The media is not connected. Computer does not see a USB flash drive solution problem

The first thing you need to pay attention to, if the computer does not see the flash drive - the serviceability of the flash drive itself, as well as the health of the USB connector. If everything is fine, then the flash drive / port (depending on the model of the drive and input) should flash the special light indicator.


Very often, the flash drive is not recognized by the computer if it is connected to the port of the computer located in front of the computer (we are talking about stationary computers, in which there is a place for flash drives in the housing). Sometimes these connectors are simply not connected to the power, or it simply does not receive the required amount of power. Then it is best to remove the USB flash drive and try to connect it from behind.

It also happens that the flash drive does not work if there is no sufficient overall power supply. This happens in cases where the USB overload happens in the computer. There is also an option that the power supply is incorrect. In extremely rare cases, the computer does not read a flash drive due to the fact that the very large volume. But it is rather an exception than the rule.

Disabled flash drive

If everything is fine with the computer, you need to pay attention not to the flash drive. In order to check its serviceability, just connect it to another computer. If she does not work there, this indicates her fault. In such cases, it can be attributed to diagnostics and repair, but it is done only in rare cases when the data is important for it for the user. The fact is that repair and diagnostics will cost much more expensive than the cost of the drive.

BIOS settings

Sometimes the problem is hidden in the settings of the operating system and bios. It happens in those situations where there is no USB support in Bios or it is not included.

The system assigned a flash drive

A very common problem is a flash drive appropriated that letter that already has y, for example, a drive or local disk. To eliminate such a problem, it is necessary:

  1. Go to the control panel;
  2. Open Administration, and then - Computer Management;
  3. After that, you need to go to drive control;
  4. After that, you need to click on the flash drive ID with the right mouse button and click on "Change the letter of the disk";
  5. Then everything is simple - you need to select an unoccupied button, click OK and exit the control panel.

Problems with driver

The computer does not see flash drives due to the lack of a USB driver. In order to check this, you need to perform several steps:

  1. Open the "Control Panel", and there - Device Manager;
  2. Next you need to detect a flash drive, but it is not difficult to do it. If the computer has no driver for a flash drive, it will be highlighted by a question mark;
  3. If so, it is necessary to remove the device, and then set it again.

Sometimes the OS does not see the flash drive due to the lack of necessary drivers required for this. Find the missing will help DPS or EVEREST.


In some cases, the cloves of the flash drive can influence the viruses hidden in the OS. Then it is strongly recommended to check the computer with a specialized antivirus software.

USB flash drives are now practically each. This is a simple and reliable way to transfer and storing information. But the failure of these devices has become a common problem for many users. Below are all possible causes of troubleshooting and elimination options.

First, simpler and effective ways to solve the problem will be described, therefore, recommendations in order should be performed. But do not forget that some problems, such as strong physical damage, will not be possible to eliminate.

Reasons why the system does not recognize the device

For the USB device, the built-in special controller is in it. With a certain failure, it can be blocked that it will not give the computer to recognize the USB flash drive.

The reason for the failure can be a jump of the power, a sharp extraction of the flash drive, its incorrect formatting, etc. You can still correct violations, but it is impossible to restore the flash drive to the work of the Flash-drive.

It is possible to understand that the flash drive is not determined by the computer, by fact that

  • The USB device is connected, but the computer writes "Insert the disk";
  • the message "The device is connected is not determined";
  • issues a request for formatting a flash drive;
  • a data read error message appears;
  • the indicator on the drive is lit, and it is not displayed in the computer, etc.

Also the cause of the failure can be:

  • non-working USB ports of the computer;
  • outdated drivers;
  • viruses on the device;
  • failure settings in BIOS;
  • different file system of USB devices and a computer;
  • assigning a flash drive of a connected hard disk letter, etc.

Check Driver

First you need to check if the driver is installed on the computer.

To do this, go to "Disk Management":

Now try tightening and paste a USB device, and see if it will appear in this window. If the flash drive is displayed, and the state is "FIXT", click on it with the right mouse button and select "Make the section Active".

If the status fails, the label is not distributed, "not initialized" or "unknown", this means that the device is damaged.

The system can assign a flash drive that the letter, which will also not allow it to recognize. Right-click on the device and select "Change the Disk Letter" and assign another value:

The flash drive driver itself needs to be checked in the Device Manager:

  • start;
  • control Panel;
  • device Manager.

If the driver for the Flash drive is not installed, then yellow question marks will be lit near one or more USB devices.

Computer hardware errors

When a new flash drive is not defined in the PC, insert it into different USB ports. With normal operation in all connectors, except one, the cause of the problem is a problem in this port.

The same problem may occur when the flash drive is connected directly, but via a USB hub or extension. Try to connect the device immediately to the USB port. If everything has earned, the reason is the adapter.

It happens that a lot of devices are connected to a computer to a computer, then in the ports may not be enough power for the Flash drive. In turn, disconnect other devices from the ports, leaving only the mouse and keyboard. If now the USB drive earned, then the cause of the malfunction in the disadvantage of the power.

Photo: usb-hub transformer apacer p150

In this case, it is better to put a more powerful power supply unit or a USB hub with a separate power source. But if the size of the Flash device is very large, old laptop models simply do not stretch its food. With this variant, it is almost impossible to solve the problem.

Another of the problems is the heating of the connected USB device. A malfunction can be in the installation on the device board.

You can check it on another computer - if continues to heat up, then the USB drive is faulty. And if in other places everything is fine, the port of the computer can be sinking.

If the Flash drive and USB port are working, the indicator will light on the device. Then the cause of the problem is systemic, not a hardware.

Video: We restore the flash drive that is not recognized by the computer

Check for viruses

Then why the flash card seems to be a computer, but not read? One of the reasons may be a virus that infects the USB storage boot file. Because of this, the device is or not loaded at all, or is immediately blocked by antivirus. And if it is displayed, it issues a warning "refused" in access when trying to open.

First of all, you should destroy the infected file download "autorun.inf". To do this, enter the address of the Flash drive (for example, G: /) in the Explorer.

  • "Service";
  • "Folder properties";
  • "View";
  • "Hidden files and folders";
  • "Show hidden files and folders."

Now the download file will be displayed. It must be removed and scanned by antivirus data from all over the device.

If it did not open through the Flash drive, use the command line:

Configuring USB in BIOS

The flash drive may not be recognized due to shutdown in USB ports. It happens very rarely, but it is better to check the settings just in case. Note that in the disabled USB port no device will not be recognized, so if others work normally, then skip this item.

To go to the BIOS, restart the computer, and during switching on the DEL or F2 button. On different PCs there may be different keys, therefore see what will be written on the screen (approximately "Press F2 to Enter Setup"). If a blue table with settings opened, then everything is correct - you went to the BIOS.

Now you should find the menu item in which the USB is regulated. Its name may differ, but most often this Advanced tab (Peripherals, Integrated Peripherals):

In it, look for USB Configuration / Controller item, etc. BIOS menu options are very much, therefore, specify the exact paragraph is quite difficult. But the USB word must be present. Now make sure that the USB support is "enabled", if not, then switch them:

Some BIOS versions not only adjust the switching on the controller, and also indicate the mode of its operation - v1.1 or v1.1 + v2.0 (already 3.0). Choose an option that supports all directions (v1.1 + v2.0). Save the settings and exit the bios (most often the F10 key).

USB drive is not determined by the system due to errors

After formatting, which could not be completely successful, the operating system may not see the flash drive due to errors. This can be checked in the "Disk Management" item, the entrance to which was described above. If there is a "FIRM" flash drive near the Flash carrier, but it is still not visible in the conductor, the reason for the formatting error may be.

Eliminate this can be new formatting. Press the right mouse button on the device and choose "format". Now the Flash drive must be displayed and operating without errors.

Different File Systems Flash Card and Computer

To restore the USB Flash, which is not defined in the PC you need to change the file system, because of which there may be a conflict in the computer. The file system has the last most often NTFS, and the flash device is FAT32. In the "Disk Management" window, you can see the types of file systems of different PC media.

The problem solves correctly formatting. For this:

In the window that opens, take the compliance of the specified container and parameters of the flash drive. File System Specify NTFS and check the box near "Fast (Cleaning Table of Contents)". Now click "Start":

Confirm your actions:

After the process is completed, the system will notify this:

Photo: Formatting Completion Message

Necessary OS updates for work

When the Windows XP system is installed, a flash drive may not be recognized due to outdated updates needed to operate it. At the same time, some flash drives can work in USB ports of PCs, and others are not.

The main updates required for the normal operation of USB devices:

  • KB925196 - incorrect recognition;
  • KB817900 - Stop the port of the port after the device is removed and reloaded;
  • KB968132 - Errors during connecting several flash drives;
  • KB88740 - Error Rundll32.exe;
  • KB895962 - Stop the operation of the USB device after turning off the printer;
  • KB871233 - Flash card does not work after the PC output from sleep or hibernation;
  • KB314634 - Support only old USB devices;
  • KB312370 (2007) - Support USB 2.0.

Methods of recovery

When the problem is not detected, you can use special recovery programs:

  • Chipgenius - determines the manufacturer and other information about the device;
  • Alcormp - refrestees USB Flash controllers most manufacturers;
  • Jetflash Recovery Tool - Refereels Flash drives from Transcend.

If the computer writes "Insert the disk" when loading, the problem may be in outdated drivers to be deleted.

For this:

        • when the computer is turned off, turn off all USB devices (except mouse and keyboard);
        • turn on the PC;
        • download the program "DriveCleanUp";
        • depending on the version of the OS, copy a 32-bit or 64-bit "DriveCleunup.exe" to the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 folder;
        • go to the command line and register "drivecleunup.exe";
        • drivers will start removing:

After that restart the computer. Insert the USB flash drive, and the system will find new drivers for it.

Flash The drive may not be determined for many reasons, the main of which are the malfunction of the device or USB port, as well as system errors, most of which are eliminated using the correct formatting and installation of drivers. Some programs are also able to help restore USB Flash, therefore, in order to execute instructions.

Content article:

Mobile flash carriers have gained wide popularity for their indisputable advantages over other external storage devices. Probably it is impossible to overestimate the benefit that users are brought by USB flash drives. You can quickly write the necessary information on the USB flash drive, it is convenient to carry it with you, and it costs it is an order of magnitude cheaper than an external hard drive. Users who are actively using USB media, probably at least once faced with an unpleasant problem when the computer does not see the flash drive.

In the most responsible moment, you can lose access to important recorded information and get into a difficult situation. The reasons for which the computer does not see a flash drive may be somewhat. In most cases, the situation is fixing and your non-working USB media can be returned to normal operation. Sometimes the problem of determining the computer flash drive and is at all lies in the computer itself and the USB carrier has nothing to do with it. We will analyze in detail the most common causes of malfunction and ways to solve them.

If you encountered a flash drive fault, then one of its reasons is listed below:

USB not working flash drive

Problem: This option is the most unfavorable for the user because it is almost impossible to return the flash drive to life in this case. The flash drive becomes unsuitable in the mechanical damage of the chip, when the built-in controller fails or when the electrical circuit is closed. Also losing the working capacity of USB flash drives can be in physically damage to the contacts on the board (with active mechanical exposure to the USB port of the flash drive).

To determine the irreversible breakdown of the flash drive is simple enough: insert it into the computer and follow the resulting. If the light indicator on the USB does not catch fire, you did not hear the characteristic sound of the flash drive connection and the computer does not see a new connection, then most likely the fatal breakdown. If the light indicator is lit, and the characteristic sound of the connection sounded, then there are still chances of returning performance.

Decision: With a fatal breakdown, when the computer does not see the flash drive and no visible signs of its performance, the result is disappointing. It is almost impossible to solve this problem. You can try to attribute the drive to the workshop where the wizard may pay the contacts, but it will be unnecessarily expensive and will help only in the case of physical damage to the contacts.

With a non-phantal malfunction (the computer does not see the flash drive, but after connecting the light indicator, you should try the methods that will be discussed below.

De-energized USB port on the front panel of the computer

Problem: Personal computers are very often inserted in USB connectors on the front panel of the computer, because it is quick and convenient. There are cases when when assembling a computer, a cable from USB ports on the front panel forget to connect to the motherboard or for any reason it moves away. Naturally, when a de-energized USB connector does not see the user flash drive.

Decision: This problem has two solutions. The first is to connect a flash drive using the rear USB ports, while the inoperability of the frontal connectors remains and it is difficult to consider a full-fledged solution.

The second is more productive and consists in connecting the cable from the front USB ports to the computer motherboard. Depending on the computer model and the number of USB connectors on the front panel cables may have a different look. In this case, the marking of individual wiring remains unchanged. Most often, four wires with marking "VCC", "D-", "D +" and "GND" are connected to the connector. In addition, they have a color labeling of red, white, green and black color, respectively (in rare cases, it does not coincide with the cable and motherboard, focus on inscriptions mainly).

We connect the USB cable to the connector on the motherboard. How should the connector look like below.

Contact value can be viewed below.

It will be better if the connection will execute a knowledgeable person. If the cable is improved with the connector (for example, if you confuse the wires), you can subsequently burn connected devices. If you decide to connect yourself yourself, write to us the model of the computer and the motherboard, and we clarify the data specifically for your components.

The computer does not see a flash drive due to non-working USB port

Problem: Sometimes flash drive problems are related to the fact that the USB port used on the computer simply does not function. At the same time, not only a flash drive, but also other USB devices will not work in a specific faulty port. Most often, the cause of the non-working USB port is damaged contact. If all USB connectors do not function on the computer, they may be disabled in the BIOS settings.

Decision: The solution of mechanical damage to the contacts can be only the maintenance of the master, which rolls all the disturbed elements. It is not recommended to do this.

Discovered in BIOS USB ports can be enabled using a simple setting. First you need to go to the computer's BIOS (when you turn on, press the "F2", "DEL" key or other depending on the BIOS version). Next, go to the "Advanced" section -\u003e "USB Configuration".

Check that the USB ports are allowed in the "USB Controller" field, and there was an inscription "Enabled". Do not forget to save the settings before going from the BIOS.

Banal Flash Driver Pollution USB

Problem: Since the flash drive in many situations is worn in pockets or is used as a keychain, then with time, the flap, dust and foreign trash accumulate in its connector. This happens extremely rare, but the contaminated USB connector may cause the computer to read the USB flash drive. It will be determined from the first time, often hang or read the read speed will be strongly understated.

Decision: To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to clean the USB port of the flash drive from saidels and dust. Repair the flare and oxidation from the connector, it can solve the problem that occurred.

The computer does not see a flash drive due to viruses

Problem: Very often, viruses are the cause of problems in the work of the flash drive. When you try to open an infected USB USB flash drive, the user receives the message "In access is denied" or "removable media is not found." Thus, access to recorded data becomes limited.

Decision: To solve this problem, it is necessary to remove a malicious file from a flash drive and scan it to viruses. Go to "Start" and enter the "display of hidden files and folders" in the search bar, click on the search result.

We remove the tick opposite the item "hide protected system files" and put a tick opposite the item "Show hidden files, folders and discs".

After that, with the help of the conductor, go to the USB flash drive and delete the malicious file "autorun.inf".

Driver failure or use of outdated drivers

Problem: There are often cases when the computer does not want to see a flash drive due to outdated drivers or incorrectly running driver. For example, some old computers cannot work with flash drives with more than 32 GB. A driver failure may appear for various reasons. In any case, the problem with the driver is solved using their update.

Decision: We go to the "Start" and in the search bar, enter the "Device Manager", go to the found section.

We connect the flash drive to the computer and in the device manager, go to the USB Controllers section. On the right mouse button, click on the "USB storage device", select "Properties" and click "Delete".

Using these actions, you will delete the installed driver. We take out the flash drive from the computer and then plug in it again. This will update the required driver.

If this method does not help you, you can try to re-install the chipset drivers. They include drivers for all controllers. For this purpose you can use.

File System Conflict

Problem: Quite often, the computer does not see a flash drive due to conflict of file systems. So if the "NTFS" file system is used on the computer, and their incompatibility is possible on the flash drive "FAT32". I also want to describe the problem with which Mac OS users may face. When formatting a flash drive in the Mac OS operating system, users most often select the "Mac OS Extended" or "EXFAT" file system. Flashki formatted in a similar way, with a very high probability will become unreadable in Windows.

Decision: To solve the problem of file incompatibility, you need to format the USB flash drive. In order to find out which file system from your computer to go to My Computer, right-click on the hard disk and select "Properties".

If you are working on Mac OS and on Windows OS, then format the flash drive on the poppy in the "MS-DOS" file system. Then it will work normally on both operating systems.

The disk is not formatted

Problem: When the user inserts a flash drive into a computer and tries to open it, then sees a warning that the disk is not formatted, and it needs to be formatted before starting work. In this case, the volume of busy and free space on the flash drive is indicated by zero. It is impossible to access the recorded information.

Decision: Effective solution in this case will be formatting. Of course, before this you need to try to connect a flash drive to other computers and look at the result. If the problem remains, then format the USB flash drive (how we have already spoken above). In the case of the presence of valuable information when formatting, select "Fast formatting" item. Then in the future you can restore remote information using special programs.

The computer does not see a flash drive due to the problem with the section

Problem: In some cases, the operating system cannot properly mount the flash drive in the system. The flash drive icon does not appear, and it is impossible to use it.

Decision: The problem is solved by compulsory setting the letter of the section. To do this, click the key combination "Win" + "R" and drive a simple command "diskmgmt.msc".

In the dispatcher that appears, we are looking for our USB device (next to the flash drive will not be specified the letter of the section). Press the right mouse button on the removable device and select the item "Change the letter of the disc".

At the same time, a small window will appear, in which you want to enter the letter of the section and click "Change". Next, choose a specific letter and click "OK".


We examined in detail the reasons why the computer may not read the USB flash drive. The decisions described should help you cope with this unpleasant problem. In most cases, the non-definition of the flash drive is a reversible process, and only in the most running cases, the problems with the flash drive are associated with non-resistant malfunctions of the device. If these tips did not help you - write in the comments, we will look for answers together.

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Usually, as suspects in this case, factions in the work of software, incorrect operating system settings, outdated drivers, USB ports, adapters, or drives themselves.

Depending on the reasons in each case, the problem manifests itself in different ways. It happens that the computer does not respond at all to the USB flash drive or hard disk. In other situations, the sound of the connection of the new device is distributed, but the drive icon does not appear in the conductor. And sometimes the computer simply hangs immediately after contact with the USB device.

What to do if the computer with Windows does not see the flash drive or an external hard drive

To begin with, deal with what exactly the problem occurs: with a computer, adapter (if the connection occurs through the cable) or the drive. Try connecting a USB device through other ports. If you do not help and you use the cable, try replacing it on the spare. In case of failure, check whether the drive opens on other computers.

If the device works on another PC or you do not have the opportunity to check it

Connect the hard disk or flash drive to your computer and follow these steps in order. If the first does not help, go to the next and so on.

If another PC also does not see the drive or all of the above tips did not help

In this case, most likely, the problem is in the drain itself.

If you have a flash drive, not a hard disk, you can use special utilities to correct program errors. This is usually possible on the manufacturer's website. For example, the JetFlash Online Recovery program is for Transcend's drives. A USB Flash Drive Online Recovery - for the ADATA brand flash drives. But note that during the recovery process, these utilities erase all data from flash drives.

If nothing of the listed helped, then it is probably a matter of physical malfunction of a hard disk or flash drive. Then it is better to show the device by a specialist or return to the store under warranty.

What to do if Mac does not see a flash drive or an outer hard drive

On Apple computers, the test procedure is somewhat different, but occurs approximately by the same algorithm. We will assume that you have already tried to restart the computer, turn off and connect the USB flash drive, and also made sure to ensure the connection. If this does not help, you need to do the following:

Open the built-in tool to work with disks ("programs" → "Utilities" → "Disc utility") and check if a problem flash drive is displayed. If the drive is still visible, try it by clicking the "Erase" button, and connect again. Keep in mind that all data from the flash drives will be permanently removed.

A special Mac diagnostic program provides detailed information about all software and hardware components of the computer, including USB devices. Open the Apple menu, then holding the Option key, click "System Information" and go to the menu that opens to the USB section.

If the flash drive is there, it means that the problem lies in the software and the disk can be tried to restore by contacting the manufacturer's recommendations. If there is no information about the flash drive, then the case is in physical malfunction, and you should contact the store or service center if the repair makes sense.

Step-by-step instruction in uSB recovery flash drives in which I will try accessible to the question answer How to restore a flash drive Alone and without much effort.

It happens to help a person, and then it will be extended to everyone that you are so good and there are already the crowds thirsty for help. About everything so happened when I restored a few flashpels colleagues.

Now the people carry not only their flashki, but also flashki His friends, acquaintances and relatives. Well, at least someone else there is a bottle of leak beer or cookies - Figushushka.

It is not difficult for me to help, but when I suggest you to learn all this, you will behave. I'm just next time I emit. You do not want to learn - pass by.

With lyrics on this end and turn directly to the topic of the post ..

If yours flash drive stopped define like a disc, does not want format, does not allow you to record information or something else happened there, but it does not have mechanical damage, then you know - not all is lost. Most likely glucked controller And it will have to tinker with him. By time, this procedure occupies about 5 minutes.

I will say that there is no universal programs for recovery All varieties flashpels. You will need to find exactly the one that can work with your controller flashki.

To begin with, we need to determine Vid. and PID Non-working flashki.

Determine VID and PID to restore flash drive

Stick flash drive to the computer and run Device Manager. StartPerform - mMC Devmgmt.msc..

Then go to the section Universal USB Serial Tire Controllers.

Find your list flash drive. Usually, everyone flashki These are called USB storage device.

Click on the device right key and open Properties.

Go to the tab Intelligence.

In the drop-down list, choose the item Instance code Devices or Equipment codes (ID).

In this window we see PID and Vid..

Search for a program to restore flash drive

We go to the site and enter on it received Vid. and PID.

Click on the button Search..

In the results we are looking for your manufacturer and model of the flash drive. I have it kingston datatraveler 2.0.

The right column will be the name of the program you need or reference to it.

Everything. Now look for a program in Google by name or download at the specified link. Start and follow the instructions. Usually, in similar programs for recovery Only one button, so you should not have questions.

That's all!

There will be questions - ask in the comments.