, related product management, store location.


Very cute template for women's theme. In this case, for HandMade goods. Now is a very interesting time, any woman can have such an online store, get carried away with beautiful things, handmade crafts and make good money on it.

  • 8 demos in different styles and colors;
  • Psd files of elements come in a set;
  • Visual composer and Revolution slider as a bonus;
  • Step by step documentation for step by step setup site;
  • Excellent support to help with any questions.

The site looks beautiful, I want to study different products and order a lot of things. Handmade has fast loading, which is very important in 2019.

11. Bazar Shop

Bazar Shop may seem simple, but in fact the template is very convenient in terms of usability. Is the design simple? This is how it should be in an online store, so as not to distract attention from the product.

The developers clearly showed in the pictures the distinctive advantages in the description.

Let's describe briefly. You can change and customize almost everything:

  • In the header, you can configure any widget, enable or disable it;
  • In the navigation menu, you can use the Mega menu and sorting;
  • The background can be made fixed width or stretched, you can choose from 50 background options;
  • Multifunctional slider;
  • Multifunctional sidebar. There are 10 unique widgets;
  • Basement. You can make it big or small, depending on the information that you decide to put there.

For an online store, it is better to make the footer wide and duplicate all the links that may be of interest to the buyer - payment, delivery, contacts, etc.

Central block with goods. More than 300+ shortcodes that will help you make the description the most convenient and understandable, 8 options for placing the blog/news feed.

As a gift, the developers put plugins for $281. With these widgets, your store will stand out from the competition and make big sales. See the list of gifts in the description.

In my opinion, this theme is suitable for men's subjects - military clothing, hunting / fishing, souvenirs, etc. Because the design is strict, square, the colors are cold gray, the sans-serif font is chopped. Of course, all this can be changed, but I'm talking about the finished version in the demo.

12. Venedor - WordPress + WooCommerce Theme

A good, clean version, nothing distracts from viewing products, you can make a selection by bestsellers, price, etc. The authors periodically update it, which allows it to always be up-to-date. Fully adaptive, built-in mega menu, you can make a beautiful menu. If you have any questions, premium support will always answer you 24/7.

13. Trizzy - Multi Purpose WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Universal template, suitable for any subject. Clean and simple, made in the style of Flat (flat design).

For an online store on WordPress, it’s just right. Very neat design fast loading pages. The product card has everything and nothing more:

  • Photos, description, rating, price, add to wishlist, buy button;
  • Below we see an accordion with a description, characteristics and reviews;
  • And finally, related products.

The width can be made fixed and stretched, there are many options for color options and backgrounds. Convenient search and filtering.

Over 14,000+ people have chosen The Retailer. light pattern, user-friendly interface, clear product card. The developers have prepared video guides for beginners on setting up the theme. The assembly has all the tools for convenient work with products and pages. The WPBackery page builder also comes as a gift.

Here are some customer reviews:

“I wish I could give you 10 stars! This theme is better than any other theme on themeforest. I have worked with all the leading templates and this one is by far the best. Bought last night and now have a store that launched within a few hours.”

“Amazing customer support. Always fast, efficient and straight to the point. Once you give them information about your problem, they can help with all areas of the topic. The theme itself is well built and very easy to use. One of the best WooCommerce templates I have found. I highly recommend purchasing it."

15. Aarum

A great option in the style of minimalism, on which you can make a clothing store, a jewelry store and a hardware store. We see that any theme of the store looks interesting and has a place to be.

Here is what the developers themselves write:

“Aurum is a minimalist WooCommerce theme that will give you and your customers a seamless shopping experience on your website. You can make any type of store: boutique, bookstore, techno or jewelry store. It's a beautiful, flexible and super fast theme."

With the help of Mega menu, make a convenient menu with the display of goods. And with the help of the WPML plugin, you can make your site multilingual.

16. Avada

Universal responsive theme, top seller. Works with the Fusion Builder and 6 premium plugins that come free of charge. Six key features of the theme: unlimited styles, powerful options, advanced responsive design, simple customization tools, responsive technical support and continuous improvement.

WordPress Template under the name of organic food or a regular online grocery store. The drag-and-drap functionality is provided by the WPBakery plugin. Greenmart has collected the best key options for an online store: horizontal and vertical mega menus with catalog lists, wishlist, product comparison, a counter until the end of the sale, a quick view of the product, galleries with preview images, ajax search.

18 Composer

"Responsive" universal template with increased performance. It works with Visual Composer and Ultimate VC Add-on and comes with hundreds of shortcodes. Thanks to the integration of Composer with WooCommerce, it is possible to develop an online store on it. It is allowed to apply parallax backgrounds to sections of the site, experimenting with layers. Every week, the template developers add new options or demos to it.

19. Savoy

A minimalist WooCommerce template with retina ready graphics that serves as a solid foundation for an online store. Its simple modern design shifts the focus to the products being promoted, and the built-in ajax functionality ensures a positive UX on all devices. Savoy is designed to expand the existing capabilities of the WooCommerce platform.

The template simplifies the creation of an online store with a wishlist, zoom gallery, mega menu, functionality personal account, a modal registration and authorization form.

20. June

More than just a theme, June is a drag-and-drop online store builder with real-time editing. With 15+ unique store demos of various concepts, hundreds of blocks and elements, you can easily create, configure and launch a website. June has a tested practical design and comes with free set of 11 plugins.

21 Basel

Need a professional responsive ajax eCommerce theme? It is worth buying and downloading Basel – a professional and modern premium WordPress template for commercial websites. The theme uses ajax technology for filters, pagination, search on catalog pages, content loading. For buyers of the online store, authorization is provided through social network profiles.

22. Amelie

Unique modern template for WooCommerce on Bootstrap and Visual Composer. The template integrates many popular plugins, custom widgets, a mini shopping cart, a slider with a smooth change of backgrounds, a menu with a varying number of columns, an unlimited number of color schemes. The main page of the online store on Amely can be designed in 15 different styles, 7 design options are available for the product card.

Modern minimalist eCommerce theme with many exclusive options. It offers 4 unique design concepts start page, each targeting a different audience. The site is built using the premium Visual Composer plugin. Halena allows you to apply functionality on the site quick view, ajax filters and search. There are 4 styles for the product card.

24. Legenda

A premium WordPress template with a simple responsive Bootstrap design that stands out for its versatility. WooCommerce compatibility allows you to use the theme to create online stores, 14 of its 16 demo eCommerce sites. Legenda allows you to apply ajax filters, place a video in the product card, add an online consultation form to the site.

25. Sober

A modern Premium eCommerce template made with Bootstrap framework. A fully valid and seo-optimized Sober code will provide your store with good traffic due to high positions in the search results. Beautiful and functional pages with information about the product will leave the buyer with a positive impression of the store's products.

26. Oxygen - WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Beautiful template in the style of minimalism. Lightweight, neat, simple.

What the creators write about the woocommerce store template:

"Oxygen is a WooCommerce theme designed exclusively for online stores, has various demos and allows you to customize appearance themes using the convenient settings panel.You can choose between 4 types of headers, change fonts, product page and blog, create unique pages using the visual editor Visual Composer is a premium plugin that comes free of charge.Slider Revolution is also included as a gift. You can create great beautiful and creative slides for your website.Oxygen is featured on Behance and updated regularly!”

  • Fully adapted for smartphones and tablets;
  • Convenient viewing of goods;
  • Touch Optimized - conveniently scroll through carousels and individual products on a smartphone;
  • Convenient contacts section, can be done along with an interactive map;
  • Possibility to add products to the wish list.

The developers have collected a selection of real sites that are made on Oxygen, you can see them in the template description.

27. North

Minimalistic, neat, even a little strict, this is North.

North is an incredible template that showcases your content and product like a work of art. This theme includes 600+ Google fonts, unlimited color settings, various widgets, post format support (for images, gallery, videos), tons of page builder elements and more. You can change or customize almost every aspect of this website template with its intuitive settings.

You can create various pages using Visual Composer. This builder allows you to create unlimited unique pages for your website effortlessly and without knowing the code. I also liked how the product card looks, a convenient format.

28. Royal - Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

Royal is the brainchild of developers who make quality. This option includes a variety of topics that can be done.

Look at the options and the number of demo versions that you can apply on your site. Since the article is about shops, we look at the Ecommerce tab.

royal- professional template, includes the entire set of necessary functions - photo galleries, video galleries, slider, page builder, convenient settings panel.

Here's what comes as a gift:

I don’t see the point in writing a lot about it, just go to the demo and you yourself will understand the coolness of Royal.


A template that combines the style of an online store and . It will allow you to place products in a popular design "under Instagram". Among the features:

  • 9 page designs;
  • WooCommerce plugin with product comparison and wishlist functions;
  • a selection of sliders with different animations;
  • the ability to customize pictures as a portfolio.

Like all modern templates, adaptability to mobile devices.

30. Ecome

A simple light design guarantees the versatility of the template. The developers conceived it for an online electronics store, but a universal solution is suitable for absolutely any topic. Convenient menu settings are offered, the ability to compare products, which buyers will appreciate. It is well suited for large stores with a wide range due to the advanced sorting plugin, including by brand, characteristics, key features. Supports online purchase.

31. Onea

A pleasant design in delicate pink colors will make the site template an ideal choice for women's products, accessories, fashion themes. A simple constructor works online, without the need to learn programming. Pictures and texts change with one click, fast unloading of goods is supported, which is important for large stores.

32. Marketo

Modern WordPress shop a selection of 12 ready-made developments. Everything you need is included:

  • multilingual support;
  • responsiveness;
  • designs for different topics - from electronics to clothing;
  • 8 options for headers and 2 for footers;

Thanks to the modern designer Elementor, you can change the settings even without the admin panel, right in the visual mode. Adaptation for SEO is included, which is implemented automatically.

33. Strollik

Simple in settings and relevant in 2019, a blank for a business card or a store. Updated regularly on currently integrated with Bootstrap and Elementor - the simplest and most powerful visual editors. The authors offer 24 already designed pages with a complete design. There is a plugin for 3D viewing of goods. Fully integrated with WooCommerce, advanced forms plugin included feedback. It is possible to make a site with writing from right to left - RTL. A selection of RTL templates.

34. Striz

This template is best suited for a business card site or landing page. Spectacular design will attract the attention of visitors, ideally orientate to a musical theme or style, fashion, fashion accessories. There is an advanced search by settings with the ability to upload photos and view the product from all angles. It is possible to blog, including not only text material but also pictures and videos.


WordPress theme for pharmaceutical products, healthy lifestyle, dietary supplements, sports nutrition. The authors have included:

  • 6 page designs;
  • plugin visual settings, including - sliders and effects;

  • 36.ezBoozt

    A multi-template, interesting in that there are already 57 presets - just select one of them, install and use. The developers guarantee a “clean” year, adaptation for SEO, basic useful plugins for trading and communication with potential buyers. Convenient search with settings by size, color, and other product parameters. Topics vary from women's clothing to auto parts.

    37. Mr. tailor

    • ease of installation and the site itself - maximum adaptability in terms of "weight";
    • a huge number of settings, all customized with one click;
    • portfolio plugin with advanced slider;
    • possibility of online payment.

    The developers also guarantee timely support if problems or questions arise.


    Responsive user friendly theme designed with online electronics stores in mind. Template buyers receive Visual Composer and Slider Revolution plugins as a gift, as well as design layouts in psd. MediaCenter has implemented such popular options as product comparison, manufacturer filter, wishlist, category menu, product photo labels.

    You might be interested: 10 templates for auto parts store »


    Multi-conceptual WooCommerce template with 7 amazing demos. Its responsive design allows the site to look perfect on any screen resolution. You yourself choose the color scheme of the site in accordance with the specifics of the store. With a quick view modal, shoppers can explore product details without refreshing the page.


    Responsive eCommerce template for WordPress, an elegant solution for creating online stores. Main features: retina ready design, no restrictions on customizing the header, breadcrumbs and footer, stunning slide shows, many color schemes, availability psd files. The theme tracks and applies eCommerce trends while maintaining the functionality needed to implement them.

    41. Zorka

    Incredibly fashionable template for eCommerce fashion sites, which comes with 11 high-quality demos with big amount stylish internal pages. The built-in X-Menu is designed to simplify the creation of drop-down lists: links, text, pictures, widgets, shortcodes. Designers have prepared 10 header design options. There is support for plugins for comparison table and wish list.

    Haven't picked anything? See 15 more ready-made online stores »

    Have questions about premium templates? I have prepared an article for you with answers to FAQ on premium topics (purchase, customization, etc.). You can study the article.

Allowing you to make the site work online store. The plugin has the following features: adding new products to the catalog, sorting products, calculating the cost of an order including delivery, editing promotions and discounts, product rating system, email templates for notification and distribution, and other useful features.
Selection templates support , which allows you to view the product list on any device. You can also file optimization using Wordpress plugins (if this is not provided in), which will allow your store to be on the account of search engines.
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Incart Lite

Stylish theme for an online store in a flat style. Also can be used for portfolio, corporate or business website. It contains a slider with various image transition effects, product categories, a list of brands, sidebars, a fixed menu, an up arrow for easy navigation and much more.


Stylish and neat template for an online store of any kind of goods. Main colors: green, white and black. Features: slider, sections with banners, featured products, blog articles. Shop with pagination. Made in light light style.

Eco Gray Free

Simple template in the style of minimalism. It has a store with sorting goods and a few more pages. Suitable for any kind of goods or services.


shopping- free theme for online store. Made in style minimalism with a white background and an active purple tint. Suitable for any kind of product.


The template is made in purple tones on a white background. Modern style. It has a slider and includes all the necessary pages to provide the user with all the information about the store. At the time of writing, the demo is not loading, I hope the developers will fix this error.


Template for an online store of children's goods(toy store, children's clothing store, etc.). Colorful site with a themed background. On home page made slider and popular products. Also has a blog and shop. The template is done professionally.


Wordpress theme for an online store of any product. Main colors: blue, white and black. Contains a jQuery dropdown menu, image and featured product sliders, lots of shortcodes, product categories, a blog and

For almost five years I have been writing articles for my websites on very different topics, and I love it. But life makes you do not only what you like, but also what you need. And now, in a crisis, you need to spin where money spins. And they revolve primarily in online stores, as it is a converter that turns real money into virtual money. And so I thought: how to create an online store on wordpress?

Learning how to make an online store on wordpress would be very useful for THREE reasons:

  1. You can make online stores to order.
  2. You can make your partner online stores,.
  3. Provide customer support for these stores.

No sooner said than done, we will now try to make an online store on WordPress. I already have wordpress installed on one subdomain, now I need to install desired plugin, which will turn it into an online store. And then it will all need to be adjusted a little ...

Warning: don't experiment with installing such BULKY plugins on a production site, as deleting a plugin doesn't remove the LOTS of junk it DEFINITELY leaves behind in the database.

Which plugin to install for the online store?

There are several options, but the best will be (so many people think, let's take their word for it, for now) - WooCommerce.

We go to the WordPress admin panel in the plugins section and look for our WooCommerce plugin - here it is:

Install and activate. Activated Plugin began to greet me joyfully in Russian. A good start…

Now the PAYMENTS section - I have a paypal wallet, but it is unlikely that it will suit me in this case.

Well, that's all, as you can see, nothing is difficult, even a child can install a store on WordPress! What's next? Then I was offered to create my first product:

Now let's try. When you click on this button, a window for creating an entry immediately appears:

If you have worked in wordpress before, then there should be no difficulties, just new fields have appeared that need to be filled in, and the same thing as publishing an article.

I created a test product, and then the first surprise awaited me: when I tried to open the product on the site, I received ! It's good that I already ate a dog on these problems and immediately realized that the site's permalinks were incorrectly configured. I looked - there is some kind of perversion, not a humanoid URL. And it should be like this:


This is configured in SETTINGS - PERMANENT LINKS:

Now I'm worried about another question: what does it look like from the outside? And it looks VERY awful!

I still don’t understand what this huge square is on the left? Well, one thing is clear - the template needs to be changed!

How to find a template for an online store?

The easiest option (maybe the best one) is to find a free template right in the WordPress repositories (although you will have to translate a little there, but there are no links and viruses). Go to APPEARANCE - THEMES - ADD NEW. In the search box, enter the name of our plugin - WooCommerce.

Here we see all the themes that support WooCommerce, find the most optimal one for ourselves and install it. I liked this one:

It's certainly not super-duper, but still better than it was. In any case, you will need to finish any theme for a long time, even a premium one, if you want it to be beautiful and original. But all this is not done immediately, but when the store is already at least a little technically set up. But it is better to choose the basis of the future topic right away, and slowly cut it.

This huge square continues to bother me, what is it? That's it, Semyon Semyonitch! The picture had to be put not in the posts, but simply upload a thumbnail, it is displayed in this place. Now it's ok!

It makes no sense to describe something further, since there are more than enough fine settings and this is a long and painstaking work. I will certainly create for myself such a store, which I will fill partner products.

But this is a completely different story, which will be told next time, the main thing is that this task has been completed, I told how to create an online store on wordpress. There will be questions - write, I answer always and to everyone 😉

Yes, if you are not at all strong in this and do not want to understand, but you want an online store, then write let's agree 😉