The history of the development of search engines. Search engine which search engine appeared earlier

At the initial stage of the development of the Internet, users were a privileged minority and the amount of information available is relatively small. At that time, access to her had, mostly workers of various major educational institutions and laboratories, and the data obtained were used for scientific purposes. At that time, the use of the network did not have such relevance as now.

In 1990. British scientist Tim Berners Li (who is also the inventor URI, URL, HTTP, World Wide Web) created a website is the world's first available online catalog. From that moment on, the Internet began to gain popularity not only among scientific community, but also among the simple owners of personal computers.

Thus, the first way to facilitate access to information resources on the Internet was the formation of site catalogs. Links to resources in them were grouped on topics.

The first project of this kind is taken to be Yahoo, open in April 1994. Due to the rapid increase in the number of sites in it, soon there was the possibility of finding the necessary information on request. Of course, it was not yet a full-fledged search engine. The search was limited only by the data that were in the catalog.

In the early stages of the network development of the Internet, reference catalogs were used very actively, but gradually lost their popularity. The reason is simple: even in the presence of many resources in modern catalogs, they still show only a small part of the information available on the Internet. For example, the largest network catalog is - Dmoz. (Open Directory Project). It contains information about a little more than five million resources, which is incommensurable with the Google search database containing more than eight billion documents.

The largest Russian-language catalog is the Yandex directory. It contains information about a little over one hundred or four thousand resources.

Chronology of development of search engines

1945 year - American Engineer Vannevar Bush published recordings of the idea that led to the invention of hypertext, and the reasoning about the need to develop a system of rapid data extraction from thus stored information (equivalent of today's search engines). The concept of the memory expander device introduced by it contained the original ideas that, in the end, were embodied on the Internet.

1960-E. - Gerard Salton and his group in Cornell University developed a "witty information retrieval system". (Smart Information Retrieval System). Smart - Abbreviation from Salton's Magic Automatic Retriever of Text, that is, the "Magic Automatic Extractor of Salton Text". Gerard Salton is considered the father of modern search technology.

1987-1989 - Designed Archie. - Search engine for indexing FTP archives. Archie represented a script that automates the introduction into Listing on FTP servers, which were then transferred to local files, and only later in local files, a quick search for the necessary information was carried out. The search was based on the UNIX standard Grep command, and the data access to the data was based on Telnet.

In the next version, the data was divided into separate databases, one of which contained only text file names; And the other is entries with reference to the hierarchical directory of thousands of hosts; And one more connecting the first two. This version of Archie was more efficient than the previous one, as the search was made only by file names, excluding the many previously existing repetitions.

The search engine was becoming more and more popular, and the developers thought how to speed up her work. The above-mentioned database was replaced with another, based on the theory of compressed wood. The new version essentially created a full-way-based database instead of a list of file names and was much faster than before. In addition, minor changes allowed the Archie system to index Web pages. Unfortunately, for various reasons, the work on Archie soon ceased.

In 1993. The world's first search engine for the worldwide network was created. Wandex.. WORD WIDE WANDEROP WANDERER BAT was laid in its foundation, developed by Matthew Massachusetts Institute.

1993 year - Martin Bonfire creates AliWeb. - One of the first search engines on the World Wide Web. Website owners should have added them themselves to the AliWeb index so that they appear in the search. Since too few webmasters did it, AliWeb did not become popular

April 20, 1994 - Brian Pinkerton from the University of Washington released Webcrawler. - The first bot, which indexed the pages completely. The main difference of the search engine from its predecessors is to provide the ability to users search for any keywords on any web page. Today, this technology is the standard for finding any search engine. The Search Engine "WebCrawler" has become the first system, which was known to a wide range of users. Alas, bandwidth was low and during the daytime the system was often inaccessible.

July 20, 1994 - Opened Lycos. - Serious development in the search technology created at Carnegie Melon University. Michael Maldin was responsible for this search engine and still remains a leading specialist in Lycos Inc. Lycos opened with a 54,000 document catalog. And in addition to this, the results he provided were ranked, in addition, he took into account the prefixes and approximate coincidence. But the main difference between Lycos was constantly updated catalog: By November 1996, 60 million documents were indexed - more than any other search engine of that time.

January 1994 - was founded Infoseek.. He was not truly innovative, but had a number of useful additions. One of these popular additions was to add your real-time page.

1995. - Started Altavista.. Appearing, the search engine Altavista quickly received recognition of users and became the leader among himself like this. The system has been practically unlimited at that time throughput, it was the first search engine in which it was possible to formulate queries in natural language, as well as formulate complex requests. The users were allowed to add or delete their own URLs within 24 hours. Also Altavista offered many tips and recommendations for the search. The main merit of the Altavista system is considered to ensure support for many languages, including Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Indeed, in 1997, no search engine on the network worked with several languages, especially with rare.

1996 - Altavista search engine launched a morphological extension for the Russian language. In the same year, the first domestic search engines were launched - and The appearance of the first domestic search engines marked a new stage of development of the Runet, allowing Russian-speaking users to request in their native language, as well as respond quickly to changes occurring within the network.

May 20, 1996 - Apktomi appeared along with his search engine HotBot.. His creators were two teams from the University of California. When the site appeared, he quickly became popular. In October 2001, Danny Sullivan wrote an article entitled "Based Database Inktomi Sites Open For Public Use", which described how Inktomi accidentally made his database of spam sites, which had already numbered about 1 million URLs available for universal use.

1997 - In Western countries, a turning point occurs in the development of search engines, when S. Brin and L. Page from Standford University founded Google (The initial name of the BACKRUB project). They developed their own search engine, which gave users the opportunity to exercise a high-quality search with morphology, errors in writing words, as well as increase the relevance in the results of issuing requests.

September 23, 1997 - Announced Yandexwhich quickly became the most popular from the Russian-speaking Internet users of the search system. With the launch of the Yandex search engine, domestic search engines began to compete with each other, improving the search and indexing system of sites, issuing results, as well as offering new services and services

Thus, the development of search engines and their formation can be characterized by the stages listed above.

To date, three leaders - Google, Yahoo and Bing settled in the world market. They have their own databases, and their search algorithms. Many other search engines use the results of these three major search engines. For example, AOL uses the Google database while Altavista, Lycos and Alltheweb use the Yahoo database all other search engines in various combinations use the results (issuance) of listed systems.

If you have a similar analysis of search engines, popular in the CIS countries, then we will see that Mail.Ru broadcasts Google's search, while overlapping its new developments, Rambler, in turn, translates Yandex. Therefore, the entire Runet market can be divided between these two giants.

That is why, in the CIS countries, the site promotion is usually carried out only in these two PS.

The story of how searching systems appeared, begins in July 1945, when a scientist from America Vanniver Bush (Vannevar Bush) was able to write a famous article "While we think," he was able to predict the emergence of personal computers, and could also formulate the idea of \u200b\u200bhypertext. Note that Vanniver Bush and himself participated in the creation of prototypes of search engines that we use these days. However, then, in the distant 1938, he was able to develop and patent the device that could quickly look for information on microfilm.

Despite the fact that at least Vanniva Bush consider the search technologies and ideas of the Internet, but other scientists have implemented his ideas in practice. In 1958, the US Department was created in the United States (agency of advanced research projects, ARPA, Advanced Research Projects Agency), in it from 1963 to 1969 scientists could work on a completely new concept, which allowed to transfer information through a computer network.

At first, this connection that allowed to transmit encrypted data was planned to use for military purposes, but the security level for information transmission was very low, so the military asked to refuse to continue developments.

However, only by the end of the 1980s, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a computer network was re-resurrected. Several universities of the United States helped this, which in their developments were able to combine their library of information, which was educational, using network connection.

In the 1990s, the sharp development of the Internet began. Since February 1993, as soon as Mark Andressen (Mark Andressen) from the NCSP (National Center for Supercomputer Applications, NCSA, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, was able to complete the initial version of the program, which visualized Mosaic hypertext under UNIX After all, it was she who had a convenient graphical interface and she could become a prototype of browsers, which we use in our time. The Internet began to gain popularity.

In the mid-1990s, in order to find information that was needed, it was necessary to use the catalog in which the sites were located. At that time, these catalogs were not much, and they did not blown through sites, but the information was ordered on the headings and topics. It is worth noting that in 1993 the three bots of search engines already had on the network. Development data was non-commercial and after the influx of large amounts of information could not cope with the work, so they disappeared due to the sharp development of the Internet.

Since 1995, the main place in the global Internet has been taken by search engines, which were subsequently very large, in the West - Google, Yachoo, Alta Vista, and in Russia - Yandex, Rambler, Aport.

Distributing to the history of the development of the search engines of Russia. Here, our search engines waited for our easy way. There were also their victories and defeats.

Yandex began to develop in 1990, but only in 1997 he became a search engine that we knew perfectly.

Yandex. It is considered an unconditional leader in Russia, because the coverage of the audience of Yandex for the month according to the estimates of the leading specialists amounted to approximately half of the regular audience of the Internet in Russia. These numbers on the head are superior to the potential audience of the Aport and Rambler. Recently, a fairly powerful search for Go Mail was born from another major electronic service, which is engaged in mail, but in this case the company was able to use the Yandex algorithm and, because of this, search from the Mail system pages we can attribute to the search in Yandex. But the last scandal forced Mail Group to go from the search Yandex. The exact causes of the tightness know no one so far.

In the search for Yandex, headlines are taken into account, as well as the mandatory finding of the word in the body of the document. Preference is given to those words that are phrases are located close to each other and are in one paragraph. The search in Yandex occurs taking into account the morphology of the Russian language, this is its distinctive feature, that is, in the case of the request "Photo of nature" or "Nature", it will also be issued by those and other documents who meet these words.

Rambler It is the first search service of Runet, in the autumn of 1997 by a group of scientists from microbiology in the city of Pushchino in the Moscow region. In Rambler, the search was built by indexing the main words on the page that were highlighted by bold font (Tags Strong and B) and if they often appeared in headlines (Tags H1). Unlike the Rambler search Yandex, Keyword's tags can ignore, because of which it loves to be called clean search, but at the same time the proper search of the search has not yet been noticeable. This problem flashes in other search engines. Currently, the search positions of Rambler fell very fell and experts and forecasters propheate this system retraining into a regular entertainment portal. The only thing that makes it be afloat this system is the own advertising network blogun.

The search engine "Aport" was first demonstrated in February 1996 during the press conference "Agama" in honor of the opening of the "Russian Club", at that time it was not yet a large-scale search engine worldwide. The difference between the Aport from other search engines is that he can search for the specified keywords not only in Keywords, but also in the signatures to the pictures (ALT), and in the description (Description). But this innovation continued not long. Other search engines also repeated the same thing and the apart now there is nothing more to surprise their users. For 2011, the search system of aport is most likely waiting for absorption from larger search market players.

Disadvantages of search

At this time, search engines by any ways continue to improve their search technologies. But, unfortunately, the perfect search for none of them can boast, no matter how highly they are developed. Nowadays, the main disadvantages of search engines may include a query generalization system that are weakly developed and a huge dependence on the choice of information sources. In case of insufficient informativeness, it is still possible to somehow compensate for the abundance of choosing search results. But here to explain the computer with the human language, what they want to find people are not yet possible to translate into reality. Because of this, none of the search engines can call themselves encyclopedia. However, it is no longer a secret that the future is definitely for informative search, which will be focused on treating human concepts.

Search engines (PS) are already decent time is a mandatory part of the Internet. Today they are huge and most complicated mechanisms that are not only a tool for finding any necessary information, but also quite exciting areas for business.

Many search users have never thought about the principles of their work, about how to handle user requests, how the system data is built and functioning. This material will help people who are engaged in optimization and, understand the device and the basic functions of search engines.

Functions and concept PS

Search system - This is a hardware and software package that is intended to implement the Internet search function, and responding to a user query that is usually specified as a text phrase (or more accurate search query), issuing a reference list to information sources carried out by relevance. The most common and large search systems: Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu. In RuNet - Yandex, Mail.Ru, Rambler.

Consider in more detail the value of the search query itself, taking the Yandex system for example.

The request must be formulated by the user in full compliance with the subject of his search, as simple as possible and briefly. For example, we wish to find information in this search engine: "How to choose a car for yourself." To do this, open the main page and enter a request to search "how to choose a car." Then our functions are reduced to enter the links to information sources provided on the network.

But even acting in this way, you can and not get the information you need. If we got a similar negative result, you just need to reform your request, or in the search database there are really no useful information on this type of request (such is quite possible at the specified "narrow" query parameters, like, for example, "How to choose a car in Anadyri ").

The most basic task of each search engine is to deliver to people exactly the type of information they need. And to commit users to create "correct" type of requests for search engines, that is, phrases that will correspond to their principles of work, practically impossible.

That is why search engine development specialists make such principles and algorithms of their work that would give users to find their information. This means that the system should "think" just as a person thinks when finding the necessary information on the Internet.

When he enters his request to the search engine, he wishes to find what he needs, as easy as possible and faster. Having received the result, the user accounts for its assessment of the system, guided by several criteria. Did he get to find the necessary information? If not, how many times did it have to reformate the text of the query to find it? How relevant information was they obtained? How quickly the search engine has processed its request? How comfortable were search results? Was the necessary result first, or was located on a 30th place? How many "garbage" (unnecessary information) was found with useful information? Will there be a relevant information for it, when using PS, in a week, or in a month?

In order to get the right answers to such questions, the search developers are constantly improving the principles of ranking and its algorithms, add them new opportunities and functions and any means are trying to make the system work faster.

The main characteristics of search engines

Denote the main search characteristics:


Fullness is one of the most important search characteristics, it is the ratio of the numbers found on request of information documents to their total number on the Internet relating to this request. For example, there are 100 pages with the phrase "how to choose a car", and in the same query there were only 60 out of total, then in this case the search full of 0.6 is 0.6. It is clear that the larger the search itself, the greater the likelihood that the user will find exactly the document that he needs, of course, if he exists at all.


Another basic function of the search engine is accuracy. It determines the degree of compliance with the user's request for the found pages on the network. For example, if the key phrase "how to choose a car" there is a hundred documents, in half of them contain this phrase, and in the rest you simply have such words (how to choose a car radio, and install it in the car "), then search accuracy equal to 50/100 \u003d 0.5.

Than the search is more accurate, the sooner the user will find the information you need, the less diverse "garbage" will meet among the results, the less documents found not to correspond to the meaning of the request.


This is a significant component of the search, which characterizes the time passing from the moment of publishing information on the Internet until it is published in the search engine index base.

For example, the next day after the information about the release of the new iPad, many users turned to the search with the corresponding types of requests. In most cases, information about this news is already available in the search, although very little has passed since its appearance. This is due to the presence of "fast base" from large search engines, which is updated several times per day.

Search speed.

This function as the search speed is closely related to the so-called "stability of loads". Every second search is drawn by a huge number of people, such a workload requires a significant reduction in time to handle one request. Here, the interests of both the search engine and the user coincide: the visitor wants to get results as quickly as possible, and the search engine must work it up as quickly as possible, so as not to slow down the processing of subsequent requests.


A visual representation of the results is an essential element of search convenience. According to a multitude of requests, the search engine finds thousands, and in some cases millions of different documents. Due to the fuzziness of the compilation of key phrases for search or its not accuracy, even the very first query results do not always have only the necessary information.

This means that a person often has its own search among the results provided. A variety of components of PS issuing pages help to navigate in search results.

The history of the development of search engines

When the Internet began to develop, the number of its regular users was small, and the amount of information for access was relatively small. Mostly access to this network had only specialists of research areas. At that time, the task of finding information was not so relevant as now.

One of the very first methods of organizing wide access to information resources was the creation of site catalogs, and the references to them began to be grouping on topics. So the first project was the resource, which opened in the spring of 1994. Subsequently, when the number of sites in the Yahoo directory increased significantly, the option of finding the necessary information on the catalog was added. It has not yet been fully a search engine, since the area of \u200b\u200bsuch a search was limited only by sites included in this directory, and not absolutely all resources on the Internet. Link catalogs were quite widely used earlier, but at present, almost fully lost their popularity.

After all, even today, huge catalogs have information about slightly part of the websites on the Internet. The most famous and large catalog in the world has information about five million sites when Google base contains information about more than 25 billion pages.

The very first real search engine was Webcrawler, which arose in the 1994th year.

Next year, Altavista and Lycos appeared. Moreover, the first was the leader in the search for information a long time.

In 1997, Sergey Brin, together with Larry Page, created a search engine Google as a research project in Standford University. Today, Google, the most popular and popular search engine in the world.

In September 1997, Yandex was announced (officially), which is currently the most popular search system in RuNet.

According to N. September 2015.The share of search engines in the world is distributed as follows:
  • Google - 69.24%;
  • Bing - 12.26%;
  • Yahoo! - 9.19%;
  • Baidu - 6.48%;
  • AOL - 1.11%;
  • ASK - 0.23%;
  • Excite - 0.00%

According to N. december 2016., Signs of search engines in RuNet:

  • Yandex - 48.40%
  • Google - 45.10%
  • - 5.70%
  • Rambler - 0.40%
  • Bing - 0.30%
  • Yahoo - 0.10%

Principles of search engine

In Russia, the main search system is Yandex, then Google, and then [email protected]. All large search systems have their own structure, which is very different from others. But still you can select the main elements common to all search engines.

Indexing module.

This component consists of three robot programs:

Spider (in English. Spider) - a program that is intended to download web pages. "Spider" downloads a certain page, at the same time removing all links from it. HTML code is downloaded with almost every page. For this, robots use HTTP protocols.

"Spider" functions as follows. The robot transmits a request to the "Get / Path / Document" server and other HTTP query commands. In response, the robot program receives a flow of text that contains the information of the service type and, of course, the document itself.
  • URL of the downloaded page;
  • date when the page is downloaded;
  • hTTP response server header;
  • hTML code, "body" pages.
Crawler. ("Traveling" Spider). This program automatically enters all links that are found on the page, and also highlights them. His task is to decide where in the future the spider should be found, based on these links or based on the specified list of addresses.

Indexer (Robot indexer) is a program that analyzes the pages that spiders downloaded.

The indexer fully disassembles the page to composite elements and analyzes their analysis, applying its morphological and lexical types of algorithms.

The analysis is carried out over various parts of the page, such as headlines, text, links, stylistic and structural features, HTML tags, etc.

Thus, the indexing module makes it possible to undergo the references of the specified number of resources, download pages, extract the reference mass to new pages from the received documents and make their detailed analysis.


Database (or the search engine index) is a set of data storage, an array of information in which the adjusted parameters of each processed indexing and downloaded document are stored.

Search server.

This is the most important element of the entire system, because the speed and, of course, the search quality depends on the algorithms underlying its functionality.

The search server works as follows:

  • The request that comes from the user is subjected to morphological analysis. The information environment of any document available in the database is generated (it will continue to display as a snippet, i.e. the text information field of the corresponding request).
  • The data obtained transmits as the input parameters with a specialized ranking module. They are processed in all documents, and in the end, for each such document, its rating is calculated, which characterizes the relevance of such a document as a user's request, and other components.
  • Depending on the conditions of the user specified by the user, this rating may well be adjusted by additional.
  • It is then generated by SNIPPET himself, i.e. For any document found from the corresponding table, the title, annotation that most meets the query is retrieved, and the link to this document, while the found wordforms and words are highlighted.
  • The results of the search received are transmitted to the person in the form of a page that search results (SERP) are issued.
All these elements are closely related to each other and function, interacting, forming a distinct, but rather difficult mechanism for the functioning of the PS, which requires enormous costs of resources.

The history of the development of the Russian Internet (Runet) is officially conducting a countdown since 1994. It was then that the domain was registered, and the first sites began to appear, many of which were subsequently rose into popular portals.

Library Moshkova, Rosbizonsontsalting news agency, Studio Artemia Lebedev - all these resources were founded in the mid-90s of the last century.

How did the first search engines appear

For quite a long time, the "population" of Runet was limited to a small amount of these pioneers of network technologies. They were so little that the concepts of "search" at that time simply did not exist.

Most of the necessary sites could be saved in the browser bookmarks, and for the rest there were directories, where all links were grouped into several main categories. The first such catalog was the RUSSIA ON THE NET (, a little later, Dmoz, Yahoo and Yandex.Catalog appeared a little later.

However, over time, the number of Internet users increased, the number of sites created in order for these users could also visit them and receive the information they need.

Gradually, the database of directories grew so much that it was very difficult to find anything manually. Then the idea appeared to automate the search process and create a specialized interactive service for this.

Demand always gives rise to a sentence, so in the Internet, search projects from different authors began to appear on the Internet. Some of them, such as Webcrawler, Lycos, InfoSeek and others failed to achieve any serious success and after some time they have worked in obscurity on the endless spaces of the World Wide Web.

But for other, more successful companies, everything developed is much better - the leading modern developers of search engines were formed during this period and over the past years managed to achieve stunning results.

What is a search engine

The modern search engine is a complex mechanism that requires huge resources (both human and material) to support current work and sustainable development.

At the heart of the search for search issuance lies the notorious ranking formula, which takes into account hundreds of various factors, starting from the internal device of the site and the texts of its pages and ending with external references, the attractiveness of commercial proposals posted on the resource, and the features of users' behavior that switched to it from the search.

Back in 2006-2007, Yandex representatives stated that to decipher their algorithm needed a whole research institute, because their search was based on more than 800 different factors. Since then, years have passed, the ranking formula has become more complicated by several orders of magnitude, and the factors that have the greatest impact on the results of the issuance have become practically impossible to influence the factors.

So, behind the external simplicity of the main page and the fast reaction of Yandex or Google to the search phrase introduced by you, the painstaking work of thousands of people and huge financial investments in infrastructure, equipment and human resources are hidden.

At the same time, it is obvious that the leaders today ensured such superiority over those who want to make them at least some competition that the price of the entrance ticket to this market is measured by billions of dollars.

A confirmation of such a state of affairs can be the history of attempts to penetrate the search engine in the famous and richest software company Microsoft. Its search engine Bing for more than ten years positioned as a serious competitor to the leading players, for which huge funds were invested.

And in recent years, these investments have begun to give the first results, although they can be satisfactory satisfactory to be called only with a very big exaggeration: the share of Bing on the Russian market at the time of writing the article was less than one percent.

Another example, well-illustrative conclusions made earlier - Russian Nigma search engine. His creators chose a niche marketing strategy. Apparently, it is clearly understood that in the open field of the general search, the competition of the market poles is almost impossible, the developers of the algorithm went along the way of providing the search services on educational structures in the field of chemistry, mathematics, physics and other sciences.

However, the target audience of such a project is obviously a few, which is definitely reflected in its attendance: according to the LiveInternet meter, the number of users of this system is only one tenth percent.

  1. Unconditional rating leader is Yandex. According to the same meter, Yandex has a "controlling stake" in the search engine market: in July 2014, the fraction of the search engine was more than 52%.
  2. In second place, Google was confidently fixed - 38%.
  3. The third place with a rather large margin occupies the portal. Some time ago, the popular site, apparently, was engaged in the search for an older brother, which can be more expensive - the engine of Yandex and Google alternately integrated into their search playground. But since 2013, the company has taken a course on independent development, and now the site has been implemented by the search algorithm of its own development. True, it did not affect the share of the system of the system, which, apparently, is determined mainly by the brand promotion and the attractiveness of the services presented on the site. Over the past years, the attendance of the service fluctuates around the mark of 7%.

All other search engines, including the once mighty rambler, can be regarded except as natural background - they all have no significant impact on the distribution of seats in the top of the search engines, being at the level of 0.1-0.7 percent of the market.

Analysis of the Russian online search market

The search engine market in Russia is very specific. For its description, you can use two characteristics: concentrated and weakly competitive. Indeed, the share of three main players exceeds 97%, which indicates their overwhelming advantage over all others.

The dominant position has a Russian search engine Yandex. As we have said, his share exceeds 50%. In this, our country is unique: only we, in China and the Czech Republic, national search engines have a tangible competition to the world giant - Google.

By the number of processed search queries, Yandex ranks fourth in the world. At the same time, if the first place of Google in this list can hardly be subject to reasonable doubt, then the second place of the Chinese Baidu is caused only by the enormous number of this country. Third place - Yahoo has a double advantage relative to the Russian monopolist.

According to the rules of the European market, Yandex can really be called a monopolist - such a definition is assigned there to any company, the market share of which exceeds 35%.

In our country, this state of affairs is called dominance and is not punishable until the existing benefit is proven. It is clear that in the Internet environment the fact of abuses confirm is very difficult.

How to determine the share of the search engine in the total traffic

An objective assessment of this indicator is quite simple. The fact is that the overwhelming majority of Russian sites have installed meters of the leading operator of LiveInternet Internet statistics.

Of course, these counters are not put all sites, besides, the following links are not taken into account domain zones .Su and the Russian Federation. But still the above sample can be considered quite representative, it takes into account all the main themes, regions and types of sites currently available in RuNet.

So, to watch the current position of the affairs by reference: http: // Date \u003d 2014-07-31; period \u003d ....

This is a complete summary of the number of visitors who have come to sites registered on Russian users for June and July 2014.

Conclusions are obvious. Analysis of the position of things we have already led in the previous section.

Characteristics of the main search engines of Russia


The emergence of this search engine on the market very well illustrates the situation in the country at a time when he began to acquire modern outlines. No wonder Yandex is called the Runet Mirror - apparently, this definition can be expanded on an objective reality.

The development of the company is very similar to the evolution of the whole society, so to some extent the national leader is the mirror of the entire country of the end of the 20th century.

In order to illustrate such a bold statement, let's turn briefly to the history of the company and the Yandex search engine.

The times after the restructuring are characterized by a serious reassessment of values \u200b\u200bthe most active part of society and the emergence of new energetic people on the political and business arena, united in their lives of the idea: to modernize the conditions for the existence of themselves and their country in order to ensure a worthy standard of living for everyone who shares their beliefs.

One of the corneais of that era is Arkady Volozh, who managed to unite the best workaholic specialists around him who laid the foundation of the future search engine.

Yandex, probably, would never have become a runet mirror if there was not an amazing flair of Arkady Volodya, who managed to see the main perspective of the time in the construction of a Russian search engine.

To implement his idea, he managed to redirect the financial flows to this project, formed from barter transactions for the exchange of parties imported into our country in exchange for the echelons of Kuban pumpkin seeds.

Of course, big projects are not made without a team of like-minded people. And then the founder of Yandex was lucky - he managed to attract the physicist Ilya Segalovich to his side of the talented and holding very high hopes, with whom he was familiar with the school bench.

It is difficult to say what was the last straw, tightening for the future of the great scientist all prospects of a brilliant scientific career. It may very well be that the crucial role was played by the real obsession and the talent of the conviction of the permanent director of Yandex, but Ilya became the technical director of the company and made an invaluable contribution to its development.

It was he who became the author of the name and the logo, which is now known to all who at least once went to the Internet. Segalovich became interested in the idea of \u200b\u200bmorphological analysis of phrases in Russian and the possibility of classifying texts based on the rules for constructing grammatical structures.

As a result, the expression "Yet Another Index" appeared - "Another index", which in the abbreviated version with the light hand of the search engine became the word Yandex. In the future, in order to emphasize the main purpose of the search engine - to search in the Russian-speaking Internet segment - the logo was transformed into Yandex.

Ilya Segalovich dedicated all his life to the formation and development of this project. Unfortunately, in 2013 it did not become, but it lives him, Yandex is increasing its superiority over competitors, constantly improving the search algorithm, the foundations of which laid his late director of technology and development.


The Google search engine was founded for a year earlier than Yandex, but in the Russian market appeared only in 2004. Of course, over the years, Yandex succeeded in adapting his search for the specifics of our country.

Despite the fact that a fairly significant amount of Internet users to the question, the answer to which they do not know is offered to "google", and not "ask Yandex", the main problem of the world giant is insufficient accounting of the morphology of Russian-speaking texts, as a result of which the answer to requests Users are often incomplete or a bit distorted.

You can argue for a long time, whose search is better and from which system are more motivated (or "hot" clients. But, as it seems to us, the typical picture for the Russian user is as follows: First, the "Runet Mirror" is requested, and if the results of his search were not relevant (and so, unfortunately, it happens quite often), the request is reheusary to google.

Global descendants of Google occur much less often than Yandex. But they change the issuance so seriously that many authoritative sites, those in the top, are in the end of the first hundreds of issuing results.

So, for example, the latest version of the Algorithm "Panda" was great for some leading online stores, touched upon even seemingly inviolable and others.

In 2013, the company finally ceased to broadcast someone else's search on its playground and implemented its own search engine option at

This step can only be welcomed, because in the future the search engine from Mail.Ru can have a serious resistance to the duet of leaders, which can still relax, without feeling the bustful breathing of competitors for their backs.

The share of this search engine now does not exceed 7%, but it has a good perspective to an increase in the development of social services provided by the Company: classmates, my circle, mail, etc.

Search engines with market share less than 1%

This group focuses mainly in the main system, which could not be made to the elite of the Russian search. Among them, the company Rambler occupies a special situation, once confidently occupied the second place and demonstrating very promising trends.


Appearing in 1996, as the brainchild of programmers of the science of Pushchino under the leadership of Talented Enthusiast Dmitry Kryukov, Rambler immediately became the leader of the search engine market. In those days, Yandex was not yet, and Google was just beginning his procession on the territory of America and nearby countries.

It would seem that such a forah should have helped "tramp" (and it is so translated from the English word Rambler) to get noticeable competitive advantages in development.

But whether internal conflicts in the company, whether the lack of a clearly pronounced strategy led to the fact that Rambler now broadcasts the search for Yandex and more known as the aggregator of some popular services, including Rambler Top100 sites ranking


He is MSN Search, Live Seacrh, Windows Live Seacrh - Microsoft's product, desperately struggling for the place under the sun in the search engine market. This is one of the few services that use your own engine.

The search results are quite acceptable, the main problem of the site, apparently, is low fame among users.


Another example of the sad fate of once one of the market leaders. There were times when this search engine was firmly held third after Yandex and Rambler, and in his directory Webmaster sought to get as actively as in DMOZ or Yandex Catalog.

Now the site has an online store of popular household goods. Search for aige If it remains, it is hidden somewhere in the depths of the resource, on one of its subdomains.

What you need to write your own search engine

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to imagine well what the search engine is and how it works. In part, we have already considered the basic principles of building a site ranking formula in search results. In addition, it is necessary to note the following points:

The main task of the search engine is to answer the user's request. The answer should be clear and relevant, otherwise the user will go to other systems, even despite the low competition in this industry.

To give such an answer, the search algorithm is necessary at the time of its formation to view the contents of many billion pages on the network in search of the most suitable for a particular request. To do this, search engines create their own databases that are called indexes and store all the necessary information there.

The index is formed by constantly scanning the network in search of new sites that appeared as well as changes in already indexed pages. Special programs referred to this work, called index robots.

They walk around the clock on sites and read updated information. The organization of the work of such robots requires the construction of a large data center into several thousand powerful computers with all infrastructure, ranging from uninterrupted power and cooling and ending with regular service and modernization.

Users want to receive quick and adequate answers to their requests. Therefore, the modern search engine must take into account not only the characteristics of the sites known to it, but also preferences, behavioral features and the geographical position of each of their clients.

For this, the search algorithm must have elements of artificial intelligence and be able to study independently in the process of their work. Obviously, for writing such a engine you need a large team of programmers of the highest class.

Considering that the leading search engines have already decided all these problems and have all the necessary potential for further development, the cost of entering this market seems to be almost translated.

Therefore, a new player may appear in the near future in the near future, capable of raising a worthy place in a number of existing systems. Although, if this suddenly happens, everyone will win - and the search engines themselves who will receive new incentives for even greater improvement, and we, capricious ordinary users who always lack something and want to search every day to become better and better .

Expected Google ranked first in the world ranking. His share has to more than 70% of search queries from residents from all over land. Moreover, a third of the entire traffic falls on US citizens. In addition, Google is the most visited site in the world. The average daily duration of the use of the Google search engine is 9 minutes.

The advantage of Google's search engine is the lack of unnecessary items on the page. Only the search bar and the company logo. Fishka They are animated pictures and browser games dedicated to popular and local holidays.

2. Bing.

Bing - microsoft Search Engineleading its history since 2009. From now on, it has become a mandatory attribute of smartphones on Windows. Bing also distinguishes minimalism - in addition to the header with a list of all Microsoft products, only the search string and the system name is located on the page. The most popular Bing in the United States (31%), China (18%) and Germany (6%).

3. Yahoo!

The third place was consolidated at one of the oldest search engines - Yahu. The bulk of users also lives in the United States (24%). It seems that the rest of the world consciously avoids the help of search robots ...Also the search engine is popular in India, Indonesia, Taiwan and in the UK. In addition to the search string, on the page Yahoo! Weather forecast in your region, as well as world trends in the form of news feeds.

4. Baidu.

Chinese search engine, which in Russia has gained bad fame. Due to the aggressive policies and the lack of translation into Russian or English, the expansion of this search engine is perceived as viruses. They are very difficult to remove to the end and get rid of pop-up windows with hieroglyphs. However, this site is fourth in the world By attendance. 92% of its audience make up citizens of China.

5. AOL.

AOL is an American search engine, whose name is decrypted as America Online. Its popularity is significantly lower than the previous systems. Her dawn occurred in the 90s and 00s. Almost 70% of AOL audience are residents of the United States.


This search engine leads its history since 1995, quite unusual interface. All requests, she perceives as questions and offers answers in accordance with the search results. This is something reminded by the service response. Male. However, not answers of lovers fall into the issuance, but full-fledged articles. Over the past year, the site lost about 50 positions in the world ranking of the most popular Internet resources and today takes only 104th place.

7. Excite.

This search engine is not remarkable, and is similar to a lot of other sites. It offers users a lot of services (such as news, mail, weather, travel, etc.) The site interface also causes memories of WEBI of the 90s and, and can be assumed, has changed little since.

8. DuckDuckGo.

Developers immediately warn that this search engine does not track your actions online. Nowadays, this is a weighty argument when choosing a search engine. The site design is made in a modern manner, uses bright colors and funny pictures. Unlike other search engines, the "duck search engine" is translated into Russian. Over the past year, the site has played about 400 positions and in March 2017. It is located 504 a line of the rating of the popularity of Alexa.

9. Wolframalpha.

A distinctive feature of this search is a variety of auxiliary services designed for requests associated with those or other knowledge. That is, in extradition you will not see links to posts in social networks or yellow press articles. You will be offered specific numbers and proven facts. in the form of a single document. This browser is ideal for schoolchildren and students.

10. Yandex

The search engine is the most popular in Russia and the CIS countries. In addition, about 3% of the site audience are inhabitants of Germany. The site is notable for a large number of services for all occasions (music, radio, social transport schedule, real estate, translator, etc.) also resource offers a large selection of individual design site, as well as setting up widgets "Under yourself". Yandex ranks 31th in the world in popularity, losing 11 positions over the past year.