The history of the development of search engines. Russian search engines which search engine appeared earlier

Search engines (PS) are already decent time is a mandatory part of the Internet. Today they are huge and most complicated mechanisms that are not only a tool for finding any necessary information, but also quite exciting areas for business.

Many search users have never thought about the principles of their work, about how to handle user requests, how the system data is built and functioning. This material will help people who are engaged in optimization and, understand the device and the basic functions of search engines.

Functions and concept PS

Search system - This is a hardware and software package that is intended to implement the Internet search function, and responding to a user query that is usually specified as a text phrase (or more accurate search query), issuing a reference list to information sources carried out by relevance. The most common and large search systems: Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu. In RuNet - Yandex, Mail.Ru, Rambler.

Consider in more detail the value of the search query itself, taking the Yandex system for example.

The request must be formulated by the user in full compliance with the subject of his search, as simple as possible and briefly. For example, we wish to find information in this search engine: "How to choose a car for yourself." To do this, open the main page and enter a request to search "how to choose a car." Then our functions are reduced to enter the links to information sources provided on the network.

But even acting in this way, you can and not get the information you need. If we got a similar negative result, you just need to reform your request, or in the search database there are really no useful information on this type of request (such is quite possible at the specified "narrow" query parameters, like, for example, "How to choose a car in Anadyri ").

The most basic task of each search engine is to deliver to people exactly the type of information they need. And to commit users to create "correct" type of requests for search engines, that is, phrases that will correspond to their principles of work, practically impossible.

That is why search engine development specialists make such principles and algorithms of their work that would give users to find their information. This means that the system should "think" just as a person thinks when finding the necessary information on the Internet.

When he enters his request to the search engine, he wishes to find what he needs, as easy as possible and faster. Having received the result, the user accounts for its assessment of the system, guided by several criteria. Did he get to find the necessary information? If not, how many times did it have to reformate the text of the query to find it? How relevant information was they obtained? How quickly the search engine has processed its request? How comfortable were search results? Was the necessary result first, or was located on a 30th place? How many "garbage" (unnecessary information) was found with useful information? Will there be a relevant information for it, when using PS, in a week, or in a month?

In order to get the right answers to such questions, the search developers are constantly improving the principles of ranking and its algorithms, add them new opportunities and functions and any means are trying to make the system work faster.

The main characteristics of search engines

Denote the main search characteristics:


Fullness is one of the most important search characteristics, it is the ratio of the numbers found on request of information documents to their total number on the Internet relating to this request. For example, there are 100 pages with the phrase "how to choose a car", and in the same query there were only 60 out of total, then in this case the search full of 0.6 is 0.6. It is clear that the larger the search itself, the greater the likelihood that the user will find exactly the document that he needs, of course, if he exists at all.


Another basic function of the search engine is accuracy. It determines the degree of compliance with the user's request for the found pages on the network. For example, if the key phrase "how to choose a car" there is a hundred documents, in half of them contain this phrase, and in the rest you simply have such words (how to choose a car radio, and install it in the car "), then search accuracy equal to 50/100 \u003d 0.5.

Than the search is more accurate, the sooner the user will find the information you need, the less diverse "garbage" will meet among the results, the less documents found not to correspond to the meaning of the request.


This is a significant component of the search, which characterizes the time passing from the moment of publishing information on the Internet until it is published in the search engine index base.

For example, the next day after the information about the release of the new iPad, many users turned to the search with the corresponding types of requests. In most cases, information about this news is already available in the search, although very little has passed since its appearance. This is due to the presence of "fast base" from large search engines, which is updated several times per day.

Search speed.

This function as the search speed is closely related to the so-called "stability of loads". Every second search is drawn by a huge number of people, such a workload requires a significant reduction in time to handle one request. Here, the interests of both the search engine and the user coincide: the visitor wants to get results as quickly as possible, and the search engine must work it up as quickly as possible, so as not to slow down the processing of subsequent requests.


A visual representation of the results is an essential element of search convenience. According to a multitude of requests, the search engine finds thousands, and in some cases millions of different documents. Due to the fuzziness of the compilation of key phrases for search or its not accuracy, even the very first query results do not always have only the necessary information.

This means that a person often has its own search among the results provided. A variety of components of PS issuing pages help to navigate in search results.

The history of the development of search engines

When the Internet began to develop, the number of its regular users was small, and the amount of information for access was relatively small. Mostly access to this network had only specialists of research areas. At that time, the task of finding information was not so relevant as now.

One of the very first methods of organizing wide access to information resources was the creation of site catalogs, and the references to them began to be grouping on topics. So the first project was the resource, which opened in the spring of 1994. Subsequently, when the number of sites in the Yahoo directory increased significantly, the option of finding the necessary information on the catalog was added. It has not yet been fully a search engine, since the area of \u200b\u200bsuch a search was limited only by sites included in this directory, and not absolutely all resources on the Internet. Link catalogs were quite widely used earlier, but at present, almost fully lost their popularity.

After all, even today, huge catalogs have information about slightly part of the websites on the Internet. The most famous and large catalog in the world has information about five million sites when Google base contains information about more than 25 billion pages.

The very first real search engine was Webcrawler, which arose in the 1994th year.

Next year, Altavista and Lycos appeared. Moreover, the first was the leader in the search for information a long time.

In 1997, Sergey Brin, together with Larry Page, created a search engine Google as a research project in Standford University. Today, Google, the most popular and popular search engine in the world.

In September 1997, Yandex was announced (officially), which is currently the most popular search system in RuNet.

According to N. September 2015.The share of search engines in the world is distributed as follows:
  • Google - 69.24%;
  • Bing - 12.26%;
  • Yahoo! - 9.19%;
  • Baidu - 6.48%;
  • AOL - 1.11%;
  • ASK - 0.23%;
  • Excite - 0.00%

According to N. december 2016., Signs of search engines in RuNet:

  • Yandex - 48.40%
  • Google - 45.10%
  • - 5.70%
  • Rambler - 0.40%
  • Bing - 0.30%
  • Yahoo - 0.10%

Principles of search engine

In Russia, the main search system is Yandex, then Google, and then [email protected]. All large search systems have their own structure, which is very different from others. But still you can select the main elements common to all search engines.

Indexing module.

This component consists of three robot programs:

Spider. (in English. Spider) - a program that is intended to download web pages. "Spider" downloads a certain page, at the same time removing all links from it. HTML code is downloaded with almost every page. For this, robots use HTTP protocols.

"Spider" functions as follows. The robot transmits a request to the "Get / Path / Document" server and other HTTP query commands. In response, the robot program receives a flow of text that contains the information of the service type and, of course, the document itself.
  • URL of the downloaded page;
  • date when the page is downloaded;
  • hTTP response server header;
  • hTML code, "body" pages.
Crawler. ("Traveling" Spider). This program automatically enters all links that are found on the page, and also highlights them. His task is to decide where in the future the spider should be found, based on these links or based on the specified list of addresses.

Indexer (Robot indexer) is a program that analyzes the pages that spiders downloaded.

The indexer fully disassembles the page to composite elements and analyzes their analysis, applying its morphological and lexical types of algorithms.

The analysis is carried out over various parts of the page, such as headlines, text, links, stylistic and structural features, HTML tags, etc.

Thus, the indexing module makes it possible to undergo the references of the specified number of resources, download pages, extract the reference mass to new pages from the received documents and make their detailed analysis.


Database (or the search engine index) is a set of data storage, an array of information in which the adjusted parameters of each processed indexing and downloaded document are stored.

Search server.

This is the most important element of the entire system, because the speed and, of course, the search quality depends on the algorithms underlying its functionality.

The search server works as follows:

  • The request that comes from the user is subjected to morphological analysis. The information environment of any document available in the database is generated (it will continue to display as a snippet, i.e. the text information field of the corresponding request).
  • The data obtained transmits as the input parameters with a specialized ranking module. They are processed in all documents, and in the end, for each such document, its rating is calculated, which characterizes the relevance of such a document as a user's request, and other components.
  • Depending on the conditions of the user specified by the user, this rating may well be adjusted by additional.
  • It is then generated by SNIPPET himself, i.e. For any document found from the corresponding table, the title, annotation that most meets the query is retrieved, and the link to this document, while the found wordforms and words are highlighted.
  • The results of the search received are transmitted to the person in the form of a page that search results (SERP) are issued.
All these elements are closely related to each other and function, interacting, forming a distinct, but rather difficult mechanism for the functioning of the PS, which requires enormous costs of resources.

1. Introduction

Site optimization usually includes the conversion of the structure of the site, filling with textual content, depending on the promoted requests, as well as various ways of increasing the cite of the resource. In addition to standard optimization processes, there are numerous methods that are already applied to a specific search engine. Of course, search engines with open codes are rare, and optimizers have something to break the head, but some basic patterns of behavior can be traced in already affordable systems.

In this master class, we will consider the most popular foreign search engines and search engines in Russia with a tint of comparative analysis.

2. Russian search engines

Google, Yandex, and Rambler today are considered the most popular search engines in Russia. The Yandex system is more visited and having a relevant issue in the necessary extent, therefore, most often optimizers are taken to promote the resource in this system.

Consider in more detail each of these search engines.


Google has its own Russian analogue, less popular than the original American, but it is not inferior to the search quality. Google in Russia has numerous fans who believe that this search engine gives the best result.

PageRank used in Google is mainly based on Link Popularity. Those. When calculating the relevance of the page, the greatest contribution has the amount and quality of links to pages from other pages.

At the moment, Google database has more than a billion indexed pages.

Google is one of the few search engines that deeply index your site. Google uses Link Popularity as the most significant factor in determining the relevance of the page. Therefore, large and popular sites easier to get into high positions in the search results. It also protects Google from spam.

Google believes that the following factors will be the most weighty when ranking pages:

  • LINK POPULARITY (Citation Index);
  • Keyword Proximity and Density (density and frequency of keywords);
  • Keywords in the link text (keywords in links);
  • Emphasized Text (selected text).

A distinctive feature of Yandex is an intuitive search in all flowforms. Unique development under the particular Russian language.

The Yandex catalog uses such a thing as thematic Citation Index (TIC) . It is determined by the number and quality of external links to your site. The quality of the link affects the TIC of the resource referring to you. An important role is played by the thematic proximity of your site by referring to you resources.

When counting the citation index, links from forums, web boards, conferences, sites located on free hostings are not taken into account (if they are not described in the Yandex catalog). Naturally, the links from those sites that Yandex does not index (for example, foreign sites) are not taken into account.

The number of hosts depends on visitors (than them more, the more hosts), and the yandex citation index - from the authors of the sites (the more authors put a link to your resource, the higher the CY value).

The value of the Citation Index is determined by the relevance of the resource in the Yandex directory and, accordingly, the position of your site in the selected section.

The reindexing of the document takes about two weeks every time, but for each site the robot is adjusted separately. It all depends on the update frequency. According to Yandex, tag< meta name="Revizit-after" content="n-days"> No role in the work of the robot does not play.

Yandex Indexes the Russian network, so servers are entered into the search engine in SU, RU, AM, AZ, BY, GE, KG, KZ, MD, UA, UZ domains. The remaining servers are entered only if they have found text in Russian.

Information in the title (tag< title >) Yandex displays in search results. Words in tag< title >, have a greater weight than everyone else. Keywords in tag< meta> Also increase the weight of the word in the document, but only if the word itself is on the page.

In addition to the above methods, the frequency of its use in headlines affects the word relevance (< h1>, < h2> ...), in the Alt attribute, in pop-up tips (tag< acronym>) and the percentage of the occurrence of this word in the document, i.e. How often you use it. But at the same time it is necessary to save the meaning of the document, otherwise Yandex can count this word spam.


He is the best rubricator today. It is convenient because all resources are divided into sections, subsections, etc. Many of them participate in the Top100 rating, which allows you to determine the popularity of one or another resource.

It is believed that the fundamental factor for promoting the site in Rambler is good content and attendance, measured using the meter installed on the site. Thus, high positions in the ranking can occupy the site well promoted, qualitatively and has long proven itself on the Internet, with a large attendance.


The least popular of listed search engines. The main criteria that this system takes into account sites when sorting sites:

  • the number of desired words in the text of the document (as a percentage), the distance between the search words in the text of the document;
  • place in the text where search words meet (title, description, meta tag, etc.);
  • the appearance of the font, which are scored in the text of the soviet words (size, fatty, color);
  • the number of links from the Internet to this document;
  • using a desired word in the text of links from the Internet to this document.

3. Foreign search engines

Foreign search engines presented below are widely known and used all over the world. For webmasters, these search engines are the most important places to register, as potentially they can bring a large number of visitors to the site. Some of the listed systems are not full search engines, but only use the resources of other well-known search engines.

It is considered by the number of indexed pages of one of the largest search engines. The system has gained great popularity thanks to the ability to search for complicated selection criteria. Altavista offers additional services in the search for directories from Open Directory, Looksmart, Ask Jeeves.

Google is a search engine that uses the number of links to a website as the main parameter of the popularity of the site. This is especially useful when searching for good sites using simple search queries. Google is famous for high reference relevance. Google has a very large database of indexed sites and provides part of its results Yahoo and Netscape Search.

Yahoo is the most popular and oldest search facilities. In Yahoo, there are about 150 editors that make up and edit the contents of their directories. Yahoo has more than 1 million indexed sites in the database. Also, in the event of a shortage of its own database, Yahoo uses the Google database, and earlier, I must say, used the inktomi base.

Direct Hit measures the number of clicks. Sites for which more click, get the best rating. Known called "Search Engine Popularity".

The DIRECT HIT results also appear in HotBot, as well as, in the form of option, can be shown in MSN Search.

The results of the system are taken from Looksmart, Inktomi, RealNames and Direct Hit. For Search users, there is a unique opportunity to save the results of the previous search.

The bright difference of the system is that the positions in the extradition are sold. Goto considers such issuance more relevant. You can also buy higher places in various ratings. Unpaid results provides inktomi.

This system does not implement the possibility of entering a search word directly, only through the interface of other search engines. And such a great set.

A characteristic feature can be called excellent results for each of their partners of this base. Variation of results provides the ability to issue a separate search engine to differ from others.

Filling this system was carried out with the involvement of volunteers. After sufficient formation, it became possible to freely use its results. Currently, Open Directory uses Lycos, Aol Search, Altavista and Hotbot.

A distinctive feature of this system is that when typing a key word (for example, a company brand), you can get to the official website of this company.

4. Features of Promotion

Whatever the search engine, Russian or foreign, whatever filtration algorithms have, is still the main criterion for assessing the relevance of the resource relative to a specific query is the presence of high-quality textual filling, which cannot but rejoice. For conscientious optimizers, primitive task when promoting a resource is, first of all, optimizing the content of the site, its internal reference navigation and convenience for a direct user, and not direct optimization under a specific search engine.

The second largest step when promoting in many search engines is the presence of a maximum number of references to the resource. Although among many direct users there is an opinion that this criterion cannot fully provide the result, today it is necessary.

It can be said that other features of promotion for different search engines, which, frankly, are already not quite "clean", are formed directly by the costs of the filtering algorithms of the search engines themselves. Thus, the search engines themselves provoke optimizers to go on tricks. This is especially true of the main Russian search engines, characterized by the tendency to monopolize.

5. Conclusion

The master class allows us to evaluate the fundamental differences in search giants and make some idea of \u200b\u200bhow more or less relevant information can be obtained on the Internet. The presence of numerous search engines creates significant competition, and, as you know, competition entails processes aimed at progress and development in the right direction. In this case, the main priority is still a qualitative result. Hooray!

In the early 1990s, Internet users had no habit to ask questions to search engines. References to useful sites, which found out mostly from acquaintances, collected in separate text files. Later, sites - catalogs with heading, which were replenished manually. Such, for example, were Sites Yahoo! and Virtual Library (VLIB), which led and kept the inventor of modern Internet Tim Berners-Lee on the CERN server.

The first in the history of the search engine, an Archie appeared in 1990, a file archive with downloaded site catalogs and the search for them, created by students of McGill's University in Montreal. Archie did not index the contents of sites: this was learned by search engines running in 1993, among which were WORLD WIDE WANDERER, ALIWEB and JUMPSTATION. The latter became the first full-fledged search engine in a modern sense: she collects and ranked references in the extradition of the user's request.

The creators of the first search engines
in the bulk or throw this occupationeither switched to work
in large online companies

Altavista appeared in 1994 became the first search engine that worked with natural language requests, and the first truly powerful search engine was WebCrawler, which indexes the contents of the pages completely. Finally, in 1997-1998, Google and Yandex earned, the most popular search engines in Russia for today. Thanks to the best algorithms, they have become an international and regional leader, respectively, but to select a share from other market participants, they needed time. The creators of the first search engines in the main mass or threw this occupation, or moved to work in large Internet companies that bought them in the entire system.

The Internet has a special web site on which the user on a given query can get links to sites that meet this request. The search engine consists of three components: 1 search robot; 2 system index; and 3 programs, ... ... Financial vocabulary

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search system - Search engine site, with which other sites are searched. The search is carried out by entering keywords in the search box. Unlike directories, even if the site was not previously registered, it can be found with a search engine. ... ... Technical translator directory

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Search system - - - (English Search Engine, Synonyms: seeker, search server, search engine) - tool for searching for information on the Internet. As a rule, the search for the search engine consists of two stages. Special program (search robot, automatic, agent, ... ... Encyclopedic dictionary of the media

Control, automatic control system (see Automatic Control), in which the control exposure by the search method automatically changes t. O. Is the best (in which sense) control object; With ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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This term also has other meanings, see Aport. Aport ... Wikipedia


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The history of the development of the Russian Internet (Runet) is officially conducting a countdown since 1994. It was then that the domain was registered, and the first sites began to appear, many of which were subsequently rose into popular portals.

Library Moshkova, Rosbizonsontsalting news agency, Studio Artemia Lebedev - all these resources were founded in the mid-90s of the last century.

How did the first search engines appear

For quite a long time, the "population" of Runet was limited to a small amount of these pioneers of network technologies. They were so little that the concepts of "search" at that time simply did not exist.

Most of the necessary sites could be saved in the browser bookmarks, and for the rest there were directories, where all links were grouped into several main categories. The first such catalog was the RUSSIA ON THE NET (, a little later, Dmoz, Yahoo and Yandex.Catalog appeared a little later.

However, over time, the number of Internet users increased, the number of sites created in order for these users could also visit them and receive the information they need.

Gradually, the database of directories grew so much that it was very difficult to find anything manually. Then the idea appeared to automate the search process and create a specialized interactive service for this.

Demand always gives rise to a sentence, so in the Internet, search projects from different authors began to appear on the Internet. Some of them, such as Webcrawler, Lycos, InfoSeek and others failed to achieve any serious success and after some time they have worked in obscurity on the endless spaces of the World Wide Web.

But for other, more successful companies, everything developed is much better - the leading modern developers of search engines were formed during this period and over the past years managed to achieve stunning results.

What is a search engine

The modern search engine is a complex mechanism that requires huge resources (both human and material) to support current work and sustainable development.

At the heart of the search for search issuance lies the notorious ranking formula, which takes into account hundreds of various factors, starting from the internal device of the site and the texts of its pages and ending with external references, the attractiveness of commercial proposals posted on the resource, and the features of users' behavior that switched to it from the search.

Back in 2006-2007, Yandex representatives stated that to decipher their algorithm needed a whole research institute, because their search was based on more than 800 different factors. Since then, years have passed, the ranking formula has become more complicated by several orders of magnitude, and the factors that have the greatest impact on the results of the issuance have become practically impossible to influence the factors.

So, behind the external simplicity of the main page and the fast reaction of Yandex or Google to the search phrase introduced by you, the painstaking work of thousands of people and huge financial investments in infrastructure, equipment and human resources are hidden.

At the same time, it is obvious that the leaders today ensured such superiority over those who want to make them at least some competition that the price of the entrance ticket to this market is measured by billions of dollars.

A confirmation of such a state of affairs can be the history of attempts to penetrate the search engine in the famous and richest software company Microsoft. Its search engine Bing for more than ten years positioned as a serious competitor to the leading players, for which huge funds were invested.

And in recent years, these investments have begun to give the first results, although they can be satisfactory satisfactory to be called only with a very big exaggeration: the share of Bing on the Russian market at the time of writing the article was less than one percent.

Another example, well-illustrative conclusions made earlier - Russian Nigma search engine. His creators chose a niche marketing strategy. Apparently, it is clearly understood that in the open field of the general search, the competition of the market poles is almost impossible, the developers of the algorithm went along the way of providing the search services on educational structures in the field of chemistry, mathematics, physics and other sciences.

However, the target audience of such a project is obviously a few, which is definitely reflected in its attendance: according to the LiveInternet meter, the number of users of this system is only one tenth percent.

  1. Unconditional rating leader is Yandex. According to the same meter, Yandex has a "controlling stake" in the search engine market: in July 2014, the fraction of the search engine was more than 52%.
  2. In second place, Google was confidently fixed - 38%.
  3. The third place with a rather large margin occupies the portal. Some time ago, the popular site, apparently, was engaged in the search for an older brother, which can be more expensive - the engine of Yandex and Google alternately integrated into their search playground. But since 2013, the company has taken a course on independent development, and now the site has been implemented by the search algorithm of its own development. True, it did not affect the share of the system of the system, which, apparently, is determined mainly by the brand promotion and the attractiveness of the services presented on the site. Over the past years, the attendance of the service fluctuates around the mark of 7%.

All other search engines, including the once mighty rambler, can be regarded except as natural background - they all have no significant impact on the distribution of seats in the top of the search engines, being at the level of 0.1-0.7 percent of the market.

Analysis of the Russian online search market

The search engine market in Russia is very specific. For its description, you can use two characteristics: concentrated and weakly competitive. Indeed, the share of three main players exceeds 97%, which indicates their overwhelming advantage over all others.

The dominant position has a Russian search engine Yandex. As we have said, his share exceeds 50%. In this, our country is unique: only we, in China and the Czech Republic, national search engines have a tangible competition to the world giant - Google.

By the number of processed search queries, Yandex ranks fourth in the world. At the same time, if the first place of Google in this list can hardly be subject to reasonable doubt, then the second place of the Chinese Baidu is caused only by the enormous number of this country. Third place - Yahoo has a double advantage relative to the Russian monopolist.

According to the rules of the European market, Yandex can really be called a monopolist - such a definition is assigned there to any company, the market share of which exceeds 35%.

In our country, this state of affairs is called dominance and is not punishable until the existing benefit is proven. It is clear that in the Internet environment the fact of abuses confirm is very difficult.

How to determine the share of the search engine in the total traffic

An objective assessment of this indicator is quite simple. The fact is that the overwhelming majority of Russian sites have installed meters of the leading operator of LiveInternet Internet statistics.

Of course, these counters are not put all sites, besides, the following links are not taken into account domain zones .Su and the Russian Federation. But still the above sample can be considered quite representative, it takes into account all the main themes, regions and types of sites currently available in RuNet.

So, to watch the current position of the affairs by reference: http: // Date \u003d 2014-07-31; period \u003d ....

This is a complete summary of the number of visitors who have come to sites registered on Russian users for June and July 2014.

Conclusions are obvious. Analysis of the position of things we have already led in the previous section.

Characteristics of the main search engines of Russia


The emergence of this search engine on the market very well illustrates the situation in the country at a time when he began to acquire modern outlines. No wonder Yandex is called the Runet Mirror - apparently, this definition can be expanded on an objective reality.

The development of the company is very similar to the evolution of the whole society, so to some extent the national leader is the mirror of the entire country of the end of the 20th century.

In order to illustrate such a bold statement, let's turn briefly to the history of the company and the Yandex search engine.

The times after the restructuring are characterized by a serious reassessment of values \u200b\u200bthe most active part of society and the emergence of new energetic people on the political and business arena, united in their lives of the idea: to modernize the conditions for the existence of themselves and their country in order to ensure a worthy standard of living for everyone who shares their beliefs.

One of the corneais of that era is Arkady Volozh, who managed to unite the best workaholic specialists around him who laid the foundation of the future search engine.

Yandex, probably, would never have become a runet mirror if there was not an amazing flair of Arkady Volodya, who managed to see the main perspective of the time in the construction of a Russian search engine.

To implement his idea, he managed to redirect the financial flows to this project, formed from barter transactions for the exchange of parties imported into our country in exchange for the echelons of Kuban pumpkin seeds.

Of course, big projects are not made without a team of like-minded people. And then the founder of Yandex was lucky - he managed to attract the physicist Ilya Segalovich to his side of the talented and holding very high hopes, with whom he was familiar with the school bench.

It is difficult to say what was the last straw, tightening for the future of the great scientist all prospects of a brilliant scientific career. It may very well be that the crucial role was played by the real obsession and the talent of the conviction of the permanent director of Yandex, but Ilya became the technical director of the company and made an invaluable contribution to its development.

It was he who became the author of the name and the logo, which is now known to all who at least once went to the Internet. Segalovich became interested in the idea of \u200b\u200bmorphological analysis of phrases in Russian and the possibility of classifying texts based on the rules for constructing grammatical structures.

As a result, the expression "Yet Another Index" appeared - "Another index", which in the abbreviated version with the light hand of the search engine became the word Yandex. In the future, in order to emphasize the main purpose of the search engine - to search in the Russian-speaking Internet segment - the logo was transformed into Yandex.

Ilya Segalovich dedicated all his life to the formation and development of this project. Unfortunately, in 2013 it did not become, but it lives him, Yandex is increasing its superiority over competitors, constantly improving the search algorithm, the foundations of which laid his late director of technology and development.


The Google search engine was founded for a year earlier than Yandex, but in the Russian market appeared only in 2004. Of course, over the years, Yandex succeeded in adapting his search for the specifics of our country.

Despite the fact that a fairly significant amount of Internet users to the question, the answer to which they do not know is offered to "google", and not "ask Yandex", the main problem of the world giant is insufficient accounting of the morphology of Russian-speaking texts, as a result of which the answer to requests Users are often incomplete or a bit distorted.

You can argue for a long time, whose search is better and from which system are more motivated (or "hot" clients. But, as it seems to us, the typical picture for the Russian user is as follows: First, the "Runet Mirror" is requested, and if the results of his search were not relevant (and so, unfortunately, it happens quite often), the request is reheusary to google.

Global descendants of Google occur much less often than Yandex. But they change the issuance so seriously that many authoritative sites, those in the top, are in the end of the first hundreds of issuing results.

So, for example, the latest version of the Algorithm "Panda" was great for some leading online stores, touched upon even seemingly inviolable and others.

In 2013, the company finally ceased to broadcast someone else's search on its playground and implemented its own search engine option at

This step can only be welcomed, because in the future the search engine from Mail.Ru can have a serious resistance to the duet of leaders, which can still relax, without feeling the bustful breathing of competitors for their backs.

The share of this search engine now does not exceed 7%, but it has a good perspective to an increase in the development of social services provided by the Company: classmates, my circle, mail, etc.

Search engines with market share less than 1%

This group focuses mainly in the main system, which could not be made to the elite of the Russian search. Among them, the company Rambler occupies a special situation, once confidently occupied the second place and demonstrating very promising trends.


Appearing in 1996, as the brainchild of programmers of the science of Pushchino under the leadership of Talented Enthusiast Dmitry Kryukov, Rambler immediately became the leader of the search engine market. In those days, Yandex was not yet, and Google was just beginning his procession on the territory of America and nearby countries.

It would seem that such a forah should have helped "tramp" (and it is so translated from the English word Rambler) to get noticeable competitive advantages in development.

But whether internal conflicts in the company, whether the lack of a clearly pronounced strategy led to the fact that Rambler now broadcasts the search for Yandex and more known as the aggregator of some popular services, including Rambler Top100 sites ranking


He is MSN Search, Live Seacrh, Windows Live Seacrh - Microsoft's product, desperately struggling for the place under the sun in the search engine market. This is one of the few services that use your own engine.

The search results are quite acceptable, the main problem of the site, apparently, is low fame among users.


Another example of the sad fate of once one of the market leaders. There were times when this search engine was firmly held third after Yandex and Rambler, and in his directory Webmaster sought to get as actively as in DMOZ or Yandex Catalog.

Now the site has an online store of popular household goods. Search for aige If it remains, it is hidden somewhere in the depths of the resource, on one of its subdomains.

What you need to write your own search engine

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to imagine well what the search engine is and how it works. In part, we have already considered the basic principles of building a site ranking formula in search results. In addition, it is necessary to note the following points:

The main task of the search engine is to answer the user's request. The answer should be clear and relevant, otherwise the user will go to other systems, even despite the low competition in this industry.

To give such an answer, the search algorithm is necessary at the time of its formation to view the contents of many billion pages on the network in search of the most suitable for a particular request. To do this, search engines create their own databases that are called indexes and store all the necessary information there.

The index is formed by constantly scanning the network in search of new sites that appeared as well as changes in already indexed pages. Special programs referred to this work, called index robots.

They walk around the clock on sites and read updated information. The organization of the work of such robots requires the construction of a large data center into several thousand powerful computers with all infrastructure, ranging from uninterrupted power and cooling and ending with regular service and modernization.

Users want to receive quick and adequate answers to their requests. Therefore, the modern search engine must take into account not only the characteristics of the sites known to it, but also preferences, behavioral features and the geographical position of each of their clients.

For this, the search algorithm must have elements of artificial intelligence and be able to study independently in the process of their work. Obviously, for writing such a engine you need a large team of programmers of the highest class.

Considering that the leading search engines have already decided all these problems and have all the necessary potential for further development, the cost of entering this market seems to be almost translated.

Therefore, a new player may appear in the near future in the near future, capable of raising a worthy place in a number of existing systems. Although, if this suddenly happens, everyone will win - and the search engines themselves who will receive new incentives for even greater improvement, and we, capricious ordinary users who always lack something and want to search every day to become better and better .