What enters the concept of the office equipment list. What is meant under office equipment for the office and what it is needed

Accounting for fixed assets "Equipment" - Accounting for fixed assets Equipment occurs as follows: The initial cost of the equipment consists of the purchase price minus discounts obtained when paying on time, and all costs for bringing equipment to the working condition: costs ... Large accounting dictionary

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The industrial development of Italy began at the end of the 19th century. The fascist policy and the global economic crisis contributed to the restructuring, but not expanding industry, and by the end of World War II, almost half of the working-age population was ... ... Encyclopedia Color

Italian Republic, state in Y. Europe. In dr. Rome Italy (Latin. Italia) The territory at which Italy lived (Latin. Itali, Russian. Also Italy, Italiki); The ethnonym united all the tribes of the Apennine P Oova, conquered by Rome in the V III centuries. BC Eh ... Geographic Encyclopedia

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Computer technique Complex concept describing the entire spectrum of computer systems produced, from a small handheld to a heavy duty supercomputer. Recently, the peripheral and office and office are often summarized by this concept ... ... Wikipedia


  • Office equipment
  • Office equipment, S. V. Kiselev, O. N. Nelipovich. The textbook proposes the use of a competence approach to the preparation of computer operators. The appointment and classification of office equipment, means for processing documents, ...

Text Work and Career "Office equipment is what is":

The word "office equipment" has long and firmly entered our daily use. But if you ask the first person's first thing, what it is and what devices can be called office equipment, not everyone can answer correctly. Office equipment (organizational machinery) is almost all technical equipment of a modern office. After all, the presence of this equipment significantly makes it easier and speeds up any office work and, of course, simplifies interaction in any processes and at different levels. What devices enter this capacious concept and what functions do they perform?

Execution of countable functions (calculation mechanization)

Perhaps, few people think about it, but one of the representatives of the office equipment is a calculator. The smallest in size and weight among other office mechanisms, but often "helps" with its presence on the desktop when conducting various calculations.

The calculator can be bolder to call the progenitor of the computer, which he, in fact, is only highly specialized. Nowadays, the variety of calculators is huge, although they slowly give way to other devices.

Work with documents

Computers, scanners, printers, photocpensing, faxes - all this equipment is necessary in order to be able to quickly perform small and large volumes of work.

Probably, it is already impossible to present the modern world without a computer. It is truly an indispensable device, because with it is created, a huge amount of information is changed and stored.

The following importance will probably be a printer. It is he who translates the necessary text or graphic information of the electronic form into a tangible paper document.

Copier (xerox, copier), with which you can create copies of documents, photos, drawings on paper and other materials is also not lagging in its importance.

Another resident of the world office equipment is a scanner whose task is to translate textual and graphics information on a flat carrier (most often paper) into a digital format.

Over the past few years, multifunctional devices (MFPs) are increasingly popular with devices that have additional printer functions, scanner, a copy module and / or fax device. Such equipment significantly wins in price and compactness compared to the cost and number of the place occupied by each of the devices included in the MFP separately.

Schroeder is used to destroy documents - a device, grinding paper in tiny pieces or very small stripes.


Office equipment includes communications: telephone, fax, telegraph, office PBX. In addition to these devices, as a means of communication, you can designate a PC, with the help of which the Internet has an electronic correspondence, as well as make calls.

Submitted: Nikitin Alla. 2017-09-18 14:39:35

Concept, classification and assessment of fixed assets

Computer technology includes analog and analog-to-digit-digit machines for automatic data processing, computing electronic, electromechanical and mechanical complexes and machines, devices designed to automate the storage, search and processing processes associated with solving various tasks.

The office equipment includes multiple-copy equipment, office PBXs, writing machines, calculators and other techniques.

5) vehicles to which include: vehicles intended for the movement of people and cargoes - rail and rolling stock; rolling stock of water transport, automotive, air, urban transport; Fundamental production facilities, as well as vehicles of other types.

At the same time, cars and trailers are automobile and tractor, railway tracks specialized and re-equipped, the main purpose of which is the implementation of production or household functions, and not transportation of goods and people (mobile power plants, mobile transformer installations, mobile workshops, laboratories, mobile diagnostic cars Installations, houses and so on) are considered mobile enterprises

appropriate appointment, not vehicles, and taken into account as building and equipment.

6) Inventory Production and Economic, to which:

Production inventory - technical objects that participate in the production process, but cannot be related to either equipment or facilities (containers for storing liquids, devices and containers for bulk, piece materials, not related to structures, devices and furniture, employees To facilitate production operations (tables, counters, racks, etc.);

Economic inventory - office and economic items that are not directly involved in the manufacturing process.

7) Cattle worker, productive and tribal (except for young and cattle for slaughter), to which include: horses, oxes, camels, donkeys, cows, sheep, stallions - manufacturers, bulls - manufacturers and other workers, productive and tribal cattle.

8) perennial areas that include all types of artificial perennial plantings, regardless of their age, vanishing and decorative plantings on the streets, squares, parks, gardens, squares, in the territory of enterprises, in the courtyards of residential buildings; Live hedges, struggling stripes, plantings designed to strengthen the sands and banks of rivers, etc.; Artificial planting of botanical gardens, research institutions and educational institutions for research purposes.

9) Other fixed assets.

Depending on the appointment in production - economic activities, fixed assets are divided into industrial and non-productive.

What belongs to the office equipment?

The main means of production include: machines, machine tools, devices, tools, and buildings of basic and auxiliary workshops, services intended for the production process, warehouse buildings, tanks, vehicles used to move and storing objects and products of labor. The main means of non-productive purposes are not directly involved in the production process, but they are used for the cultural needs of employees of the enterprise (fixed assets of housing and communal services, clinics, clubs, kindergartens, and so paragraph.).

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Office office equipment

Office office equipment - the basis of the foundation of the effective work of any institution. It is hard to imagine how the office works, in which there is no office equipment or it does not work. It must be said that even the simplest office equipment is a product of high technologies that can serve as a manufacturer's guaranteed period only when applying original components and materials. Those who are trying to save in this matter will eventually spend more on repair services, and in principle will leave the office without such important equipment.

Types of office equipment for office

The classification of all office equipment is carried out according to a functional basis. This classification was enshrined in the State Standard and includes such categories:

  • information carriers;
  • funds for the manufacture and preparation of documentation;
  • tools for operational printing and reprogrand;
  • means for processing documentation;
  • funds for searching, storing and transporting documents;
  • office furniture and other equipment;
  • other means of office office equipment.

In turn, each of these species is divided into subspecies. Particular attention is worth paying the office equipment from the category "Other Means", since without them the work of a modern institution is impossible.

Work and career. Helpful information

These include such elements:

  • scanners;
  • computer projectors;
  • demonstration screens;
  • computer accessories (these are digital cameras, multimedia equipment, recording devices and compact disk, covers, cables for connection, power supplies).

Office office equipment

Many users of office equipment are faced with the fact that choosing the corresponding models from different groups is not so easy. There are various difficulties, questions and answers.

To optimize the process of selecting technical equipment for the office, you need to take into account many factors that will affect this choice:

  • volume of paper-turnover;
  • characteristics of documents flows;
  • the amount of documents that is transmitted and is accepted by technical channels for communication;
  • methods for organizing the use of technical means;
  • features of equipment and operational equipment;
  • manufacturer Company;
  • the price of the selected technology;
  • the price of consumables, the required frequency of their replacement;
  • service for maintenance and more.

Do not forget that the office equipment for the office needs regular service on schedule. If the breakdown has not yet been able to avoid, then parts should be branded, meeting all relevant quality standards. If the organization is seriously suitable for issues of selection, repair and maintenance of equipment, it will be able to avoid unpleasant surprises, such as easy to work due to the fact that the printer is not only. Therefore, choosing an office equipment, think about who and how to carry out its service and repair, if such a need arises. Good Companies Manufacturers will also provide you with high-quality maintenance of technology, which will help prevent unwanted problems.

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What belongs to the office equipment?

Handling equipment list:

  • · Information operational information devices: Personal computers, laptops, electronic notebooks, tablets, calculators, microcalculators
  • · Means of compilation, copying and operational reproduction of documents: writing and stenographic machines, scanners, printers, xerographic devices
  • · Inheritant design technician: Drawing devices, stroke devices, plotters, graphic displays, various stencils
  • · Means of registration and processing of information: venerators, reading machinery, wallined, barcode readers, document destruction devices, etc.
  • · Dispatch communication and display means - telephone sets, intercoms, fax machines, mnemonic circuits, industrial television devices, search and call signaling devices, etc.

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office equipment

office equipment

Complex of technical means for mechanization of management and engineering work. The office equipment includes: means of drawing up, copying and operational reproduction of documents (eg, writing and stenographic machines, scanners, printers, xerographic devices), their storage and automatic search (various files, organizers, search engines, etc.); Devices for operational information processing (personal computers, laptops, electronic notebooks, microcalculators, etc.); Thrust design equipment (eg, inheritance, stroke devices, plotters, graphic displays, variety of stencils); means to register and process documents (number-reading machinery, wall-based, barcode readers, devices for the destruction of documents, etc.); Means of dispatching and display information (eg, telephone sets, intercoms, fax machines, mnemonic circuits, industrial television devices, search and call signaling devices), etc.

office equipment

Devices and adaptations of individual use that facilitating the work of workers employed in the field of management (managers, secretaries, referents, etc.), are commonly called a small office equipment. It includes stationery (feathers and ballpoint handles, pencils, markers, holes, staplers, folders, various stamps, adhesive pencils, scotch tapes, etc.), office furniture (tables, racks, cabinets, chairs, etc. ), Desktop lighting devices, fans, etc.

Source: Technique. Modern encyclopedia on gufo.me

Office equipment - Office technical equipment facilitating and accelerating paper office work and administrative and administrative activities. Office equipment has become an essential source of technical innovation and still undergoes rapid development.

Modern electronic office equipment is usually called office equipment (from organizational machinery) and is determined in accordance with the all-Russian classifier of fixed assets: 330.28.23 "Cars Office and equipment, except computers and peripheral equipment."

At present

Until 2017, computers and annual computers associated with computers were not included in the list of Ograte equipment. Since 2017, they are related to the group "Information, Computer and Telecommunication (ICT) equipment", which includes, for example, any phones and are not office equipment, but by means of communication.

The classifier contains an edited list of office equipment, which includes "Office and equipment machines, except computers and peripheral equipment." The very concept of the office equipment is no longer used in it.

Mechanization of calculations

The most primitive mechanism for automation of computing - abacus is known since the time of ancient Rome. Replaced his scans appeared in Europe during the Middle Ages. At about the same time, their modifications in China (SUANPAN), Japan (Soroban) became known.

Office equipment is an office equipment that applies to it

The needs of accounting in medieval offices have become one of the main reasons for the development and multiple improvement of mechanical computing machines. The top of the development of this line of office equipment was Hollerite tabulats, which began to be produced at the end of the XIX century and used in particular to automate the census of the population conducted in the United States.

Print documents

Print document office workers help.

Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering

1) A combination of technical and mathematical means, methods and techniques used for mechanization and automation of computing and processing processes. The basis of the technical means of modern computing equipment is electronic computing machines (computer, computers), input, output, output, and data scanners (scanners, printers, modems, monitors, plotters, keyboards, storage devices on magnetic tapes and discs, etc.) , laptops, microcalculators, electronic notebooks, etc. Mathematical means include a variety of programs (including operating systems, computer maintenance programs), instructions, protocols, etc.

The first primitive devices (abacus, Chinese accounts, etc.) for the mechanization of calculations of land areas, trade calculations, etc. appeared for hundreds to n. e. Computing devices, such as, for example, the scale of the Nefe, the logarithmic line, adding machine V. Shikkard, counting B. Pascal, were already known at 17 c. For replacing them in 18-19 centuries. The planimeters of J. Herman and J. Amslera, V. T. Oder, etc. In 1833, the English scientist C. Bebgage developed a project of the "Analytical Machine" project - a giant arithmometer with software control, arithmetic and storage devices; However, it was not possible to implement his project. arr. Due to the insufficient technical base. Development of computing equipment in con. 19 - Nach. 20 V. associated mainly with the creation analog computing machines (AVM). Only in 1944, the first (TSM) with the Mark-I software control on electromagnetic was built in the United States.

A decisive event in the development of computing equipment was the creation in 1946 in the United States electronic computing machine (EUM) - Eniac. The first domestic computer - MESM was built in 1950 under the leadership of Academician S. A. Lebedev, and three years later there was a BESM - the predecessor of a series of domestic digital computers: "Minsk", "Ural", "Dnipro", "", " "And others with the development of vacuum, and then semiconductor electronics and microelectronics changed the element base of the computer and other technical means of computing equipment, new logic diagrams of devices were developed. Simultaneously created new, increasingly complex programs, improved programming languages \u200b\u200band methods for managing the computing process. For some 40 years of existence, the performance of electronic computing machines has increased from several thousand to tens of billions of operations in 1 second.

The new, truly revolutionary stage in the development of computing equipment was marked by the creation of the 1970s. Personal computers. With the advent of personal computers working in the mode of friendly dialogue with the user, the computational has become available to a wide range of users - from schoolchildren to specialists in the field of mathematics and programming, from the cashier in the store to the space system designer, from a laboratory manner to a nuclear scientist. To con. 2000. Computational equipment from the tool for mathematical calculations has become a universal information processing tool that has perfect software that can solve the most difficult tasks in almost all spheres of human activity - economics, energy, industry, scientific research, etc.

2) Branch of technology engaged in the development, manufacturing and operation of computing machines, devices and devices.

Encyclopedia "Technique". - M.: Rosman. 2006 .

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    computer Engineering - Computer Engineering; branch. Accounting technique; Counting decisive technique; Counting computing technology A combination of funds (machines, devices, devices, nomograms, etc.) designed to speed up and automate the processes associated with ... ... Polytechnic Terminology Dictionary

    1) A combination of technical and mathematical means (computing machines, devices, devices, programs, etc.) used for mechanization and automation of computing and processing processes. It is used in solving scientific and ing ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    computer Engineering - - [L.G.Sumenko. English Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: GP Tsnis, 2003.] Themes Information Technologies generally en Computer Technology ... Technical translator directory

    1) A combination of technical and mathematical means (computing machines, devices, devices, programs, etc.) used for mechanization and automation of computing and processing processes. It is used when solving scientific and ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    computer Engineering - Skaičiavimo Technika Statusas T Sritis Radiolektronika Atitikmenys: Angl. Computing Technique Vok. Recheternhnik, F Rus. Computer equipment, F PRANC. TECHNIQUE DE CALCUL, F ... Radiolektronikos Terminų žodynas.

    The combination of technical and mathematical means, methods and techniques used to facilitate and accelerate the solution of labor-intensive tasks related to information processing, in particular numeric, partial or full automation ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    1) TECHNICAL TECHNICAL. and Mat. means used for mechanization and automation of computing and information processing processes. The basis of technical. V. t. Compute computers and devices (computer, AVM, microcalculators, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

    A combination of tehn. and Mat. Funds (calculate. Machines, devices, devices, programs, etc.) used for mechanization and automation of computing and information processing processes. Used in solving scientific. and Ing. Tasks associated with ... ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    - ... Wikipedia

    Computer Engineering - A combination of technical and mathematical means used to mechanize and automate mathematical calculations and information processing. The simplest means is divided (logarithmic rules, arithmeters, etc.), keyboard core ... Dictionary of Military Terms


  • Computer Engineering. Tutorial for students of secondary vocational education institutions, Kelim Yuri Mikhailovich. The information about electronic computing technique is set out: classification, characteristics, principle of digital computing machines (computers); Types of information and ways of representation ...

For most modern office equipment offices, one and main attributes, which provides productive staff work, helps communicate with colleagues, customers and partners. The totality of technical means that unites this concept contributes to the effective business, the implementation of the entire variety of managerial, engineering and other office processes. Modern office equipment (computers, printers, scanners, faxes, etc.) is characterized by high functionality and allows you to carry out a number of actions: search and process information, share it, create documents, multiply them, be used as a means of communication, etc.

Technical progress does not stand still, so the office equipment is constantly being improved, it is still upgraded to fulfill its functions faster and better. At the same time, the reliability of office devices, which can work smoothly for a long time are growing. However, if the device has failed, and work with the office equipment has become difficult, you need to ask for help to professionals as early as possible.

The ARN Group provides all types of services for the repair, prevention and service of office equipment of various purposes. Extensive experience with office equipment and high qualifications of specialists of the company make it possible to successfully cope with the problem of any complexity, returning health devices in the shortest possible time.

Types and appointment of office equipment

Modern technical means for office work is very diverse. There are devices that perform some one task (copiers, scanners, faxes), as well as multifunctional options connecting a number of options (for example, computers, MFPs). Below we will talk about the main types of office technical devices: their destination and features of working with office equipment.


Despite the fact that printers have become in our lives for quite a long time and in the process of evolution has undergone significant changes, their appointment remains the same - to print electronic documents on paper or other carrier. By the method of printing, printers are matrix, laser, jet, etc., and in the number of printing colors - color and monochrome. Most modern offices use laser or inkjet monochrome electronic printers, working with which requires periodic replacement of cartridges.

For information on the repair of printers in the company "ARN Group", read in the software section.


MFP (multifunctional devices) is gaining increasingly popular, occupying leading positions among other types of office equipment. And it is not surprising, because they combine the functions of the main technical means used at any workplace: printer, scanner, copier and fax. The successful principle of multitasking allows the MFP to compete with individual devices both in the field of pricing policy and in terms of ergonomics. After all, to purchase a multifunctional device is cheaper than a number of office machines, and it takes much less space.

We repair any models of printers and MFP

We carry out maintenance of models of laser MFPs. We carry out urgent and exit repair of office equipment.

For information on the repair of a certain MFP brand, read in the relevant sections on the site:

One of the applications of the All-Russian Classifier of fixed assets is accounting in institutions. According to the ECF, the accountant must define the asset code and reflect it at the appropriate account. In OK 013-94, the term "office equipment" was contained. What applies to it, it was decrypted in a grouping with codes 14 301 0000 - 14,301 0440. How things are after the entry into force of the new classifier, consider further.

Office equipment and computing technique: why confusion arises

In the classifier OK 013-94, the concepts of computing and office equipment are separate. They are both included in the "Machinery and Equipment" section, but for each of them its subsection is intended.

However, when mentioning all the equipment of the organization, which does not relate to machines, machines, mechanisms, etc. And intended for use in the process of administrative management or in the process of engineering labor, it is customary to consume the term "office equipment".

This concept includes computers, printers, scanners, phone numbers, calculators, shredders, copying equipment, fax machines, projectors and other instruments of office work.

Equipment for drawing works, plotters, laminators, holes, mechanical sharpeners for pencils, stamps, brochure and other, calling it "small office equipment" are added to the list.

The mixing of two concepts occurs due to the fact that the auxiliary equipment for computing equipment, such as a scanner, barcode reader, printer, display, electronic graphics board, drawing machine, etc., according to the rules of the classifier OK 013-94, is taken into account together With a computer as a single classification object. And in fact, each of them can be used independently, without connecting to computing.

This situation has developed due to the obsolescence of the specified classifier.

But an accountant when making a decision, which refers to office equipment in accounting, is obliged to be guided by regulatory documents. Therefore, until 2017, the office equipment should be attributed:

  • multiple equipment (not connected to a computer),
  • copy equipment (not connected to a computer),
  • automated telephone stations that ensure the work of offices,
  • printed machines
  • calculators,
  • phones (wired and cellular),
  • equipment for conferences (microphones, projectors, screens, etc.),
  • shredders,
  • counters and banknote detectors,
  • device pneumatic, etc. Autonomous office equipment.

According to the same standards, the office equipment cannot be attributed:

  • printers and MFP connected to a computer,
  • tablets
  • communicators,
  • smartphones, etc.

Such a division is determined by information from the subsection "Means of Mechanization and Automation of Management and Engineering Labor", allowing to determine what refers to the office equipment. A list of what is necessary to consider computing equipment is given in the subsection "Electronics and computational technique". Both of these types of equipment according to the classifier OK 013-94 belong to the information equipment.

Office equipment and new eye

Outdated classifier OK 013-94 Since 2017 has been replaced by OK 013-2014.

Its norms are also present subsection, including informational equipment. But the term "office equipment" is excluded from it, and computers and peripheral devices are highlighted in a separate subsection.

However, the list of what was previously related to the office equipment remained. It was added to the "Other Machines and Equipment, including Economic Inventory, and other Objects" under the category of "Other Machines" under the code 330.28.23.

Therefore, since 2017, the answer to questions about what is an office equipment and what applies to it is mainly determined by the list in the classifier of fixed assets marked with this code.