The speakers on the computer do not work, how to turn it on. Why the sound disappears in the speaker and microphone The microphone does not work on the computer, how to connect

The speaker and microphone are the most important components of a mobile smartphone. It is impossible to ignore the failure of this module. If the microphone on the phone does not work, then the owner of the equipment simply loses the ability to communicate with the outside world. Usually, with such breakdowns, the interlocutor may not hear you at all or hear you only partially. Instead of you, any noises and extraneous sounds may be heard.

Adjustment and adjustment at the same time, do not lead to any result. We'll have to look for the problem in other directions.

If the microphone suddenly stopped working on your device, then you need to try to understand what exactly the breakdown is. Consider the most likely situations:

  • You are hard to hear. This suggests that everything works, but the sound itself is heavily distorted. Usually the reason lies in the obstacles that interfere with the normal passage of sound waves. Most likely, the sound pickup is clogged (a small hole on the body). We clean the sound guide channel and try to communicate with the interlocutor. Perhaps this will fix the problem.
  • The sound cuts out intermittently. This means that there is a bad connection in the system. This happens under the influence of moisture or if one of the wires is too oxidized. The reason may be in poor-quality soldering, after a previous repair. In any case, it will be possible to solve such a breakdown only in the workshop.
  • Perhaps the part has completely broken down and the module assembly will have to be changed.
  • The microphone does not work in a certain program. This can be encountered in applications such as Skype, Whatsapp, Tango, Viber. Most likely, the problem is in the operation of a certain program.
  • Operating system problems. The gadget mistakenly believes that a headset is connected and tries to record sound from a non-existent microphone. You can try to clean the device from some applications or even reset everything to factory settings.

To find out what the breakdown is: in the OS or in the hardware, plug in the headset. If the sound recording on the headset is functioning normally, then the problem is in the smartphone.

Moisture exposure

A common problem is the ingress of liquid into the device. In this case, moisture may have entered the headphone jack along with the microphone. Then, even with the headset turned off, the smartphone may show that the headphones are on. Fixing the problem on your own will be quite difficult. The standard folk method of drying with a hair dryer will only accelerate damage to the circuit boards by dispersing moisture through the gadget. In this case, it is best to immediately contact the service center.

Software failure

The cause of the malfunction may be a banal software failure. Try to update the gadget by connecting it to a PC. If you have access to the network, you can carry out online updates. If there is a new version of the software, you should immediately install it. If there is a problem with updates, you should contact the workshop, the memory chip may have burned out.

Microphone Replacement

If the problem has not been fixed, then perhaps there is no contact somewhere inside or the part itself is damaged. Before proceeding with the replacement process, you need to find a working microphone. You can look for it in service centers or at a flea market. It is not recommended to start replacing a part without relevant experience.

What will be required

A very common case is poor soldering of smartphone contacts and even mechanical damage. In any case, it will not be possible to do without disassembling the device. For disassembly you need:

  • Phillips screwdriver.
  • Flat screwdriver.
  • Soldering iron and everything else for soldering (solder and rosin).
  • Stationery knife.

You can start the replacement process. For this you need:

  • Remove the back cover, dismantle the battery, flash and SIM cards.
  • Using screwdrivers, find the screws and unscrew them.
  • Very carefully remove the parts of the case that block our access to the board. After that, you need to find a microphone, it is small and round, it looks like a small tablet and is attached with a thin cable. For him, there is usually a special groove in the case.
  • We get the broken part. Solder it as carefully as possible and install a new one in its place. This should fix the crash.
  • Now we assemble the gadget very carefully, trying not to lose a single screw.


Perhaps all the problems are related to the fact that the speaker is faulty, which was to blame for the sound problems. In about half of the cases, you should not try to climb inside the smartphone on your own. It is better to contact the service center.


The speakers on the computer do not work, what should I do? This question is asked by novice computer users. In this article, we will discuss several ways to adjust the sound that will help you avoid this problem.

How to set up sound on a computer, general information

Hello, friends! The problem with the sound on the computer occurs both for experienced users and for beginners as well. How to set up sound on a computer? First you need to find out the reason why this problem occurred.

First of all, check the sound volume. To do this, find the sound volume icon in the lower right part. Usually on all computers, it looks like a loudspeaker icon. Click on it to see if the sound feature is enabled. If everything is fine, then the icon is displayed, in blue, and you can increase the volume by a few percent. (Picture 1).

As practice shows, this is the most common cause of sound problems. But, and further information will be considered that will help you find out for what reason the speakers on the computer do not work.

There is an option that solves the bug fix with sound. Let's look at it in more detail. But, first you need to sort out for what reasons, such a failure occurs with sound. There are really a lot of them:

  • sound is not turned on;
  • virus programs are launched;
  • outdated sound card;
  • driver updates required;
  • you need to reinstall your computer system.

You also need to carefully look at which of the listed problems prevents the sound device from working normally. In practice, you can do it like this. If the speakers on your computer are not working, open the volume menu. To do this, click on the sound icon and select the item - recording devices.

Then you will see a menu where you need to find the playback tab. It is in this section that you can turn on the speakers. Repeat all the same similar steps, and turn on the speaker. (Figure 2).

I hope this way of turning on the speakers helped you.

Headphones not working on computer

Headphones may not work for the same reason as speakers. Simply turn on your audio playback device through the soundbar. As shown above, in a similar way.

But, well, do not forget that nothing lasts forever. If you have been using the headphones for a long time, there is a possibility that the wires may become disconnected. And this, by the way, happens quite often.

The microphone does not work on the computer, how to connect

A microphone is also an important and additional device for a computer. Especially, it is necessary for those people who earn through the Internet. For example, if the user

It may seem that the topic of this article does not deserve a detailed analysis. After all, what can you tell about a broken speaker or microphone? But in fact, this problem is not only relevant, such a breakdown is one of the most common reasons for contacting a service center. And Chinese devices are especially susceptible to it, whose manufacturers often save on such small, but very important details. Let's figure out what's what.


Microphone- an element of the telephone that converts the sound of a voice into an electrical signal. Often located at the bottom or front-bottom of the phone. From the outside, it looks like a hole with a diameter of about 0.5 mm. Sometimes it can be covered with a mesh.

Noise reduction microphone- an auxiliary element, the main function of which is to assess the noise in the environment in order to subsequently adjust the sensitivity of the main microphone. Also, the noise reduction microphone can pick up sound during video recording. Not used on all models. Such a microphone is located either in the back-upper part of the phone, or on the upper end of the case.

Conversational speaker (or speaker) - a speaker that reproduces the voice of your interlocutor.

Polyphonic speaker (or buzzer) - a speaker used to play a ringtone, play the sound of audio and video files.

Do not you hear me- the most common reason for contacting a service center, which characterizes any problems with sound (a broken microphone, speaker), or an unplayable melody.

You probably understood that the last term is trolling, but not without a grain of truth. Often, when a client turns to us for help, it is extremely difficult for him to explain what exactly happened to his phone. Don't believe? Let's do an experiment. Pick any of the sound related problems and try explaining to someone you know what's wrong with your phone. Chances are you won't succeed the first time. A lot of questions will follow, who does not hear whom. Does the sound disappear when you call, or when they call you? When they call you, there is a melody, or it is not, and so on. Therefore, it will be useful to understand how the breakdowns of the components responsible for the sound differ, what are their causes and whether it is possible to fix them at home.

Microphone breakdowns

With such malfunctions, the phone is not able to convert the sound of your voice into an electronic signal and, as a result, the interlocutor cannot hear you. To diagnose a microphone problem, you need to start the recorder and try to record any test sound. If after playing the recording you hear silence, then the problem is with the microphone. It should be noted that you should not use video recording for the test - the camera can use the noise reduction microphone, and not just the main microphone.

Why the microphone stops working or does not work well:
1. Hit the hole in the microphoneforeign object. As I already wrote, from the outside the microphone looks like a hole with a diameter of about 0.5 mm. If you have problems with sound and the interlocutor complains that you are either not heard at all, or heard as if you are talking through a pillow, do not rush to panic. Perhaps a grain of sand or some other object blocked the passage of the microphone. To check, it is enough to visually assess the cleanliness of the hole. To fix this problem, clean the microphone opening with a dry toothbrush. Never use vodka, alcohol or any other solution, as they contain water and in addition to problems with the microphone, you may face the consequences . Also, do not use needles, pins and toothpicks. They can pierce the microphone membrane or, if you are using a protected phone, pierce the semi-permeable membrane and deprive your phone of moisture protection.

2. Noise reduction error. Above, I talked about the noise reduction microphone and its function. If your phone has such an element and when talking you accidentally cover it with your finger (or you have a habit of talking on the phone by pressing it to your shoulder), the phone thinks that you are in a very quiet room and significantly reduces the sensitivity of the main microphone. The interlocutor hears you either loudly or very quietly, depending on how tightly you close the additional microphone. You can fix the problem by changing the manner of speaking on the phone or programmatically by turning off the auxiliary microphone in the menu (unfortunately, not all models have this option).

3. Microphone aiming.This problem is typical for Chinese copies of phones, but it can also occur with branded devices. During a conversation, a high-frequency buzzing appears, reminiscent of the reaction of a radio receiver when talking on a mobile phone near it. There may be several reasons for this problem. The first is the poor quality of the microphone itself, it can only be solved by replacing the component. But the second reason you can try to fix at home. It's about software calibration of the microphone. For all phones on MTK processors, you can do it manually from the engineering menu. How this is done, I will tell in one of the following articles.

4. Connected headset.One of the likely causes of a non-working microphone may be a “sticky” headset connection sensor. Its immediate function is to switch the sound from the phone to the headset when it is connected. In some cases, this sensor does not return to its original position when the headphones are disconnected and the phone continues to think that they are connected, translating the sound into “emptiness”. The display shows the connected headset. The reasons for such a malfunction may be moisture, mechanical damage to the headphone jack and hardware failure. The first two problems are fixed only in the service center, and the last one can be removed by reconnecting the headset. If after that the indication has disappeared, and the phone has improved, then you and your phone are in luck. By the way, when the headset sensor is stuck, not only the microphone does not work, but also the earpiece speaker, since its sound is also transferred to the “virtual headset”.

5. Microphone hardware failure. This is the case when you simply cannot do without a service center. If anyone is interested in the reasons for such breakdowns, write in the comments - I will tell you more.

Breakdown of the conversational speaker

Why does the conversational speaker stop working or does not work well:

1. “Stuck” mesh speaker. The problem is characterized by a sharp deterioration in the sound in the speaker, but not its complete absence. Sometimes the sound from the back of the phone seems louder than the front. No matter how clean a person is, physiological discharge from the ears in the form of earwax is still present. Over time, it accumulates on the mesh and, mixed with dust, prevents the passage of sound. It is difficult to clean the mesh yourself, as manufacturers usually make them multi-layered - it will not work to remove dirt with a simple brush. But there is a temporary solution. I would not want to voice it here, since in inept hands this advice can do more harm than help, but still I’ll take a chance - you need to pierce the speaker mesh with a pin in several places to a depth of no more than 0.5 mm !!! It is only necessary to pass through the fibers of the mesh and in no case damage the speaker that is behind it. If the sound has improved - you are lucky, if it disappeared altogether, then you overdid it with depth. Let me remind you that this is a temporary solution, and very soon you will either have to repeat the procedure, or still contact the service center.

2. “Auto mechanic’s illness”. Any speaker is a membrane, a magnet and a coil. If your work is related to metal processing, for example, you use a grinder or grindstone, then metal chips settle on the speaker membrane, preventing it from moving freely. The speaker acquires a “metallic” sound, becomes quieter, or stops working altogether. You can fix the problem by disassembling the phone and collecting metal shavings with a more powerful magnet. It is problematic to do this at home, and the already damaged membrane does not always return to its original properties. The ideal solution to the problem is to replace the speaker, followed by a recommendation not to use the phone in places where there is an excess of small metal particles in the air.

3. Connected headset. As I wrote above, a sticky headset connection sensor can disable the speaker in tandem with a non-working microphone.

4. Departed contact. Most speakers are connected to the board with spring contacts. If the phone fell and a gap formed in the upper part of the case, it is possible that the speaker contacts have come off. In the event of such a breakdown during a conversation, you do not hear the interlocutor, but when you press in the upper part of the case, the sound appears. It is worth fixing the problem in a service center, but you can simply wrap the phone with tape - proceed from whether you are ready to sacrifice the aesthetics of the device.

5. Protective film. An improperly pasted protective film can cover the speaker slot, thereby deteriorating its sound. I think how to fix this problem, I do not have to tell.

6. Hardware breakdowns. By analogy with a microphone, I propose to discuss this topic in the comments.

Breakdown of the polyphonic speaker

Buzzer breakdowns are in many ways similar to similar breakdowns of a conversational speaker. Parts can also fail due to metal shavings and when dropped, their contacts move away from the board. Therefore, I will focus on breakdowns peculiar only to buzzers:

1. Mechanical damage to the board-to-board cable. Many modern touchscreen phones consist of two boards. One of them is the main (maternal), and the second is auxiliary. On the second board, as a rule, there are such elements as a microphone, a buzzer, a charging socket, and an antenna. These boards are connected to each other by means of an interboard cable. If it is damaged, the components of the auxiliary board stop working. Such a breakdown is complex and along with a non-working speaker, you will receive a non-working charging socket and a microphone.

2. Resonator defect- some of our customers complain not about the missing sound in the speaker, but about its poor quality. The fact is that in order to achieve high-quality and loud sound, it is not enough for a manufacturer to put a good speaker. It is necessary to create a special resonator - a box, reflected from the walls of which, the sound increases its volume and improves the purity of the sound. For the resonator, the integrity of the walls is very important. If they are deformed or damaged, the sound quality deteriorates sharply. Such breakdowns appear most often after poor-quality replacement of the speaker.

Here, perhaps, are all the possible problems with sound that I wanted to talk about in this article. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments, and I will definitely answer them.