Does not work alarm clock. Does the alarm clock, if Android is turned off or disinterested in mode

Hello everyone! Recose, who of you like to wake up in the morning? It seems to me that there are not many such people. And the author of these lines is certainly not included in their number. I have such a lack - I love to sleep well. But all this does not cancel the fact that it is still necessary to get up in the morning. And again, like most people, for this I use one wonderful thing - alarm clock. Fortunately on the iPhone he is - Apple praise for such a useful and necessary option! :)

But! The last two days my iPhone cares about me a little more than usual - he gives me to sleep. After all, despite the fact that in the evening I, as usual I set the alarm clock, he simply does not work in the morning. In the end, I'm tired of falling out (and more precisely, it was constantly late) and it was decided to figure out - why the signal does not work?

Now I will tell you what could be a snag and how to fix this "dialer" - we went!

The first good news: since all the other sounds on the phone work, the problem of the non-working alarm clock is clearly not in the gland, but in the firmware. Why is it good? Because it is not necessary to run to the service center and everything can be solved at home yourself.

By the way, my alarm clock stopped to work after updating the firmware, which once again points to the problems in the software. In general, of course - how so Apple? One treat, other cripples? Well, okay, many cones fall on the company lately, so because of the little things start up? :) We will repair and start with the simplest way:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, the instruction is very simple and one of my friends such a way really helped. True, in my case everything turned out to be much launched: no matter how I jumped, so that I do, no matter how I rebooted - zero reaction. I did not wait for the signal - the alarm clock refused completely.

If you have the same problem, that is, two options:

Since my iPhone was just updated, and all the problems began after this action, waiting for the new version of IOS would be very long. I had to flash through DFU (if you decide to do in the same way, then do not forget about backup copies!). Some two hours of waiting and the alarm clock again rings! :)

Total, the article has two conclusions - good and bad:

  • Bad - tomorrow I do not sleep, the alarm clock in my iPhone earned.
  • Good - the article is written and maybe someone, like my friend, will be able to fix the alarm signal in the first way without resorting to the iPhone firmware.

P.S. Faced with a similar situation? Have something to tell and advise? Be sure to write in the comments - your experience can be useful to other readers!

P.S.S. And of course, if you also like to sleep - put "like" (suddenly I am not one?).

Smartphones are now multifunctional helpers. Synchronizing your work, the routine of the day and the functionality of the phone - it is especially difficult to come when important applications are summarized. It's a shame if the alarm clock is on android and you miss an important event of your life.

A simple program replaced it as a separate item from the gadget. Problems with this function of the smartphone are often, Android users complain that the alarm clock does not work on the phone, regardless of the model and manufacturer of the device. This flaw is found unpleasant - "Impressed". Below we consider the factors that determine the incorrect operation of this device.

Before hitting the alarm and make cardinal measures - check the device is turned on or not. In many cases, this is the main reason. Why does not work as a frequent device in the on mode - we will look at detail.

Enabled "Do not disturb" mode

Android in several recent versions have three main modes: "All", "important", "do not disturb." The third mode disables absolutely all sounds - a configured signal for awakening too. For the performance of full-time "clock", it is recommended to include "important" mode.

Shed / Incorrect Settings

First look, maybe the application is in inactive condition. If he worked on the previous time, and today I summed up - make sure the "Repeat" turned on, chose the necessary days of the week or not.

No sound

Set the time for alarm clock, so that it ran in a minute or two. If the program is activated, and no sound is a problem in the melody settings.

Work utilities for cleaning the phone

Users usually set utilities to clear the memory of mobile, designed to also complete the work of background programs. Some similar utilities can perceive your signal to awakening the background process, complete it.

Excess cache files

Get rid of the problem of this kind easily. It is enough to open the "clock" settings, start cleaning the cache from the repository. Restarting the smartphone - chronofor will work.

Gluckers OS.

The problem is solved by resetting parameters to factory or flashing smartphone.

Conflict applications

By downloading interesting bidded programs from the Google Play store, pay attention, compatible new programs and old or not. The conflict with regular "clock" will lead to dysfunction of both.

Setting on Android

Opening the configuration of the alarm on Android you need not only to set the time - select a repetition and mark the days when you need to wake up in time, select a signal.

Configuring awakening music - Remember when the track is on the memory card - when it is moved / renamed / deleted, the current application will remain without sound. When it works, the signal will be absent. To avoid this - choose standard melodies.

Standard Smartphone Android Alarm clock is located in the clock program. You can add your own melody thanks to the file manager. To do this, you need to create the ALARMS folder among other audio files. Thus, the songs transferred there will be a program as standard, to be offered as probable signals.

Alternative programs

With the incorrect work of the standard utility in Play Market, a huge selection of alarm clocks is available. They differ in multifunctionality, some more conveniently exploited than the factory. The only drawback can be conflict with mobile programs. Solution - Delete / Change the application for awakening.


We emphasize before acting - find the root cause of the problem. All problems fix easily, sometimes enough to turn off the device. After turning on the Android device, check if the signal is missing - look deeper.

Some reasons apply only to the alarm clock. When downloading a new application, test long and carefully. By installing the utilities for cleaning the memory of the device - pickily, choose carefully so that they save the clock signal.

Android smartphones "watches" can often be buggy due to the factory marriage of the device. Consult on the issue of the service center consultant.

Modern smartphones have the only drawback, the human factor plays the greatest role in their work. By setting up time, date number of calls, melody - remember possible failures. Check more often settings.


Android and the opportunities that she offers to its users are a decisive step into the future.

It has millions of applications. Using the appropriate application, you can use multiple tools.

This is an advanced calculator, translator, doctor, financial consultant, navigator, alarm clock and much more.

Only the function you know from the oldest phone or the automatic switching on the phone at a given alarm signal does not work.

You may remember the old phones, for example, the Nokia 3310, which, despite the shutdown, could include themselves enable at the set time on the alarm clock. Why is it impossible to combine android?

Note: If you are interested in the alarm clock, working when the phone is turned off, then I described it before, so I will not repeat here.

Alarm clock in Android - another story

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of the android phones will not turn on, even if the alarm clock is installed.

This is completely normal behavior. This is a sad news for those who love to turn off their smartphone or tablet on the night so that in case of calling anyone will not wake anyone.

It is reported that some phones (for example, Huawei) include themselves. Those that include in themselves are actually completely disabled.

The overwhelming majority of phones (I have not yet met those who contradict) do not turn on themselves if time has come in the alarm clock.

The reason why the alarm clock does not ring is that the android is turned off completely. In older models, although it was like shutdown, they actually remained in standby mode.

In Androids, one of the most important issues is proper power management, so if the phone is turned off, it is completely turned off during which the battery does not discharge (if you leave the phone off for several months, the battery will be discharged by the "natural" method).

We can technically bypass this problem, but requires a lot of changes in the phone (for example, getting root rights), so below I will present you a much simpler solution to this problem.

Flight Mode - Best Cooperating Phone Shutdown Path To Start alarm Clock At Set Time

I am one of those people who often turn off your phone overnight. When I bought my first android, I experienced significant disappointment.

Fortunately, this problem can be easily bypass, just turn on the night flight mode, which is available in any phone.

In flight mode, any call or message your sleep is not broken, and most importantly, your alarm clock will work at the set time.

Note: The built-in alarm clock does not shine great functionality, but on the playing market will find more advanced solutions. Successes.

It is possible that it is stupid to assume that your alarm will work if the phone is turned off, but many phones really use this method. In fact, some Android devices can still do it.

Will the alarm clock work if the phone is disabled?

Probably no.

Some Android phones offer a feature that automatically turns on the phone at a specific time if you turn it off before bedtime. Manufacturers offering this feature are very different from each other, and at the moment it seems a kind of dying function. If your phone has it, you can find it in the section "Settings"\u003e "Planned Turning on and Off Power". This is a very good tool if you want to turn off the phone at night.

Of course, most people do not bother to turn off their phones at night before going to bed. Most phones are lucky if they reboot once a week. However, if you forget to connect the charger, the alarm clock will not work if the phone is turned off.

Therefore, if your specific phone model has a feature that automatically turns on the phone to the alarm signal, it will not help if you forget to charge your phone, and it will completely discharge.

It is also worth noting that the "quiet" settings of Android can confuse - while you can disable your call, it will only help turn off calls and (possibly) messages. For a true "silent" mode, you will need to use the "Do not disturb" mode, which can sometimes be confused on Android.

Will the alarm clock turn off if the phone is in "Do not disturb" mode?

May be.

Android offers quite detailed settings when it comes to the "Do not disturb" mode - you can choose whether the alarm signals are allowed on most phones.

To check these settings, lower the notifications panel, and then find the "Do not disturb" icon (you may need to drop the notifications panel on some phones twice). Press and hold this icon to go to its settings.

From there you can set custom exceptions - for example, allow the alarm to bypass "Do not disturb" mode. The names and menu can differ slightly depending on the manufacturer of your phone and the Android version, but if this rule is present, it will be somewhere in the menu "Do not disturb".

What about other reminders and timers?

Timers and reminders (calendar events, etc.) do not fall into the same category as the alarm signals on Android. You can specifically allow or disable reminders or events to bypass "Do not disturb" settings if you want.

Thus, you can disable calendar events or reminders while the "Do not disturb" mode is turned on, but you can resolve the alarm signals or any combination of these three items.