How to enable "Quick View" for any files. Fast and convenient viewing Photo on Mac: Best Methods Program View on Mac

Almost all users have moved from Windows on MacOS with bewilderment look at standard photo view options. After all, it is impossible to just open and flip the images - everywhere there are some incomprehensible nuances. In this material, we will tell about how to work properly with navigation when viewing images by the staff of MacOS, as well as offer several options from third-party developers.

In general, by the plan of developers from Apple, we all have to use the photo app. But you, exactly as the rest of the majority, can simply be incomprehensible why you need to constantly import something somewhere, create separate albums and at the same time run a separate application, if everything can be found in the conductor, where the files are sorted by folders.

Quick View, View and Finder

Opening an image in the Finder explorer launches the View application. Purplus the photo by arroders in this way will not work. There are two options out of the situation:

1) Allocate all images in Finder (Use the COMMAND (⌘) + A hotkeys) and press the keyboard space. Surely you know that the Space starts the Quick View application, which allows you to view almost any files without launching specialized programs with which they are associated. In the "fast view" you can switch photos to arrows.

And if in the "Quick View" mode, press the COMMAND (⌘) + ENTER key combination, then you can open the preview of all selected images for quick navigation and switching between them.

2) allocate all or required to view the image and run slideshow mode. To do this, clamp the ALT key and open the File menu → Slide of the object show ... or simply remember the COMMAND key combination (⌘) + ALT (Option ⎇) + Y. If you want to manually switch images, then simply put the slideshow pause and Use the arrows on the keyboard or trackpad.

And here there is a very convenient option "index list" (icon with squares). By clicking on it, you can see the grid from all images and quickly find and switch to the desired one.

If all the ways described solving the image of viewing images with full-time means will be too complicated, we offer to download and enjoy software from third-party developers.


Superprotable and minimalistic program that copes with a viewing at 100%. Just associate all image formats in it and double-clicking for any photo in the folder you can either using the arrows, or with the help of the trackpad to navigate.

Many will like the fact that all elements of the interface are hidden and the image opens almost all the screen (as QuickTime opens the video). Additional menu with information can be viewed by summing up the cursor to the right edge of the window. You will also like the turn or zooming photo with the trackpad gestures.

LilyView opens even gif animation without problems. And there is also a built-in utility for controlling smart philips hue light bulbs.


Another high-quality master for MacOS. Simple, understandable, compact and quite convenient to use. There are also no functions for editing images here (except for the possibility of krop), but there is Russian localization. Developers provide the right month for free, and will then be offered to buy a license (299 rubles).


Not much than different from hee viewer image. The main advantage is free and wide tools for setting up the program under your needs. Very fast and comfortable.

Download Justlooking (official developer website).

About your favorite programs or ways to view images on Mac Be sure to tell in the comments.

Based on Yablyk

On a computer with Windows I had an XNView program, so I did not change the habit and installed it on the poppy. But soon curiosity took the top over prudence and I began to look for alternatives to this viewer. We will not take a standard system viewer to take into account, in view of some inconvenience of use, as well as we will not describe various catalogs and photographers that fall into our network.

First hit in sight an application Xee..

The application turned out to be quite functional, with a large number of settings and a pleasant interface, the number and location of the elements of which can be configured by its individual taste. The keys can also be controlled in its own way. Cycling and shutting down certain buttons, you can configure the program so that there will be no trace from the sensation of work on the poppy. As if I got in Windows. The only minus that has significantly spoiled the pleasant sensations from using this application is incorrect reproduction of colors and the real size of some image formats.

Download Xee.


The application, the so-called "middle hand". It can not more, but not less than what he is supposed. It has a minimalistic interface in the style of Apple. Attention to control elements attract mainly large buttons of beautiful shapes located in not quite expected places. The slideshow showing mode is pleasant: nothing distracts from viewing favorite images, and controls in this mode become transparent and unobtrusive. Of the minuses, some users will want to note the lack of initial image processing tools, but on my subjective look - this is not such a significant drawback, because it is used to edit images.


Familiar to many Windows users a program released under the poppy. Wonderful viewer with features of cataloging and editing images. Rich functionality is justified by a high cost of ≈ $ 170. Therefore, the viewer is "on an amateur": there is money - then you can afford to buy such an application, no - use Xee or XnView.

Where they started, themes and end. XnView..

Perhaps the most convenient and familiar to the former "inhabitants" of Windows, image viewing program. It has the function of the photographer and is pretty simple in setting up and use. By location and configuration of control elements, XnView is a related group with Xee: before the principles of configuring their interfaces are the same. It has a nice interface, with intuitive controls and an extensive settings menu. It is possible to use smoothing images when they are magnified. Mac OS 10.4 Tiger users are offered extremely wretched and, apparently, the doping version of the application. To avoid damage to nervous cells, we extremely not recommended to install this application on the tiger.

Download version for Mac OS 10.5 Leopard .

By the way, we wrote comrades, especially for you, we wrote a couple more articles about Poppy applications:

I hope that we will help you choose exactly those applications that you will enjoy with catching.

This is a universal viewer of photos with a multitude of excellent functions.

Viewing multiple photos, full-screen mode, thumbnail mode, simple mode, slideshow mode, EXIF \u200b\u200bmode and zoom mode provide excellent photo viewing capabilities.

Photo Viewer for Mac supports 35 photo files and RAW formats, Including Nikon, Canon and other most popular formats. The program is available in 16 languages.

Key features:

1. Excellent fast speed to view photos, add only one image to view all image files.

2. View photos in incredibly high quality using the Retina-awared Mac photo view program and the full mode without interface.

3. The batch process and the fundamental functions of the subcrace should be a plus for the perfect photo viewing.

4. Different photos viewing modes, managing photos between different folders with ease.

5. Cut the photos without loss, adjust the effects or sort photos by name or data.

Top 3: Picasa Photo Viewer

Another excellent solution for viewing images in Windows and Mac (Intel only).

Photo viewing program can import images in a fully automated process and place photos in chronological order.

You can create folders, use tags, classify by collections and share your Picasa web albums.

You can also create joint photo albums. Basic editing tools to correct images, as well as several effects, are also available in the photo viewer.

But Google announced that the photo view program Picasa stops support, you can use cloud Google Photos as a successor.

Top 4: Xee

It should be a program for viewing the photos "All in one", but it is not free. The latest version of Zoner Photo Studio 18 costs 99 US dollars.

Top 14: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

This is a professional photo viewer with advanced editing tools. Photo viewing program supports geotential, creating albums from templates and work with large photo libraries.

As an Adobe Photo viewer, you can find some Photoshop features, such as color photo conversion functions in black and white. With the help of the web photo viewer, you can also make changes directly in the browser, as well as organize and exchange images.

And the service for Adobe Photo Viewer, you need to pay 9.99 US dollars per month.

To view the photo on Mac, you must use the standard program designed for this, or download another. We will look at several most convenient ways to view images.

1. Standard Image Viewer

In any computer with the operating system mas there is a standard program - viewer image.

To use it, do this:

  • Open the picture folder in Finder and select all those you want to display. If you want to see everything, simply press the "Command" and "A" buttons simultaneously on the keyboard.
  • Press the space. After that, the pictures will be displayed in the standard application. Using the buttons in the form of arrows, you can spit pictures.

  • If you click on "Command" and "Enter", you can see promo all selected photos. This is shown in Figure 2.

  • You can also run a slideshow if you press three buttons at the same time: "Command", "Alt" and "Y".

As you can see, even the standard viewer makes it possible to quickly view and run the slideshow. But there are a number of applications that give even more opportunities.

2. Cocoaslideshow.

A fairly simple program that allows you to run a slideshow with an interval and speed of pictures. The speed of the program is quite good, even on old versions of MAC OS.

Interestingly, CocoaslideShow is suitable for Apple Remote.

At the top are all the necessary buttons. They enable to add files to the collection to display, put tags, turn right and left or delete the picture.

Also, if there are metadata in the file description, they can be displayed in Google Map. But the main thing is that COCOASLIDESHOW allows you to make a convenient viewing of photos.

3. FFView.

This program is made in minimalist style and has nothing superfluous. However, some functions of the FFVIEW functionality still do not have enough.

Here it is possible to add photos to the collection for further display, remove them from there or clean the library.

Users also have the opportunity to view the description and some picture data. But the most interesting thing is that the FFView has a function of magnifying glass. This is a very interesting thing that allows you to see the smallest image details.

4. Justlooking

The Justlooking program fully meets its name. In it, in fact, there is only a function of viewing pictures and nothing else. True, pictures here can be rotated to the right and left, as well as increase and decrease, which is important.

Users can also edit the picture library, run the slideshow and simply spill pictures in the collection. This app is very well suitable for children, elderly people and users with poor eyesight. The fact is that all the buttons here are large and intuitive.

5. PHOENIX Slides

And this is a much more functional program than all previous ones. But it will suit exclusively professional photographers and people who work in the field of image processing.

The fact is that Phoenix Slides allows you to view a variety of data about a different picture. So you can see its permission, the light source, the diaphragm that was used when they were removed, the size and much more. When viewing you can change the scale and rotate the pictures.

Choose the program that you liked most!

Judging by the Internet reviews, the topic is quite relevant and the question than to watch photos / pictures are set by many. Especially in the environment. Of course, this is provided that you do not satisfy "native".

How not to twist, and software for it is much less than for. Having collected some information, I got 10 applications under Mac OS X to view the photo. All refer to free, although such much more. As before, non-working programs did not take into account, or working very badly. Another point. I am not an expert and not a professional tester, therefore, the criteria and the look described by me belong to the usual user who estimated the appearance, convenience, possibilities, speed of work and the oppustance. All programs have a full screen mode, all support the cursor keys when viewing. If some interesting moments came across for me - I mentioned them. Therefore, the entire information outlined below is only for reflection. Screenshots of programs are attached, so it is decided to solve each separately.

As for the resources of Mac OS itself, it is often enough. In addition to viewing, you can quickly run a slideshow directly. Allocate a group of photos, press Alt and an eye icon on the toolbar changes its appearance.

If you click, the slide show will start in full screen mode. These are system resources. If you need more, read on.

So that no one disappoints, the programs will go alphabetically.

A fairly simple application, with a normal speed of work without special braking. You will enjoy the owners of Apple Remote, because the developer declares complete support for this. Of the unpleasant moments, not always a working slideshow (only when the first photo is highlighted in the list). And in the settings you can change the range of photographs during the slideshow, but there was no difference between 5 and 2 seconds. Of course, this speed depends on the computer resources, but on my 'e, the speed of image change has not changed at different modes of system operation.

As can be seen if the photo is done by a device that supports GPS metadata, you can see them in Google Map.

Most those who love to look at the details of photography under the magnifying glass, since such a function is present there. It will be an excellent solution for an unreliable user. A fairly simple program works quickly with support for basic functions. To start separate functions, you can assign shortcases.

Another option of a normally working photo browser. It works mostly without failures, but the slideshow function "lives its own life." In the settings there is auto definition of the screen (quantity and resolution). Judging by this, it can be assumed that the presence is possible on several monitors.

A program with a convenient and pleasant interface. Large buttons, intuitive and all necessary functions. There are different viewing modes, you can select the format of the displayed file. But the upper left button (Move File To The Trash) is better not to press. The program completes its work, that is, the fast and merciless crush comes.

Fully meets its name. Slides - they are slides. There are all popular functions for changing the scale and circulation of images. The default window opens with EXIF-data. It is useful for analyzing and comparing photo reviews (those who understand them). Works quickly and without problems.

So far I will stop at this. The continuation should be in the coming hours.

If you can, until you offer other programs and wait until the second part (suddenly there they are just 😉). At the same time, comments to the already described are welcome.