Diagnosis of laptop motherboard. Laptop battery: Reset controller, firmware and zeroing Lenovo laptop power controller

We will not spend a lot of words to say how important and how much the modern laptop is needed. Without him, not a single day. For work, personal communication, creativity, reading, study - Laptop Universal Assistant. Replacing the DELL laptop charge controller is one of the most serious breakdowns. The difficulty lies in the fact that this chip is located on the motherboard. Gently to peel it, not taped nearby elements, it is very difficult. This requires specialized equipment - an infrared soldering station, which is equipped with a service center No. 1. Consider below the items on the topic:

  • Causes of breakage;
  • Replacement process;
  • Warranty.

Causes of breakdown

How to understand that the Dell laptop needs to replace the charge controller device? Let's start with the fact that the mentioned chip controls the flow of current to all parts and compensates for the difference of energy flows on the network, is responsible for the charging process and battery discharge. Sudden disconnection of electricity, stress interruptions primarily sound on the controller. In his competence - with the help of a thermal sensor to regulate the temperature and pressure in the laptop - so that it does not overheat, did not freeze in the cold, to prevent leakage of gases and explosions.

If the device does not see the battery, but the charging goes, or if it does not turn on for a long time, lights up for a few seconds, and then it turns off again - these are the signals that the DELL laptop charge controller is required. Another symptom - if the device is very hot and turns off itself, it is impossible to charge the battery - does not increase the level of charge, regardless of the recharge time.

Replacement process

The failure of the controller actually means that the block of rechargeable elements (directly the battery) needs to be changed. And in some cases, if the power board is also buried or the other chip, the motherboard will have to change. There are cases if the long-time laptop works with faulty components, then the "non-return point" occurs for the device, i.e. It breaks finally and the restoration is no longer subject to. In order not to bring the laptop to such a state, it is recommended to see the change in the distinguity element as soon as possible.

Replacing the controller itself is carried out as follows. First, the service center engineer disassembles a portable computer. It processes a piece of flux (gel that removes the oxide film and helps the effects of liquid solder), adjusts the IR soldering station and substitutes a motherboard with a distinguished component. After the required time of exposure, it dismails it and shakes a new serviceable spare part. After the master removes the remnants of the solder and collects a laptop.


For the prophylaxis of a good job of the device, the service center recommends charging the battery only after its full discharge and use the power supply, which holds back voltage downloads than prevents damage from them. After replacing the DELL laptop charge controller, the engineer is mandatory testing the design. And only making sure the device is returned to the user with uninterrupted operation. SC makes a guarantee up to 3 years on this type of repair, provides free diagnostics and delivery "from door to door".

The replacement of the charge controller of the ACER tablet is carried out under the following conditions that guarantee the operation of the device. The tablet is replaced with a modern person a lot of things - they write down the diverse necessary information - from schedule for a day to PIN codes and passwords. Therefore, the service of urgent repair of the tablet is popular. The cost of the work and the timing of the repair operation are determined on the day of visiting the service center. Accessories Replacement Stages:

  • Diagnostics of acer tablet;
  • Disassembly;
  • Replacement process;
  • Warranty.

Diagnostics of the tablet Acer.

The charge controller is a microcircuit that is integrated into the motherboard. It is responsible for the charge cycles and the device discharge. In fact, it is precisely from it that the battery life and the amount of energy that it can take is depends. The spare part requires a careful relationship.

The problem with the nutrition chip occurs less frequently than the failure of the battery or power connector. Therefore, to establish the exact cause of the breakdown, the ACER tablet is diagnosed. This procedure indicates the state of the hardware and sets the presence of hidden defects.

Failures in the "feeding chip" are fraught with battery breakdown. The battery is designed for a limited number of full discharge / charging cycles, after the exhaustion of which the possibility of energy accumulation is gradually dried. The controller, if incorrect work, knocks off the battery settings and displays the device.


Since the charge controller is integrated into the motherboard, to replace the charge controller on the ACER tablet, you must open access to the module. To do this, the engineer removes the back cover of the tablet, removes the battery and dismails the fastening bolts and the case. Then it is retrieved by modules adjacent to the housing. In some Acer models, the motherboard is directly available, and in others it is necessary to carry out a deeper analysis.

Replacement process

Manipulation is implemented by soldering elements. Due to the small size of the component and proximity of the integrated elements on the motherboard, the engineer must have "surgical accuracy". In this he helps the infrared soldering station - it automates the process of soldering, excluding errors. The old, failed controller fears, and then (with the observance of the specific temperature mode of the surrounding modules) a new one, which fits the repaired model of the tablet computer.


Replacing the Acer Tablet Controller is a subtle operation, specific equipment and experience of the engineer are needed. The service center works only with original details suitable for this tablet model. Therefore, a long warranty is provided - up to 3 years. After repair, the test turning on the Acer table is implemented in the presence of the user.

At one time, laptops won great popularity due to the ability to work from the battery, which made it possible to not be chained to one place and perform the necessary work almost everywhere. The first models could hold out without charge at all short, and the nickel-metalhydride batteries used had a bunch of flaws. But the manufacturers did not sit back, and over a few decades, the technology of manufacturing batteries has undergone fundamental changes. To date, lithium-ion batteries are used in the overwhelming majority laptops. They can serve quite a long time and are devoid of many shortcomings of their predecessors.

Nevertheless, they are not perfect and over time they can also come into disrepair. The battery malfunction is expressed in the fact that it is very quickly discharged, or the laptop incorrectly displays the level of charge. In this case, manufacturers and sellers of technology are recommended to purchase a new battery. But, since the cost of the original component is quite high, you can try to adjust its work yourself. Depending on the degree of damage, it is necessary to either replace the battery elements, or it will be enough to reset the laptop battery controller.

Note that the battery controller is an electronic device and can also fail. If this happened, the battery will not work at all. Then all the following tips will not help - repair controller is required in the service or replacement of the battery. However, if the battery at least somehow works, it means that the controller is operational. It only shows the wrong charging values, quickly charges or discharges the battery, and with it you can compete.

It is about the last opportunity that we want to tell in more detail in today's material. You can find out in what cases you need to reset the controller, as well as we will talk about possible ways as can be done on your own at home.

To begin with, it is worth finding out what is a battery controller. This is a small chip embedded in the battery itself, which monitors its working condition, as well as the charge and discharge process. It interacts with the power controller on the motherboard of the laptop itself, and also transmits the necessary system information of the operating system. We hope the scheme is understandable to you. We tried to describe all the simple words, but if you want to learn technical details, look on the Internet.

When this small microcircuit ceases to work correctly, you may need to reset the controller. In the people, this procedure is also known as the battery calibration. By and large, situations where it may be necessary, just two: incorrect display of charge and replacing battery elements.

Under the incorrect display of the charge, the situation should be understood when the laptop operating system even after a long charge indicates that the charge level is less than 100%, or the charge drops sharply, and the laptop turns off after a few hours, as it should be, but much faster. Many begin to think that the battery came into disrepair, but this is not always the case. The problem is very often in its controller, which simply incorrectly displays the charge.

Under the replacement of battery elements, it is understood that in some workshops and service centers there may be a so-called battery repacking, that is, the internal blocks that have come unusually replaced. After that, it is necessary to reset the controller so that all new elements are recognized and could be properly involved. Although, if after replacing the blocks something works wrong, you have the full right to make a claim and require the correction of flaws.

Now let's look at how to reset the laptop battery controller. We will affect the software and manual ways.

Software Reset Controller

On some sites you can see the recommendation to use the program Battery Eeprom Works. This is really a very powerful and advanced utility that can in some cases literally reanimate the battery. But there is one big but! To enjoy it, you need to know a lot and be able to understand the electrical strokes, as well as to have the necessary adapters that are far from always easy to get in a free sale. We will not recommend this program to use in household devices, as you can easily damage the battery very easily. What then will suit you?

Battery EEPROM WORKS program window

Almost each manufacturer has built-in nutrition management utilities. It can be downloaded on the support website, on the download page of your device drivers, and in some cases the utility can be either pre-installed or recorded to the driven driven. Select the reset or calibration feature and follow the instructions displayed on the screen exactly. Most often, the utility discharges the battery to zero, after which it is charged to 100%. The controller will remember the extreme indicators of the charge level and will work, as immediately when buying.

For different laptops, different software provided by the manufacturer can be applied. Consider some popular models:

  • Acer - BatteryMark utility conducts battery testing, fully loading processor. If inconsistencies are noticed in its work, several charge-discharge cycles are reset.
  • ASUS has a SMART Battery Calibration option in the BIOS on the tab here you can reset all the controller data.
  • Dell - here you need to watch the utility on the official website of the manufacturer. If it is not, you can use other programs, such as Smarter Battery.
  • HP - The manufacturer's website has a HP Support Assistent utility, in which there is an option "Checking the battery".

However, if you still want to complete the complete controller, you will have to explore the work with the Battery Eeprom Works program. But note that you are doing this at your own risk, so it is worth experimenting if in the event of failure the battery will not be sorry to throw away. This utility allows you to:

  • Removes the battery charge circuit board.
  • Changes the dates of the battery on the system laptop.
  • Flags in the controller real battery capacity.

After that, the battery is considered "new". Real charge correction can help if the controller incorrectly shows it and the laptop is quickly turned off, although the battery can still work. This is required to do even after replacing the battery elements to new ones. Once again, we will remind - first examine how this program is used, as it allows you to do so much.

Manual reset controller

If for some reason finding or installing the power management utility does not work, the reset or calibration of the battery can be performed manually. How?

  1. Disconnect the laptop from the electrical network, then translate it into the BIOS mode. You can read more in the article how to start the bios mode.
  2. Leave the laptop and do not touch it until it is completely discharged. Take care that it does not overheat.
  3. Not including a laptop, put it for charging. Wait for his full charge, for this you can leave it all night.

In 99% of cases, such simple actions will help to return the battery to life. Well, if it does not help, and this, buy a new battery, or connect the portable computer directly to the outlet, while removing the battery.

  • If you use a laptop only at home, then for smaller wear of its battery, it will be better to extract it. But before you charge it about 80%, and also check the level of charge from time to time, since it is inclined to the self-discharge. After removing, connect the laptop to the power supply and use as a fixed computer. This option is suitable for those who have a laptop only in one place, since with such use you can lose the data if you turn off the laptop from the power source during operation.
  • To increase the work time for your device, set the appropriate parameters in the settings of the power supply plan. If necessary, use the power saving mode.


Friends, today we have talked about how to lose a laptop charge controller. We learned that sometimes the problem lies not only in the hardware parts of the computer, but also in the software. Therefore, you do not need to rush right away to order a new battery. We hope that everything happened to you and there are no questions left. Do not forget to share your opinion in the comments.

Compal motherboard repair, with a malfunction "does not charge" or "not turning on", especially after fluid filled, often causes difficulties from masters. Consider a typical power and charge scheme used in Acer laptops, on the example of the LA-6552P platform. This motherboard is installed in Acer 5552 and EMASHINES E442 laptops. Other motherboards that have an ISL 6251 chip in their composition are built on a similar principle and have minimal differences.

We will consider parallel to the model inclusion of the ISL6251A, and those pieces of the laptop schema that are associated with the launch and charge of the battery.

The work of the ISL6251 Charrew and the battery charge.

Food + 19V comes to the 24th output of the churger chip DCIN from the power connector through the PD16 diode and the PR281 resistor. If you replaced the chip, check if the resistor is installed. Inside the chip on the output 1 VDD, the supply voltage is formed + 5V which further via PR86 is received by 15 VDDP output and powered the rest of the chip nodes. Check the presence of + 5V on 15 output.

At the VREF output must be a charger-generated reference voltage 2.39V

ACSET - CHARGER entrance detects the 24V supply voltage, which the divider on PR280 and PR282 lowers 14 times. For this, the ACSET voltage should exceed 1.26V, which corresponds to 18.0V at the input. Having found a normal nutrition, Charger lowers the ACPRN to the low level - gives a multi-protroller signal.

The multi-controller exchanges data with the battery controller and, if necessary, exhibits a high level at the conclusion of en Chaurrier, allowing him a charge.

At the Cells output, the multicontroller sets the voltage depending on the number of cans in the battery, thereby pointing to the Charrew, which voltage is submitted to the battery.

CSIN CSIP conclusions are connected to the power source sensor - PR61 resistor, and CSON CSOP conclusions - charge current source. When the Code is exceeded, the charger turns off the battery charging.

Thus, for the battery charge, it is necessary that the charger can be powered (dcin \u003d 19B, VDD and VDDP \u003d 5B, VREF \u003d 2.39V) so that it retracts the power (ACSET\u003e 1.26V) the multi-rotler gave it a signal en.

Generation on PQ55 PQ57 transistors should be launched, currents on PR61 and PR78 should not exceed extremely valid. It should be noted that the PR74 PR76 PR72 PR73 can also burn in addition to the PR61 PR78 resistors themselves, because of which the charger may not measure currents.

LA6552P power supply circuits. Initial launch and stress appearance.

For the laptop, it is necessary to open the input field transistors PQ14 PQ15. The transistor PQ68B opens them. It also opens a high level of the PACIN signal. On transistors PQ68A, PQ21, PQ19, blocking is collected - the low level on the PQ68A gate leads to a reliable closure of PQ14, PQ15. This may also occur if the multi-controller raises the ACOFF signal.

Now let's see where Pacin is taken from. According to the scheme, we see that from 6251VDD through the PR286 resistor. In addition to this, PQ67 must be closed, for which the charger must extend the external power supply (ACSET output) and omit the ACPRN signal.

By the way, the ACSET is formed not from the VIN voltage from the connector, and from the prechG voltage, which, in turn, is already formed from VIN four resistors PR124-PR127, therefore, if the latter in the cliff does not see the adapter connected adapter.

Run PWM RT8205, voltage duty +3 and +5

On this platform, the generation of duty stresses occurs only when powered by the adapter.

Consider the work of the laptop without a battery, since when repairing the motherboard, the master is usually done, powered by a fee from the laboratory power supply. After connecting the adapter, Vin and PrechG appears. Through the PR128 resistor, it enters the PQ34 base, opening it, and it, in turn, opens PQ31, feeding PrechG on B +. Because no nodes are running, the consumption of B + is not, then through the resistors PR124-PR127 there is a charge of capacitors connected to B +

When the B + voltage reaches sufficient to start the RT8205, voltages + 3VLP and VL appear. And then, if the start is not locked with PQ63A transistors, PQ63B, voltage + 3AlWP and + 5AlWP to occur, it is necessary that PQ64 is open. To do this, there must be voltage VS, and ACPRN is low. VS is taken from VIN through the PR10 PR11 resistors.

When powering from the VS battery is missing and appears when pressed on the power button. Thus, when nutrition from the battery in standby mode, RT8205 generates only + 3VLP and VL.

Many compal platforms have similar schemes. Some can use operational amplifiers for the formation of ACSET and other signals. In these nodes, 3V RTC voltage can be used to form a reference voltage, such fees are not started if the watch battery is discharged.

Question: How to charge a laptop if the power controller flew

Digging in the laptop, poke the power settings and spacked so. That the battery stopped charging. I thought that the case was in charge. I could not check the charging immediately, I checked three days later, the battery charge was ended with this war, and the charging was working. I think that turned off something in the settings. . But how to rally if the laptop is not charging?

P.S.-Please do not thread

There is no way.

Q: AMD FirePro W8000 burned the power controller

Good day! There is an AMD FirePro W8000 video card with a burned power controller. Reviewed several service centers and suddenly faced the problem that the service centers are not taken for repairing this video card due to the absence of spare parts. Does anyone tell me a suitable service center where can this problem solve? Location: St. Petersburg. Thanks in advance.



Message from vektor554.

according to the wizard from the center service, they said that the power controller burned down.

Handsome! No words

Q: HP 15-N028SR (DAOU92MB6D0 REV: D) After replacing IT8528E EXA, the laptop turns on but no image

Good day, brought to repair this device HP 15-N028SR, with such a problem that when turned on three times the charge indicator lights up, it turned out that the native charging burned down and after that the person did not connect the native charging, as a result, the power controller was likely to be replaced. But after replacing the laptop turns on normally, but there is no image. Tell me where to dig further?


ruslanRomanenko wrote (a):

i have in lead

Well, so call things with your own names ...

ruslanRomanenko wrote (a):

but after replacing the laptop turns on normally

That is, absolutely all stresses rise, there is an exchange on the LPC bus?

Question: Toshiba Satellite C660-1V9 (LA-7201P) - Replacing the power controller

Good afternoon, the laptop did not turn on from the network, only from the battery, the client replaced the charger to another, laptop began to work. After some time, he decided to clean it from dust and when I disassembled noticed the rotting legs on the controller that is on Mamka, cleaned with a toothbrush and touched one rotten leg holding on a honest word, as a result, when turned on on the screen there was no picture. He decided to fall and replace him with a new one, the old thrown out, and he lost his photo.
If possible, according to the board scheme, determine which controller was, then I ask for help in its identification.
Load: Toshiba Satellite C660-1V9
Mother: Pwwha La-7201p Rev: 1.0


Message from andrey541.

Although if I immediately ordered, I would have come to

I always put a new one ... IMHO it is right

Q: The laptop battery is discharged when the power is connected

Hello everyone! There is an old laptop, in general working. But yesterday, nephonyatics were discovered with nutrition: even when the power was connected, the battery is suddenly begins to discharge. It is written in Windows: "connected, charging", but at the same time the battery is discharged!
The patterns have not yet noticed, it works in normal mode and with no means to start discharged with anything. Naturally, charging comes up to 0% and the laptop is simply cut down.
The laptop for its time is powerful, even now is used for designer work, throw out a pity, to sell in such a state is also difficult. I sin on the power supply. Who has any ideas, what can it be?

Question: When connecting add. Nutrition to the mat. Place - Rebut.

I will start from the very beginning. Turned off the computer, went to sleep. I wake up in the morning, and the computer SCM turns on for a second, turns the cooler, blinks the LED on the mat. Place - and reboots. And after a second three again. An experimental way found out that if you disconnect additional meals from the motherboard, then the computer is not rebuilding, but normally (as far as I can judge, since I turned off the video card, hard and so on) loaded, does not rebound. Visually with the motherboard everything is OK. What advise you to check, check? From instruments only screwdriver yes soldering iron


Message from kleeez.

Experimed by finding out that if you disconnect additional meals from the motherboard, then the computer does not reboot

So KZ on processor chains. Check (norp) nutrition systems and microhu controls them. If one of the transistors is replaced. It is also possible to the Conder sang.

Question: ASUS X550VC Laptop does not start until you connect the power

Forum users Good day!
Today I stopped turning on the ASUS X550VC laptop until you connect it to the power supply.
As happened - in the morning included it from the battery, worked for about 20 minutes. Moreover, when charging, about 30% connected to the power supply and continued to use for about 5 hours without special loads, only the Internet surfing and installing and deleting, for the sake of the test of one program (ANSYS 15).

After everything, as usual, completed the work and at about 5 hours I tried to start it again from the battery ...
The laptop simply does not start, nor how it does not respond to the power button, but if you connect to it paul The power cord The laptop is turned on as usual and loads the OS works as always.
If after starting in the operation mode, pull the power cord just goes out-off.
During work from the network, the battery charge shows 81% with the mark "charging" and in 2-3 hours from 81% and did not move ...

Shoots, foul, replacing something was not, worked well, used carefully.
Laptop 2 years and 4 days.
Windows 7 64bit, percent. I5-3230M, NVIDIA GeForce 720m video, 4GB RAM, HDD 500GB.

By observation, the power socket is slightly loosened (maybe from time), but everything is inserted tightly.
Still if you connect the power cord but not taken into the network 220 The charging indicator lights up (orange color), then if you press the inclusion button as it is trying to start on the floor, but immediately cuts out and goes out with the orange indicator.
What to think I do not know like the battery worked as always, tried to give to work cleaned - charged to full.
Maybe someone had a similar one?
Thank you all for the help!

Answer: Perhaps diagnostics:
PowerCfg.exe -Energy.

Battery: Last Full Charging (%)
During the last complete charge, the battery was charged less than 50% of the calculated capacity.
ASUSTEKX550A30 Battery Code
Calculation capacity 44250.
Last Full Charging 18345
Last Full Charging (%) 41

Is that talking about the failure of the battery?
There was no comments on the work in the work, it is surprising that when you fail to fail at 100% ...
In most cases, he watched a long and slow process.
The full report attached.

Question: Laptop is not charging

Good day. There was a problem with charging a laptop - if you connect the power, then 2 light bulbs almost immediately flash, either begins to light up and go to the charge light bulb (as if bad contacts and the connection is lost, it appears again) either not charged at all (just lit one light bulb responsible for the laptop). I tried to pull the battery and work on only meals from the network, worked about half an hour - then turned off. Included again, went into the game - turned off after 10 minutes. Also noticed if the light bulb and the power would flash, and then pull out the plug from the network, then the light bulbs continue to flash until the plug of the nest is reserved. Also, if you completely disable charging from the power supply and give to lie down in a non-working state for a while, then when connected, for some time it charges normally, but then it still ceases. It also happens that it charges fine, then the contact is lost (only one light is on), then again finds contact. Already somehow it was, I could not charge a laptop for several days, but then everything went by itself. Laptop itself - Acer Aspire E5-571G-52Q4. What can you advise? Thank you.
This time he was attributed to the same service center. According to the results of their diagnosis:
According to the manager, the cooler breakdown is associated with the incorrect operation of the power controller on the board, which is why the controller gives the voltage jumps and the cooler works "to wear", also want to replace the cooler and lubricate everything.

Tell me, please, as far as it makes sense to replace / repair this "controller", because only for it with me although it is 4,600 rubles, in addition to 2200 rubles for work and 800 rubles. For cooler.
It seems to me that the controller does not affect the controller here and sufficiently replacing the thermal paste, cleaning and replacing the cooler.

Would be very grateful for your opinion!

Answer: If the fan turns changed depending on the temperature, the controller and the fan worked, but the fan grinding speaks about its wear, it is necessary to change it, they have already been changing it, if you do not agree, look for another service.

Q: Laptop does not switch to battery powered

ASUS X550L laptop, 1.5 years old.
As it turned on without a connected BP, I made my affairs and turned off. After a couple of hours, I discovered that without BP does not work. The battery sees, it writes that 92% is charged, it is charged, but nothing happens. The BP is not even turning on. All the power goes with the power supply, the battery does not use it apparently. You can do something in "home conditions" yet SC.
Previously, there was still a problem when you take a laptop in your hands and he switched to sleep mode.

Answer: Everything itself as it has renewed, everything works, but I think it will not be superfluous in the SC. Lives the laptop or fixes to visit his life.