How to fully clear the ribbon in VK. Clean the wall VKontakte

Many users of the social network are familiar to the situation when unnecessary messages accumulate on the page wall. It is better to get rid of such content. Or a user after time wanted to delete its own publications. Consider more detailed how to clean the wall in VC.

How to completely clean the wall in VK from a computer

It should be immediately noted that using the script and the program you can only completely clean the wall in VK. For selective deletion, the publication will have to use a manual method.

Runing the script from the console in the browser

To completely clean the wall in VK, you will need a computer with internet access and code fragment. Cleaning time depends on the number of records.

Work algorithm:

We open the page in VC and scroll the news publishing as low as possible. For one procedure, you can remove only those publications that are displayed in the browser. Therefore, it is desirable to scroll to the very first. This time will take time. To accelerate the process, clamp a space or end.

Open the browser console. In Chrome / Firefox, a CTRL + SHIFT + J / K is used on a PC with Windows OS on a PC with MacOS - CMD + OPT + J / K. Insert the text inserting the text:

(function () ("Use Strict"; if (! confirm ("Delete all records from the wall?")) Return; var deletepostlink \u003d document.body.QuerySelectorLall ("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (var i \u003d 0; I.< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

and press ENTER.

In the browser window, a message will appear with a request for cleaning the wall in VC. Need to confirm the operation. After rebooting on the wall, only those messages will remain on which the user did not do earlier. You can remove them in exactly the same way.

With the help of vkopt.

Vkontakte Optimizer. - This is an extension for any browser designed to quickly remove messages in VC.

After installation, open the extension and configure the mass deletion function.

We set the message display settings and click "drove".

After processing the query, messages from all users will appear.

In the "Last Post" column, the date and time in the form of the fission are indicated. You can filter the data and delete correspondence with only specific users. Or delete all messages.

The cleaning process occurs much faster.

How to quickly clean the wall in VK from the phone

If for some reason the user does not have access to its PC page, it can use third-party applications for quick and complete wall cleaning in VC. Program Cleaner VK. Performs performs this task in automatic mode. You just need to install the application, open your profile and click the cleaning button.

Another advantage of the program is that it is not completely, but selectively clean the wall, photo and video gallery. For example, delete all publications for a certain period, from a particular author, with a specific text and the number of likes. So you can set a filter to remove all publications with hashteg, for example, # home.

The program works in all directions: unsubscribed from public pages, deletes bookmarks, friends, etc. In the application there is no advertising. All these operations are free. When buying a license, the user will be able to customize more detailed filters for cleaning the wall in the VC quickly completely or partially.

Very often, the users of the social network VKontakte have the need to clean the wall from unnecessary messages that interfere and simply do not make a look at their presence on the page. Delete a separate post is easy enough, but how to be when you need to completely delete all messages? The answer to the question: " How to remove the wall in VKontakte? " Dast this article.

    The first way will help if the posts have accumulated a little:

If there are many entries, this method is suitable, but the removal will take a lot of time that it is not entirely convenient.

    The second way is suitable for those who have accumulated not one hundred, and even a thousand.

This method will allow you to very quickly delete any number of entries from the wall.

  • At You can download a special extension for the browser, which will help significantly simplify many actions on the personal account of the social network Vkontakte.
  • Download and install the VKOPT application.
  • Restart the Internet browser.
  • We go to your personal profile of the social network Vkontakte.
  • Click on the blue string at the beginning of the wall, on which the number of records is written.
  • After entering the page, where posts are located, you can see from above a new blue button "Actions". Click on it.
  • The menu will fall out where two actions will be available. The first is the removal of all posts starting from the first page (the entire wall will be completely removed).
    The second is to delete messages from the second page (the last posts will remain, and everything else will be deleted).
  • We choose one of the actions and click on it.
  • Next, we are waiting for a while while deleting messages. If the posts are a bit, then you will need only a few seconds. If the records have accumulated a decent amount, then you will need to wait a few minutes.
  • After the removal procedure, go to your page - the wall is completely cleaned.

Here are such simple and fast ways to get rid of unnecessary records on the wall and bring a personal page in order.

For various reasons, it is sometimes necessary to delete all entries on the page or in a group, for example when changing the address, phone numbers that are registered in the news, yes or simply outdated information. You just want to remove everything and start as they say with a clean leaf.

Fast navigation:

How to delete all records from your wall or in a group.

Go to VKontakte from the computer, the example will be a Google Chrome browser, but you can use others, but it is better to use "chrome".

  • Copy the following code (highlight it and right-click in the drop-down list, select "Copy".

    (function () ("Use Strict"; if (! confirm ("Delete all records from the wall?")) Return; var deletepostlink \u003d document.body.QuerySelectorLall ("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (var i \u003d 0; I.< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

    (Function () ("Use Strict"; if (! confirm ( "Delete all records from the wall?") )

    return; VAR DeletePostLink \u003d Document. Body. QuerySelectorall.

    ("a.ui_actions_umenu_item"); For

    (var i \u003d 0; i< deletePostLink . length ; i ++ ) { deletePostLink [ i ] . click () ; }

    alert (DeletePostLink. Length + "Posts deleted"); ) ());

  • We go to the page where you need to remove everything, we welt the ribbon down, you can releasing parts and delete break on 2 to 3 parts.
  • Press the right mouse button anywhere on the page, select the item "View Code".

  • On the right side of the screen, a window with the developer tools will appear, everything is difficult here, everything is not necessary on us, click on the top of the tab " Console.» .

  • In the empty place of this tab, insert the previously copied code, simplly click and choose "insert". Next, click Enter on the keyboard and get a dialog box where you want to confirm that you are going to remove everything on the wall.

  • If everything is correct, you will get 2 minutes from each other:

If there is a need to repeat the action until all unwanted posts disappear.

Mass deletion of VKontakte records.

Agree to delete everything at once or for several approaches, much more convenient than to delete each record individually, because the standard VK functionality, now does not allow you to remove everything at once. This is done in order to protect against savings with hacked accounts, attackers often removed everything that was written earlier. VK specialists did not just refuse such a function to delete all VKontakte records.

Now your friends will not see a bunch of useless information on your wall, by the way if you need more friends, then use our recommendations.

Deleting spam VKontakte.

By the way, another reason to take advantage of the foregoing method of removal is the fight against spam. After all, it happens that the same post on the wall hangs with packs of several hundred, manually such a number of spam is simply not really removed.

Consider all the ways as you can quickly clean the wall in VC.

Method 1 - Standard Removal

The standard method for removing posts in the VC implies their cleaning manually.

Thus, it is convenient to get rid of all records immediately, but selectively from several.

Just dive your page down, click on the "Properties" button in the upper right corner of each post and in the pop-up window, select "Delete Record".

Note after deleting, the post cannot be returned.

If you do not want to get rid of records forever, just hide your wall from other users.

So you will only see it, and visitors to the pages will observe an empty wall.

Method 2 - execution of the script

To perform this method you will need and. Open the browser and go to your.

Now you need to wash the wall down before the very first or to the record you want to remove the latter.

To scroll through a page with a very large number of posts, you need a lot of time, but you do not have to delete each post individually manually.

Cunning: To speed up the scrolling of the web page, press simultaneously on the "Space" and "&" buttons.

On the right in the browser window, the developer panel will open, in which all scripts and parts will be displayed.

Click the "Console" tab.

At the bottom of the window, you can register your script and execute it on the page.

Enter into the console specified in Figure below the script:

To execute the code, press ENTER.

Then confirm the action in the pop-up browser dialog box.

Notice If you did not scroll the page until the end, it will remain unloaded posts. You can re-scroll through the wall and remove posts using the script.

Removal result will be displayed on all your devices and in any browser.

While you did not reboot the web page, it will be possible to recover the records by clicking on the appropriate keys.

Method 3 - Deleting using the Mozilla Firefox browser

Since the Mozilla Firefox browser functionality has a slightly different location of the elements and the name of the tabs, consider separately, how to execute the script in this browser:

  • Open the browser and go to your page. on social network;
  • Click on the wall Right-click and in the drop-down menu, select Field "Explore the element";
  • The developer panel will open at the bottom of the browser window. In it, select the "Console" tab and copy the contents of the script, which is described in the previous method. It will come true not only for and, but also for, as well as for other popular desktop browsers;
  • After inserting the code in the console, a system message will appear The fact that you should not change the functionality of the browser and web resources. To resolve the action, enter the text "Allow insert" text in the console field and press Enter.

  • Now insert the script once again into the console, in the already authorized mode and press Enter.

The procedure for removing all wall posts will start automatically. You can stop it by reloading the page.

So the code immediately stops execution.

If you wish, you can return remote records using the Restore key.

After rebooting the window, all the records will disappear from your wall in VKontakte.

Removing records in the community / group

Using the above scripts to delete, you can completely clean the wall not only a personal page, but also groups or communities.

Single requirement - Deleting can only execute the creator or administrator of a public page.

The execution of code from the editor page will not give any results.

Method 4 - Working with Extensions

Using special extensions for browser - this is another simple way to clean the wall in VKontakte.

Using additions, it is important not to upload from an unreliable developer.

Otherwise, your data, passwords and other data stored in the explorer can be dreamed.

Always download programs only in Chrome, Opera, Mozilla.



To install the expansion, it is enough to go to its page in the store and click on "Add to Chrome".

After the installation is completed, restart the browser and go to your page in VKontakte.

Now you have an extended functionality.

To remove all records from the wall, it is enough to click on the field indicating the total number of posts on the wall.

In the Actions tab, select "Clean the wall".

Thus, you can clean the wall of the personal page or community, groups.

VK Helper

Install the application From the store and open it in the browser.

In the window that appears, check the box in front of the item "Fast removal of the wall".

Thereafter all entries will be automatically erased from your page.

All add-ons described above are also available in Opera, Mozilla, MS Edge, Yandex Browser.

How to delete all records from the wall in VC Immediately, if the modern version of the social network does not contain a separate function of destroying made repost and saved publications? Such a question is simple, if you look at it more attentive. Users are able to use both the integrated portal functionality and third-party resources and services. And the most convenient use of scripts intended for instantly cleans the start page of the account. As a result, the main task is not the destruction itself, but the choice of an optimally suitable approach that avoid unplanned difficulties.

Soc. The network changes continuously, so part of the methods that allowed achieving an acceptable result in the past, in 2020 were useless. But several options are universal and do not depend on the implementation of updates. These include:

  • manual removal of unnecessary reposts and posts;
  • using a script for browser code editor;
  • application of a universal code for the address string.

Each proposed approach is characterized by its own degree of efficiency and has positive and negative features that need to be considered. Therefore, it is worth studying their features in advance so as not to be mistaken in the decision.

Method 1: Manual cleaning

The first approach is the most time-consuming and ineffective. It is optimal when the user expects to get rid of only from the part of the records, retaining the most important and significant publications. Another situation in which self-removal is recommended is associated with a small number of published posts, when manual removal does not cause difficulties.

To take advantage of the method mentioned, you need:

  • open page with publications;
  • find a repost that requires cleaning;
  • click on three points in the upper right corner;
  • select the item offering deletion;
  • take advantage of them.

It is important to emphasize that before going from the page it is possible to restore the appropriate inscriptions destroyed by pressing.

Method 2: Use the console and script

The described above will not suit those personalities that do not plan to tighten with cleaning and are not going to think over a part of the saved. Therefore, they need an alternative.

An alternative approach to help destroy unnecessary, requires a combination (function () ('Use Strict'; if (! Confirm ('delete all the records from the wall?')) Return; var deletepostlink \u003d document.body.QuerySelectorLall ('A.ui_Actions_Menu_Item' ); for (var i \u003d 0; I< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + ‘ posts deleted’); }());.

Wishing to erase the accumulated should not be embarrassed by the lack of harness and the length of the written, since the value has the final result, and not visual impressions.

It will take:

  1. Visit the account with publications and download them, spilling down.
  2. Make the right click of the mouse over the wall and stop us the line offering Show code.
  3. Go to the downloaded menu to the Console tab.
  4. Written the above script and complete the started by pressing ENTER.

It is important to emphasize that the described method helps to clean the limited group of records that the user opened.

Method 3: Use the address string and script

Despite the high efficiency, to cope with the task instantly indicated above will not be released. But the third method allows the most simply and quickly to deal with the accumulated history with one time. He will require:

  1. Open vk.
  2. Place on the line where portals are usually located, [Email Protected]@@ Avascript: var h \u003d document.getelementsByclassName ("ui_actions_menu _ui_menu"); var i \u003d 0; Function del_wall () (var fn_str \u003d h [i] .gelementsBytagname ("A"). OnClick.tostring (); var fn_arr_1 \u003d fn_str.split ("("); var fn_arr_2 \u003d fn_arr_1.split ( ";"); Eval (fn_arr_2); if (i \u003d\u003d h.length) (ClearInterval (int_id)) ELSE (I ++)); var int_id \u003d setinterval (del_wall, 500).
  3. Erase the symbols @ from the script.
  4. Click Enter.
  5. Wait.

It is important to warn that the proposed procedure is capable of temporarily slowing down the browser.

How to delete all records from the wall in VK from the phone?

Fully get rid of publications from the phone a little more complicated, since the methods described above will be irrelevant. The optimal output from the current position will be the use of special utilities or applications to help remove all records from the wall in VK. Their example will be:

  • Vkopt;
  • VK Cleaner.

It is required to take into account that over time, such services lose efficiency and become useless.


To remove all entries in VC on the wall at once, it is enough to choose one of the approaches proposed above. They will help to cope with the task and through the Yandex browser, and through other programs. The main thing is to take into account that it will not be possible to restore the remote, no matter how increasing did not have a decision on cleaning. Even the huge importance of lost posts will not affect the situation: it will not be possible to return the destroyed publications.