Creating documents in HTML. Creating a first web page and text paragraph through

Web page is a specially formatted document that may include text, graphics, hypersmoves, audition, animation, video sequence.

Several web pages united by the Topics and Design, as well as related links, and usually located on one web server form a website.

Web with Ait (from English website.: web. - "Web, Network" and site. - "place", literally "place, segment, part in the network") - a set of electronic documents (files) of a private person or organization in a computer network, united under one address (domain name or IP address).

All sites in the aggregate make upWorld Wide Web where communication (web) combines the segments of the global community information into a single whole - the database and the communication of the planetary scale. For direct client access to sites on servers, a protocol was specially developed.Http. .

The Web site by its structure resembles a magazine that contains information dedicated to any topic or problem. The magazine consists of printed pages and the Web site consists of computer web pages.

A program demonstrating a web page is called a web browser.

Creating Web sites is implemented using HTML hypertext document markup. HTML technology is that control characters (tags) are inserted into a regular text document and as a result we get a Web page. The browser when loading a Web page presents it on the screen as specified by tags.

HTML allows you to:

· Format text;

· Include images, multimedia in document;

· With this language, hypertext links to other Web pages are created.

HTML is used to create the information contents of the file and to determine the structure and format of Web pages. Since HTML files are conventional text files, such a file can be almost sent to any computer.

To create web pages, simple text editors are used, which do not include in the document generated by the managing text formatting symbols. As such an editor in Windows, you can use the standard Notepad application.

Usually the web page file has an extension.html or.htm.

In addition, there are many technologies in which the main actions to create sites are already automated, it remains only to make changes in accordance with its subject.

To view the HTML page, it is enough to simply enter its URL in the web browser address bar, and then follow the hyperlinks. But it is precisely this that is the main problem - how to find out the address of the page? Most often it happens that you know what to find, but it is not known where exactly how to search. Special search engines exist for solving this problem. From the user's point of view, the search engine is the usual site on the main page of which are broken through the headings ("Sport", "Business", "Computers", etc.) links to other sites. In addition, the search engine allows the user to enter multiple keywords and returns links to pages containing these keywords.

Web site

Website (eng. Website, from Web - Web and Site - "place") - In the computer network, the combination of documents of a private person or organization is united under one address. By default, it is understood that the site is located on the Internet. All Internet websites are combined with worldwide cobwebs. For direct access of clients to websites on servers, HTTP protocol has been specifically developed. Websites are different called the Internet representation of a person or organization. When they say "its own page on the Internet", then the whole website or personal page as part of a foreign site. In addition to web sites on the Internet, WAP sites are also available for mobile phones.

Initially, websites represented the aggregate of static documents. Currently, most of them are characterized by dynamism and interactivity. For such cases, experts use the term Web application - a ready-made software package to solve the task of the website. The web application is part of the website, but the web application without data site is only technically.

In most cases on the Internet, one website corresponds to one domain name. It is on domain names that the sites are identified in the global network. Other options are possible: one site on several domains or several sites under one domain. Usually several domains use large sites (web portals) to logically separate different types of services provided (,, Frequently, cases of separation of individual domains for different countries or languages. For example, and are logically a Google site in different languages, but technically these are different sites. A combination of several sites under one domain is characteristic of free hosting. To identify sites in the address after the host is specified, Tilda is worth the site and site name:

The bulk of the content presented on the Internet is web pages. This is a historically the very first type of documents intended for accommodation in the virtual network space, but still preserved the relevance and practically non-competing formats. What is the structure of web pages? With what means of web development are they created?

What is a Web page?

"List the basic elements of the Web page," the examiner tells us in the informatics lesson. What can we tell him in response? First of all, we tell about what the web page is in principle.

According to a definition encountered in an IT specialist environment, this is a document that is designed to open in a specialized program - browser, and which contains data to display on the computer screen using the appropriate type for various useful content - texts, links, graphics, video, music and music and etc. The Web page is a text document. The corresponding browser data is letters, numbers and special characters used as elements of the markup language - HTML. It was using it that the creator of the web page "explains" the browser, how to display one or another content on the screen.

Place and role of web pages in the site structure

Is it possible to say that the Web page is the main component of the website? Partly this is true. However, as we noted above, the web page is just a text document. The site, as a rule, also arranges pictures, video and other multimedia elements. A webpage to accommodate them in itself, but in its structure it can contain links to them. Thus, the web page can be called the main component of the site in the aspect of the dominant role in the display of virtual content in front of users.

In rare cases, of course, the document under consideration will be the only component of the site - if it is not provided for some reasons to display graphics, video and other multimedia elements. In particular, the very first sites - when the laborers of the Web pages only appeared, did not include the appropriate content. Before the user's eyes, there was only text and links.

Principle of use of hypertext

So, the Web page is called a document drawn up in HTML, with which the hypertext markup is carried out. But what is this phenomenon? What is hypertext? Without deepening strongly into the theory, we note that this is a text that in one or another way allows you to get quick access to another - by reference. In the usual book it is impossible - there is "simple text". To gain access to the desired page, the reader must make a few redistribution, before reading the content or footnotes. In the "hypertext" mode, the main part of the work makes a computer - due to the information reflected in the page HTML elements.

If the computer science teacher tells us: "List the basic elements of the Web page", then we can perfectly correctly begin the story of the components of the relevant document, which are created using the HTML markup language. Therefore, to begin with, consider some theoretical moments relating to HTML.

HTML Language Structure: Tags

How does the browser read the necessary data about the web page from the document drawn up in HTML? Very simple.

The main elements of this language are tags. In most cases, they are paired - there is open, and there is a closing. The first are denoted by only angular brackets. The second is similar, but a slash is placed before the second bracket - the symbol. The browser is able to recognize them, and therefore displays the contents of web pages without any problems in accordance with the algorithms created by the Developer of the document.

The opening tag is usually written by large letters closing - small. This is a standard established in an IT specialist environment. The browser will definitely recognize the HTML command by any letters, but web developers are also recommended to adhere to the marked tag writing scheme. This will make it easier, for example, the improvement of the web page by other specialists.


Other essential HTML language elements are attributes. With their help, the creator of the web page can set the properties of the content - for example, the height of the font, its color, position relative to the page. The same applies to pictures, videos and other multimedia components. Attributes are written within the opening tag.


Between the opening and closing tag is located the following key component of the web page - content. This, in fact, the same content that should be displayed before the user on the screen. This may be the text, link, picture, video or other multimedia element.

Web Pages

"So list the basic elements of the Web page, finally!" - Repeats the teacher. "With pleasure," - we answer to him. What is included in the structure of the type of documents under consideration? We agree that we will consider this aspect to exactly the context of the HTML elements of the web page. That is, their display in the browser is that the user sees on the screen - we will be wondering to a lesser extent. The fact is that the corresponding HTML algorithms, on the basis of which the program displays content equally, can be different. And in this feature of the HTML language: the desired image on the Web page can be displayed in different ways. At the same time, they can be both equivalent from the point of view of labor costs of the web page creator in ways and assume different amounts of effort and time for their implementation.

Web Pages: Header

Standard elements of the Web page, as it were surprisingly sounded, are presented in a very small quantity. In essence, there are only two of them - the title and the main part of the document. At the same time, each of them may have a rather complicated structure.

What is the specificity of the header? It is located at the top of the web page. In an HTML code that generates a header, as a rule, "Encryption" is assumed to be encrypted only, but if necessary, small graphic inserts can also be placed in the appropriate element. And this, in fact, everything that can be said about the title. It would seem that his role in the structure of the relevant document is insignificant. But it is not. Web pages headlines are very significant from the point of view of site indexing in search engines - Yandex, Google. This element should be completely relevant to the content of the web page, as well as the thematic specifics of the site.

How is the webpage header fixed using HTML? Very simple. First, the opening tag is written, which always looks like HEAD with corner brackets, then the title content, after - the closing tag. They are written, of course, at the top of the web document.

The web document header may include a number of additional elements. Sometimes the Web page format may require text display in a specific encoding. How to ensure the conformity of the web document this criterion? Very simple. In the structure of the document header, HTML algorithms must be placed, prescribing the browser to use a specific language encoding - for example, Cyrillic. The relevant commands are placed within the Meta tag, which, as well as others, it happens opening and closing.

Most part of the web page

The main part of the web document opens with the Body tag, closes using the appropriate element, including a slash. At the same time, there can be a huge number of additional hypertext markup languages \u200b\u200bfor opening and closing tags. This is due to the fact that its useful content is posted in the main part of the web page - texts, links, graphics, videos, various forms for filling.

Each of the respective types of content has its own tags. In the structure of the main part of the web document, an HTML commands may be present, with which the text formatting is also carried out - for example, making the font of a certain color, size and other properties.

Consider what the specificity of some frequently used HTML tags. Actually, they also form the basic elements of the web page.

Basic HTML tags

So, with the aim of a detailed study of what is elements of the Web page, we will study more of the essence of the basic HTML tags. Some of them were already led above - in particular those by which the browser reads the headers of the web pages and determines where the main part of the document is located.

P. Tag is sufficiently distributed. It, like other similar elements of the hypertext markup language, can be discovering and closing. This tag allows you to format a separate paragraph of the document. You can, for example, set a certain type of font for it or its color. However, this is done using an additional tag - font. At the same time, it will be located inside the one that denotes the limits of the paragraph - this will allow not to distribute the HTML command reflecting the type of preferred font, to other elements of the web page.

With TAGLE tag, tables are created. With the help of the attributes corresponding to it, you can determine the required number of columns and rows, set their width, the specifics of the boundaries, the size and color of the text font in the table.

Responsible for the processing of the browser of pictures. It can also place various attributes regulating the size of the picture, its position on the page.

References to other web documents or files are specified using the tag A. As a rule, the attributes that indicate the fact that in the web page structure is a hyperlink. This specifies the document, file or website to which it leads.

The tag is distributed as Frameset. With it, you can divide the web page space into several areas - frames. In each of them, you can on separate web documents. That is, frames allow you to correctly position on one screen at the same time two or more pages.

A story about key elements of web pages and a subsequent story about the means of formatting using the HTML language - about this will be the algorithm of our answer to the question we asked the examiner. If he appealed to us, saying "list the basic elements of the Web page", then we, using the appropriate methodology, will have all the chances of revealing the topic. That is, under the term "elements" we can understand the key components of the web document structure, or the content types - text, pictures, tables, frames, links that the webmaster generates with the help of such a tool as HTML language.

Specificity of web development tools

In addition to the said we can clarify that tags and attributes stipulated by HTML standards are a huge amount. In addition to HTML web developers can use additional hypertext document formatting tools. For example, using JavaScript, you can create dynamic Web pages - that is, those in which the content is constantly updated (both through the actions of the user itself and in accordance with the algorithms in advance in the scripts).

It will be useful to add that the web developer can use full-fledged programming languages, such as, for example, PERL, PHP, Java, Python, with which the possibilities of working with hypertext documents are becoming even wider. The need for this may be due to the fact that the applications of web technologies today are very different. The tasks that are facing modern developers can be quite complicated. For example, it is sometimes necessary to translate Web pages written in Russian into English. In this case, the developer's toolkit will be the most diverse.

What is a web page? This is a document written in a hypertext markup language ( HTML), Which can be viewed using a browser. Access to the web page is carried out by entering the URL.

The web page may contain text, graphics and hyperlinks to other pages and files.

How to open a webpage

To view a web page requires a browser ( for example, Internet Explorer, EDGE, Safari, Firefox or Chrome). In the browser, you can open a webpage by specifying the URL address bar. For example, introducing ""You will open the ESD COMPUTER HOPE page.

If you do not know the site URLs you want to visit, you can use the search engine to find a webpage or use the search site.

When was the first web page created?

The first web page was created in CERN Tim Berners-Lee August 6, 1991. Before you can visit and view the first site and the first webpage at

What is the difference between the site and a web page?

The site is a place containing more than one web page. For example, our resource is a site that includes thousands of various web pages, including the one you read now:

In the example above, the URL.HTM URL is a webpage, this is always the last part of the URL. For URLs that do not have the endings .htm, .html, .php, .cgi, .pl, or other file extension, the server loads the index.htm web page by default. For example, for the URL of the contact page, there is no web page. In this case, the default index file from the / CONTACT directory is loaded.

Sample web pages

We have already mentioned that browsers are used to view Web pages. The webpage consists of several elements, including CSS, images and JavaScript. The web page body is created using HTML. This code can be created using an HTML editor, written by a person or generated using server scripts. Usually a webpage created by a person ends with an extension .htm or .html. For example, this page has the file name " webpage.htm." Pages generated by a script may end with .cgi, .php, .pl, etc.

What elements does a web page contain?

Below is a breakdown of the main elements so that web designers can understand what is logical wEB Page Structure:

  1. Site title, logo or company name is almost always in the upper left corner of each web page. It is also nice to use a slogan or a brief description of the page to give new visitors an idea of \u200b\u200bthe site. This webpage element is usually a link that leads to the main page;
  2. The search bar allows visitors to quickly find a webpage. It must be present on each page;
  3. The navigation panel or menu is usually in the top or left part of each web page. It should include links to each of the main sections of the site;
  4. Advertising banners can be displayed in different places on the web page. Usually they are displayed in the upper, left, right or lower part of the web page or are included in the main content;
  5. Social buttons allow visitors to share links to a web page on social networking sites;
  6. In the created Web pages, bread crumbs help the visitor to understand where it is located, as well as go to other sections of the site;
  7. The title must be at the top of each web page. It is created using an HTML tag


  8. The initial paragraph is one of the most important elements of the web page. He must interest the visitor to get acquainted with the contents of the web page. One way to attract the attention of visitors is to insert the image next to the initial paragraph;
  9. Each web page should be divided into lower level headers that allow the visitor to easily view the content and find on the page what is most interesting for him. When creating a web page, this can be done using HTML tags.

  10. A good idea is to provide visitors a link or a button redirecting the feedback form so that they can inform if this web page has been useful or not;
  11. Additional information and tools, such as the printing button, can also be useful for users;
  12. The footer should include additional information that is important for the company or site. As well as links to other web pages;
  13. Copyright and any legal or confidential notification should also be posted on all web pages. In the basics of designing Web pages, this item not only can refer to the relevant legal information. He also indicates that visitors reached the end of the web page;
  14. Page Up Button can help visitors quickly return to the top of the web page to access the menu links.

What can users do on a web page?

On most webpage there are interesting hyperlinks for which you go to find additional information. You can also listen to music, watch videos, make purchases, communicate and much more.

HTML (HYPERTEXT Markup Language) is a special language for formatting text documents (it is also called the language markup language - the WWW document viewer). HTML is a fairly simple set of commands that describe the document structure. HTML allows you to select individual logic parts in the text (headers, paragraphs, lists, etc.), put a separately prepared photo or a picture on the Web page, to organize the links on the link to contact other documents on the page.

HTML does not specify specific and accurate document formatting attributes, such as Microsoft Word. The specific type of document finally determines only the program browser On your computer. The need for precisely this approach is associated with the heterogeneity of the hardware and software of computers connected to the Internet. HTML is also not a programming language, but Web pages may include built-in programs. scripts in JavaScript and Visual Basic Script languages \u200b\u200band programs applets in java language.

From the point of view of the Windows user, the Web page is just a * .htm or * .html file that is on the Internet server, on the local network or on your hard drive of your car.

Remember that HTML is not a programming language, it is intended only for marking documents. Those. In fact, creating an HTML page, you simply edit the text using tags about the same as in the usual text editor. Each tag has its own property, but they all conclude between the angular brackets "<" и ">", eg, , .

All tags in HTML are divided into two types - these are paired and unpaired. Pairies are considered to be those that the discovering tag requires the presence of a closing tag. Closed tags in HTML are marked and written so . Unpaired tags do not require a closing tag. An example of such tags is the transfer tag to the following line
. There are also mandatory tags that must be used on all pages, and optional, which are used by the wish.

HTML - HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE. Web page (HTML document) is a text file in the HTML * .htm or * .html format, located in World Wide Web (WWW). WWW - World Wide Web, Distributed Hypertext Document Access System, existing on the Internet. The Web page other than the text may contain hypertext links, with which you can move to other web pages and view them. Web page may contain inserts in the form of graphics, animation, video clips and music. To view Web pages, you can use, for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, or Opera (Viewer or Browser). HTML Language Allows: 1) Create and edit Web Pages, including your home Web page, which can then be placed on the Internet; 2) edit HTML documents received from the Internet so that all objects implemented in the document (pictures, animations, etc.) are functioning; 3) Create multimedia presentations, slideshows, demonstration projects, thanks to hypertext links and the ability to insert HTML drawings, charts, animations, video clips, musical and speech support, text special effects (for example, running string) into the HTML document. There are three main ways to create web pages (or HTML documents): 1) Using the Notepad text editor (NOTEPAD) built into Windows, and view the results using a browser. This easiest way is recommended for beginners. The technology of this method of creating a web page is as follows: in the notepad editor, a web page file is created, which is saved with the * .htm extension. Then this file is loaded and viewed by Internet Explorer. To call the Editor notepad in order to edit a Web page file while viewing it in Internet Explorer, a menu item View, source or in HTML is used. After saving a file and output from a notepad To view the edited page, you need to press the F5 key or the "Update" button in the Internet Explorer toolbar. 2) Using Special HTML Document Editors, such as Hot Metal Light, Hot Dog Professional, MS Front Page, HTMLPAD, etc. 3) Using the Word-97 editor, where the text of the document is created, which is then converted to an HTML format. Consider the basic concepts of the HTML language. 1. The element is an HTML language design, or a container containing data. Web page is a set of elements. 2. The tag is the starting and end markers of the element. Tags define the boundaries of the elements and separate the elements from each other. In the text of the Web page, tags are consisting in angular brackets, for example: . The final tag is always supplied with oblique feature:. 3. Hyperlink - text fragment, which is a pointer to another file or object. Hyperlinks allow you to move from one document to another. 4. Frame - the area of \u200b\u200bhypertext document with its scroll bars. 5. Applet is a program transmitted to the client's computer as a separate file and started when viewing a web page. 6. Script is a program included in the web page to expand its capabilities. 7. Download (download) - Copying a document from a Web server to a client computer. Upload - Copying a client computer document to a Web server - is used when creating your own web page (i.e., when published). Consider the general structure of the typical simplest HTML document: Comment Document's name Here is the text of the HTML document itself. View the simplest HTML document we will give an explanation to the specified HTML document tags. or - Comment to the document. It is ignored by a browser. The comment is not mandatory and may be absent. - Identifier of the entire HTML command block. - HTML document header identifier. - The viewing header identifier. <META> - This unpaid tag applies to specify detailed information about the document. <BODY> - HTML command identifier for viewing. Three main tags <HTML>, <HEAD> and <BODY> Transmit basic information to the browser to identify and organize the document. All specified tags are paired, that is, each of them ends with the end tag with a slash. All teams can be written both with a small letter and with a big one. <u>Consider text stream formatting tags:</u> <P>Identifier of the late paragraph. <BR> - Row Translation Identifier. <HR> - An image identifier of the horizontal line. These tags are single, i.e. Unpaired, they do not require tags with a slash. <PRE>Installation of equilated font. At the end you need a tag</PRE>. Consider pair tags formatting headlines and subtitles of the document: <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6>. At the same time, the headlines will be brought in large letters, and the size of the tag <H1> Will be the biggest, <H2> Less, U. <H3> Even less, etc. Consider paired text symbol formatting tags: <B> - Califle font identifier. <strong> - identifier of the selected font. <i> - Identifier cursing. <U> - underscore. <s> - Identifier identifier. <tt> - Identifier equided font (teletype or courier). <big> - Specifies an increased font size. <small> - Specifies the reduced font size. <CENTER> - Specifies the centering of the text. <sub> - Specifies the lower index. Example: X. <sub>1</sub>+ X. <sub>2</sub>\u003d X. <sub>3</sub> <sup> - Specifies the upper index. Example: Pythagora theorem A <sup>2</sup>+ B. <sup>2</sup>\u003d C. <sup>2 View example with text stream formatting tags. <u>Consider paragraph formatting tags:</u> <p align=left>Leveling text in paragraph to the left edge. <p align=right>Aligning text in paragraph on the right edge. <p align=center>Leveling text in a paragraph in the center. <p align=justify>Full leveling of both edges of the screen. Align - Alignment Attribute. <u>Consider the lists tags.</u> They are a way of visual display of structured information. Ordered lists serve to display successive operations or algorithms. Browser automatically generates numbers for each item in the list. <OL> - Identifier ordered list. In the end</OL>. Disordered lists serve to draw up lists when the order of the points is insignificant. Before each element will stand a special list icon (point). <UL> - identifier of an unordered list. In the end</UL>. Separate elements in ordered and disordered lists are marked with a single tag <LI>, and elements in definition lists <DL> TEGS <DT> For the term I. <DD> For the meaning of the term. <LI> - Identifier element in an ordered and disordered list. Finite tag</LI> May be omitted. Definition lists provide special formatting, as in dictionaries, for terms and related descriptions. <DL> - Definition list identifier. In the end</DL>. <DT> - Identifier of the term in the list of definitions. <DD> - The identifier of the values \u200b\u200bof the term in the list of definitions. Definition lists have the form: <DL> <DT> Term name 1. <DD> Definition of term 1. <DD> Another definition of the term 1 .....</DL> The use of lists tags is set out in Examples 4 and 5. Viewing an example with lists tags. <u>Some of the most important HTML tags</u> <BODY bgcolor="teal" text="aqua" link="red"> - Specifies the color of the text (text), the background color (BGColor) and the color of the hypertext link (LINK). Specify more alink \u003d "" and vlink \u003d "" source active and visited links. <BODY background="back.jpg"> - Specifies the background drawing (wallpaper) on the Web page in the file Back.jpg. <BODY background="/windows/tartan.bmp"> - The background drawing (wallpaper) is taken from the Tartan.bmp file, and the path of this file is specified. <font color="yellow" size=5> - Specifies the color of the text symbols (COLOR attribute) and their size (Size attribute). At the end you need a tag</font>. <hr color="lime"> - Specifies the color of the horizontal line. <hr color="red" size=3 width=220 align=center> - Size \u003d N attribute sets the line thickness in pixels; The width \u003d M attribute sets the length of the line in pixels; The Align \u003d Center (or Left, or Right) attribute sets the line offset (its location in the center, or the offset to the left, or to the right). <img src='/sozdanie-dokumentov-v-html-sozdanie-pervoi-veb-stranicy-i-abzac.html' loading=lazy loading=lazy> - Insert graphic image as a Lycos.gif file. There are animated GIF files. You can also use the graphic files of the * .jpg format (or * .jpeg), * .bmp.<script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class="dsperelink"> <div class="read-analog"> <style> </style> <style> #perelink-horizontal { vertical-align: top; margin: 0 -5px; text-align: left; } #perelink-horizontal .perelink-horizontal-item { vertical-align: top; display: inline-block; width: 192px; margin: 0 5px 10px; } #perelink-horizontal .perelink-horizontal-item a span { display: block; margin-top: 10px; } #perelink-horizontal img { width: 192px; height: 192px; margin-bottom: 10px; } </style> <div id="perelink-horizontal"> <div class="perelink-horizontal-item"> <a href=""> <img src="/uploads/7b9f98934aa10459fbea2486aad25259.jpg" height="192" width="192" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <span>Domain Name Reseller Business: Tips, Registrar's Choice</span> </a> </div> <div class="perelink-horizontal-item"> <a href=""> <img src="/uploads/759a1b1dcf278bda378b922286ca0a0a.jpg" height="192" width="192" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <span>Flirtic dating without registration Flirchi Ukrainian version</span> </a> </div> <div class="perelink-horizontal-item"> <a href=""> <img src="/uploads/53098a0c5505665e1010c9451e298d86.jpg" height="192" width="192" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <span>How to find a cloud storage in the cloud</span> </a> </div> <div class="perelink-horizontal-item"> <a href=""> <img src="/uploads/a5a7fd2cf0cfa2c948269fa826ec094b.jpg" height="192" width="192" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <span>What is meant under office equipment for the office and what it is needed</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </section> <aside class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3 sidebar-offcanvas" id="sidebar" role="navigation"> <div class="mainnavbar side-box clear"> <div id="nav_menu-2" class="side-box_b"> <div class="menu-sidenav-container"> <ul id="menu-sidenav" class="menu"> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">General</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">HDD</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">miscellanea</a> </li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Windows</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Apple</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Android</a> </li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Browsers</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="side-box lastfaq faqli clear"> <span class="title-f">Top 5:</span> <ul class="textw_a clear"> <li><a href="">What to do if a quiet sound in headphones is a guide to increasing the volume of sound How to make headphones even louder</a></li> <li><a href="">Creating a first web page and text paragraph through</a></li> <li><a href="">SQL streamline ascending</a></li> <li><a href="">Do I need to update the BIOS that gives the bios firmware</a></li> <li><a href="">Laptop battery: Reset controller, firmware and zeroing Lenovo laptop power controller</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="side-box lastfaq faqli clear"> <span class="title-f">Recent materials:</span> <ul> <li> <a href="" >On the image form, the information is classified as</a> </li> <li> <a href="" >Is it worth updating BIOS - 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