How to make title for the page. HTML Title tag - Effectively use page title

We released a new book "Content Marketing on Social Networks: How to sit in the head of subscribers and fall in love with their brand."

Title tag is a header tag, its contents are displayed in the browser header.

More video on our channel - Learn Internet Marketing with Semantica

To understand why Title needs, you need to determine which functions it performs. The main task is to inform the search engines about the content of the page.

Where is Title

Search Title Tag It is necessary in the code at the beginning of the page, inside the tag .

Tag Tag Requirements

The positions of your site in the extradition largely depend on whether the search engines "understand" is about what he is intended for. It is about this that Title says and that is why he is so important. Solving what to write to Title, keep in mind that there are a number of requirements for the formulation of this tag, without complying with which you never "make friends" with search engines.

  • The most frequent question is what the Title length should be. The size of the visible part of the title ranges from 55 to 80 characters with spaces. The remaining part will not be visible in extradition, but the search engine will be taken into account. Yandex usually shows 70-80 characters, and takes into account the first 15 words tag. Google shows 55-70 signs and takes into account 12 words.
  • The meaning of title must be understood at first sight. Seeing it, the user or search engine should instantly understand what the text is about. It is better if the wording of the tag will be "chaining" character.
  • In Title, you can enable multiple key queries. At the beginning it is recommended to put the most frequency of the group. The wording of the proposal in the tag should look natural from a grammatical and stylistic point of view. That is, not to be a simple enumeration of keys or sticking words (if only to enter). "Curves", unreadable designs from the keys is not allowed.
  • This tag should not duplicate the text header that you enter into the H1 tag. If you want to be in the title and in Title one request, change the wording, the literal coincidence is unacceptable.
  • Do not insert keyword enumerations in Title through the comma. The search engine can identify your site as the risen, and you will spend a lot of forces, withdrawing it from under sanctions.
  • For each document of your site, you need your own unique title page. The same tags for different pages are very bad affect the promotion of the site.
  • Title tag should be unique. Copy other people's tags can not if you do not want the search engines to be punished for plagiarism.

Title writing rules will help you to quickly learn to fill this tag.

Title tag for different sections and pages

First of all, the title tag is formulated for the main page. It includes the main, as a rule, highly competitive request. Since it will be it to be shown in search engines as a snippet, it is necessary to make it formulation as attractive as attractive as possible so that the user wanted to learn more about what it is worth it. In fact, such title works like an advertising slogan.

The remaining titles on the site depend on the content of the pages. In order not to suffer, deciding what should be Title, for the same type of pages you can come up with a template. Usually it includes the name of the page or section of the catalog and the words attracting the words - reviews, photos, cost, discount. This technique can be used, registering title for goods cards, partitions of the online store, images in the gallery. In the Title cards begin with the name of the goods or words like "buy", in the sections - from his name, in the gallery from the words "Images", "Photo", "examples of work".

Proper writing of all tags is extremely important for website promotion. Your investments in promotion will not work until the main tags are not corrected and not fixed, among which Title is the main one.

How to make a tightener correctly.

In this article, I will write in detail the basic principles of the preparation and optimization of Title. Here I will answer some repetitive questions, I will show examples from the video and not only.

In general, in this article - everything you need to know how to create Title, description for the site.

What is Title?

Title tag is an HTML element that indicates search engines and visitors the most compressed and understandable way, which is exactly what is in a specific page. Thaletl is displayed in: browser, social networks and search results. Must be unique for each page.

What does it look like?

In browser

In search issuance

Why is it important?

  • Because a significant number of optimizers do not know how to make metadata.
  • Metadata are included in the mandatory list of actions on which it is impossible to fake, otherwise all further action turn into an empty spending time.
  • Because it may be shame in front of other optimizers to whom dissatisfied customers will go.
  • At the simple update of Title, you can significantly increase traffic:

General principles

Fundamental truths that consist of only 9 points

  1. A lot of Title headers are crooked and wrong.
  2. To properly draw up Title tag, you need to conduct a preliminary analysis.
  3. You need to be able to carefully make a semantic core.
  4. You need to be able to analyze the kernel.
  5. You need to be able to distinguish human from robotic.
  6. You need to distribute semantics between pages.
  7. You need to have a clear mind.
  8. Need to read books.
  9. You need to spend time.

Do not forget that Title is just a part of the markup of the page, there is also text with headlines. Do not try to add absolutely all requests to it.

Remember that too short titles can not always be justified. While often you can meet this situation:

Google, unlike the younger brother, shows only the first part of the title. There are cases when Google does not show Title, and then the title of the page is shown in extradition, as well as the brand name.

By the way, experiment with Title helped us.

How to incorrect title

Drawing up titles without collecting semantic kernel

In any extradition, you can find examples of trust sites that are incorrectly written by Tytles.

Title: Climatic technology store Climate - climate machinery and air conditioning in Moscow and Moscow region

This site is enough to register the right tightener and optimize the page to instantly grow in extradition.

But the owners tried, paid money for the creation, filling and even the functionality of the automatic output of the work schedule after 18-00 was brought.

The main error of such sites - the titles are prescribed without the preparation of the semantic kernel and the structure of the site.

This is a very common site error that did not appeal to, and tried on our own to carry out the rapid optimization of the page.


  • On commercial key requests

The use of adjectives in the Title tag is unreasonable. I do not recommend such words as best, profitable, most, huge.

  • According to information key requests

The use of adjectives increases CTR. Important! The content of the content must comply with the adjective.

Stop Words in Title

Do not use in the title of deposits, particles and prepositions. They are not taken into account by search engines.

The most popular stop words: and, or, oh, k, I, not, before, etc.

Exception: Frameological turnover "to be or not to be"

It is necessary with caution with the name of the brand at the beginning of the title. In rare cases, this option is allowed if the company is very well known offline. But in competitive themes, the leaders rarely use such a method.

This is a rough mistake and complete chaos in a man's head, which is a similar page description.

The transfer of cities when writing Title tag in most cases is an unjustified measure. If the goods are sold across the country, it will be simply impossible to cover them in the title.

In which cases, the use of the city (toponym) is justified:

  • If the company works in one region.
  • If the company works in several regions or has a representative office or other competitive advantage in these cities.
  • If the contents of the page is sharpened to the city (ads, etc.).


Do not use the top register when forming Title. Allocate content and mind.

Templates for title

Using templates is justified for typical pages. But often experts in order to save time make up templates for all pages. In this case, a semantic core is ignored and a personal approach to optimization.

Buy in online store

Complex errors in one title

Bed linen Buy at an affordable price in the Brand online store with delivery in Yekaterinburg, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Ufa, Kurgan, Surgut, Salekhard

Such a tightener will miss many sienes. And do not even think to change it. It is good only one thing - using a key query at the beginning of the phrase. Everything else is wrong.

Collect preliminary data

Most of the metadata compilation errors are associated with the use of incorrect preliminary data on the structure and the semantic kernel. Simply put: no understanding which requests are moving to a specific page.

The sequence of actions is very simple:

  • We compile the structure of the site.
  • We divide groups of requests for specific pages.
  • We make a semantic kernel.

No titles without structure

After the video, I received a few questions about Title, in which the same error appeared. We will analyze one of them:

In the app Next Semantics for Page:

Here, in fact, the answer is:

Accordingly, Tolel was originally the following:

Assessment of the cost of an apartment for mortgage, bank, court.

While you need to create a separate page Evaluation of the apartment for the court and TOLLL will be like this:

Evaluation of the apartment for the court. Independent assessment of the cost of an apartment, repair for the court.

Rule number 1: Title can be made correct only with a competently formed site structure.


On the site such a structure may look like this:

After the structure, we prepare the semantic kernel. To use the right words in Title, you must immediately take into account the refined frequency of a specific query.

You need to know exactly what phrase it is more correct to write in Title - promotion of a site or promotion of sites, repair of an apartment or repair of apartments?

After all, very often optimizers do not check this parameter before making metadata:

After working with the semantic core, we obtain the data with which you can work when drawing up a title:

How to make title

Tools for analysis

After preparatory work, you can proceed to the preparation of Title for site pages.

To make sure everything is done correctly use the following tools:

  1. We look at the search results and metadata of competitors.
  2. We look at the semantic kernel and the refined frequency.

When analyzing competitors, we exclude very trust sites. The metadata of these sites should not pay too much attention.

In Title competitors, you can find new ideas or requests that for some reason were missed in the semantic core. Very often you can find non-obvious words, synonyms, etc.

In addition, the correct headlines increase the chance of pages in.

Title length

The optimal Title length varies from 55 to 90 characters.

In the issuance of Yandex, the number of characters in Title up to 68, in the issuance of Google to 59 characters.

The main rules are as follows:

  • The main keyword stands at the beginning of Title.
  • All words with the greatest refined frequency need to be placed in the first 55 characters.
  • All other words can be placed segment from 55 to 90 characters.

I never use a very short title and do not duplicate it with the titles of type H1. An exception can be a blog entry, service pages, news.

Regional requests

If business is aimed at the local market, Title use the name of the city (toponym).

The main rule for regional sites: Toponym should be at the very beginning of title.

Buy air conditioning. Sale of air conditioning in Moscow

Do not write the name of the country in Title (in Russia, in Ukraine). In rare cases when you have a large catalog with regions for the root category so you can do. In all other cases - no.

Buy air conditioning in Moscow. Prices, sale, installation of air conditioners in Moscow.


Here the rule is very simple and universal:

You can use the characters that are in Title from your competitors.

At the moment, there is a dot, comma, long dash, short dash, colon, such a stick |.

In order of priority, I use the following characters: comma, point, dash, colon.

Rare Symbols in Title

Here you need to experiment, and whether CTR increases after it is in it.

Test what the site with symbols in Title will look like in the Snippet generator.

Brand in title

The brand name must be used in the title. In most cases, it should be used at the end of the tag.

  1. Buy coffee maker in Moscow in the online store Coffee makerkin (the best option).
  2. Buy coffee maker in Moscow - Coffee shop online store.
  3. Coffee shop: Buy coffee maker in Moscow (not recommended).

Number of keywords

Technique: Common sense

Title: The largest online store of children's toys can not be called correct. But for a number of other factors: Content on the site, Perelinkovka, Links to Domain This site is located in the top 3 issuance on request "toys".

In this situation, Title the main one can not touch. Although it is impossible to be called perfect.

Title for product cards

Card of goods in Internet stores is an example of typical pages for which the compilation of titles must be automated.

The template usually consists of:

  • names of goods
  • words to buy
  • region
  • online store names


Fitness Tracker Xiaomi Mi Band 2 buy in Odessa - Citrus

An example of creating a new title

On the example of the request "Corrective underwear of Milavitsa"

That's what Tistlas are now in extradition

More or less correct Title in 3 and 4 places in extradition.

We make semantics, watch hints:

We refine the frequency of requests:

Automate the process I offer using a kecikelector.

As a result, we get the following Title options:

  1. Corrective Lingerie Milavitsa - Catalog, Buy Milavian Lucky Lingerie in Online Store
  2. Buy Corrective Lingerie Milavitsa: Catalog, Milavian Lingerie Whitening Lingerie in Online Store

Learn more about.

Old Title: Free programs for designing houses, review, download program for planning at home

New Title: Free House Design Programs: Browse, download a program for creating a 3D project and house planning - site name

It is very important not to forget that the article itself should also be finalized.

Interesting Case on the finalization of metadata is presented in the article:

The study of semantics and the addition of the year in Title influenced the growth of traffic more than 4 times.


When drawing up title, it is necessary first of all to distribute requests by pages, make a semantic kernel and unload the refined frequency of requests.

General conclusions are as follows:

  • The correct title \u003d above CTR in search results than that of competitors;
  • First, only the most frequency word or phrase;
  • In the first 55 characters, use the most frequency words;
  • Never make title in the separation from the semantic kernel;
  • Always properly distribute pages depending on key queries;
  • Use separators;
  • Explore title competitors;
  • Use only frequency keywords;
  • Do not forget about the text;
  • Make so that Title looked well and read;
  • Do not make a list of keywords;
  • Do not carry from the standards and do not carry at all.

By the way, we used this principle with where the site grew up to 3 million search traffic per month.

You can also watch a webinar in which I speak more detail about some moments:

Well, remember: Good Title does not solve all optimization issues, but is one of the most important markup attributes. Any optimizer should be able to correctly compose a title Title, combining the benefit for search engines and readability for site visitors.

Need to improve TITLE for the site? Team consultation Livepage.

Google and see: Title tag on page is the second most important (after the content) factor that gives a great influence on the relevance of the site.

I decided to summarize my own and other people's knowledge on the topic "Web Resource Page Title" and arrange it in this article. In this article, let's talk about the unlaigned and correct page title, how to make a SEO Title page, the value of Title tag in different search engines, its length and entering the keyword header. I hope the training character of the material will dismiss in the subject of beginners and novice webmasters.

Title title and tag title

Let's start with azov. Any webpage must be considered from two points of view.

FirstlyThe web page is an HTML document written in all HTML markup rules. It is like an HTML document, the web page "see" search engine robots. You can always look at the page of any site by using the page code viewing tool in the browser or professionally use text browsers.

SecondlyYou as a user see a web page in a visually understandable form. Such a view creates your browser, translating the HTML markup of the page in conveniently readable, decorated text with the possible addition of pictures, video and links.

You ask, why did I start so afar? The fact is that the title of the page, which we see in the browser does not always coincide with what the title document search bots.

Search bots consider the text heading, which is surrounded in the HTML version of the page in pair tags Title.

You, as a user, will see the text in Title tags, it is often called a title, in the top field of your browser window.

Tag title

Since search engine bots "see" the title of the page in Title tags, then to optimize the correct page title, this is, first of all, a properly decorated text in the pair tag Title.

Taitle syntax:

Web document header

It is his (text in Title) we see in search results, it is he who is the most important factor in compliance with this page, made by the search query on algorithms of all search engines.

At the end of this section, I note that Title gets almost to the beginning of the web page head block, and does not enter the page of the page - Body Block. This remark will be needed just below.

Proper page title

We are talking about the correct page title from the point of view of optimization, and do not yet talk about the literary writing of the header. So, the pragmatic parameters of the Taitla: the entry of keywords, its length, the occurrence of stop words, the use of punctuation marks. Go.

Keys in title

Apply to the "law" and in 12 paragraph 200 of Google factors (link above), read:

Title tag starting with a key phrase (words) gives a greater effect in promotion, rather than when it is located in another part of the Tistle.

As you can see, Google, the presence of a key phrase in Title is not only not questioned, but it is highly recommended to place the page key at the very beginning of Title.

Let's see what Yandex says about this.

The title of the page is the text defined by the tag . With it, the webmaster makes it possible to understand the search engine, which is contained on the page ... This is in some way, the business card of your resource. Well, if the title not only contains keywords, but also informative and relevant.</p> </blockquote><p>As you can see, the position of Yandex on the inclusion of a key in the title of the page is similar, but there is no recommendations for its placement at the beginning of the title.</p><p>However, it is important that the key phrase in the header in the "regulatory" length of the title, which has each search engine.</p><p><b>Firstly</b>, the header length of the page can be any. You can insert into the header at least a whole paragraph. Search engines will simply dry up the title and use its beginning, putting the Troytheater after cutting.</p><p>This means that the recommended header length is important for entering this length of the page key. And reasonably, due to changing the rules of search engines, the key phrase is closer to the beginning of Title, so that after the next change the rules did not have to rewrite all the titles.</p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><ul><li>Header length for Yandex promotion no more than 15 words or 80 characters;</li><li>Google takes into account the first 12 words title or 70 characters.</li> </ul><p>In practice, I did not find any Yandex, nor Google did not cut the headers longer than 55 characters. Moreover, Yandex cuts a long title to 35-39 characters very often.</p><p>On your sites, I do not think about the length of the header. On Wordpress sites, the Title length is following SEO plugin, and on Joomla I just write the key to the beginning, and I do a reasonable header in the sense.</p><h3>Stop words</h3><p>Russian language is rich in binding words that search engines are considered superfluous. These include service part of speech, pronouns, words that do not carry additional meaning. They are automatically excluded from the user's request.</p><p>My opinion about the stop words is. It is inappropriate if Title consists of some stop words. For example, "I wanted, that is, it is not there" (the verb "there is" a stop word) or "if I don't have before I can not eat." If the title is written meaningfully and expresses an accurate thought, then 2-3 stop words will not interfere with him. For example, "how to choose a boat for fishing." The word "as" for Google, at the beginning of the title can be removed. For Yandex not necessarily.</p><h3><span>Title, Literature and Intelligent Search</span></h3><p>The latest tendencies of intellectual search added to stop the words whole constructions of phrases that need (preferably) avoid. Namely avoid in the title:</p><p>It is important to note that the "recent trends" listed are rather related to the literary writing of the title, and not its optimization. Although SEO has such a concept as readability and its value is increasingly increasing.</p><h3><span>Punctuation signs in title</span></h3><p>The punctuation marks include symbols: () - \u003d / \\! ? | + _. :;. The question is whether it is possible to use them in the correct header of the page?</p><p>Let's think. The correct title of the page is the title that is clear to the search bot. Bot "reads" text in symbols and tags. If he sees the tag <p>He "reads" this is a new paragraph. If he sees the symbols of the point (.), An exclamation mark (!) Or a question mark (?), Bot breaks the phrase on the so-called passengers - independent semantic parts.</p> <p>Immediately I say, in this article you will not find a stupid set of stupid tips, the type of title size or the numerical value of the keys density. All this is a rare game, spread over the network, like a virus ... The basis of the correct writing of Meta Title is precisely understanding the basics. But these basics understand not all, just read the article and see everything yourself!</p> <p>The article was released large, but it is worth it, believe it.</p> <p><b>What element of the OPO optimization of the page is of the greatest value?!</b>I think that you can easily answer this question correctly - of course the title pages!</p> <p><b>OK, I agree, but how to optimize it correctly?</b></p> <p><i>Well, you need to write the main keyword for the page at the very beginning of the title? - You will tell you and you will be completely right.</i></p> <p><b>And also?</b></p> <blockquote class="type-2"><p><i>Well ... you need to write the title of the page shorter 70-80-90 characters, so?!</i></p> <p><i>Need to do this tag readable and for people?!</i></p> <p><i>Need to observe a certain density and nausea?!</i></p> <p><i>Thaletl should be unique?!</i></p> </blockquote> <p>In fact, there begins a serious porridge and confusion in the heads of site owners and optimizers, starting from the very first item. Yes, Karl, already starting from the very first item, <b>after all, it is also necessary to place the main key correctly at the very beginning of Taitle.</b></p> <p><i>This is a capital truth, but I will tell you a secret - most can not correctly place the main key in the right form at the very beginning of the Taitle and this is not paranoia, but statistics ...</i></p> <p>So, let's try to develop a set of rules to prepare a truly effective Tytla, because This element of optimization is in fact most important, but only in the case of its proper formation.</p> <p>Let's start from the very beginning, namely the use of the main key at the very beginning of Taitle.</p> <h2>Main key</h2> <p>Do you think everything is definitely and easy? - But no ...</p> <p><b>What is the main key?</b></p> <p>Many will say that this is the frequency key of the cluster for this page (what clustering wrote)! Sometimes yes, but it is relevant only for just created the landing page and it is not always.</p> <p><b>What am I talking about at all?</b></p> <p>Yes, everything is simple, imagine that we have an old and authoritative page of the site, which already has many search traffic. Take the query cluster for this page and try the current positions.</p> <p>Suppose we will succeed in the following picture:</p> <p>Is it possible to count the main request for this cluster the most frequency query, that is, "Request 1"? In principle, it is possible, but much more effective will make the main request, which has not the highest frequency, but a much higher position, because it is much easier and more efficient to move the request from the 18th place in Top 3 than to move the request from nowhere.</p> <p>On this understanding, many methods of moving on traffic are based when we work exclusively with the so-called <b>active semantic</b>That is, by that semantics that is not just there is somewhere in our dreams, and already works and brings transitions.</p> <h2><span>Competitive request</span></h2> <p>So, now we have decided that the main request for the page is not always the most frequency request. Another factor here can be a competitive analysis, especially for young sites! It makes no sense to optimize the young site under the most competitive requests and put them in the first place in the title, it simply does not make sense! After all, it will not be anything intelligent anyway and the request will not even come to the top without applying gray and black techniques in one of the following articles in one of the following articles on these techniques).</p> <p><b><i>That is, there is no point in spending the most valuable place of text optimization, namely the first place of the Toletla for a request that will not be released anyway.</i> </b></p> <p>It is very important to soberly assess the chances of the success of one or another request. I agree, it comes with experience, you can already be sure to be sure to be sure that if you have a young site you should not take the most fat queries in the subject.</p> <blockquote><p><i>If you want a more understandable analogy, then imagine that you go hiking and with you you can take only the most necessary. The place is strictly limited. And now you decide to take something like a television console, such as PlayStation. Yes, it would be cool to play toys on a privala with friends, but the chance that the TV will be made catastrophically small during the campaign, and there is no longer enough space in the backpack as a sleeping bag</i></p> </blockquote> <p>The analogy is ideal for young sites, which the main query for the cluster choose the main RF, spending the most valuable place on it in Title.</p> <p>Thus, the main request for the page is a query obtained by weighted analysis of frequency, competitiveness and current positions on all cluster requests.</p> <p>Well, with the term, the main request we figured out, but are you sure that you know exactly the correct form of the request.</p> <h2><span>Correct form of request</span></h2> <p>The order of words in the request is sometimes crucial. But many have accustomed to believe the exact frequency of the Wordstat, considering it the main frequency, but that's just they do not take into account that the standard directive of the Wordstat (actually kei collector, through which everyone used to break through the frequency) does not take into account the desired word order. For this directive, anyway. It is by default pulls out the data on optimal word form.</p> <p>I lead to the fact that the semantics collected by you for a page or even for the entire site is far from the fact that it contains the correct form of the request and you often will not even notice that, because there will be no wrong order of words to write texts and buy links <b>but for the Tistla, everything is strict</b>! The main key must be exactly the right form and it is at the beginning of Taitle.</p> <p>Let's figure out a couple of interesting examples, you will like it:</p> <p>There is a request - " <b>soft Bear Toy »</b></p> <p>What is his correct form?</p> <p>Let's be in Vordstat each of the options for obtaining accurate frequency:</p> <p>Well, here's the real frequency of requests, taking into account the order of words:</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>How do you like metamorphosis?!</p> <p>But that's not all</p> <p>Did you know that depending on the order of words, the commercialism of the request may change and even his introvent?!</p> <p>Take the same example:</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Complex the right form, as you see, the highest.</p> <p>It turns out that placing at the very beginning of the title would seem the main request in the wrong order of words we could get much lower traffic than expected (because it would take into the top request in the appropriate order of words), Duck also less commercial request.</p> <p>By the way, in the order of the request, there are certain and sometimes very interesting rules, the knowledge of which opens the space for interesting manipulations, in particular for online stores. For example, did you know where you need to put the word "buy", before the request or after? So, there is a rule that the request with "buy" in the beginning has a greater commerciality:</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>That is, the conversion from such traffic is always higher, it may be especially interesting for the directorologists. And in general, on the border of the CEO and Direct, miracles begin to work, but about it in one of the following articles.</p> <p>It is extremely easy to determine the correct form - it is enough to drive in the Wordstat of the request in quotes:</p> <p>OK, now we have dealt with how to choose the main request for the page and how to determine its correct shape and why it is necessary.</p> <h2><span>How to make title</span></h2> <ol><li>Commercial words (buy, price, etc.) We repeat no more than once</li> <li>Ordinary words repeat no more than two times</li> <li>The main key in the correct form strictly at the beginning of the Taitle</li> <li>Strictly no symbols drunk passengers (point, exclamation and question marks, point with comma)</li> <li>You can use commas, but if possible without them, it is better so</li> <li>Length is not limited to any symbols</li> <li>Optional - shorter 12 words (important only for Google)</li> <li>Do not forget that the more words in the title, the less weight of each of the words, so it is not necessary to write poems here</li> <li>Uniqueness of the Toletla within the site</li> <li>The uniqueness of the Toletla within the Jandex index base. We trust the company name trite</li> </ol><h2>Piercing duck</h2> <p>Well, now you will shoot a couple of ducks with whom I fight from time immemorial:</p> <ol><li><b>Length restriction</b></li> </ol><p>Length of the Taitla 60-70-80-90 Cimvolov - Brad, nonsense and once again nonsense! There is only one recommendation and that is not more than the recommendation - the Length of the Taitle shorter 12 words. Everything! Do not believe - see the titles of site sites.</p> <ol><li><b> Writing Tytles exclusively for people</b></li> </ol><p>Readability reader for visitors Well, what should I say? In principle, yes, the Tolel at least should be keen, but here it always arises a choice between CEO optimization and readability, where both will end up with the effect on the position. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the search, in particular Yandex, can sometimes move the title at its discretion, if it is long enough, as well as instead of a tightener to substitute other page elements, such as H1 or even the name of the site from Yandex Catalog. Therefore, far from the fact that people will see exactly what you have prepared for them. It is not necessary to tell in the diffirable titles, as a rule, it will simply turn into extra stop words. Just write a tightener readable, but no more.</p> <h2><span>Main principles</span></h2> <p>So, if you still allocate the most important principles that affect the proper preparation of the Taitla, then I would allocate the following:</p> <ul><li><i>The right choice of the main request.</i></li> <li><i> Specifying the main request at the very beginning of the title strictly in the correct form.</i></li> <li><i> We try to specify in the form as close as possible to the correct one more or two important requests for this page.</i></li> <li><i> All other cluster requests simply deal with unique words that have not yet been used in this title and imagine into it (the main thing is not to beat the passage).</i></li> <li><i> Strictly no symbols drunk passage</i></li> </ul><p>Other interesting articles you will find in my public</p> <p><b>HTML tag title</b><b> Site page header</b>with proper compilation duplicates the title (title) of the article, decorated by a tag <b>H1</b>. At the page, the more chances to get into the top rating, the more accurate the content <b>tag title title</b> Corresponds to the search query.</p> <p>When analyzing <b>tag title title</b> A number of factors are taken into account: the presence of keywords in it, the distance between the keywords (when using the key phrase), as well as the remoteness of keywords corresponding to the query, from the beginning of the title.</p> <p>Remember that greater priority has a heading in which keywords are closer to the beginning. In other words, <b>tag title title</b> It is necessary to compile in such a way that the main keywords are located closer to the beginning of the offer (in the first 65 characters).</p> <p>The task is difficult, but performing (provided that the page is optimized for some <i>one</i> search query, not by all keywords immediately). Title <b> Tag title</b> It should not include the site name, be too short and the same for all site pages.</p> <p>It should be understood that the content (that is, the text enclosed within the tag) of the Title meta tag is very important for both search engines and visitors to your webress. Search engines, when displaying search results, attach great importance to the presence and location of the keywords contained in Title tag, and visitors see its contents in the form of a link to the site in the same search results. In addition, the contents of this meta tag appears in the browser window header (at the top of the window).</p> <p>The screenshot above shows how the contents of the title tag looks like in the results of the Google system search as an example. The first five results are shown on request: "Title tag" (blue arrow). As you can see, the page you are currently located in second place in the issuance rating on this request (red arrow).</p> <p>With the help of the HTML code, the Title Meta tag is located on the page between the tags <head>< /head>As shown below:</p> <p><i><html> <br> <head><br><b><title>Title meta tag content< /title> </b><br> < /head><br> <body>Context Page< /body><br> < /html> </i></p> <p>You should always start <b>tag title</b> From the keyword to which you oriented. Also remember that search engines will display <b>tag title</b> At the time when they show the search results. Therefore, you need to make it also attractive for people.</p> <p>For example, if my site was about tours in Odessa and I would like to take a high place for the keyword "tours in Odessa", then <b>HTML code</b>for <b>tag title title</b> Could be structured as follows:</p> <p><i><title><span>Tours in Odessa: <b>magnificent rest on the Black Sea coast</b> </span></ title> </i></p> <p>Note that <b>title title tag</b> The keyword is used at the very beginning, and it is also reported to people, what a good holiday there.</p> <p>Of course, everyone <b>tie Title.</b> Do not have to be similar to the one that I led as an example. Title (title), which is used, depends on the subject of your site. However, you must comply with all the general rules that are set out in this article to obtain the desired effect.</p> <p>Many owners of sites on their main page place the type "Welcome to" in the text <b>tag title title</b>. This is not a good practice, especially if the name is not related to the topic of your site. Many search engines are considering wording in <b>title title tag</b>As an important part of relevance (i.e. compliance) the context of the site page, respectively, the rating of the site under consideration depends on their conclusions.</p> <p>Must consists of 60 - 90 characters. On the Internet you will find a lot of contradictory articles about <b>tag length title</b>But, as a sample, it is best to refer to Google's search engine. In visible visitors, Google search results are currently being displayed about 65 characters (some search engines display more).</p> <p>Having this in mind, turn on your most important keywords at the beginning. <b>tag title title</b>. The example below shows the search for issuance on request: "Tours to Odessa". Stressed words highlighted in blue show content <b>tag title title</b>.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>When searching in any of the main search engines, you can often see in search results a lot of distorted names, and sometimes only the URL. This happens because the owners of such sites are incorrectly filled <b>title tag title</b>, And in some cases, they leave it blankly.</p> <p>One can only guess why such sites have such a high rating that they are displayed search engines. Perhaps it depends on the quality of competing on this request of sites or, for example, this site has a large number of incoming references, the presence of which attracts the attention of search engine robots. Other options are possible.</p><p>Do not forget to use different, but appropriate content (content), <b>tags title title</b> On each page of your site is very important. Use keywords that are displayed on the page, but do not repeat the same word more than two times. If you need to repeat the keyword, try to locate it at the very beginning, the second time - at the end <b>tag title title</b>.</p> <p>You should not try to deceive search engines, consciously including those who do not have to the subject of the site headlines or repeating words more than two times. In most cases, the deception will soon be discovered, and the rating of your page will fall, or, even worse, the page, and then the entire site can be removed from the index.</p> <h2>Google recommendations using title title tag</h2> <table width="500" border="0" cellpadding="1"><tr><td><p><i><b>Page headlines</b> </i></p> </td> </tr><tr><td bgcolor="#DAF8FE"> <p><b>Specify the title of the page, with the tag <title>. </b><b>Tag <title> Reports the name of the page to both users and search engines.</b>Tag <title> placed inside the tag <head> HTML document. Ideally, the names of all pages of your site should be unique.</p> <p><b>Content tag <title> Displayed in search results.</b> If your document appears in the search results, the contents of the tag <title> Usually displayed in the first line of results. The words contained in the user search query will be highlighted in bold in the search headers. It helps the user find the pages that are most relevant to his request. The name of the main page of the site may contain the name of your site or organization, as well as other useful information, such as address and a brief description of the theme or services.</p> </td> </tr><td><p><i><b>Practical advice</b> </i></p> </td> <tr><td bgcolor="#DAF8FE"> <p><b>The name must accurately match the content of the page.</b>Select the name that matches its content. <b>We do not advise:</b></p> <ul><li>choose the name, in no way relating to the page content;</li> <li>use default names, such as "new page", "Untitled" or "Page 1".</li> </ul><p><b>The name of each page must be unique.</b> It is desirable that each page has its own unique name that tells the search engine as this page differs from other pages of your site. <b>We do not advise:</b></p> <ul><li>use the same name for all or almost all pages of your site.</li> </ul><p><b>The name must be brief but accurate.</b>The names must be brief, but meaningful. If the name is too long, then Google will show only part of its part. <b>We do not advise:</b></p> <ul><li>use too long names;</li> <li>fill the name of the incoherent set of keywords.</li> </ul><p><b>Page headlines are an important component of search engine optimization.</b></p> </td> </tr></table> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class="dsperelink"> <div class="read-analog"> <style> </style> <style> #perelink-horizontal { vertical-align: top; margin: 0 -5px; text-align: left; } #perelink-horizontal .perelink-horizontal-item { vertical-align: top; display: inline-block; width: 192px; margin: 0 5px 10px; } #perelink-horizontal .perelink-horizontal-item a span { display: block; margin-top: 10px; } #perelink-horizontal img { width: 192px; height: 192px; margin-bottom: 10px; } </style> <div id="perelink-horizontal"> <div class="perelink-horizontal-item"> <a href=""> <img src="/uploads/7b9f98934aa10459fbea2486aad25259.jpg" height="192" width="192" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <span>Domain Name Reseller Business: Tips, Registrar's Choice</span> </a> </div> <div class="perelink-horizontal-item"> <a href=""> <img src="/uploads/759a1b1dcf278bda378b922286ca0a0a.jpg" height="192" width="192" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <span>Flirtic dating without registration Flirchi Ukrainian version</span> </a> </div> <div class="perelink-horizontal-item"> <a href=""> <img src="/uploads/53098a0c5505665e1010c9451e298d86.jpg" height="192" width="192" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <span>How to find a cloud storage in the cloud</span> </a> </div> <div class="perelink-horizontal-item"> <a href=""> <img src="/uploads/a5a7fd2cf0cfa2c948269fa826ec094b.jpg" height="192" width="192" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <span>What is meant under office equipment for the office and what it is needed</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </section> <aside class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3 sidebar-offcanvas" id="sidebar" role="navigation"> <div class="mainnavbar side-box clear"> <div id="nav_menu-2" class="side-box_b"> <div class="menu-sidenav-container"> <ul id="menu-sidenav" class="menu"> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">General</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">HDD</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">miscellanea</a> </li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Windows</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Apple.</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Android</a> </li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Browsers</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="side-box lastfaq faqli clear"> <span class="title-f">Top 5:</span> <ul class="textw_a clear"> <li><a href="">What to do if a quiet sound in headphones is a guide to increasing the volume of sound How to make headphones even louder</a></li> <li><a href="">Creating a first web page and text paragraph through</a></li> <li><a href="">SQL streamline ascending</a></li> <li><a href="">Do I need to update the BIOS that gives the bios firmware</a></li> <li><a href="">Laptop battery: Reset controller, firmware and zeroing Lenovo laptop power controller</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="side-box lastfaq faqli clear"> <span class="title-f">Recent materials:</span> <ul> <li> <a href="" >On the image form, the information is classified as</a> </li> <li> <a href="" >Is it worth updating BIOS - 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