Submit an advertisement on the whirligig. How to post an ad on "Yulia": a detailed description

"Yula" is not the last among the sites where you can post your ad or find something for yourself. Along with Avito, Yula began to actively develop and advertise. On this site, as you know, you can submit a free ad, in contrast to "Avito".

Many novice users very often ask themselves the question of how to post an ad on "Yulia". This will be discussed in detail in the next section of this article.

How to post an ad from your phone

Many businesses and individuals simply need to sell their services or goods. And often they wonder how to post an ad on "Yulia" from the phone. After downloading the application from GooglePlay, you need to register in order to post an ad. "Yula" will require you to enter your first name, last name, upload an avatar (if desired), and also enter a phone number or e-mail to identify the user. After registration, you can see the classifieds exchange, search, menu of your account. It is, in fact, necessary. In the profile settings, you need to click "Submit an ad". A form will appear with a choice of a product category, where you will need to add a description, a photo to the ad, you can also specify your home address and phone number, but not necessarily. After all, if other users are interested in the ad, they can write to the seller in private messages. And the seller, in turn, will give his number in case of need for a meeting to complete the transaction.

How to post an ad from a computer

Many people who are accustomed to working with a laptop ask themselves the following question, how to post ads on "Yulia" through a computer.

In fact, this is almost impossible to do. The fact is that the site in the computer version does not provide services for submitting an advertisement, only searching for the necessary information and various other publications of users.

For the advanced, the question of how to post an ad on "Yulia" from a computer will not be difficult. You can install a special emulator "Android", on which the "Yula" application from the "Playmarket" is "installed". Next, you need to register with the phone number. Then you need to use the instructions on how to post an ad on "Yulia" from your phone. This is the only way to submit your own "from the computer".

You can also use various services that solve the problem of placing an ad on "Yulia". You just have to pay and you're done. But with the same success it is possible to publish for a fee from a computer without any problems on the Avito website.

Therefore, when submitting ads, it is best to use a smartphone with the Yula application. This is a fairly quick and effective way.

Prospects for use

Why exactly "Yula"? It is she who allows you to quickly sell your goods or things that are no longer used, but can be useful to others. On "Yulia" you can also sell to another city using the internal mail of the service. It is very convenient and practical. In addition, there are no overpayments, there is no need to pay for the travel of the parcel from one settlement to another. Yula uses geodata to find a place nearby when another user searches for nearby ads.

Since Avito's website became paid, even though the slogan remained the same - free classifieds site, I somewhat lost interest in it. Having two children, I constantly buy something, and sell something, because the children grow very quickly, they do not have time to cover things, some of them are still new to me. On Avito not so long ago, they introduced restrictions on the number of ad submissions, in particular, in the "children's clothing" section, only 20, "goods for children and toys" - 10. All other ads are proposed to be published on a paid basis, and the cost of submitting an ad may be refused as, for example, 19 rubles or 450, depending on the value of the item being sold. Plus, the site is constantly trying to impose additional services to promote ads to the top positions in the search, which also costs a lot of money.

After my sales dropped significantly due to the fact that I could not list all my things, but only a part of them, in order to display a new one I had to wait until some of the published ads were sold, I began to look for other options for attaching the things of our children, toys that we no longer play with, the clothes from which we grew.

At that time, the media was actively advertising a new Yula smartphone apps... You can download it easily, simply and completely free in the Play Market. Installation takes a few minutes. Then you need to register either by phone number, which will be linked to your personal account, or through social networks.

After registration, you can immediately start publishing ads and expect that in an hour at the entrance there will be a queue of sufferers to buy your things. In fact, everything is completely different. A little over a month ago, in early September, I would have given the application four points, but today I cannot rate it more than one.

The Yula application has both its pluses and minuses compared to Avito.

Benefits of the Yula app.

In your personal account there are three sections "for sale", "sold" and "archive" where inactive or blocked ads go.

At the bottom of the page there are sections "home", "favorites", "messages" and "profile" to return to your personal account from other sections. Everything is simple and straightforward.

You can submit ads in unlimited quantities, I want 5, I want 25, on the very first day I published 10 ads, then I just didn't have enough time. When submitting an advertisement, you can add up to 4 photos of the product, as well as its short description, up to 500 characters. Sometimes this number of characters is not enough for a complete description of the product, but you have to put up with it.

Communication between a potential buyer and a seller is carried out through messages in the personal account of the application, it is also possible to call the seller directly from the application.

☛ When submitting ads, the application immediately determines the geolocation of the owner and independently indicates his location on the map. This is convenient for those who are not very mobile around the city, you can find the desired product within walking distance. However, when viewing ads, the specific address will not be visible, only a circle is indicated on the map, somewhere in the center of which the owner is located.

You can post ads not only in your region, when publishing an advertisement, the geolocation can be changed, for this you just need to manually move the point on the map, or enter the address indicating the city in the search box and the point on the map will be indicated by itself. But the last method works extremely rarely, which increases the number of disadvantages, which will be discussed below.

There is a "bookmarks" section in your personal account, where you can save your favorite products, view them, monitor the price and, when it drops, be the first to buy.

☛ When searching for the desired product, it is possible to enter a keyword in the search bar and use filters so as not to search for the necessary in the whole variety of ads.

To search for the desired ad, you must select the appropriate category.

You can filter a product by distance from yourself, so that ads far away from you do not even get into the selection.

You can sort ads by price, by publication date (for the last day, week or month).

And then in size, gender, color and other parameters.

☛ The most important advantage that the Yula application has is the unlimited ability to raise your ads in the feed so that as many visitors as possible see them. If on Avito to raise an ad, you need to wait a month when the ad will be automatically removed from publication, or use additional services, unfortunately paid, then on Yulia just go to the tab "change" on the announcement page, click "send" and the announcement is again the highest. You can update your ad at least once a week, at least once a day, once an hour, or once every 5 minutes. Who has how much time to sit in the application.

This was until September 9, 2016, when some sage developer paused this feature.

Right there in Play Market numerous negative reviews rained down, demands to return the function of updating the ad, albeit less often, to which the developers only dryly replied "we heard you, we are working to improve." Within a month, the developers responded to users like a soulless autoresponder, but they did nothing, except that they removed all negative reviews, but reviews for 3-4 words and with 5 stars fell like a cornucopia, which, of course, increased the rating of the application. What is it for?

☛ In each ad, you can see the number of views, as well as the number of people who have bookmarked your product, which means they are especially interested in it and there is a chance that they will call you soon. With the cancellation of the ad update, the number of views stopped growing, which, again, other users complain about.

Going into the seller's profile, you can see all his ads and choose for yourself and other things. On the Avito Not only does such a function not exist, but it is even forbidden to insert a keyword into the ad text, by which it would be possible to find all ads of one person. Such ads are immediately blocked, and in case of numerous violations, they can delete the account completely. I had a case when a girl became interested in one thing and after looking through all my ads on Yulia, she wanted to buy a second one.

On this, the positive aspects of the Yula application end and one continuous negative begins.

In order to raise your ad in the search, you need to purchase bonuses. Using one bonus, you can place only one ad at the top of the feed. You can get bonuses by sending your friends and acquaintances an offer to install on your smartphones Yula app, either through social networks or via SMS notification. Honestly, I didn't really want to spam my friends with messages about a new application for selling their unwanted goods. Moreover, just sending notifications with a promo code is not enough, it is necessary that a person install this application and enter my promo code, then I and he will receive several bonuses. I just had to come to terms with the fact that my ads floated far down and only those who are looking for something near my house can find them.

Recently, periodically began to accrue 10 bonuses, with what frequency, I can not catch, for what - too. Just like that, no way. I immediately spend them on promotion in the search for some of the most interesting ads, for all my ads 10 bonuses, of course, will not be enough, but at least something.

It is extremely rare to receive notifications about new messages, there is no beep even after repeated application updates. To see what someone wrote to you, you need to go to the application, sometimes I don’t go for several days, so I can lose a customer who is tired of waiting for a reply to his message and bought a similar thing from another seller.

It is impossible to raise ads in the feed in any other way, except for activating bonuses. Not for money, for beautiful eyes, not for any merit. If on Avito You can pay for additional services and the ad will be advertised more often, which means there are more chances that it will be noticed and there is a buyer, then Yula does not give such an opportunity. You can, of course, delete the ad and submit it again, but you won't do that every day, how much time you need to kill for this. Yes, and deleted ads do not disappear anywhere, but will be saved in the folder "sold".

I noticed that a month after the first publication, as well as on Avito, the ad becomes inactive, a warning about this appears in advance, a few days in the form of an icon at the bottom of the main photo "expires".

You cannot delete ads from the "Sold" folder. At least a hundred of them can accumulate there, they don't seem to interfere with life, but personally I don't like this mess, because this folder can contain both things that are actually sold and those that had to be removed from publication in order to publish again with the aim of raising the tape.

Similarly, you cannot remove ads from bookmarks. There, among the things sold by other people, there are ads that are still relevant. It's a mess again.

Sometimes the application is unable to find a point on the map when you enter the address into the search bar. You have to manually shift the map yourself, enlarge it to find the right place. This is extremely inconvenient!

☛ Recently, people began to complain not only about the introduction of the bonus system, but also about the fact that the application sets a limit on the publication of ads, that is, it is no longer possible to put up as many things for sale as you want, numerous ads are regarded as spam and the user is blocked, without explanation, the administration does not react to messages and requests for account recovery, or responds with stereotyped, impersonal phrases.

I use Yula application already 2 months, during this time it is Yulia only 3 things were sold (and 2 of them were bought by one person), and then during that period, while it was still possible to raise your ads. On the Avito over the same period of time more than 10, and I sell things for Avito, What's on Yulia same. If earlier it was possible to call Yula app worthy alternative Avito, and some, including me, considered it the best application for selling unnecessary things, now I can't say that, I can only swear at Yulu waiting for calls from users Avito.

I do not recommend the Yula application and I wish that some of the developers would quickly launch a similar, but already better, not so crude application with the ability to reanimate their ads at least once every few days. After all, mobile applications are extremely popular nowadays, they are convenient to use, because the smartphone is always with them, people can view information on the way to work or back, at any free time. Honestly, I want to delete it, but the hope that someone in my entrance will want to buy something from me remains, although the probability of this is extremely small.

How to place an ad on Yulia? This is quite simple to do. In our article, we will study this application in detail, all its nuances and subtleties of the placement.

Many people need to sell a certain thing. But how do you find a buyer for her? The easiest way is to place an ad on one of the available services.

Previously, the most popular site was the Avito portal. In recent years, he has been considered an almost monopoly in this area. A well-thought-out marketing campaign and integration with other resources helped.

The Yula application has appeared relatively recently. It was actively advertised on various Internet resources, on VK and OK, on ​​YouTube, etc. The developer was Group.

The firm has significant capital and has invested heavily in the creation of the platform and its promotion. The investments allowed Yulia to become the second in Russia. So far, it is inferior in popularity to Avito, but everything can change.

What are the advantages of this application?

  1. It is very simple and convenient.
  2. I manage to quickly master the program.
  3. It has a beautiful and modern interface.
  4. You can post an ad on Yulia for free.
  5. You will enjoy basic features without a monthly fee. There are additional options for commercial accounts for a separate amount.
  6. The app has been released for major platforms.
  7. It works on a variety of smartphones.
  8. Undemanding to resources.
  9. It functions stably and does not crash, does not slow down when moving between points.
  10. There is a convenient search for submitted applications.
  11. You can quickly contact the seller, find out about the product and make an appointment.

The app is constantly being updated. The developer tries to make it better. It is possible that in the future new functions will be added that will significantly simplify the implementation of various actions.

How to place an ad on Yulia

Interested in how to post an ad on Yulia? Initially, you need to prepare for this procedure. Required:

  • Go to the official app store.
  • Find the program in the search.
  • Download it.
  • After installation, launch.

To use the software, you need to have an Internet connection. You can use a wireless network or mobile. Access is required to download information from servers.

You can use the application to view applications without registration. How to find a product of interest:

  1. Open the program.
  2. Click on the menu icon.
  3. A special tab with categories will open.
  4. Find the one you need.
  5. The service will offer ads from people who are located relatively close to you.
  6. Standard sorting is by distance. Due to this, you do not have to go to the other end of the city for a smartphone or shoes.
  7. You can see the pictures and information in the card.
  8. It is suggested to click on the "Call" button to make a call to the seller.

Users will appreciate the convenience of finding products. There are many categories, you can find almost anything on Yulia.

How many ads can you place on Yulia?

How to place an ad on Yulia for free from your phone and how many applications can you place? There is no mention of limits in the rules, so I had to contact technical support for clarification.

Service specialists answer: there are no specific restrictions. The user can post a different number of requests. When tracking his actions, special algorithms and programs are used. It is important to observe the following points:

  • Ads are posted at regular intervals. That is, the person filled out the card, added a photo and sent it for placement.
  • Various products are sold. You cannot upload multiple takes, the moderators will delete them and may block the account for violating the rules.

It is forbidden to use bots for laying out! They place applications at short intervals, the system will detect the use of a special computer program and lock the account.

How to advertise for free and without registration

Do you want to advertise on Yulia for free and without registration? It won't work. This feature is available exclusively to authorized users. There is no way to get around the limitation; you should not waste time searching.

We'll have to do the registration. This will require:

  1. In the application, click on the plus sign.
  2. A notification will appear asking you to log in.
  3. Choose one of the ways.
  4. Go through a simple confirmation procedure.
  5. Authorization completed.

At the moment, a number of ways are provided for registration:

  • By number. Enter your phone number and confirm it with a code.
  • Via VK and OK. It is enough to click on one of the buttons and provide access to the information on the page.

Why does the application ask for registration? This is necessary for user control. If a person breaks the rules or uses a bot for laying out, then he can be blocked. This is how the service protects itself from spam and inappropriate users.

How to post an ad from your phone

If you got to the placement, you were able to successfully register. Now we will tell you how to place an ad on Yulia for free from your phone, step-by-step instructions will help users. Main steps:

  1. Open the program.
  2. Click on the plus sign.
  3. Select a product category.
  4. A form will appear.
  5. Write a title.
  6. Indicate the cost.
  7. Enter a description.
  8. Choose a location.
  9. Add photos.

Pictures can be taken with the camera, they will be automatically uploaded to the program. It is important to choose the right lighting and angle. It is better to take a few photos to familiarize users with the proposed product.

Pictures can be uploaded from smartphone. Select the appropriate item and find them in the gallery. Photos will be attached to the ad.

It remains to indicate your number. If you registered by phone, then this is not necessary. Otherwise, you will have to confirm using a code. After the application will be posted.

The request will appear in the general search. Users will be able to examine the ad and contact you. All that remains is to select a buyer and make an appointment to complete the transaction.

Place an ad from your computer

How to place an ad on Yulia for free from a computer? The answer is simple - there is no such possibility. The system was originally developed for mobile phones.

Why isn't there a similar function? Probably, experts see the prospect in the development of the application. This is one of the ways to encourage people to use the program to work with the service.

I can see ads and write messages on my computer. At the same time, there is no possibility for calculation. It is possible that this function will never appear and the developers are not going to add it.

Some resources advise you to put an Android emulator on your computer. But these are kind of "crutches". What problems may arise:

  • You will have to spend time looking for an emulator, installing and preparing for use.
  • Such programs are not very stable.
  • Emulators can slow down and crash.
  • Android OS is designed for touch screens. Working with the operating system on a PC is not very convenient.

Therefore, installing an emulator can solve the problem, but it will take a lot of time. It is much easier and faster to download the application to your smartphone, install it, log in and start using the service.

You learned about Yulu and the features of the application of this program. We recommend visiting the official store and downloading it. She is considered one of the main competitors of Avito and has a number of advantages.

Yula is a site designed for the submission and search of ads, similar to Avito and Slando. Millions of people have already started using this mobile application. At the first application, many users are interested in the question of how to submit an ad for sale on Julia for free. Any user can create a publication on this site, you just need to follow certain instructions.

What is the service

Often a situation arises when you need to sell a specific item. The easiest way to find a buyer for her is by posting an offer on one of the relevant services.

Previously, the most popular site was Avito. He was almost a monopoly in this area, thanks to a clever marketing move and partnerships with other resources.

Relatively recently, it became possible to use the Yula service. Active advertising on the Internet (VKontakte, YouTube, etc.) attracted a lot of users. The application was developed by Group.

The presence of significant investments made it possible to create a platform and promote it. Today Yula is still inferior to Avito, but is already in second place after him. Every day, hundreds of publications about the sale on various topics are posted on the site.

Below are the main benefits of the app:

  1. Convenience and ease of use;
  2. Rapid mastering of the program;
  3. Modern and attractive interface;
  4. The ability to create a free publication;
  5. No monthly fee when using basic functions. The service offers additional features for a fee;
  6. The application is suitable for all major platforms and can be installed on various brands of smartphones;
  7. Convenient and fast navigation through the application.

Interesting: The service is regularly updated. The developers strive to constantly improve it.

Recently, all users of the Odnoklassniki application can use the services of the system, since Yula's product database has been integrated into this social network. All functions offered by Yula also become available on the social network.

Basic terms of use of the service

Any user can post an ad in the application, for this you must follow certain rules. Not allowed to publish on Yulia announcements about:

  1. Sale of goods and services prohibited for use;
  2. Offers that do not exist or are out of date;
  3. Purchase of goods or their exchange;
  4. Providing material assistance;
  5. The fact that material values ​​have been found or lost;
  6. That several products are being sold at once (a separate ad should be created for each product);
  7. Offering intermediary services or custom products.

All published information should not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation. It is forbidden to publish hidden advertisements and duplicate advertisements. If even one of the listed points is violated, the publication will be refused.

How to post a post from your phone

Publishing via a mobile phone is hosted in several stages. Below is a description of each of them. Registration on Yula's official website is free, announcements are also free.

Create an account

In order to start the publication procedure, you must register in the application. After it is installed on your mobile phone, you need to click on the little man icon in the upper right corner. The service will offer authorization through: Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki networks, phone numbers. To use the last option, you need to enter your phone number, confirm it by entering the code from SMS. Next, you will need to enter your last name and first name. You can upload a photo if you want. Then you need to click the "Save" button. This completes the account creation.


In order to place an ad for sale on Yulia, you must follow the following algorithm:

  1. Open the application;
  2. Click the plus sign;
  3. Select a product category that, in the user's opinion, is most suitable for the item being sold;
  4. After the form appears, you need to write the title of the publication, indicate the cost. It is advisable to study similar announcements in advance, you need to prepare in advance for possible questions. Do not overstate or understate the price. The first option will not attract buyers, the second will make you doubt the quality of the product;
  5. Enter a description of the product / service;
  6. Choose a location. The application has the ability to link to geodata, which increases the likelihood of the sale of the product by a potential buyer who is nearby;
  7. Add photo. They can be downloaded from your phone from the gallery.

The end point is the indication of the phone number. If registration was performed with its help, then this step can be released. For other options, you need to confirm the number using the code.

Important: The posted publication must first be checked and approved by the resource moderators.

After approval from the site administration is received, all users can view the ad. Now its owner can see the number of views.

Create a post on Yulia from a computer

It is quite problematic to place an ad on a yule from a computer for free. Initially, the app is intended for smartphones only. Such a function is not developed because the developers see the perspective in the development of the application. This is one of the methods of stimulating the users of the program to work with the system.

Help: You can view sales offers and exchange messages on your computer. But you won't be able to post a publication about the sale.

  1. Time spent on searching, installing and preparing for the use of the emulator;
  2. Such programs are very unstable, they can slow down and suddenly stop working;
  3. Android OS is designed for touch screens only. It is very inconvenient to work with the operating system on the computer.

How to remove an ad in the service

If necessary, you can delete the publication created on Julia. Below is a sequence of steps for this purpose:

  1. Go to the application and open the ad you want to delete;
  2. Click on the button with 3 dots in the upper right corner of the screen;
  3. The service will provide a choice of options "Change", "Delete" and "Unpublish". Select the item to delete;
  4. Next, the system will display a warning about the impossibility of canceling the action. You need to confirm your intention to delete.

Yula is one of the popular Russian resources created for smartphone users in order to publish advertisements for the sale of certain goods. The service has many advantages, thanks to which it attracts an increasing number of users. You can install and use it only on a smartphone with an Android operating system; on a computer in this system, you can only view ads and exchange messages. Only authorized users can use Yula.

The Yula website ( is an electronic bulletin board for lawyers (firms, companies, factories) and individuals. Here you can buy all kinds of household goods, clothing, digital equipment (cameras, telephones, computers, printers), toys, furniture for children, as well as various real estate. You can search and submit ads on Yulia from your phone and computer.

From this article you will learn how to register on Yulia (create an account) via phone and PC, how to add an ad for free and delete your personal profile.


On the computer

1. Open an offsite at

2. Click the sign "Login".

3. On the new page, to register on Yulia, select the login option:

By phone number:

Click the button "By number .... ";

Open the list of countries by clicking the mouse;

Select your country from the list;

Enter your phone number (international country code is added automatically);

Click "Get the code ...";

Follow the instructions of the service to complete the authorization.

Through the social network profile:

In the window that appears, enter your phone number, e-mail or login, password from your personal profile on the social network. Click Sign In.

Allow the service to access the personal data of your personal page: under the request text, click "Allow".

After registering, click on the "account" icon (located at the top right). Open "Settings".

In the panel of personal and general settings, add all the necessary data (phone number, place of residence, bank card details).

On the phone

On mobile devices running iOS and Android, you can use the service application. Install, run it and register in the same way as on a PC. Alternatively, use a browser and sign in to a web page.

How do I create an ad?

2. In the top panel on the right, click the "Submit ad" button.

4. In the form that appears, additionally enter the type, brand, class, characteristics of the product.

5. Enter the name of the product and its price, and create a short description. If necessary, upload a photo from your PC (use the "Add" panel).

6. Set your address on the map, enter your contact phone number.