Creation of a Youtube channel. How to make money on Youtube by creating your own channel

Business and YouTube - these things are very compatible

I am sure that many of you have heard and used the YouTube video service. It is one of the most popular websites in the world, attracting an audience of hundreds of millions of people every day. Someone watches their favorite TV shows there, someone just funny or interesting videos, someone tries their luck by uploading their own video blogs. You can click YouTube for hours, while completely losing the sense of time.
But in this world, everything is built in such a way that someone consumes and someone creates. Some people sit for hours watching all kinds of videos, while others create these videos and earn tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. It has long been known that YouTube is used not only as an entertainment service. Many large companies are promoting their products and services through viral videos.

How to do it? What are the basic rules for promoting a business on YouTube? This is what we will talk about in this article. I am sure that if you learn how to properly use all the features of this video hosting, you will receive many times more orders and offers from potential customers. Are you ready? Then let's get started.

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2. Be informative
If you rely only on humor and entertainment, then you will not get the benefits of video. Yes, it can collect hundreds of thousands, or even millions of views, but users will not grasp the main message, they will not understand what to buy.
Therefore, the video should be as informative as possible. But keep in mind that this information should be presented in an entertaining manner, with a touch of humor and fun. Yes, most will come just for humor, but many of them will stay for information.
A great example of such a video is an advertisement for mineral water. I can't describe what the video is about. A bit of absurdity, incomprehensible set of pictures, voice, effects. When I first looked, the first 30 seconds was the thought: "What kind of nonsense?". But after another 30 seconds I could not tear myself away, and after watching the video to the end, I said: "This is brilliant, I want to buy this water." Apparently, I was not the only one who thought so, because in the comments under the video I met hundreds of questions about where you can buy this water in different countries.
We offer you to watch the English version of the video, which scored almost 3,000,000 views, and the Russian version, with its 400,000 views.

English video

Russian video

3. Be concise
Nobody wants to watch long videos, even if they are super interesting. According to statistics, if a video is longer than five minutes, then there is a high probability that it will not go viral. The modern Internet audience is used to fast, dynamic information. Therefore, it is optimal to make viral videos up to 3 minutes long, so as not to lose the viewer's concentration, while delivering the most accurate information.
Of course, if you can put everything in 20 seconds, then this is not a problem. I've seen videos that are 10 seconds long and have tens of millions of views. There is only one drawback of such videos - they do not sell anything, but just laugh and forget. Not our option.
4. Be simpler
Many people think that creating a great video requires huge budgets and serious time investment. Such thoughts are cultivated by companies that specialize in the creation of video clips. As a rule, global brands are prone to serious cost overruns, but you do not have the means to throw them into the air. Very often, in order to create a good viral video, you only need a camera, an idea, and a person who speaks the text. It has already been said above that the idea is the basis, but the quality of the video does not always play a role.
5. Don't lose focus
The mistake of many entrepreneurs who are taking the first steps in promoting their products through YouTube is the desire to load videos, fit information about all product lines into one video. As a rule, such videos are very quickly lost on the network, because a person is not interested in watching everything and everything. Make narrow-themed videos. Take one product, tell us about it, show all its strengths and advantages. Then there is a possibility that the video will be watched and shared. The rule here is simple: one video is one product or a feature of some product.
An excellent example is an advertisement from Volvo. Incredible result - in just over 2 months, 67 million views, more than 50 thousand comments. Why is this advertisement so engaging? Watch and draw conclusions.

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6. Clear and clear message
The main goal of selling videos is to leave a person with a clear and clear understanding of what the video was about and why he needs this particular product. How to do it? Before you put a video on the network, you should test it for a focus group. Give the video clip to dozens of friends and acquaintances, ask them to describe what they saw, tell them about the advantages of your product in one sentence.
If it’s hard to do it in one sentence, or the story is dragging on, then you either stated the idea insufficiently, or, on the contrary, overloaded the video. We still need to work, refine, look at what is wrong, remove the unnecessary, add the necessary.
7. Avoid imposing
YouTube is a zone of free choice, and if you want to impose something on users through your video, then this is unlikely to work. Therefore, try to do everything carefully, without obvious advertising and rude imposition. Numerous studies have shown that if a user sees an explicit advertisement in a video, then he immediately closes this video. Remember, most come to YouTube to relax, experience some emotions, relax. Advertising is enough for them both on TV and on street stands.
8. Constant updates
Even the most viral videos don't last long. Of course, there are unique videos that will be relevant in years, and in two years, and people will be happy to watch them. But this is most likely the exception to the rule. Most often, the period of interest in a video is limited to a few months. If your channel will not be regularly updated, if you will not add new, catchy videos, then believe that subscribers will very quickly lose interest in your company.
9. Lay the groundwork for covers
Very often the "main" video becomes popular thanks to covers and remixes from netizens. Cold viewing is receding into the past, and the more interesting videos that users can work with will be. Above, we have already presented an ad from Volvo, which garnered 67 million views. A huge number of remakes of this video have appeared on the network, which also collect millions of viewers. Of course, everyone who watches the remix will immediately want to see the original. The system is clear, and if you can implement it, then success is guaranteed.

10. Break the rules
Although we have told you the basic rules, this does not mean that they are dogmatic, and you should not deviate from them. Success is achieved by those who act spontaneously, outside the box, think broader, and know how to go beyond the established framework.
We always say - think for yourself, try to add something interesting, unusual, attracting attention to your product.

YouTube Facts:
1. YouTube was conceived and launched in Chad Harley's garage in 2005. It’s hard to believe that one of the largest video hosting sites in the world was made by an amateur only on enthusiasm and faith.
2. YouTube is in the TOP3 of the most visited sites on the Internet. Its daily audience exceeds 150 million.
3. More than two billion video clips per day are viewed by YouTube visitors, which is 40% of all daily video views on the network.
4. After rewinding any video to 00-00 and holding the left arrow, you can play the good old snake. Why was this done? And who knows, maybe such a trick from the developers.

For most Internet users, YouTube is a leisure resource. However, companies often use YouTube to run and grow their businesses, and many have done very well. Roman Zhaivoron, author and presenter of the YouTube channel "Movavi Vlog" with 60 thousand subscribers, I made step-by-step instructions on how to create a YouTube channel for a business.

Where to begin

The first thing you need to do is set up a Google mail. Signing up for gmail is incredibly simple: you just need to enter your details and upload a photo for your profile. If you already have a mailbox, then proceed to the next step - how to create a YouTube channel.

First you need to register. Registration on YouTube takes a couple of clicks. So, you need to click on your avatar in the upper right corner, select "My Channel" and enter the required information. After that click "Create Channel". All is ready. You can upload your first video.

When creating a channel, keep in mind that you can link additional channels to it. However, remember that if the rules are violated on one of them, everyone will be blocked. Some users register their channels to different email addresses in order to avoid blocking in the future.

Let's consider one more thing - how to make a YouTube channel from your phone if you don't have a laptop or computer at hand. The process is fast, uncomplicated and practically no different from the desktop version. Log in to your YouTube account or go through the standard registration procedure. Then click the icon with your photo and select "Create channel". We will consider setting up additional parameters below.

YouTube channel design

There is no specific complexity in the design of the channel. However, there is one important point to consider from the outset - uniformity. If your channel is created in a certain style, then it will be perceived much more pleasantly. In corporate identity, this is called the corporate identity of a company, enterprise, or even one person.

First of all, the user sees the avatar and the header of the channel. What would be appropriate to place there? How can they be further combined with the design of your videos? If you use the services of a designer, create a technical task for him. Describe in detail all the conditions and requirements for the necessary icons and images for splash screens.

Create and upload a trailer. This will help keep your audience engaged and attract more followers. Remember, it should be small, interesting, and reflective of the channel's goals. It is useful to create an intro - an introductory part at the beginning of your future videos. It can become a graphic presentation of your product, keep the viewer watching the video at the beginning of its demonstration. Creating an end screen saver will allow users to navigate to another video or subscribe to your channel.

Write a description for the channel. With it, you can tell your audience about the topic of your videos. The number of characters in the description is limited, and on the first reading, only the first 250 characters will be visible. The rest - only when you click the "Advanced" button. It is important to present the essence in the first part and reveal its contents in the second. In the same place, add all the necessary links to your website or pages on social networks.

Customization and additional channels on YouTube

You can edit your channel at any time. All changes are made in the "Settings" section. There is an "Advanced" button in the left menu. By clicking on it, you can change the URL, link the channel to a Google+ page, see the sites that have access to the channel, and delete the channel itself.

In the "Linked accounts" tab, you can link your account with social networks. Then all new videos will be automatically displayed in all linked social networks. The "Privacy" section regulates the display of your likes, subscriptions and downloads. There you can restrict or open access to your channel.

In the "Notifications" section, you can set up notifications about everything that happens on your channel: about new subscribers, likes, comments, and even unsubscribed users. News reports come in the form of a letter to the mail. In the early stages of channel development, these messages are very useful. They will help you find out what people think about your videos, as well as understand mistakes made during editing.

Listen to the criticism of your videos, fix flaws. This way you can gradually improve the quality of your video and increase the number of views, likes, approving comments, and loyal customers. However, the more subscribers you have, the more notifications you will receive. If you do not need them or will interfere, you can turn them off in the same place, in the "Notifications" section.

Some companies do business in two directions at once. In this case, the question of how to create a second channel on YouTube becomes relevant. To do this, go to "Settings" again. Below you will see a link to the proposal to create a new channel. You are already familiar with the further steps for design, settings and work.

The YouTube channel is ready. What's next?

The better, the more interesting the content and its design, the more users will want to delve into its content. The best way to test if your feed looks good is to imagine if you would like to explore its content yourself. Engagement is the main criterion for a channel's success. Establish yourself as a creator of engaging and useful video content. Boring videos of the same type are of no interest to anyone.

Special attention should be paid to playlists. You determine their design, content and topics based on the interests and goals of your activity. Group the videos. The organization of the content usually attracts users, allows them to quickly navigate and find sections of interest. In addition, grouping videos by playlists will help increase the views of related videos.

No matter how interesting the content is, if the resource is not promoted, then it will not bring significant benefits. To develop and popularize the channel, share it on social networks, add descriptions to each video, write tags, make mentions on the forums.

Think about where you yourself saw information about someone else's channels. Continuously work to improve the quality of video shooting, video editing and content. Whenever possible, shoot with professional equipment, hire actors or develop your skills, improve texts and storylines.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Maintaining your channel on Youtube can hardly be called a full-fledged business, but to some extent this refers to entrepreneurial activity. Moreover, today there are real examples of how people make money on this, simply by creating a video that is interesting to a huge number of viewers. Within the framework of this article, we will consider simply creating and maintaining your channel in general terms, and in other articles we will describe in more detail the process of creating and maintaining thematic channels. Here we will just restrict ourselves to examples.

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In general, few people register as a business entity, starting to upload their videos on Youtube, because this portal offers an affiliate program, that is, the user acts as a performer, receiving a certain percentage for placing advertisements. However, if, nevertheless, there is a need for registration, then the easiest way is to choose the form of an individual entrepreneur, because this does not require large investments - the size of the state fee is only 800 rubles - and the reporting itself with this type of work is quite simple. You may also need to register your mass media, today this is also not necessary, but changes are constantly taking place in the legislation, and it is possible that tomorrow it will be necessary to report yourself to state bodies. The process of registering a mass media presented by a portal on the Internet is described in more detail in this article, and we will immediately state the basic requirements.

For example, there is currently a debate over whether it is worth obliging sites with high traffic to register as media, and if such a decision is made, then the owners of the portals on Youtube will really have to do this - you can make money on the portal only with a large number views, namely the number of page visits, is a criterion for whether a portal is a mass media or not. Also, those who are citizens of the Russian Federation, stateless persons and foreigners will not be able to legally operate on the territory of Russia will be able to register. Further - maintaining the portal on the site assumes that people from all regions of the country will view it, which means that for registration you will have to contact the head office in Moscow, while, depending on the topic of the portal, the cost of issuing a certificate may be different. All this is also described in detail in the corresponding article, but it can already be concluded that a novice entrepreneur may have to spend a lot of time and money on organizing his work. Yes, at the moment it is still optional, but no one can guarantee that soon it will not be forced. We're just warning.

When all legal issues are settled, you can develop your portal. There is no point in describing the technical subtleties of creating a portal, detailed instructions are available on the Youtube site itself, and, in fact, there is nothing complicated there. If the number of views exceeds 300, then you can send a request to the site's management to receive an affiliate program. This is what will allow you to protect your videos as an author's product (that is, to obtain copyright for your content, today the Youtube site is focused on preventing a third-party user from posting someone else's video on his portal and making money on it), as well as connecting a counter requests, thanks to which deductions will be made.

At the moment, on average, the profit from advertising is divided in half - 50% is taken by the site itself, 50% is transferred to the user whose video was watched, during the playback of which the advertisement was shown. At the same time, you need to understand that there are different types of advertising, accurate calculations of how much you can earn on maintaining your channel does not exist, since each case has its own individual characteristics. The account usually goes to 1 thousand views, if during each of these views an advertisement was shown, then the user who posted the video receives an amount from one dollar. On average, this amount rarely exceeds $ 1-2 at all, but there are advertising campaigns that offer more serious rewards. You can get such offers from advertisers only if the channel is really popular and has existed for a long time; channels are usually considered, whose period of active work exceeds one month, and at the same time there is good efficiency and a constant increase in subscribers, but still it will be possible to count on good requests only after 3-6 months, and sometimes only after a year. Also, advertisers look at the topic of the portal, it is clear that there is advertising that is targeted at virtually any person, but there are specialized offers, and it makes no sense to show videos or ads to people who are not interested in them at all. A simple example is that an advertiser who wants to place an advertisement for the sale of expensive cars is unlikely to consider portals dedicated to online games as platforms. Other parameters are also evaluated - the number of uploaded videos, the quality of the content, the number of not only subscribers, but also views, and much more.

So, in order to get people interested, you first need to come up with an idea to which the channel will be dedicated. That is, you need to choose a topic. As practice shows, it is inappropriate to create a portal on which videos of different topics are simply posted - attendance is worse, such portals do not cause interest among subscribers, hence the disinterest of advertisers. In this regard, the owners of portals on Youtube create and upload videos of one or similar genres, in extreme cases, you can create several portals, which differ in idea.

The most difficult moment is the promotion of the portal, because there will hardly be many transitions from search engines upon request, and here the owner of the portal has various methods available - from simple viral marketing, SMM and similar tools to contacting third-party offices that promise to "promote" the portal ... If a channel offers something new and unique, then you can expect to get subscribers relatively quickly, but in some areas it can be very difficult to compete with competitors. For example, the topic let "s-play today is already trite, the number of new users who want to" make money just by playing games "is growing every day exponentially, while on Youtube there are already many popular presenters who work in this area for a long time, they have their own audience and provide high-quality content.That is, this niche is almost completely occupied, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to earn much here.However, there are many other topics - from conducting their own courses and trainings to posting interesting videos that are just close in genre , which are not necessarily filmed by the owner himself (but at the same time do not violate copyright). You can make a selection of something interesting that will attract a huge number of people, you can lead your own humorous show - there are a lot of options, the creator is limited only by his imagination. , you still need to familiarize yourself with the content that is already on Youtube, because the creation of an analogue of some channel, even if it has inferior content, it usually results in tough competition for a subscriber.

Ready-made ideas for your business

For a channel to become popular, you need to have at least a few videos in stock, experienced users believe that 10-15 videos is the minimum that is required to start. Of course, there is a possibility that even one video will bring popularity to the channel, but this is possible only in the case of very unique content created by a talented person (for example, a full-fledged show or cartoon), and even in the case of really high-quality content, you will have to spend time on promotion of the channel. Here we come to the fact that it would be nice to have your own pages on social networks through which you can promote your work, and you should even think about placing ads about yourself. For example, Vkontakte, the most popular social network in the post-Soviet space, offers advertising that is not very expensive even for a beginner; for an amount within 10 thousand rubles, you can get a certain number of interested people. Further - work through acquaintances, attracting people through friends and the like; the entrepreneur himself should devote a lot of time to this, communicating with potential viewers, looking for new ones and constantly updating content. In some ways, the promotion of your channel is similar to the promotion of groups on social networks, skills in SMM will come in handy here, otherwise, again, you can contact specialized offices. Only when you get at least a couple of hundred subscribers on Youtube, when the number of views per day is at least 1000, then you can think about starting to advertise on your portal. If from the very first days you start advertising other people's services on your channel, you can lose a considerable percentage of subscribers, people need time to start trusting the channel and love it, the portal should become popular, and its creator should be a well-known person to one degree or another. At the same time, at the stage of creating content, you need to immediately find people who can give an objective assessment of the creator's creativity, because friends can praise the content, fearing of offending their friend. In order to avoid a situation when all friends praise the created video, and when it is posted in the public domain, negative reviews are received, you should immediately find those who can, ideally, from a professional point of view, assess the quality of the material.

An important point in organizing your channel is the purchase of equipment in order to be able to record high-quality video. Much depends on which subject of the video was chosen. For example, in order to work in complex programs or record the passage of modern games, you need to have a sufficiently productive computer, the cost of which can be several tens of thousands of rubles, and sometimes even exceed one hundred thousand. But in any case, even for simple video recording, you need to have equipment with normal performance, so the minimum price for a computer is about 20 thousand rubles. For this money, you can get modern normal hardware, in the process of working on which there will be no freezes and difficulties in work, on which the necessary software will run. Special attention should be paid to the sound and video card, because the quality of the recording and the provided capabilities depend on them.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Next, you need to buy devices for recording sound and images, in other words, you will need a microphone (as an option - headphones with a microphone) and a web camera. There are several options available to a novice entrepreneur, because the cost of equipment can vary greatly depending on the level. Of course, it is desirable to buy the best professional equipment, but still it is not always advisable. The minimum cost is about 2 thousand for headphones and a microphone (4 thousand in total), of course, you can save here and buy very simple equipment, but then you can hardly count on good recording quality. More or less professional devices will cost 10 thousand each (total - 20 thousand), there are options and even more expensive, but they are more suitable for full-fledged recording studios, and in our case it makes no sense to consider them. In general, sometimes it may even be necessary to equip a special studio for recording video, but these are rather non-standard options that few people turn to; the cost of a professional studio already costs at least several hundred thousand rubles. In fact, if there is an idea for some large-scale full-fledged show that requires considerable power, then Youtube is not the best choice, it is even easier to apply to television with an offer.

The next point is the acquisition of special programs that are used for processing and editing video clips. Without them, in general, a normal video cannot be created, so you will have to invest in software. Professional video processing software can be very expensive, you can find free analogs of professional software on the Internet, but they usually do not have the necessary functionality. On the other hand, not every channel owner creates a complex video, sometimes simple functions are enough, so there is not always a need to spend money. However, if such a need still exists, then you need to rely on the fact that a good program will cost a certain amount per month, although there are also annual subscriptions, which turns out to be much more profitable. For example, the cost of the Adobe program is 600 rubles per month. It follows that the entrepreneur will also have expenses that will need to be covered by the video being shot. It is also worth adding to this the cost of paying for unlimited Internet. The average cost of expenses per month is only a thousand rubles, but even these expenses may not be realistic to cover at first. In this regard, we can conclude that this type of entrepreneurship is suitable for those who have other sources of income, at least for the first time.

Now in a little more detail about how much you can earn on the content of your channel. Successful owners who have a large number of both views and subscribers today can really afford not to work, living solely on the funds that come from advertising. Some of these people even became famous; and fame allows you to attract the attention of advertisers who are willing to pay very large sums. However, as a rule, in order to become popular not only in your niche, but in the country in general, you need to have talent and create something truly unique and interesting. If we talk about average indicators, then existing portals for at least a year bring their owners 30-40 thousand rubles of net profit per month - comparable to the average salary. It is unlikely that you will be able to get more, only if the subscription itself is not paid (however, this is a topic for a separate article), the advertising itself, in general, is very low paid - Youtube itself earns exclusively due to a huge number of orders. At the same time, it must be said that theoretically, the earnings limit is not limited - if it is possible to attract attention to the channel of several million people, then not only will there be many views (and each of them is paid for), but exclusive offers will also begin to arrive (for example, product placement) which, of course, are paid at more attractive prices. And I would like to note that the content of your portal on Youtube is not an easy income and not even a simple part-time job, almost always in order to get normal money to one degree or another, you have to spend as much time and effort as on a regular job, and sometimes even more. But here you can work from home and still do what you love.

Matthias Laudanum
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Hello my blog readers!

In today's article, I would like to understand the place with you, why do you need a video channel, and how can you use it?

It's no secret that YouTube today takes the leading position on the Internet as the largest and most powerful video hosting!

And you probably know that everyone can go through a simple registration and become the owner of their own business video channel on YouTube, without paying a penny!

Let's take a look at what opportunities the video channel gives to us who come to the Internet to develop their business!

What a powerful tool can be and how can you customize and get the most out of your created YouTube business video channel !

Video, today has become the number one for attracting people's attention, today many of us do not want to waste our time on a text description of a product or an offer to read boring text.

For us, the choice to buy and the decision to buy can be a 2-3 minute video clip or 10-15 video interviews of an interesting expert.

Youtube itself is a search engine, and you yourself can find what interests you and by finding watch the video! Search engine traffic on the YouTube channel is a great solution to find your offer for your business!

Settings on the YouTube channel

Let's see what settings there are, on the channel itself, with which you can make a sale or service on your blog or website!

Enroll in school

This is just a small part of the possibilities to set up a YouTube channel for business! If you don't have your own channel yet,

If you do not have time for this or you do not know how and where to start creating a YouTube channel? I will help to create for you, your Lady for you, personal consultation for a symbolic price and will provide you with support on further questions!

Do not miss such a great opportunity to direct the most powerful traffic of your YouTube channel to promote your blog, website and sell your goods and services! Declare yourself in a business video format, show yourself and tell about yourself on your YouTube business channel!


Best regards, Alexander Gavrin.

For most people, YouTube is the place to find a video tutorial, music video or entertainment video. At the same time, for other people, it is the main source of income. Now let's look at how to make money on Youtube and how much income you can achieve.

First, let's answer the question: "How much can you earn on YouTube?"

PewDiePie, a Swedish video blogger with over 48 million subscribers, has generated $ 12.9 million in revenue over the past year.

This is a record for a site to make such amounts, it has come a long way and put a lot of effort into it.

However, in any activity, in order to get something, you also need to spend certain resources. The success of PewDiePie may seem impressive, perhaps even something distant and unrealistic, but at one time he too began his journey from the very bottom.

So, let's figure out what needs to be done to start making money on YouTube:

  • You need to create a YouTube channel.
  • Fill with useful materials
  • Attract as many subscribers as possible.
  • Join the affiliate program.

YouTube channel creation

How to make money on Youtube? In order to do this, you just need to have a Gmail account. It allows, in addition to email, to use other Google services, including YouTube.

After that, you have to come up with a name for your channel. It should be memorable and original. After all, just one extraordinary name can persuade the Internet user to watch your videos.

In addition, when the user is on your page, he will also see the banner and logo. They are sort of the face of the channel.

It's worth taking the time to make the decor colorful and eye-catching. If you do not have the opportunity or extra funds to entrust the creation of a banner and logo to a professional designer, you can make them yourself.

For the banner of your channel on YouTube, it is recommended to set a picture, the size of which will be within 2560 by 1440 and a size not exceeding 2 megabytes. Formally, you can upload a picture of a different size, but in this case it will either be cut off or only partially cover this area.

The square at the top left of the banner is the logo. It can also be seen as an icon next to the channel name under the video being watched or in the list of registered subscriptions.

You can use online makers or programs such as Free Card Maker, AAA Logo, or Sothink Logo Maker to create your logo. For a banner - Sothink SWF Easy, EasyBanner, Atani, although just a beautiful photo taken by you may be suitable.

Important! Do not choose images downloaded from the Internet as a banner or logo. Firstly, it will make the design not unique. Secondly, there may be problems related to copyright for this image.

Placement of video materials

Next, you should decide on the topic of your channel. There are many different categories, including instructional videos, reviews, music videos, and more. Think about what you do best that might be interesting to potential subscribers.

Don't limit yourself to boundaries. The more original your content is, the more chances that the video will hook the Internet user with something. The main thing is that you must really love what you do. Only then can other people like it and ultimately bring a good income.

After you have decided on the topic and concept of your channel, you have to go directly to video shooting. There is no universal answer to the question of what is best to use for shooting. It depends on many factors.

First, on what exactly you are going to shoot. For a video tutorial on using Photoshop, your computer's webcam may also be suitable, since the value of the video will be completely different. And spending money on a professional camera in this case may be unnecessary and even unnecessary.

In other cases, videos not filmed with professional camcorders may seem boring and uninteresting, even though the content is generally of high quality. Although, at the same time, YouTube users know many examples when videos made using a regular phone have gained millions of views. But this is rather an exception to the rule and speaks of the special uniqueness of the material.

Don't make your videos too long at first. Limit yourself to 5 minutes to start, and then, as you spin, increase the duration if you deem necessary. A user, spending time on the Internet, in most cases will prefer to watch several short videos instead of one 20-minute one.

When the video is shot, you will most likely have to do some editing. There are special programs for this. Most of them are paid: Sony Vegas Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro or Pinnacle Studio. Free counterparts: VSDC Free Video Editor or Movie Maker. However, they are inferior in quality to the first.

Attention! After you upload and post your video, you may face criticism or approval. Be calm about both. Constructive criticism is about helping you. The non-constructive is often the object of envy, so you don't need to pay attention to it.

Also, don't get too arrogant if the video is a success. Today you are at the top, and tomorrow you may be at the foot of the cliff.

Attracting subscribers to your YouTube channel

Correctly choosing the topic of the channel and filling it with useful information is just the beginning of your career. And how to make money on Youtube, how much can you earn on YouTube without subscribers?

In fact, this is the second component of your earnings. The more subscribers you have, while it must be real people, the more you can earn.

In this case, you can attract people in various ways, for example:

  • Create in parallel your own block on which interesting articles can be posted and your video channel will be an attachment to them.
  • Advertising of the channel in social networks, for this you can use both a personal page and create an appropriate group.
  • Repost your channel in other traffic sources.
  • Advertising is already here for you to watch, as this will already require financial investments.

Attention! The better the traffic (the absence of so-called dead souls or bots), the higher your income.

Joining the affiliate program

To start making money on your videos, you need to connect to an affiliate program. There is a standard YouTube affiliate program as well as other options.

Let's consider which of the options will be most acceptable for you:

  • The standard YouTube affiliate program is unlikely to be suitable for beginners of this craft. The fact is that the conditions for connecting to it are quite strict. You must have at least 300 subscribers, 30 videos and more than 10 thousand views on your channel.
  • In addition, to receive funds through this program, you need to connect to Google Adsense. There are also certain difficulties here. You can withdraw funds only after $ 100 has been credited to your account, moreover, only after a month.

The advantage of the standard program is that you get all the income from broadcast advertising, in contrast to partner media networks that prefer to take about 20-30% of this amount for themselves.

However, in general, the terms of other affiliate programs are often more beneficial. There are a lot of such programs. They differ, as a rule, in the requirements for the number of subscribers, views and videos, as well as in the size and characteristics of payments.

Perhaps the most popular affiliate networks are AIR, YouPartnerWSP and Quiz Group. In general, you should deal with this issue only when your channel gains its audience and stable views. When this is achieved, you can begin to study the features of various programs and choose the best option for yourself.

And before that, focus on improving your content, please your subscribers with quality material. Remember, the main thing is to find for yourself what really brings satisfaction and joy, and the rest will definitely come. Believe in yourself, and you will definitely succeed!