What gives the renewal of bios? Do I need to update the BIOS that the bios firmware will give.

Update the operating system and software is necessary, but the drivers can no longer touch the drivers, although the gamers are certainly better to install all updates for their video cards. But what about BIOS? Do you need to update it or not?

BIOS updates do not increase the speed of the computer, do not make it functional, and sometimes cause problems. Therefore, the BIOS is worth updating if the new version contains vital improvements.

What is BIOS?

BIOS is decrypted as "Basic Input / Output System" - the basic I / O system. When the computer is turned on, it is the BIOS that comes into business and conducts self-test (POST), and then transmits the control of the loader that runs the operating system. BIOS - Software of the lowest level. It quietly performs its work without attracting the attention of the user. Modern computers instead of BIOS use UEFI, but the essence does not change from this - the UEFI plays a similar role.

Unlike the operating system, which is stored on the hard disk, the BIOS is recorded on the motherboard chip.

Update BIOS.

Manufacturers often produce BIOS updates for their computers, and for PCs your own update assembly should be signed on the website supplier of the motherboard. The BIOS update can be recorded on the chip, replacing them the previous version of the BIOS.

Each computer (motherboard) has a strictly defined version of the BIOS, so you can install only those updates that are released for this particular model.

Why not update the BIOS

BIOS updates are not at all the same as software updates adding new features, corrections and improvements. BIOS updates are usually accompanied by a very short list of changes: fixed incorrect operation of any rare components or added support for the new processor model.

If the computer works fine, the BIOS is better not to touch. There will be no particular difference between the new and old version, and sometimes even on the contrary, the update can lead to problems if the old version at one time has passed more thorough testing than the new one.

In addition, update the BIOS is more complicated than normal software. Most often this is done via DOS, because the update from Windows is often caused by malfunctions. Yes, th, through the same DOS: as a rule, you need to create a downloadable USB drive with DOS and upload a computer from it. But in general, the BIOS update instructions for each manufacturer their own.

Only updates should be installed, designed specifically for this motherboard model. If you take a BIOS for another model - or even for another audit of the same motherboard - problems may arise. The BIOS update tool usually tries to check whether the selected version is suitable for specific equipment, but if the update process starts without checking, it is possible that the computer will stop loading after that.

The same will happen if the computer will turn off when upgrading. Ideally, on the motherboard, there must be a backup copy of the BIOS recorded on the chip only for reading, but there is such a models in all models.

When to update BIOS

If we consider that the BIOS update usually does not lead to any tangible improvements, sometimes it causes errors and can turn it out, it is better not to update without the need for BIOS. Nevertheless, there are situations in which the update can help.

Errors. If you encounter errors that are fixed in the new version of the BIOS (you can find out in the log log on the manufacturer's website), it is worth updating the BIOS. It does not even be excluded that the manufacturer will advise it to do this if you contact your support service.

Support for new equipment. Some manufacturers are periodically added to BIOS support for new processors and other components. If you are going to install a new processor, which at the time of the release of the motherboard has not yet existed, you will need a BIOS update.

But in any case, before updating the BIOS, you will definitely check the list of changes and make sure they are really relevant for you.

We remind you that all BIOS flashing operations are a rather serious thing that can cause very unpleasant consequences, up to the complete inoperability of the motherboard. It is advisable to perform it in the moments when the network voltage is most stable and the turning off the electricity is the least likely, for if this happens at the moment of flashing, the motherboard becomes inoperable. In addition, the nature of BIOS microcircuits (EEPROM) itself is such that every operation of its overwriting is a rather serious risk, since the likelihood of error occurs is large.

Let's start with the fact that the BIOS needs to be reset. For this you can (when the computer is turned off and necessarily disconnected from the power supply!)
a) Extract the battery for ~ 5-10 minutes.
b) reset the BIOS with jumper
c) In the BIOS settings, select Load Defaults BIOS.
Choose the most convenient way for you.

In addition, in the installations of another BIOS, it is necessary to prohibit the caching of the BIOS and video vessels into RAM (read the manual to the motherboard). In many recent versions of mothers, this feature is prohibited by default.

1. BIOS Firmware with Floppovod. (The easiest, but not the safest way. How to make it less risky reading below in paragraph 2).

Find a clean fresh floppy disk. (Or not very clean, but still reliable. It is better to make 2 copies). Insert into the flopovod when working in WINDOVS XP. Open " Start my computer" Right-click Click on the icon "Disc 3.5 (a)" and choose in the drop-down menu "Format…". A window will appear "Creating a boot disk". In it you need to put a daw in the string " Creating a loading disk MS-DOS"And click the" To begin" If everything is fine, after a while, formatting will end and you need to press the button " Close».

To the same floppy disk, you need to rewrite 2 files:
1) flashing program awdflash.exe. And the actual BIOS file itself (and the other downloads from the manufacturer of the manufacturer of the motherboard, for example www.ecsusa.com.).

Complete the work of Windows with a reboot of the machine. We enter the BIOS settings (click DEL), reset the installation CMOS. on the Default. (or Safe Default Settings). Go to the section (usually this is the first) and check if the default flopovod was disconnected (part of the mothers this is exactly what it comes) if it is disconnected, it must be enabled, after which in another section we put the load order so that the first is the first to be interviewed by Flopovod. Does not interfere with checking whether the BIOS caching is preserved, as well as prohibit the operation of the antivirus.

We save everything and restart, without removing a flop-plate floper. The system will file him and write:
(Something like: DOS is downloaded such a version ..) and
A: \\\u003e _
A) We recruit:
A: \\\u003e Dir_ (Three letters dir.) And Zhmem. ENTER.
A list of files on a diskette will appear. Among them you can see a pair of files: for example, awdflash.exe. and the file with bios, for example w7025NMS.150.
We write on the paper name files with extensions, otherwise it will be difficult to remember.
B) We recruit the command:
A: \\\u003e AWDFLASH /?
and Zhmem. ENTER. A list of keys and their functions for the program will appear. awdflash.. We will need several of them. After studying keys, you can proceed to flashing. In principle, these stages (a and b) can be skipped and immediately proceed to flashing.
C) We recruit the team:
A: \\\u003e awdflash newbios.bin oldbios.bin / PY / SY / CC / CP / CD / E
And Zhmem. ENTER.
(a team is recruited from the existing A: \\\u003e _. It should be administered all accurate, observing the gaps where the slopes of "sticks" are indicated, as indicated. The name of the new BIOS file ( newbios.bin.) It will be yours (I do not know how specifically), do not forget to put its exact expansion. The old BIOS file will be saved on a diskette called oldbios.bin.). The program (according to the specified keys) besides the main tasks, also reset the CMOS, cleanse the ESCD region, clears the DMI area and will not automatically restart the system at the end of the work, but simply goes to DOS (you can check that there is a new one appeared on a diskette, or in the case failure to repeat the operation).
The flashing program will be launched, no action will not need from you. Just patience. You will see how to save the old bios on the floppy disk, then the BIOS will be rewritten (the lines from the squares showing the process of the over-checking) and finally will stop. When everything subsides, you can reboot the car, making sure that there is a copy of the old bios now in the title oldbios.bin.. (Refracting BIOS from the Floppovod takes 1-2 minutes, depending on the quality of the floppy disk and the floper.)
Immediately after the reboot, you can climb into the BIOS and set the settings you need.
I would not advise to sew from DOS.a directly from the flopovoda is too unreliable they are capricious (imagine what happens if the diskette reflash refuses to read on half of the file?).

2. The second method of flashing bios. From the virtual electronic disk. .
Less dangerous, but more time-consuming. In addition, there will be a boot floppy disk from Windows 98 or IU. The boot diskette can be created on the computer where Windows is installed 98 or me, or using a REANImator Series CD for PC maintenance. Either just.

A virtual disk in DOS is created automatically when the computer is started from the Windows98 boot floppy disk. After starting the computer, a diskette with BIOS files and a firmware program is inserted instead of the boot diskette, the command is recruited:
A: \\\u003e Dir
and accurate names of the firmware and bios itself will be displayed.
You need to copy a couple of files to the virtual disk (in turn):
A: \\\u003e Copy awdflash.exe C:
A: \\\u003e Copy NF3916.BIN C:
(You need to put the name of your file and the letter of your virtual disk. If on HDD. There are no sections S. FAT32.- It will be the letter FROM:if such sections are - the letter will be D:)
the system will sink Flopovod every time and answer:
1 File (S) Copied
A: \\\u003e _

And this is the whole charm! If the diskette is poor quality or fails in the work of the floppopovod, it does not threaten. You can remove the floppy and insert the new time as you like until it works. A similar failure in direct recording BIOS is threatened with serious problems.
Go to the section of the virtual disk and set the command:
A: \\\u003e C: _
C: \\\u003e AWDFLASH NF3916.BIN OLDBIOS.BIN / PY / SY / CC / CP / CD / E

A programmer window will appear and everything will do itself. (Specifically: Save the old version of the BIOS, it will die new, zero CMOS and returns to DOS). Automatic reboot will not follow:
C: \\\u003e _
Rewrite the old version of the BIOS on a floppy disk:
C: \\\u003e Copy Oldbios.bin A:
The system will file floppopovod and answer that 1 File (S) Copied.
After that, you can restart the system ( Ctrl + Alt + Del) and enter the settings CMOS BIOS. To adjust.

The letter of the virtual disk system will tell you the name after starting from the boot floppy disk Windows98. or Me.. All HDD.formatted by NTFS, or HDD. there absolutely not, it will be a disk FROM:, iniquitate the letter D.. (If there are no partitions on the hard disk FAT32., after loading the system will write that it does not find partitions on the hard disk and starts to advise you to check it on viruses, etc. heresy. This is all passed by ears.)

3. If the computer does not have a drive for a diskette of 3.5 "(Flops). BIOS update using a CD.
You have to use a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
Pre-create a bootable CD (best - based on CD-RW.- With unsuccessful burning, it is easy to correct the error). There are many ways to create a bootable CD, but we will arrange the creation option in the program Nero Burning. As a boot file, specify the path to file of the boot floppy diskette Windows98 or me. (File itself image ).
After specifying the program Nero. Ways to the image of the boot floppy disk, do not mark anything and click the button New. In the window that appears, add the necessary firmware files of the BIOS and the firmware program and write (burn) a blank.
When you start a computer from the specified compact, everything happens as when it starts from the boot floppy disk (only faster).

In the download menu appearing on the screen, you need to select the option corresponding to the interface of your drive. For optical drives with IDE PATA interface, select the line "with support for CD-ROM IDE PATA, if the drive with the SATA interface, then you will need other drivers and you need to select a string with support for SATA drives.
For firmware, we repeat all the actions of clause 2.

Possible failures of the BIOS update process
If after flashing the motherboard does not start, alas, we are not lucky. Either the inappropriate version of the BIOS was stitched, or an error occurred during the flashing process (the BIOS chip malfunction is not excluded). If the computer, when starting, still gives any signs of life, sort of:
Copyright C 1998, Award Software, Inc.
BIOS ROM Checksum Error
Detecting Floppy Drive A Media ...
Detending HDD ...

(Most often it is the last thing that the user sees on its screen. Even more often he does not see anything at all, because there is no initialization of the video card)
this means that in the process of updating the BIOS, an error occurred, but some miracle is preserved its part, the so-called booth block (or by the fault of the "bat" of the memory cell of the EEPROM BIOS chip, or as a result of the firmware of the unsuitable version, or for another reason) and the system tries to find another version of the firmware file on a diskette or HDD.
Some motherboards are able to restore the BIOS if a suitable firmware file will be detected on a diskette or hard disk (a file with the original name, of course). If there are signs that you appeal to a floppberry or a hard disk, you can try to start the computer "one-time" computer, after inserting a floppy disk with a flash file with a firmware file, waiting enough time (judging by the activity of the floper) and restarting the system at the end of the system.
Part Gigabyte motherboards have a feature Dual Bios. And they are able to automatically restore the performance without the participation of the user, but on the part of the boards of this company this function is only extended, and it does not really work. If the computer after the update and reboot is silent at all, it is still worse. It is recommended to use the jumper (jumper) of CMOS zero (read the manual to the motherboard), after which you try to start the system again.
In the end, if nothing helps, it remains only a way to correct the firmware using the programmer (in the value of the value).

Why not update the BIOS directly from Windows?
Great probability of error and subsequent (after reboot) full Disability of the system. In the case of ASUS motherboards (on NForce chipsets), it is highly recommended before updating the BIOS (from Windows) check the version of the chipset drivers nForce.that should be 6.66 or higher. An indication of this (as well as new versions of drivers) is available on ASUS sites.

If you wander through the hardware forums, you can come together for entire multi-page branches on flashing motherboards and updating Bios on them. Moreover, in one posts, it prophes to increase the speed and stability of the computer or laptop. In others, frightening instability. Third - they say that nothing has changed, and the fourths run with the dead fee and panicly post "what to do?" Everywhere wherever neither pop. Let's deal with you together and make clarity in this matter and let's talk about the renewal of the bios - what is it like this and whether it should be taken at all.

Not so long ago, I already told and why he needs a computer. If you read it carefully, you know that this is a specialized program working with equipment on a "low" level. And since this is a program, it can be outdated and, accordingly, have new versions in which bugs found in an earlier release are corrected. As an example, you can bring the Windows 10 operating system, which should come out the other day on replacing existing Windows 8.1. With BIOS all just. Almost the same. The chip is that if you fail to install Windows, you can always start from the beginning, but if you fail to update the BIOS - the second chance may not be anymore and you will get in the literal "brick". Therefore, go to the next question.

Do I need to update the BIOS?

Experienced system administrators have a holy rule - if it works - do not touch. Therefore, in the case when your computer or laptop works without any problems - do not worry, you do not need it. Computer speed will not add (well, with the exception of very rare cases associated with the support of certain technologies). Functionality is also not added. I will even say more - a new version can bring with you new problems (although in recent years I have not come across such personally).

You ask - "And then why and why need to update the BIOS motherboard?!" Most often, this procedure is resorted due to problems with compatibility of components or their unstable work. On some models, Matmpota flashing adds support for new models of processors. In my practice, I am confronted with the fact that the update has to be done due to critical errors that occur when the motherboard is in a pair with a specific video card or hard disk model. Summarizing all of the above - BIOS update The procedure is necessary and important, but only in the event of the need for it in the Issue of "iron" problems in the computer or laptop.

Where and how can I download the BIOS firmware file?

Each equipment manufacturer - be it a motherboard or laptop, has your own official website. On this site there is a special section "Support" or "Download", in which, inserting a board model, you can always find documentation, software and firmware.

And the firmware from one model of the board does not suit the other - each has its own version!

How is the update procedure?!

Not so long ago, about 8-10 years ago, this process was more complicated. It was necessary to ship a computer with a special floppy disk, after which it is to write commands to DOS and pray that the BIOS did not get crookedly. Now everything is much easier. Each manufacturer of motherboards - Gigabyte, Asus, MSI, ASRock, etc. - Releases its specialized programs for updating. The link to it can be found there on the manufacturer's website, where the bios file itself. Here is an example of such an application from Asus:

It is enough just to start the utility and raise it by the downloaded file. Some programs may download it themselves from the Internet. The only thing is to follow the power during the update. The rest is nothing complicated. The main competent approach and confidence in their actions.

Even a few years after the purchase, personal computers should function normally with the latest equipment. But since the manufacturers of motherboards can not look into the future to find out how the processors will develop, they often provide BIOS updates that will be charged to the actual state.

Thus, in some cases you can install the newest processor, which at the time of the release of the motherboard did not even know, your system identifies it and everything will work as oil. How does this function?

BIOS with battery

BIOS is decrypted as "Basic Input Output System", which means "Basic I / O System", it is it that is the "program heart" of a personal computer.

Long before you see the Windows logo on the screen, the BIOS starts as the first program itself when the PC is turned on. She knows which "iron" is set, initializes it and transmits all the important basic information to start the operating system.

By itself, the BIOS is in a special memory block on the PC motherboard - in flash storage, the contents of which is saved even when the power is turned off. Do not disappear with user settings. This allows a special battery.

Full BIOS update program

Next, we answer the most important questions about BIOS and possible updates: who really need to update the BIOS? How to find out what motherboard and what version of BIOS is on it now? If the update is still needed, how to make an update? And what do you do if something goes wrong?

Tuning BIOS: not only for gamers

The BIOS update is required not to each PC. If your system works stably, you do not need to produce any updates. Only the one who plans big changes in the hardware filling of his personal computer, or wants to squeeze out of the system as much productivity as possible, for example, for 3D games, often without it can not do.

BIOS SETUP: In the menu, these features are presented frequently

Depending on the design and technologies used, motherboards support only a limited number of processor models. By updating the BIOS, you can significantly expand this list, and even by those models that appeared after quite a long time after the production of "motherboard".

Requirements: Physical execution, architecture and electronics processor must be compatible with the chipset and the motherboard socket. The problem may arise with very old models: than they are older, the less likelihood that there are fresh BIOS versions for working with new hardware.

Gamers and users who need greater performance, using the BIOS update can squeeze some more power out of their system. Optimized BIOS functions, for example, to overclock the processor, are often expanding and improved only after a while.

In particular, new processors will more accurately be recognized only after the update and, accordingly, will work on correct clock frequencies. The new BIOS may also appear useful functions that will expand the spectrum of configurations of your system.

CPU-Z: free assistant when updating

Before upgrading, you need to make some preparatory work: In addition to the exact name of the motherboard and its revision, you should be found a version of the current version of the BIOS. This will help you with a free utility, which is called CPU-Z.

CPU-Z: Useful information to get easy

For each motherboard, the manufacturer must release its version of the BIOS. Therefore, to make a decision on the need for update and downloading a new version from the manufacturer's website, you first need to find out the version of this component of your system.

If there is no package and descriptions at hand, you can find the necessary information using a free program called CPU-Z. In the Mainboard tab, this utility lists all data on the manufacturer, the name of the model and the chipset, and also shows the version of the current version of the BIOS.

Compare this information with the specifications in the database on the manufacturer's website. If the version number coincides with the one that has been specified by CPU-Z, then your system is in the most relevant state. Refracting, therefore, not needed.

If you will find a more recent version on the manufacturer's website, we recommend first to get acquainted with the description of innovations. If you decide that there are new, interesting functions for you or support new processors, you can download the file.

As a rule, the package must contain an executable file (* .exe). It will be required for flashing BIOS. Check for yourself the name of this EXE file (for example, amiflash.exe, awdflash.exe, etc.), as well as the BIOS data file, which has ending. Bin or.ROM.

DOS is preferable: Ways when updating

Switching paths may differ from each other depending on the manufacturer. For example, the ABIT motherboard manufacturer offers a FlashMenu utility. It makes it possible to update the BIOS directly under the Windows operating system.

DOS: The most secure Wednesday to update BIOS

Only with such programs you will be able to update the BIOS from under Windows. The safest flash option is bootable floppy disks, CDs or USB flash drives used in DOS mode.

The boot floppy disks can be quite simple to create directly in the "Explorer". To do this, right-click on the "media", in the drop-down menu, select "Format". Do not forget to check the box opposite the MS-DOS boot disk item. Boot CDs are capable of creating almost all known utilities to work with compact discs, including, for example, CDBURNERXP.

To create a boot CD using the CDBURNERXP utility, you will have to have some preparatory work. First download yourself a test version of Ultraiso and install it. Then go to the CDBurnerXP website and download the boot image from there. Open it in Ultraiso.

Now you will see the contents of the boot image. Simple drag and drop your BIOS files there and save the image. Now run CdBurnerXP and select "Disc with Data". There in the top menu click directly on the "disk" and select the "Boot Options ..." string. This function can be activated by putting a tick opposite the "Make Disk Boot" item.

CdBurnerXP: Free and Universal

Now you will only add a boot image. In addition, in the window to select a type of emulation, you need to set a "flexible disk by 2.88 MB", the rest does not need to touch. Record the CD and restart the computer, while leaving the drive in the drive. You may have to change the boot order in the BIOS, so that the system first tries to load the operating system from the CD or DVD.

Now your PC must earn in DOS mode and show the command line of the following type: " A: \\\u003e" With the help of the " dIR / W.»You can view the contents of a floppy disk or CD. Directly from there you can and reflash the BIOS.

An example of AMI-BIOS: In this case, the command will look like " amiflash.exe bios.bin.", And the BIOS in the file name with the BIOS data you need to replace your. You will then see the window in which the BIOS update progress will be displayed. During the update, in no case are not turned off the computer, otherwise the connection will be interrupted and the system will be damaged irreparable.

As soon as the update process is completed, the system restart the computer. Remove the bootable media and run Windows. With the help of the CPU-Z utility, you can check whether the BIOS version has been updated.

Last rescue: The system is not loaded

If things went bad and after updating the BIOS, your system is no longer loaded, it does not mean at all that the computer is broken in irreparation.

Motherboard: A similar model will help in an emergency

If the warranty period of your PC has not yet ended, and for flashing BIOS you used the official utilities from the manufacturer, then you can use your right to warranty repair by presenting the appropriate requirement to the seller or manufacturer.

Modified BIOS files from third-party suppliers, which promise an increase in productivity or greater potential for overclocking, can deprive you of the right to warranty service.

But as an alternative option, there are many companies that specialize in salvation of motherboards with failed BIOS.

In some cases, everything can be corrected if you make a special boot "disk" on a computer functioning. It should be written to the flashing utility and files with BIOS data.

Types and ways to carry out such a "rescue operation" depend on the manufacturer of the BIOS:

Phoenix / Award.

In the Bios Phoenix / Award on a diskette with data you must additionally record a file called "Autoexec.bat". To create it, you can use the Windows editor. The file must contain a string :

awdflash.exe biosdatei / py / sn

Replace the word Biosdatei on the file name, laying it along with the end (for example.bin or.rom) with a functioning BIOS. Additional / PY and / SN must ensure that BIOS is rebuilt without additional intervention from the user.

Ami Bios.

If your motherboard uses AMI-BIOS, it is enough to save the file with the BIOS on the floppy disk and rename it to "amiboot.rom". Insert the floppy disk and while starting the system, press the CTRL and HOME key combination.

It should be noted that such a solution will work only in 10-20% of cases, since with a defective BIOS disc often does not function.

Last rescue for professionals

Do you know someone who enjoys exactly the same motherboard? Run the functioning computer in DOS mode and prepare a floppy disk with all the files you need.

Now comes the most dangerous part of the process: while the computer still works, remove the chip where the BIOS is stored, and then insert its "broken" in its place. Here you need to be extremely careful, since everything is done on a computer running. Now run the firmware process of an incorrectly recorded BIOS chip from the floppy disk.

After that turn off the system. Change the chips from the BIOS back. If everything worked as it should, your computer will start with a freshly recorded BIOS. To flash failed chips soldered to the board, it is easier to use a special programmer.

The BIOS update itself and the described methods for eliminating faults, of course, should be taken exclusively at their own peril and risk. Chip is not responsible for possible software or hardware breakdowns.

Photo: Manufacturers companies

Tags bios.

Let's figure out how and why update the BIOS on a laptop, a video card or motherboard installed in the home computer.

Suppose you purchased a friend's video card at the famous or used map on AliExpress from the unreold owner. And according to unknown reasons for you, this video payment has a very low performance in favorite three-dimensional games (see Benchmark), or with a short work of 3D applications, suddenly throws onto the desktop, and in general it shows the blue screen of death (BSOD error).

Also, artifacts can also appear on the monitor screen in such a video card. But what to do in this situation? Well, first, you can find out the model that fell to you in the hands of the video card, but for this you have to disassemble it. First, remove the radiator, clean the GPU chip from the thermal paste and see the basic information about the video adapter and the microcircuit of memory.

Then "Punch" received data on the Internet (Okay, Google), and forcibly flashing Vidyuhu with the correct bios file. Then, if there are no artifacts covering the entire screen, you are checked with the GPU-Z program.

But if you select the wrong BIOS file, then the video card will start "sausage" at all for childish, they will certainly appear artifacts and close partially or fully the screen, which is why vidyuhu will be difficult to reflash back. Therefore, it is better not to "sew" obviously good-friendly video accelerator or you can get such artifacts.

But you should not worry because of this, because you can easily restore the video card. We will need built into the GPU motherboard or the second video card, as well as the free second PCI-E slot, or a special PCI-EX4 on the X16 adapter (rizer), it can be profitable to Aliexpress.

The main thing is to flash the right firmware original utility for the firmware, for NVIDIA video cards is NVFlash, and for AMD - atiflash. If everything is done as it should, then everything will start normally and will work. But if the problem is in the gland itself - the video card burned down, then only the wizards from the SC will help.

About BIOS motherboard or laptop

Everything is simple, if a new bios update has been published for your model of motherboard or laptop, you can still update. When updating, it will earn otherwise (usually better) ,. Is it worth doing this? In fact, I think it is not worth it. Since it is likely to fail the equipment that is styled, but if you can still try to restore the video card, then everything is more complicated with the motherboard.

Although, if there is a drive with drivers supplied with the motherboard or laptop, then you can try to insert it into a DVD drive and hope that it starts automatically and everything will work as before. But most often, you will have to carry a motherboard into a service center and pay for its recovery. The wizard will restore the BIOS on it using the programmer.

To find out what motherboard model is assembled your personal computer or laptop, you can download the Speccy program, or. Or you can remove the system block cover and take a look at the PC filling with your own eyes.

Attention! Incorrect firmware or updating components PC can completely output the device, and will have to look for help from Masters from SC.

Now I will bring links to popular company manufacturers of system boards for a personal computer. Here you can see more information about the model of your motherboard, download drivers and utilities, as well as the BIOS file for it, you will need to enter the exact name of the system board in the site search engine.