Bypass modem mode on MTS. Distribution of the Internet MTS from the phone - bypass restrictions

Relatively recent MTS Provider added a new and promising "Smart Unlimited" to his lineup, "SMART". Powerful advertising company and assurances in high-speed Internet with an unlimited traffic quota have done their job, and many MTS subscribers have switched to this tariff. A huge number of SMART unlimited starting packets were sold, and buyers did not even stop the limitations on using a SIM card in modem devices and a critical flow rate drop when downloading torrent files.

In the article:

Unlike the proposals of other providers, for example, postphoto tariffs "All" from Beeline, the "Unlimited" distribution of WiFi was part of the standard filling of the tariff plan and made it even more attractive. But, as the further development of events has shown, the operators are once again not adhered to honest rules of the game and the conditions for the work of their tariffs change their own discretion, which increase the costs of subscribers.

Bypassing the limitations "Smart Unlimited"

Technically savvy subscribers objectively considered the actions of the provider with unfair and developed a restriction algorithm for MTS "Smart Unlimited". Online Assistant will tell you about the available ways to eliminate restrictions on downloading files through torrent client and the favorable use of MTS "Unlimited" in the modem.

Our Internet restriction manuals are relevant for MTS, IOT and Beeline tariffs, since operators use identical services blocking technologies.

How to download torrent without speed limit

Active Internet users no possibility of downloading files through torrent clients are huge inconvenience, deprives comfortable leisure and improve the software database. To date, the owners of "Smart Unlimited" bypassing restrictions are available two tested ways:

  • activate the encryption function in the torrent client;
  • organize a private connection to VIPN virtually network.

No need to scare capacious and incomprehensible technical terms. Read on our material and make sure that bypassing the MTS limit "Unlimited" does not constitute anything complicated and can be fragile to implement even technically inoperative user.

A more reliable and efficient method of eliminating internet service restrictions is VPN, since the data encryption technology has a reduction in traffic speed. On the other hand, connecting the encryption function in the torrent client is a simpler and less cost option.

Activation of encryption in torrent client

The application of the encryption function of the protocol allows you to get rid of traffic cutting by optimizing the torrent client operation in incognito mode. In such a situation, the Identifiers of the provider simply cannot track the data streams and link them with a specific IP address.

Let us consider in more detail how to bypass the limit of MTS "Unlimited", on the example of the most popular torrent client - μTorrent.

To activate the BitTorren network protocol encryption mode (default feature is deactivated), you must do the following:

  • run the μTorrent file sharing program;
  • alternately open the section "Settings" menu and subsection "Program Settings";
  • select "BitTorrent";
  • at the bottom of the form, activate the "Protocol Encryption" section;
  • from the drop-down menu, select the "Enabled" command;
  • remove the box next to the "Support UPD-Trackers" option;
  • complete the actions alternately by pressing the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.

Here we will stop in detail on the moment of disabling the support of UPD trackers. If this is not done, the data transmission channel will be filled with a provider's service traffic that not only reduces the overall speed of the file sharing, but also can be used to track a "timelled" user.

Important! The μTorrent program is completely free and over the years of its development overtook a variety of versions and modifications, including without section "BitTorrent". If you caught the same version, just replace it with the other, with the desired functional. Also possible are small differences in the organization of the interface and the main menu.

Organization of VPN connections

Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a special technology that allows you to organize an anonymous logical network over another network and protect it from the external impact of the provider by encrypting the protocols. Moreover, the MTS statement does not even have the ability to identify the availability of the file sharing process and, as a result, limit the speed to the use of torrent files.

Any operating system has an integrated toolkit for the organization of VPN. Also, users are offered separate software VPN clients. Online assistant Site will not focus on this technology, since detailed instructions for connecting VPN networks are on all services that provide file sharing, and can be fragilely implemented even inexperienced users in such issues.

Removing restrictions on using the SIM card in modem

Note! Further material will contain many descriptions of technical procedures, which in text format may seem rather confusing and incomprehensible. But do not get upset! After watching our learning video to withdraw the limitations of MTS "Unlimited", the distribution of the Internet through the modem will no longer cause any software and technical difficulties.

Despite the fact that "Smart Unlimited" allows you to distribute Wi-Fi with a phone, many users need the ability to use the SIM card in the modem. Since the operator's limit limit cards should be used only in the smartphone, the easiest way to get around this prohibition by replacing the IMEI modem on the IMEI phone. The International Mobile Equipment ID (IMEI) consists of 16 digits and is unique for each device. If the modem "turns" into the smartphone by replacing the identifier - the SIM card will continue to work in normal mode.

In European countries, the substitution of IMEI is a criminal offense. In Russia, the precedents of criminal prosecution for changing IMEI are known.

Here it is necessary to know that unique identifiers are the most effective means of dealing with resaletrees of stolen mobile devices. It is clear that within the framework of this article we do not consider the issue of IMEI replacement for the purpose of selling the modem, but you need to accurately realize that this procedure is not completely legal.

Immediately turn your attention to another very important point. The situation when two devices with the same IMEI are simultaneously located on the network, unacceptable. Therefore, at the time of operation of the modem or router with a modified identifier, the donor phone must be disconnected. The same barcode with IMEI figures can always be viewed on the body of the phone under the battery.

Imei change

The IMEI modem change algorithm on the IMEI phone has the following form:

  1. Download and install software to work with the modem file system, such as Qualcomm Product Support Tools (QPST).
  2. Click on the Start button and start the QPST Configuration set.
  3. Go to the "Control Panel" and alternately activate the Device Manager tabs and ports.
  4. Here are two options:
    • immediately select the Huawei Mobile Connect 3G Application Interface port;
    • if it is not, add a new port by the ADD NEW Port command and confirm the selection of "3G Application Interface".
  5. Remove the Show Serial and USB Diagnostic Port ONLY tick.
  6. Start the "START CLIENTS" client and select the "RF NV Item Manager" option.
  7. Alternately activate the "Setting", "Comport" sections and download "RF NV"
  8. Select the "File" menu item and activate "READ FROM PHONE".
  9. After the process of reading the NV cells from the modem, the desired cell (NV_UE_IEI_I) remains inaccessible. To see it, you need to use the "File" menu item and select "Read Supported RF NV Items".
  10. Press (nv_ue_imei_i) and in the open line of 9 fields to register a new IMEI, without forgetting to install a check mark for entering numbers in the "Hex" format.
  11. After entering the numbers, you need to open the "File" menu and fix the entered changes in the Select Write Only Listed Item On Phone.

Let us dwell in more detail on the features of IMEI input and numbers in the "Hex" format. In the first field, the number 8 is obligatory, and the remaining fields are the remaining 8 numeric pairs of the identifier. The second field is designed for the first IMEI digit of the phone with the addition of the letter A, for example 3a. In the fifth field, you need to put the first digit from the fourth pair of numbers of the original identifier. It is easy to determine, since this is a number with zero (30, 40, 50). The remaining pairs of numbers are entered in their mirror mapping. If in the original IMEI there is a digit 25, the corresponding line field needs to be stailed 52.

For greater visibility, consider a real example using the IMEI smartphone 3 24 53 40 17 51 63 46 for this. Based on the features described above, the identifier conversion for the "hex" format, the NV_UE_IMEI_I cell must be filled as follows: 8 3A 42 35 4 71 15 36 64. As you can see, everything is simple as possible and understandable.

How to get rid of the fact of distribution of the Internet from the device

Cell network providers also track the unauthorized distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or USB using TTL (TIME TO LIVE), which defines the time of the data packet in the IP protocol. For Windows, TTL value is 128, for iOS and Android - 64.

When exchanging IP packets between the distributing and receiving device, the TTL value decreases by one. Thus, the distribution device sends its datagram to the operator with a full-fledged TTL value and a receiving device datagram with a TTL indicator, reduced per unit. For the operator, the situation with the receipt of information packets from one IP address with different TTL values \u200b\u200buniquely indicates the fact of distribution of the Internet into several devices.

To avoid this, it is necessary to programmatically correct the outgoing TTL value. We will not describe the mechanism for changing the data packet's life parameters for various models of routers and modems, since there are significant differences in the settings. Let's better consider the universal example of the change of TTL on a computer running Windows:

  • press the "Start" button and enter the regedit.exe command in the search string;
  • run the registry editor on behalf of the administrator and select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section;
  • find the SYSTEM folder, alternately activate the covers of CurrentControlset, Services, TCPIP and click on the Parameters tab;
  • on the right side of the window, click the right mouse button and in the Create "drop-down menu" DWORD parameter (32 bits) ";
  • assign the name "defaultttl" name;
  • set the value of the parameter 65;
  • confirm the selection by pressing the "OK" button.

This simple action will allow the provider to send all data packets with the value of TTL to 64 and freely distribute the Internet via the modem or the router to the required number of devices.


As you were convinced, bypassing restrictions on MTS "Smart Unlimited" can be fragile to realize our own forces in a short time. We add from myself that using the "Smart Unlimited" tariff in the modem and making the decision to adjust the TTL indicator, consider both the batteries of the computer, and the standard values \u200b\u200bof the data packet in the IP protocol. Recall once again that for iOS and Android it is 64, and for Windows - 128.

The "Smart Unlimited" tariff plan from the famous operator MTS was issued relatively recently and managed to become popular among many subscribers. It includes 10 GB of Internet traffic, which made it possible to use it to distribute Wi-Fi. However, the company in the opinion of many users, was dishonest, introducing a fee for providing the Internet for 30 p. per day. It costs even more expensive than the monthly payment of the tariff. Advanced network users began to look for ways to bypass this injustice. And found!

The specificity of the use of TP "Unlimited"

Hardly appearing on the market, the tariff plan provoked a real excitement. This is not surprising, because with the advent of this feature, subscribers found a way to sit on the Internet (read also,) and communicate with a voice in the home network without borders. To communicate with subscribers throughout the country, you need to pay 12.9 p. per day. Along with the standard parameters, this proposal includes the following options:

  • 200 minutes for calls on all home regions;
  • 200 messages on phones of all operators within DR;
  • the famous package from the very beginning is the action of 387 p.;
  • from the second month, the fee of 12.9 p. per day;
  • when connected after the date of date, 08/31/2016 the cost has become equal to 19 p. in a day.

The pricing policy is variable. For the purpose of changing TP should be used ✶ 1 1 1 ✶ 3 8 8 8 # . To transfer the opportunity to use the World Wide Web, you can use Wi-Fi, USB port, Bluetooth.

As a result, your smartphone will become an object of distribution of access to the network.

Methods for bypassing restrictions

It is not surprising that such ill-conceived innovations from the mobile operator annoy many network users and force either to go to competitors, or to look for ways to circumvent prohibitions. Therefore, the most active subscribers began to search for all sorts of "deception" and care from the board. Currently, there are already several methods that make it possible to do it quickly and efficiently.

Change IMEI within the distribution apparatus

The operator makes it possible to use SIMI only in the smartphone. As for the modem, there are a number of restrictions. The easiest way to bypass this prohibition is the change of IMEI from the modem to the phone. Its value includes 16 digits, which for each device - its own (i.e. unique). In the case of substitution of this combination, the card will continue to function in normal mode.

Remember that this act is fraught with criminal liability.

If your goal is to use the SIM card in the modem or applying it to distribute the Internet through the router, you need to replace IMEI on a distributing smartphone. It is worth using a value from the device that functions on Windows. After all, the flow of traffic to such resources does not entail suspicion. But there are several moments to pay attention to:

  • there is a high risk that all the actions will turn out in vain, since the operation may pass unsuccessfully;
  • it is worth paying attention to the lack of registration of the selected IMEI on the same network (connection from two devices with the identical value of this parameter is prohibited);
  • if there is no possibility of finding the IMEI value from a special background, you can conduct measures to generate.

Change can be carried out through two options:

  • engineering mode;
  • console.

In the first case, the order of events is:

  • set on a special combination mobile device: 3 6 4 6 6 3 3 ;
  • opening Engenieer Mode;
  • transition to Connectivity and select the next combination - CDS Information è Radio ... è Phone 1;
  • prescribing above AT + combinations EGMR \u003d 1.7 (and then - a new preferred IMEI value);
  • to produce measures to change IMEI to another SIM, if any, you need to repeat the agreed combination and write already EGMR \u003d 1.10 (with the subsequent indication of the 16-digit number);
  • at the last step - pressing "Send AT" and reboot.

In the second situation (under action through the console), we are talking about the use of the terminal emulator. It functions by a similar mode with the Windows command line. The following code value is entry as a command:

ECHO - E AT + EGMR \u003d 1.7.Your_Imei "\u003e / dev / smdo.

If the device is equipped with two SIM cards, the same combination is prescribed, but with a different value (1.10).

Change TTL

This number symbolizes the duration of the "life" of the packet with traffic. By default for the lion's share of the OS, this parameter is 64. In the process of connecting to the operator's network, the transmission of this default value begins. There is a decrease in this value by 1.

Watch that packages taken from other gadgets, in the process of losing a unit of this number, have acquired a value identical to the fact that "default" is installed. For the devices functioning on IOS, Android, this is the number - 64. To appear the possibility of distribution of the Internet without any payment, it is required to assign a value of 63.

You can carry out a set of work on a shift in manual and programmatic mode. The second way is more convenient, and therefore preferable. The TTL Master service is distributed. Previously, he was named Yota Tether TTL. So that it could function freely, it was necessary to obtain ROOT user rights. One click system helps to change the value. And you can get it in Google Play (you can be satisfied with the free version, since it is enough to solve your task).

You can not use specialized services. To do this, follow the events algorithm:

  • enable flight mode;
  • to run it via ES conductor;
  • pass the proc / sys / net / ipv4 path;
  • find a file called as IP_DEFAULT_TTL;
  • change the value from 64 to 63;
  • return the device into normal mode;
  • make the inclusion of distribution.

If you need to connect to the computer's telephone device, you must add a number of manipulations to the above commands:

  • pressing "Start", execution, regedit;
  • opening a register with parameters;
  • pressing the right mouse button on the Create, new parameter (32 bits), indicating the name "DefaultTtl";
  • change system, prescribing value 64;
  • saving results and restart of a computer device.

Now you can distribute the Internet and not fear that the fee will be charged for it.

Editing a host file

Its goal is to compare the domain names, the record of which is carried out through characters and special IP addresses. Editing is required in order to block resources, with which the operator detects the traffic distribution. The collection of a universal document is impossible, so experts recommend installing analyzers and follow, on which resources the operator can detect the fact of distribution.

Traditionally, this file is located in the Windows folder on the C-disk. To gain quick access to files and folders, you need to press the "Windows" + "R" buttons. After that, the execution window is formed. In the Open field, you must enter the appropriate command and confirm the action by pressing OK. Next will open the folder where the hosts file is located.

VPN connection and its organization

Abbreviation VPN is decrypted as Virtual Private Network. It is a special technology that contributes to the jurisdiction of an anonymous logical network over another network structure. It is necessary to protect it from the external influence of the provider by creating the cipher of the protocols. The operator is unable to identify the presence of the file exchange, respectively, no speed limit will follow.

Absolutely any OS suggests in its arsenal an integrated set of tools for creating a VPN. Such users can count on learning individual customers. Detailed briefings regarding the connection of such networks are present on all services that provide exchange operations with files.

Torrent client and encryption

By using the option associated with the encryption of the protocol, you can instantly get rid of the fact of triggering. This is done by optimizing the working torrent client process in incognito mode.

In the current conditions, identifiers will not be able to track information flows and compare them with specific IP addresses.

You can consider the way to circumvent restrictions on the example of the most popular μ torrent client. To achieve activation of the regime associated with the encryption of the network protocol, it is necessary to follow the algorithm of events:

  • run the file sharing program;
  • open the menu section with settings and subsection with the program settings;
  • from all sorts of options to choose the item BitTorrent;
  • as part of the lower form, to achieve activation of the encryption section;
  • from the menu that appears, select the inclusion command;
  • opposite the functions of supporting trackers, remove a tick;
  • alternately completing events by pressing the "Apply" buttons, OK.

Special attention is paid to the procedure for supporting UPD trackers. If you neglect this requirement, the channel will be filling the traffic volume. And this, in turn, will lead not only to changing the overall feed rate of files in a smaller side, but also contributes to the tracking of the "self-wired" use of the network.

Plus is the complete free program. And for the entire period of operation, it acquired a huge number of modifications, variations and versions, so you will not be difficult to choose the optimal option. There are also minor differences in organizing the main menu and user interface.

Thus, bypassing the restrictions established by the MTS operator regarding the distribution of the Internet, real, but not always legitimate. It is necessary to choose only legally permitted ways, this will allow to share access to the network for free and receive high-speed high-quality Internet at any convenient time.

Today, many subscribers are wondering how to circumvent the limit of "unlimited" from MTS to distribute the Internet. After all, before the new rules entered into force in the current year, there was an opportunity to distribute traffic for free. Is it possible to do this now, and what methods for this are there?

Summary of article:

  1. Is it possible to combine the operator
  2. Change IMEI.
  3. Substitution / fixation TTL
  4. Editing in Host.

Initially, MTS operator presented a new tariff "Unlimited" as a tariff with the possibility of distribution of traffic for free. On the SIM card, when it is installed, the Wi-Fi distribution to other devices was possible without any restrictions. In November 2016, MTS stated that from now on for each 100 MB of distribution, the subscriber will have to pay 30 rubles.

The idea of \u200b\u200bpaying for the distribution of the Internet users did not like. Increasingly, they begin to wonder about how not to pay for the distribution of the Internet. In various forums, whole schemes are already presented how to circumvent restrictions and, of course, to avoid unpleasant consequences from the communication provider.

Options for bypassing

Immediately make a reservation that all options are verified and work as a clock. Choose your own and use distribute the Internet thanks to these steps.

  • IMEI replacement for a distribution device;
  • Shift / fixing TTL;
  • Amend the HOST file on your PC.

How to change IMEI

IMEI replacement is one of the answers to the question, how to bypass MTS "Smart Unlimited" in Modem. For SIM card installed in the apparatus used as a distribution device, it is necessary to change IMEI to the code from a smartphone operating on Windows. Traffic with Windows will not cause suspicion, because a mobile phone running on Windows operates just like a computer. In order not to pay more, we will deal with the subtleties IMEI.

You can change IMEI by two methods:

  • Using engineering mode;
  • Using the console (terminal emulator).

First option: Run the command * # * # 3646633 # * # *. Engineering mode opens - Engineer Mode. Go to Connectivity and choose CDS Information → Radio Information → Phone 1. Over the AT + Row Write EGMR \u003d 1.7 "Your_imei". Click Send AT and reboot the device.

Important! If after the reboot it did not come out, then try after the AT + add a space.

Second version: The terminal emulator works as similar to the Windows command line. It can be downloaded from PlayMarket (Terminal Emulator for Android). After installing the application, you must enter the code to the line:

eCHO-EAT + EGMR \u003d 1.7 "Your_imei"\u003e / Dev / SMDO.

If the phone is designed for two SIM, then for the second card, you must enter ECHO-EAT + EGMR \u003d 1.7 "Your_imei"\u003e / Dev / PttySmd1.

Demals on fixing / changing TTL

We will deal with the Abbreviation TTL. These three letters mean the duration of data finding in the IP device protocol. Operators using TTL detect traffic utilization to another device. If your smartphone becomes working according to the type of modem of the WiFi network for another device, the TTL will become per unit smaller. If the connected devices are two, then two units and so on. The provider responds to the change in the digits of TTL, so the "bypass" scheme must be checked so that this value does not change, then the restriction will be solved.

Interesting! Standard TTL values \u200b\u200bare unchanged (iOS and Android - TTL \u003d 64, Windows - TTL \u003d 128).

Count TTL in several ways. The first is to download any application: TTLFIXER, TTLMaster, TTLEDITOR. It is important to get superuser rights (root rights). For Android OS, you can get the superuser rights by downloading the Framaroot or Kingo Android Root utility. The latter allows you to work not only from the phone, but also a personal computer / laptop.

To work through Framaroot Follow the instructions:

  • On the site Find and download the latest version of the utility.
  • Install it on the Android device (for this in the security options, allow installing applications from unknown sources)
  • Select a way to manage rights - SuperUser or SuperSU
  • Click on any of the exploits. If it did not come out with one, try another of the exploits.
  • If all actions are executed correctly, a smile will appear on the screen
  • Restart the phone for further work.

If your phone does not support Framaroot, do not worry. There is still a Kingo Android Root utility, for the use of which follow the algorithm:

  • Change the settings in the phone item. Re-click on the "assembly number" string until the inscription will appear that you have become a developer. Then enter the settings → for developers and mark "USB debugging"
  • Through the USB port, connect your phone to a personal computer or laptop
  • Click the Root button to start the process.
  • When you appear on the Unlock Bootloader screen using the volume control, select "Yes" and press the enable smartphone to confirm
  • At the end of the work, FINISH will appear.

Now the superuser rights are obtained, and you can start ttl fixation as the most reliable option to distribute the Internet. We will also need to find out if the support of the TTL fixation telephone is supported. Using the conductor, find and activate the / Proc / NET / IP_TABLES_TARGETS file, check the TTL string. With its absence, you will need to search an alternative way to fix or part with MTS. But if suddenly such a line is present, continue to act further.

We find and pull out boot.img. To do this, set Android Termanal Emulator and printing in the SU DD IF smartphone terminal if \u003d dev / block / platform / ... / BLOCK / BOOT OF \u003d SDCARD / BOOT.IMG. On the site of the Troychia, specify the path to the BY-NAME folder. We transfer the boot.img file to a PC / laptop and bring to the pre-installed andimgtool. In the pop-up folder, launch init.rc using NotePad ++. In the end of the text insert:

service FreeBie / System / Bin / IPTABLES -T MANGLE -A POSTROUTING -J TTL -TTL-SET 64

Important! If you suddenly installed Android OS below 4, then the class of Class Main will need to erase. The last line in the file must remain one empty line.

Save the file and transfer the folder on AndimgTool. As a result, it turned out an IMG file that needs to be flashing.

On the MTS tariff "Unlimited" bypassing the restriction is a feasible task if you produce a procedure for fixing for TTL. After that, you no longer have to spend time on such a lesson, since from now on TTL will leave the provider with a value of 64.

If suddenly you did not succeed in fixing the value above, you can use the algorithm for changing the TTL presented below. This method will also allow to go around the constraints on the distribution of traffic:

To connect a personal computer and access the network you need:

  • Click Start → Command Run → Print Regedit;
  • You will see a new window and find there HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ SERVICES \\ TCPIP \\ PARAMETERS;
  • Click the mouse in the window on the right "Create DWORD (32 bits)", "call DefaultTt";
  • Change → decimal → 64;
  • Save and press restart. After rebooting, continue to work.

Working with Host File

In order to finally disassemble how to get around the "Smart Unlimited" limit from MTS to distribute the Internet, you can use the Host file, which is a collection of characters and IP addresses of all sites you visit, including those through which the operator may turn off the distribution Internet. It is a pity that you can not work out a universal instruction that allows you to bypass the "Smart Unlimited" blocking in the modem. But you can constantly edit Host and work out a more or less successful option suitable for you.

Find Host Easy: Press the Windows + R key combination. In the window that appears in the "Open" field, dial% Systemroot% / System32 / Drivers / etc and click OK. In the folder that opens you will see the Host file. More detailed instructions for tracking sites can be found on the network or on special forums in the discussions of MTS restrictions.

We hope that as a result of the following instructions, you have managed bypassing restrictions on MTS "Smart Unlimited." We wish the high speed flights on the Internet spaces without any restrictions!

Some time ago, the "Smart Unlimited" tariff plan was released containing 10 GB of traffic. People used it to distribute Wi-Fi. But MTS decided to earn on this - the distribution of the Internet began to cost 30 rubles a day. It comes out more expensive than the monthly fee for the tariff. From this injustice you can get rid of. In this article we will talk about how to get around the restrictions on the distribution of Wi-Fi on the "Smart Unlimited tariff".

If you watch healthy, MTS company arrived dishonestly towards subscribers. Why not answer reciprocity, because what is the difference where users spend traffic?

To control the distribution of Wi-Fi, communication operators use TTL (decoding - "Time to Live"). It is difficult to explain what it is. Consider only the principle of operation:

  • All devices set their TTL value, which is taken into account when sending data packets to the network.
  • The package passes through the router, after which reduces its value per unit. For example, from 64 (the standard value used by mobile devices) to 63.
  • The communication operator tracks it and finds out when Wi-Fi is heard.

To get around the ban, there is one solution - to adjust the value of TTL. This is done either on a mobile device or on a computer.

Correct TTL on your computer

This method is suitable for those who transmit Wi-Fi solely on the computer. We will have to correctly correct the registry data.

Instructions for Windows 32 Bit:

  • You need to enter the registry. Call the "Run" menu by pressing simultaneously "Win" + "R". Write in the input field - "Regedit".
  • Let us turn to the desired settings - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ SERVICES \\ TCPIP \\ PARAMETERS".
  • Click on the "Parameters" tab. Furtly, we are looking for the item "Create".
  • Choosing "DWORD". Be sure to assign the name - "Defaultttl".
  • Exhibit a tick near the decimal calculus system.
  • It remains to set TTL. We remember that when switching through the router it increases by one item. We put the value - "65".
  • We save. Restart the system.

The instruction for Windows 64 Bit is practically no different. We go into the registry, follow the path to the specified way. The only difference is instead of "DWORD" create "QWord". Do not forget to restart the computer.

If you do not work for your version of the operating system, then nothing will work. The fee will continue to be charged.

To verify the correctness of the performance, do the following:

  • We distribute Wi-Fi using a mobile device. Connect to the network from the computer.
  • We go to the "Center for Network Management and Common Access". Next, select the network used and view its properties. In the default gateway, you will find out IP, write it.
  • Call the program "Run" using the "Win" + "R" buttons. We enter into it "CMD".
  • Command line opened. We enter a request - "Ping + recorded IP" (Be sure to leave spaces). After that, click on "ENTER".
  • If TTL \u003d 64, then everything is correct.

If you do not want to climb the computer, then enter "Ping" in CMD. When using this IP, TTL \u003d 65.

As you can see bypassing restrictions - it is profitable and simple.

Correct TTL on Android device

This method allows you to make your phone to transmit Wi-Fi to absolutely any devices.

To succeed, on Android, you need to get root rights. This is done as follows:

  • Download the King Root application. It can not be found on Google Play.
  • Install APK. Run the application.
  • A large green button will appear, click on it.

Unfortunately, root-rights will be able to get not all. It depends on your phone model and from its firmware. If it does not help, use other applications: "SuperSU", "Framaroot", "Root360".

Getting similar rights, users lose guarantees to their devices. Be careful.

Let us turn to the next part of the instructions:

  • Download the program "TTL MASTER". It is easily located on Google Play. But it is better to find another version using a search engine, - 3.0.1.
  • Install and launch the application.
  • We see the interface on which there is a circle with numbers. It is indicated - "63".
  • We go into the settings using the corresponding icon.
  • Change the "TTL value" and "TTL value in the input field." It is necessary to specify that TTL is equal to 64.
  • Save settings.
  • Returning to the main program interface. Click on the "Obtain restrictions" button.

Now you can distribute Wi-Fi without spending money.

If you restart the device, the settings are reset from the phone. We repeat the items first, after which it will be possible to use the network again.

Is the internet distribution on the tariff "MTS Unlimited"? This can be checked using the method that is specified in the instructions for the computer. And you should not receive messages from MTS.


Operators should not control how users use traffic. Therefore, the above is an instruction that will help save your tools. It is suitable not only for MTS, but also for other cellular operators.

Thanks to the development of technologies, we use the Internet in almost all areas of activity: to work, obtain information, purchases, entertainment. Moreover, it is often used not only a mobile phone, but also a tablet or laptop. For MTS subscribers using several devices at once, the "Single Internet MTS" service will be a very useful tool.

Description and cost of services

The use of this offer will save by subscribers using several devices at once. In this case, it is not necessary to pay the Internet on each of them, just a smartphone only to connect to the packet tariff. Next, activate the "Unified Internet" function on the phone and distribute data to a laptop, a tablet, other phones or a computer.

The cost of the option is 100 rubles for the month of use and is paid only by the distribution subscriber. Displaying means occurs when creating a group and adding the first additional device to it. In the next months, in the absence of the full cost of the service, payment is made at the rate of 4 rubles per day. Connected to distribution users go to the World Wide Network for free.

Terms and limitations of "Unified Internet"

The offer is available for clients using ULTRA and SMART TP (all line) or with an active MINI, MAXI or VIP traffic package.

This service is installed on the phone and there is already a distribution on other devices.

When using option, there are a number of restrictions:

  • The use of the service is possible by no more than 6 devices, including the initiator;
  • Sending subscriber and other users must be from one region, the connection of the numbers from other subjects of the Russian Federation is impossible;
  • Tariffs of participants should differ from the TP of the Group's initiator;
  • Total traffic is limited by the conditions of the initiator tariff plan, but cannot exceed 50 GB;
  • It is forbidden to use multiple distributions at the same time. For joining a new group, it is necessary to leave the current;
  • Additional traffic packages (in the event of a limit set by TP conditions) are used only by the initiator of the distribution, the access of other participants is limited;
  • If the distribution subscriber has the "Smart Unlimited" tariff, only he uses unlimited access to the network, for the rest of the participants there is a total traffic of 10 GB.

Necessary Internet packages

Total traffic available to all group members is limited to the conditions of the active package on the distributing device. Consider possible options:

TP Transferred traffic, GB Special conditions Ab. fee, river / month.
Smart. 5 Transfer residues 300
SmartSabugorische 7 700
SmartBezlimitis 12 450
SmartTop. 15 1250
Ultra 15 1800
Haip 7 Unlimited on many resources 370
Internet mini. 8 Not 350
Internet Maxi. 15 Night Unlimited 550
Internet Vip. 30 700

As can be seen from the table, the traffic in Internet-packages is most profitable. But you should not forget that the tariffs also imply large packages of minutes and SMS, and the unused service balance is transferred to the next month.

How to connect and disable the option

The "Unified Internet" offer is offline on all the above tariff plans. To connect data distribution, it is enough to send from the personal account of invitations to participants or create a group by typing the digital combination of the USSD * 750 # command combination. After receiving an invitation, the group participants need to confirm their consent, after which it is possible to start using common traffic.

Commands allowing you to disable the Single Internet MTS does not exist. After disabling all users of the group, the option goes into inactive mode.

Service Managing

Management by all services is made in the MTS personal account. To distribute the Internet to other devices, you need to create a group. We will describe this process in stages:

  1. We go to the "My Group" tab and enter the number of the connected subscriber in the "Invite the device" field;
  2. A guest participant receives SMS from the number 5340. Advance confirmation is necessary for 15 minutes to send a response SMS with the text "1". If for any reason, the subscriber did not have time to answer, the request will have to repeat;
  3. Upon receipt of an answer from the first participant, the group is considered open and from its creator a fee for the coming month of use of the service is written off;
  4. We send requests for connecting the rest of the group participants.

If it is impossible to send an SMS in response to an invitation, the subscriber can also go to his personal office and click the "Agree" button.