Increase laptop performance. We increase the productivity of the laptop programmatically. Adding RAM.

Perhaps your laptop is no longer doing the job? Does his speed not suit you at all? Applications started to work on it incorrectly, but is it impossible to play new games at all? Perhaps it's time to change your device to a new one, but take your time, we will try to figure out how to improve the performance of the laptop. What can be applied to improve the performance of your laptop? We bring to your attention a list of methods that are most optimal for improving parameters.

Automation - why not?

Recommended retro style. Here the situation is a little different. Then, in the "Visual Effects" list, clear the "Use Animation" checkbox while minimizing and maximizing windows. However, for this you must have administrator rights. All windows and the Start menu should now go noticeably faster. Improving the performance of your computer will save you time and money, but you will also increase your experience. You do not need to do this alone - there are many proven programs on the market that will do all this for you, without having to intervene in unknown computer corners.

How to improve a laptop: RAM

Check and set the maximum possible size on your laptop random access memory. There are several ways to find out this parameter. You can make a call to the manufacturer’s support service, dictating the name of the model, in return you will be dictated by all possible parameters, you can check the laptop specification on the manufacturer’s website, or by contacting a service center specializing in office equipment. Having learned about the possibility of adding memory, you simply purchase an additional unit that you can install yourself, or you can do it directly at the customer service center, in the place where you make the purchase.

A program that speeds up your computer will save you time and do most of the processing for you. Cleans the registry, frees up disk space, improves disk performance, optimizes your link settings. And it has a number of other useful features.

Some computers just die

The software also has advanced features and system enhancements for professionals and computer maniacs. If all of the above methods do not work, consider replacing your computer. They cannot last forever, and, given modern computer technology, the purchase of new equipment seems completely profitable. Moreover, the Internet works like crazy, and new ideas and applications, although very functional, consume a huge amount of memory, which has become the main component of home equipment.

How to improve laptop performance: central processor

The central processor is the fastest part of any computer. And this is why, your first step in increasing the RAM, which is considered the operational buffer for computing the processor, is the most effective step in terms of increasing performance. If your computer has enough memory, or if you have already completed the procedure for adding it, and the laptop still does not function well enough, then you should think about speeding up the processor. It should also be understood that speeding up a processor in the absence of a normal amount of RAM is pointless. Consult a service center about your processor. Which processors are faster than the one you have installed, are they available and are they suitable for you.

Demand for it is huge only with the browser. If you have questions about optimization - feel free to write in the comments. The laptop, when it was new, worked quickly and smoothly. Now, even if we reinstalled operating system, it will start for a few minutes. There are several reasons for a slow computer.

Let's restore the factory operating system to see if there is any fault on the application side; Slow laptop operation may indicate a malfunctioning hDD. However, the most common problem is an old and worn out hard drive.


The faster data is transferred from RAM to the hard drive, the sooner it will be freed up for normal processor operation. RAM is much faster than a hard drive, and therefore, the weak spot in this bundle is your laptop’s hard drive. Acceleration options, of course, are. Firstly, you can install a new and more advanced hard drive, well, and secondly, there are solid-state drives, or as they are also called SSD drives, but their price is not just biting, it just "nibbles" for the living. All replacement operations can be performed at any service center.

Why is a two year old laptop slow? Probably because he is getting old. Just how long does it take and how does it affect the performance of your laptop? The performance of the processor and memory for two years, of course, has not changed.

In addition, the motherboard, if functional, does not adversely affect the performance of your computer. Our doubts must dispel the test. We can do this, for example, using the application. If the disk structure is flawless, we check the performance.

How to improve laptop cooling

It has long been known that during operation, some elements of a computer or laptop become very hot, and therefore need cooling. This procedure  It is carried out using coolers - small fans working to blow cool air into the computer system, as well as to blow hot, exhaust air. If the cooler, for some reason, fails, or becomes unusable, this immediately affects the performance of the computer, which begins to slow down and lag. Therefore, you just need to replace these fans on your own laptop, and immediately everything will go off with a bang. But sometimes, when performing complex tasks on a computer, coolers are still not enough, and experienced users purchase special laptop stands, which also have built-in coolers. They cool the laptop from below, thus preventing the entire system from overheating. And, of course, if you do not have a stand, try to work on a laptop, do not overlap the lower grilles, put the laptop on a flat surface, and not on sofas, blankets or bedspreads.

Typical access time for magnetic disk is about 15 ms, while this example of ours has up to 44 ms. Download from our Download section. . The test drive does not have physical errors, but it works slowly - why? This is a mechanical element that wears during operation. On laptops, disks are disabled not only to save energy.

A parked head increases the security of our data while the laptop is moving. Therefore, with strict settings for energy saving and security, you may find that your two-year drive has reached the maximum number of on and off cycles.

How to improve a graphics card on a laptop

If your video card is already quite outdated, and now does not pull new games or applications, we advise you to buy a new one, because you can not achieve much by setting up the old one. Of course, you can switch all image settings and 3D graphics to maximum performance, but the quality of these parameters will suffer, first of all. Also, before choosing a video card, you must make sure that your motherboard supports it, and it contains all the necessary slots for installing a new device.

What to do to make your laptops work better?

There may be bad sectors, in this case it will not work without buying new disc. To restore optimal speed and even speed up the laptop, we need to buy a new drive. After installation, our laptop will work as fast as when it will be new.

  • We can buy a traditional magnetic hard drive.
  • In the field next to us, we will see what effect the laptop should replace with a disk.
Laptops are specific devicesthat once acquired their performance will not change.

How to improve the sound on a laptop

First of all, you can download and install more new version  drivers to your sound card. If that doesn’t help, try to clean the old speakers, or purchase new ones, maybe yours have already failed. You can also buy a remote audio system, but the laptop is designed for compactness, but this can not be achieved with bulky speakers. Try downloading the SRS Audio Essentials program, in it you will find many settings to improve the sound of the speakers on your laptop.

Moreover, we are missing the overclocking feature found on desktop computers. If we make a decision on mobile equipment, we must agree with its execution until the last days of the adventure. Many gamers complain that laptops are too weak to play, so you need to change equipment every 6-12 months to be on top and launch new games. Unfortunately, there is some truth to this. How to improve laptop performance without investing in new hardware?

If we make a decision on mobile equipment, we must agree with its parameters until the last days of a normal adventure. Many laptop owners complain that they are too weak to play, so you need to replace your equipment every 6-12 months to make the most of it and record the latest headlines. So, how to increase efficiency without investing in new equipment? Let's start with the simplest and most trivial things that most people forget or simply don’t know.

  • A completely different question arises if you have at your disposal a not yet outdated laptop model. Is it possible to improve a laptop in this case? Of course you can. It’s just that while the computer is running, a huge amount of garbage is collected in its registry, trash, memory cache, and unnecessary files, or web page history. To get rid of all this, you need to download the program Auslogics BoostSpeed, which will help you not only to clean your computer, but also to defragment your hard drive, optimize the speed of your Internet connection, clean disks from unnecessary files, disconnect everything unnecessary services  and startup, which only slows down the system.
  • Also, sometimes wipe your laptop and clean it from dust, since dust settling on small parts and microcircuits can cause not only a short circuit, but also damage the entire computer.
  • All operations on replacing parts are best done at service centers, but if you yourself decide to do this, it’s better to have a good knowledge of all of this.

I hope that now you can improve and transform your laptop, and work on it for many years to come.

In a number of laptops different manufacturers there are strange turbocharging buttons or special hardware profiles that supposedly increase productivity. In a very small percentage of laptops, such solutions will actually speed up their work, and an example might be minimization of processor overclocking. So, you ask, what will this button change? Anything can absolutely be done on his home laptop, and no need to pay for it. This leads to a decrease in the power of some components. Thus, laptop manufacturers will increase battery life.

How long does “active youth” last? Many users say that within a year or two after the purchase, their laptop has lost its former agility and does not pull modern applications and games. However, 2 years is too short a time to think about replacing the electronic assistant with a new one. Now we will consider a number of ways that will improve the performance of the laptop without resorting to its complete replacement.

By default, we have three profiles: “Energy Saving”, “Balanced” and “High Performance”. A selection of individual profiles can be found on the control panel on the Power Options tab. The mode that interests us the most is, of course, “high performance”. This is not the only limitation in this capacity. When you turn on this profile, the laptop does not care about energy consumption, and all the “power” goes above all in terms of power. Voila - we accelerated the computer at the first stage.

It is based on current, possibly the latest drivers. It's no secret that manufacturers of graphic cards for their products are preparing for more  driver patches with patches that often increase performance by a few percent. This is due to certain optimizations that have been made regarding a particular header. To download and install it, it is best to go to the official website of the manufacturer or laptop of your video card.

Improving laptop performance with replacement parts

The possibilities for upgrading laptops are small, but individual components can be easily replaced with more productive ones. For instance:

  • install a faster processor
  • instead hard drive  (HDD) put solid state (SSD);
  • add RAM.

To do all this at once is not necessary and not always advisable, but if you decide, do not miss a number of important points, which will be discussed later.

In the latter case, unfortunately, updates are not so frequent and do not go hand in hand with the following number of drivers added by the manufacturer of our graphics. With this you have to come to terms or resort to more advanced methods. Another notable performance factor is optimizing game settings.

First we need to play the game and see how it is performed in the settings that we would like to play in the first place. If there are truncations, we will lower the settings. There are two schools: one begins with a decrease in resolution, so as not to focus on the image, but leaving high details behind, while the other devotes details to leaving the resolution of the matrix in order to avoid blurring. picture.


One well-known way to improve laptop performance is to upgrade. However, it is impossible to take and replace it with any, more powerful one. When choosing a new CPU, it is important to pay attention to 4 parameters:

  • brand - should be the same as the old one (NOT interchangeable);
  • architecture - must be supported by the chipset motherboard  (we learn from the specification to the last);
  • socket type (processor socket) - must match the motherboard;
  • TDP (heat dissipation level) - must be the same as the old one, otherwise the device will overheat and will soon fail.

Before installing a new CPU, be sure to update the BIOS of the motherboard to the latest version.

It really depends on what we prefer. First we turn off curl and anisotropy. The first loads a graphics card, memory card and other memory. Excluding these two things, we have faint textures and “spots” around the edges, but since we are optimizing this, where should we start.

If something is not right, then we are convinced that we do not have different strange tidbits. Shading is a very resource-intensive process for a video card, so lowering the quality of the shadows should significantly improve performance. In the case of texture - lowering and their quality can help a little, but at the same time not make the game much worse.

By the way, replacing the processor on a laptop is not always possible. Budget laptop models, especially netbooks, are often equipped with non-removable processors.


Replacing a hard drive with a solid-state drive gives the maximum improvement in laptop performance, but many are stopped by the high price of solid-state drives. Cheaper than buying a hybrid hard drive (SSHD), which combines fast flash memory with a small volume and a plate of a conventional HDD.

Finally, all settings are associated with objects - parts, molecules, quality effects. After all these optimizations, you can still reduce the resolution, but in this way we bring the graphic feast to the bottom. The third step, which we take when the rest is disappointment, and we definitely want to play in the title.

Then we optimize the system itself, therefore: launchers, background services, and much more. Programs - those that are thrown out of autorun or closed during the game, must be selected by yourself. Finally, we do not need dozens of applications while we play and do nothing. For example, communicators - if we do not wait for important news, then this program is completely unnecessary.

  (SSHD) is possible in almost any laptop, but a number of parameters of the new drive should be the same as the old one. It:

  • form factor (value) - 2.5 or 1.8 ″;
  • connection interface - SATA or IDE;
  • thickness - 9.5 mm, 7 mm or 5 mm.

As for capacity, there are no restrictions, only the more it is, the more expensive the disk.

The next problem that many people don’t know about is performance degradation through background browsers. Therefore, if you leave the browser on, and at the same time you lose this performance decrease, you may notice - at the end graphic card  simultaneously displays the page in the browser. This removes the processing power that may be required to provide liquidity in this header.

Finally, service optimization is a heavy piece of bread. We read, analyze and exclude what we consider unnecessary. If you don’t have a printer connected to your computer, why don’t we use the “Print Spooler” service, which inserts files into memory, which will then be sent for printing. Services that we do not use, of course, we turn off.

In a laptop equipped with a CD \\ DVD drive, you can also put an additional drive if you replace the drive with an adapter for HDD and SSD-drives.


  - this is something that never happens much. Sometimes, due to the expansion of RAM, it is possible to improve the performance of a laptop 1.5-2 times.

The end gives us two possible ends: the game works satisfactorily or not, where the number of frames and the quality of the graphics have not reached a satisfactory level. The first case known is success. In my career there were only three or four titles that pushed me to the end, namely computer exchange. However, the final decision is yours.

Laptops are currently one of the most popular. mobile devicesthat help millions of users fulfill professional duties, play multimedia content and store important information. Here you do not need maximum performance - more important is the usability as a result of the quick response of the system to commands that even the most powerful processors and video cards will not be provided. The key to responsiveness is a fast data carrier.

When choosing a RAM, pay attention to the following:

  • form factor - for laptops this is SO-DIMM;
  • generation (DDR1-DDR4) - must match the motherboard;
  • capacity in Gb - the more, the better, but no more than the upper limit that the board supports;
  • the frequency is better higher, but within the limits of the motherboard's memory bus capability;
  • timings - the less, the faster the RAM works (this parameter depends on the frequency).

If it is not possible to install an additional RAM module, users of Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 can use ReadyBoost technology, which allows you to use a regular USB flash drive as RAM. ReadyBoost turns on and off in the properties of the flash drive.

Improving laptop performance with software

Computer performance does not depend solely on hardware - software affects it as well. Debris, viruses, the accumulation of unnecessary applications at startup - these are common causes of brakes. Maintaining order is, of course, important, but starting to improve notebook performance should be to choose and install an operating system.

  • If hardware resources allow, install a 64-bit operating system on the laptop. 64-bit versions of the OS process large amounts of information per unit time than 32-bit ones, and make it possible to use more than 4 Gb of RAM.
  • On Windows, by default, more system services are enabled than necessary. To increase the speed of work is simple.
  • From time to time, remove unused programs from startup - their background operation slows down the computer very much.
  • Do not forget about antivirus scanning. The optimal frequency is once a week.
  • If at least one HDD works in the laptop, spend once a week. For SSD, defragmentation is not needed.
  • To remove system debris, use the disk cleanup function (enabled in their properties).
  • And finally, for maximum OS performance in the system properties, you can turn off visual effects.