How to remove the tape in contact quickly. VKontakte Cleaning Program

Numerous posts, records of acquaintances and friends, congratulations and other information over time accumulates on the wall in a huge amount. Sooner or later, it will be difficult among it to find an important link or an interesting entry, so many users think about how to quickly clean the Wall of the VC and do it as efficiently as possible.

At first glance, the task is to remove records from the wall Vkontakte, it seems that only until the page is becoming necessary to remove hundred or even more records. The settings that offers the VC network currently make only one way to do this is available - choosing and deleting manually each post or record. If such records have a large amount, you will need a lot of time.

Earlier, such an option was available in the network itself, but for safety reasons the ability to clean the wall in the VC immediately all was disabled. If the attacker gets access to the user page, then it will be able to permanently remove all the data in one touch, and many many values \u200b\u200bof valuable information can be stored.

Immediately before deleting all VKontakte wall entries, you must check your own registration data you need to access the recovery, passwords, and so on.

It may be necessary to restore access when you lock it by the administration. The removal of information in a massive order in terms of safety looks suspicious and the account of the account may be suspended.

How to Clean the Wall VK using Chrome

Chrome browser is among the most popular users from all over the world. It is he who is used by default to access VKontakte and further instructions for removing posts are given in its example. The first way to clear the Wall of the VC does not require additional extensions, scripts and other utilities and is used only thanks to the built-in browser tools, which in our case is Chrome.

  • First you need to go to the main page of the network account and then go to the "My Page" section.
  • Having a cursor on any empty field, press the right mouse button and activate the Browser Function "View Item Code".
  • The abundance of various characters and teams should not be alarmed. In the menu that appears, or rather, in the top of the field with the code of the viewed item, the Console tab (Console) is located. Go to it by pressing the mouse pointer.
  • In the open control console, it is now necessary to insert a special script - code written in the Java Script language, which will allow us to remove records from the VK wall. Script itself (VAR Z \u003d Document.getelementsByClassName ("Post_Actions"); var i \u003d 0; Function del_wall () (var fn_str \u003d z [i] .gelementsBytagname ("div"). OnClick.Tostring (); var fn_arr_1 \u003d fn_str .split ("("); var fn_arr_2 \u003d fn_arr_1.split (";"); Eval (fn_arr_2); if (i \u003d\u003d z.length) (ClearInterval (int_id)) ELSE (I ++)); var int_id \u003d setInterval (Del_wall, 1000);).
  • After its input, you need to press "ENTER", thereby running his work. All available wall entries will be sequentially deleted. Social status on the network, as well as personal photos and other information will not be moved or changed.

During the script operation, the system may issue an error message that a certain record is not found. Since the script itself deletes all records manually, with a frequency of about a second, then if an error occurs, you need to update the profile page and the procedure will continue. Gradually, the executable code can clear the entire wall in VC for a period of several seconds to 5-10 minutes, depending on the number of records.

How to Clean the Wall of VK in Firefox

Another popular browser is Mozilla Firefox, whose use to remove from the walls of VKontakte all the records we will look below. This browser, as well as the Chrome discussed above also provides the ability to view the page code and download executable scripts with the difference only in the location of the control elements. To remove the VKontakte wall, you can quickly and do not install extensions, and try to do it by the following instructions.

  • We carry out the input to the account and go to the menu "My Page".
  • Press the right mouse button on any empty field without links and other data.
In the contextual browser menu that opens, go to the item "Explore the element"
  • In the same way, it goes into a similar "Console" menu and transferring the specified code into the string. It is cross-platform and does not depend on the browser itself.
  • Mozilla Firefox browser will warn the user about the possible consequences of using third-party scripts and applications, so it is not excluded that you will have to update the page and enter the code again.
  • After the cleaning procedure is completed, it will be necessary to close the Console tab, exit the social network and restart the browser.

How to Clean the Wall VK using extensions

A method is also available to clear the Wall of VKontakte fully using special extensions for the browser. They act as a similar way with the only difference that the user has no need to prescribe the script independently, but just press the key in the browser menu and activate the extension. This way to remove in VC all records is different in that:

  1. does not require the search and input of the script in order to remove everything from the wall in the VC;
  2. more safe;
  3. extensions can provide the user with the ability to further configure.

As you know, the browsers discussed above have the ability to install additional extensions that perform certain functions. Today they have a huge amount, so with their help you can make it very much to ease work and including to remove the entire wall in the VC at once.

One of these extensions is the supplement VKOPT, providing the user with access to the management of its page with great optimization capabilities.

This addition is suitable for many popular browsers, and you can find it in the company store app store for Chrome, Mozilla and other platforms. In addition to other functions, it is possible to clean the Wall of VKontakte quickly, configure the display of certain items, manage downloads, edit the entry on the wall of VKontakte and so on. To do this, do the following.

  1. We establish an extension from the application store of the selected browser or from the official project site.
  2. We go to your VKontakte page to the "Records" section.
  3. To delete all posts in VK, click the "N Record" plug-in menu and then the "Actions" menu appears above all the records, where the buttons of the editing features are located.

View video

Now you know how to clean the Wall of VK.

Hello, dear friends and blogs blog! There are such unpleasant moments when you just need to delete all the entries on your wall "VKontakte". But there is one nuance! VK does not provide such a function when you can with one time, take and delete all accumulated entries.

How to be in this case how to clear the page VK?

On this question I will answer you today!

How to Clean Page in VC? Fear fraudsters !!!

On the Internet, full of sites offered to download the program and I would help you to help delete all the entries from the Wall VK.

In no case are not fought for such fraudsters such, which will simply steal all your personal data and harm you!

Before making all the manipulations in your Account VK, I recommend you make sure that you have a password saved and you remember it, as well as the phone number to which your account is registered by Vkontakte!

Made sure? So let's start!

Learning how to clean the page in the VC quickly using the fraudsters programs?

We will do this with you in the Google Chrome browser, but you can also do these manipulations in any other browser that you have installed.

I hope you already have on the VK page! So good. Now in the field of your page, click right-click and select from the drop-down list "View Code".

To the right, you will open the window in which you must find the tab "Console", it is at the top. See the applied screenshot:

Found? Now you need to copy this code:

VAR Z \u003d Document.getelementsByClassName ("Post_Actions"); var i \u003d 0; Function Del_wall () (var fn_str \u003d z [i] .getelementsbytagname ("div"). OnClick.Tostring (); var fn_arr_1 \u003d fn_str.split ( "("); var fn_arr_2 \u003d fn_arr_1.split (";"); EVAL (FN_ARR_2); if (i \u003d\u003d z.Length) (ClearInterval (int_id)) ELSE (I ++)); var int_id \u003d setInterval (del_wall, 1000);

and insert it in "Console", as in the following screenshot:

Then you need to click on "ENTER" and the process of deleting records on your wall VKontakte will start automatically. This script to remove records on the Wall of the VC alternately removes all the entries by imitating their removal by "hands", that is, gradually, one per second, so that VK did not suspicion about this. Smart script!

4 proven method how to quickly clear the whole wall in VKontakte. Choose yourself suitable and proceed to clean the wall of your favorite social. VKontakte 2019.

How to quickly clean the wall of VKontakte 2019

How to Clean the Wall from the phone VKontakte Android. Using the CleanerVK application on Android, full cleaning of the wall VKontakte from the phone.

Enter your phone (or mail) and password from VKontakte. The phone begins with +

After, click Allow

Go to point Cleaning - Wall - delete everything. We are waiting for 1-2 minutes. Ready!

Wall VKontakte is completely cleaned using the CleanerVK mobile application for the phone on Android

Working method 2016 - How to quickly clean the wall in the new VC (with a changed design)

The method that suggested a user in the comments and which is working.
Step number 1. Scroll down the whole wall to the end (click a lot, many times a space or Page DOWN)
Step number 2. Insert into Console (described below) This code

(function () ("Use Strict"; if (! confirm ("Delete all records from the wall?")) Return; var deletepostlink \u003d document.body.QuerySelectorLall ("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (var i \u003d 0; I.< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

Step number 3. Click OK, on \u200b\u200bthe offer Delete records from the wall. PROFFIT!
All recordings that you remove from the wall, can be restored Use the key Restore before rebooting the page (Do not go to another page when you restore the desired posts)

How to quickly clear the entire wall vk using the script. Method 1

So, for cleaning the wall without programs, etc. You need a script that is lower.
Copy it: (Click on the text, then right mouse button - copy)

For (var i \u003d 1; i<530;i++){document.getElementsByClassName("post_delete_button fl_r")[i].onclick();}

Open Google Chrome and go to the Console on the VK page (click the key combination Ctrl + SHIFT + I And find Console) in Google Chrome
After scrolling the wall to the first recording (to accelerate the scroll of the Wall of the VK, clamp the space) insert the script, and click Enter

Cleaning Wall VKontakte using the Vkopt program. Method 2

Go to vkopt.

Cleaning Wall VKBOT with VKBOT. Method 3.

To begin with, we will need to download the VKBOT program.


The program is not working now. When recover is unknown!

Since there are many scams on the network who want to steal your passwords, etc. From your accounts, I give you a direct link to the official website. (Temporarily not available) and download the program

After downloading, run the program and enter your data from VKontakte (the program is known, it was discussed many times in the Hacker magazine)
Enter your data in the program and click the entrance

Now go to the profile - cleaning (delete) - clean the wall - we can leave or delete your messages in the same number. Click Yes to leave your posts on the wall, or not to completely remove the wall.


If you want to leave a few records, open the page in the contact, delete them. Now open the program Remove the entire wall. And again open the page and restore those messages that you need

Another easy way to remove the wall is inserted into the address bar code
jakkkvascript: var h \u003d document.getelementsByClassName ("post_actions"); var i \u003d 0; Function del_wall () (var fn_str \u003d h [i] .gelementsBytagname ("DIV"). OnClick.Tostring (); var fn_arr_1 \u003d fn_str. split ("("); var fn_arr_2 \u003d fn_arr_1.split (";"); EVAL (FN_ARR_2); if (i \u003d\u003d H.LengTh) (ClearInterval (int_id)) ELSE (I ++)); var int_id \u003d setInterval ( Del_wall, 1000);

Remove KKK after JA And press ENTER. After that, the recording will be deleted automatically.

Sometimes, for one reason or another, we need delete all posts from the wall in VKontakte. Previously, it could be done in the settings for one click.

But some time ago, the administration of VKontakte refused such a move, referring to the fact that the attackers, hacking the account, this admission will delete all the most important:

Delete one record is also not an option. For too long, especially if you run a page for several years:

First method works unstableSince on the new design the script slows down.

1. Go to your own vKontakte page.

2. Enter the script in browser address line.

java. *** script: var h \u003d document.getelementsByClassName ("UI_Actions_Menu _ui_Menu"); var i \u003d 0; Function del_wall () (var fn_str \u003d h [i] .gelementsBytagname ("A"). OnClick.tostring (); var fn_arr_1 \u003d fn_str.split ("("); var fn_arr_2 \u003d fn_arr_1.split ( ";"); Eval (fn_arr_2); if (i \u003d\u003d H.Length) (ClearInterval (int_id)) ELSE (I ++)); var int_id \u003d setinterval (del_wall, 500);

3. Remove the stars *** and click the Enter key.

Deleting all entries on the wall of VKontakte

Second way works flawless in 2020But you have to insert code many times if you have a large number of records:

1. We wipe the part of your wall recording. For quick effect, we hold the space or end.

2. Anywhere on the page click on right mouse button, choose value "View Code"(in some browsers in a different way, for example, "Explore the element").

(function () ("Use Strict"; if (! confirm ("Delete all records from the wall?")) Return; var deletepostlink \u003d document.body.QuerySelectorLall ("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (var i \u003d 0; I.< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

4. Confirm the removal And wait until the wall is cleaned.

  • Now I am missing further recording, insert the code and delete them;

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question:How do we work on the new design of 2018?
Yes, work. But the script sometimes ceases to delete the records, so I advise you to use the second method.

Question: In the community, you can delete records?
Answer: Yes, if you are admin community.

Question: How to stop deletion?
Answer: Update page (press the F5 key).

Question: The search engine opens / page not found when I enter the script and click Enter, what to do?
Answer: This is because you forgot to remove stars *** at the beginning of the code.

Question: I want to remove old records, and leave new, how do I do?
Answer: Press the wall, then in the upper right corner "Search by posts", Further "Records to a definite date", then select the date where records will be displayed until this time and insert the script.

Question: Methods are working in the mobile application?
Answer: Try, not a fact.

Question: Photos are deleted?
Answer: Only those that were posted on your wall.

Question: How to delete all records from the Wall of the VC in the second way on other browsers if there are no string "View Code"?
Answer: The page code can be viewed on any browsers, just everyone is called each other. In Firefox, for example, "Explore the element".

For several years, you leafed your favorite communities and repost from there interesting entries. One day, when their number stepped over a thousand, I wanted to remove it all. The worst nightmare will not come up with how to remove every post one by one, "you have to use something that makes it automatically. And there are such ways.

Video - We delete all the entries from the VK wall using the script

This is a piece of code that fit into the address string or console. He will remove posts loaded at the moment on the computer. To remove the records, scroll through the wall to the end. If it fails to download all posts right away, you can crack gradually.

A piece of code that we need looks like this:

(function () ("Use Strict"; if (! confirm ("Delete all records from the wall?")) Return; var deletepostlink \u003d document.body.QuerySelectorLall ("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (var i \u003d 0; I.< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

Now do the following:

  1. Conduct the console. To make it in Google Chrome, Opera or Firefox, you need to hold the Ctrl, Shift and C buttons ( Ctrl + SHIFT + J also works).
  2. Select the Console tab.
  3. Below, in the input field insert code and press ENTER.

Clean the wall VK - Method 1

After that, the posts will begin to clean. The only thing remains to do next is to wait. The time that will go to delete records depends on their quantity. After a few minutes there will be no posts.

There is a simpler option. It does not have to look for the console - the code is entered in the field at the top.

It is necessary to enter this script here:

javaScript: var h \u003d document.getelementsByClassName ("Post_Actions"); var i \u003d 0; Function Del_wall () (var fn_str \u003d h [i] .gelementSbyTagname ("DIV"). OnClick.Tostring (); var fn_arr_1 \u003d fn_str. split ("("); var fn_arr_2 \u003d fn_arr_1.split (";"); EVAL (FN_ARR_2); if (i \u003d\u003d H.Length) (ClearInterval (int_id)) ELSE (I ++)); var int_id \u003d setinterval ( Del_wall, 500)

The principle is the same as the previous script. Do not forget to wash the wall to the end.

2 way: programs

There are many programs that make life easier in social. Networks: allow you to download music, remove unnecessary functionality and many other interesting things. Some of them can clean the page. We will analyze the procedure for working with programs on the example of Autovk.

In third-party programs intended for computers, data is always required to enter. Enter them at your own risk. Often such programs are not collecting passwords, but no one is insured.

We clean the wall vk method 2. Software method.

As soon as the "Clear Wall" button is pressed, the program will start working. Upon completion of the work will jump alert.

Methods that do not work

The following programs were popular before changing the design of the design:

  • VKBOT computer program;
  • Extension for browser vkopt.

VKBOT no longer function, and many options in Vkopt have ceased to work immediately after large innovations in the social. network. Now in this expansion gradually returned old functions, but today it cannot delete records from the wall.


Use automatic ways CAUTION: The VKontakte administration can perceive such manipulations with distrust and freeze the page. For this case, always remember the password, and the phone number.