Opinion is like bones - everyone has their own. Black SEO - Basic Techniques

Most likely, these species names by colors came to us from the English-speaking Internet. There they are called according to the types of hats, like those of wizards (remember Gandalf the Gray? 😉): white hat SEO (white hat) and black hat (black). Interestingly, foreign SEOs use a blue hat much more often instead of a gray hat. And we don't have blue SEO at all 🙂.

By itself, the division into SEO types by color is rather vague. Each specialist has his own opinion on this matter. Some believe that they buy links and articles in the thousands and are doing white-hat SEO. Others think that any SEO is evil and black by default.

I will tell you my view on this issue.

Any SEO involves the use of techniques that are directly or indirectly directed to influence search engines and to get more visitors to the site.

Each type of promotion has its own goals, tools and they are suitable for their type of sites. There is no point in promoting a white project with black methods, and vice versa.

In recent years, I've noticed this trend: white SEO goes black, black goes white.

Any SEO, with the right approach, can have the desired effect in terms of visitors and earnings.

In terms of the security of this or that type of promotion, I want to say that there are unfair situations when a site that has never been promoted at all, has not sold or posted links on itself, with unique content, falls under filters or a search engine ban. That is, the use of only white promotion methods, unfortunately, does not guarantee that no sanctions will be imposed on your site. If a site is published on the Internet, there is a chance that it will be filtered or banned for no reason.

I myself am a proponent of the combined use of white and gray SEO. Of the gray methods I use not all, but only those that give an effect.

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Good afternoon, readers of my blog. I continue my series of articles about SEO optimization and promotion of your website or blog. As you understand the good position of your site in the search engines is one of the first steps to great earnings and financial freedom. It is extremely difficult to occupy a TOP position without using the basics of SEO promotion, and in some cases it is not realistic. Now young bloggers, studying the issue of website promotion, are faced with such concepts as black and white SEO. If you are just a beginner, then you can get confused, not fully understand all the nuances and the need to use these methods. So what is black and white CEO? What's the difference between them? And most importantly, what to use when promoting your website or blog?

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What is black CEO?

Already from the very name "Black SEO" you can understand that this method of promotion is not entirely legal and you can easily get sanctions from search engines. So that all questions disappear from you, I will immediately put all the dots on i. When creating a good blog, with the prospect of a long life and the desire to make money permanently, once and for all, forget about the black promotion methods.

But since there is a question, then I will give an answer to it. What can be attributed to black methods?

1. First of all, it is the manipulation of a search robot using perespam. Perespam can be in tags, in the text on the site page, in the headings of articles.

2. Cloaking. This word means certain actions that are aimed at hiding part of the page from users, but at the same time the search robot will see it. Most often, part of the spammed text is made transparent or white, hidden in a separate block that is not visible to the user, but at the same time the robot sees everything perfectly in the page code.

3. Runs of sites across tens of thousands of sites. Often on the forums you can find an offer to register automatically on dozens or even hundreds of thousands of sites and forums. All this can lead to a sharp increase in low-quality links from frankly bad donors. As a result, you will receive a ban from Yandex and Google.
4. Creation of doorways. The term "doorway" is understood as a site that does not bring absolutely any value to the user, but is done in order to take a TOP position and redirect visitors to the "necessary" resource.

It is worth noting that now all such methods are simply unacceptable for the SDL (a site for people) and with a high probability can lead to all kinds of filters. Honestly, I don't even know who else is using black CEO. About 5 years ago, it was easy to get into the TOP using these methods, but now robots have become smarter, algorithms are more perfect and search engines have learned to distinguish where the manipulation of their results is, and where is the real optimization and the desire to make the site better.

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Gray SEO - basic concepts.

Between white and black optimization methods, there are still gray ones. They are not as dangerous as black, but in turn they are quite effective. Why can't they be classified as white? Most likely due to the fact that search engines are trying to actively fight against such promotion methods, but so far, to a greater extent, optimizers win. If you have direct hands and you can not cross the line at which the gray SEO turns into black, then you will be able to move your site well for various requests. Gray SEO optimization methods include:

2. Small and competent spamming in texts, tags and headings. It is important to understand that the text should remain readable and interesting, but at the same time, it must contain key promoted words. Their number should not be sky-high, so as not to get a filter for spamming. The optimal will be 4-7%, if you check it through the text analysis service from Advego.

3. Run the site through catalogs, forums and other sites. This should not be confused with automatic registration on thousands of sites at once. Many SEO forums offer manual signup suggestions for 100 or 200 trust sites. Choose a trusted contractor who has feedback on the work. If the service is performed with high quality, then it will bring its effect, it will definitely tighten the promoted requests.

4. The exchange of links and banners can also be attributed to gray promotion methods. Recently, there has been such a tendency that search engines very easily calculate such an exchange and punish sites.
The downside of black and gray SEO is that there is no guarantee that the method that works today will not harm your site tomorrow. Very often, the algorithms are changed so that sites receive filters for actions taken long ago. You could once, at the very beginning of the development of the project, foolishly order a run on thousands of sites.

Half a year passed, there seemed to be no problems, but then something, somewhere tweaked, somehow the algorithm was changed and now it is an unexpected filter. As the proverb says - "Everything secret becomes apparent." If you are planning a long life for your site, then try not to overdo it with gray methods, but take only white promotion as a basis.

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White SEO - honest methods of website promotion.

White SEO is all those methods for which you not only will not receive malicious filters, but even on the contrary will become a favorite of search robots. No wonder they are called white, such that they are not prohibited and do not harm your site. Every young SEO should understand that it is necessary to start with the study of white CEO. I already mentioned that there is a lot of low-quality information on the Internet, you can find advice that you can get to the TOP using black SEO, running the site through thousands of forums and spamming texts. Honestly, I can't even imagine who gives such advice. Probably some schoolchildren who have never had serious and ambitious projects. Our goal is quality visitors who will not only stay on the site, but also be able to make a profit. So what is a white CEO?

1. First of all, it is competent and correct internal optimization. You must understand how to compose the title and description of the page, how to structure and design the article, deal with linking and correct encoding. I covered all these issues in more detail in the article "How to promote your website or blog - improving your position in the search engine."

2. Selection of a beautiful and thematic domain name. Of course, this will not affect the search results in any way, but it will affect the recognition of the site, it will be easier to remember. In turn, the user will easily return to such a site. More users, better behavioral factors, better ranking.

3. Optimized site code. After you order or make your own website, check it for errors in the code. If there are a lot of them, then this can negatively affect the promotion. Search robots love literacy not only in texts, but also in encoding. To check, use the validator - http://validator.w3.org/

In short, white SEO is only those methods that you can influence yourself - internal optimization, linking, working with content, improving the structure of the site, correcting errors in the code, etc. Some authors refer to buying links on trust sites as white CEO, but this is nonsense. Search engines are actively fighting purchased links and this method cannot be called fair.
At the end of my article, I would like to say that you should forget the black methods once and for all, and use exclusively white SEO, neatly complementing it with some techniques from gray. If you do everything competently and correctly, then in 4-6 months you can bring the request to the TOP VK and RF and get excellent profit, which will allow you to start a new, independent life.

14.09.2017 Reading time: 3 minutes

Photo from filmpost.it

Black optimization methods are illegal SEO methods that involve the automation of processes, massiveness and violation of the basic rules set by search engines. The main goal of black optimization is to quickly capture positions in the top of the search results.

Every SEO should understand that by choosing a strategy of black seo-optimization of the site, he "helps" the resource to get under the search filters. But many consider such risks to be completely justified, given how much profit they can bring.

How to apply
black seo optimization strategy?

Often black SEO is chosen by wealthy users who do not want to wait long for promotion results. Vivid examples: file sharing of games, software, music and films. Also in this environment, strategies for destroying competitors' websites are quite actively used.

How is black SEO used against competitors?

After such actions, the site will be banned for an offense or deleted altogether.

The main methods of black promotion include:

Hidden text... Invisible text with many keys. For this, either a very small font is used, or the same background color of the page and the text itself. A user, entering such a page, does not see the text, unlike search robots.

Cloaking... This method allows you to combine different types of content on the page - useful and interesting, intended for users, and low-quality text with a bunch of keys - for search bots. A risky method of black SEO promotion. If you get caught cloaking, expect a life ban.

Links hidden behind punctuation marks... The anchors of such links are periods and commas. This method also includes the placement of links that are attached to tiny pictures that the human eye cannot see.

Linkofarm... So-called link farms are a group of fake sites that are created in large numbers and link to each other.

Satellite method... The main function of the satellite network is to help promote the main site. If you decide on this method of promotion, always remember that there is a risk of exposure of the network and falling under the filters of search engines.

The main types of satellites:

  • Static... The same type and practically not updated. Placed on free hosting. This type of satellites is quite difficult to promote, search engines find them easily.
  • Dynamic... Updated periodically, contain more or less useful content. The creation of such satellites requires a little more costs.
  • Doorways... They are generated automatically and redirect traffic to the main website. Low quality satellite view, useless for users.

Is it worth the risk?

In this article, we have repeatedly mentioned the insecurity of using black site optimization methods. Each owner of an Internet resource must choose for himself - black or white SEO. The effect of black promotion methods is very fast, but the risks are also high. If the search engines catch you doing illegal SEO, you can forget about the website hitting the filter for a long time.

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Black SEO - illegal optimization

What is black-hat SEO and where is it used? In contrast, a black CEO is focused on trying to cheat the PS. Using these or those "gaps" in the search algorithms, an unscrupulous optimizer can temporarily achieve a significant increase in the positions of the site being promoted. The problem is that the effect of Black SEO is very short-lived, and negative consequences are sure to come.

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Why black SEO is dangerous

  1. Decrease in positions in the search results. Such a sanction is applied for relatively minor "crimes", for example, for over-optimization of texts with key phrases. Search engines are pretty good at identifying non-unique or useless content. Pages with such content have practically no chance of reaching the TOP-10.
  2. Exclusion of a part of pages from the search results. This sanction is often imposed for copy-paste, as well as for the use of invisible text that merges with the background of the page. The Google search engine can move duplicate pages to an additional index, which also deprives the webmaster of traffic and income.

You need to know this! Sometimes the exclusion of some of the pages is not due to imposed sanctions, but due to technical problems. The server may have been unavailable when the search engine visited the site. In this case, the pages will eventually return to the index. You should also check if your robots.txt file is formatted correctly.

  1. Downgrade of ICS / PR. These indicators are usually reduced or zeroed out due to a too sharp increase in the link mass. The easiest way to organize yourself a similar nuisance is to arrange an automatic run through tens of thousands of catalogs or to purchase several hundred low-quality links at a time.
  2. BAN search engine. This is the most severe punishment a black SEO can get. BAN assumes the exclusion of all pages of the site from the search index. Sometimes the start page remains in the search, which does not change the situation. BAN can be obtained for creating a doorway or even for systematic copying of other people's texts.

Black SEO - optimization "for an amateur"

Let's consider the main techniques of black SEO optimization used by webmasters. These include:

  • cloaking (different content is given to the user and the robot);
  • creating doorways that direct visitors to the main site;
  • hiding text from users;
  • over-optimization of pages, overabundance of key phrases;
  • swapping - replacing text on a page after it is in the TOP-10;
  • link spam;
  • creation of a network of satellites, affiliates.

It is interesting!Satellite networks can really help promote a major project without the threat of PS sanctions. But this will require filling them with more or less high-quality (not generated or copied) content, as well as using different templates. This is a rather expensive method of promotion, which is not a classic SEO black.

Black SEO is evolving alongside search engine algorithms. Recently, a lot of services and programs have appeared on the network that allow you to simulate the activity of visitors to cheat behavioral factors. Automated bots navigate pages, comment on articles, and even populate user profiles. However, representatives of search engines claim that they are able to recognize such cheating methods with a high degree of probability.

The Internet is everything. Perhaps this is how it can be said about its importance in the modern world. After all, if a person has a question, he begins to look for an answer on the Web. And only those sites that occupy the first positions in the search will be worthy of attention. Therefore, there is fierce competition among all site owners for space on the search page.

Webmasters use a variety of techniques to beat the competition. Some of them are quite acceptable and some are very risky, as they can drive the resource under the filter. One of these techniques is black SEO, or black optimization. They will be discussed in the article.

What is optimization?

Before you start learning about black SEO, you need to have a basic understanding of what site optimization is and what it is. Website optimization is a method of search engine promotion of a resource, a kind of complex of techniques that will allow you to take the first positions on the search page for a specific request.

Optimization can be internal and external. Internal optimization includes content optimization (text, graphics and media files). External optimization is about building the link mass. That is, the resource should link to other sites of similar topics. Creation and selection of key queries is also important. Optimization is usually a long, laborious and ongoing process. But if everything is done according to the rules, then sooner or later the site will begin to occupy leading positions in the search results.

However, there are methods that can help speed up this process. These are so called black SEO and gray SEO. What is the difference between different types of optimization?

Types of SEO

Depending on how the owner promotes his resource, SEO optimization can be divided into several types:

  • White SEO optimization. The most honest method of promoting a resource. The site is promoted naturally and gradually.
  • Gray SEO optimization. The promotion method is not the most honest, but not prohibited, the main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Orange SEO optimization. Its main purpose is to receive traffic by any means. This can include attracting visitors who are not the target audience, and adding keywords that do not correspond to the subject of the resource.
  • Black SEO optimization. It is built on various cunning methods that help to deceive search engines and bring the resource to the TOP.

To understand the difference between white, gray and black SEO, it is necessary to consider the features of their functioning with specific examples.

White CEO

As already mentioned, these are legal methods of website promotion. For clarity, you can give an example. Let's say a resource was registered in the site directory in order to get traffic. This directory has a high TIC and corresponds to the subject of the site. Such registration is not prohibited by search engines, increases traffic and adds weight to the external link mass of the site.

Gray CEO

The second scenario will look like this: the same resource was registered in the directory of sites in order to build up the link mass. Often, such directories may not quite correspond to the subject matter, but this is also not prohibited by search engines.

Basically, there is no difference in white and gray optimization. It depends more on the moral qualities and conscientious work of the owner of the resource. For search engines, these processes are no different.

Black CEO

Here, promotion methods can directly affect the position of the resource when ranking, and most of them are prohibited by search robots. These methods include the acquisition of links with keywords or the use of cloaking, this is when search engines and visitors see different information.

If you give an example of registering a website in directories, then a black optimizer will simply order an auto-run of a link to the main resource in a database of 40 thousand directories. You can register in the catalogs, but here you can see an obvious attempt to confuse search robots during the indexing of the resource. Basically, this is not followed by sanctions, but there is little benefit from it.

Black CEO tricks

So what is black SEO? This is a way to promote your site using prohibited methods. This is a kind of business where scientific developments in search technologies are involved. On their basis, websites are created, the main purpose of which is to attract visitors and display monetized advertising content. And the more you know about search technologies, the worse the search engines perform.

Now it's clear why they update their search algorithms so often.

But no matter how much they are updated, 7 black SEO tricks will always work:

  • Hide text. One of the classic ways to promote a resource. Its essence lies in the fact that the text, overflowing with key requests, is hidden from the user. For this, either the small print or the absolute identity of the background color and the letters are used. Visitors see only the information they need, and search robots are provided with an abundance of key queries.
  • Cloaking. This is when there are two types of content on the resource: one useful and attractive - for users, the other, inappropriate and with an abundance of keywords - for search robots.
  • Invisible links. To build up the link mass, punctuation marks or miniature images that are not visible to humans are used as anchors.
  • Doorway. Literally translated "front door". Black SEO promotion is based on the principle of creating low-quality resources and promoting them to the TOP, after which users are redirected to the site that is intended specifically for them. Even today, this method is actively used.
  • Linkfarming. A method of promotion in which a whole network of resources is created, which in links point to each other. The so-called mutual link building.
  • Satellite. The peculiarities of black SEO promotion are to create a network of resources that help promote the main site to the top. After the main site links to the same resources and, thus, all satellites occupy the first search page.
  • Automatic registration. The site is offline registered in special directories and link exchanges.

A little more about methods

Now it's clear what a black CEO is. The methods presented above are not the only ones in black promotion technology. There are several more techniques that were not included in the TOP-7:

  1. Spamdexing. This method consists in creating pages that are exclusively targeted at search engine crawlers. They are distinguished by informational illiteracy and a large number of keywords. Moreover, these keywords do not always relate to the topic of the site, but are high-frequency queries that attract visitors (but do not keep them).
  2. Swapping. This technique works well for fly-by-night sites. Its essence lies in the fact that immediately after the site is indexed by search robots and takes the first positions, its content is completely changed. And until the next indexing by search robots, the site takes a leading position. This technique is most often used for short-term projects. Such sites are called one-day butterflies; their life, though bright, is short.

Benefits of black optimization

It has long been believed that a black CEO is a disgusting way to promote a resource, on which there is nothing useful. And after a few months, the site falls under the filter, and all the work goes down the drain. But there are tricks that help you create quality content. There are situations when you need to hide a certain part of the text from the user. In this case, you can use the "display: none" style. It will not be banned, although the keyword weight will decrease slightly.

For those working with block elements, you can use the "text-indent: -1000em" style to hide anything that is needed but interferes with viewing the content. The useful thing is to use the "noframe" and "noscript" tags. If you put links in them, then the user will not even guess about their existence, but the search engines will pay attention. This method is relevant when the owner wants to place referral links on his site. It gets traffic, some of the page weight goes to the partner's site, and users just enjoy watching the content.

To refuse or not?

Most SEOs are categorically against the use of black SEO, because in addition they can completely exclude the site from the search index. Black optimization focuses on the promotion of the resource by methods that do not correspond to the leadership of search engines. Optimizers call to create sites with useful and unique content, and use only legal methods for promotion, that is, white-label optimization.

But it's hard to agree with this. If you think logically, some of the methods of black CEO are not so bad, and you can use them without fear of sanctions. Of course, this does not apply to methods such as hidden text and links, cloaking and doorway. When it comes to linkfarming and creating satellites, these are great strategies to help you get what you want. But only on condition that they are made by hand, and not adjusted by robots. In this case, the black CEO turns into white.

In optimization, as in business, you need to see benefits even in a loss-making company. Combine seemingly incompatible ideas and understand where the boundaries of what is permissible end. Only in this case can you benefit from even black optimization.