Google Optimize: step by step guide. Search Engine Optimization Guide from Google

Good afternoon, readers of my blog. As you can imagine, there are two main search engines in Runet - Yandex and Google. Precisely they give 99% of search traffic for most sites. Each search engine has its own ranking algorithms, so the optimization methods and methods are slightly different from each other. In this article, I will tell you about the basics of optimizing your site on Google. On many SEO forums, newbies often ask the same question - “In Yandex, the site is in the TOP, and in Google it is outside the top 30. Why is that?". There are a lot of such questions, and if you don't know much about the basics of SEO and search engine algorithms, then the difference in positions can be confusing. But this is logical. Many SEO gurus recommend focusing on only one search engine, since it is practically impossible to find a middle ground so that you can be in the TOP in both Yandex and Google.

We recommend reading:

Website optimization for Google, who needs it?

First of all, those who want to have the main traffic from this search engine. In Russia, 70% of users use Yandex, but such figures are only in the Russian Internet. In Ukraine, Belarus and Europe, the main search platform is Google. His dominance is increasing every day and this factor cannot be ignored. I am sure that in the near future Google will bite off a significant part of Yandex and the Russian market.

So, what does this search engine optimization include? I will not invent anything, and I don’t need to, because Google itself is very open and always prompts optimizers how to improve their sites as much as possible.
I advise you to use a few simple tips that will help the search robot understand what your site is about and quickly find the content the user needs on it:

1. Title (title of the page) - here you need to briefly, up to 70 characters, describe what this page is about, try to include in the description a direct entry of the promoted key. If you are selling shoes and want to optimize your page with children's shoes, then the name should be something like this - "Children's shoes - Great prices - All sizes in stock"

2. Description of the page (description) is a more detailed description, the length of which should not exceed 170 characters with spaces. With the help of the description, the user should understand what he can find on your site. Very often, a well-written description increases the number of visits several times.

We recommend reading:

3. If you want to receive traffic from images, then you need to help Google recognize them. To do this, in each uploaded image, you must indicate a description, title and a small signature. Everything should be laconic here, in fact, without further ado.

4. Google loves updated sites very much. If you want the robot to visit you frequently, index new articles, update old ones, then you should regularly update the content, add new and unique materials.

5. Google is very fond of article markup. When writing, use the h1-h6 tags, make paragraphs, highlight parts of the text. You should not write everything in one continuous "sheet", it will not be convenient for users, and Google will not approve.

6. Google has a lot of all kinds of filters. Therefore, before you optimize your site, read what not to do. Personally, I call this method “reverse”. We read the punishments, we understand why they are not doing so. You can read more about filters in the article "Google Filters is a miracle menagerie"

7. Google is very fond of clean sites, without unnecessary codes, redirects, scripts. The lighter the site, the better.

8. There is an opinion that search robots are the best to perceive articles with a size of 3 to 5 thousand characters. Personally, I have not yet noticed the relationship between the length of the text and the place in the SERP. Write beautiful articles, correctly enter the keys, do the markup and everything will be fine.

9. Relinking. Do not forget about her. If Yandex treats it mediocrely, then Google values ​​high-quality and correct linking very much.

We recommend reading:

10. If we talk about the density of keywords in the text, then Google is different from Yandex. This search engine loves slightly over-optimized texts. They should be readable, but with multiple key word forms. I have noticed that the optimal density ranges from 4-6%.

You can check your text on the website
Perhaps these are the main recommendations. There is nothing complicated and supernatural about them. The only thing I want to add is that Google responds very quickly to all kinds of changes in your site. We improved the content, changed the titles, rewrote the descriptions, made the linking - expect changes in the search results in the next 2-3 days.

Good luck optimizing your sites.

Good day, dear readers. Last week, April 1, a note was posted on the official Google blog that the SEO Guide for Beginners has been translated into Russian.

I highly recommend everyone to download the manual to their computer, it should become your reference book. The manual itself is small, only 32 pages, and reads in one go. Of course, you will not find there secrets of how to get into the TOP of Google, you already know many recommendations yourself, but there are points that you just need to pay attention to.

I'm not going to rewrite the guide in this article, but decided to pay attention to some recommendations, because, it seemed to me, these recommendations are rarely found in SEO-related blogs.

So, I repeat, this article is not a reprint of the manual, you must read it yourself, in this article I will highlight some thoughts that, in my subjective opinion, are rarely discussed in various seo articles.

The structure of the article is more thesis, i.e. I'll just list some of the recommendations in my own words and supplement with my thoughts and examples.


The first thing I want to draw your attention to is the site structure and page URLs. Google pays very close attention to this issue. I know, very often, a webmaster, thinking over the structure of the site and the structure of the URL, removes the heading in which it is located from the page address. Especially, this is very relevant among WordPress bloggers. For example, the site has a heading Optimization, and this heading contains articles about optimization. Very often, the name of the category is removed from the URL of articles, i.e. the link is obtained as follows:

According to Google, this is wrong!

The URL of the article about optimization should be like this:

Those. inside the URL there must be a heading to which the article belongs. Google talks about this in several chapters, so I think it is very important for internal site optimization for Google.

Why is this so important?

The main reason is that it is convenient for user orientation, so that the visitor understands where he is, and by removing part of the URL he can be guaranteed to be, as follows from my example, in the heading, i.e. in the place to which this article refers.

The second reason is that, according to Google, the search engine must understand why each individual page was created and exists, what role it plays and what it carries to the user. Now imagine, when we remove a category from the URL, it immediately becomes unclear for the search engine, but why this page was created at all, what role does it play if it was thrown out of the address, and besides, it is never unique, because contains announcements of articles, which by their URL do not refer to it, but to the main one.

What is the optimal investment depth? We know that for the convenience of users, any page on the site should be accessible in 2-3 clicks. If you take the maximum - 3 clicks, then count.

  1. Home - Category - 1 click
  2. Heading - Sub-heading - 2 click
  3. Subheading - Article - 3 click

This means that the permissible maximum nesting should be as follows:

But remember that the URL shouldn't be too long.

And most importantly, the structure of the site and the URL should be strictly ordered so that it is clear to any user exactly where he is and how to get where he wants. Therefore, Google recommends doing so that the user has the opportunity to remove part of the URL and not get to the 404 page. That is, as in the example above,

if a user, being on the page of an article, wants to go to a sub-heading or to the main heading by removing a part of the URL, then he is guaranteed to get into a sub-heading or heading.


I liked the recommendation for creating navigation on the site. Google recommends starting any navigation from the home page precisely because most often when users get to the site, they begin to get acquainted with it and search for information from the home page. Those. The point is that when you start thinking about which categories to make and how to display them, proceed from the fact that the user has entered the site on the start page and starts looking for materials on the topic of interest. How he will think, what he will need - to present all this and to do, this is the task of the webmaster.


As we know, in Yandex Webmaster, you can set the case of letters in the URL. So Google does not recommend doing this, citing the fact that Internet users are accustomed to small letters in links.



The next recommendation that I advise you to pay attention to is the use of anchor text in links. For example, for Yandex, natural links are considered of this kind, but for Google, the link must be like this, i.e. The anchor of the link should clearly convey the essence of where the link leads. This applies to absolutely all links, both internal and external.

This is explained again from the point of view of the user, the site visitor must know where he is going, and the naked URL does not always show by its appearance what the page to which the link leads is about.


I would like to draw your attention to the following Google recommendation. Many sites have two kinds of images, for example, some images are used in articles and are located in the img folder, other images are used in the gallery, and, as a rule, a separate folder is created, for example, gallery. So from the point of view of google, this is not the best option, the search engine recommends keeping all the pictures in one folder. In this case, as I see, the only way out is to create a gallery folder in the img folder.

In general, keep track of where all your images are. Also, it is worth paying attention to creating a separate sitemap.xml file for images.


It seemed to me a very interesting recommendation that, if there is such a need, then you can hide some pieces of text on the page from the search engine, while showing them to users, but it is strictly forbidden to hide the text from users, while showing it to the search robot.


In general, it has never been a secret, but Google emphasizes that if you link to a questionable resource, it can affect your site's reputation.

Interestingly, if, on the contrary, refer to a quality resource, will this affect your reputation in a positive way? It may well be so.


A separate topic Google pays great attention to the mobile version of the site.

A modern site, according to this search engine, cannot exist without a mobile version.

Naturally, this is explained by the fact that many users access the Internet from mobile devices, and we are obliged to think about them by providing a mobile version of our site.

Therefore, it may well be that by installing the mobile version on its site, Google will regard this as caring for the user, add a certain number of points to the site, which will cause the site to rise in the search results. Of course, we can only guess about this, but what the hell is not kidding. After all, Google directly cannot say that this is one of the ranking factors, but if it recommends, then you should listen to it.


If a company that has a website provides services in any region, or has an office / store where visitors come, then Google recommends its Google Places service. I want to say that not many commercial organizations use this service yet. Depending on the request, the search results always show a map with the found addresses that are closest to the user.

That's probably all I wanted to bring to your attention from the SEO Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization. Upon careful reading, it becomes clear that by all possible means Google is trying to convey one single thought - make a useful and interesting resource for the user, for your visitor.

The more you think about your audience, the better Google will relate to your site.

And it will never be superfluous to follow, because it is on them that first of all we can analyze how interesting our site is to users, draw some conclusions based on the analysis, but if you want to try to influence behavioral factors, then you may be useful article Guide to website promotion through behavioral factors published in the blog of Dmitry Denisov.

Once again, be sure to download this guide and read it - it's interesting and useful!

Good luck with the promotion.

When the Google Chrome browser was first introduced to the public, it was a lightweight and nimble program that impressed everyone with its speed and low system requirements. Several years have passed since then, and Chrome has quietly grown to the 14th version. Gradually, he acquired all the new functions, support for all the latest web technologies and turned into a real monster, the installation files of which weigh more than 80 MB. Of course, this versatility comes at a price, and Chrome is no longer as fast as it was when it was young. However, the "extra fat" can be easily removed and speed up your browser using a few simple methods.

1. Follow the start page

Chrome can start very quickly, no doubt about that. However, restoring the last session or opening a heavy page on browser startup can significantly slow down the start. When installing, many applications strive to install their home page in your browser, so make sure that the item is selected in the Chrome settings in the initial group settings Open the main page, which should be set to the quick access page.

2. Use a minimum of extensions.

Thousands and thousands of extensions for Chrome can significantly expand its functionality, make it more convenient and beautiful. However, do not forget that each extension runs in a separate process, which consumes certain, and sometimes quite significant, memory and processor resources. therefore revise your list of extensions and leave only the ones you really need... By the way, here you need to remember about the ability of many extensions to work in the background, even after closing the browser. If you have a weak computer, then this function can be disabled.

3. Use the default theme.

You can, of course, paint your browser like a Christmas tree if your soul requires a holiday. However, for day-to-day work, it's best to use the default theme. All extraneous graphics, and even more so animations, slow down the launch and consume system resources.

4. Turn on experimental features.

The developers are constantly working to improve the browser, but not all new features have been finalized. You can enable some of these features to speed up the program. To do this, type in the address bar about: flags and you will be presented with a page of experimental functions. You should pay attention to the following points:

  • Overriding the software-renderer list- allows you to use graphics acceleration even on older video cards;
  • GPU processing of all pages- enables GPU acceleration on all pages, not just those containing the corresponding layers;
  • GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D- acceleration of 2D graphics using the GPU;
  • Pre-process from Omnibox- background loading of pages when entering an address or a search query.

5. Optimize your settings

Google Chrome has a powerful system of settings, some of them can speed up its performance a little. Open up Parameters and go to the tab Extended... Here you can enable the option Predict network actions to speed up page loading, and also disable Automatically send usage statistics and crash reports to Google. If you are an experienced user and are not afraid of phishing fakes, then it is better to turn off the item Enable phishing and malware protection, which will somewhat speed up the loading of pages due to the absence of the need to check the security of each address.

6. Disable plug-ins.

Modern web services can use a variety of technologies in their work, such as Java, Flash, Silverlight. Support for these standards is implemented in the browser as plug-ins. It is far from the fact that all of them will be used by you constantly, but they use system resources. So open Parameters then the tab Extended, click the button Content settings and find the link Disable individual modules... Experiment with its contents, leaving only what you really need.

7. Use launch with parameters.

The Chrome browser can be launched with special parameters, enabling or disabling certain functions. To do this, open the properties of the shortcut on the Desktop to launch the program and add the required command. A complete list of all parameters can be found on this page, and we would like to draw your attention to the following options:

  • -disable-dev-tools - disables developer tools;
  • -disable-java - disabling Java, which is currently rarely used on sites;
  • -disable-logging - disable logging;
  • -disable-metrics-system- disable the collection of browser usage statistics.

8. Periodic cleaning of the cache.

The browser saves the graphics from the pages you download in a cache on your hard drive so that when you visit the page again, it loads faster. However, over time, this cache grows so much that it starts to slow down the program. Therefore, it will be useful to clear the contents of the cache every few days. This can be done in the program settings by clicking on the button Delete browsing data.

9. Use keyboard shortcuts.

Yes, take the time and finally learn the hotkeys for working in Google Chrome. This really speeds up the work in the program, especially since many of us spend many hours on the Internet. A complete list of hotkeys can be found.

10. Try pre-build builds

The Chrome browser is growing at a tremendous pace, so the developers have implemented several update channels: Stable (stable), Beta (beta), Developer (for developers) and Canary (experimental). Perhaps the new features you'll find in the preview versions of the browser will help you speed up its performance even further.

You can download these browser assemblies.


This article does not contain step-by-step instructions or a literal guide to action. The methods contained in this article require meaningful individual application and experimental testing on each system - something will improve the performance of the browser, others will not show the intended results. So try, experiment and share your impressions in the comments.

How to optimize your site for Google?

Search engine optimization of a site for Google is carried out in order to conquer the TOP-s of the world's largest search engine.

Google site optimization differs from optimization for Yandex (Yandex) due to the specifics of filtering, indexing and ranking algorithms.

Website optimization on Google affects external and internal factors, creates the prerequisites for successful promotion in search and victory over competitors. The work is based on SEO audit, competition analysis, audience needs and Google recommendations for webmasters.

The goal of optimization is to promote the site and increase profits.

How to optimize your site on Google

Optimization is carried out in several directions, which includes working with link, behavioral, textual and technical factors. The more improvements you implement, the higher your chances of getting into the top of Google.

1. Domain name

Optimizing a website on Google starts with choosing a domain. Google gives preference to domain names with key phrases.

All other things being equal, a site with the domain "site" on the query "optimizer" will be higher than other projects without keywords in the domains. But the domain zone (RU, COM, SU, TV) is almost not taken into account by Google.

According to the latest information, the age of the domain does not affect the rankings, but the age of the pages is still relevant. The older the page, the higher its Page Rank and Trust (trust score), the better the ranking. Pages older than 2 years are considered "old".

2. "Sandbox"

Launching a young site on Google is complicated by the Sandbox filter only if the pages are optimized for high-frequency (HF) or mid-frequency (MF) phrases. Optimizing a site on Google for low-frequency (LF) queries allows you to bypass the "Sandbox".

3. Design and engine (CMS)

The Google search engine is being developed in the West, where they are sensitive to intellectual property and copyright. Therefore, the original design will only improve the position in Google.

When working with CMS and templates, you should at least carry out technical optimization of the site for Google and uniqueize the design at the level of the program code. Refusal from open, open source "box" engines and the transition to self-written projects, unpopular and licensed paid CMS or website builders will give positive progress.

4. Specificity and focus

Google gives preference to highly specialized and narrow-profile sites dedicated to one specific topic. This applies to the issuance of all types of requests (HF, MF, LF).

For example, for the query “bike,” a project that specializes only in bicycles will be in the TOP, and the thematic internal sections of versatile online stores will appear below.

5. Updates and number of pages

Optimizing a website for Google is impossible without frequent content and web page updates. The minimum recommended update frequency is 1 new page every 1-2 days.

Google has a negative attitude towards sites that immediately publish many pages, and then stop updating. Explosive and unsystematic growth in content volumes negatively affects site optimization in Google.

There are also preferences for the number of pages. Google “likes” web resources over 10,000 pages. Large sites stay in the TOP for a long time.

6. Uniqueness and texts

Google penalizes copy-paste, duplicate, and repetition. Optimizing a website on Google means filling pages with 100% unique, informative and useful texts aimed at people, not robots.

It has been noticed that longreads and long texts of 5000-10000 characters or more are more often included in the TOP.

This is logical, because full-fledged and comprehensive information cannot be contained in 500 characters. This means that your articles for site optimization on Google should be large, and most importantly - high-quality and useful.

With the same dislike Google treats duplicate pages, the same SEO-tags, "see-through" text in the footer and other non-unique (repetitive) insertions. When 2 similar pages are found, the search leaves one and pessimizes the duplicate or copy-paste.

The text is written and formatted for people, divided into logical paragraphs, framed by a single style, structured and aligned to the left. Text formatting in website optimization for Google plays a special role.

7. "Nausea" of the text

Incorrect site optimization on Google leads to overspam by keywords (especially in the exact entry), poor ranking and penalties.

Google RankBrain's clever algorithm instantly calculates an unnatural overabundance of keys called "nausea".

Google admits "nausea" at 13-17%. Website optimization for Google uses a higher key density than Yandex. The main factor is the naturalness of the text and presentation.

8. Using keywords

Research has shown that Google ranks higher on sites without any SEO optimization whatsoever. We associate this with the unprofessionalism of half-educated optimizers and the lack of a clear strategy.

If you are not confident in your own strengths, knowledge and capabilities, you are acting according to someone's instructions "for dummies" from the Internet, it is better to refuse to optimize your site for Google. At least you will not interfere with natural progress and not cause harm.

The Google search engine has its own requirements for the quality of sites and if your site fully meets them, high positions in Google search are guaranteed to you. Optimization for Google has its own characteristics and is slightly different from, but the main similarity in optimization is that the site being promoted must be of high quality and made for people. When optimizing for Google, special attention should be paid to the uniqueness of materials, be it texts or images.

Many people try to compare. Because specific search engine queries vary, comparing optimization methods is unlikely to yield positive results. Site optimization on Google should be tailored to the specific search engine.

Google is full of nuances. We will try to talk about them in this article. Work on promotion begins, as a rule, with indexing and increasing positions. Since manual addition of sites to the system is not provided (unlike Yandex, Rambler), you can go the other way and add several links to it from other resources of similar topics.

Google is not only a well-known, but also a dynamic search engine that instantly reacts to sites, links and quickly indexes them. This suggests that if you are interested in website optimization for Google, with proper promotion, you can take high positions in the SERP much faster than with their promotion for other search engines.

At least three factors affect the position of a page in search results for a phrase:

1. PageRank- an indicator used and assigned by Google, which exists to determine the popularity of a particular page of a particular site on the Internet.

2. Page Optimization for a specific phrase (phrase density, the presence of a phrase in various headings and tags). The most wrong thing would be to try to optimize your site for a monosyllabic and popular search query. For example, "seo", "cars", "flowers", etc. Why is it bad to choose such words? There is a lot of competition and very time-consuming promotion work, despite the fact that the traffic that you will receive in case of success will not always be targeted. It is even more correct to say that it will be 90% garbage. It is easier and more efficient to select complex queries. For example, "buying a car in Kiev", "flower delivery in Moscow", etc.

3. Link ranking. There are and, accordingly, which increases with the growth of the number of direct links to your site from external resources. In addition, a competent arrangement of internal links (from the main link to subsections, from subsections to the main and to sub-subsections, etc.) leads to redistribution, which can increase the PR of the main page. It is also worth considering the fact that with such a system it is possible to increase the PR of the main page without links from other resources, increasing the number of pages on the site.

How to optimize a site for google.

Age. No one doubts that Google loves old domains. But it doesn't give us anything. It's just that the older the site gets, the more credibility it gets.

Incoming links. Everything is clear and without explanation. Although it cannot be said that this is only important when optimizing for Google. Any PS will trust a site that has links from authoritative resources much more. By the way, please note that Google appreciates the so-called "drafts" more, and Yandex "muzzles".

Outgoing links. But here the differences from Yandex are obvious. Yasha divides everything into black and white, that is, if there are a lot of outgoing links, and even to various GS, the site will fall under the AGS. Google may not have a filter, but the PR will be reset to zero. Accordingly, the level of trust will fall, and with it the position. From which it follows that promotion on Google and selling links in Sape are incompatible.

Over-optimization. Some people want to get to the TOP so badly that they ignore all reasonable limits and oversaturate the page with keywords. And what is such a thing as cost estimates for requests is generally forgotten. As a result - a filter and an understatement of positions. Remember, the text needs to be written for people, and only then for bots. Then the visitors will be satisfied and the positions will not fall.

Internal linking. For information on how to do it correctly and what you can get in the end, read the article "Internal linking for promotion on low frequencies". With regard to Google, you can add that in this way you can PR of some pages. True, there was no apa for a long time.

Duplicate pages. Not a single PS likes them. True, in Yandex they are needed for link trading, but in Google there is no sense in them, but there is harm.

Title. He plays a huge role. Never leave this field blank or fill in general phrases. Title must include a keyword, and the closer to the beginning, the better.

Description, Keywords. You don't need to listen to all those who say that Google does not take them into account at all, and there is no need to fill them out. It will take you only a couple of minutes, but then you will not have to worry, but did you do the right thing? Just don't write everything you can think of in keywords. Enough 2 - 3 keywords, for which the page is sharpened.

emphasis... Most webmasters limit themselves to enclosing the post title in a tag

, but, when optimizing a site for Google, you need to use h2, h3. Especially if the text is large. This will appeal not only to the PS, but also to users, because it will be easier to read.

map of site... It is you who know the structure of your site well and are perfectly familiar with it, and the rest may need help. Don't be lazy, take a couple of minutes of your time and set it up. Moreover, a link to it should lead from every page. They say Google loves it.

Time spent on the site... The time has passed when it was possible to cram keywords into the text and climb into the TOP. are constantly improving and are already analyzing much more complex parameters. Although this is all just guesswork and theory, but still. The more time a visitor spends on a site, the more useful it is.

Content. Whatever they say, but the uniqueness of the content is almost of key importance. It was because of him that my site fell in the search results. Although they stole my posts. Therefore, no copy-paste and cheap rewriting, only unique!

The number of pages in the primary and secondary index. Just the other day, Sosnovsky conducted an experiment to extract pages from an additional index to the main one. Well, I think that the main index should contain as many pages as possible.

A robots.txt file. The file contains the parameters of the site indexing by robots of various search engines. It can regulate the work of a specific search engine or all together.

The presence of optimized titles and meta tags. Moreover, each heading must exactly correspond to the content of the page to which it belongs.

Ease of navigation and hierarchy. It is necessary to simplify the transitions from the general to the more specific site, but it is still not worth breaking the existing content into many subcategories.

Why is Google banning.

having the same title for all pages or titles not directly related to the content of a particular page. Each of them should have its own short informative title, corresponding to its content.

the presence in the description tags of the description consisting of keywords, one that does not match the content, or the same description for all pages.

presentation of one and the same page at different levels of the site, this can affect the sending of the site to the ban.

duplication of content. If it turns out that the same content is reflected on two or more pages, the robot will consider it non-unique.

copying or generating content. Having found generated content, Google is actively pessimizing the resource.

incorrect description in meta tags. They must correspond to the topic of the site and the content of a particular page.

unordered URL. When different URLs point to the same page, the value of the content is “split” into two parts.

many links from various low-quality sites. If you want to grow, do not turn the resource into a link washer.