How to make money on aliexpress using comments. ways how you can make money on aliexpress

AliExpress Is the largest online store in the world! And in this article, we will consider 4 main ways to make real money on Aliexpress.

There are already many dollar millionaires in Russia who have successfully built business with China. Because the Russian people fell in love with cheap goods with good quality.

This means that each of you has the opportunity to enter this market and take your piece of the pie. Fear not, the market is still not overcrowded and you can get rich from it too!

AliExpress was created in 2010 and today is the most popular in Russia (21.8% of all people), which is about 22 million Russians... Well, followed by Spain (4.6%).

TOP 4 ways to make money on AliExpress

Perhaps I'll start from the simplest ways to make money to the most difficult ones, which may require the most effort.

If you suddenly know another interesting way to make money on Aliexpress, then be sure to share it in the comments.

1. Refund using cashback

As many as 22 million Russians buy goods on AliExpress, and cashback is used at most 10-15%. It turns out that many do not know that they are overpaying for the goods.

But you can register in a special cashback service, where you will be paid 2.5-5% from each purchase. That is, if you bought a product for 1000 rubles, then 25-50 rubles will be returned to your account.

How to make money on this if you rarely buy? Offer to use cashback to your friends and get a percentage from each of their purchases to your account!

The fact is that after registration, any person receives a special link where you can invite friends. And you will be paid money for this (5-10% of their received benefits).

3. Creation of Landing Page

Landing Page- a site on one page that sells one or more products from the same topic. Its goal is to be so beautiful and convincing that people want to buy faster.

Therefore, in Russian, such sites are called “ selling page". Sly webmasters have figured out how to make (find customers) for goods from China.

They searched for a small and popular product on AliExpress and made a Landing Page for it. Then they increased the price by 500-800% and made orders through China for customers who paid for the order.

And the last most profitable way is associated with the creation of a thematic site. For example, selling beautiful handmade jewelry. Then we buy accessories for 10-20 thousand rubles and create branded packaging for our costume jewelry.

The most important thing is to get quality jewelry and really present these jewelry as an original thing that they will not find anywhere else.

That is, we buy various products for 10-20 thousand rubles and put them on the site. There should be about 100 different positions. If you are interested in this topic, then write in the comments and I will do the second part of how to make money on Aliexpress!

(Aliexpress) and we will not talk about selling goods from the site, but about a completely different job.

It's no secret that our people love freebies. Where else can you buy good (and sometimes not so) things for a penny. Of course the Chinese! Millions of girls buy hundreds of thousands of items on Aliexpress every day.

So why don't you make money from it?

I'll tell you a secret, I have a friend of mine who, in the way that I will now talk about, earns 25-30 thousand rubles a month. Not millions, of course, but you can live with an average salary in the region of 15 thousand.

So the essence of making money is as follows.

  • Create groups in social networks with the name "Profitable goods with Aliexpress", or "Cheap goods with Aliexpress"
  • Register on the site as a webmaster (this is important!)

Everything is simple here: you need the left side (see screenshot)

By the way, you can also register through VK.

When you click on the "Register" button, check again who you are registering as. You need WEBMASTER status!

By registering you will be taken to your account.

First of all, click on the tab " My sites" , Further " Adding a site»And add your contact group there (just make sure that there are members in it by this time, the more the better). Fill in the fields as in the photo.

Send your site for moderation, and while you wait, continue to prepare.

  • Register on the site (for registration on the site, see a separate topic on the site)
  • Add your friends to the group in contact, tell them that you have a group where you post links to the most profitable products on the Ali express website.

You receive a letter confirming your site to your mail and start your main work.

All the essence of your work will be to search on the Aliexpress website for goods at favorable prices, or attractive goods that are in demand among your friends and acquaintances, upload to yourlink group for these goods and receive money for the fact that the group members bought (themselves !!!) these products on the AliExpress website ..

  • The E-Commerce website has a tab “ Tools"- go there, and then click" Deeplink«

AND your working window opens.. In it you will create your working Deeplink.

  • Look for any product on the Aliexpress website, copy its address bar and fill out your working window as shown in the photo:

Having filled in lines 1,2,3, press button 4 and get a working Deeplink, through which you will post links to products in your group.

There are three buttons in the Deeplink window at the bottom, click the one in the middle. Another window will open, in which you must insert the link from Aliexpress in the very top line and click the "Embed Code" button.

Below this button, you will see the generated code to insert into your group. It can be shortened: for this there is a button "Reduce the code", if you press it, you will get a nice little link.

You publish a photo of the product in your group with this link in the description. It looks like this: the photo was taken from the VKontakte wall from the group of my friend. Working link marked with an arrow.

Well, now, as soon as a group member buys a product on Aliexpress using your link, it will be transferred to your personal account percentage of his purchase.

The more links you add, the more members you have in your group, the more they buy, the more your salary will be.

There are several ways to withdraw money from the site:

  • on Yandex - money
  • to ePayments wallet

Payouts start from $ 10

I hope that this article was useful for you, if so, then share it on social networks (social media buttons are located under the articles), and I will try to continue to publish only the necessary materials for you.

Hello, my dear readers and subscribers of the SEO blog site. Galiulin Ruslan is in touch. Now it is not difficult to create your own profitable business. All you need is desire, free access to the Internet, very little knowledge and time and not a drop of money! Is that possible? Of course, yes, if you are not a lazy bum and are on friendly terms with your head.

In the age of information technology, anything is possible. The largest marketplace for the sale of goods of Chinese origin, Aliexpress, allows you to make money literally out of thin air. Don't believe me? Then read on and apply knowledge in practice if your head works.

How to make money on aliexpress: 4 effective ways

  • Sale of goods;
  • Affiliate program;
  • Mediation;
  • With the help of reviews and reviews.

Selling goods with Aliexpress is not in vain at the top of the list. This is the most common and easy-to-understand form of earning money. What is needed for this?

1) Decide on the choice of the demanded product. Don't consider complex technical devices. Let it be trinkets, watches, toys, souvenirs, small sports equipment. It is easier to find a buyer for such items, returns and fittings are not needed, shipping will take less time, and there will be no problems with customs. Please also note that the product should be purchased in small quantities and select a seller who provides free shipping.

2) Find a platform to attract customers. It can be your own blog, a one-page site, a group in contact, or an ad on Internet boards like Avito.

4) Carry out sales. You can sell goods in two ways: directly and on a prepaid basis. In the second case, your own investments are not required. You collect orders, ask buyers to pay for them immediately, and then use these funds to purchase the selected items. The disadvantage of the scheme is the need to interest the client so that he is ready to pay for the goods in advance.

When reselling items directly, a down payment will be required. However, it will pay off faster than you have time to place a new order. Focus on one thing, for example, iPhone cases, put ads in thematic groups and expect buyers or yourself. Any markup can be made, as long as it is adequate. From 40% to 70% of the original cost will be relevant.

For those who do not want to look for buyers and promote other people's products, there is an option of becoming an intermediary. What do we have to do? Understand the website catalog, be able to make payment, know the size range of models and be able to resolve difficult situations, in particular with the return of goods. Such an assistant turns out to be quite in demand, since people often get lost in English-language sites, do not know how to pay for a purchase, and where, then, find out about its location.

The only drawback is the prevalence of this form of profit making. You may face the problem of high competition, which will inevitably force you to return to advertising your services. The maximum risk will be lack of work and lack of remuneration for it.

There is another option to make money on reviews. Not very profitable, but pretty simple method. You register on sites like Otzovik or Irecommend, choose a product about which you would like to express your opinion, write a detailed review, according to the requirements of the site, attach a photo and wait for the moderator to check. If approved, your review is published and you are rewarded for every view. The amount is insignificant, about 5 kopecks per view, but the pluses are that you don't have to do anything. Some get feedback on up to RUB 1,500 per month without thinking about the need for constant search for clients.

The most profitable way is to make money with the help of an affiliate program. You do not have to understand the site, invest your own money and worry about unsold goods. All you need to do is find buyers.

Aliexpress affiliate program

Its essence is that with the help of certain services you receive an advertising link to the goods of the site, post it on social networks or blogs and wait for people to click on it and get to the desired page with the product you have chosen. You get income from every purchase, without any resale or sales. There is no need to worry about the transportation of the product, its dimensions, delivery time. Your task is to interest the client and call for a purchase.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Register on CPA platforms such as ePN, Аdmitad or Сityads. They are official partners of Alikexpress.
  • Find in the list the site you want to partner with. You won't have to choose in ePN, since the range is limited to one Chinese site.
  • Choose the product you like. Previously, not all products shared a percentage of sales, now there is no such problem, but it will not be superfluous to check the availability of rewards. This can be done directly on the service by adding the selected items to the checkout window.
  • Create a link for it. It should be veiled and shortened so that the person does not guess that he is going to the Aliexpress page. The system will automatically help to generate it.
  • Choose a site for link placement. This can be a VKontakte page, banner advertising, various groups and blogs.

Recently, it has become popular to promote affiliate links through comments. It happens like this: you talk about its positive qualities and the need for a purchase, hint that the link can be obtained under the video and indicate the partner address in the comments.

How the aliexpress affiliate program works

The partner platform monitors traffic, click-throughs, and purchase frequency. Previously, the main condition for receiving money was the sale of products within 30 days. This means that it could take about a month from the moment of clicking on the link to the purchase. Further processing and payment of the order took place. The money was transferred to the seller's account, and you got a percentage of the sale. Now the rules are more complicated. The purchase must be made during the time from viewing the product to closing the browser, that is, in one session. If you could not interest the buyer immediately, then you will not have to rely on profit.

Another way to earn extra money is to promote a mobile application. Register on promorich or mobioffers platforms, choose the official Aliexpress application, receive a link and distribute it through friends and acquaintances. From each downloaded and installed application, you get a profit of about 50 cents, which is not bad at the current dollar rate. In addition, the application is downloaded more readily than the purchase of a specific item occurs.

Respectfully yours, Galiulin Ruslan.

Some newbies are so active that they manage to invite even more clients in these ways than bloggers and owners of promoted communities. You will definitely have to tinker, but there are no easy ways. If it's easier for you to create a website, what stops you? Just do not forget that it will take a lot of time and money to promote it.

How much can you earn on the Aliexpress affiliate program?

The income of partners varies greatly, so it will not be possible to name the exact amount. Earning on Aliexpress links can definitely bring decent money. It all depends on the efforts made. In addition, interest is charged on repeat orders, therefore, over time, the amounts only increase:

These are not my statistics, but they represent the best possible earnings on Aliexpress through the affiliate program... Collect as much traffic as possible, it is advisable to use all the methods described for this. If you have your own website, it is even easier to do this, but first you have to deal with its promotion.

Earnings on Aliexpress, reviews

A huge number of partners have already joined the largest online store and started advertising its products. Everyone uses their own method, and newbies can use the reviews about this activity. We have contacted some partners to find out what do they think about it:

Arkady- I once tried to advertise various products through car forums, but quickly realized that this method was not the most interesting. Now switched to YouTube videos. I write them down about car repairs, and in the descriptions I add links to useful goods from Aliexpress.

Yuri- I learned about the opportunity to make money with Aliexpress about a year ago. I spend a lot of time on social networks, so I decided to post links there. I join different product groups and look for relevant messages. My earnings do not exceed $ 70 per month, but I am quite happy with it.

Yulia- long before I heard about making money on Aliexpress, I talked on women's forums. For my activity, on one of the popular forums I was even made a moderator. I slowly recommend every little thing. Every month, income increases due to repeat purchases. So far I have earned the most in 30 days $ 480.

Ordinary people receive money through the EPN affiliate program. They combined their passions with a profitable business, and you can do the same. Think about where you can attract a lot of buyers. Newbies usually start by inviting their real-life acquaintances.

Each partner in his own way builds earnings on the Internet without investment. Some manage to find buyers through Avito, but this is a separate topic. Be sure to try to attract people through, just never use the name of the site (Aliexpress) in your ads, this is prohibited by the rules.

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