Instructions for working with the uv 5r radio. battery tips

I got into the clutches of the BAOFENG UV-5R radio. A good toy, with good parameters for receiving and transmitting. Able to work in two bands: VHF and UHF. It is also possible to quickly switch between two channels and alternately monitor two frequencies. There is a channel scan function. Allows manual input of the operating frequency from the keyboard (VFO) and selection from a list of preset channels (MR). Able to work on reception and transmission at different frequencies (mainly required to work with a repeater). In general, everything that a walkie-talkie should be able to she can. As a bonus, there is an FM radio and an LED flashlight.

The control buttons are intuitive, but if the owners of these walkie-talkies come here, I will analyze the functions of the buttons and give a description of the menu in Russian. Suddenly, I forgot and I myself will turn here for a hint. An extra cheat sheet won't hurt. My radio has firmware (BFB297).

Button Function
Front side
VFO/MR Switching between programmed channels and manual frequency entry.
A/B Switch between two channels. There are two lines on the display with two entered frequencies and this button allows you to quickly switch between them.
BAND Switching between VHF and UHF frequency modes.
MENU Menu entry.
Arrows Menu navigation and scrolling through channels or frequencies.
EXIT Exit the menu.
Numbers Used to enter a frequency or to quickly access menu functions (described below).
CALL Activate FM Radio and Call. Pressing this button once turns on the FM radio. A long press on this button turns on the call like an alarm on cars. The signal type can be set in the settings. Used to send a distress signal.
PTT Button to switch the radio to transmit mode.
MON Pressing this button once turns on the LED flashlight. The second single press turns on the LED flashlight in the flickering mode (used to give a signal). The third single press of the button turns off the flashlight. If the button is held for a long time, the radio will switch to the monitoring mode of the selected frequency, in which case the noise suppressor will be removed and the radio will receive all interference at the selected frequency (it helps to hear speech that is covered by interference). The squelch will be released as long as the MON button is pressed.
Upper side
Knob Vernier to turn on the radio and adjust the volume of the received signal.


On the top side of the walkie-talkie there is an LED flashlight, and on the front side there is an LED indicator showing that the walkie-talkie is in receive (green), transmit (red) or standby (off) mode. On the second side there is a cap for connecting a headset. The indication on the LCD screen of the radio is also clear, but let's take it all in order.

Indicator stitch
Antenna Displayed if the transmission is on or the noise reduction is turned off.
L Operation at reduced power (adjustable through the menu). By default, the walkie-talkie runs at high power, some people think that when you turn on high power, the letter will be displayed H, but it's not. Only low power mode is displayed, and high power is considered standard. The power can be quickly switched by pressing the hash (key) symbol on the numeric keypad once.
S The scan function between two channels is activated. The radio takes turns listening to one channel, then another channel. If a signal appears on one of them, the scan stops. Parallel listening to two channels is not possible!
VOX PTT voice control is enabled. If you start talking into the radio, it will automatically switch to transmission mode. The trigger volume can be adjusted.
+ or - Positive or negative shift of the receive and transmit frequencies. Necessary for work through a repeater.
R Channel reverse mode is on. It is very convenient for testing walkie-talkies when they act as an imitation of a repeater, or for communicating bypassing the repeater with a walkie-talkie configured to work with a repeater.
N A narrow band of the modulation frequency (narrowband) is set.
Key Blocking pressing buttons on the front side. The CALL, PTT and MON buttons continue to respond to pressing.
First line
Up arrow Indicates that frequency A is selected as the current frequency.
First frequency (A) The frequency with which the radio operates when frequency A is selected. In the example, 434.325 MHz.
Second line
Arrow to down Indicates that frequency B is selected as the current frequency.
First frequency (B) The frequency with which the radio operates when frequency B is selected. In the example, 145.125 MHz.
General values
CT Receive CTCSS mode is enabled. If the icon lights up while transmitting, the CTCSS mode is enabled only while transmitting.
DCS DCS mode enabled.
75/25 Frequency substep, when working with step 6.25.

It seems to be all, you are unlikely to encounter other values.

So, now it remains to deal with the menu and then you can think about a cheat sheet with repeater settings.

To enter the menu, press the MENU button. And then you can scroll through the parameters with arrows, or enter their number from the keyboard. This model has only forty-one settings, some of the settings are service ones.

0 SQL (Squelch Level) 0-9 Squelch. Level 0 means it's off; and at 9 it opens only with a very high quality and strong signal. It is selected empirically and it is optimal for me to set 3.
1 STEP (Frequency step) 2.5/5/6.25/10/12.5/25kHz Frequency synthesizer tuning step. Professional radios have a step of 25 kHz. Even when manually entering a frequency, it can only be entered in multiples of the STEP value.
2 TXP (Transmit Power) HIGH/LOW Transmitter power high/low. When set to low power, the indicator will turn on on the screen L.
3 SAVE (Battery save) OFF/1/2/3/4 The degree of battery saving. OFF economy mode disabled, 4 most economical mode. Optimally 3, but much depends on the conditions of use of the radio.
4 VOX (Voice Operated transmission) OFF/O-1O PTT voice control mode. OFF off. The higher the number, the louder you have to shout to trigger.
5 W/N (Wideband/narrowband) WIDE/NARR Receiver bandwidth and transmitter deviation 5kHz/2.5kHz. The narrow bandwidth allows you to work every 12.5 kHz without interfering with each other. If you use WIDE, then the walkie-talkies will work through 25kHz. The default is WIDE.
6 ABR (Display illumination) OFF/l/2/3/4/5 Screen backlight timeout (in seconds).
7 TDR (Dual watch/dual reception) OFF/ON Double scan. Two frequencies are scanned in turn. Simultaneous scanning is not possible!
8 BEEP (Keypad beep) OFF/ON Sound accompaniment of pressed keys. I prefer to turn it off so as not to be distracted.
9 TOT (Transmission timer) 15/30/45/60.../585/600 Forced shutdown of the transmitter. Values ​​are set in seconds. Helps to avoid overheating of the radio when using low-quality antennas.
10 R-DCS (Reception Digital Coded Squelch) OFF/D023N...D754I Digital subtone at which the radio's squelch will open. Allows you not to respond to the transmission of radio stations that do not use the desired subtone.
11 R-CTS (Reception Continuous Tone Coded Squelch) 67.0Hz...254.1Hz An analog subtone at which the radio's squelch will open. Allows you not to respond to the transmission of radio stations that do not use the desired subtone.
12 T-DCS (Transmission Digital Coded Squelch) OFF/D023N...D754I A digital tone transmitted by a walkie-talkie to open the squelch on the receiving side.
13 T-CTS (Transmission Continuous Tone Coded Squelch) 67.0Hz...254.1Hz The analog subtone transmitted by the radio to open the squelch on the receiving side.
14 VOICE (Voice prompt) OFF/CHI/ENG Voice accompanying keystrokes. Chinese or English can be selected.
15 ANI (Automatic Number Identification) This is the code transmitted at the beginning of the broadcast. Can only be changed from a computer.
16 DTMF ST (The DTMF tone of transmitting code) OFF/DT-ST/ANI-ST/DT+ANI DTMF tone. Disabled by default.
17 S-CODE (Signal code) 1,...,15 groups The parameter can only be changed from the computer.
18 SC-REV (Scan REsume method) TO/CO/SE Frequency scanning method in search of a signal. TO all channels in memory, CO the entire range and SE part of the range. Scanning is sequential, if there is a signal at some frequency or channel, then scanning will be stopped.
19 PTT-ID (press or release the PTT button to transmit the signal code) OFF/BOT/EOT/BOTH Transmission of ID when pressing PTT. BOT ID transmission when PTT is pressed, EOT ID transmission when PTT is released, BOTH ID transmission when PTT is pressed and PTT is released.
20 PTT-LT (delay the signal code sending) 0,...,30 Delay when releasing PTT, the parameter is set in seconds.
21 MDF-A (A channel displays) FREQ/CH/NAME Frequency display method in channel mode, on the first line. FREQ frequency, CH channel number and NAME channel name (a name can only be assigned to a channel by editing from a computer).
22 MDF-B (B channel displays) FREQ/CH/NAME Frequency display method in channel mode, on the second line. FREQ frequency, CH channel number and NAME channel name (a name can only be assigned to a channel by editing from a computer).
23 BCL (Busy Channel Lockout) OFF/ON Blocking signal transmission in channels using CTCS or DCS.
24 AUTOLK (keypad locked automatically) OFF/ON Automatic keypad lock.
25 SFT-D (direction of frequency shift) OFF/+/- Frequency shift method.
26 OFFSET (frequency shift) 00.000...69.990 Offset frequency. This is the value by which the carrier frequency will be shifted. As a standard, repeaters are set to an offset of 0.600, but there are also 1.850 offsets.
27 MEMCH Save channel to memory.
28 DELCH Delete channel from memory.
29 WT LED Screen color in standby mode.
30 RX LED Screen color in receive mode.
31 TX LED Screen color in transfer mode.
32 AL-MOD (alarm mode) SITE/TONE/CODE The mode of operation of the alert code. It works if you hold down the CALL button.
33 BAND (band selection) VHF/UHF Select VHF or UHF band.
34 TX-AB (transmitting selection while in dual watch/reception) OFF/A/B Transmit restriction for frequencies. If you select OFF, you can transmit on frequency A and B. If you select A, you can only transmit on frequency A. If you select B, you can only transmit on frequency B.
35 STE (Tail Tone Elimination) OFF/ON Tone to turn on/off the end of the radio station's transmission. When working through a repeater, this function must be disabled.
37 RPT_R
38 PONMGS (Boot display) FULL/MGS Welcome screen as a message or as included segments.
39 ROGER (tone end of transmission) ON/OFF Transmission completion signal.
40 RESET (Restore to default setting) Reset radio settings to factory settings.

By the way, the standard antenna is enough for FM radio with very high quality. In those places where there is a lot of interference, this radio cuts off hiss and extraneous noise well.

Content .

4. Optional accessories (sold separately)
5. initial assembly and connection:
5.1. Antenna Installation
5.2. belt clip installation
5.3. Connecting an external headset

5.4. Installing the battery
6. Battery charging
7.Battery information:
7.1. First use
7.2. battery tips
7.3. Battery life extension
7.4. Battery storage
8. Components and controls:
8.1. general view of the radio station
8.2. Assignment of control keys
9. LCD screen
10. Work with the radio station:
10.1. Power on/off, volume control
10.2. Frequency or memory selection
10.3. reception / transmission
10.4. Radio operating modes
11.Description of built-in functions:
11.1. squelch (SQL menu)
11.2. VOX function
11.3. Reverse function
11.4. ALARM function
11.5. 1750 Hz tone for repeater access
12. Menu, description of settings:
12.1. Menu operation
12.2. Description of menu items
13. CTCSS Tone Chart
14. DCS Tone Chart
15. Specifications:
15.1. Are common
15.2. Transmitter
15.3. Receiver
16. Possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them

1. Safety Information

The following precautions must be observed when operating, maintaining and repairing this device.
  • This device should only be serviced by specially trained technicians.
  • Do not alter the radio station in any case!
  • Use chargers and batteries manufactured or approved by BAOFENG
  • Do not use radios with a damaged antenna. When touching a damaged antenna with parts of the body, there is a high probability of getting burned.
  • Turn off the radio before entering an explosive or flammable area.
  • Do not charge the battery in an explosive or flammable area.
  • To avoid creating electromagnetic interference or compatibility issues, turn off the radio where required, especially where there are written notices to remind you to do so.
  • Turn off the radio before boarding an aircraft. Any use of the radio must comply with airline regulations or crew instructions.
  • Turn off your radio before entering a blasting area.
  • For vehicles with airbags: Do not place the radio in the airbag inflation area or directly on top of the airbag covers.
  • Do not expose the radio to direct sunlight or place it near a heat source.
  • When transmitting with the radio, hold it upright at a distance of 3 to 4 cm from your face. Keep the antenna at least 2.5 cm away from your body.

2. Features and functions.

  • Dual-band portable receiver-transmitter (transceiver) with LCD screen
  • Support for DTMF signals
  • High capacity lithium-ion battery
  • FM radio receiver (65 MHz - 108 MHz).
  • Supports 105 “DCS” subtones and 50 “CTCSS” subtones with manual setting.
  • VOX function (transmission is activated by the presence of sound).
  • Alarm function
  • 128 memories
  • Wideband/narrowband modulation.
  • High/Low Transmitter Power
  • Programmable display backlight color and turn-on time.
  • "Beep" function on the keyboard.
  • Simultaneous reception of two different frequencies
  • Selectable frequency step: 2.5 / 5 / 6.25 / 10 / 12.5 / 25 / 50 kHz.
  • OFFSET function (frequency shift for working with repeaters).
  • Battery save function (SAVE).
  • Transmission time limit, configurable (TOT function)
  • Three frequency scan modes.
  • Function "BCLO" (Busy Channel Lockout)
  • Built-in CTCSS/DCS subtone scanning
  • Built-in LED flashlight
  • The device can be programmed via a special cable.
  • Adjustable squelch threshold (from 0 to 9).
  • Simultaneous reception on different bands
  • End of transmission tone
  • Keyboard lock.

3. Unpacking and checking the completeness.

Carefully unpack the transceiver. We recommend that you check the following items before discarding the package. If any item is lost or damaged in transit, please notify the seller immediately.

From left to right, top to bottom are listed:

  • radio station
  • Charging "glass"
  • Battery
  • AC adapter for charging cup
  • Antenna
  • Belt clip
  • Hand lace

4. Optional accessories (purchased separately).

  • car charger

  • Tangent

  • Programming cable

  • Headset: Earpiece with microphone and transmit button.

5. initial assembly and connection.

5.1. Antenna installation.

To install the antenna, carefully screw it on the thread, turning it clockwise until it stops. Important!: Hold the antenna at the base, not at the tip. Important!: If you are using an external antenna, make sure its SWR (SWR in Russian, Standing Wave Ratio) is approximately equal to or less than 1.5 : 1, otherwise the transmitter output stage may burn out in the transceiver. Important!: During transmission, do not hold the antenna with your hand, as this reduces the quality and signal strength. Important!: Never and for nothing (!) do not turn on the transmission without an antenna, otherwise the output stage of the transmitter may burn out in the transceiver.

5.2. installation of a belt clip.

If necessary, install the belt clip on the back of the case as shown in the image. Important!: Do not use glue to secure the bolts. The solvents contained in the adhesive may damage the battery case.

5.3. Connecting an external headset.

Plug an external headset into the “SP&MIC” jack on the device.

5.4. Battery installation.

When installing the battery, make sure it is parallel to the aluminum case. The bottom of the battery should be 1-2 cm below the bottom of the device. Align the slots on the battery with the guides on the chassis and slide the battery up until it clicks into place. Be sure to turn off the device before removing the battery. Press the battery latch (PUSH), slide down 1-2 cm, then disconnect it from the case.

6. Battery charging.

Use only the charger specified by the manufacturer. The color of the LED on the charger indicates the charging process: Please follow the following charging procedure:

1.Plug the AC adapter into an AC outlet.

2.Connect the AC adapter to the charging case.

3.Place the device with the battery or the battery separately into the charging case.

4.Make sure that the battery contacts are firmly in contact with the metal contacts of the charging cup. The Red LED should light up.

5. Approximately 4.5 hours later, the green LED will light up. This means that the battery is fully charged. Remove the battery from the charging case.

7.Battery information:

7.1. First use.

New batteries are shipped from the factory fully discharged. The battery must be charged for 5 hours before first use. The maximum capacity of the battery will be after three full charge/full discharge cycles. If you notice that the battery power has dropped, recharge it. Warning!: To reduce the risk of injury, charge only batteries specified by the manufacturer. Other batteries may explode and cause injury or property damage. Do not throw the battery into fire. Dispose of the battery in accordance with the laws and regulations in your country. Do not dispose of the battery with household waste. NEVER attempt to disassemble the battery.

7.2. battery tips.

1.Charge and store the battery at temperatures between 5°C and 40°C. If the temperature is violated, the battery may leak or be damaged.

2.While charging, turn off the radio to ensure that the battery is fully charged.

3.Do not unplug the AC adapter or remove the battery from the charging case while charging.

4.Never charge the battery if it has traces of moisture on it. Wipe it with a dry soft cloth before charging.

5.Ultimately, the battery wears out. When the operating time of the radio station is noticeably reduced compared to normal time, then the time has come to purchase a new battery.

7.3. Extending battery life.

1.Battery performance is significantly reduced at temperatures below 0C (zero) degrees. In cold weather, a spare battery may be required. If the battery does not work in cold conditions, then it will still be able to work at room temperature, so do not rush to charge it.

2. Dirt on the battery contacts may result in failure to operate or charge. Before connecting the battery, wipe the contacts with a dry soft cloth.

7.4. Battery storage.

Fully charge the battery before long term storage to avoid damage to the battery due to overdischarge. Recharge the battery every 6 months to avoid overdischarging. Store your battery in a cool, dry place at room temperature to reduce self-discharge.

8. Components and controls.

8.1. general view of the radio station.

1. Antenna 10. Lace loop.
2. Flashlight 11. External headset jack
3. Knob (On/Off, Volume) 12. A/B (upper/lower receiver selection)
4. LCD screen 13. BAND (band selection)
5. CALL button (radio, ALARM) 14. Keyboard
6. MONI button (flashlight, wiretap) 15. Speaker/microphone
7. PTT(transmit) button 16. Battery
8. VFO/MR button (channels/frequencies) 17. Battery contacts
9. LED indicator 18. Battery eject button

8.2. Assignment of control keys.

[ PTT](PUSH-TO-TALK): Press and hold the key to transmit, release to receive. [ CALL]: Press the key to turn on the FM radio mode. Press again to turn off FM radio. Press and hold the key to turn on the ALARM function. Press and hold the key again to turn off the ALARM function. Press the key to turn on the flashlight. Press again - the flashlight will start blinking evenly (not in all versions of the device). Press again - the flashlight will turn off. Press and hold the key to turn off the squelch and listen to the frequency. [VFO/MR] Pressing the key switches the radio station operation mode: channel / frequency. Press the key to select the active receiver (upper [A] or lower on the screen). [ BAND] Press the key to change the frequency range. In FM radio mode, the band switches between 65-75 MHz and 76-108 MHz. Pressing this key at the moment of transmission broadcasts a ringing tone of 1750 Hz (for working with amateur radio repeaters). [*SCAN] Pressing once turns on/off the Reverse function. Holding for 2 seconds starts scanning. Pressing the key in FM radio mode starts searching for an FM station. Pressing the key in the CTCSS/DCS subtone selection menu starts the subtone scan. [#] Pressing the key switches the transmitter power: high/low. Holding for 2 seconds enables / disables the keypad lock. The key is used to enter the menu, to enter the mode for selecting the values ​​of a certain menu parameter, as well as confirming the change of the parameter. [▼] and [▲] Frequency mode: Pressing once changes the frequency of the active receiver up or down with a given step (see the STEP menu setting). Holding the key changes the frequency of the active channel in a specified step continuously until the key is released. Channel mode: Inclusion of the next/previous memory location with a saved channel. Menu mode: Move to the next/previous setting. Change the current setting to the next/previous value. [NUMERIC KEYPAD] Frequency mode: Used to manually enter the desired frequency of the selected channel. Channel mode: Used to enter the number of the memory location with the saved channel. Menu mode: Used to enter the serial number of the option. You can also set non-standard CTCSS subtone frequencies in the corresponding settings change mode. Transmission mode: Transmission of DTMF signals on the air.

9. LCD screen.

The image shows all segments of the LCD screen. Each segment lights up when a specific function is enabled.

There are two main displays on the screen. Each scoreboard corresponds to its receiver: top [A] or bottom . This allows each receiver to set a separate frequency and quickly switch between them using the button [ A/B]. Also, for each receiver, you can set your own settings for the frequency switching step, subtones, transmitter power, transmit frequency offset from the receive frequency, etc.

10. Work with the radio station.

10.1. On/off, volume control.

Make sure the antenna and battery are installed correctly and the battery is charged. Turn the control knob (3) clockwise to turn on the radio. Turn the knob clockwise to increase the volume and counterclockwise to decrease the volume.

10.2. Choice of frequency or memory location.

Keys [▼] and [▲] are used to sequentially change the frequency in a given step or to select the next / previous memory location. Also, in frequency mode, the frequency can be entered manually using the numeric keypad. If the entered value is incorrect, the channel will continue to operate at the same frequency. If the entered frequency does not match the frequency that should be at the specified step (menu, option No. 1 STEP), then the frequency will be set in the channel, with the specified step closest to the manually entered one. For example. The step is set to 6.25 kHz. You enter a frequency of 446.005 MHz. The channel will automatically set the frequency to 446.006 25 MHz, because at this step (6.25 kHz), 446.000 MHz and 446.006 25 MHz are correct. If the entered frequency is correct and is in a different range relative to the current one, the range will automatically switch.

10.3. receiving / transmitting.

Turn on the radio, adjust the volume (see paragraph 11.1). Activate the upper or lower receiver (button [ A/B]), select the required value of the frequency at which the communication session will take place (see par. 11.2). To broadcast a voice message, press the button [ PTT] and hold it down while sending the message. Release the button when the message is finished. Hear the answer. When transmitting, the indicator (9) glows red, when receiving - green, in the absence of a signal, the indicator does not glow.

10.4. Radio operating modes.

The radio station has two main modes of operation: 1) Channel, 2) Frequency. Switching modes is carried out by the button [ VFO/MR]. In channel mode, for transmission / reception, frequencies previously stored in the device's memory cells are used. The main digital field displays the frequency/number/channel name (depending on the menu setting No. 21,22), and the number of the selected memory cell is displayed in smaller numbers on the right. Along with the channel frequency, its settings are saved, such as: CTCSS or DCS subtones for transmission and reception, transmitter power, modulation, frequency shift (for working with repeaters). In total, the device has 127 memory cells. Keys [▼] And [▲] in this mode, turn on the next/previous memory cell. In frequency mode, the frequency of transmission / reception is set manually either by the numeric keys of the keyboard, or by repeatedly pressing the keys [▼] And [▲] until the desired value is reached. In this case, the frequency changes to the value set in the menu item No. 1 (STEP). The current frequency value is displayed in the main field on the screen.

11. description of built-in functions.

11.1. squelch ( Squelch) (SQL menu).

The squelch turns off the speaker in the absence of a signal on the frequency. With a properly set squelch threshold, you will hear only useful signals, and this will significantly reduce power consumption. Recommended level 5.

11.2. Function “ VOX".

When enabled VOX no need to press the button PTT for transmission. The transmission will be switched on automatically as soon as the microphone "hears" the voice. When the voice disappears, the transmission will automatically stop and the device will switch to reception. Using the menu VOX you can set the threshold level of the voice volume at which the transmission will be activated.

11.3. Function reverse.

When using a frequency split (menu, options No. 25, 26), it is possible to quickly swap the receive frequency and transmit frequency by turning on the function reverse . Press the key [* SCAN], the indication “The radio station menu contains 40 different items responsible for setting its operating modes” will appear on the screen. 1. Press the key to turn on the settings menu. [ MENU]. 2. Scroll to the desired menu item using the keys [▼] and [▲]. 3. To change the selected option, press the key again. [ MENU]. 4. Select the desired option value using the keys [▼] and [▲]. 5. Save the setting by pressing the key [ MENU]. - store of original Baofeng radios and accessories. Tel. for orders 8-8422-75-45-ЗЗ

Dear readers! I present to you a review of a budget radio station operating in the VHF / UHF bands - Baofeng UV-5R. Despite the fact that cellular communication has become universally available and cheap, radio stations do not lose their relevance. Those who are interested, please under cat.

The radio station is delivered in a package made of thick brown cardboard, there are several inscriptions in black, but in general the package can be called unpretentious.

To ensure safety inside the package, there are two floors of plastic lodgements, in which all the components are laid.

The complete set includes: radio station; battery; instructions in English; antenna; clip; hand strap; charging glass; power unit. But the headset was not included in this package. More detailed photos and description of the configuration removed under the spoiler.


Instruction in English. On the website, a full translation of the instruction into Russian is available in PDF format. .

Radio station BAOFENG UV-5R.

Complete standard antenna for 136 - 174MHz (VHF) and 400 - 520MHz (UHF) (in the jargon of radio amateurs - an elastic band). Antenna length 167mm.

Hand strap (lanyard).


Complete battery 7.4V/1800mAh.

Charging glass.

Power supply for the charging glass. I did not find an adapter for euro sockets in the kit.

The budget radio station BAOFENG UV-5R has proven itself well as a walkie-talkie for mushroom pickers and hunters. It operates simultaneously in two bands 136-174MHz and 400-520MHz. In addition, an FM receiver is built into the walkie-talkie and with it you can listen to the radio and, if necessary, can illuminate with a built-in flashlight.

LPD (433.075 - 434.750 MHz)
PMR446 (446.00625 - 446.09375 MHz)
GMRS (462.5625 - 462.7250 MHz)
FRS (462.5625 - 467.7125 MHz)

Specifications of BAOFENG UV-5R
Receiver sensitivity 0.2 μV
Antenna impedance 50 ohm
Operating modes simplex or half-duplex
FM modulation type
Sound output power 1W
Li-Ion battery 1800 mA DC 7.4V
Standby current consumption< 75 мА
Current consumption in receive mode< 380 мА
Current consumption in transmit mode< 1.4A
Transmitter average output power 4W/1W(switchable)
Operating range with a standard antenna (city 2-3 km, line of sight up to 10 km)
Listening to two frequencies at the same time
Switchable squelch for listening to weak signals
Energy saving mode
Sound signal when buttons are pressed
Pressed buttons spoken in English or Chinese
3 scan modes by channels or frequencies
Ability to connect a headset
It is possible to change the settings or the channel list from a computer (with a programming cable)
The frequency spacing of the receiver and transmitter is supported when working through repeaters
Illumination of the LCD display (3 colors) and keypad
VOX function of automatic inclusion of transfer at the beginning of a conversation
FM radio
LED flashlight (from modes: off, on, flashing)
Operating temperature -20… +60 °C
Antenna Connector Type: SMA Female

Technical capabilities of the BAOFENG UV-5R radio
Range: FM: 65-108MHz (reception)
VHF: 136-174 MHz (receive/transmit)
UHF: 400-480 MHz (receive/transmit)
Number of channels 128
СTCSS codes (possibility of combination with any LPD radio station)
DCS codes (expand the ability to combine with other radios)
Frequency grid step, kHz: 2.5/5/6.25/10/12.5/25KHz

The weight of the radio station with antenna and battery 202g. The dimensions of the radio itself are 32.3.9x00x109.6mm.

Length with complete antenna is 265mm.

The battery supplied in the kit has a capacity of 1800mAh. Attached to the body of the radio station on a slide and fixed with an upper latch.

To disconnect the battery, press the Push button and pull the battery down.

The clip is attached to the body with two screws, installation is simple and should not cause problems.

If necessary, the radio station can be supplemented with a complete strap for wearing on the hand.

The antenna is removable and is screwed to the antenna socket. SMA connector Tim. I want to warn you right away, I highly do not recommend turning on the radio station without an antenna, you can burn the output stage of the transmitter.

On the right, under the rubber plug, there are jacks for connecting a headset. Unfortunately, this kit does not include a headset.

Radio station in the charging glass:

Ergonomics on a solid C grade, due to the angular body in the hand is not very good. The miniature digital buttons on the front panel are so small that it is very inconvenient to press them with the broad fingers of a man's hand.

To display information, a small two-line display is used, on which, in addition to the frequency of the two channels A and B, special characters are displayed, such as the channel number, split or battery level.

On top is the volume control, it also turns the radio on and off. Nearby you can see the white LED of an impromptu flashlight.

Rubberized digital and service buttons. As already mentioned above, small and very uncomfortable. Above the buttons is a speaker grill, on the left you can see a small hole that covers the microphone.

Main control buttons:
VFO / MR (orange button) - switches the radio station modes frequency or channel;
A / B (blue button) - switches two operating frequencies or channels;
CALL (orange button) - Short press turns on the FM receiver mode, long press ALARM mode;
PTT - turns on the radio station for transmission;
MONI - Short press turns on the flashlight, long press to listen to the frequency with the squelch turned off;
BAND - Band selection.

The radio station has a built-in flashlight, which is activated by a short press of the MONI button. In fact, it is difficult to call this LED a full-fledged flashlight, but in an emergency it may well come in handy. It even has two modes of operation, one press is a constant glow, the second is a flashing mode.

Pressing any button activates the backlight, the duration of which can be set in the configuration menu.

When a signal is received and the squelch is opened, the display changes color to dark blue, a bright green LED lights up on the left, which displays the receive / transmit operation modes in color.

During transmission, the backlight of the display changes its color to orange, the LED starts to glow orange. Color schemes for different modes of operation can be changed in the radio settings.

I want to make a small comparison of BAOFENG UV-5R and . The eighty-second one costs only $7 more, but at the same time it has a number of huge advantages over the UV-5R. UV-82 is more ergonomic, fits better in the hand due to the elongated body, has more power - 7W and a battery with a declared capacity of 2800mAh. There are also differences in case materials, UV-82 uses more expensive plastic. In addition, the eighty-second has protection against dust and splashes, 5R cannot boast of this.

Large and comfortable rubberized keys on a more expensive radio station immediately catch your eye, they also have a backlight. The 82nd is much more comfortable to drive.

In UV-82, all the main controls of the PTT / SK are hidden under protective rubber caps, in the top five there are ordinary plastic buttons that are not protected from moisture in any way. And yes, the 82nd has two PTT keys - for the ability to quickly transmit on different frequencies.

A normal flashlight was installed on the UV-82, and not just an LED shining in different directions.

The battery mount and contact group in BAOFENG UV-82 are more reliable than in the top five. In the structural elements of the chassis of the 82nd, an aluminum alloy was used, in the 5th, plastic.

I will leave this photo without comment. I hope everything is clear.

Most BAOFENG radios have the ability to program frequency channels and the UV-5R is no exception. For programming, we need a special cable. I used - .

On one side of the cable there is a USB connector for connecting to a PC, on the other - plugs that are inserted into the jacks intended for connecting a headset.

It will not work to connect incorrectly, the sockets and their accompanying plugs have different diameters.

After connecting to a PC, the programming cable is recognized by the system as - Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port. No drivers need to be installed, everything works by default.

There are several programs for flashing the frequency grid in the BAOFENG radio station. There is an official one, but it works quite unstable on Windows 10. I recommend using the CHIRP program. You can download it for free from .

After installing and launching the program, select Radio -> Download From Radio from the menu

A small window will appear where we need to select the brand and model of our radio station. The COM port to which our programming cable is attached is detected automatically. We press the button - OK.

There is a reading of information about the frequency grid from the radio station to the PC.

After all the information is loaded into the program, the data is presented in a tabular form, the table fields can be edited and changed, or the finished file can be imported into * .csv

For example, you can download a ready-made LPD grid, which you can take on the site -. To upload modified or uploaded data back to the radio station Radio -> Upload To Radio. And click the OK button in the window that appears.

The data from the program will be written to the radio's memory.

There are many accessories available for the BAOFENG UV-5R radio. Here are links to some of them.

I would like to immediately add a few words about the extended antenna NAGOYA NA771 and its clones. In reality, it has no advantages over the standard antenna, it is not very well matched, especially on the two-meter amateur radio band (perhaps I came across a fake). The radio station with it looks very ridiculous, the length of the antenna is 380mm.

Late in the evening on the calling channel of the two-meter amateur radio band, I managed to make a QSO with a local radio amateur from the neighboring area (about 5-6 km, broadcast from the balcony of the 9th floor). I asked him to evaluate the quality and level of the UV-5R signal, the answer was received - a good powerful signal with a lack of frequency deviation.

The BAOFENG brand can be considered the leader in the production of budget radios, the UV-5R is the undisputed leader in terms of sales, but this particular radio has both pros and cons.

Good price-quality ratio.
Additional batteries and accessories are affordable and fairly common.
Long battery life.
Lots of useful information online.

Not very friendly user interface.
Complicated and confusing keyboard programming.
Compared to other models from BAOFENG, it has lower quality materials and poor ergonomics.
The built-in flashlight can hardly be called a flashlight.

Considering the price, the UV-5R can be called a successful model, unless you were holding another model of the radio station from the same company, but which is only $7 more expensive. The communication range for 4W output power is quite decent, in urban areas up to 2-3 km, but I managed to establish a connection at 433.500 MHz, being on the ground in almost the city center at a distance of about 25 km, however, the respondent had a multi-element directional antenna and a report he gave 4/7 (heard not intelligibly at the limit of noise). If you are just looking at buying a radio station and are strictly limited by the budget, then feel free to buy the UV-5R. If it is possible to add a little finance for the purchase, it is better to add.

The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review is published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.

I plan to buy +21 Add to favorites Liked the review +22 +41

Detailed review radio stations.

I have long looked at radio stations in Chinese online stores, but kept putting off the purchase, giving preference to other products.

I did get it recently though. Initially it was assumed that the main direction of use would be scanning frequencies and "eavesdropping" on the ether, but the toy turned out to be capable of more.

Based on the reviews on various forums, I can say that this radio station gained popularity among hunters and fishermen. Even radio amateurs highly appreciated the quality.

You can buy from the Chinese at a price of $35. The price depends on the configuration.

Apart from the radio stations, you can buy a headset (usually included), a programming cable, a larger battery, a car charger, an AC charger (usually included), an authentic and better antenna, various antenna adapters and all kinds of covers for every taste and color.

This radio station has several varieties. This is evidenced by the last letter in the name (eg UV-5RA Plus). Technically, they differ only in appearance.

Baofeng UV-5R is a copy of Kenwood TK-F8.

Impressions of Baofeng UV-5R

  • has good functionality and technical characteristics, which even some branded manufacturers have not dreamed of.
  • Excellent radio station for the price of a frivolous toy. The device is from the category of "must be taken."
  • In its price range, it simply has no competitors (or vice versa "had everyone").
  • Good quality case and nice looking.
  • Fits in your pocket.
  • Receiving sound is normal.
  • During the transmission, everyone praised the quality of the modulation.
  • After six months of use, the buttons are a little worn out.
  • The radio station has already been in the rain and fell into a puddle - it continues to work flawlessly (maybe just lucky).
  • The presence of an FM radio and a flashlight is not superfluous at all - I often listen to music while fishing, and a flashlight in the dark helps to find my things.
  • Through the programming cable using the CHIRP program, it is convenient to drive channels into the station and assign them understandable names. It is a pity that the maximum length of the channel name is only 7 characters, but many do not even have this.
  • The battery indicator starts to show a discharge at the very end, when it's time to charge.
  • The native antenna is "so-so", but for $5-10 you can buy a better one.
  • Simple and convenient settings menu.
  • Frequency scanning works well, but not as fast as we would like.

Specifications Baofeng UV-5R

* must see

  • Range: FM: 65-108MHz (reception)
  • VHF: 136-174 MHz (receive/transmit) - can be extended to 127-180 MHz
  • UHF: 400-480 MHz (receive/transmit) - can be extended to 380-524 MHz
  • Number of channels 127
  • СTCSS codes
  • DCS codes

This is such a signal identification system "friend / foe", designed to divide users operating on the same frequency into groups. Users from the same group will only hear each other due to the same identification code. On the transmitting side, a special CTCSS or DCS signal is mixed (mixed) with the signal from the microphone, approximately 20% of the signal from the microphone, then all this is broadcast by the radio station. On the receiving side, the audio amplifier is turned on only if the specified CTCSS or DCS is detected in the received signal, except for voice. By turning on CTCSS or DCS, you simply will not hear signals that do not contain CTCSS or DCS, but they will continue to be on the air. A radio that does not have CTCSS or DCS enabled can hear everyone. A radio that has CTCSS or DCS enabled will only hear those that are transmitting the same CTCSS or DCS, respectively.

  • Frequency grid step, kHz: 2.5/5/6.25/10/12.5/20/25/50 kHz
  • Receiver sensitivity 0.2 μV
  • Antenna impedance 50 ohm
  • Operating modes simplex or half-duplex
  • FM modulation type
  • Sound output power 1 W
  • Li-Ion battery 1800 mA DC 7.4 V
  • Standby current consumption< 75 мА
  • Current consumption in receive mode< 380 мА
  • Current consumption in transmit mode< 1.4 А
  • Average transmitter output power 4.6W / 1W (switchable)
  • Operating range with a standard antenna (city 2-3 km, line of sight up to 10 km)
  • Listening to two frequencies at the same time
  • Switchable squelch for listening to weak signals
  • Energy saving mode
  • Sound signal when buttons are pressed
  • Pressed buttons spoken in English or Chinese
  • 3 scan modes by channels or frequencies
  • Ability to connect a headset
  • It is possible to change the settings or the channel list from a computer (with a programming cable)
  • The frequency spacing of the receiver and transmitter is supported when working through repeaters.
  • Illumination of the LCD display (3 colors) and keypad
  • VOX function of automatic inclusion of transfer at the beginning of a conversation
  • FM radio
  • LED flashlight (from modes: off, on, flashing)
  • Operating temperature -20 ... +60 °C
  • Antenna Connector Type: SMA Female
  • Dimensions, mm: 100 x 52 x 32
  • Weight: 250 grams (with antenna)

Baofeng UV-5R Standard Package

  • Radio station Baofeng UV-5R
  • Battery 7.4V 1800mA
  • Antenna
  • clip
  • Headset PTT
  • User manuals (in English)
  • Charger

Appearance Baofeng UV-5R

Unfortunately, the headset was "hidden" somewhere during the move, so it's not in the photo.

Purpose of controls Baofeng UV-5R

  1. Antenna
  2. LED flashlight
  3. Volume control with power switch
  4. LCD screen
  5. CALL button. A short press turns on/off the FM radio. A long press (more than 2 seconds) turns on the Alarm mode.
  6. MONI button. A short press turns the flashlight on/off and switches its operating modes. Pressing and holding disables the squelch.
  7. PTT button. Puts the radio into transmit mode.
  8. VFO/MR button. Switches the radio to channel/frequency mode. Frequency Mode: Used to manually enter the desired frequency. Channel mode: Used to enter the memory number of the saved channel.
  9. Led indicator. Lights up when a signal is detected on the frequency and in transmit mode.
  10. Eyelet for attaching a lace.
  11. Connector for headset or programming cable.
  12. A/B button. Select the lower or upper operating frequency on the screen.
  13. BAND button. Change the frequency range 136-174 / 400-480 MHz in radio mode and 65-75 / 78-108 MHz in FM radio mode. Pressing this key at the moment of transmission broadcasts a ringing tone of 1750 Hz (for working with amateur radio repeaters).
  14. Numeric keypad.
  15. Speaker/microphone.
  16. Battery.
  17. Battery contacts.
  18. Battery eject button.

Assigning controls on the Baofeng UV-5R numeric keypad

* Pay attention to the letter names of the keys, which are written in blue


  • Pressing once turns on/off the Reverse function. When using frequency spacing, it is possible to quickly swap the receive frequency and transmit frequency by turning on the function reverse . Press the key [* SCAN], the display will show “ R ».
  • Holding for 2 seconds starts scanning.
  • Pressing the key in FM radio mode starts searching for an FM station.
  • Pressing the key in the CTCSS/DCS subtone selection menu starts the subtone scan.


  • Pressing the key switches the transmitter power: high/low.
  • Holding for 2 seconds enables/disables the keypad lock.

  • The key is used to enter the menu, to enter the mode for selecting the values ​​of a certain menu parameter, as well as confirming the change of the parameter.

[▼] and [▲]

Frequency mode:

  • A single press changes the frequency of the receiver in the direction of increasing or decreasing with a given step.
  • Holding the key changes the frequency of the active channel in a specified step continuously until the key is released.

Channel mode:

  • switching to the next/previous memory location with the saved channel.

Menu mode:

  • Move to the next/previous setting.
  • Change the current setting to the next/previous value.

  • While holding this button, turn on the power of the radio. The screen will show the firmware version. You cannot update the radio's firmware.


Frequency mode:

  • Used to manually enter the desired frequency of the selected channel.

Channel mode:

  • Used to enter the number of the memory location with the saved channel.

Menu mode:

  • Used to enter the serial number of the option. You can also set non-standard CTCSS subtone frequencies in the corresponding settings change mode.

Transmission mode:

  • Transmission of DTMF signals on the air.

Symbols on the screen of the radio station Baofeng UV-5R

* The image shows all segments of the screen. Each segment lights up when a specific function is enabled.

  • The number of the memory location currently selected in the receiver.
  • Fractional parts of the frequency, if they do not fit in the main numeric field.
  • CTCSS subtone included
  • DCS subtone enabled
  • The direction of the offset of the transmit frequency from the receive frequency (when working with repeaters). Either + or - is displayed.
  • Simultaneous reception of two frequencies is enabled (receiver A + receiver B)
  • VOX enabled
  • Reverse function enabled
  • Narrowband modulation enabled (Narrow)
  • Battery indicator
  • Keyboard lock enabled
  • Transmitter low power on
  • Selected receiver indicator (upper [A]/lower [B])
  • Signal strength indicator
  • Main display, display frequency, menu item name, menu setting value
  • Enabled transmission of service DTMF signals on the air

There are two main displays on the screen. Each scoreboard corresponds to its receiver: top [A] or bottom [B]. This allows each receiver to set a separate frequency and quickly switch between them using the button [ A/B]. Also, for each receiver, you can set your own settings for the frequency switching step, subtones, transmitter power, transmit frequency offset from the receive frequency, etc.

Baofeng UV-5R radio menu

The radio menu contains 40 different items that are responsible for setting the modes of its operation.

  1. To turn on the settings menu, press the key [ MENU].
  2. Navigate to the desired menu item using the keys [▼] and [▲].
  3. To change the selected option, press the key again. [ MENU].
  4. Select the desired option value using the keys [▼] and [▲].
  5. Save the setting by pressing the key .

Baofeng UV-5R Radio Menu Items

  1. SQL - Squelch opening threshold. Possible values ​​are from 0 to 9 The squelch turns off the speaker in the absence of a signal on the frequency. With a properly set squelch threshold, you will hear only useful signals, and this will significantly reduce power consumption. Recommended level 5.
  2. STEP - The step of changing the frequency in the frequency mode when scanning or pressing the [▼] and [▲] keys.
  3. TXP - Transmitter power. Possible values: HIGH - large (about 4 watts), LOW - small (about 1 watt). When the power is low, the display shows “ L". Can be switched using the [#] key on the keyboard.
  4. SAVE - Energy saving mode. Displays the number of "sleep" cycles relative to "work" cycles: 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1. The higher the value, the longer the battery will last. Possible values: OFF, 1, 2, 3, 4. If enabled, half a second-second (one or two words) may be lost when a signal appears at the frequency at the beginning.
  5. VOX - the voice at which the transmission will start. When turned on, the display will show “ VOX»
  6. WN - Type of modulation: wideband WIDE (25 kHz), narrowband NARR (12.5 kHz). With narrowband modulation, the display shows “ N»
  7. ABR - Screen backlight operation time, seconds. Also, the time after which the radio will return to FM radio mode, after being interrupted by receiving a signal on the operating frequency.
  8. TDR - Receiving two frequencies, receivers A and B, simultaneously. The receiver on whose frequency it was last received becomes active. When this function is enabled, “ S».
  9. BEEP - Sound confirmation of keystrokes.
  10. TOT - Continuous transmission time limit. Limits the amount of time the radio is transmitting continuously. Possible values: 15 – 600 sec.
  11. R-DSC - Sets the DCS subtone (digital) for reception. The sound will be heard only if the partner is transmitting with the same subtone to transmit.
  12. R-CTCS - Sets the CTCSS (analog) subtone for reception. Similar to the previous one.
  13. T-DCS - Sets the DCS (digital) subtone to transmit. The partner will hear the sound only if this subtone matches the one he has set to receive.
  14. T-CTCS - Sets the CTCSS (analog) subtone to transmit. The partner will hear the sound only if this subtone matches the one he has set to receive.
  15. VOICE - Voice confirmation of keystrokes. ENG / CHI / OFF - Angl / Kit / Off.
  16. ANI-ID - Automatic identification by number. Displays a special ANI code that is programmed from a computer. Cannot be changed manually. This code is broadcast when the ALARM function is activated and menu #32 AL-MOD is set to CODE.
  17. DTMFST - Audibility of DTMF tones during their broadcast. OFF - tones are not heard. DT-ST - only tones that are transmitted manually by pressing the keyboard are heard. ANI-ST - Only preset tones are heard. DT+ANI - hear all tones
  18. S-CODE - A set of 15 pre-programmed 5-digit DTMF codes. One code is selected from the set. Broadcasting is performed only if the PTT-ID menu option is enabled.
  19. SC-REV - Frequency scan method. TO (time operation) - when finding a frequency with a transmitted signal, the scanner will stop at it for a few seconds, then continue scanning. CO (carrier operation) - scanning will continue as soon as the active signal disappears on the frequency. SE (search operation) - scanning will end as soon as a frequency with a signal is found.
  20. PTT-ID - Determines when the PTT-ID code is broadcast. Values: OFF – do not transmit; BOT - transmit at the beginning of the transmission; EOT - transmit at the end of the transmission; BOTH - transmit at the beginning and end of the transmission. Recommended value is OFF.
  21. PTT-LT - PTT-ID transmission delay, in milliseconds. Values: 0 - 50, requires the included value of item #19.
  22. MDF-A - Channel data display format in channel mode (receiver A). CH – channel number; NAME - channel name (programmed from a computer), if the name is not set, then the channel number is displayed; FREQ - channel frequency.
  23. MDF-B - Channel data display format in channel mode (receiver B). CH – channel number; NAME - channel name (programmed from a computer), if the name is not set, then the channel number is displayed; FREQ - channel frequency
  24. BCL - Prohibition of transmission on a busy frequency. If someone is already transmitting a signal on the frequency at the moment, then by pressing the key the transceiver will give a short “beep” signal and will not start transmission. Values: OFF / ON.
  25. AUTOLK - Automatic keypad lock. OFF / ON values. If enabled, the keyboard will be locked after 8 seconds of inactivity.
  26. SFT-D - The direction of the shift of the transmit frequency relative to the receive frequency (for working with repeaters). Only in frequency mode! Values: OFF – no shift; "+" the transmit frequency will be greater than the receive frequency; "-" the transmit frequency will be less than the receive frequency. Depending on the selected value, the + or - indicator lights up on the screen, respectively. Used in conjunction with the OFFSET menu item.
  27. OFFSET - The value of the offset of the transmit frequency from the receive frequency (in MHz). Values: 00.000 – 69.990 MHz in 10 kHz steps. Used in conjunction with menu item SFT-D
  28. MEM-CH - Used to save a channel to a memory location, or change the parameters of an already saved channel. The memory stores the parameters of the receiver A, set in the frequency mode of operation: frequency, modulation, subtones, offset, transmitter power, PTT-ID, BCL and S-CODE. To save a channel, you need to configure all its parameters, enter the menu, select the MEM-CH option, press the MENU button, select the number of the memory location to save, confirm the selection with the MENU button. For an already stored channel, it is possible to change the parameters of the transmission frequency and subtones (to convert a simplex channel into a “repeater” channel or “cross-band” channel). In this case, the transmission frequency is set in the receiver A, and subtones are configured in the menu. After that, saving is done as described above.
  29. DEL-CH - Delete channels from memory cells. The channel number is selected, the deletion is confirmed by pressing the MENU button.
  30. WT-LED - Screen backlight color in standby mode. OFF - off, BLUE - blue, ORANGE - orange, PURPLE - lilac.
  31. RX-LED - The color of the screen backlight in the signal reception mode. OFF - off, BLUE - blue, ORANGE - orange, PURPLE - lilac.
  32. TX-LED - Screen backlight color in signal transmission mode. OFF - off, BLUE - blue, ORANGE - orange, PURPLE - lilac
  33. AL-MOD - Operation mode of the "ALARM" function. SITE - the alarm signal is output only to the transceiver speaker; TONE – an alarm is broadcast; CODE - the ANI code is broadcast (see menu option No. 15) and then "119" (911 vice versa?).
  34. BAND - Select the frequency range. In the frequency mode of operation, it allows you to set the frequency range: VHF (136-174 MHz), UHF (400-480 MHz).
  35. TDR-AB - In the dual frequency reception mode (see TDR setting), receiver A or B is set, which will remain active after receiving a signal on any of the receivers. Possible values: OFF, A, B. If you select OFF, then the receiver on which the last incoming signal was received will become active.
  36. STE - Eliminate the short "shh" sound at the end of a transmission. Values: OFF / ON. When the button is released, a short tone of 50 Hz is emitted on the air, which signals to other transceivers about the end of the transmission and the need to mute the sound. To work through a repeater, set this option to OFF.
  37. RP-STE - Elimination of a short sound "shsh" at the end of the transmission when working through a repeater. Values: OFF / 1 - 10. Used in conjunction with menu #37.
  38. RPT-RL - Repeater termination tone delay (x100 milliseconds). Values: OFF/ 1 - 10. Recommended setting is OFF. Used in conjunction with menu #36.
  39. PONMSG - Information displayed on the screen when turned on. FULL – all segments of the screen are turned on for a short time. MSG - a text message is displayed (2 lines), programmed from a computer
  40. ROGER - Turns on / off the output of the signal "Roger" on the air at the end of the transmission.
  41. RESET - Reset to factory settings. VFO - Reset menu settings to default, set receiver A and B frequencies to default. ALL - reset the menu settings, reset the frequencies of receivers A and B, as well as clear all channels from the memory cells.

Baofeng UV-5R Radio Programming

To connect radio stations you will need a programming cable.

Before connecting the programming cable radio stations to the computer, you need to install drivers for it.

Baofeng UV-5R Radio Programming Cable Driver

(5.0 MiB, 4914 hits)

* The archive contains drivers for operating systems Windows XP/Vista/7.

After installing the drivers, connect the cable to the computer and look at the COM port number in the device manager.

CHIRP program for programming Baofeng UV-5R

Now you need to download and install the CHIRP program.

(10.2 MiB, 4914 hits)

CHIRP - Universal Programming Software radio stations.

We connect the cable to the switched off radio station and to the computer. Turn on and run the CHIRP program.

If CHIRP does not start. Writes error reporting is enabled or in English error reporting is enabled.

We look at the username, computer name and let the program install. If there are Russian characters somewhere, the program will not start.

In the Station menu, select Read from Station.

In the window that appears, select the COM port, manufacturer and model radio stations.

Click on the OK button.

Click on the Yes button.

Click on the OK button.

Reading data has begun.

After it is completed, a window for editing the channel list will open.

If you click on Settings on the left, the settings window will open radio stations.

After making changes, you need to write the data back to radio station. To do this, in the Station menu, select the Record to station item.

The familiar connection settings window will appear.

Click on the OK button.

Click on the Yes button.

Click on the OK button.

The data is being written.

That's probably all. All 73 and goodbye.

Hi all!

A small review of the mega-popular BaoFeng UV-5R walkie-talkies, which have practically no competitors in their price category (!).

The walkie-talkies have rich functionality and excellent features: two bands - UHF / VHF (plus FM radio), a mini-flashlight, as well as a display with a keyboard block for manually entering frequencies. The latter is very convenient for setting up other walkie-talkies, for checking the range, for searching, etc.

The review will include a list of special steps that are convenient for the operation of BaoFeng UV-5R, as well as recommendations for prescribing allowed frequencies.

So, the heroine of today's short review is the "folk" walkie-talkie Baofeng UV-5R, or simply the "five". Mega-popular walkie-talkie, inexpensive - only walkie-talkies without a display are cheaper. Well, relatively fresh "children's" models (small and with a display).

Brand Name: Baofeng
Frequency range: 136 - 174MHz (VHF) and 400 - 520MHz (UHF), 65 - 108MHz (FM receive only)
Power: 5W
Number of channels: 128
Functions: FM radio, Scan (Search)
Working time: up to 12 hours
Range: up to 5 km.
Battery: 1800mAh Li-ion
Antenna: 50 Ohm.

The kit out of the box is large, IMHO redundant, but still nice. There is a stand-cradle for charging the radio, power supply, lanyard, instructions.

All this is laid out in a box into cells.

The radio comes separately: carcass, battery, antenna.

The battery (7.4V / 1800mAh) is new, the contacts are in the film.

We collect and check.

I already said - the set is rich. There are headphones and a belt clip.

Stand and charger.

This is what the radio installed on the base looks like

There is a protective film on the display of the new radio

The display is two-line, but accommodates many additional characters.

The antenna that is used in the walkie-talkie is replaceable, you can install it more powerfully. The main thing is to see that there is an SMA-F connector.

Stock antenna for 136 - 174MHz (VHF) and 400 - 520MHz (UHF)

And has the Baofeng mark

A small description of the buttons on the radio.

The kit includes detailed instructions describing the functionality of the radio. Available .

The walkie-talkie is light, only 200 grams, it will not strain (consider it like a cell phone), only the antenna sticks out (25 cm).

If necessary, press Push on the back of the case and unfasten the battery.

Flashlight. Simple LED, activated by side button MONI

Working with a tuned walkie-talkie is not difficult, you agree on frequencies / channels, press the PTT button to transmit, or listen carefully.

For successful communication, it is best to follow simple rules:
To send a message: "Reception. First, I am Second, I have so-and-so. Reception."
Release the button after a couple of seconds and wait for the answer: “Reception. Understood you. End of connection."
You can say call signs at the beginning of the message if there are several walkie-talkies on the channel: "First to Second ..."
If the message concerns everyone: "Received. First, general call. ..."
You can also agree on the rules in advance so that everyone understands what is happening. And be sure to answer if you are called.

In terms of functionality, the radio is rather redundant. Priced as an entry-level walkie-talkie, yet packed with great features, as well as plenty of extras and thoughtful accessories.
Compared to

And with ioutdoor T2

A few words about prescribing the desired frequencies.
To begin with, we determine useful channels on /
Then we look for
The software is freely available, sometimes on disks with a cable.

Native program (some crashes on Win7/8/10).
Frequency table reading process

Native table, which was in the walkie-talkie in stock (from China)

We adjust the list of frequencies for ourselves. Loading everything back.

Now the same thing, but a little easier.
Firmware version for CHIRP.

We connect the cable, walkie-talkie. My cable was on CH340, it was defined as COM5 in the system

Install and run the program, select Radio -> Download from ...
In the menu that appears, select your radio

The current frequency values ​​are being read

You can make your own changes or import the finished file into * .csv

After editing the frequency table, upload everything back to the radio (Upload to ...)

The download process takes some time, but not for long.

As a matter of fact, that's all. Not very difficult. It is best to prepare a frequency table “for yourself” once and upload it through Chirp to all walkie-talkies.
Basically the manufacturer.
You can download and

The advantage of the popular five is mainly in the available spare parts / accessories.
You can easily find everything you need and inexpensively.
Useful examples.
First of all - the reinforced Nagoya antenna. For baofengs, the popular NAGOYA NA771 is suitable.

The connector is called SMA-F.
Antenna length 37.5cm, flexible. The issue price is about $5.

Links: , .

As I said, it is a pleasure to play paintball / airsoft teams with communication, especially if there are more than one walkie-talkie))))

The radio provides reliable reception within 1-2 km in urban areas / forests, more in open areas. If reception is required over a longer distance, then you can buy a larger antenna and climb higher. The range very much depends on the terrain, but in general, the “five” justifies its price for more than one year in a row.

Baofeng - one of the most popular and inexpensive "folk" walkie-talkies, you can safely take it for yourself or as a gift. Walkie-talkies will perfectly show themselves in daily work (security, technical services), and in recreation (games and other outdoor activities).

The price is for a pair of radios.

The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review is published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.

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