Linking secrets. Correct internal linking of pages - conclusions

Warm greetings to everyone! Today's post is dedicated to a very important matter in optimizing web resources for any blogger or SEO. Correct internal linking of site pages - the topic of my detailed guide on what it is, what it is for, and how to do it correctly on your site. Earlier I wrote a number of articles on this topic, where I described basic concepts, a universal pattern, basic schemes and my little experiment. More than 4 months have passed since then and I decided to return to this important topic. This time you will find some useful and useful theory and a practical manual on how to do everything in the best way.

Internal site linking - tasks

Using a competent linking of your web resource, every blogger or site owner solves a number of important tasks to influence internal and behavioral factors. Every such moment is important for successful search engine promotion. I will list the most basic issues that can be solved with the help of the correct internal linking of the site:

  1. Full indexing of your site or blog. Everything is simple here - the search robot crawls through more pages when indexing than without them. Because the task of the robot is to scan one document - it will certainly capture, in addition to the given one, others (posts, records, etc.), which are visible using internal links to the original.
  2. Improving the usability of the web resource. The more we influence behavioral factors, using extensive internal linking of pages, the better is the impact on behavioral factors when ranking the site. A visitor, following internal links, lingers more on his pages. And much less often comes back to the search.
  3. Increasing the page weight of the site. The more different internal links there are on a web resource, the more weight each page can end up with. When generating the results of issuance, the weight of the document is small, but still important. And with the same other parameters, the higher will be a site with a higher weight. With the help of schemes of competent linking, you can strengthen the target documents, transferring them more weight than others (not so important).
  4. Successful website promotion in a low-competitive niche. With the help of proper internal linking, you can easily promote landing pages in search engines for low-competitive MF and LF queries. This is especially true for young blogs and web resources that, due to their young age, cannot use promotion methods by purchasing external links. It is enough to correctly make a competent linking by key queries, using all the wisdom of text optimization, and with a high probability, in a month after indexing, promoted documents will be in the top 10.

I have listed the main tasks that can be solved with the help of competent site linking. There are a number of other questions, but they already follow from the ones listed above. Now let's consider the very scheme of interaction of documents of a web resource.

Page linking scheme

When a visitor clicks on any link, he goes to another section of the site - a completely different page opens. An internal link acts as a bridge between the first page and the second. Its text (anchor) pushes the reader to receive other information. It can complement the text or differ in meaning, but it is by reading the anchor that the visitor makes his own conclusion - to click on the link or not. To promote a web resource or blog in search engines, it is extremely important to correctly create both the transition from one document to another, and to compose an anchor. In the following image, you will see a typical link from one page to another, taking into account all the ranking factors.

According to the picture from page A, which is promoted by its key query "promotion methods", the visitor goes to document B. The transition bridge is a link with the anchor word "search promotion", which is the keyword for page B. As you can see, each document has its own title , which contains the passphrase in the exact occurrence. It is this scheme that is used for internal linking of the site (without taking into account the dilution of the anchor). On page B there is another link with the anchor "blog promotion in Yandex", which already leads further to the third document of the web resource.

The links themselves can be opened in the same browser window, or in a separate one (using the target = "_blank" attribute of the a tag). On my blog, almost all internal links open a separate window so that the visitor does not get confused with the information, does not forget it, etc.

Linking options

There are various ways to internally link a site. Each of them has its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at them.

Automatic internal linking

This is an option for creating transitions, in which links are placed to various sections of the site, using its structure. For example, many bloggers use breadcrumbs by using a plugin or adding their own code. Here is an example of such a variant of page interaction on my blog (in the previous version of the old template):

Anchor text is taken from various tags, and the links themselves are at the beginning of the page. Let's see the pros and cons of this option for internal linking:

  • installation is not difficult for any blogger or webmaster;
  • the time of the process itself is very short (installed the plugin and everything worked);
  • excellent navigation on the site (the visitor can always go back to the heading or to the main page);
  • with such linking, behavioral factors improve;
  • the anchor text is duplicated with the text of the donor tag;
  • does not promote landing pages as much as manual linking.

There is also a semi-automatic linking option, when the webmaster needs to write the anchor text himself. This greatly improves the promotion task. Of the latest innovations that help to link the site, I would note the WP Smart Linker plugin by Sergey Pervushin. I used to have a block with internal links created by this plugin on many documents. I wrote their anchors myself. Only pages of certain headings were linked. (Now I don't use this plugin because I do everything manually).

Manual internal linking

Well, everything is clear here - no automatic plugins for you, we do everything ourselves, with our own hands. Therefore, let's go straight to the positive and negative:

  • the best way to promote low-frequency and mid-range queries on low-competitive topics;
  • each link has a unique anchor (of course, if the webmaster is not too lazy);
  • the only way you can control the weight of documents;
  • all internal links are in the text of a post or article, which improves their click-through rate by visitors (behavioral factors improve);
  • long and tedious process.

On my own behalf, I can add one more plus - during the internal manual linking of the site, all sorts of creative thoughts often come up. 🙂 In general, I recommend!

Competent linking of the site - manual way

It's time to consider all the stages of manual competent site linking. Each stage is important in itself, so the exclusion of a point from the whole process is highly undesirable. Any correct linking requires a webmaster or blogger to strictly follow the rules, take into account every little detail and the skills of meticulously filling in statistics. Now everything is in order.

New site... Everything is very simple here. For correct internal linking, you need to put a link to other previous pages with an anchor on a new post or article, in the text of which the key request must be found. Accordingly, links to a new document are placed from the previous documents of the web resource. The main thing is not to make mistakes when compiling the text of the anchor. With the gradual addition of new pages, the webmaster must link the new text with the old ones. All links should come from the text of the article in paragraphs, and not as separate chunks in the document. Thus, on the one hand, the visitor is given to understand the importance of the transition as a source of additional information, and on the other hand, it shows its naturalness (that is, it is not an ad unit).

The most important thing when compiling anchors in a competent site linking is not repeating them. Each link text must be unique, including the main query or an additional keyword in a diluted form. Once I use the anchor text as the exact match of the keyword. All other link texts are completely different sentences with keywords. They can include a different number of words - from two to seven (did not do it anymore).

Old site. For each of my new posts, I put links in the text to the old pages. But I do not always look at previous posts or articles in order to add internal transitions to strengthen the new article. It takes a lot of time - every time you have to look at all previously written posts and select texts for them for anchor text. Therefore, I do a competent manual linking once a month when new posts are indexed. If a page is not promoted in search engines, then it does not receive internal links from other documents. If I need to link to a non-target page in the text, I close the link from indexing.

So, manual correct site linking is a detailed plan (I use it from the beginning of 2013 to the present day).

Scanning the current site linking

First, you need to view the indexed pages and write out the following data (see figure):

It is necessary to write the keyword of each document on which it is promoted (main query), the text of the anchors of internal links and the keywords of the pages to which these links go. When all indexed documents have been viewed, it is necessary to calculate the number of internal links going to each and write down. A record with all the data can be made in such cells as in the figure, or it can be done in the form of a regular Excel table.

When all the pages of the web resource have been viewed, it is necessary to put aside all the data on non-promoted documents for now. They are our resource for transferring weight to landing pages. In theory, there should be few of them, because every SEO or advanced blogger wants to promote their sites in search engines and therefore try not to write non-thematic posts or articles.

Checking the relevance of landing pages

Now that the base for all target documents has been collected, it is necessary to check their relevance. New posts after indexing are ranked in search engines and get their places in the SERP. It happens that due to some webmaster errors or incorrect previous internal linking, new site documents are irrelevant to the key request. It seems that all the tags are spelled out, the headers are filled in correctly, and a completely different page of the site hangs by the keyword in the search. Therefore, before competent linking, you need to check the relevance of the pages and correct all the shortcomings.

To achieve this goal, we will use the service ( and check the positions of target indexed documents by their key queries. The beauty of the service is that working very quickly (usually 10-15 seconds for 30 keywords at once), it shows the url of each relevant page. Our task is to compare them with the promoted ones. If not, then optimization errors need to be corrected. For example, I checked a number of positions on my blog:

Selection of site pages for competent linking

Now that we have checked all the landing pages, we need to add weight to them for promotion. I usually try to make sure that at least 7 other documents are linked to every promoted post and article on my blog. Let's say, after our checking and collecting all the data, several pages have very little weight - they are referenced by 2-3 other documents. Therefore, we must also find on the site a couple of pages for each and write an internal link with an anchor on them, the text of which will also include the keyword in a diluted form. The only question is how to find these additional documents quickly and efficiently.

but) manual way ... To do this, you need to go to the Yandex search engine and set a request to determine the relevant pages for this key request. Select the best documents from the entire list of received links, and the anchor text will be contained in the selected words in the snippet. For example, in the following picture, you will see the most relevant posts on my blog for the query "competitor analysis":

In the first place is the link to the most relevant page (underlined with a red line). Usually, with proper internal optimization, it matches the one that is promoted by the key query. Next are the transitions of those documents that are less relevant for the keyword. From these documents, we select those who will become donors for our promoted page. It can be seen from the figure that all five additional posts have my key query (competitor analysis) in their text and each can be a donor. Let's say I only need two and I take the next pair of documents after the most relevant one on request. In snippets, the search engine already shows the places where you can make an internal transition (underlined with a blue line). It is enough to take these selected areas into the body of the anchors, add the adjacent words and the links are ready.

In this way, all possible donors for landing pages with a small number of external links from their site are checked. The disadvantage of this method is that if there are many such documents, then this process will take plenty of time.

b) automatic way ... For users of the unique program for collecting the semantic core Key Collector, the donor selection process will take very little time. First, you need to add to the program all the keywords of the pages being promoted, with which we will look for other donors for links. Next, you need to start the process of collecting recommendations from the Yandex search engine for internal linking based on the issue. Enter the address of your site or blog, select the region of promotion and press the button (see figure):

After 5-10 minutes, we get a list of the same posts that are relevant to all the requests we set (the picture is clickable):

As you can see from the figure, the web resources selected by the program are exactly the same with the same snippets as in the manual method (I would be surprised if it were different 🙂).

Creating an internal linking site

The last point remains - the process of internal linking of the site itself. Having all the data on the target documents (key request, donor pages), you need to add links with key requests on the selected posts. It is important that the anchor text contains a search query, and the internal linking itself is done according to the above-written scheme. You can add a number of internal transitions from non-promoted pages to strengthen targeted ones.

When the work is completed, it is advisable to enter all the data in one table, so that in the future it will be easier to track various parameters of keywords and it is easier to check the relevance of the target documents. For example, I use this table to check the positions of promoted posts for key queries of the semantic core of my blog.

The table contains the following points: keywords of my core, their basic and exact frequency, quality of words, the number of internal links to the promoted page, its address, title of the page, its position in Yandex and Google, KEI of the request. Having such data in front of my eyes, I always see for which key query my blog is sagging, whether the document is currently in the search results, whether the quality of the search query has improved, etc.

So, for the manual correct internal linking of the site, you need to do the following activities:

  1. Scan the current linking of a web resource.
  2. Check relevance of landing pages.
  3. Select donor pages.
  4. Create new internal links based on Yandex recommendations.

As you can see, the process of creating a website link is an important stage for a successful SEO-website promotion. And besides, it is quite laborious - you have to do many repetitive actions, take into account various points.

Bonus - my scheme for using internal links

As an auxiliary material, to make it easier for you, dear readers, to do internal linking for your projects, I offer one practical seo cheat sheet. In it, I reveal my practices of working with internal links in the process of creating a link. Namely:

  • what rules do I take into account when creating internal transitions;
  • how do I relink new and old pages;
  • how I check the clickability of the created internal links.

This completes my guide and a small educational program on the internal competent linking of the site. I would be glad to receive your comments or additions to the text of this post. I am sure that many readers of my blog are familiar with this important method of internal optimization.Can you share your secret?

Good afternoon, readers of my blog! Today I will tell you in detail about the linking of your site. I'll tell you why I decided to write an article on such a topic, because, before I still did not understand what it was, I was looking for information on the Internet, but I never found a specific article about it, all piece by piece, but from personal experience I still figured out how and what! And now I will try to tell you, in understandable language, step by step and with pictures.

What is site linking?

On the Internet there are many definitions of what is manual linking of a site (linking pages), but I will tell it in my own words - it is done in order to link pages, articles of the site with each other to increase the weight and positions in the search results of the promoted article. I drew a linking diagram to make it clearer:

Such a simple scheme, but do not rush to quit reading this article and go sticking links from article to article! Now it is very important to figure out the correct linking of pages is being done.

Important! In order for manual internal linking to be useful, you need at least 5 pages to be of similar topics and to be in the index of search engines! Why you will understand further.

How to make the correct linking of pages?

I will not beat around the bush, but I will show you how I did the linking:

Be careful, I chose only real pages with text content and mentioning the right word!

In the editor of the article, select the desired word and click on the button:

This is the way I use manual linking on my blog site!

What results did the site linking bring to me?

After I made an internal linking, the position of the site in the search results began to grow! I monitor the site through the Allposition service (I recommend, when registering, they give a bonus of 1000 on the account (100 rubles), this was enough for me for a month, then I replenished the account because a really useful service, I will definitely tell you about it), see the site's positions themselves began to grow when I linked all pages of the site through linking schemes, see for yourself (the picture is clickable):

You can see for yourself that the positions go up and there are visits for key queries!

I register a new article in trust sites, registering the Url of the page and not the whole blog! The number of sites is about 10 is better than 20, you do not lose anything, you increase the TIC and get direct links to articles, some SEO bloggers say that this is all nonsense, that the links start working only after 3 months, until I can argue with them, I just I'm experimenting, in 3-4 months we'll see who is right. Of course, I always listen to and respect the opinion of other bloggers, but still you need to try to do something of your own, suddenly there will be an effect who knows

Plugin for internal site linking - I'm against it!

I have always been for a minimum of plugins for a wordpress site, since I consider fewer plugins - less load on hosting - faster site work! Perhaps in the future I will change my point of view, but now I still think so. It has always been and will remain the best method of linking it manually!

That's all dear friends! Subscribe to the articles of my blog, your comments are very important, which you can leave below. Thank you for your attention! Best regards, Dmitry!

Good day, dear readers.
Two more months ago, on May 24, I wrote about. The topic is very interesting, and I wanted to develop it. Therefore, the plan for this article is as follows:

  1. Repetition is the mother of learning - What is linking
  2. Linking scheme

What is linking

So, let's repeat what interlinking is. The answer to this question is contained in the title itself. Relinking is the Russified meaning of the word link, which means not only "link", but also "linking." Those. linking is linking. What with what?

Linking web pages to each other by means of links. This linking (interlinking) can be both within one site - internal linking, and the linking of different sites - external linking. This article will focus primarily on internal linking. But the main thing is to grasp the essence and much will become clearer.

How did this concept arise, and why was it all invented?
In the last article about promotion in search engines, I wrote,. The determining factor in the ranking of sites are links with anchor text. Each such link informs the search robot that a specific article is relevant (corresponds) to a specific query.

Also, one of the important factors that follows from the previous statement is the static page weight. For a search robot, each page on the Internet has its own static weight, which increases as the link mass increases, i.e. the more links there are on a particular page, the greater its static weight. This static weight also matters when ranking sites in search engines.

So, to summarize the above,

linking Is the linking of web pages with links to increase the relevance for certain queries and to increase the static page weight.

Many people have questions, what is a competent or correct linking.

Correct and competent linking

In general, correct or competent linking is that linking, with the help of which pages are promoted by search queries. But how to understand, how to make the linking correctly. In this we will try to figure it out.

So, we found out that there are two components in linking: anchor and static weight. They are tightly intertwined, but because with the anchor, more or less, everything is clear, then with the static weight it is more difficult. And in order to clearly understand how to correctly link site pages, you need to focus on the static page weight and find out what it is and how it works.

So, when a new page appears on the Internet, it doesn't matter whether it is within the site or independent. While there are no links to it for the search engine, it has a minimum weight. As soon as a link appears to it, internal or external, the weight of the newborn page immediately begins to increase due to the flow of weight from the page that referred to it.

Let's try to think logically. If the static weight of the page increases with each link, and link anchors inform on what requests certain pages should be shown, then logically it can be assumed that there should be more links to the pages that you want to promote in the search results and always with anchors. In principle, this is so, but with one very important addition.

Each link transfers part of its static weight not once, but constantly. Those. by placing a link from article 1 to article 2, the weight will be transferred continuously. If an external link appears on article 1, then the static page weight of article 1 will increase, which means that more weight will begin to be transferred to the page with article 2.

Therefore, we turn on the logic and understand that if we refer to the promoted articles, and the transfer of weight through links to them ends, then they will constantly be fueled by new weight, increase it, but they will not share it with anyone. And the pages that referenced them will always be only guides. And the weight that will be received from the outside will be given to those articles where the transfer of weight stops.

Or imagine another situation, when you referred to the promoted page, and there is one external link from it, then it turns out that the weight that you accumulated for the promoted page will flow through one external link, i.e. the weight will go to someone else's site.

Therefore, with competent linking, it is necessary not only to refer to the promoted articles, but to make sure that all the weight that is concentrated in these articles after passing through other internal pages of the site returns to them again, but with increased weight. And in no case went to an external site. Those. all internal links of the site must be looped back.

Summing up these considerations, we can confidently answer the question: What is the correct competent linking?

Correct linking- this is the linking of pages with links in such a way that all static weight is distributed within one site or within the network of sites (if we talk about external linking), and does not go to third-party sites.

From all of the above, let us single out the basic rules for linking pages.

Re-linking pages - basic rules

1. It is necessary to constantly refer to promoted articles.
2. It is necessary to link in such a way that keywords-queries are in the link anchor.
3. A good effect will be obtained from a link from an old article that already has static weight and authority for the search engine.
4. It is necessary that there are no external links from the promoted pages.
5. If there are external links on the promoted page (especially important for blogs), then distribute the weight to your own internal pages.
6. From the promoted pages, you can and should link to your internal pages, but in such a way that after going around a certain circle within the site, all the weight again returns to the promoted page increased.
7. It follows from the previous point - to loop the internal pages of the site so that the static weight remains inside the site, flowing from one page to another, thereby constantly increasing.
8. The more internal pages of the site, the greater the effect of linking.
But many are worried about this question, well, show at least one linking scheme.

Linking scheme

In general, there are many different schemes on the network. They are all the same, so I see no reason to steal pictures or paint something anew. Everything has long been done before us and for us. I would recommend the article Explained Page Rank. This article is quite old, but still relevant for understanding how the static weight is distributed on the pages of the site. It presents the main schemes for linking site pages: hierarchical, cyclic and extensive linking. Much that I described to you, I learned from this article.

Also, for this article I found a small note on one forum, which is also useful for reading.

In general, I want to express my personal opinion about the schemes. In my opinion, there is no need to clearly follow any patterns when it comes to internal linking, especially with regard to blogs. The main thing is to keep in mind the rules that I described above. To do for people, for their convenience.

If you have conceived an article, and it is meaningfully related to other articles, and links from it are appropriate to other articles, or vice versa, links to a new article from old articles are appropriate, then this should definitely be used. It will be convenient for the reader, it will be useful for increasing the static weight of other pages, it will be useful for promoting certain search queries.

And don't think that old articles are not indexed by search engines. Search robots constantly index sites, especially those pages that are in high positions in the search results and have sufficient weight and authority for the search engine.

Automatic or manual linking

Above, I wrote that it is necessary to put links to your own articles when it is appropriate and may be convenient for the readers. And I believe that the manual method gives the greatest effect from the linking of the pages of the site, tk. done deliberately, links are inside the article, which is more like search engines. But, of course, there are also automatic ways to link pages.

These include installing special scripts or linking plugins. For each engine there are ready-made solutions that can be easily found on the Internet.

With the help of plugins and scripts, a list of related articles appears at the end of the article. But it doesn’t always turn out that the articles on this list are the ones that are most relevant, since all plugins and scripts display related articles based on the shortcuts you assign.

Therefore, I believe that the effect of such scripts and plugins is less than from manual deliberate linking of pages. But, on the other hand, they have an additional effect - they keep readers on your blog.

Update June 14, 2011.
The correctness of the linking done on the site can be checked using special programs. I wrote an article about one of them.
Good luck with your promotion.

The most important thing in linking is to be clicked on. Unclickable links don't work. If you don't agree, get out of here.

What is linking

Re-linking is the placement of links within the site from one page to another. But if you give a simple definition, in a broader sense, it is the creation of the structure of the link links of the site in such a way as to maximize the ease of navigation on the site. The word itself comes from the English. "Link", which means "connection, link, link".

Linking goals

The ultimate goal of linking is to increase site traffic (although sometimes it is used to improve indexing). That is, if you made a link and your attendance did not grow, you put several hours (or days, depending on which scheme you work) into the pipe. And what are the means to achieve this goal?

  • Convenient navigation. First of all, end-to-end blocks should be the most convenient.
  • A block of similar entities. Usually these are "Related Articles" or "Similar Products". It is important that similar entities are automatically selected in the best possible way.
  • Contextual links. It is necessary to offer the user a link where it is appropriate and interesting to him. Subject anchors within the same material help the visitor to quickly go to similar articles in order to expand the topic more deeply and find more answers to the questions of interest. Also, links allow you to navigate the site without wasting time. This has a good effect on behavioral factors, increasing the time a user spends on the site and increasing his activity.
  • At the end of the article, you can add in text "We also recommend reading:" and a link to a similar article.

The concept of internal linking means not only the work of linking html documents with links, but also the redistribution of the link mass among the target pages in order to give them more weight. That is, the goal may not be to increase traffic in general, but to increase traffic to individual pages.

Look at the click map to see which end-to-end blocks on your site are not clicked at all. Replace them with others to increase your browsing depth and time on the site.

Competent construction of internal page linking affects ranking and behavioral factors. Here is a video description of this concept from SiteClinic:

When should you link?

There is no need to figure it out right away when a new design has just been rolled out or pages have been designed. Re-linking is “finishing off” the site / requests to the top. That is, when it became clear that some of the requests could not be brought to the top by titles, texts, design and functionality, then we finish them off with the help of linking. Those requests that are already in the top, it makes no sense to finish off.

The general point is that the more links from the page, the less the weight of each of them.

What are the links?

All links are technically divided into two parts: anchor and non-anchor. Non-anchor links are such links:, and anchor ones are like this:. You can set up manually, although, for example, in wordpress there are many convenient functional plugins for this, which greatly simplify the work.

Correct linking also implies 3 types of links:

  1. contextual;
  2. navigational;
  3. bread.

Each type represents a specific scheme, focused on certain results. Now let's look at each option in more detail.


Such links are placed along the "body" of the text in the context of the topic covered in the article. They have to be installed mainly by hand, but this is perhaps their only drawback. There are special plugins for WordPress that allow you to automatically place contextual links, but the quality is poor.

Here you need to be moderate, not to make too many contextual links within the same text. You should also distribute them evenly across the page. It is this type of links that most of all affects the depth of user browsing. You can check their effectiveness by the time the user spends on the resource. Next, I'll tell you about the old-fashioned way of putting them down.


You can arrange such blocks using scripts or widgets. The disadvantage of this type of links is that they have less weight in comparison with contextual ones.

"Bread crumbs"

Breadcrumbs refer to the navigation structure of a resource. They help the user not to get lost on the site and always see their location. Using breadcrumbs, you can go back to the url from which the transition to the following began.

Such an unusual name in the terminology of site-building comes from the fairy tale of the brothers Grimm "Gretel and Hansel", who were able to find their way back home through the bread crumbs scattered earlier.

Breadcrumbs "take" the page weight into categories, if anything. If articles or product cards are being promoted, then it is better to remove the bread crumbs and make a link between these cards (for example, at the expense of the block “they also buy with this product”). If the categories are promoting, then it is better to make bread crumbs.

Such links are located mainly between the header and the article. This is beneficial for usability. For WordPress, there is a BreadcrumbNavXT plugin that allows you to automatically generate navigation links.

PageRank and other technologies you need to know about

PageRank is Google's technology that calculates page rank. But more often PageRank means "page weight". It just so happened since the days when Google assigned each page a certain PageRank value from 1 to 9. Each page of a web resource carries a different weight, which can be divided into static and dynamic. If it is important for you to promote a certain page of the site, you "pump up" it with weight - put on it as many links as possible.

  • Static weight - calculated based on query-independent factors. Doesn't depend on search queries, meta tags and text contained in the html document. The only thing that matters is the number of links going to this address. Even if the document is empty, but several links are directed to it, it will already have statistical weight.
  • Dynamic weight - depends on the text content, namely anchors, titles, headings, key phrases.

But besides PageRank, there are equally important technologies TrustRank and BrowseRank, which many SEOs do not know about.
PageRank calculates the likelihood of a user being on a page. That is, the PR of a page depends not only on the number of links, but also on the probability of clicking on them. And the weight transmitted by a link is, from the point of view of a search engine, the probability of clicking on it.

TrustRank measures how quality resources are linking to a site, and which resources that site is linking to. Trust Rank affects the weight transmitted by the PageRank algorithm.

These are all so complex and developed technologies that link manipulation today has already a minimal effect.

The pages are ranked, not the site. Thus, if requests from all pages have dropped, then it's not the pages, but the host factors.

The weight transmitted by the link is equal to the weight of the donor divided by all links outgoing from it.
The weight of a page is equal to the sum of the weights transmitted by links from its donors.
Search engines do not count chain weight from page to page. Search engines first calculate the weight transmitted by links from donors to acceptors throughout the network at once, and only then substitute the result.

The more pages on the site, the more static weight we can catch up on the promoted pages due to linking.

The dynamic weight transmitted by the link is inversely proportional to the "popularity" of the word and is directly proportional to the static weight transmitted by the link. The more popular the word, the less influence of the anchor with it on the ranking. And the more static weight is transferred by the link, the more dynamic weight is transferred according to the words of the anchor.

How to relink

The goal we decided at the beginning of the article is to increase site traffic. Then we start preparing:

  1. We decide on the promoted pages and the keys that lead to them.
  2. We select the most important pages from them.
  3. We note which pages are not interesting in terms of promotion. If there are no such pages, then we take the pages that hang in the top for low-competitive requests without any effort.

As one of the ideas - in each heading you can display a separate sidebar with the most popular articles from this particular heading, since they are thematic and the weight distribution will be normal.

Random linking (that is, so that after the article a block of similar articles is randomly generated, always a new one) is not worth doing, since due to the fact that the pages in the blocks will be constantly new, the search engine will constantly recalculate and traffic will jump.

The grandfather's way of putting a link

The easiest way to describe it was the now deceased ZenPR. In short, it is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to promote the site on the request "plastic windows"
  2. We enter a request in Yandex
  3. The most relevant page is in the first position. On the next - a little less relevant ("how to choose plastic windows", "Rehau windows", "installation of plastic windows", etc.)
  4. On these slightly less relevant pages, we put links to the main one. Links should be placed at the beginning of the article and in the middle. It is also advisable to motivate users to click on this link.

In this case, you can make words from snippets anchors - in general, it will be strong.

You can do something similar with the Key Collector:

By the way, KeyCollector can find lists of pages relevant to requests.

Linking schemes

There are several old schemes for linking pages that are used depending on the purpose. I personally did not understand what the principle of their operation is, before watching this video:

HF advance

The main page of the site - "muzzle" is often optimized for high-frequency keys. For promotion, you need to transfer the weight of other documents to it. Here it is recommended to put (preferably contextual) links from all pages to the main page.

From the "muzzle" there should be links to second-level html documents. The second level refers to the third and so on.

Midrange advancement

An especially relevant type of promotion for online stores, catalogs. The main weight on such resources should fall on the pages of the second level. The third level refers to the second, the fourth to the third, the fifth to the fourth.

LF advance

To optimize low-frequency keys, the weight from the first and second levels is given to html-documents of the third level. All third-level URLs are also linked by links.

How to check internal links on a website

The most professional tool for this is the Google and Yandex webmaster panels. But the most sophisticated ones use them in conjunction with the Screaming Frog SEO Spider.

Internal Anchor List Analysis with Screaming Frog

I don't know if anyone else is doing such idiocy, but if you only need to unload contextual anchor links, you can do it like this:

  1. First, unload all anchors from Screaming Frog
  2. Then in the column on the right we write a formula of the form = COUNTIF ($ E $ 4: $ E $ 1975; E4) and stretch to cut off the most common anchors later
  3. We only have contextual linking.
  • The main rule: there should be no duplicate links. Only one link should lead from one donor to one acceptor. Search engines take into account only one link, usually the first by code.
  • Context link anchors must also be unique.
  • The main weight should be on the pages being promoted. The number of incoming links to the promoted document should be greater than the number of outgoing ones.
  • It is not recommended to add more than 3-4 contextual links from one document.
  • It is better not to close links through nofollow, as they still participate in the weight calculation and take away the weight from other outbound links.
  • The site's menu structure should consist of text links, not buttons or images.
  • Link only thematic posts that are similar in meaning. The link must match the context.
  • Apply the related posts plugin.
  • Distribute all links evenly across your content, without accumulating them in one place.
  • For volumetric portals, “bread crumbs” will help the user to save landmarks.
  • Creating a tag cloud helps to reduce the nesting level for a fairly large number of pages.
  • From contact pages, driving directions, and so on, you can and should put links to promoted pages. These pages cost nothing to promote, but they can bring static weight and conversions.

When I worked in one SEO office, they also advised to indicate the path from the root in the href, and not the full address of the link. That is, it is correct to write not href = ””, but href = ”/ category / seo”. But I don’t know if it’s any good.

CTR is really important. Achieve it at any cost - advise be sure to read the article on the link, you can even add some icon to the anchor, maybe even a Unicode one.

For small sites with no more than 100-120 pages, it's best to stick to the three-click rule. This means that the nesting of documents should not exceed 3 levels and the user can get to the "deepest" page in no more than 3 clicks.

Linking sanctions

For excessive diligence in placing links (especially anchor ones, and especially if your site is young) on ​​the site, you can catch a filter called "Internal nepot filter". Getting out of it is very difficult. Do not put a huge number of contextual links, 3-4 from the article will be enough. The same Arbeiten gave the following example from practice:

Having found out in this way that such sanctions are imposed for links, I continued to test with links further. I began to test all this on those sites that contain links within the texts. It turned out that if you remove links from the text, after 1-2 months the site's trust rises and the traffic increases by 15-20%. And this was then one of the new ways to increase traffic on the site (and it still works), since almost everywhere there was such spam.

Refinement after the fact

When the linking is done, it should be finalized. First, watch non-clickable blocks. Secondly, single links that are not clicked on. It is necessary to analyze the click-through rate as statistics accumulate. Non-clickable links should be replaced.

We analyze the click-through rate in Metrica through the "Map of links", we take the maximum period.

Perhaps you need to look in the Metric for the number of internal transitions per document in order to identify the weakest in this regard. I don't remember if there is such a thing. I write here so that I do not forget to look later myself.

It is also necessary to cut off the contextual linking that did not work. This is done like this: you need to unload all the anchors, check the positions on them, remove those that are not in the top.

WordPress plugins

Perhaps the most popular and simplest solution is YARPP:

In general, if there are no really similar and thematic articles in the block "similar articles", you need to add general articles. YARPP does not implement this.

There are also the following, but I don't use them:

Cross-Linke. The program automates the addition of contextual anchors. All you need to do is enter keywords, and the plugin will automatically link them if it finds them in the text.

WordPress Related Posts. Used to link similar posts. Based on the analysis of tags, categories, content, it creates linking posts offering the user to go to them. An excellent WordPress plugin that can significantly improve behavioral factors.

Breadcrumb Navigation XT... Helps create breadcrumb navigation. Also influences behavioral factors.

Smart Linker. Allows you to make internal and end-to-end linking. Anchors are also selected manually, and the program looks for them in the content.