Viber does not see contacts. Strange solution to a strange problem

As you know, nothing lasts forever and at least some failures in the operation of a computer program are a relatively familiar and normal phenomenon. Often, all Viber problems are associated with a server failure or an error in the program code.

Of course, as soon as the developers reveal the fact of the occurrence of malfunctions and failures, all efforts are thrown precisely at their elimination, because each client is very important and the company needs it. Viber tries its best to minimize crashes and the unpleasant aftertaste that users have after unpleasant incidents and lags.

During the existence of Viber in the information technology market, there were several complaints about its work, which concerned the system's failure to synchronize numbers from the contact book. For example, if there are 2 SIM cards in the phone, the information from one was not readable, and the data from the second was simply knocked out and the page authorization failed. Perhaps this problem may be related to the lack of high-speed Internet or network congestion.

If you have an identical or similar situation, then check the Internet connection, because it is possible that the problem is lurking right here. In the event that it's not about connecting, then restart the application - a huge influx of users is possible (often happens during peak hour) and the system simply does not have time to respond to all requests. If no changes for the better are observed, then contact the technical support service or send an appropriate ticket with a detailed description of the current problem.

What is the reason Viber does not see the number?

Unfortunately, the problem of failure to synchronize personal data from the contact book to the application is a fairly common problem that brings a number of troubles: loss of contact, lack of free communication with relatives / friends.

If a problem has arisen, and the information and analytical service has not yet had time to give an answer, then you can try to fix the problem yourself, taking into account 2 options leading to the appearance of the source of the problem:

  • numbers in the phone book should start with +3/+7, etc., depending on the code of the country where the subscriber lives;
  • if you really need to contact a specific subscriber, then enter his number directly in the digital input field in the messenger.

If things are a little simpler with a phone, then it is almost impossible to solve this with a different device. Absolutely all operations directly relate to the SIM card number and its activation. Therefore, the only way out here is to deactivate the version from another gadget. By the way, often the problem of not displaying contacts is due to the presence of an unnecessarily large number of installed versions for the same number.

Another option for solving the problem associated with the unreadability of contacts is downloading an updated version of Viber to your phone. The download process will not only make improved adjustments, but also partially correct existing inconsistencies and server crashes.

If none of the methods helped you, then pay attention to the surest, but slightly radical method - resetting the numbers on the server canvas. But before resetting, think about linking Viber for Android to a Facebook page (if you have one), so it will be easier for you to scan at least part of the data.

If you have tried many options, but loyal methods do not help, pay attention to these recommended tips:

  • deactivate programs on all devices, except for the main one - on a smartphone;
  • re-activate (from the same number), and all contacts, as they should be automatically pulled from the server;
  • go to the main menu and click on " Disable account»;
  • By activating the program, contacts are synchronized automatically.

Viber Company apologizes for possible malfunctions and will make every effort to eliminate them as soon as possible. From you, as a user, you only need to leave a request / write a letter to the technical support service with a description of the problem. For a faster response, make sure that the letter is written in English (machine translation is also acceptable).

When registering in this messenger using your mobile device, the program prompts you to set an avatar. Your photo will be visible to all other users. However, often users have problems displaying photos in the application. Let's see why the contact photo is not visible in Viber and how you can fix this problem. Also on our information portal you will find instructions on how.

With the help of an avatar, you can quickly recognize a person who is added to your contact list or sends messages. If the image is not visible, then the user has to go to the section with information about the interlocutor. This procedure takes time, so many people want to quickly solve the problem when the contact photo is not displayed in Viber. Let's look at the possible causes of this error.

Possible reasons

If you do not see the photo of the interlocutor in Viber, then check for the following faults:

  • Your device has an outdated version of the app. Update it through the app store to the latest version;
  • unstable Internet connection, in which the photos simply do not have time to load.

There are also a number of reasons why the contact photo in Viber does not show, which do not depend on you in any way:

  • for example, the interlocutor simply did not set an avatar. In this case, you will not see any photo;
  • The user has blacklisted your account. Read on our website about how;
  • the user has restricted access to his information. In this case, you will definitely have to add him as a friend.

Now you know why the photos of contacts disappeared in Viber. If you are completely sure that the reason is not related to any item from the last list, then try one of the following tips:

  • try restarting your smartphone or app;
  • disconnect and reconnect the Internet;
  • re-authorize in the application from your account;
  • remove the contact from your friend list and add it again. In some situations, this solution to the problem can help. See the next section for a step-by-step guide on how to .

There are also a number of reasons why Viber does not see my photo, which are related to the technical side of the service:

  • server failure;
  • engineering works;
  • release of new updates and testing. In such cases, there may be failures in the display of content within applications;
  • when changing a photo, memory often fails. You will see the old picture while the user has already set the new one. To fix this problem, you need to clear the cache on your mobile device.

Now you know what to do if your avatars in Viber are gone. As you can see, not all causes of a malfunction can be eliminated on your own. Sometimes you can just wait for all the images to reappear in their places.

Viber is undoubtedly one of the most popular and sought-after programs for communication over the Internet. It has such a very convenient function as displaying whether a person is online or not, as well as displaying the time and date of the last entry into the network. But sometimes some users may notice that the online status, as well as the time of the last connection to the network for certain contacts, have ceased to be displayed. And in this article we will tell you why this could happen.

Displaying network status in Viber

Reasons why the status "Online" is not displayed in Viber

So, the most obvious and most likely reason is the banal disabling of this option in the Viber settings.

Yes, yes, not many people know that such a setting exists.

If you go to the Viber settings on the "Privacy" tab, then on it the very first checkmark "Online" is just the same and is responsible for displaying the subscriber's network status.

Login to Viber settings

viber privacy tab

The checkbox responsible for displaying the status "Online" in viber

Simply put, if you uncheck this box, then other Viber users will not know whether you are online or not, and also when you were last there.

Therefore, if one of your contacts does not display their status and the time of the last visit, most likely he has this very “Online” checkbox simply unchecked in the Viber settings.

The second, less likely, but still possible reason for the lack of online status in Viber is the obsolescence of the program on the smartphone or the subscriber.

Viber, like any other program, is updated periodically. So the developers fix the bugs found in it, and also add new features. So, if you don’t update Viber on your phone or computer for a long time, then in the end it will simply stop working or start working with glitches. One of the possible glitches is the lack of online status.

Well, the last option is a blacklist. If someone blacklisted you, then most likely the online status of this person will not be displayed for you.


So, from the foregoing, we can conclude that a person is not visible on the network in a viber or not, there can be two main reasons:

  1. Disabled the option to display the network status in viber settings;
  2. Viber obsolescence on the subscriber's phone or computer, for which the status "Online" is not displayed;
  3. Being blacklisted.

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Messengers are now actively replacing SMS. Because they are cheaper, more convenient, allow you to use a large number of emoticons and stickers; supported by most modern phones; The apps have a video call feature. Another feature of such applications is that they show whether your interlocutor is online or offline.

What does the status in Viber mean online and offline - today we decided to talk about this.

What are statuses for and how they are displayed

Viber provides two user statuses: online and offline. They are needed so that you can see if the interlocutor is available for communication at the moment and can decide whether to write / call in the messenger or choose another method of communication. Agree, waiting for a response from a person, not knowing whether he received your message, is not very pleasant.

The status is displayed differently, depending on what mode the application is in:

  • Background or the application is disabled - the inscription “Online: X h. X. min. back".
  • Active - the viber shows that the person is online.

You need to look in the upper left corner of the dialog box.

Network settings in Viber: possible options

The included messenger always works, regardless of whether we use it or not. Only the status changes:

  • "Online". The application is active. Your interlocutor is right now in the application, writing or reading messages. At such a moment, you can count on a quick response: the likelihood that the message will be read right there is great.
  • Online: X h. X min. back". Application in the background. Enabled, but your opponent is currently not using it. Messages are delivered, calls go through, alerts are triggered immediately. Let's say a friend is absent for 1 minute. The status will look like this: “Online: 1 min. ago”, which means that there was last activity in the viber on the network 1 minute ago. If the recipient's phone is in the visibility/hearing range, then he will immediately know what they wrote to him.
  • "Offline". Currently, this status is not used. Previously, this meant that the messenger was disabled, or the phone could not connect to the Internet. Messages and calls do not go through. But now, even if a person has not been online for a long time, the application will show something like: “Online: more than a month ago”

Pay attention to the inscription under the message. "Delivered" changes to "viewed" after the message is read by the addressee.

Doesn't show online status

The messenger switches on the modes described above automatically, depending on the situation. If Viber does not show the status of your interlocutor on the network, then the friend preferred to hide them.

If necessary, you can do the same. For example, if you don't want contacts on your list to see that you're online, you can change the settings to permanently offline. True, this can only be done from the phone. The version of the application installed on the computer does not display the required settings.

  • Go to settings.
  • Select the "Privacy" section.
  • Uncheck the box next to "Online".
  • Done, now Viber does not show online status.

Therefore, if the right person is constantly offline, it does not mean at all that the messenger is disabled for him. Perhaps he intentionally hides information, so it is not visible in the viber when he was online.

Remember: if you or your friend hide their online status, then you, in turn, will not be able to see this information from your interlocutors.