Russian processors. Production of modern processors

It is with the help of the processor that various calculations are carried out, as well as commands are executed. But since not everyone understands such important elements, people are wondering how to choose an inexpensive but good processor for a computer? We have to take into account the various characteristics in the processor. We will talk about this in this article.

The processor core provides various applications with access to computer resources. The minimum can be one, the maximum is 8. In AMD computer processors, the number of cores is indicated after "X", in Intel it is indicated in words.

So, how many cores do you need for this year's games? The answer is - at least 2. The rest depends on the games that you will run. However, soon the developers plan to release new consoles, which will already require 4 cores.

In general, the cooler the game, the better if there are more cores. For example, World of Tanks will definitely require 4 cores.

The core frequency specifically shows how many operations a processor in a computer can perform in 1 second. Measured in megahertz. High purity allows fast processing of information. But what is the optimal frequency of processor cores? If you buy a processor for work, then 1.6 GHz is enough, but for games and various professional programs, 2.5 or more will be required. So don't forget about this option.

AMD model photo

Cache and bus frequency

The bus frequency tells you how fast the information is. A higher frequency affects the fact that information is exchanged faster. A cache is a block of memory. It improves computer performance and is localized on the kernel.

If we compare it with RAM for data processing, then the cache speed is greater.

Cache and bus frequency are very important indicators. They also need to be considered if you are thinking about how to choose the best processor for your computer.

The cache can be divided into 3 levels:

  • l1 is the fastest cache, but its volume is insignificant. Its sizes range from 8 to 128 kilobytes.
  • L2 - larger in volume when compared with the first, but slower in speed. Minimum 128 kilobytes, maximum 12288.
  • L3- Most in volume, but less in speed. Reaches 16,1284 kilobytes. There may not be a third level in a computer.

Other parameters

Other parameters are not as important as all of the above, but they are still very relevant. These include the socket as well as heat dissipation.

A socket is a motherboard connector, it is in it that the processor is installed. Let's say "AM3" is written on the processor, which means that it is inserted into the same socket.

Heat dissipation is a measure of how the processor heats up during operation. It is taken into account when choosing a cooling system. Measured in W. Minimum 50, maximum 300.

It is desirable that the processor can support different technologies. There are commands that will improve performance. These include SSE4 technology. After all, there will be 54 commands, with their help, while the computer is running with different applications and components, the processor performance increases.

The semiconductor elements make up the internal circuit. They set the scale of the technology. This is called the technical process. At the heart of the elements are transistors, which are interconnected. Developers are trying to improve the technology, reduce transistors, and as a result, increase the characteristics of processors.

Here are some examples:

  • The technical process is 0.18 microns. Transistors - 42 million.
  • Process - 0.09 microns, transistors - 125 million.

Not every person can answer that it is better to choose Intel or AMD, let's give an example in the table based on two processors:

CPU Clock frequency (MHz)
AMD FX-8150 Zambezi 3600
Intel Core i5-3570K 3400

From the results obtained, it can be seen that the first processor has a high speed. Especially since AMD has -8 cores, while Intel has 4. But not all applications are optimized to work with 4 cores. The cache of the first processor is much larger.

So if you are thinking about how to choose a processor for a computer, first determine how fast you need. If you are going to play, then of course it is better to choose faster. There are comparison tests to help you decide. They are in the photo below.

Top processors of this year

When you select a processor for a computer, you are not only interested in its characteristics. I would like to know the reviews of the owners. Feel free to contact a familiar programmer. Or you can look at the top best processors for PC. Here are the most purchased models and quality, and their price is acceptable. We have shown here a list that will help you make the right choice of various devices, since there is a wide variety of them on the market now. Don't forget your preferences. One needs a computer only for work, and someone wants to watch movies and play.

The cost of 1500 rubles:

  • Developer - Intel, Celeron brand, E3XXX series.
  • Manufacturer - AMD, brand Sempron, series 140/145.

Cost up to 3000 rubles:

  • Intel Pentium Dual-Core G3220 (not expensive, but good).

Cost up to 4500:

  • Manufacturer Intel, series - Core i3-4130.

From 6000 to 9000:

  • The developer is Intel, the brands are LGA1150 and Core i5-750.
  • AMD Phenom II X6 1055T.
  • For games - Intel made HD Graphics 4000. Suitable for photos too.

Up to 12,000 and above (best processor):

  • Intel - (ADM no), Core i7-4000K and i7-4930K series.


Do not rush to grab an overly powerful processor off the counter. Are you not a gamer, not a professional photo editor? Don't have applications that need a lot of resources? Then this element will require excess electricity. Sometimes the novelty requires you to reinstall the motherboard.

Before choosing the right processor, do not forget to take an interest in the power of the power supply.

It's no secret that Intel's manufacturing factories are currently among the world's leading factories in terms of technical equipment. How do they differ from the harsh Chelyabinsk pipe foundries? And let's see.

3 x Easter eggs

This article may be primarily useful to those who want to build their own factory for the production of processors - if you ever had such an idea, then feel free to bookmark the article;) In order to understand what scale we are talking about, I advise read the previous article titled "Difficulties in the production of processors". It is important to understand the scale not so much of the factory itself (although they, too), but of the production itself - some "details" of modern processors are made literally at the atomic level. Accordingly, the approach here is special.

It is clear that one cannot do without factories in production. At the moment, Intel has 4 factories capable of mass-producing processors using 32nm technology: D1D And D1C in Oregon, Fab 32 in Arizona and Fab 11X in New Mexico.

Factory device

Each Intel factory for the production of processors on 300 mm silicon wafers is 21 meters high, and the area reaches 100,000 square meters. There are 4 main levels in the factory building:

Ventilation system level
A microprocessor is made up of millions of transistors - the smallest speck of dust on a silicon wafer can destroy thousands of transistors. Therefore, the most important condition for the production of microprocessors is the sterile cleanliness of the premises. The level of the ventilation system is located on the top floor - there are special systems that carry out 100% air purification, control the temperature and humidity in the production premises. The so-called "Clean Rooms" are divided into classes (depending on the number of dust particles per unit volume) and the most-most (class 1) is about 1000 times cleaner than a surgical operating room. To eliminate vibrations, clean rooms are located on their own vibration-proof foundation.

Level of "clean rooms"
The floor occupies the area of ​​several football fields - this is where microprocessors are made. A special automated system moves the plates from one production station to another. Purified air is supplied through the ventilation system located in the ceiling and removed through special openings located in the floor.
In addition to the increased requirements for the sterility of the premises, the personnel working there must also be “clean” - only at this level, specialists work in sterile suits that protect (thanks to the built-in battery-operated filtration system) silicon wafers from microparticles of textile dust, hair and skin particles . Such a suit is called a "Bunny suit" - it can take 30 to 40 minutes to put it on for the first time. It takes about 5 minutes for the company's specialists to do this.

Lower level
Designed for systems supporting the operation of the factory (pumps, transformers, power cabinets, etc.). Large pipes (channels) convey various technical gases, liquids and exhaust air. The overalls of employees of this level include a helmet, goggles, gloves and special shoes.

Engineering level
By appointment, it is a continuation of the lower level. There are electrical panels for power supply of production, a system of pipelines and air ducts, as well as air conditioners and compressors.

Dust- small solids of organic or mineral origin. Dust is particles with an average diameter of 0.005 mm and a maximum diameter of 0.1 mm. Larger particles transform the material into a sand discharge, which has dimensions from 0.1 to 1 mm. Under the action of moisture, dust usually turns into dirt.

Interesting Facts
In a tightly locked apartment with closed windows, about 12 thousand dust particles settle in two weeks per 1 square centimeter of the floor and the horizontal surface of the furniture. This dust contains 35% mineral particles, 12% textile and paper fibers, 19% leather flakes, 7% pollen, 3% soot particles and smoke. The remaining 24% of unknown origin.
It is estimated that one hectare of lawn binds 60 tons of dust.

It takes about 3 years and about $5 billion to build a factory of this level - it is this amount that the plant will have to “recapture” in the next 4 years (by the time the new technological process and architecture appear; the required productivity for this is about 100 working silicon wafers per hour). If, after these figures, not a single muscle on your face trembled, then here you are (already for inclusion in the estimate) some more approximate statistics. To build a factory you need:
- more than 19,000 tons of steel
- more than 112,000 cubic meters of concrete
- more than 900 kilometers of cable

A visual process of building one of the company's factories (uploaded in HD):

Intel Copy Exactly

For most semiconductor manufacturers, the equipment and processes used in R&D labs are different from those used in factories that manufacture the products themselves. In this regard, a problem arises - when switching from pilot production to serial production, unforeseen situations and other delays often arise due to the need to refine and adapt technological processes - in general, to do everything to achieve the highest percentage of product yield. In addition to delaying serial production, this can lead to other complications - and at least to changes in the values ​​​​of the process parameters. Accordingly, the result can be unpredictable.
Intel has its own approach in this situation, which is called Copy Exactly. The essence of this technology is the complete copying of laboratory conditions for factories under construction. Everything is repeated to the smallest detail - not only the building itself (construction, equipment and settings, piping system, clean rooms and wall painting), but also the input / output parameters of the processes (of which there are more than 500!), suppliers of raw materials and even staff training methods. All this allows factories to work at full capacity almost immediately after launch, but this is not the main plus. Thanks to this approach, factories have greater flexibility - in the event of an accident or reorganization, the plates started in one factory can be immediately "continued" in another, without much damage to the business. Competing companies appreciated this approach, but for some reason, almost no one uses it anymore.

As I have already said, in the hall of computer technology of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum, Intel opened its exposition, one of the largest in the hall. The stand was named From sand to processor” and is a fairly informative construction.

At the head of the hall stands "Chipman" in an exact replica of the suit that is used at the factories of the corporation. Nearby is a model of one of the factories; there is a stand nearby, inside which there are “processors at different stages” - pieces of silicon oxide, silicon wafers, the processors themselves, etc. All this is provided with a large amount of information and supported by an interactive stand, where anyone can view the processor device (by moving the scale slider - up to the molecular structure). In order not to be unfounded, here are a couple of photos of the exposition:

On Monday there will be an article about the production of processors. In the meantime, sit back in your chair and watch (preferably in HD) this video:


Central processing unit - an executor of machine instructions, a piece of computer hardware or a programmable logic controller; is responsible for performing the operations specified by the programs.

Modern CPUs, executed in the form of separate microcircuits (chips), realizing all the features inherent in this kind of devices, are called microprocessors. Since the mid-1980s, the latter have practically supplanted other types of CPUs, as a result of which the term has become more and more often perceived as an ordinary synonym for the word "microprocessor". However, this is not so: the central processing units of some supercomputers even today are complex complexes built on the basis of large-scale (LSI) and ultra-large (VLSI) integrated circuits.

The subject of the work is the analysis of the processor market for modern personal computers and laptops. The purpose of the work is to consider manufacturers of microprocessors, the range of their products, to consider the technical features of the most popular models, their prices; analysis of distribution and market dynamics between manufacturers.

At the end of the work, conclusions are drawn regarding the advisability of choosing one or another processor model for a PC among the presented Intel and AMD models in accordance with the needs and financial capabilities of the buyer.

1. Classification of processors and their types

Before considering the situation on the microprocessor market, let's define the range of devices that fall under this category and their types. Microprocessors can be classified according to different criteria. According to the intended purpose, the following types can be distinguished:
- processors for servers and supercomputers;
- processors for personal computers;
- processors for laptops;
- processors for mobile systems;
- processors for embedded systems.

By the type of architecture, processors with a complete (CISC) and a reduced (RISC) instruction set can be distinguished; by the number of cores: single-core and multi-core.

Various manufacturers of microprocessors developed their architectures for processors for a specific purpose, for example, the x86 architecture was developed by Intel, now widely used in desktop computers, later an extension for 64-bit computers was developed - the x64 architecture, which retains backward compatibility with x86; Now processors for PCs based on these architectures are being developed by Intel and AMD. Other examples of architectures are PowerPC (from IBM) and SPARC (from Sun), which target processors for high-performance servers, workstations, and supercomputers.

2. Manufacturers of microprocessors

The entire PC microprocessor market was originally owned by two companies, Intel (mostly) and AMD. Recently, VIA processors can be found as a variant of cheap and low-power processors, but their market share does not exceed 1% and they cannot compete seriously with Intel and AMD processors.

Intel Corporation (Santa Clara, California, USA) - the largest manufacturer of processors for PC, also produces flash memory, chipsets, network equipment and other electronics. It has about 80,000 employees, profit for 2009 - $4.369 billion, turnover for 2009 - about $35 billion.

Advanced Micro Devices (Sunnyvale, California, USA) is the second largest manufacturer of processors, also produces flash memory, chipsets and video cards. It has about 10,000 employees, profit for 2009 - $293 million, turnover - about $5 billion.

VIA Technologies (Taipei, Taiwan) is a Taiwanese manufacturer of chipsets, processors and memory chips. Not a competitor to the first two, but VIA processors can already be found in Ukraine. It appeared on the microprocessor market in 1999.

It is worth noting that the first two companies also produce a wide range of microprocessors for servers, high-performance workstations, supercomputers, as well as for netbooks and mobile devices. Intel, in addition, is developing microprocessors and microcontrollers for embedded systems based on the ancestor of this class of devices - the 8051 chip.

3. Market overview of microprocessors for personal computers

3.1 Intel processors

Intel produces a wide range of microprocessors for various purposes, performance and prices:
- processors for desktop PCs (processors of the Intel Core, Intel Pentium and Intel Celeron families);
- processors for laptops (processors of the Intel Core and Intel Celeron families);
- processors for Internet devices (Intel Atom processors for netbooks and nettops and for mobile devices);
-Intel processors for servers and workstations.

Processors based on Intel Core i7/i5/i3 technology is the newest and high-performance family of x86-64 processors for PC, includes 3 lines: Intel Core i7, i5 and i3.

Intel Core i7 - Considered the best Intel desktop processor. Leverages fast, intelligent multi-core technologies that deliver breakthrough performance for compute-intensive, memory-intensive games and applications.

Intel Core i5 - great for multimedia applications. Cheaper than the previous model due to the simplification of the memory subsystem. Intel Core i3 - are positioned as low-end and mid-range processors in terms of price and performance. Inferior in performance to i7 and i5, but cheaper.

Also popular are processors based on Core 2 technology. This is a family of 64-bit microprocessors designed for client systems. Includes dual-core Intel Core 2 Duo and quad-core Intel Core 2 Quard, as well as 2-4-core Intel Core 2 Extreme. Release started in 2006. These are the most popular Intel processors in Ukraine. Used in PCs and laptops. Provide high enough performance at a relatively low price.

Other Intel processors are less popular, they are the development of older models for budget systems and laptops of medium and low performance. The Intel Pentium Dual-Core is a family of low-cost dual-core Intel processors designed for low-cost home systems based on the Intel Core and P6 microarchitecture. Intel Celeron - a simplified version of the Pentium or Core 2. Lower price and performance due to lower system bus frequency and L2 cache size compared to the base variant. Intel Atom - single- and dual-core processors for x86 architecture netbooks. Release started in 2008. The advantage is low power consumption. Performance figures are comparable to Celeron.

Prices set by Intel for their processors at the beginning of 2010 are shown in fig. 1.

Figure 1 - Prices for Intel processors

Among the reasons for the success of Intel in the microprocessor market, the following can be noted: production of the most productive processors through the introduction of the most advanced technologies; release of a wide range of processors by price and power by supporting models of different generations from Core i7 to Celeron; the successful discovery of Intel Atom, which allowed mass production of budget netbooks; historical reason - earlier market entry; technological reason - many Intel processors have the ability to "overclock" without using a fixed system bus frequency and multiplier.

3.2 AMD processors

AMD microprocessors are slightly behind the Intel Core i7 in performance, but they are worthy of competition with less powerful Intel processors. AMD releases a wide range of processors:
- for desktop PCs: Phenom II, Phenom X3 and X4, Athlon II and X2, Sempron;
- for mobile application: Turion X2 and Sempron;
-for servers - Opteron (including six-core).

The most high-performance processors are Phenom, they appeared in 2007. In 2009, their second generation Phenom II appeared. 2, 3, 4, and 6-core processors are produced (3-core - part of the marriage, 4-core with one disabled core). They compete with Intel Core i7/i5/i9, show good results in multimedia applications due to the introduction of the 3DNow extension developed by AMD, and other proprietary high-performance technologies.

Athlon processors are a lower performance and cheaper version of the previous series without L3 cache. 2, 3, and 4-core models are also produced.

Sempron processors belong to the low class of processors in terms of price and performance, designed for budget computers and laptops. In terms of development methods and methods of promotion to the market, they are similar to Celeron processors from Intel. Manufacturer prices for some AMD processors installed in early 2010 are shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2 - Prices for AMD processors

AMD's successful technological and market moves include: development and implementation of its own technologies and instruction sets as opposed to Intel; setting lower prices for low-end and mid-range processors compared to similar Intel models; reducing the amount of scrap in the production of 4-core processors by selling part of it as 2- and 3-core processors.

3.3 Distribution and dynamics of the global market

In 2010 growth of the market of microprocessors is noted. According to IDC's study of the global PC microprocessor market, sales in the 2nd quarter of 2010 relative to the 1st quarter (2010) in unit and money terms increased by 3.6% and 6.2%, respectively. According to the results of the second quarter of 2010, income from the sale of processors in the world increased by 34% compared to the same period a year earlier.

In the second quarter of 2010, Intel accounted for 81% of sales, AMD - 18.8%, VIA - 0.2% (see Fig. 3).

Figure 3 - Distribution of the microprocessor market

It should also be noted that AMD processors are increasingly used in laptops, and here AMD's share is already about 20%.

3.4 Market situation in Ukraine

Over the past part of 2010, the sales of processors in Ukraine also increased. Here, too, the greatest demand is observed for Intel microprocessors, followed by AMD microprocessors. According to the results of the analysis of online stores, 10 most popular microprocessors in Ukraine were identified. Prices (lower and upper limits in UAH) for these models are shown in fig. 4 (sales volumes fall from left to right).

Figure 4 - Prices for popular processors in Ukraine (UAH)

AMD Athlon II X2 deservedly won the first place, providing rather high performance at a relatively low price; the most powerful of the list (and expensive) Intel Core i5 is in 4th place, and the most powerful Intel Core i7 processor was not even included in the list (11th place) due to too high a cost (more than 2500 UAH).

The fact that there are 5 models from AMD in the list means that the price is quite important for the Ukrainian buyer (on average, AMD processors are slightly cheaper than their counterparts from Intel). At the same time, processors of the middle and high class are also very popular, only two budget models were included in the list - AMD Athlon II X2 and Intel Pentium Dual Core.


Based on the results of the work, we can say that the processors of the Intel Core i7 line have the most power, it is he who should be chosen by the buyer with the highest requirements, not a single AMD processor can yet be compared with it in performance (for most Ukrainian buyers, this processor is still too expensive ). The closest analogue from AMD is the quad-core Phenom II X4, which can be purchased 1.5-2 times cheaper. This is the same processor for an average of 400 UAH. cheaper than the quad-core Intel Core 2 Quard, which is also inferior to it in performance.

For mid-range models, it will be more profitable to buy a processor from AMD. Comparing models similar in technical characteristics, for example, AMD Athlon II X2 and Intel Core 2 Duo, we see that the first option is 2 times cheaper, AMD Phenom II X2 is also cheaper than its counterpart Intel Core i3 by about UAH 200.

Low-end models include Intel's Celeron for PCs and Atom for laptops, and their respective Sempron and Turion counterparts from AMD. Their price and technical characteristics are approximately equal.

In general, a wide range of microprocessor models of any level (with appropriate purchasing power) is available to the user with a slightly larger offer from Intel.

List of sources

  1. Solomenchuk V. G. Iron PK-2010. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg - 2010.
  2. Description of Intel products. [Electronic resource]:
  3. Description of AMD processors. [Electronic resource]:
  4. IT news:
  5. Research firm IDC in the hardware market. [Electronic resource]:
  6. Electronic product search system from Yandex, catalog of processors. [Electronic resource]:

Russian processor Elbrus-8C

Good afternoon, dear readers. Today's topic will be very interesting to avid patriots. Go Russia!!! And today we will talk about Russian processors " Elbrus" And " Baikal". It is unfortunate that the article can no longer be called " Russian-made processors”, because in fact they are produced in East Asia (like most electronics of world leaders), and not in Russia. But one can be proud of the fact that Russia is one of the few countries in the world that is able to develop its own microprocessors, because the future lies behind them.

And there are those among you who, in order to search for an article, typed in the phrase “ Russian processors"? If we talk about people, then Not all Russians are Russian". And if we talk about processors, then they Russian. Infa 100%, I checked!

So what do we have for today? And today we have the first half of 2017 and Russian processors are developing restlessly.

Russian processors "Processor-9" with support for DDR4 memory

What do we see in the subtitle? With the support ! This means nothing more than what Processor-9 will compete directly with the existing giants Intel and AMD. Here you can really be proud of Russia.

What is Processor-9? This is the code name for the top Russian processor Elbrus-16S from MCST. It is planned to start production in 2018. There will be two processor options with 8 and 16 cores. In general, the characteristics of the processor are as follows:

Main technical characteristics of the Elbrus-16C processor (Processor-9)

Previously, computers based on Russian processors Elbrus- 4 C, but they cost an exorbitant amount of money. This was due to the fact that mass production of processors was not established. These computers were rather experimental models, and therefore cost up to 400,000 rubles. In the case of Elbrus-16C, the mass production of processors in Taiwan will correct the situation. In addition, the manufacturer must understand that at such a price there can be no question of any competitiveness.

Why don't we compare information about the entire line of Elbrus processors? It's interesting indeed.

Elbrus-2С+ Elbrus-4S Elbrus-8S Elbrus-16S
Year of issue 2011 2014 2015-2018 (improvements) 2018 (plan)
Clock frequency 500 MHz 800 MHz 1300 MHz 1500 MHz
Bit depth xs 32/64 bit 64 bit 64/128 bit
Number of cores 2 4 8 8/16
First level cache 64 Kb 128 Kb
Second level cache 1 MB 8 MB 4 MB 4 MB
L3 cache 16 MB 16 MB
RAM support DDR2-800 3 x DDR3-1600 4 x DDR3-1600 4 x DDR4-2400
Process technology 90 nm 65 nm 28 nm 28 nm (or 16)
Power consumption 25 W 45 W 75-100W 60-90W

There were also developments of processors that did not pass the state certification. But that was a long time ago and not true.

What do you think about Russian processors? Would you buy a computer for 400,000 just because it's Russian? Write, let's talk about this topic.

Russian processors Elbrus in comparison with Intel

I know that many people are interested in comparing Russian processors with Intel processors. There is nothing surprising in this, the Russians are a proud people, and therefore we want to compare our achievements with the best. And Intel is just such in the world of computer processors.

In general, a certain plate is wandering on the net comparing Elbrus processors with Intel, but decide for yourself how reliable it is. As I understand it, this table is not new, because the comparison does not take place with the newest Intel processors, but some of them still cannot be called old. Moreover, some of them are powerful server Intel Xeon processors. In the table you can compare the main technical characteristics, as well as the performance of processors in gigaflops.

In general, here is the processor comparison table itself. I insert it in the form in which I found it, do not judge strictly. It is a pity that there is only a comparison of Elbrus and Intel, and Baikal processors are not there, but I think there are still enthusiasts who will correct this defect.

Russian processors Elbrus: comparison with Intel

Russian processors Baikal-T1 and Baikal-M

If Elbrus processors are intended purely for computers and are ready to compete with other manufacturers, then Baikal processors are intended more for the industrial segment and will not face such fierce competition. However, Baikal-M processors are already being developed, which can be used for desktop PCs.

Processor Baikal-T1

According to Baikal Electronics, processors Baikal-T1 can be used for routers, routers and other telecommunications equipment, for thin clients and office equipment, for multimedia centers, CNC systems. Here are the processors Baikal-M can become the heart of work PCs, industrial automation and building management. Already more interesting! But there is no detailed information about the technical characteristics yet. We only know that it will run on 8 ARMv8-A cores and will have up to eight ARM Mali-T628 graphics cores on board and, which is also important, the manufacturers promise to make it very energy efficient. Let's see what happens.

While writing the article, I made a request to Baikal Electronics JSC, and the answer was not long in coming. Dear Malafeev Andrey Petrovich (Public Relations and Corporate Events Manager) kindly shared with us the latest information about the Baikal-M processor.

The company plans to release the first engineering samples of the Baikal-M processor this fall. And then I quote, so as not to distort the essence of the information in any way:

— Start quote —

The Baikal-M processor is a system on a chip that includes energy-efficient processor cores with ARMv 8 architecture, a graphics subsystem and a set of high-speed interfaces. Baikal-M can be used as a trusted processor with extensive data protection capabilities in a number of devices in B 2C and B2B segments.

Application areas of Baikal-M

  • monoblock, workstation, graphic workstation;
  • home (office) media center;
  • videoconferencing server and terminal;
  • microserver;
  • Small enterprise level NAS;
  • router / firewall.

The high degree of integration of the Baikal-M processor makes it possible to develop compact products in which the domestic processor accounts for the bulk of the added value. Having complete information about the logical design and physical topology of the chip, combined with trusted software and appropriate hardware solutions, allows the processor to be used as part of systems designed to process confidential information.

Applicable software

The widespread adoption of the ARMv8 (AArch64) architecture allows the use of a huge amount of off-the-shelf application and system software. Linux and Android operating systems are supported, including at the level of binary distributions and packages. Numerous PCIe and USB devices are available. The software package supplied by Baikal Electronics includes the Linux kernel in source and compiled form, as well as drivers for controllers built into Baikal-M.

The main characteristics of the Baikal-M processor

  • 8 ARM Cortex-A57 cores (64 bits).
  • Operating frequency up to 2 GHz.
  • Hardware support for virtualization and Trust Zone technology at the level of the entire SoC.
  • Memory Interface – Two 64-bit DDR3/DDR4-2133 channels with ECC support
  • Cache memory - 4 MB (L2) + 8 MB (L3).
  • Octa-core GPU Mali-T628.
  • Video path supporting HDMI, LVDS
  • Hardware video decoding
  • The integrated PCI Express controller supports 16 lanes of PCIe G en. 3.
  • Two 10 Gigabit Ethernet controllers, two Gigabit Ethernet controllers. The controllers support VLANs and traffic prioritization.
  • Two SATA 6G controllers for up to 6Gbps each.
  • 2 USB v.3.0 channels and 4 USB v.2.0 channels.
  • Support for trusted boot mode.
  • Hardware accelerators that support GOST 28147-89, GOST R 34.11-2012.
  • Power consumption - no more than 30 watts.

— End quote —

What do you say, friends? Did Russian processors impress you or leave you indifferent? Personally, I believe in the great future of Russian digital technologies!

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